The Wingham Times, 1901-11-22, Page 8THE, NY INGRAR `1'1 IESI NOV, 1901. ti. CRAP IRON)of .Paris; Lord Gough went fsanl here paralysis, St. Vitus thitlon, apneniin, I I LL71 to become Minister to Raxo-Coburt;, nervous prostration tind Mildred troubles,BRAS% LEAD, �i�� INnlorAl aw and Sir Henry Iloward, tvho was. Vera See that the full name "D,r. Williams' COPPER, , ZIN O, Xo long, liaa been knighted and sent Pink Pills for Palo People," is on tho. 111WT'EST PRICFS. -- to holland as Minister. This seems wrapper around each boa. If iii doubt, to show Dl that Great Britain either send direct tothe Dr. Wirlianis odioine 21140Qmtttl liIton Warl:et, Fitti., V n;•. XO, dealers. Wiu„ltam. The New Hay-Pauncefole Tieaty picks; her brightest. mon, to send; here Co., Brockville, Out., and the pills will u or else that being here serves as a be mailed post paid at 00 cents a box, or VIRDERGARTEN mornings to be Donc111ded---No DiS- sort of forcing process to bring out six boxes for $2.50. cr�mination �QiiS the best dualities of those selected and - SCHOQk .�. 9 to 12, shote' them fitted fon promotion• Against British Ships. Captain do Villiers, artillery in- n Terms. Very Reasonable. structor of the French army, late cap•• The °C'hristian Science Case. --. — taim of artillery to the Moors, and a MRS. A. E. PRIOR. E. Patrick St. _ member of General Do Wet',s staff, DESTITUTE WOMEN AT NOME was in the city the other day, dressed Tcaonto ;'A`orld. FoR1miles from town, ,-wltarnb rry Tp. I in khaki of the British army. Ile .L� >; miles Prem town, in TRrnberiy 'lp 3k%nkbarn 4ox0o; large frame, house; noatsoil, Aef(d willingly explained how this state of The Christian Science manslaughter An excellent gitTho tuat'onyodthislot AK-^Vt`n! things! Came about., "I was captured case, which was b font Chief Justice - lusk(* It a very desirable pro ,ertABent, O,l"' Ap.) g to by; the British," said, he, "and scant to I� alconbridge two or three days ago .d. i�ulniaKe, Rt•ctl E+tats and M14 IS. - -- — 1wimBtook, Winsham. Cape• Town. When it, was discovered in. the Criminal Court, has developed Capt. de Villibrs a Former Mem.I was Freach I was paroled, on an f-atures�of considerable public ip_ agreement not to -return and fight terest. The defendant teas James H. T I M E S� her of DeWitt'S Staff, in Khaki for tht Boers. I wanted to got to Lewis, a street railway • "inductor, -� this country, but had little money wliose little son died' some months ago •n r'�� ,`'/• Uniform He Gives itis Views and knew not what to do. ]!finally £sarin diphtheria, :no physician having I F I induced a hotel -keeper to buy. me baen called to attend him. But'Mr. `I IT PAYS IN THE END. or the Boal I tp ar. a• discharge belonging to a Canadian Perry, a Christian Science dem;an_ C LU I N. I — soldier whose term of enlistment had strator, was brougliL tai to adminie_ Save yqu seen the catalougo of the expired. Ire was going to re-enlist, ter the treatmentin, in' which the new CANADA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., Nov. 8:— 's$ he, turned his papers over to me for sect places confidence. After the CHATHAM, ONT. I The, arrival of Lord Pauucefote, with $1.00. They were N% good as a ticket de'•:tth of the. 'boy, a coroner's jury Canada has to ofPertin tl a linea o ousincas authority; to negotiate a canal treaty home, for I took them to the Britisl; brought tai a verdict condemning Womintug, Shorthand or ren'nanship'0 FF S ant lints substantially similar (so far authoritit,s and said I was a French= Christian Science and declaring that We have supplied more teachers for other Canadian clamed Kennedy, and that I the father ryas culpably negligent in 3iasiness schools than another Canadian btisi- a� can be learned) to those. of the one ares colleges combined, wanted to ■o home. They procured not having provided medical atter. 904 of our pupils secured good positions der- rejected by the British Government b iagthepast year. Send for this list and hand- last ,spring has furnished a text for me a ticket and Isere I am." Captain trance, The verdict was followed by ,some catalCgue. de Villiers naturally looks on the Boer a Cha oe of manslaughter; the ' r Good boapprd for ladies at 42.pp00per week, gents news comment and editorial mention . Wefay•,�r�aI not lwalowyfar up to end If circum, in nearly every important paper in •situation with anti -English cy2s."Con- Crown evidence in the Assize Courtstanc °„ rOu Can get INSTRUCTION BY MAIL, in BOOK- the. United States this, week. - It is ditioas down there,"he said,"are much was a. Teaffirmation of the evidence- XCEPINO,SHORTHAND and PEN3tANsu pfeom batter' for the Iloens now than it was before the coronFr,. and counsel for Canada's greatest school of Business, by ad- stated on authority which is no longer sdressine cane year ago. The British have lost they defence. ,asked fat+ the prisoner's D. McLACHLAN 4 CO., Chatham, Oat, open to serious question that the y p \ points agreed to by, the nett: treaty all their good soldiers. They say they discharge. The Chief Justice, ho -v. C. CLARKE provide for the abrogation of the( will send down every available man. ever, decided to hear the evidencc,aatd �1 '�7 n. E. Clayton-B.ul-v0r treaty; for a neu- •service there. Another thing, they the trial ;vent on. HE TIMES announces the fol -can't et ,supplies in fast .enough nosy. The witnesses who testified on behalf 3 tral canal, open to all nation.s,to long 8 + ,p 1 ! asi the United States• is at peace; for As quick as they try to send food anck of the defendant were apparently re_ lowing clubbing Jing oilers 10r TAILORthe ;sole guarantee of 'this neutrality clothing to their forces the Boers gob- putable people, wltose evidence would by the United States; for no dis- ble them up. Only one thing hurts, b* acceptedi without cavil in tiny court ` the — the American mules• No 1901-1902 ;+ crimination in tolls against' British a,nd while, is no reason to doubt 4 Wehave placed in stock a ships; and for the right of, the United nation; but America: will 8011 mules to their sincerity, corainion sense dictates Sta les .to close the canal to its enemies the British to use there. If this coun- L•hat L•hey are under a delusicn,and nice assortment of ready -to try ,Stopped this practice, the tear Wear clothing, and while we 1,q time of -ear by any', means it, raaY that Nature asserted itself in the would end in victory, for the Boers in l� seem fit to adopt. This d s by the' cures effected in reason Oases. It � � � � r Ile— than ` Flo not pretend to sell at less tially the treaty .as amended by tlio' four months. Horses cannot do the would. ba just as reasonable to claim �,••t• t than cost and live on the loss, i Senate and rejected by Lord Solis- work, and this is,' the only place the that P_'Oplc cern get n' living by faith ; ` ± you will find full value for your bury because of the amendments. Just Britishc can get mules." l without exerting themselves, as to what Britain has gained by this re- The following pensions have been expicL that -when a pe.tsen is attack - granted: every time. ranted : Original — Robert Proctor, • + jetting- and then accepting is not t+vi- g ed by a deadly disease all that need Till January 190, dent, but it is. clear that Secretary Richmond, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, b2, done, is to exercise faith, and re_ w Give us a call. See what — James Byrne, The "ime for ............ �,. Ha has rained, because he is note in $10; Restoration storation to health will b2 accom_ we have in Men's, in Youths' y Limebank, Ontatio, 8; David Love, the: position of having negotiated one � plishe,d. History proves that in all ., t+ and in Children's, all new and that: was so effective that his own Hamilton, 'Ontario, $8. ages remedies for physical ills have up-to-date goods. country, rose up against itbut b ns; ween resorted to and that human'ag_ ., i t� Times till end of 1902 ............................. . �1 00 Britain; 'has gained it is impossible to ency must b2 employed. We have also a line of odd 1• Times and Weekly Globe, with two magni$cient picrates, decide. Indeed there are strong sus,� . In theinterest of the community at ,The Duke and Duchess of York," and "The Farm Garments, Trousers, Vests, picions that Lord Salisbury rejected large it was, necessary, to push the A Teamsters Stor Bicycle Suits, Overalls, etc. the, treaty last spring for the express ease to a conclu'si,on, and the jury's Pets," till January 1st, 1903 ........... :......... 1 60 purpose of "saving the face" of his -"-- verdict. of guilty is to ba commended. t good friend, Mr. Hay. Whether this SUFFERED GREATLY FROM ASTHMA .interma:rry, why the Angle,-SaxonTimes and Weekly Witness ........................... 1 60 a E. C. V LARKE be true or not, (his action has certainly? AND KIDNEY TROUBLES. oases of children. Chief Justice Fal. Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium 1 75 had that effect. Soon after his ar- conbridge, in his charge, took the Times and Weekly Mail and Empire........... ...... 1 75 Next door filo Griffins Royal rival in this city, Lord Pauncefote — most lenient view possible,and point. Times and Westgrn Advertiser ......................... 1 50' Grocery. called upon Secretary Hay to an -,SPENT SOME TIME IN A HOSPITAL AND AL- ed out! the danger to the general pu'b_ t. nounce. formally his return from a MOST IMPOVERISHED HIMSELF BUYING lie of accepting the principle involved Times and Weekly Sun. ......:......................... 1 75• 1 vacation in England, lasting all ,sum- MEDItlINES WITHOUT BENEFIT—AGin the Christian Science treatment.4 35• mer, and his readiness to undertake His Lordship spoke to the point when DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLSCUREAFTER Times and Daily Globe .............................. Have You aFavoritelPauncefote, at once the conclusion of the new Hay- OTHER MEDICINES FAIL. , .,From the Recorder, Halifaz, N. S. he admitted the right of a man to lmes and Toronto Daily Stsr, till Janaliary 1st; 1903 .. 2 50 Mr.William Cochrane, a well knot�n treaty. The interview employ a doctor or not, ars lie ploac„ Times and Farmers' Advocate .......................... 1 85- ' lasted about half an hour. Many.ed, "but in the case of a child ' it is teamster, who lives near the Halifax Timesa•rd Daily World ...... ............ 3 00'topics were touched upon beside the, different, and here is where the law y ''' ' ' Polo Grounds, is one of those whotreaty, -which was not given particu; steps i.n and draws the line. Times tind Daily News ........ .. 25• Cookin !,�'t Stove willingly bear testimony to the curative lar consideration, the conversation on. The jury took but 20 minutes, to •ar_ .. 4 35 that point being rather preliminary to powers of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A rive at a conclusion, and their find. Times and Daily Mail and Empire..................... the beginning of the treaty drafting, reporter of the Acadian Recorder. who laig will iia generally approved. No Times and Youth's Companion ......................... 2 75• had heard. of Mr. Cochrane's • sufferings Somewhat ,singularly, Mr. Choate, one will doubt the sincerity of the dem i and subsequent cure called at his home, i III our kitchen? If On the United States ambassador to Lon- fendant in his belief, and yet the ver- y y when he gave an account of his ex- are diad suddenly decided; to take his dict rendered was the only one poo_ are worrying along without vacation at this, the beginning of the ?'©rience substantially as follows:— stele under the later and the circum.- cn With the Toront Daily Star subscribers will first a beautiful ' i one change once. Life is T "He had for many years been a constant picture of King Edward VII;"in nine colors, by paying $2,50, or on y , i; most important and busiest time of sufferer from asthma, accompanied by stances. A verdict of acquittal would payment of $9:.00 the premium with the Star will be a book, too short to admit of any the year, and arrived here at about have been perilous to the interests of •* Picturesque Canada, i' an aggravated form of kidney trouble. • t trouble in the kitchen. We the game time as Lord Pauncefote. the public, and ag the Croton asks for The balance of the year is included FREE in case of all The latter trouble caused severe pains weeklies to New Subscribers. ! Nevertheless, Mr. Choate asserts posi- in the back and loins, and at times his no punishment, but simply protection know and can prove that tively that he is not here on business; ery acute. He said he 'against harmful doctrines and delu,. that polities have nothing-vhat:ever sufferings were v� si.on�s, Mrs Lewis is not likely 'La suffer THE FAVORITE R I T E had almost impoverished himself - t in , to do with his journeyings; and that serious inconvenience, while the law Surpasses All Others. To his, visit to the President is entirely purpose, ed a trouble of all kinds, but to no i svindicated and a warning given Bake, to Broil, to Roast, to asocial one. Possibly, this is actually purpose, the trouble continued and which will have a salutary effect. seemed to grow, worse asthe years i Boil, as well as being More true; possibly it is only diplomatically so; possibly the Ambassador's trip has passed, Mrs, Cochrane said that she Durable, Convenient and had frequently seen her husband choke something] :to do -with;` the report that 4 ; Economical in the U3e of someone else has been slated for his up andfall to the floor as though dead, We could extend the list, bat it is not necessary. We can t Fuel, and he would have to be worked with NEW COINS NEXT EAR. give you clubbing rates for an newspaper or ma magazine ubliglued. post. Time only will 'show., yg p News, from Nome, Alaska, is to the and rolled around before he would revive. ----- � Y g . FOR SALE BY A few years*Esso he spent ten days in the Every subscriber will receive a •Copy of the Handsome Illustrates. effect that old-bearin mud is con For the first time ih many years the g g Victoria General Hospital. The doctors CANADIAN A N N IJ A L for 1902. The above are i tinually; being brought in by the an. British' minit will not issue any newt ROBERT M 0 0 N EY then thought that the. pains is the back Y choris of vessels lying one and two money at Christmas. •.'.Che first issue our F I x E D RATE 8, marked down so as to admit of no were due to over exertioh in his business i` MEYER FLOCK. miles off shore. The latest steamer of the coinage of King _Edward• VII, rednetion. Therefore, there is no use asking for cheaper rates. as a teamster, but gave him no material from their reports• that a number of ' will be as' Carly, in 1902 as possible, When we can afford to give cheaper rates to one, we eau• give help. After leaving the hospital, lie ,small nuggets, worth a dollar or so Before the data of issue the coinagq . The Win ham Times p p used bottles and bottles of medicine but them to all. 1.00 each; were picked u from her anchor failed t0 Sad a euro. A neighbor: Of his, will be heralded by .a royal proclama- and, her captain ,suggests that a deep tion describing minutely the character. Call at or address 1 The�Ory�p��� sea dredge would make, a good profit Mr: Lowe, whose wife had been made ands appearance of edch' coni, without . • i l � E Returning passengers say that a large a well woman after years °f sickness, which! £arina.lity tions could; bo legally 1 i • number, of the •d0stitute at Nome are by the use of Dr. Williams fink Pills, put into circulation4 Mast of the dies THE TIMES Daily Herald 3women,'who couple of boxes without apparent rushed north in the hope advised him to sty them. pa used a ail the Victoria dbinage, will then be .Oa of ;securing employment at lucrative rent re• destroyed, but, of course, specimens suit, and felt somewhat discotiraged, but Wingham, - - Ontario And s Splendid Platt,.c of wagers, but mot with disappointment: Will be preserved. The mint is, already Air, Lowe advised 1AM to continue the �+ Qr Sdmc�Cf these women have children more; ,than Usually bush in connection Kin I Edward 111r . .50 and the citizens are making efforts use of the pills, Ana before the third with tha ,spocial army modals, and the _,_,_ box was finished, 8 began to improve, . �Q 50 tr>f raise money by subscriptions to rsteue °f the no�v coinage,both of which Total 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been a t • send them out an the Ia,�t strainers. involve enormous labor. The way in which Washington has Godsend to me,' said Mr. Cochrane; soon as then issue is, made there > 'the ora the Only medicine I have taker; 11 ' ALLFOR $1,75 become a ,stepping stotno to almost salt ,3' 7 refill certainly be �a tremrndotl,� rush post, in the Bxitisi diplomatic service which seemed to do me any good, I had fdr the nets coins, l.>recedents show tar who has bcNit l to the British °os• prescription from, a doctor which first: ,issues from the mint in; a now 'rhM Is the arcate+t canii+inntion offer ever ''s remarkable. Nearly every seer � COs- me $1.75 a bottle, which like knsttp reign n re long hoarded in rnormoug ' tM�adc by Any cartadi'm iournll, -I-A the are Y B fortunate in serairluq the vicotaiive privitt a for legation :here IltU,S met with speedy Other medICioea I took, was just s6 trinbh quantltles. In vloty of thip a suffia- i,t,ar district. The Daily herald is on^ otg ('an' itlon6 wasted, I have used eight or xdct'sgreAtl��anuper:t, 148 OM.-Il,ed at, +vas. it )iA< and high promotion. The latest case y , ient; gttantity must bd issued, to Conn -beta tits lending Lairrr:tt pa er of F.^.stem "j7Q'illiams Pink Pills y Cetu,da. It is stow a '.teat fatnil. n, v•+nper. in point is furnished, by the promo- ten boxes of lir, ' teract the teAden0y of ,scarcit td in- =day gitinir fail tierce .,f ttce Arid, tt"(l al'" - tionof Herald Lowther from ,were- and eau say that before I began their fiats the face value 11f tliq coinage in, it" witch stare to matters of pecti lar in• ,creat to, the fainity. Itn cwmnterdal i,tectr: tory here, to be-Mintster of Chili. Only, idea life was an intolerable burden, I its ordinary *04 Thig may partly 1164 �trttce k tnritptete Ane trliahtr. hav6 reEleOtl tU be thankItil that I follow. Rom;•s r tiltTrtATT is tyre irat ,•v,•r �ftll a year ar , ago, iteginald Tower wait taunt fat rite 1iq�VLpanemertt of thr ,tnn.rs, ami t est r,ai:� n l,nnd,,,m, era ar here ed the iriendlyt' PAVId6 that urged Isletinew testi#, as the fewer •Victorian e traits of any library. It iv t,rt,.prOmrtrd �rtl1n seodnd ,sr t y" y, rr pm rA!1, trtta is act nuc or rt:to Secretary of Pekin, and1160 now us6 this mediditi6, coisl(9 ther3: are its eilrculation the tsat•ttait r >Ki eesfninc nMostdi**M6ii 1106 their Origi1l tri poorafitrs lets or Thr If; ,.rir) t•+ t..,r,::irrrn moved again tar be Mintstor oaf r.(tronger will bo the provocation to PYrlbty o i»tr Dicer i, waif-. yid. nr, �, put the. Yxet4 , IIMtYtrOY. Into, Active tt00, tam; Llan, Alan rTohilstori, anethrr bl°ntl ax wok natv6sr r►rtd it is bet)ause Att�DttMd ALL Cil 1MRS a-0 '� jshittlgtoo aftaehe, who ;arriad an Dr. Willi*tins' I'luk Pills warn rioh, red. The, tiecond iuv% VAM lee JbAda within irm Timm ,A 464AS girl, is now, ap *q to Darien- blood acrd is *1agt'Uft trite ft6r N that a ,shortet lutaval th+abl 'Vital, as it lir to , � •is�t„ 'aiprr„ 1 tryst with ett�txh rain - fist tfsat't >� cllioirlaauir �1���•t • yy�� �•,�e,�t��,Ebaal 'l�r )t),i�t��, �i."9il��,ut• ilii a . 1 t +••'�•WS' •- , �9 7 An. IWSs' y, t S ♦ �� , y d •r Y. 0 E tIBE�dL' Com lnitte.e R in MACRpN These will be election day, All Liberals p Rive or roceiw to the caulpaigi .As every vop vanoemont of Liberal is asks(, porting our pall Ni 9 HURON CI The Council will nisei in tl bow(, Of Ggde>,' day of Deco P. In. Dated at Gods day of Novi Guess; 1W!P? tP.tNti Every worth of will be al on the Nt THE J1 window. The Pri ZITHER nearest ti KERM SText �•D••�•1••4•�3r•1 + "l3ENUI —the Icing thorough) nations it Centra + Many 1411 +l'lov oun s the b,I the ver}' •t' n no ti 'I• alike. +outr cat, + elsewhti '1• aces n+ 7 + Enter t + V4� ++++++1 On Thi:: 0f From Wh agree value; them them chane Baud; . s f Prete i Floc 1�G 1I t i;l