HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-22, Page 5w: i � _. �- �. �, .man•^ Tills, WINGIM TIN1+8, NOV. 22, 1901. Q1I f�Ax�>�—A, aplw2dld 1W acro.... , .'. °.�..,�v,_ , T,T.^(' T 1 �/� a F� R 8,!M rJ`r n town, cin the14th, rauiu fit+n i� A. V 1 Y 1 I"� W S FROM crick : n auwt„v mnklnK fgru2 ltarncln x� OUR ��laa Adeltue smit>; b� returlaed from �uuc i i.t�tl�r�ellfenc cal :. two nioutbs visit to Iter brother at NE desl2ablc+h>oalit brieltheiwo oodles oI= Real Estate and Loan Office. vuder�rggd.arrfi�, f Cwtvcyaxiclxig, Assigneo and Accountant, . ),alfa ),crones Colwell is a Adan 11: win lhnagmt wu arc+ sure to incrcuise iu vaiva, a 'f. barn and unt•builcliui, a. B'aruut so nca;n title c : nply to A. ptt4w"., RZ Estate A00at, i Alonoy to loan on town and In, ria property. few days with her Mister in Kiinoardine. Uffico -rwa fifers north of Drs, T. & J, 13. r Chislielntasttigeiy. Residoxieq—Catieihie st. EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sterling, of with it � vf3if11xPTIVk�i Containing +tpiniuns of Kana are spend2u their hwrey2xtoon wit}; ntii� man _ g � '� Q CO, � . fele ��OR SALE, -100 aero farm in Morris Tp.;S friends in Kinloss. The undersigned having been restored to , miles front wingliam, 05 acres eloareil, The scholars of our; public school gave health by simple weans, after suffering for and noted Ph�Nii'Iany llpttrl ll >iteA� Vg clay loam poll, 00 acres seeded down. several years with a severe lung u..ectionI and theale of vit,M 1 1 nten-,40 to everyone, 2raiik barn 50x70, horse barn 80x4Q. Ji gg Pon l2x a mstmee concert .on. Friday afternoon, that drOnd disease C„nslt) itt2tv,, is antious to Y.4. Comfortable house, gooaorcharel. A do, What WldoaWake Times Correspondents Communloate *— Other mgkcfknown toitisfellow aulYt+rars the lneat>tl TttRtl9titiAt�. eidecl bargain at $4,000. Easy torigs. Apply to when a sow of the villagers .attended.. of core, To thoso who desire, it, he will cheer— A. Dubnage, R.al Estoto Agent, Cldsltoln>'s Items Clipped From Our EXollanges, Dir. Charles Baeohler ),las purchased fully send (free of charge), a cony of the lira• ASK FAR, A COPY, Block, wingham. scriptiota used, which they will3nd a cure Lor the 46 -acre f, arm of Mr. T. J. Stewart, 4 ons,umption, Asthma Caturrll, Brcachi. WALKER BRa BUTTON y tIr attd all throat and igtt Alaiudlea, He, S. �r O+UT 1 0� - 110liefi All Huffee." w111 try lAls ranierly, NEST WAWANOSH. ST. HULENS. invaluiil)ks, Tliose desir ng the Prescriptioxi, U1VDEgTAK£R5, WINGHAM, Council met according to adjournment Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd, or., visited CLINTON. which will cost thein ngthixig, anti moy Provo '�rtt ••pp �•� B it blesWinp, will please address, lieu. LD• M:JtEBJ I ,4 #:lD h Night calif at Button Block, or Fifth on November 13th. Members all pre- friends at.Teeswator last week. Principal Lough of the Public School �1+�1;1? A, �v> T•MAv, Brogklyn, NewBaak. « » � �YCQ BFjARIIi'G door south of School House, Shop op. sent. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of Mr. William and Miss Jean Todd en, has had his salary raised $25. AL.LI.L�,ltl LINE GRAND posits Macdonald block. last i ieetin;; approved, tortained son4e of their friends Tuesday Over one hundred girls Have been Treasurer's staten2ent showed balance . Qvolling. married from the Rattelibury Honsc. �Ci,�1,.PID; N�� n oil hand of $1691,77..r4iled. D, Decker, our geuiRl. tailor, is re- Not only this, but Mr. Isaac Batten• SWE E P �-tF�� "QP pThe adjourned Court of Revision re novatlug his Molise anti tailor shop. bury, on two occasions, acted as groom$'�o a� Mail SteamshipsDungannon drain was held and after This locks stupicious, ehl man, on one occasion helping out a run• �Latest Improvements --"Cyto" Bear• making a few elianges, the by-law was We are pleased to know that one of away couple by standing with them in Ing. --Dust. P"root Axle Tabes Money to loan on farm property at passed. our boys, Jas. JOynt, has been en.—aged. his shirt sleeves. Oil: another occasion s y 'FROM MONTREAL AND Anto•Rambler—No Dust -- from 4j4 to b per cent., with liberal € A number of cheeks Wore issued to teach• in S. $. No, 5, Ashfield, and he ,was room for a runaway couple, ,. Oiling— terms of repayment. Apply to which will appear shortly in the fluan. wish him every success, and forgot all about the event, until No Noise—No Oiling R. VANSTONE, tial statement. C. A, Tebbutt has been re-engageel to -b8 accidentally n)et them in Fargo, NEW YORK, E v e r y One Wingham. Council ad •ourned to meet on Mon. o He is a Dakota, where they were happy and Guaranteed. 7 teach in our school for, ' day, the 16th day of December at 10 good teacher and the school board have, 1 prosporous. s Fur tickets and full information apply SOLD BY After being affileted for thirty years to Mf o'clock a, in. we feel, clone well in retaining " his 1 ■ LAUCHLIN CUTTER 'W. S; MOOROSTIE, Tp. Clerk, services, with rheumatism the mortal life of Mrs. J.. Leslie, of .town, has ended. For H. DAVIS Wingham. Smith pethicks Is made in one grade only. The very = — some thirteen months she had been con, best material is used ill its construction. BRUSSELS. For Durability, Workmanship, Finish Miss Ivy walker, daughter of Mrs DUNGaxNpv. fined to the house, being rendered nu- 'i +t''Y Revival services are being held it the able to come out and at times sufferWg ; s �, ` ' The Best of Weeklies ! and Comfort, the McLaughlan leads. Walker who moved to London eleven ,. r�' r r c A fall line of the different st les is Methodist church. intensely; all this .ane it was necessary �' yearn ago, died: on Saturday morning to carr her in removing her around the t Mrs. A. B. Davison of Goderich has y g THE kept in stools by last. • The deceased was a prominent :.� worker in the Methodist church and be- been visiting Mrs. B. J. Crawford. house. Site was aged 59 years, • Five - • ;a% c -,. y• JOHN CAMPBELL, loved by all. She was ill about one ° Mrs. Wm. Martin of Niagara Falls children survive her. spent a Yew days in' this vicinity last Saturday night at 11 o'clock fire broke TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES 1902. Western year, Interment took place here on „ i weelt, out in one of the large buildings of the Implement Agent, - ' Wingham Sunday afternoon. The undersi •ned will receive tenders tip to Robert Menzies has been engaged by . Miss Lillie Jackson has returned from Doherty Organ Company, and resulted noon on MONhAY, 25Ta INET., for supplies of EArarged George Robb to take charge of the stage a month's visit to her parents at in a vary serious loss. The building meal epotatoes, corcreamery es d etc�,tetc., forttthefoi• and Saskatchewan Robes and. Ganonoque Amberle contained the machine, case, key and lowing institutions during the year 1002, viz.:— Advertise, route, Brussels to Wroxeter. He will y• , finishing departments, and with the ex- At the Asylums for the insane in Toronto, Improved harness always in stock. A Hustler loo. carefully after the various duties. Mr. Clifford O Niel is visiting his g P , London, Kingston, Hamilton, Mimfco, Bruck- Whip given with each outfit. mother, Mrs. Dr. Bice, ception of at few machines, all is a total vide, Cobourg� and Orillip. ; the Central Prison BbPore ),Caving Brantford the office ( ) and Mercer Roformatory, Toronto; the Re- The Leading Weekly staff presented F. H. Gray, now of the Messrs. Percy Saudersoll and Will loss. Some six or eight hulldred organs formatory for Bess, Ponotangguiahono ; the zsi- . in Western Ontario in the Course of construction were de-"itutionsforDeaYandDumb,Bolleville,andthe "If Music be the Food of Love, Standard Bank in Brussels, with a flue Kirk have returned from Manitoba And Blind at Brantford. are much leased with that count stroyed. The company carried heavy ltsception—Tenders are not required for the ACCOMPANIED BY umbrella accompanied with their best P rY• supply of meat to the asylwns in Toronto, • Mrs. H: J. Horton visited lief brother insurance, but the interruption of trade London,, Kingston Hamilton and Brockville, !! wishes for the future of himself and nor for the Central Prison and Mercer Reform- �"' �Il © /� AND jj j� �n i Play I1 family. Will, prior to her departure for Sault and the logy to the employees and the story, Toronto. �` [-' M AND O 1111 town Cannot be estimated. With their A marked cheque for five, per cent. of the �� One evening last week two Brussels Ste. Marie. j eitimatedamount .of the contract, payable to Said the immortal bard of Avon. But young ladies bumped heads through uri usual enterprise, the company will lose the order of the Honorable the Provincial Sec• A comi-monthly publinatiou—Otte of the YOU might as well play on y g P g a III no time in repairing tl)e dantage. The aegis antee omust f his song Ad by Two sufficient best ! t Amevfca—is sent to any address accident of course, and one of them is warts, versus Aioles. elhine room Ul kiln and other large sureties will be required for the due fulfilmont , hardly over it yet. It was feared her , ' a y g of each contract, and should any tender be in Caukda or the United States for Are either a mark of beauty? This buildings and lumber yards were not withdrnwn before the contract is awarded, or, A Good Organ nose was broken.debatingshould the tenderer fail to furnisli such securi- would be a for the suggestive topic for o suh, effected by the fire. t the amount of the deposit willbe forfeited. 75c a Year The grain -buyers have put out asir- societies.. For the information of such, It is said of moat women—truly or ySpecifications and forms of tender may be cular this week, warning the farmers let it be known that Pntualu's Paiuloss had on application to the Department of the Or Piano. It is admitted by all those afloat travelling oat -buyers. It seems Corn Extractor removes painlessly warts otherwise—that they object to telling Provincial Secretary, Toronto, or to the Purs- Send for our Circular containing who have purchased from us that we g in a very short time. Druggists -wlio their age, inuc:h more having it in prfut, 11rThe s of lowestlor any tender not necesssaiily ac• terins for Clubs, also our list of pre- keep the Very Best Instruments. We there are some such in the country ask- . sell the best always sell Putuaul's Pai1i- but there is at tiny rate one woman in cepted. miunta. ing farmers to sign contracts for the de- less Corn Extractor. News apers inserting this advertiseniont are sole agents for the Thomas Karo etc town who rather glories fu her age, and withoutantbority from the Department will ' ' livery t oats ata certain time. There she Las good reason to do so. This is 'riot be paid for it. ADDRESS: is lent of competition in the 'local 1 J. R. STRATTON, D. BELL WINGHAIV[. plenty P Mie, T. O. teener-.t•11e i)as Considerably • Provincial Secretary. western Advertiser, grain markets, and these who have grain EAST WAW AN031.. ,i Parliameut Buildings, Tornnto, more Blau passed ),ler allotted three November 11th, 1991. LONDON. ONTARIO:. Opposite the Rink., to sell will always get the full value. Miss Annie Densmore and Miss Mary score years ant; ten," being now in her PP Fothergill are both nicely recovering —•--•+--- 88th year; she was 87 en the 3rd of the g from typhoid fever. T•l• Speaker's Sore Throat. Public present mouth. She goes down street speakers and singers know how useless Mr. George W. Sowler is visiting as jauntily as a person half her age, has L ® rr VW �n ted i and sickening are cough mixtures, under the parental roof at present. the use of nearly all her faculties, and, 'p !! sprays, lozenges, &c., for irritable or Mr,, and Mrs. J. Fells were the guests A I R sore throat,and state that the most satis- of Mr. and Mrs. James Nicol last week, has Query prospect of many years before "^�• factory remedy is Catarrhozone, the ad- her. One of the oldest residents of this vantage of which is that it acts quickly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edwards, of 7' g q y section, she is also one of the most high - MAY have a slangy significance and is convenient to use in public places. Goderich, are visiting the formers par- I ly esteemed. Catarrhozone relieves congestion, allays onto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards, We are prepared to pay the Highest Casll that will not prove very attractive if inflammation, and is a protection to the Miss Clara Coultas has returned from Rgv. Dr., Gifford and A. Couch had a printed in our advertisement, whenmembrane. As a safe guard against very narrow escape from wbflt might Prices for Saw Lobs• the thermometer is "way rip," but colds and Catarrh it has no equal. Rev. wmgham. have been a serious nucident oil Sunday "'Christmas is coming" with its Mr. McKay, Goderich, says: "Catarrh- Mrs. J. B. Nicol continues in very aftexuoon, November 10th. Mr. Couch ozone is an excellent remedy for throat poor health. had driven Mr. Gifford down to Ki en "way down" thermometer, when irritation arisingfrom throat irritation." PP Q Dir. Norman Walsh has engaged with ��f�On � Fessan t, you'll be anxious to have the air Physicians, ministers and singers re- where he was preaching anniversary heated just right. carried just where commend Catarrhozone, druggists sell it his uncle, Dir. P. W. Scott, fora mouth.. sermons. While . waiting for him in for $1. Small size 25c. By mail from Mr. Joseph Hoover is one of the pio- ' OPERATED BY you want it, and in just the right Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. veers of this township,having resided in order to drive him back, Dir• Couch, + , quantities. g it for over forty-five oars. Thou h u accompanied by his cousin, Dir. Frank The Canada Furniture M f s, limited. NovE can give you better help in years he is earl as vigorous as the Upshall, took a short drive dawn the SEAFORTH. y y g road, when a wheel Came off, and Up - than we can if you wish to replace, Miss Henrietttt Young, daughter of best of thea), and can take his share of :shall was thrown out of the rig, for - every or repair the heating ap- work every day in the week. pastas in o your house. Mr. James Young, was united in mar- tunately escaping without injury. The The new union school on the bound- riage at the residence of her father on wheel was put On and held, and securely MANICURE THERE'S NO BETTER TIME THAN Wednesday evening of last week, t0 Mr, ary between Hullett and East Wawa- is place by the nut, and then Mr. Couch E have some odd pieces _ N O W for such work, no facilities George Wesley Martin, a prosperous nosh is a handsome brick building, and and Dr. Gifford started for home, Mr. �'�'�� superior to ours, nor less expensive. young farmer of Oakville, Man.. The should prove a benefit to the immediate Couch, Of )i1ANICtTRE SETS y P wheelhowever, off th had as the PIECES g Command ns any time, but right • ceremon was performed by the Rev. neighborhood.. wheel had torus off once the had better ��'�' which we are offering at much. _ now is'the right time for right away Mr. Wallwin in the presence of the most p watch it cud. proceed cautiously, which. below the usual price. ,This is service.intimate friends of the bride. The IlELGRAt E. they did They had not gone three - We can suit you in a new young couple left on the morning trainuarters of a mile before Mr. Gifford, a Special Sale and will not lye STOVEon , HEATER FURNACE. An old resident of Belgrave passed q _ on Thursday for their new homy inOak- away on Thursday, Mr. John Wight- ,watching the wheel, saw it about to for long. The pieces comprise land, Man. man, at the age of 77. He leaves a wife come Off and shouted "stop," being at JOHN �T•r/'Y G Rev. ,Dr. Gifford, of Clinton, will and family. o`y the same instant thrown out by the r - t11tl BUGG wheel running o9P. NAIL FILES, give an address at the Ladies Aid enter. The Misses Bertha and Annie Wight= g+ SON tainment on Thanksgiving Day, on man are visiting friends in Mitchell and Up to the present time nearly a dozen TOOTH BRUSHES, - ` "The Man for the Times." man th. of the teachers -in -training have secured BUTTON H09KS, Seafschools; all In this county with one ex - STONE BLOCK, Rev, Mr. Perrie, of Wingham, And The friends of Rev. A. H. Brown, of I MT G =3 A M Mr. V. Kuetchel, of Stratfc-1, were in Belgrave appointment, presented him " There chore are twenty-four students SHOE HORNS, town on Monday, attending tliv funeral with a load Of oats. at the model school and we learn of SEALS AND town who have been engaged for nest of the late Mrs. Cluff. A number in this locality do not take NAIL BRUSHES. Miss Jennie Govenlock, daughter Of kindly to the idea of removing our fall year: Misses Cllfdley and J. Wiseman Mr. Robert Govenlock, who has been show to Wingham.- Let us have a one in Londesboro school: Miss Bielby, No. i 0 Morris; Miss Code, No. 3, Wawanosh Note these bargains teaching school near Wiarton for the day fair for a trial and see if it won't be and Morris; Miss McDonald, No. (3, past year, has been re-engaged for the an improvement. coming year at au increase of 560 in Mrs, Abo. Proctor, of Belgrave, vas Grey' Miss Murdie, No. 5, Turnberry; o®�0 Pisces formerly sold at GOc for 850 MissA. 14fcEwen, NO. 15, Howick; These Goods are on << " 7Ge " ago Enjoy ` Dinner salary. suddenly stricken down with illness and Messrs. F. Sanders No. 3 Stephen; Mc- ♦ ��. 51.00 1° 700 The football match on the recreation is still in a very low condition. ' Mrs. ' Exhibition iniour << .i <+ 11 grounds on Saturday last, between God* Proctor is getting up in years and it may L9od, No. 4, Stanley; Beaton, Culross $1.25 850 erich and Seaforth Collegiate Institute be some time before she recovers her -- `-�-- Window " ` $$1.75 " $1.00' teams for the H'ou h Cup, resulted in a " `, $1.70 " $1.25 , g P usual health. DtgestionP: lthont it Stountob. _ victory for the Seaforth boys by three Dan. Geddes and Wm. Colo have re. , _ By trying some of onr Choice rhe fact that people live and digest Cuts, some prices of which we goals to none, . Despite the cold weather turned home from North Dakota, They 'food after the stomach 1)as been removed •p• n give you below: there was a good crowd on the grounds came by way Of Wiunip and retort proves that the important part r,f Jeweler & O�tiGlflll and the game was an interesting one. the crops in North It not nearly so digestion takes places ill the intestines. FIenceit comes that Dr. Chase's Kidneys A ChishoIm Opposite Banff of tiam!it' lOc Rib Roast 100, pN Beefsteak, Oar home boys will now retain unclfs• good as in Manitoba, fug to the excel- Liver rills aro so wouderfnly successful „ Surloin Roast 10a, Shoulder puted possession of the Hough Cup until sive rains during the whole season, in curing chronic indigestion and __ _,._ •____ _ Roast $e. Rib Stew 7c, Head- next year. These gentlemen think the railway peo• dyspepsia. They act directly Ou the oheese 8o, Lamb 10c, Diamond's Mr. Joseph Sproat returned home ple rattier oil the sharp. kidneys, liver and intestines, n)aluutt Pressed Beef lOc, Fresh Pork them healthy, act and vigorous, and l`' from Now Ontario this week and where B. Sackrlder, formerly of Belgrave, is so insure perfect digestion and prompt I Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, ra 10o and i3c, Long Clear lSe, lit has been most of the suiumer. 130 now at Now Liskeard Tetuiacaiuin �TQ ��r c' Lunch xeuguo 300, Lamb's � •' + l3 removal Of poisonous waste matter New �.+ r♦ G.�os Vests, etc., ltt•e riory in stook-, says that lumbering and mining are District, writes that during the great �•+ Tongue 300', Jellet Tenderloin booming and districts which a few years conflagratign that swept that section of TC wi 1 l+e to thta advAtitag@ t?Oo, Corn Reef 1Go, Cooked ago were a barren wilderness Are now coahtry the fire carne dangerously near While wonting at a well At William th,)se who intend purchasing In t Loaf 'Veal 25e, E. Brawng 15, hives of industry, where thousands Of his residence, Th6 household effects Ranton's, Palmerston, ou the 13tH inst., �Or - line to inspect odr stuck, and see Kidney Slice 15e, Lard 140. workmen Of various kinds are employed. were gniokly stored in a root house, and' W, A. Reynolds was severely injuredlntest •ytt le;+, The Anniversary services of the Sea- the family prepared to take refuge in by it stoner falling on him, The well • ,��� y � �- �� AI.O iu Ciettta' �'urnishirigs, Rte forth Methodist church will be held oil ttre well, when the wind changed and was being dtaptied Of water so that it (�, �el,.,� l L Sunday, Docomber SO). Tile Rev. Dr. the danger passed by. 'That's worse might be cleaned out,, And the hater Glpq, WoDIAMON0Daniels, of Goderietl, late Of the 1� list . than he used to have to do here. I having 11�6n pumped Out as far as tllo > -.---• ` Methodist eburs),),, London, will preach. t pump would take it. riff. Iiel+uelcts was at the bottom diuping out what inns left BUTCHER �S:t�� �tl 4;v1#•l� A Co11:D IN ofVis DAY Y1 C�`y for with A pail. 'while ho cuss at this Ono � �p .e,rw rlke T a native Biotno Quinine Tablets, All CASTORIA. �hI�drEs Of tho shines Ill the 66sitlg lie6eo rotutid tine heavy if it faint to Duro ened and fell on him, �•�++' , tlzorrq'a aittare i■ oti malt sot. Iso