HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-22, Page 4"1`l6—r-4 .rl,,—HA t TIMES', :*0 V. ? 111)01. TEM w1am Wlt ��. Note teteOppositionlton—WINGUAR roRfroDakota coughingnglca WitarnNan" 001 l �•Q•*•••••••••••Ai��A+tD• �i••N•i➢�rwgs#•Ir■••�s+ll9aida�e••ml4a�• anal estaut horae, a rant, a' sheep, find a Flour Wr 100 lba.......... 1 05 to 2 00 �► >�LL�NG rpt ppcc'� People's Popularoriteao cat. Quike a dose to aslt the ball S'Vlie.lt .............. 0 65 tc 0 07��Spring Wheat........,,.. 0 00 to 0 00 i Jllo. & Jas. H. Kerr.:ho. & Jas. H. Kerr. . 0, electors to swallow, now isn't it? Oats, ....... , . .. , ... 0 38 to 0 40 • o 1 S should give a, majority of 150 at least, Turkeys,...... , . •..... This is a Libexal constituency :and Barley .... .. � ... , , ... 0 45 to 0 50Cha � ►�-■-� - g 7 Poas . , ... 0 65 to 0 70 • Let every Llberal yes. every elector show Gees drawn . ,........ 0 00 to 0 10 Geese,............ ,..0 05 to 0 00 that he is proud of the position 9r4t4rio Duelcs, per pair . , ... , . 0 40 to 0 60 • holds, by voting for Mr. Garrow. Butter ..... .. , 0 15 to 0 16 • AT BARGAIN Eggs per doz ............. 0 11 to 0 11 The ordinary revenue of the Domia- Wood per cord ...... ,, ... 2 00 to 2 25 • I RIMES" ion for the four months ended October Hay per ton, ............. 8 b0 to 9 00, r Fur V C 31 was $18,506,490, or 6,870,000 in ex. Potatoes, ota oes,perbushel ......,. 0 14 to 0 14 = Don't Close Your Lye . 2 , cess of the ordinary expenditure, which Tallow per lb , , , , , , , , ., ' 0 Ou to 0 Ou • $ Ct amounted to $11,636,373. Tor the same Dried Apples per lb..,._ 0 03ato 0 04 ri COFF_ `1'o QUALITY or the worhi will olin A Campbell's rr .CO21sp,lperiod of last year the revenue was Wool ...,, 0 13 to 0 15 • � $17,329,3u3, and the expenditure $10,148,- Live Hogs, per ctivt .. 5 2v to ES 24 ' P P Chickens . ................ 0 30 to 0 40 seem u of cheap things, 234. the capital expenditure for the four mouths was $4,466,070, 070, as against - - - - - • Ca-ummes., DI IRUG STORE. � • tt3, i 42,501 for the first four months of F WINGHAM. the previous fiscal years. R N E R C 0 S E S ►-IMF- After searching through the blue boot LOAN, ASSURANCE A4D • r . COFFEE of the ear's criminal statistics, the REAL ESTATE AGENT, • - ®. TO ADYI^RTLSERS, y • Collar. Montreal Witness finds that while the "A now broom sweeps cleun,. but an auld yin • Notice of changes must be left at this agricultural class form a large kens the cot n ra." EXCELLENCE L . L office not later than Saturday noon. • ����S� Tcor� he copy for charnges must be left percentage of the population, they only ASsmtAz.oE Insurance that insures. • commit 38 er cent, of the recorded Policies that Pay. not latex than Tuesday evening, P RxAr. EsTAxs {;sales that Satisfy. • Casual advertisements accepted up crimes and misdemeanors. The "blue LOANs{ Money that's Moderate. _ Our Aim In Coffee, to noon Thursdav of each week. book" points out that 92 per cent. of • FEE all criminals had only an elementary Office—Corner of Minnie ansl PAtriek • � ESTABLISHED 18TH. education, or none. at all. Another in- Streets. WINGHAM. Ruffs _ t. _ �,. teresting fact is that while one-half of • W111�111I �1111lrJ the total population of the county over At honreFriday afternoons and Saturday • u1 iu 111 s P P y •Caps, EVe axe jwst in receipt of a splendid lot of :: � thirteen ,czars of age are married 70 perALIXELIJOTT.PustasHxRANDPROPRUTOR pent, of crime is committed ty the T• J. MAGUIRE Coffee, and we offer yqu better value, than you ` unmarried. This is probably largely due ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, • have ever yet had. We guarantee our Coftee to FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1901, to the fact that the unbalanced years of INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT _ . •• EICAF &,i*e SATISFACTION. O A altesa cat is the late adolescence are'i a prolific in r sem t s w � T NOTES t1�Vl) COMMENTS. misde:sre or. The moral Worrier seem to Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Con- ° • • latest addition to be: acquire something real in the shape veyancingdone• • Value, e , ground, one Found tins ...... z5c. OFFICE—Over D. M. Gordon's store. • 2 Value, ground, one pound tins ....... 30c. • ilwlle Tory platform. of education, do not drink, get married RESIDENCE—Leopold street. • Value bean in'bulk per pound ...... 30c,, • P Vote for. Garrow and show that you' as soon as you can, and live on a farm. s �'O Blue. Ribbon Blend, bean, per pound .. 40c. +, arre for building up year own Province. It is said the bye -election in the west A 5A STAY -ON • Build up Ontario, says Hon. Geo. W. Riding of Huron will take place early in BLANKET Ross. Build up Ontario says every December. The candidates will be Hon. • jw elector who votes for, Garrow. J. T. Garrow and Major Joe Beck. There Have you seen them? They are a s BLUE „RIBBON TEA Still Leads. No doubt the is a strong probability that the former Dutch Kersey Blanket with cross girths • Every elector who votes against Gar- g P y • best package tea on the market. Black and row votes against the Government, and will be returned as he is a member of the under the belly; guaranteed to stay on, • • says that he does not want Ontario to be t because they are shaped to fit the ® mixed, 2 C, OC, OC. •° Cabinet, without portfolio, and a clever, p • . OVERCOATS, 5 4 5. developed. brainy lowyer with wide experience in horse. a ••' p ULSTElR,S, the practical working out of municipal Excellent line of Trunks and Valises, • - • When you vote against', Garrow Sou law. Hon. l w rking oGarrowut name has been and Telescopes, always in stock and at � BLANKETS, n Say yon are not proud of the progress low prices. Robes and Blankets and • • MONSOON TEA, Many think as good a tea as freely mentioned as one who will have Fur Overcoats. Single and double Har- • SHEETING, o and prosperity of the Province. Be true e - Blue Ribbon. I t is certail an excellent tea. o to yourself and county early promotion to the judges Bench and ness made to order and kept in stock. • YARN y & y' it is hinted that he will not seek reelection Repairing neatly and promptly clone. 0 Black and mixed -Oc, 40c,' 50C. •5 Whitney wants the wivilege of spend. in his constituency at the General Elec- FLANNELS, A= i"�EO. C. NiANNEFS. • FLANNELETTES, • ing the money that the Liberal Govern- tions, thereby making way for another to • t �, •' meat, by economy, prudence and hard fight for the coveted and worthy honor HARNESSMAKER ® - •w work has saved for the Province. Don't of representing West Huron in the r COATINGS, ' I� n 25c Sanction it, bat vote for Garrorv. ' Ceylon Tea ,J • Legislature. West Huron Liberals $Q)ME'S'pUN��'�n arks eWhitney wanted to give what is now should give Mr. Garrow an old bouncer LIBEHAL M® l d New Ontario to the Dominion Govern- of a majority as a parting shot and as a EIDERDOWN. i • ment for nothing, depriving this prov- warmup for the next campaign.—Brun- ince of millions of dollars of revenue. sels Post. Meetings in the interest of Y • Should such a man control the business of the country2 n mould noon squan-for the To sure s Goldin a right—use nape-Creso-Hon. , Garrow o H •' der it. He is too narrow-mindedforthe lone. It has been used extensively during more ®Jno. Jas. H. Kerr. MACDONALD BLOCK, WINCHAM. Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr. • administration of a country's business. than twenty-four years. All Druggists. • Will be held as follows:.••••••••••@•sa•s•••®•••e•••* G, HASLEY PARK Floq Watches, GloGks, Rings, Silverware, 6terlinA1W,*1< vxasilver Novelties, EtG. I want your trade and guarantee as good value as any house in Canada.: Are you dealing with any de- partment store or catalogue house ? If so, I will furnish any article in my line at prices as good or better than they offer,' Bring along your cata- logue and see what I am prepared to do for you, HASLEY PARK, Jeweler & Optician. Large Range of Spectacle Ware. Eyes Tested F R E E. —) "A§LfAl PARK BELGRAVE—Friday, Nov. 22, at 8 p. in., Hon. P. Macdonald, M. P., ++4+♦*♦♦.♦.+4++4..+.♦♦♦+4+.++i+♦+0.4+♦+O♦..+4i.NA4+*P+184+..0+4+♦...P+4........ and Hon. J. T. Garrow. ST. HELENS—Saturday, ld 3, � at 8 p. m., Hon. P. Macdonal P., and Hon. J. T. Garrow. ♦ O HOLM ESVILLE-- esday,Nov e 26, at 8 p. in., R. Holme . P., and D. + A. Forrester. o as Bazaar Grant's Se 100 Aomtse—Tues.- +♦ day, Nov. 26, a 8 p , M, G. Cameron ♦ + and A. Saimde s. Nox ttzit' Day—Wednesday, +► laNOVnd on". J T. ,Hon. J. R. Stratton + Button Block Wingham and Hon. J. T. Garrow. a+, , . ; BENRILLER—Wednesday, Nov + 27, at 8 p. in., Hon. J. T. Garrow and R. A O Holmes, M. P. AUBURN—Thursday, Nov. 28, at + 8 p. in., Hon. J. R. Stratton, Hon. J. T. + Gamow and R. Holmes, M. a We have 67 Tardinieres left (in all colors + DBNG�NNOI�'—Friday, Nov. 29, � A' at 8 p. m., Hon. J. R. Stratton, Hou. J. ■ "■ and sizes, running from io cents to $I,00) +' T. Garrow, and R. Holmes, M. P. + SIN?AIL—Saturday, Nov. 30, at + which this week we intend to sell at actual 8 D. m., Hou. F. R. Latchford, Rs. G. cost price to clear them out. Cameron and D. McGillicuddy. + ♦. WING.,on. 1. W.Monday, Dec. n at + �... j First come, first served. 8 p. m., Hon. G. W. Ross and Hon inieres P. + Macdonald. 41 GODERICH—Monday, Dec. 2, at + 8 p. in., Hon. F. R. Latchford and Hon. + J. T. Garrow. CLINTON—Monday, Dec. 2, at 8 +�. p. m., Hon. J. R. Stratton and R. + Toys i Toys! Toys! Toy Books Holmes, M. P. ♦ Handsomer colored picture From now to Christmas our Great Toy y , p' are on every page, ♦' ST. AIIGYTSTINE —Monday, , + - ♦. others' at 8 p. m., M. G. Cameron and ` Sale will continue. We have a number of short stories, for only 5 cents. HAIR HORSES, GO-CARTS, See the Books— Z The Conservative Candidate is invited Z SLEIGHS, SHUNTING ULD MOTHI,R HUBBARD, to attend DOLLS, ENGINES, LITTLE BO PEEP. GOD SAVE THE KING. (Dressed in muslin, RUBBER TOPS. A B r BOOKS, 4 SANTE CLAUS + + silk and satin), RATTLES, LITTLE BEAUTIES, �+.: ..rveStocichinrlcets. +' AIAG10 LANTERNS. BABY BUNTING, Toronto, Nov. 19.—Tho receipts at the PLAY TIME,. Western cattle yards to -day were 53 car- Iron Toys And many others too numerous to mention. ¢ loads, inluding 850 cattle, 1,300 sheep and lambs, 500 hogs, and alight run of + We have one of the largest assortments Toy Slates + calves and milch cows. Z of iron Toys ever shown. + Trade was dull here today, with Z FIRE ENGINES, (all sizes) A number of Drawing Slates in differ, prices all round about the same as on + HOOK AND LADDER, ' Friday last. ♦+ PATROL WAGGONS, Fancy Vases at 10 cents + Export cattle was a shade easier, be- cause the stuff here to -day was of only + BANKS, Glass Bohemian Vases in green, pink, Combination lock safe second rate anility. The price ranged ( ) purple, with gold floral Sprays, regal - from 4;,2� 4yc per, pound. Sales were SWORDS, ar 15 cents and 20 cents, for 10 cents. slow. ++ G UNS.' lowing is the range of quoin- « Furniture Sheet Music $Y CATTLE. + Cradles, Dolls' Houses, Beds, 1 tions:—Carpet We have purchased this week some 200 t Shippers, per cwt ...... $ 4 00 $4 65copies of the Latest Sheet Music, including Sweepers, Bureaus and hundreds of other Butcher, choles do..... 3 7G 4 37� songs and instrumentals, and some of the Butcher, ordinary toToys which space will not allow us to good ................ 3 2:, 3 75 Latest Popular Sodas, lancers, waltzes,. Butcher,2 75 3 00 + tion, marches inferior ,,,, .. + menr , ete., all for 10 cents a sheet. SLEEP AND LAMBS. + Dolls 1 Dolls S,, Dolls ! + Choke ewes, per cwt... 3 15 3 30 : At Our Notion Department +� Butchers' sheep, each... 2 00 300 1 Of all kinds and sizes. Rag Dolls, Patent Children's Small Icings for 100, 156 and 24c, Lambs, per cwt......... d 00 3 45 Dolls Rubber Dolls Negro Dolls at rices Bucks ................. 2 00 2 40 g p' Brooches (assorted) for 20o and 25c, DIILXPRI; AND CALVES. lower than elsewhere. Bracelets for 50e and $1.00, Cows, each .. , ......... 80 00 45 00 Fane Stick Pins for 10c, calves, each........... 2 00 1000 Games of all Rids moos,, , Faney That Pins for 5e, 10o, 150 and, 26e. Z i3locks, A 13 C BlocksBuilding Blocks Choice hogs, per cwt... G 2S 5 50 Ebony handle Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes Light hogs, per cwt.... 5 M 5 25 Picture Blocks, Bagatelle and many other 1V ail Brushes, l#uttori Hooks, Darners, Heavy hogs, pet cwt... 5 00 52 Games. mounted with silver. Sown, per cwt......... 3 2.5 8 75 0 00 Staglr.......... ..... . oo+++o-++++++++++++'r+++++.++4+++���♦♦+w1►��w���►♦��r���♦�a�*+�+1w. e 11 ,i.