HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-22, Page 3+,1
1. ♦ ' e
If your+rluld•i•t ale, Ixvriel , M I +ltxw • I '101n, :lwks at t o faded apparel, ` • • lxa> ru --
... , : . i _ .. KIDNEY Q j y ctaa #Jfa ix:at
'not thrive, it dost of MiAr z s •illnrriaJC } Q 51pryn itlktl
r :brad Pira mamma of <d9salpatitn . attd T M urslnilz The a,lxias •1'e,
, pwdioallywilloure. fio ld'by'' ' od fM M kdM t! s;st.calt oP i#1+t11I Ritz a Plxr►i grSl of°lur parts I bussed are tin -rte
L41in A. K:ttui boll: ! TO N++kur
1 ns h•r, t1AnfltlR all
Lesiulat ve ,jus
44:.. Ih,st►il tiffvxa Jaiz>ti flee t% earl of B th ilnA. d tvs duislacl tiitd i l l cis
..,-.-.,-__— t i8 l the icier °
nary tars 1 I'il'S Se es S . `rial Virtues ani „itar lave trf 1*i►'a lased deniande tbat WILL nm•"
k fwtllty , shit ,p,'Ittlilt:
It is uratlezalacd rehab bite Ontario 1Git*git: i loroxer fil►tg'cris of the lest hared Rh
latnre will -meat for the tranooettorn of .Y rs torn ale, Huth w aii iia a tent to ntarilr : LS 011" DUTIN7.
ltusiltess +®lt tAitttetsda Tauutir dla. i rER ' ing a MAU. it# It's an W Jt1'1lf tltkobl _;pin*
3', 8 11 las tats. Oh, how few Christisa always, 7'lla
It is exptxrbed'tla t flu► early calling 011 tl 1nyau'ttg marl "Its
C"' I t al at}erdtmatl i+atr much gos9pel bine obeli liasitation wau rulA, 0,s
bile sassiosl obit.pernilG busiuesatto ba' -- -^—^ itb +re is 5n a good, honest baa4sb4k- 1$ world owes loyaltyge the science which the bad ant3ttl<... anote the good
pointe at iifp's gravest d,tnQers-and tells her to g .
oonoludeti avithin the natural t+xttzt •bf * A" '1}i pt16,EH WHO SUFFER ll'jR0'l♦'1 iu=;: fvWgtImes when you have itwarttham. South American Kidney, c:ureisa until it deltttrtad, spxeadlrig' wiltgilr :
the Lei;ir ttrture. Tile various tielaart• ;r1QYr i3niay 13'ntreeroCMI iIII'JSES Y'EI;UI,IAIi xa felt rife. steed of •encouragemc>#t and Rattail Fora nf Kid e`t dieiagetuafur say through the starlight, upward pearl
! c Y from the most
tnents are inow•tztwwork an ;Jae eetitaettos, nthyalir t` 1 l;Y ' MHEIR SEX , SHOULD tsasnr. .ClWletian imen hq-ve taken you Inclpiont to the most stubborn and deep•seate:i away, Until 'A door twang opou In tb*
that thev anWy,bopprownted at the torli- , . 4 helixtily ?ref the %and have you not
cases. -a liquid sPaciftc that haver (Ail*- It 49,y, and twever the: wimp v4A
eat possible moiant. It is not expeoted91 ,,..,` USE felt tltrilaixti; t?irK+agh every fibre of raliaves in cix hours. 70 That was the turlting polttt in
that there rmllUbenivore than a moftrat.' .. _ _ , Hold by A. J• Sutrdlton, YV1nRhatn"
Your body, tttivad And soul an encour- young mans history, for, the good
atlli ouu t serf Government logisl+Mtiota, 6pl' IT 5'I:C 1 A If ' ' , mlltm,, Ont., Lw4y Whose We agt'naznt that setas ,just what you - - l __, _ _ '_.... '
angel flown, he hesitated no longer,
owing to tine +disp(sal of bile matey am-, ',YET , Was ,I)mpaired of is Atlade aivededf an hour, saying nothing. I wonder but .started on a pa no
which r,
}laortant mat,trters at the last session., ^T„ Alter LI1rT Ul? THE I+'ALI,I;*1 tvltnt they .arta thinking of. After beautiful at the opening, but blasted
Probably dire 1111 tpn+avidiug for the Kron ;Well sand StrOltig +,
, awhile the father breakY the •silence at., the last. 'Tho bath artgcsl- bell the
i3traotxon off -a t(ioo the
railway What ettt~a of SuS ring, ' Tlir prodigut, wi•ihintg to get into :end ,says, "Well, I wonder wkoro way through gate after gate, slid at
dell, s ,r. Talmagc hOMIC 1A „ attt•: ba „
lion twill ;th term the ' Qrtauttsuctiu ; pp g+aed society, enters a prayer meet- y Is ill tQWri to -night. And each gate the road became rougher
xt on will be thetttzos6 ivporGaut itatma-i are he Obstacles I0 i3he Ila- za;ne.nMtt.'a Celery CSompagtid has. stag !t►tq. Satnre• good man without much the mother answer's, "In no bad and the sky mare lurid, and, what -
u a to be inibroduced. It is Al o expeetedl, the lt, of ,af biose and exp<,trience whale' sense greets him, b saying; "Wh place, I warrant you, We always Wa
y y s peculiar, • as the gate slammed
that the sesessuieWt; law will reosi,ve; 'ilurnr.df the 5innat, aw Then hnntlrecc,is of ties common .prenaratioasi aria you ]terelc You are about the could trust him when he we,.% at :shut' it vaaz>P to ,with a jar fiber in -
•some attend$en. ,Itl:is anticipated, toq, are tttst aiukingtinto obaotiaty. Painp,si p
p Fu Ceiarytirompoupd }w not a patent meth• 'A-, t person I expected to see in a 'home, and ,since he has been away dicated it would never open. bast
blush fife trips a:gptert of the assessttaeizt. +01Q i ' 1Qse bS +are tQ ciue; itdts ,the discover of one of • thei-twayor meeting. Well, •tile d g tberu have boon ,se, many prayers of- each
• Y'Iia portal there bras a grinding .of
commissionwvAll,be•sabmitted. greatesta ud ablest physicians that ever) 'Mief was saved, and there is hope fired for him we can trust him still." looks .and the ,shoving of bolts, and;
ale.h punted. practiced the noble ptofmsiou, and f r au." You, do poi know anything Thum tit a or 0 o'clock, just before the scencr on each side of the road t
for this xeaeou it in. prescribed. by many I Y y g Y 1
AY -Ing about this, unless that they retire, for they go earl
able dAutplI who nsooguize ite.tworth. You y to bed, changed from gardens to deserts,
Phaue'.•a Celery Compound possesses hewe learned that when a mon tries they kneel down and commend you and the Tune air became n cutting
"4TiaAshingtaai, Nov. 10. --Tea bUs dis- a special aityuaa safer to that God' who watches in' coun-
q_ [[ii i t p powers Fier female to return from evil .coursers of con- December blast, and the bright wings
eaurse I)r. T;f-mtage depicts tthe•strug" health building, )It bauishes)ueryoua• duet he runs against repulsions in- try and in town, on the land and on of the bud angel
--le cW :rt ,-mast wh odesires Rha.-ation ness, wtaikuesa, bill4aclies, tideaches, the sea. g i turned to sackcloth
turns able. and,the•fountains that at the start
! ;?ram the tsnitlirallment of will and come to
sud all . a ages.
qua Haat p parental anxiety', had tossed wit'b wine poured forth `
croute to woitsen at. alt? ages. f[t gives EIaty tl,esc dainty, fastidious Oh despise not y :
shawls how.he, may b set fseeq text, theii rosy okeeka, sparkling eyes, and Christians in all air chulrobm ar `1'he time trill coma when you will bubbling toar3 of foarnia'; blood.
SECURITY, T'rovettbi x3dil., 35: When ditIllt T erestores alae fredhneae and actttr,itp of -•.,t ,,, goinrF to have neither father nor mother, and And on tlt4 mai ai It a# the io:tsl
. ,wakas I will seek it yet agztn. gtrlhocltl, a get into heaven Ido not
i Wiiti,an' inc,;10t into human stature Miss Waite, of Hughson Street, lfamil- know unless they have an especial you Will go around the place whore there bras a serpent, and the man p
• '. '2,Iiine ton, Out., game her testimony for the train of ewes( isusiticned and upholster- they used to watch you and find dairy to the bad angel, . "What is
estich as no other man ever lead, ,Stela- benefit of women who are suffering- ed, each ane a car to himself. Theythem .gone from the house and gone that, serpvnt?" And the answer
atom in'these swds, is sketching the ninny in silence -and earnestly looting Trom the field and ono from rho was,
mental•Miirocesses of a man whe %as strength. cunnat go with the groat herd of g "That is the serpent of atin
C ca m for health and siren g -
rt r "For ears I st;ffered isiuoh and Was pu'blic;tns and sinners. 0 ye Jvho neighborhood. Cry as loud for for- Ing remorse," On the loft side of
• slteppad,yside fr aln the path of roiti- q C l
tazcle :find ozvauld 1111 a to .return. V{75sih- under the care of doctora who finatily curl your lip of score. on the fallen, giveness; as you may over th' emound the road there wa.0 a lion, and the
u o • told me I was going into consumptioli, I tell you plainly that if you had in the churchyard,' they cannot an- man asked the bad angel, "Whitt il}
lag for something batter he says t I became worse through the use of , „ «
Mettle LIVI r • e "When 4lzkll I a5rdke? When shall a medicines, and gave up my doctors. I been surrounded by the same influ- ewer. Dead ! Dead . And then you that lion? The Answer was, Thutr
gel: over this horsable, nightmare of', while in a very critical condition, not • ,encos instead of sitting today amid will take out the white lock of herr iso the lion of all dovourin; despair."
liMu3t Bear M anture of , able to sleep or rest, always faint and %11,: cultured and refined and the that was out from mother's brow A; vulture flaw through the sky and,
iniqui,tya But •sleix3d upon by un -i weals, appetite and digestion bad, my
, „
Christian You you mi;ht have been u Just' before they buried her, and von the, mnn asked the barb angel, What
crad6cated ;appetite ;,and pushed down system ruudoyva and litte life left in . •
hill by his passions lbe cries vat: " I I ane, I commenced to use Paine's Celery crouching wretih in stable or ditch will take the cane with which your H that vulture?" The antstver was
'00Compound. After the use of, one bottle . covered with filth and a.bmtination! father used to walk and you will . "That is the g, vulture waiting for
o will seek 'it yet aga:z:a. I will try it . I felt muoh relieved. I have used in all think and think' and wish that you Y the carcases oi Rhe slain."
c yet once mare." seven or eight I (: is not b eause . tvl; era naturally }
See Pac-•.,imife Wrap,Lrrt3etow• ght bottles, and am now a now an b^ had done just as they wanted you And then the man said td the bad
About a milia• from Vxineeton, N. woman, clan enjoy life, and as well as I y t t'vr, but beaau3a the moray }
vara small null au ow J., theta is a '-skating pznd. • One ;via- Wieh to be•" of God has protected us, Those that and would give the world if you had angel, "What does all this mean? I
tto UAW as xatg=. - tire brought up ins Christian circles never thrust a pang through that- { trusted in what you .said at the '
• ter day, wheal,. the ice tr':ytis very thin, , .- _ •._ ._ .dear; old hearts. ,
raR il 4i1Qa ,,, :Ing near b •warned , the - 4 T- 3 parentage street corner; I trusted it all. Why ,
' a a farnLarl iv'• • y and tva'i:ched b • •Gltrisiitin g
Pew y e+trs you have heard pure nmec- s have, you thus ,deceived me?" Then
FOR E31iZ!?l."•. '' sung men of :flit danger of skating ,lioall not b so liard an the fallen. 1
RTl R Y g doter rind impure anecdotes. Which THE DOOR OF MERCY. the last deception fall off the charm -t
P FOR E3'1LiQliSii&;ti . at that time:. They all took the p I th!nis al_a that man are often
'TT, warning except erne young .man. Ile is the easiest atuak to your memat•y? h',ndrred from. returning by .the fact God pity the young man who has or, and he said, "L was sent From
IwE FOIiYl6RP1ll1lYER. You have h,t•d good habits and bad' , thle' it to destroy
#•pR C®?1SY1p AT1018. in the spirit of bravado, 'aajd, "Boys, g' that churches are anxious about brought disgrace on his father's P y Your soul. r
1 sl,t habits. Po which dict your ,soul tlicir mrzmb3r.hW i watched m manya. Ian
' FOR SALLOW gK, one round more." Ile struck out on p, tea ams;oas about name. God pity the stung man ;rho y chance for min ih, '
more. easily, yield? But that mornl, tit it dtnom.iaa;ian-, and the rush has broken his mother's ltoart! ]sot- year. When you. hesitated that
FOR THECOMpL-1MOU his skates, the ice ;broke, aed his y
s , 03MMUI M MUSTXAVL M "• lifeless body Was brought up, And gravitation may ba resisted. Just as out when they see a mise about to ter that he had never been born. night at the street corner, I gained
rxrciT egetablo e..s ircGJ in all matter's of tewptation and til, yea may pick up anything from the give up 'sin and return t cGorl and Better• if in the firdt hour of his; life, , my triumph. Now you are here, Iia,
• °" earth- and hold it in your hand to- hat you are beret Come
CURE SICK HEADACHE. lure'ment it iy not .a prolongation stale him, hatvl hal i3 going to b+ ba•p- instead a# being laid against the , now, bat
that isroposed, but c ul just Ane ward .boa.ven, just so, by the power tiz,d, whether by eprinkling ar im warm bosom of maternal tenderness, us fill the chalice, and drink to dark.
p y J e,2 God's grace, a fallen soul may m^r3ion he had been ccffined and sepulchered: ness and woe and death I flail,
e f mare iudulgenee, just brie more .ain. ,anti eller kind of a church
bo lifted toward peace, toward par- }u is of " hail l" ;
Liveir Pig s Thos cams the fatality. Alas for the
to +nt; Ga join, I is a poor There is no balm powerful enough to
ane round more! "I will seek it et 'dm' toward salvation. The force of tim3 to talk about Presbyterian. c - Well, they have no more men fit for Oh, young man, will the good an-
'Thai'sghat you need; SOIl1At;+ again."y inaral gravitation Ii in every one of tvcliism and Episcopal liturgies and brought parrots to a sorrowful grave gel sent 'forth by Christ, or the bad :
thingthin tc cure our bilious- i us, bat al3o,powv r in God's• grace to Methodist love feasts and Taptist and who wanders about through Tho' angel sent forth by sin get the vie -
Y Our libraries are adorned with ale- overcome that force.
11eSS aril give OU a good immersions when a man is. about to dismal cemetery rending the air and tory over your soul? Their wings
g Y g i gant literature addressed to young The next thing in the way of your admr. ;out of the darkness of •sin in:o wringing the hands and crying,. are interlocked this moment above
digestion. Ayers Pills are men, painting' out to them all the writ in
return, is. the power of evil habit. I°• rife• glalri,tyus light of the gasp3l. ` "Mother! Mother 1" Oh, that to -day, you; contending for your soul, as
liver ills. - The Cure Con. ' 4ang•ers, and parils of life. Complete knmv there are those who se, it is
P Y Y •' by all rho memories of the past and abort: the Apennines eagle and con-
stipation and biliousness. p31 of the- voyage og life - thle very easy for them, to give up evil IIELPwLT.GNESS Or•REI,IGION: by all the hopas of the future, you dor fight mid,sky. This hour de
sate ehoals, the rocks, the, iluiaksands• habits• I cannot believe them. Here
Gently laxative. All d"' Tut suppose osa a would'yield your hearts to God. tides eternal de.9tinies. c
pp young man is already Now, I have shown you these ob.
is 'a man Riven bo intoxication, who
want<aurmo,ista.ci,e or beu4abeantU d off the track, suppose he has already stacles bnause i want you to u:ider- This hour the door oZ mercy Au orders for sales let; at tlte'1'LDil.s d
brawn or rich bin"' It? Then use Y knows i t is cliagra•Cing his family, de- Ally
Ip / fob+ the gone' astray - how•' can' he got stand I know aU the diffibul:l :s in swings wide open. Hesitate not a office will receive prompt attention. J.
we, DRUM' straying ills property and ruining g ,moment. In ;zany a hesitation is Cunie, auctioneer.
BUCKIHGHAII1 back? That is the question that re • fife way. But I ani zLaw sellae
De„NA.NOA, N. N. him be lye mind and soul. If rant to tell tho lass of all. At, the corn3r• of
yeti how Hasz.-z b.t.l •finny ;tale
60 CTT. OF DNOCGIBi., 001
mains, unanswered, and amid all the man, b±ins, ;tin intelligent hien and r
beaks of bite libraries I fiord not. one tha Alp; and haw tha shackles may a, (street I sa.w; a tragedy. A young
loving his family, could easily give man evidently doubted a,s' - which; FOR B ERT E RS
ward on fiber subject. To. that class b3 umxivetcd and ]raw the paths of ea
up that• habit would he, not do so? direction he had bettor taka. His; I
of parsons I L•hi„q day address mysejf. virtue, forsaken may b. .regained.
Tho fact that be leas not give it u +, halt' was lifted high enough •sal you Dr. Agnew's Liver* Pills are a
You. comparz what' you are now with p' ]'bust of all, throw ytnirsrlf on God.
:{k proves) that it is hard to give it up.
• •. what you tivere three or four years Go to him frankly and earnestly and could, sets he had an intelligent, fare; pleasant enol s }}•'fe Liver Reg -
It is a very eras thing to sail down head. IIB had a stout chest and a • ulator-The stifnulatedi7es-
i agd, and you etre greatlydishearten- tell him. these habilis ytsa have and Y •
strcaxa, the tide carrying you with robust development. Splendid tion and counteract the too
eel. Yoa arc ready with every passion ,'bat suppose ask him if there is any help in. all
+ great farce, you turn young'; man t Cultured young man I common error orFover-eating
of your zoul to listen to a discussion tate• resources of oinnipotenz love to
tht5 batt up streams-streamit so easy F. •, Why did ho stop there while ,5o many
d like, this, Be of good cheer• Your, siva it to you, Do not go on. with Take one after dinner -No inconvenience-
tlzem to racy it? at long as we, yield were going u and down? The fact
beat; days area yet to clone. I offer you ' a lam; ri;ginarole, whish some people g H They act pleasantly -40 doses is a vial,
C ebbe evil inclinations of our heart is! that every young man has a good 10 cents.
the hand of iyelcome and rescue. I call prayer, mads up of obis and ahs
and to our bad' babi.ts we me sailing' angel and a had angel contending
put' tho silver trumpet of the gospel and forever and forever amens. Go Never have that tired feelings you keep
down streani, but the moment we far the mastery of his spirit, nn!; your liver active, and Dr. A haw's Liver Pills
F to my lips and blow,, one .long, loud to God and cry for liolp, fo g
try to torn the put our boat in the there was a
`r i •, blast, saying, "Whosa3ver will, let Then, also, I counsel you, if you good angel and a bad; etre a liver specific, 2s cent vial contains zoo
rapids just above Niagara and try to angel ,struggling with that young pills, 69
him come', and let him come riotv." want i a alt li•a:ck, quit all onzr bad
row up strrain', g y man',s soul' at the abrner of the Bold by A. L. Hamilton, Wtnt;iinm.
THE OnJOIildii'4OR OF The church of Clod is ready to spread 1 :, associates. One unholy inti,•na.cy wi'1 „ „
c c a bangticl upon till p„ street. Como. slang with mc,. •
ROAN'S PMS, p your return, and all FORCE Or HABIT. your soul ,with moral disietu r said the good angel; "I will take PEOPLE € ECOVERING
the hierarchs of heavoait fall into line Iin, all the ages of the church there
of baunered Suppa3e a man of five or ten or you home. I will ;spread my wings
piocessian over your rc- has 4-ot b3en an. instance where •t
dttinl tion• twenty yaars of evil -doing resolves over your pillow. I will lovingly
The original kidney S eei8e for p r mane, kept an^ evil associate and was Typhoid g y 19 to do• right. Why, all the forces of escort you all through life under su. From Pneumonia, T hold ar Scarlo!
r darkness are allied against reformed - among the sixteen hon- }? Fever, Diphtheria, La Grippe the cure of Batkaehe, Diabetes, lyIOS•AL. GRAVITATION OVERCOME. g mat him. IIc pernatural protection. I will bless P P or
n ds,cd million of the x:tee not one in- an Serious Sickness
leets down on his knees at midnight every cup you drink out of, every Y
Bright's Disease and all urinary Years ago, and while yet. Aib:wt and cries, "God help mn!" He stahiaa' couch you rest on, every doorway
Troubles. Barnes was living, I preached in his bite, hi3 lips. He grinds' his teeth. What chance is there for that you' enter. I will consecrate your j
x pulpit one night to the young ;nen Ilse "bathes his fist in a determina- Y 'g man I saw along the street, tears when :you weep, your .sweat I
Doh t accept something just as I i
of Philadelphia, In the opening of tiara to keep to his, purpow. FIe four, or five young than with him, in when you toil, and at the last I '
goat. See you gotrthe genuine my discourse. I said, "O I,o,rdt .give dare not look at the bottles in the front of a grogshop, urging him to will hand over your grave into the
one soul to -night!" At fire close window of a wine' store. It 13 one ga in, ho resistingly - violently re- ]land of the bright angel of a Chris-
®®A Ss of the.servioa Mr. Barnes introduced long, bitter, exhaustive, hand to aisting - until atter awhile ..they tian resurrection. I have been sent a `►' Iq
a young man, saying, "This is the forced him to go in? It was a. ,sum- of the Lord to b3 your guardian
heti fight wi"h' in'lam.d, tanta'izi;g
young inan you prayed for." But I merciless habit. . When he thinks ha m^r nigh;, incl the dear wall Iext spirit. Came with fine,'; said the
R T ` ` (( see now it was a too limited c ^n and I saw th•- process. The
![ ili I>saYer' ls, entirely free the old inclination p + y goode angel, in a voice of unearthlyi \ , } ,`` ►
1 offer ¢to ,such prayer. to -day. It pounces upon him like a pa.ek of held him fast, and they par': the cup symphony, It was m'aste like that
must take in: a wider sweep.* ".Lord to his lips, and they forced down which drops from a lute of heaven `e
hounds, all their muzzles tearing P
give• as all these souls to -clay fop, away at the flanks of one poor rein- the, s.trang drink. What Ghana is when• a seraph breatho9 on it. •'t '
happiness and heaven!" c11Max• i:hcsa for such a Young m.an? "Oh, no," said the bad angel;
p far as Gad may help the I faro- , „ Require the Nerve Toning, Blood En-
SoI have also to say if a mean wants coma with me. I have something r}clting, Heart Sustaining Action of
po;*c; to show what are the obstacles to return from evil practices society VICTpRY OVER SIN• bettee to offer, The winest I pour
to your return and then how you are • p Y Milburn's Heart and Idorvo pills,
repulses him, The prodigal, wish -.e
to surmount twish-re-from from chariccs of bewitdhing ctt-
ltc se obstacles. The .Some of you, like myself, ward
ing to return, tries, to take some raus•tl, The dans I lead is over
first difficulty in the way of your rem professor of religion by the hand, born in the country. And what floor,% tessellated with unrestrained It is t hal known that after any serious
turn is the+ tome of moral gravitation. glorious! news might these young then illness the heart blood
nerves are exira+tn• Iyy
• - The professor of religion looks tit Indulgence. There is no Gocl to weak and the blood greatly!inpoverirb, d,
r .lust as there is a natural law which send home, to their parents that this { -_ For these conditions there is no retrtty
? y brings down to earth anything you ----- ---------• ----- afternoon tbcy had surrendered them- -- equals Milburo's Heart and Nerve Pil!s. r
It restores all the 'vital forces of the holy
• , r, thrown into the air, 9 o ;herd is a tor- selves to. Gad and started a new whish disease has fin ;aired and weaken, J.
u T u
resfiauclin moral gravitation. I f7i s A HEI T '.fife i, I know hots it is in the. coup- FATHER l Y:
shah targe. a prayer I heard try. The night dome's on. The cat- p About
T. $arn9cott, I Wilda, revere ay,tuc .
T ®q g y POINTER R O. I I Cs Abontaypewhc left latcoveainin -in
a yddntg man make in the Young tlo ,stand under the rack, through . i of La Grr'ppe which Left my syetcm in 7n
glen's Christian Assaeiation of Naty ,widdh burst the trusses of hay. The exhaustedd condition. I could tot regw is
So lbeatlrig about the bush for:Aw ottf strength and was very nervous and sle" o•
` LlletiMEitd'I' York, Vitli trembling voice and 1fldhols-he lbelieves Dr. •Agnlrw's lidrses have just frisked up from ho rogt in the MAoahosofdread tuhou ua- less at night anti got up its the zrtorni-ir
streaming eyes he said: 110 God, thou Cure roe the Y;eart cured his wli'e, meadoty, brook at the •nightfAll and tiem and life doapalred of, b t South gs tired As w{tan I went to bed,.
FOR knowest how easy it is for tom to do Land lie saya: iso ditratght. stand lined deep in the bright straw AIA*arioan Rhoumaticdirefrsod him 1+1 had no ene:gyand was in miser,
tvrort3g and -blow hard it is for m to r" Pitts Is to certify that I bought twobottles of that invitds theta to lie down aril ..a Curs that hover faits, little state of Hear
Sprains, Straitup Cuts, Wounds, Vierra, " itiiiburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, which
• do Ti,;ht! Goal help mel"' That ;nom Dr. Agnew's Cure for the heart for my wife who rest. The, peroh of the hovel is full y"tIy son was to bnd with rheumatlsm that
n Sorts, ljrttists, Stiff 7olnts, Bites and g has been for Nventy years n great suti'erer from I ot>►tittcliard'S't5ru Storehere than ed.
M. kndnvs not his own Ize.art olio has . i nrt 1)iseasc. Sha had rttore bcncNt from it bl: fowl, their foot warm under their we thought hem-ould clic, so great were his sof- tilefrom aL cotiditioh of imisery`to good '
Sitngs of (seethe Cou$ftsy Colds, Contracted 1 e fermr;s. We tried ninny 'hatedies but they all
v .t ft:1t rife atvdr of moral g.rava- tlirin frontall thedoctors that bnvantteculid her, foathers, When the nights gat Golds ISailm), villa not until bre procured aeuth Amcri• hindth. Tliey•biiiltuptnya tem,btren>rth•
Cords, l eumatlsab, Neuratgla, $fond 6,4 nae p and I am pleased to iva this certificate of Its rued thynerves restored brisk cirenl'
'Thfoit ins; Whoo is i'attam, wonderful curative pomars." Ilia flalltds clap thtiir hands tzbbva thtl 'th eeibotrlesrnf hosr.o0 t stvi mcii claret rnade oftit bldod, siod hiada h new tni nett .
Crtwp, Sart , Y► P >l rant buckles and ,shako the shadovll ' ` ,r
. it brad all Ibaitt#alSwellings.
in year boyhood you lead good as Anrtin Nichols, pcterbora 1?O., Onto g a nits ratan of blur'"-- "m. II. Winslow, hr., i heartily r'ecdinnscttd them to:•.,+
• • bmidtd9 And bad a0woiaies• Whieh It rmticvos in thirty tnitititda• 0 of the 'group ugh and cldtvsl tato wall, I St. Henri, Que. It relieves in six hours. W suffering from the 3 • -r rli'ectr of (a.&
xixost impressed yout Huring tlit< last gold by A. L.ltathitton, `witrgttnnr• Father and mother ,sit thorn for half :brei y , L. ntiltoitW19lta
, 11ni- or any other sevoro i ow.,s,"
J► g.AROto >ryC17'T>l.L`, sso. A .
.. .. ,ate t .fxL:,+a.;: A' ( i1,' i J > " t ,' •i",`igw:".a,ib