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VOL, xxx�. �o, ����, WING�[Ah�, oN�A�1o, �'����A�, �ar��;��� ��v, x�o�. $1 A YE IN ADII
MI�I►/111IM+ A few boarders wanted at Mrs.. . Fresh Oysters arriving daily at J, Mc• C. 0. F,-Mr. R. Elliott, H. C. U. 'of
St � ,
Flood's, Minnie street, Selv'e's. I of the .C. O. F., will visit Court Maitlaud s7 ���
SUDDEN DEATn 11frs. "C'ha's, Code Of PQLITicAt 1kii,E xciS.—A political on Friday, Nov. 2i)th. Foresters from
Leopold street Ivy picking up some utas$ r ieeting will a held in the town the neighbor courts have been invited.
—FIGS wood. u the yard yesterday, when she ball, Winghalu, 0' Mendayf vening All members are expected to be prestent, ATTENTION
suddenly, fell oyer, dead. Funeral will December 2, .to whit 1 all cordially ALv- OMENS Aa'Axx.-Ale. Sebastian
--.DATES Probably be on M day, No partioulara invited. Hou, Geo, s, Premier has opened out a barber shop in the
as Nye goto props. of Ontario, slid Hon. nodouald, M, Tamlyn block. He was ready for busf
WANTED.-Five hundred well and P., will address the t eeting on the vital uess on Thursday morning. 'His new Before purchasing your
..., 'a ,.....-CITRON boys to buy clothin, at H, E. Isard & Co's questions of the Prot lice, I chairs are expected here to-day. We winter supply of
PRUNES SAoieED CONCEI T.-A grand Sacred The Tsms till tl 1st of January, ale pleased to say he is gettinir along
Concert. will be O vu p the thodist 1902, to new subscribers for 16 cents. nice) frota Ilia accideut, and will soon ' Salts,
church on Frida.- evening•• til not. WiTlx 'Inn Siolc.. -Mr. Jas. Cochrane be out, Sulpher,. Salts, Saltpeter, .Eta,; ,
you feel —RAISINS
Tho choir will. uQ .assist d the best of Morris is vary ill with Pneumonia. QATs SOAItoE.-'lhe market reports -
�Pnn local taleut of Ranglia d a gland. lie contracted a old At Cassel:'' sale, will show that the pricer of oats is still
'R�NQTS treat may be exp ated,, lie proceeds which with othor x osure brought on' climbingup. This is caused CALL ON x
rI: y p p , t; Partly by
are to be applied •owards paying; for a the above attack, -Ie is 78 years-old and the rumor that the crop was finiall
Like paying a Good Price pipe organ to b•- placed in the new it is likely to go l--trd with him though I anal farmers were holding for higher
church. The adr_fssiott is 90o; children there is yet. a ooLbili of recover Dou
for a Poor Suit of Clothes? —LEMON PEEL Beat 160. Qhas..Deaus wbc ivtt operated ou ffor taken,�h. huge quantities fromtCaunda a d 9 '
Or a Reasonable Price for � q
RRANCE PEELBIands; Any orders for. Sales left at the TiniES apRendicltio is raeoveriug idealy.-Mr, more are wanted. The price has gone And got quotations.
a • • • • • • office will receive prompt attention, J, John Agnew cant nues, to improve. as high as 606 on the St. Lawrence
g` SP(� A Fine Cluster Raising, Currie, auctioneer.' Gents.-.-Haver a look at the bargains market
ECIAL regular 20c, ,for 10c. S. Q. S. CONCIAM The -date for the in Shirts at Hanna & Uo, oil Saturday ,
• S. O, S. concert ha been set for January 'light, Regular $1,26, $1.00,76c for 25c. YOUNG PEGPLE s MESTIxt1. -The pro.
O d Suit Ali sizes from 141 to 1(114': gram at the Young People's meeting in Medical WlYlg}] aYlif
Ci o 9th, 1902, They . have secured Miss the PresbyterianaZu church on Friday even-
a Farquharson Jessie Maelachlau noted and taleuted FoR BARBERS.-•-S--u Francisco Barbers
Ing was Ono of the best ever rendered at ±
1 A. singer of Scotland,, who has been well in forigtug union llavo adopted the
The choice is yours. ' If received in man laces 'by crowded following precautio: s against disease, I of Sitheseu alto S The essay on the "Life I
houses, Eve to u where she liar, a of fir Walter Scott," by Bliss Farquhar- AexENT G. N. W.
you'^ ,judgment prompt$ CA)NA HOUSE Every p. still it would be well for our 1q''cal �� '' AGs�"
peared has gone lel over thfl singibg. barbers to copy tl eir example The son, that on Scott's Prose Works by
you to save money, and bpp, Bank. of Hamilton. emereiou of tau a a d brushes in scilla Miss Macdonald and the synopsis of the '
Nothing; like it b � Been heard in Canada. g g ''Lad 'of` the,Lake" Lake" b Mrs. Irwin
your taste suggests stylish VVVLWyV 0YYVYYVVWVVV1/VVVv Mr. Robt. Buch :'an, aeo0iiipauist is an watei'after every o eratiou;'the wipin;; y y ' J GRAHAM
clothes let us have your Of razors with alcol 1 before and after were all excellent. W. ut. Miss S. Farquhar- V
artist in that p .rformance: Tb miss i
' order, FOR, SALE. hearing her will be missing' the greatest every shave; th sterilising of hair sou and Mr- W. Pearson snug solus that
brushes; the clean' of strops; separate were well received, as was also Ailsa . Star Photo Studio►
I We lead the trade in , pleasure of yet: c life. The particulars g P P Fisher's instrumental. These meetings
1 lumber wagon, 1 single wagon of •tlfe local 6 'd .other talent will be clean• towels to . each customer; should be largely attended as the pro- Beaver Block.
i P P . b' Christmas is coming and {ollat would
Gelits with iron axle and spring seat, 1 set given later Sit, asictA this date. Jau. 9th• Prohibition of owd r ufes flu re r bowls shams are very instructive as well
double harness, 1 set single harness , and sponge; cli Infection of 811 make a better present than a good•Phota
arnishin g W�NTan.--Bright Dried Apples, bc.- • interesting. of ourself? Call and see samples • g instruments after using; no person Y pea of:
A full line of Fall and 1 plow. Also rooms over Gordon and Butter Fowders l anfrod Raw Fare. Also Roll allowed to sleep in the shops; barbers MONEY To LoAN,-Monoy' to loan on our work. PRICES TO SUIT You.
Galbraith's stores to rent, notes, and notes discounted at reason-
Winter Goods now passed GEO. Mc1iENZI);. G. E. KixCi'. are to keep the' is short and clean; able rates. Money advanced on mort- Come and see.
into stock. `I he latest in A NEW SYsTu3d-A standpipe system, .alum for cuts is to a applied only on a gages, with privilege of paying at the PLANTS FOR CHR15TMAs.
towel • barbers are of to blow hair from end of any year. Notes and accounts A good assortment at the greenhouse..
Who Wang a Farm is likely to be inc'.ituted in Wiugham. '
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Under- ? a patient's ned:, r to blow or ipe collected. Oiilce Beevor Block, Wing-
Manv of the prorr_eneut citizens and ad- ham. ROBT. MC1rD00. Francis Street_
wear, etc. with bare hands t e razor &crops
vocatea of the syr, em have been rehears-
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands DECEASED.-An old resident and
�i��ts and for sale, in 50, 75,100 450 and 200 acres, lots in ins the argument in favor of it the last Notwithstanding a Very 6nCCesSLa1 natiYO of Canada passed away on Still- Going to Business College?
anal As11Greenock.
fl a ock.
Townships., inodrdi nal' H ton day Or two. Pur water does not tinter season, Miss Maepher of as still on P Y `cot'eoeS
Shoes l p question as there aro two or )laud a large stuck of •etty ready-to- day Hist. Mrs. Dulmage, in Uowiok. �•, u e ton as chnnce.aare
of 1
good buildings to be sold chew on easy terms. into the {vear and tastily trit ad hats T �o y
Also n good blacksmith shop tdwellin in eon- Y ,which The deceased whose maiden name .was y the Federated Business
Our stock in this line was neatton) doing a goodbttsiness, for sale cheap, three never•failin ; springs w,}�ich would she will sell at very low prices. Call > Colleges with schools at:
A hotel doing good busing=mg for sale cheap. furnish an ample supply, °`El are- easy early and get the best. Wright {Yes in her 86th year, :lull with , a
s London, Toronto, ami1'
never more complete. All Also a ,vagonshop. A general store with largo her husband, who predeceased her about a� ton, Ottawa, Bernie,iBet-
trade, live 4illage�. Also a large amount of Of Abeess. Wates ford tic purposes °v '' lin, Galt, St. Catherines.
the Latest Styles will be money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- PASSED AtvAY.-Another of the old 16 months, was bora fu Prince Edward d.y
titulars npply to is sadly needed Ya t0{1di�afi Ow1ng to un former ' ` w, p acs c o kn0tvi dge tcC
people has been called away- Jane County, theat Cressy Land ih.
found at this store. insurance
AAaentl,, Ylolwood, the increase 4f p'aulation the walls are Cunningham, relict of the late Joseph latter at Milford, Mrs. Dnlmage.ti•as a business
from tl u3 starectsthaHandsome Tear nnsan book ane 1
becoming germiu tact with disease and i all particulars on application to .
Carr departed this life on Tuesday, '9th life-long Methodist being of fila old �
a continual men to the public health i
' NEW ADVTS. , November, at the age of 73. She was Puritan stock, and her parents among I
of the town. Th the unfailing supply born in Argvleshire Scotland, and emi- Forest City. Business Colleges
• the first settlers of Methodism in Canada. ... .
would furnish era protection and am- Y..M.0. A. Building, London, Onw
Liboral Xeetings. . grated to atlada in 1851 alid,Iget le name of Dttlfuage,' "by the {¢ay,. is
Muth S��S AtG1riIH'1's-Fire. pca of a large fire. ' ,.
e � ' Mooretown, Lambton County. She was j meutioued in the Canadian History of J, F. WESTERVELT Principal. i
Liberula Attention. We should not be surprised if step were
�+ married to Joseph Carr: who predeceased Methodism. She leaves to mourn her - -- --
Smith & Pethick-Dust, taken to have t e change ie next her three years. A real art of her
WINGHAM. J. M. Graham-Sines, Photos. y g p I loss uinp children, forty grand children NERSONALS.
SUE mer. p find fifteen great grand children. The
John McTf{vish-Stnny Cattle. married life was spent on the farm. , ,
Thomas's Bazaar-Jardinieres. Say ) Zurbri has s ethin new in The lived in Leamin•=ton sea en Barb
riIfarliage Licensor gg' g y a y' oltilclreu are Robt. of Saskatoon, Andrew bits. McTaggart of Clifford is the i
Mrs. Green-Big Milliney Sale. the Photo )ine. F of .1 al Photo and moved to Wiugham a year ago last of Wiugham, D. W. in Palmerston, guest of Mrs. J. J. Elliott.
Issued by I,r1ANK PATEasorr, No. 28 Victoria T, C. Graham-Plants for Maas. Buttons, Photo X . Cards, etc. Just August. She leaves five Children to
street. Wiugham, pat. No witnesses required. A. R. Smith-Ladies' Mantles,,etc. the think for mas, presents. First g � William in Newbridge, Mrs. B. Rattan Mrs. Field of Cobour;; is the guest Of
H. H. 6hishohn-Mniiieure Pieces. ( come, first served. mourn her loss: riirS. Janos Turd of • of Howick, at whose place she died, he: sister, Mrs. (Dr.) '•Carolyn:
M. H. McIndoo-New Dress Goods. I Courtwright, Mrs. E. Luck of Toronto Airs. L. Ruttan of Morris Mrs. McKee Mrs. King of Detroit visited Mr. A.
Halsey Park-Watches, Clocks, etc. THE FIRE PROT OTIox.-There is con- Mrs. Nelles of Tilbury, Mrs. Williams I in Fordwich, Mrs. (Rev.) A. Russell, Dulmage, her brother, thin week. i
W. Lent-County Council Meeting. siderable adverse riticism of the water- .,
DOMMOON A R. J. Dobie-Whitechurch Hardware. , of 4Vinghttm, Doirald Carr, of Detroit, gighgate and Mrs. ging, Detroit. `rho Mx. Arthur Hobbs was home- from
works performan on Tuesday roti ins. , deceased was a healthy: woman anil was London to attend his sisters wedding..
NK Postern Advertiser-Best of Weeklies. Jollir Of Win •ham and James On the '
A. L. Hamilton-Pill Story Continued. The pipes seeme to be fillet) with air, as old homestead. She leaves one sister simply worn away by old ane. The Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Walker have re-
D. Ai, Gordon- innitsgiving Offering. I for ten minutes r more after the water Mrs. Findlaysorf, at Mooretowil, a
funeral took place. on Tuesday to Forel- turned from an extended visit in the:.
S Berswell's Grocery-Guessing Contest. was supposed t be turned on there was
(t,��'tal 1$2,500,000 N. A. Farquharson-Choice New Fruits. brother James i" Idaho, Alex. ill Toledo wich cemetery. West.
nothing but wi..d came out. Now wind
' ' Forest Csty Business College-Going to B11ai- g and Duncan in Dakota. 7.'ha deceased Mrs (Rev.) A. Russell of Highgate is
, ..... ness College. is not very goo. for putting otlt a fire. r
Reserve $27 500,000 was alife-ion}, Presbyterifln, rile fun- uliUItoii' Nc►TY.s. visiting her brother in town, Mh. A.
The question ti solve seems to be who etal took place Thursday afternoon to The ladies of the Methodist church Dulma e.
failed to flava t. ie mains full of water? g
GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wiugham cemetery. Much sympathy will give a sacred concert on Friday 1liiss Ellirott, of Wiugham, visited
• 140 11 A
� � � ti'Pho failed to.s +e the fire? How was it c ,
-, , that a Tau co ad coma from Victoria is felt for for the bereaved. evening, 29th lust. Mrs. John Harris in town this week.--
See Halstiv Park's advertisement. WixGIIAuMeztl[ET,-A •aiu filo advan- Rev: Dr. Moffat of Toronto preached Wroxter Star.
street, walling isurely dud be the first
Campbell's Headache Wafers aran- to give the alar ? It has been suggested ta;,e of a market is being discussed for in the Presbyterian church on Sunday Mrs. II. Jaffray, of Winghaln, is visifr-
SHAW • 0 LOCK. teed to cure headache.
that a roan sleep at the wheel house and Wiugha'n• The Timm )las interviewed last, morning and cushing• lug friends and relatives in town this
A General Banking Business Trans- CURLERS.—Thole interests curling be ready to tui oil the water at a a number of "iiiierchants on the matter The Presbytery of Maitland met iu creak.-Seaforth Expositor.
acted. will meet in the ' emen'4, 1 on Mon- momeut's notice. It has. also, been sug- find all aro in favor of the scheme. One the Presbyterian church, Wingbanl, last Misr Sadie Speuca, Brantford,aud Mian
Sale Notes Collected, and at 8 m. H. Pre )dent, I advantage advanced is that the farroels Tuesday. Official report next week. Nettie Linklater, Wingham, spent a few'
Farmers S day next P seated that the t� glit watchman patrol g i
advances made on game. President ttud ice 1'resid please I' the business cart -�f the town a certain could get cash for their produce and Congregational: The services are con- days last week with their cousin, Miss
• l rafts bought and sold on all points ill at o7anada, United States and Europe. number of times each night. Twice . then 90 to whichever store suited them. tinned .this {vael: and next. Everybody Mande Doevzer.-- Green New Era.
'SAVINGS DEPARTMENT-Interest Try Zurbrigg, the III-, ess maker for every hour shoal not be too often to This would.briug about the classification is heartily welcome. Mx. Mal grett's sir. W. J. Greer 'of Wiugham
,allowed on deposits Of $1 and- upwards. photographs. E8p i y for groups. take in Joseph! street. It is to be of the stores, into drygoocls, boots and i subjects for Snilday are as follows: accompanied by his friend Mr. Goo.
Ground floor galler ingllam. shoes eto. The buh: Of the trade would I Morning, "What God Knows."-a word Dobson of Stratford Suudayed in town.
A. E. GIBBON,anF ger. hoped the Couuci will not delay in the +
R. VANSTONE, Solicitor. JOLLY PULLS,-- he Jolly Pulls clos, d matter until som one takes action for be done from ten to two O'clock and to the Christ ianfi. Evening-"RThree the guests of the farmer's mother, Mrs:
their week's euga ement here oa Satur- insufficient fire gotection 'and loss of would equalize the trade by leaving the I Mistakes a Good Woman Made." Greer.--Gerrie Vidette.
day night with a rowded house , They
proper ty. a,' •
were very Buboes .iul here, many retain- or three aeroha11 s have to a r serve of -. ' -
fternoou for the town people. Whf-xe- •
[ tug night after n ght to listen and see. Far Coats and ckbts All guaranteed.
Men's from $16.00 to $50.00. Ladies
B A 111 K A The singing by Messrs. Rico and Ray- {roto 9$20.00 to $;40.00. Call anal examiva. them going out. The townspeople
p . moud was the b dt wo have heard for a Largest assortment iu town, would be able to buy their vegetables Wear Heavy'
i tN'� long time. The illustrated songs were IIAx1tA & Co. olid produce first hand, and fresh, snit
the beat ever sh ,wn in town. Mr. J. AN OniTUAnY. here died at Seaforth not after it lead lain around tho store for'
capital paid up, ,0',1,095,760,00. Pull as a baton`', ,oral' and fire mattupila• ' D � 'hoes 0 •
Reserve Fund) $1,500,000.00. on November 9th, Airs. Noble Clnff, a :e day or two. I;vetythiug would bf,
tor, anF Raymc2d as a comedian, was (sister of Mrs. (Re .) D. Petrie of Wing- sold for what it was worth. If the i '� a�' r j► i'
President--JOYINSTEAM% Av highly entertaiLmg. There is no doubt When our feet are cold ori
Vico•Presidentr-A, G. Bans liar. About twe a months ago she batter or eggs, or vegetables, or fowl j; .,>�,�• ' , � - �
viRplC7'd13s that the jolly I ails are popular enter. caught cold,which .evelobed into chronic were not first class, a price would b0 , „q , e, y
John Proctor, Geo. 11011011 Wm. Gibson, M.P. taiuers and `viiidrag a good crowd at bronchitis andttltil Ately resulted in her paid ftocordiugly. pis it is now a mer-
feel cold all over— hivery
A. T, Wood, bI. P., A. U. Leo (Toronto), au7 times they *,turn. death. Mrs, Cluff s maiden name was chant must pay the same price for good Cold feet are good for the:
General Malinger--J'. TtMXBVLL. Remember our Shoo vepartment Margaret Knecht , being the second 'aucl bad and, often lose n great deal on °r
Bgvings Bank -Hours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10 >% , . doctor's business.
to 1. D0 0$sIts of $l and upwardareceived. In- which is always loaded with Bargains, daughter Of the if a Jour N, Knerhtal, it. To have a market it {vt>lad be
terost allowed, and computed on t]1e sorb No• Our MOttb: "Good up-to-date Shoes to . The marl whose work is morel
veihber and gist May each year the added to give ottisfaotrott for your n'ouoy," of Brussels. She as Born on-the 8th of necessary to erect slluda and an enclosed i -; ' /�/
andA iii 1867, and r aided in Brussels until place for display of rho market Stuff, ° ,
prinoigal. For Men's and Ladies Fine Shoes we P' + or less Out o£ doors ulnar keep his
,Special Deposits Also received at current recommend Goo. A. Slater's make. her marriage. Tis ovtlnt tont: p]nce at Thiswould Illtvo to be ligated in the - r ,if A k .i
.rates of interest, Sold at IIANNA fit CO, )for parental hem on January 29t11,1$79, winter tilue, Suc!' builditl s leave boon - - feet waren. It is important.
Drafts 0u Great Jiritain and the United A NARROW Es .s.PE. --A. child canto since whieb. time he hatl been a rt sident estimated to coat about $500. The to , ,
states Bought and Fold.Don't take chances with list shoes when port. relight to We'll! arocct
tCravollora are Ilotiflrd that theBankof Hain- near) bein kills in Lower Town on Of Stlaforth alit 1 Iter death. Iii her . move then would be for the council
Ilton and its Branches issue Circular bates of y g
National ProvincialBnnk of Rh lana, Limited: 'Caesday afternoon Two itllit WS. who youthful days M iJlu was off4 robust pass a bylaw compelling all to go to the heavy Ones. Settle we have here will keep, the fer;t Warm
olid saris ata
W can be eashed without o large or trou
t,le in nnY part oftlle world. ` o ara told, hail it m Zatland, hacl too ltaaltlt and cl'eet 1 difposrtion and her luarltf;t first with their produce, Atoll protect, the3m from t"e wet and snov►,
w. col;•B0t7LD, Agent ' much liquor for a so of common sense, companion ship vna much appreointed of be. collected from each 1lersbit would
]91, X" DIOXINSON. solicitor. were driving reel:) sly through Lower by her associate Ili hor married life soon wipo off the debt. Ewen if there• i )(pep the feet dpy in sloppy weather.
,T,O�,il w11e1t t]lby� are ileAr a little she was a dAVAt tvitb. an affectiannto was O111Y an average of 40 per `►vt;el: the
They ore last's to wear tend crit prices are luttde to make it easy Cclr -
--7'llo TtnuBs UfficA is henclqunrters tOr Fagot' with a child in it boring drawn by mother and a g od neighbor. To her shoda wot:ld be paid for in f'iv'e Years and
,visiting Cards.
some other ehildrel . , one of the men were born two d ughters and a son, who, after that time the Ii.tlrket would bring buy ttletrt.
There has just been placed in my grabbed the linter, id pulled tilt{ ]rotas with her husbal 1, Still snrviva her, 14ir, ill a xevenuo. Seine tl,erelialus 'think y ' R
,hands for sato a st b e been Placed
tau the B to one side so that lie �trlreel struck the Clufif having be-,1i married before, two we should have Weduesday and Naar- ! r a� '0 t:
line Of xurtYbOrry", ;l nlllrs '1rOin Wing wagon, Smashing t to atoms, The child sons elf the of he forinOr family also days as the market tluy, Otliera thinit ` ,., ^ LE 1O XA L AG E N T.S vr+j
E haul;.large house, part brick veneered. ioacapod with n al aking ftp. The thunk- survive. "'alcl .lug leer eldmt brother, Saturday suflicivilt, Let sonic t'ruva {ia
commodious and eomYi]t to outbulldbigs Ards did not stoly to aaCermin the dAtllage who Moil ill y'OrLh, She is the first break 'mole to briut; it to the attention of the
and bank barn 70x00. All tinder cults- they had dolls. it Wits within nn inch in a family+ of 1 ; auvuu brother and tv<o C;vuucil ua they ara fu favor Of it ttnft
va mage,
xcept "3 g asset' A nal•
► , sisters still relittiti to tnouru choir lose. rap belie vtl tn'ly ueecl to iia n►1k�:d. l
mage, real estate agent, Wiugham. oi' tits child s lif>,• .
+� A
- n i