HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-15, Page 12T119 WINGllAN TIMES, NOV. 159 1901.
,• , ;WEl�C31[VG Idl�l•.i•.S+ ,
.. �� , � M< `* � � � o M It HS.I.TTIK.•^^�i'IigN�I>C, {
On Tuesday,, NoQembar 12th, Rivas- .
view, the residenee of Mr. Geo. Mo-
Kenzie was the scene of one of the ��`cs �' �t`� ►'� �
prettiest weddings of the year, when
their "youngest daughter, Charlotte
Louise (Lottie) was united.la marrh 4. -' N ••� ,
to Mr. Roland Beattie,, one of our Kali
known business men, The house was
AI. L Taste 1 Pocket beautifully dee ed wi h yellow and
Tastes and all P c oral t y
Books, can be, eatisfled with white chrysanthemums, roses, palms and
ferns. The bride, leauiu, on, the ale; of
the. range of qualities and a
.,..., her father, entered the urawing room to
prices In M. H. McIndoo's the strains of Mendelasohous wedding
CARPETSTOCK, march, played by Miss Lorne Gordon.
l;nghsh Velvets, brussels, She looked ohurwing, in a gown of white � C � �
TttpPstrr, Wools, Unions silken train and carried a beautiful b
sequel of white roses. /
and 1:Ierips, also Floor 011 The eerentony was performed bythe p
Cloths acid Linoleums. Rev. D. Perrin, pastor of the Presby- h
R U a S. teriau obarch, the bridal party standing
'-'— under a wedding bell of smilax and ,
The demand for Rugs its chrysanthemums, where they remained
becoming greater each year, to receive trite congratulations of their A • R.
M ►j�'
Ont- stook is complete, rang. friends. A j � 1 �
lin in - t ices from x,1.25 to $40. After a inc"t recherche luncheon, the r ,
g table being iiiust attractive with its de- Wis Furn -,
eorations of yellow and white ehrysatll- Gent's Furnisher, >`
emums, Mr, and Mrs. Beattie, aecunt-
Size 9x12, $26.00. peeled by a number of file guests, drove
EN4LIszI VErvET Rt Gs- t0 the G. T. R. station to take the after- c A S. Just received from the factory a � e
Size 12x15. $55.00. noon train far Detroit, New York and E ,
DRAPERY AND CURTAINS. other American cities. On their return � _ most exceptional collection of Ladies
I)Anv'rY BRussELs LeoE they will be at home to their many C
CURTAINS. i Underwear, I-fosierv. Special—our
FANCY EULU:SD MuFLINS. friends at the Brunswick House./ Ic
NOTTxNGRAb; LACE CURTAINS. Tne bride's going away gown was a 5oc Ladies' Vests are selling. Ori -
TAPESTRY CURTAINS IN NEW mouse colored broadcloth, elaborately
SHADES. tucked and stitched, with which she ginal and Elegant Capes from New
wore a white silk blouse to match and
cable furs. York, Take another look at the
We Invite You' to Test Us The groom's present to the bride was
a handsome gold watch, beautifully $6.00 Sealette Capes; Mantles $ j.00,
initialled. A large number of costly and
A great week for buyers of useful gifts showed the high esteem in Astrachan Mantles at $25.. Ur Overcoats for
Und�rwea.r, Blankets, Hosiery, which both were held. Men. Fur Caps—the most striking collection in
The guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Flannels, Readymade Clothing and I McKenzie, of Goderich; Dr. and Mrs, town. Overcoats and Suits, Odd Coats, Odd
Furs" We have been Overhauling McKenzie, of Monkton ; the Misses
Beattie, of Brussels; Mr. A. Bailey, of Vests, Odd Pants. The distinctive feature of our
the stock ' picking out all the odd London; the Misses Gordon and Mr.
lines, incomplete assortments and Roland Gordon, Miss Macdonald and clothing is they belong to the family of quick sell -
broken loth and they go on sale Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Mr. Robert Beat. e * ,
y c ers. Extraordinary and timely offering of Boys,
tie, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKenzie, A. Saturday Morning at bargain prices all of wiugham. < Youths' and Men's Underwear. Big Bargains in '
}� to clear stock. We will have goods a -
ready early Saturday morning, and -MINOR LOCALS. Dry Goods—giving them up. Going out of them.
early buyers will do well in punch• .-The great givers in this world have
j � Now for Bar»gins.
t asing any of the above lines. Most been the great savers.
t of the odd lines will be sold at half -R, A. Hutchison says his dinner sets
are going fast; see advt. c
price to clear the stock and make A. �• S 1 1 1 T H I
--The telephone gang is here this
. ds ( wuek puttin.- in the new system. c Kent Block, Opposite
room for Vnristmas Goo I `.�
-Au utiempt is being made to organ- Z" Wingham,, •J ' Broadway's 'Hotel.
ize a Roval Templas lodge in town. D
p ' Lost. -A Persian Lamb Ruff, on hlsoaggMlCgAgqqqA/mgAAAggAqqqqqqqq/Vlgl�MggqMq/eAoll�,mqqbiq
■ C U ® Monday night, in Ward 2, Wingham.
Leave at T=, s office.
-The Duke of York has been made �®+���q�q,�,�y�q���p�•®�,
1 PERSONALS. the Prince of Wales, by which title he
A Bedrooms
For $112,50
Instead lo $14.40.
3 Drawers and 1 Door ill Prices never dropped, so
Stand, Large Bevel Plate Mirror
in Dresser, Fancy Shaped Tops, Low, Quality never reach -
Golden Tiaisb� ed so High
21. Suite to select from. Prices from $10.00 to $35.00, Never have
een in better position to do business. We carry the assortment and our
rices are right. If you are in need or apt to need a Salte--see what we
ave• t d6 iti The One Price Store and Always toe Lowest -
Goose cud Duck Feathers Wanted We have been advised front the
wholesale that prices will drop
about New Years.
UNDER,...AKI--Our extensive experience warrants
us in calling special attention to this
Branch of our business, You will find ns prompt, reliable attentive and
fficient. LUTHER BALL, Funeral Director, Residence -Patrick St"
Air, Uraeey's late residence.
�eoeo�oe�eoeoeoeeeeeeooeooeeeooeeoe►eaoeeeooeoeoe�oe w
♦ ,
A Lady
:in Clinton. Clegg's.
Miss F. Robertson has gone to Delor- -Have a look at the new advertise.
of London,
to make known to the
Mr. Allan Wheeler of Listowel s ent starts a continued storythat will be in-
people of Wingham and
terestuig to v5nndav in town you.
NIr. and Airs. R. Olegg spent the holi- -D. E. McDonald shipped six decks
Will be in our store on Monday and Tues-
vicinity that we are making e9,Th
selling the greatest blood ma g
♦ day, November 18th and
19th, for the
days in Ingersoll. I
y g
purpose of demonstrating to
the Ladies of
Mr. W. T. Yates of Toronto is visiting ,
old friends ]u town.
Wingham and vicinity, two -choice blends of
Every person invited to come and have
a cup of Coffee.
4+4♦♦♦♦♦♦94♦♦•ts0♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e♦I" 4♦♦M♦♦♦.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦.O
will in future be known. A Continued Story About Pills � i° �
Wr WtrJt(^r Hall spent Sunday at; -Tho "YoungLadies' Fortnightly
Etbw. r Club" will meet on Moudav evening
Dr. :ivaoway and wife scent Sunday f November the eighwenth, at Mrs. R.-
:in Clinton. Clegg's.
Miss F. Robertson has gone to Delor- -Have a look at the new advertise.
HAVE bought this space i
;aine, Manitoba. meet of A. L. Hamilton, dru •nt5t. He
to make known to the
Mr. Allan Wheeler of Listowel s ent starts a continued storythat will be in-
people of Wingham and
terestuig to v5nndav in town you.
NIr. and Airs. R. Olegg spent the holi- -D. E. McDonald shipped six decks
vicinity that we are making e9,Th
selling the greatest blood ma g
days in Ingersoll. I
y g
of l,timbs this week to 'Messrs. Sneft cC
i and strength giving medicine luown. !
Mr. W. T. Yates of Toronto is visiting ,
old friends ]u town.
Co. of Chiearo, from Wingham, and six
decks fronsBelgravia.
We call them Iron To Pills.
They are not by nny m us a new
Thomas I
Mrs. W. D. nomas upent the
-Premier Ross wills cal: at the West
that is, weVveen making
birthday in London.
Stringbam of VJoudstock is visit-
Huron convention in Wiugham some
in the week after next. The date
au imitation ofr pill, but
�oll�� them for years,rare they 'Miss
will be announced later.
a n
ing at Mr. F. J. Carr's.
made from an original formula.
Editor Mooney of the Ripley Express
Mr. J. B. Laing of Toronto, provincial
is in
They enrich the blood, increase the
was in town on Monday.
municipal auditor,
ici P Huron county�'
l l appetite, aid digestion, improve as -
Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Ross spent Satur-
this week inspecting the books of the
similation, and build np the system ;
day, and Suntday in Gttelnh.
various municipalities of the county.
generally. We put them up in
Mrs. McLellan of Stratford is visiting
-The Public School Board of Port
boles -abort GO in a box -at the
her brother Mr. Jos. Bradwin.
Burwell has reluctantly accepted the re -
"mall price of 25c, or 5 for $1.00.
F.is Noma after
Mr. obt. Ze alt
€ P
signation of their esteemed principal,
Will be sent post paid on receipt of
ing :l tro:tths at Harttiey, Man.
Mr. J. H. Cunningham wile has recently
Mr. John Johnson who Used to run a
been appointed to a similar position in
I ( ) ±
bake -liop here hap nioved to Auburn.
-We omitted perhaps the best part of
Mr. R. J. MacMath was in Toronto on
1llouday iu the interests of his patent
the program of the S. O. S. social last
week.Miss Mabel McDonald s cox-
Ase NOE,,
l� HaMiltou9 DruggistMessrs.
S. Gracey and Geo. Powell of
tome entertained the soisialers with
highland dancing, and received many
$I th attended the of the late
Chea. Gillespie.
Miss it E. Lawrie visited Friends at
`The Jolly Pulls have been holding
Wingham a few days last and this week.
forth in the town hall this week. On
_Wroxo: er Star.
Wednesday at noon Theodore Pulltook
Mr. R. Beattie and wife of Wingham
his bund drive. A
to mann•
Is always up-to-date,
were at the Tecumseh TuesEduy iiight. .
I around town and hid an article. The
facturing, daily Pirst•class Bread
London Fret: Press
y professor followed by the same route
and found the article. A matinee will
of the different kinds, including
John Xi. ,atepheitsoti and,%m. H.
Scott of Wingham were in town last
be given Saturday afternoon,
week.•—Southampton Bea -!on.
, UitN.
Electric Bread
Mr. G. Griffin le'•t on Mro':,i•ay morn-
Altx9TR0xo-In Winghnni, on. November 10,
jug to accept a position in Oa.•Iph fu a
theXzwowrfr-in .Cu berry. o n daughter. i
Fry, on No'veuiber 10th,
Also Fane Cakes oft innumer-
cdwrire Stora. fiat eel" (zt,rdt,t:.
the wife of John Metcalf a soh.
A1tEit--In Brussels, on November 2nd, the
able kinds.
Mr. +d•Ohn Lsd(lfaw of l.urimto town-
I wife Rev. J. (. Abey; s son.
alai attended the f nn�•rltl t,C his cousin
Tdoo vEY—Iii Brussels, on November 2nd, the '
wire of Henry Mooney: a son.
3jr.. Jtt". Xorney it, Morris on 9miday. ;!Ami,ely- do Morris, on November 1st, the
wite of wits, Laidlaw, a eon,
Mr. Spt�rica ante itli:,l �a'die yn�trtct� of itrATiitxRi>'
■ .
Balrantfortl have rettun61 l,r,rt,a rt`iter B1AT%'1E—lQCXNX7tE At Rivervlow,there-
Adence of the. Wide'ts parents, on November
VWting for n ith.;rt time at P. Liuklnter s lith, by l eo,, Perrin Roland Beattie to Miss
C daughter
Miss D. (xtArt+y who lies been visiting �i� ; r°,ttMeAenietLoi
of bot tori! tivinglinni.itor
_ _
tliiends here for the pa"t few weeks r<- f,Ni fMi.by lir bath r G rcoraii Argun
turned to her home in Blyth on Satr.r- AeXvi o to X.sq Mary McCortnick, Moth of
oxyYstA. 011y oms.
A 1^V Lt,,%.—TAA.Nsoti--InOlrosq, on October2P,rd
Quality and Ornamentation
eaQTY+S. Cleo. Tervitt, Kinertrtlinp, Jas, by rev, J. Maxwell Twam-4 A. 'Lues to Sarah,
daughter of Thew, kniuinson, of Culross.
QwwIngs. Listowel, H. Hailos,131cth, D11M.
Orders Promptly attended to.
led Jos. (xray, Preai'ttn. were in town Y�+ t vnxnt.- In Ferran", on. NovotnUer '4th
sirs �Vm, lint thiel, formerly' of 13rugsE+lr, o:te{
rtW thO wr "1{• mother of Chi". liiirehte,, of wifigham, in hes
Satisfaction guaranteed.
'ri,`,.,r. •. 7tr. inti, Mrs, Jen 1 i.lrcl year.
7f acnovAIM--At "Letlnnd, on Novetnher lith,
Daily Delivery.
uit't: vaerEa trT �4"inlalin•1t Oli Sttnttny ;1!:t.•idri. Mnc•ttoz�nid, nKE•d i0yfarr„ r; nionthas
,�. C. Ca seiner of r1VinRhaty. raIlrrt, r.n1t lZ days.
K. ic-dowild, o n Nover]itxr Attt, Jntnea
ill (twn oil Santday. Ur. h. , Lvrnev, ]atlier of %` H. Korfitby, Wingham,;y
e +(d r ! y.urs, 1 month and 111 days.
rlitl)x was lit it]giT tm thiel��x ra l ! rt Tt In Mgrrl+s, ore Nu ember ith, :ira.
Mr. Will «ahnKerr.na:rcl8ayaarn,
City Hall Central Bakery
ibumvAebusinraa. fiMTTiT in 'R'roxett•rr betobrr Nfdtr �oflry
AA Xise (l•regory of `Giiinghain i3art- Amita, ap d 21 years and 24 days,
MATTFIM—in Lu0kn0*, eii Ntrretnber
M the pCIS•t offios. Xeil .Xatthie, aged W years and d motiths,
' +,w•-..,.
s� � ,Y.wr —,; o..■..,. ,,,,;,;..r.w.ra..�■, �+rwW..r ++s.
6 99
' Lio n B,r "em n d
CLOTHING is the result of a demand
from the public of this country for some-
thing that is reliable and something
that will give satisfaction.
p DIFFICULT IVTA'1"1'E1-Q to get Clot•1]ing
that will stand the average boy's wear,
because no attention was paid to the make or quality of goods.
IN THE " LION " BRAND you will get all that is desirable. The goods,
are manufactured specially for this brand and is something that will give extra
wear; not an ounce of cotton or Shoddy being used.
THE CUT OF THE, COAT, Vest and Knickers is the latest, attention be-
ing paid to all the small details which go to give the Lion Brand a style that cannoti
be seen in any other line.
This. Make is the Very Best.
KNICKEI2, PANTS are made with cdouble•kuees and double seats,' strongly,
sewn with the best linen threAd. The linings are strong and durable, and can be,
recommended with confidence.
AND NOW THE PRICE. If anybody sells Boys' Clothing lower than wq
do it is because they ignore quality, risk satisfaction, trust to luck. Go into thin
subject •this season before you buy, and let the BEST win -not the cheapest.
Agent for the p
Famous {'Lion" ! f
I Gordon,randth n
il) 9 Boys Clothing
Just Arrived'.��,
A full line of Coal Stoves, Beaters, Combi,
nation Cook stoves and Ranges, burning both
coal and wood,
The Celebrated Decarbon Steel stoves and
Manges, unbreakable. Buck's Happy Thought i.
Ranges and Heaters. McClary's Famous Stoves
and Ranges, and lastly but not least, Burrows{
Stewart & A-111ne's iinsurpatk-ed Stoves and
Manges. Bent' ;ail to see us before purchasing
A. Young :pans,
WAN 0 H A MI*'