HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-15, Page 11I, �l 7 1 . 7 nu. WINCT11AM TIMES 10Y. 15 19010 power in the matter." M W49 m.04dening to! One wbol ill 00 You mistake, Sir," uttered the based all his (Qrcg. Qf ql4roter upon w "I think"Tii will. AxV added 4° count hotly. "I •seek not power his, title, Ruric as an entire new t1lought TKWIM now. I only seek- a simple word "Sign I" he hissed, came to his mind, I'maybap lie came from one who may have some influ- fool! utterad Ituric, u-441ble here to create a quarrel to that e & -ion as 4 beggar, having sayed longer to contain himself in view of By. my soul, 1 t1link Ile, once, a %e Gunmaker­ 4 "Do you THE MAL the life of a Icing, may, through such stupid persistence. -111 Am sure of it,"' said, Paul. royal gratitude, wield an i�fluonoo. seek 4 quarrel with me?" A moment Ruri% frame quivered 1 °•° Will you sign the paper?" "Seek? I seek Nrha Ap t I vill, have. with suppressed passion, V, all this Seonu - rhon Ile Of Moscow ,j i No 4 qtnugo to Will 3 on vign ?" S said, ❖ Zq Ruric, find he know that there was. "Once more—il o I" "Let them come, and if they 44 UR bv%�ncss t sofiaethin. Then, by heavens, you S 6 A 0 0 BY SYL"NUS COBB, J g behind the curtain, wlilclx' it is come,,or if either Of them comes, enttirciy W11'erwit urlair *0 h was not permitted to know. I 0 a le'knowwhat to thwart such as� %,rbile I ,in gone, tell them, or him, 0 froin what it was ten know the proud and stubborn duke me! ROWS that?" that •lum their very humble servant years ago; it bas expanded well enough to know that he never Al these wordo passed from the la all things reasonable," AI `'"'6" I I h.11, 11.1,1�A 18 would have sent such a message as count's lips, in a low, hissing wbis, until we are, in touch with 4 Paul promised, and tbori, the gun points of Canada. clasped his hand,, vs; this but for design more than per he aimed b w with Ii fist melees turned away, In the hall he sera I it ratlier give taom NVQs,aila he a e A 10 IV! I is for the occasion, for I know of no Tilde their tremulousness. But he had yet appeared.. In short, he at Ituric's head. The gunmaker threw on his Heavy fur pelisse, and, teas not long debet ing upon an an- could not understThe Tolegzm-pb, the Telephone, source of joy so pure and pleasur- swor. . . a and the matter had not dreamed of such a dastard having reached the nearest hostelry, rknd the rical brimil %js orders able as that feeling iii. the soul at all, It look d dark and com- act, and be was not prepared for lie took a horse and sledge and start- from shouson.41s of re�,V OW*.y which tells us we have done a good And why have 3�011 COMO to Me PIC, x, and its face was in direct, con- it, yet lie dodged It sufficiently to es- ad off for Kremlin, within which n= aopt9. with this information , sir? he ask- flict whom nature of the man Gape the mask upon his face,. receiv- the duke resides]. sot, " 'lie dark monk reached ad. from whom it now appeared to have Ing the blow lightly upon the side Within one of the sumptuousli I I forth and Through our Catalogue incl took the youthful artisan's h6d, "Yon should know that already. emanated. Ruric pondered upon of his head. But be stopped not to furnished apartments of the pahl". the Afail we can furnish you Do you not love the lady?).* and, with more than ordinary emo- this a few moments, and lie made consider now. As the count -drew of the Duke of Tula sat Rosalind S with the very newest -incl tion, he said: (CUpon my soul, Sir count, you up his mind that he would on no back Ruric dealt him a blow i1pon Valdal. choicest in Diamonds, She, was a beautiful girl, "You touch the harp strings of ask me a strange question, What account yield an atom to the the brow that felled him to.the floor molded in perfect form, with the Watches, Silverware and the soul with a noble hand, my right have you to question me upon strange demand thus. made upon like a dead ox. full flush of health and vigor and jewelry. -son, and it any deed of kindness snob a theme?" him. "Beware, Stephen lUrzenl" he Possessing a face of peculiar sweet- -can give me joy it will. be a deed "The right that every man has to "Sir count," he said calmly and. whispered to the count's companion money cheorfutly rofundod Fess and intellig P the way for his own r ,once. She was only for You. We may meet again; and surely, CCYQn. have plainly stated as that individual made a movement 19 years of age, and she had been i in full if dosirod. until then I can only say, God bless replied Dant sharply. at!, your proposition, and I will as as though be'would come forward, 1 year-, an orphan, Her hair was _7 and prosper thee. "' you choose not to answer lot it pass. plainly answer. I cannot sign the "I are 1017 a RAE B R_ C S.. J -w am not mielf now, and you golden liuc, and the sailliglit KY With these words the monk turn -4 I know you do love the lady, and paper. "' safest whei a you are;" loved to dwell amid the clustering Cor., Yonge mr-d Adelmide 54roots. .,ed away, and ore Ruric could com- now I ask you to renounce all cTa 1,P The man thus addressed viewed curls. Ilor eyes, wliicb were of a mend presence of mind enough to claims to her hand." gasped The in -quick the gunmaker a few moments, and deep, 1, Tile, Sparkled b T 0 R_ 0 N T 0. passion. "Do yon refuse? " rightly "B when site ' che follow him he had gone from the y St. Paul, Sir count, your "Most filitly." be seemed to couclude, that he had ie was happy, and when ..house. Trio youth wished to say tongue runs into strange moods of 'For a few moments the count better avoid a. -personal encounter, smiled the lovely dimples of her something, but nihid the varied speechl 1:renounce all claims to azed into Ruric"s faro as though he for his fists relaxed and he moved cheeks held the smile even after it JOHN LEVS 'FEAR emotions that went leaping through Rosalind VaIdaPs handl WasIt so aou�btcd the evidence of his own to the side of his fallell friend . and had faded from her lips. There was his mind he could gather no con- you meant,?" . senses. assisted him to his feet. nothing of the aristocrat in her Was averted by the timely use mooted thoughts. "Aye, sir, precisely so." "It is the duke's command" he Conrad Damonoff gazed into his look — nothing proud, nothing of South American Nervine— After the monk was gone Ruric "Perhaps You will. inprul, me antagonists face a few moments in haughty—but gentleness pall love said at length silence. Ills face was ashen pale, were the true elements of bar soul, Doctors die their boat but ret�wned to his bench and resumed what - claims I may have :upon the "The Duke -of Tula'holds no pow- were powerle!$s. 'his work. Ile asked his boy if lie lady, 11 Ruric returned, w%J1 some er of command over me," was the and his whole frame quivered, IIP- and she could only be happy when had evertgeen the strange man be- tr6ixililousness in his tone, for the gunmaker's calm reply. on his forehead there was a livid she knew that she was truly loved. ir. John Lee, of Pembroke, says ;—" I had 'y spot where he had been struck, but In igestion. I had lost my al)Vetite. Iwasrum fore, but Paul only shook his head very subject was one that moved "Beware I Once more, I say, sign -She liked, respect, but she '�purncd down in flesh. I was so s)ck t lat I feared fatal and answered dubiously. him deeply. this. the skin was not broken. and was almost in despair because paper I" that respect which only aims at out- results, , lhp. "What do you mean?" the gun- "Ruric Novel, yot� ,hall not say CC "Ruric revel, " be said. in a hiss- ward show, while the heart may be physician seemed powerless to cope with .You. but waste your breath, 'sir - (V disease. I was induced to try South Americana maker asked, gazing the boy in. the that I did not ma ninddeninc, toiie, "you will bear reeking with vilest sensualism. Nervinc. Ireceived so much benefit on .make myself fully count, in speaking thus. You have In 0' n a Ianswer."from mel The mad spirit, of a Rosalind 'sat Clare in the apart- bottle that I persevered in the treatment, aocZ face' ' "Do you think you have seen understood and hence will ex- my to -day, ti"`m a new man and am cured cpatl 'him before?" plain. " The count spoke this as "By heavens, Ruric Novel, you'll vengeance such as mine cannot be ment which was hers for' her 01-11 pletely. 66 Iq cannot tell, my master. I may speaks a man who feels that he is trifled with." private use , and she was sad and SoK !syr a. L.Rainilton, Winghom, shm this I" the count cried madly. have seen him before and I may not doing a very condescending thing, Never, Sir I" • And with this be turned away.. thoughtful. One fair hand support- But surely you. would not suppose "Paul," said the -unmaker, turn. and in the same tone he proceeded: "But look ye, dirrah, here is e) ad her pure brow, while with the my in to his boy after the men had other she twisted, the ends with the my parentage and very wealthy. gone away, that my memory would serve y . on "The Lady Rosalind is of noble whole future of life based upon 44�dt a word So better than your own."' of this to silken sash that confined her heavy MY hopes of union with this fair girl. my mother. Be sure." robe, Thus sbe, sat when the door Ruric was not fully assured by own. station and wealth are equal Her guardian bids me get this pa - this answer. He gazed into Paul's with hers—my aviation at all events. per of you ere I can have her band. CHAPTE.R TIL of her apartment was opened and a ss face, and he fancied he detected She may possess the undivided right And now do you think I'll give it LOVE young girl entered. This newcorner' Ka. r n t^ .tsome show of intelligence there to more property .than I do; but up so easily? By the saints of heav- was a small, fair creature, bright 7,ju no make Sour bar- which had not been spoken. But he that,*matters not. I love her and an That night Ruric 'Nevel had and quick, with that raven hair and ne.,m as soft an a eov,e resolved to ask no more questions must have her for my wife. I have I'll have your name to this Or strange fan'elox while waking and those large dark eyes of dreamy and %m tough as elle by I M omln6 E- (T)Z,21iAUar- :at present. He had asked enough, been to see the noble duke, her . I'll have your life!" strange droams. while . sleeping• light which bespeak the child of clota 011, Ywi can "Now your tongue runs away M* -cngthen lus ljfe- mate It ' I have given 111fit vvIce As loug As 1 he thought, upon such a subject, guardian, and he objects not to my with you, sir count. Long and o ­ordv didlw rinittler nll- Moslem blood. Her name was Zeno- -rdinadly vo��!d. :and he made up his mind to bother suit, but he informed me that there you my answer. Be sure that only an the strnulge hushiess which had bie, and she. w4s now- about I G Y.P11 rs Himself no more about it, feeling was one impediment, and that was one man on earth can prevail upon called Count Conrad to his shot), ch- -sure that if bis bo know anything her love for you. He knows full me to place -my name, upon. that pa- and in no Nvav, under noliwl t, Co.': . d of age. Rosalind's fatbor liad P! E U Rva� E K, A which would be for his master's in- well, as I know, and as all must a lie got any reason from "ItI. Wh.%. ed her up on the battlefield froill per. living f Merest to know it would be comma- know, that she could never become "And who is be?"' .,he, a Youth who had never -spoken which the. Turks had fled, and, be HaTmAss. oil unable to find any claimant, be had nicated in due season. So he ap-, your wife; but yet he is anxious not "I meau the emperor." witb ibe proud duke save once on I mAkee % pear locking har• brought her home, then almost an nedr, lilte new. udds of plied, himself anew to his work, and to interfere too much against her "But you will sign it hissed Da- common business and wlici •'wpq so pure• huttry botilect oil, to. 'i& prop, :at noon the pistols wereRnislied. infant. And now she was Rosa- ared to rilth- inclinations. So a simple 'denial monoff, turning pale' ' with ra-e. far dowit in the social scale shouthl 0 weatbar. Toward the middle of the after- from you to the effect that P lind's attendant and companion. you can "Here it is—sign! If you would live have been thus called upon to Sol�l or %,Where "' , _fr give She loved her hind and gentle inis- noon, just, as Ruric had finished never claim her hand is all that is —sign 1"' a virtual consent to the, bestowal tempering some parts of a gun lock, necessary, You understand me, I "Perhaps lie cannot wifte," s ug, of Rosalind Valdais hand, wu be- tress and. would have laid down life We Ly 1:11ER111, 01h GoRpoy. -the back door of his shop was open- trust. We seek this only for the fair gestcd Urzen contemptuously. and his ken, Ile was but a ponr itself in the service. ,ed, and two men entered. The y lady's own good. Of course k artisan; she a wealthy heiress .1nd a "How now, Zonobic?" asked Rosa - Y011 "Then he may make his mar lend as she notice the girl hesitate. were young men, dressed in costly must be aware that the duke would rejoined the count in the same con- scion of nobility. and sho was under "There ig..a gentleman below who You Can't 00 furs and both of them stout and never consent to her union with temptuous tone. the legal guardianship of the ditho, would see you," the g-71 replied. .990� looking. The guninaker rec- you, and yet he would wish to have "It might not require much more wbose word, so fat as she was con- Attractive •o zed them as the Count Conrad your denial to show to Rosalind urging to induce me to make cerned, was law. And, again, C "Tell him I ca-anot i7re him," said An Offensive Breath and Dis- my ()n- Rosalind. trembling. Damonoff and his friend Stephen when he announces his decision. 'I ina"rk in a manner not at all agree- rad Damonoff was it count and re- gusting Discharges, Due to Catarrh, Blight Millions of Vrzen. "But this is Ruric Novel, my mis-. "I think I speak with Ruric Ne- have a paper here all drawn YP-, able to you, sii," the Youth return- puted to be wealthy. To- ])a sure' tress. " Lives Yearly. Dr. Agnew's, -.vel?" said the count, moving for- and all thatwill be -necessary is Sim- ed, with his teeth now set and the lie was; somewhat dissoluic; but. "Ruricl" uttered the fair maid- Catarrhal Powc;er Relieves -w ply your signature. Here. It is dark veins upon Ills brow starting' ITIL111, a majority of his compeers an, starting up, while the rich blood In 10 Minutes. ward. only a plain, simple avowal oil your more plainly out. "You have come were the same. ITow, if this count Eminent nose and throat specialists in "You do," returned Ruric, not at part that you have no hopes nor upon my premises, and you have loVed the Lady Rosalind and had mounted to lier brow and temples. daily practice Hpbly recomm�n:ld Dr. Ag - 411 surprised by the visit, sin6ellpao thoughts of seeking the hand of the sought your purpo '!�oa now asked for Tier hand and the duke "Oh, I am glad be has come! 12f)r new's Catarrhal Powder as safe, sure, per- ple of all classes were in the habit se. prayers are surely answered. Lead manent..painiess and harmless, in all cases lady in. marriage." have ve your answer. and for your own , was willing he should have it, why him hither, Zono.b;e.' of Cold in the Head, Tonsilitis, Headache .of calling at his lace to order As the count spoke he drew a pa- sake, for my sake, I beg you to. had this extraordinary proposal and Catarrh. It gives relief in zo minutes and banishes the disease like magic. 65 ;arms. per from the bosom of his marten leave me." been sent to the poor gunmaker? The count turned a shade paler doublet, and, having opened it, he "got until your name is upon Ruric asked this question of him- Fold by Jl.. T,. Iramllto-a,'Wingbaut. than before, and his nether lip trem.- handed it toward the gunmaker, this paper!" cried Damonoff, slink- self a hundred times. He would be - bled. But Ruric thought that might But Ruric took it not. Ile drew ing the missive furiously and crum- gin anal lay, down all the premises be the result of coming from the back and gazed the visitor sternly' pling it in his ]land. in his mind, and,then he would try, + ,coiainto a warm. place. however , in the face. "Are you mad, Sir count? Do to make the deduction, but no ran - he was soon undecelved, for the -count's next remark was significant: "Sir count," he uttered in atone you think me a fool?" sonable one could he arrive at. One THE KING3 fall of noble indignation, "what do "Aye, a consummate one thought, clun- to him like a dim, "'You are acquainted with the La- 0 you Se It am? Do you' "Then returned Ruric, specter at nigglit, which hope would a, with• Zy Rosalind Valdai?" be said. a Su ' "that S`l1k!e an angel and which fear would• "I am returned Ruric, now be- to tell me Olga, duke of Tula, curl of utter contempt, upon his ma THE QUEEN and has commissioned you to obtain finely chiseled lip, "you need have paint � demon. Could it be possible A :ginning to wonder. ? such a renunciation of me?" no further dealings with me. There that Enlin'd had told her love for "'Well, Sir,-" returned Damoneff, 11 THE DUCHESS "Stephen," spoke the count, turn- 'is my door, Sir.) him and. that the duke would pay ,with much haughtiness, "perhaps ' OF DEVONSHIRE. - ine �o his companion, "You heard- For some moments Conrad Da- some deference to it? Ile tried to my business can be • quickly and sat the instructions the duke gave me monoff seemed unable to speak from think so. Hope whispered that it isfactorily settled. It is my desire so, but fear would force this morning?"' very anger.. He had surely some might be to make the Lady Rosalind my " Aye, " returned Urzen, directing deep, anxious purpose in obtaining itself in and speak in tones so loud ♦A Remarkable Offer. his speech to Ruric; "I did hearp Ituric's name to that paper, and t'0' that then could not be misunder♦ - Rurk .Novel started. At these Hers is the best offer ever made in this conimunit • and you have stated the ease plain- be thus tliwarbei) ttK a common arti- 1040041. Finally that )�outb resolved y. By a very excellent ar- oA n upon the mil rr.is'otiitble course. nn e tit made with the Family Herald and %NreeldvStar of 1%rontrenlthe nre mily Paper, the ly. gbiedleto offer THn WINGITor Timm And that great ria "I may be as much surprised as fle concluded'iti let the matter rest, ♦ Family Herald and Weekly Star for one year for the small sumt $1.75 and in, -* elude to each subscriber three beautiful premium pictures of which 0 yourself," resumed t4e count hap gh- so, far ass his own surniivl; were con- ♦ Ing is a brief description, which the follow. ally, "at this strap & taste of the cerned, until he could see Rosalind, 4* People MOP duke. Why lie should seek this Sig- and that lie }vats determined to do as ICING EDWARD VII.—True to life, s, beautiful portrait size !8 X 24 Inches, on beautiful heavy white satin finished paper for framitilt. �ihis trait 'er nal from you I can only imagine SoOn as possible. has been taken since his accession to thin throne, and is the very latest Pand r b,,b R-9 upon his desire to call up no re- -On the. following morning, as he obtainable, It cannot be had except through the Ymmity H33RALD Axt) WEEICLV STAn; each glCtfte bears the King's autograph. This picture has the glawe Used It grots in the bosom of his fair ward. wets preparing for breakrast, lie•t merit of being the first taken after the King's a-zoession, uu.j ho..4 tbetreforil R11111 Olga, the duke. pit. gan re nay that Dr. Chase's syrup of Linseed Ile knows that she was once inti- . I ss by and historical value that no other picture can possess, rand Turpentine affordswonderfully mate with you and that she now -trike off into the llorodillo road. QUE BN ALr,,XANDRA.—An exquisitely beautiful picture of the remark• iptompt rRlief for coughand colds. 0 ably beautiful and good Queen Alexandra, also taken since the IJ:Ing's acenssion Everybody has confidence In Dr. Chose, feels a warm friendship for you. thott-lit he, "il, the time for It to the theonil, Ib is the same sito as Chaff' the Kin g, this two forming a hand. Jn his great -recipe book and fatuous For her sake lie would have this sig- the visit toli And as i.00n some pair of pictures that alone would sell for many times the subscription ptloa 4amIty remedies. They have learned by D as a,, tic, land caten his breakfast he♦ of paper or and pictures. ,experience that It pays to Insist on hAv, nal from you. • ♦Naportralt of the Xing and Consort taken at the second or succeeditiosib- Ing Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and "But how for her sake?" asked profaired For the visit. Ile dressed tInAs can have one fraction of the value of the first. These go down to history. !'Turpentine Instead of accepting the 0 w(1, and no man in Ifoscow had a♦ THE DUCHE&� Op DEVONSHIRM—The Ranowned Gairisborottwh Pie. Orion$ unsolentinc "mix ups" which Ruric, nobler look when the dust of toil tare. Sold At, Auction sale in London tvreaby_five years a e u sto offer as "just as Voll," 'Wlly,,' returned Damonoff, do for 410,5J), Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and you not see? Rosalind in the Sim- %vas removed from Ills brow and • stolen by clever thieves, hidden for over twenty,.toiie oars and Telivored to lav owner on payment of $23.000 reward and since sold to. ft. T. Pierpoub MorAnn for ,"Turpentine contains many of the most -oralua Is an most effective remedial plicity of her heart may think that garb. 'WAG, 4wents for throat and lunt troubles �Ou_ a—thfit you might claim her "Paul," Ile said. enteking the shop This, In brief, It the hIstnty of one of thos %)fernlurn pletureq, which, by that science has discovered, It acts love gild out of pure principle grant whare the be%, was at work "I may Ver Stroke otenterprise, the tublishera of the F aivilly Herald have seoured for Bitch their subscribers. The platuts .1 Vx2i In ton d6lourst arid is roprodaded line for :so directly and promptly wt to be of be biwk at taboo. At any rate, )in 0010,Ar fur c6ldtit with the err last. Copies of the reproduction are now sold Incalculable worth in all cases of croup, it to you simply because you �V'CVO These pills are a -.,Pacific for all • is my intention, and if oithtr of q, In lilac York Olt y, Alontird&I and teal. for &2 oath, and this Is the pictura bronchitis and whooping edut-h- It Is thoflrit elaimalit-11 dIs4ases arising from disordcreel W t go far-reachitig in It -i eftecti as to thos0 nien calls who mere here yes- l?"atly Itekidd pubacribata are going t4 gat absolutely I oe together with tai 16oiteri the t1r4litoot obW cough and "But I never claimod her love$` nerves, weak heart or vvatlovy btoocl. pictures of this Xhilt atkil Queen. pirt, the Cold at long standing, 25d a torday you may tell them so." Is that not big valor? Call fat Tag Tains Offita and see amnplts b6ttI6 ; mvilly olio, t1iree tinien " said Rario witrinly. "It she loves They cure palpittation, dizziness', "But," returned the lad, '4if they 61 these belLutiful pictures. intith, 06c, it All eopi,-ml, or rdm me, sho loves me Item,, bar heart. mothering faint and walk srell.s. You watit Tim WwaftAm Tima for the local rows, and you watit that .40.4 an- ask tile tinv questions?" great pap6r, the Panillv Herala, for its 21 pagai of getterat nervi an,VrAvattif soft, to.tes & Co., Toroontd- 0 01-15 hortness cl� 4r-eatli, swellin.­s ot, fee, With the noble duke I Hover 8 "Atswoi them as you think best reading. Its agrIcaltural pages alone are worth inanythrios the stiosi,46puoix -1 dame 31011L but once, and then lie rd wid ankles, nervousness, sleerless. I "Anel And if they should ask rao if y�tl 01rup for me to temper his sword. It you 1108s, annonlia, hysterla, St. VftU­.,:' I d rl 0) t P" 130D90t,96nd Your subacriptitla to would marry with the lady) dO, 80, dance, par:lal lialrah-sm, brain I' wo" 04 Limee-9 -, •: "Tell light? that I hold lily life as 4 THE INMES orriez. and if you, seek help. in the work ft�mala conv,�lliintSj n-cil-'ral dc� too dear to tell to such a they.,, seek it from those who 1111ve SOHO izad lack of viUtlity. TriCe 50C. it "But wolys WY Ta"tof rile Garrett