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The Wingham Times, 1901-11-15, Page 10
.T ,von T^•, Wti R�'1y..MINI,', ■w.'��.jM{(_'Jc)r1'+■,{/{�Y��YN•�TAT li.t`{i THE i• Yl • ! R.' '�I! hIldM en Cry for, =TA.FILaMUFJ1 1979 ll��ilALS .l T COKE ����'J.CH4. a M, 1i.•g L- " 7•T AiM1 R. +h�GTU IS PUBLISHEil A Soup. 10tellon F:Ntabliahe III Ontrolo• W. ... +itldxill:a A`:1• F"1g1NH'liPrtllt The1llaliilftit'tur••rs of tiltl popular �� ,,,.�_ r, r i TOW DIRECTORY. EVERY FRIDAY MORNI.IVG axt,llca111e Iron. VY+r>�e. L,snal,:lnv Dit►inoud Dyo Mat ,diel Rutz 1 attoruti Are TME QQUOR i Vii-, _,AY The Pratt-I+etalltwart}k at ilithig Orders duily, frock All tiwl ions of ------,-.- The Times Aillce, Deaver Bloek their big ,shops in Damao furnish it _ - h T , •1 � k e. T G•i tt l t c he It t o .. i s he t a t i, t to 1i 1 l prt)tty (leSi)t11ti tll•Q atti'al:titl:: the) stteu- : P,.11r}zST EiA(aliS17I^Snbbatll BgI'ViCa6 at W NGFI E Aa�Si ONTARIO. e o •1 'their • n tit the non meal o c1l In urea of ,'tone►'• t!#iu. of all wk►tt,kln wire, ire intPtestasl in Th-- tnovemmt now on ,foot amongst ilia 111 and 7 p an. Sunday $011001 At -•--- earn of five oents, and diel !(tell is oleo The Ponitty of Rnrou llaN 110011 111111!:, , the plakins up of houittitiado mats slid ill 111„ l rce 0#hurchea of Great 1 ))taro to total 2:80 p nn. General prayer meeting 1 evenings. RO t• o etll ostlerv. J. J. Pa 11 Wednesday[, fl Ti mica o S Tru3call+TIow-- 1.00 per annual in t. , if 'lot H rill to l 1 N u1 1 0 ( i• p 1 r d aeon that is attracting' widespread atten- tion. rtal2y ntrtartnil kke i11 that lova uY its( pro p rntzs, l,ach ptluktlitl is brought out to sti aura ane) 1lnilllon pledges W.J.01lal1manI S,t�, tiltuc d t{]1 all arrellra itro fold , except at the Good •seujl and Coffee ore pre)• milaent pubic loon, 1'ar tivlthitl a Caul• 1'#111, r1oh colorti Oil tiles beat 11upelrtetl ab,itinence, by a 1l 401ty, widespread, nden9tOr, caupel'intqut'leut. Superintendent. option of true publisher, Paled each (la in the foundry undo �' I9aa ttlYdly Siler, peri0(l!t itis 1.+shit,loin- Sootolt Hossiail, rent?` for hooking. Scores of pretty crontiovis male from. but well coacerte(1 Cam'pai'gn, should Gtt7iada Int METHODIST �lHUROH--*,SabbAt11Services ADVL•nTISINti RATrs. - )[toga, and other casual iulvertisententssoPer Non nriollinefor first insertion, tion, 8e por lillp fur kacplt furnished with broad to till tho leen them Iser who sioukl high lu pklblio voltti(1Pi#oe; tilt, Dittnlctttl Aye Mat sail. Fn;; Pat• stir all to irllewed effort at 11 t1 Irl :Jud 7 p nl, Sunday School tit subsequent who want at price which payg- Men Nwho llnd been Articultlrl u-iifill 1 Y tortis wero exhibited tit tho autunill fairs til � temperance conflict. It is evident 2:80 p m. Ppwtirth League every Mon- Advertisements In local columns are char gc+ci lino the past of the food. Th -are is, no. thou (lay, alit, whose places arO ll:#rIl t0 anti attraored Iliacili attontic/ll. The �ik)1ls & R'4011l1r$x,1n Co..l,tllut8(l, 200 that the hlext great lite ill moral re„ day ev011ill+j. General proyerllleethig on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard 10 ON. per for first Insertion and 5cents por lino for welt subsequent insertion, chargei for the ,Service. , All, Here is the list, til° lira threkl of Monutuiu St. 1louxreal P. ., will send f'at�u1 fault ba tkle abolition of -the its Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup• Fi�Almsfor$tilt)ortoRout,findsimil, i3tra�Yyoa, G,simihlr #l.Opfor Theidea with p. P. 1iEk10iI1 satin the I+ef;lsittturN together; pOMt pttld to an,: ilddrras a11E!etai Of neNr liquor trAYf1C, C1t1nCr by sapP(7'g erintenC eat. 11rat mill,] and 50 cants fUl• each or Letchworth, and it coma to ]1lIr11 when tch and it ca Thomtl9 G1bSQl1, Px•AI.P.I", tleRlt'ga t0 enable ladles t0 nulk0 pt(tper' : lltlr tllrangh moral suatsian, Or cut. PRESeyTERIAN CHURCH—Sabbath set, month' daNTlmfoAO% RATFs-T1001%ho aAldnvertiements tho National Foundrymeil's Assocla-` A.11.[. Gibson, ex-M.P.P. a Archibald Bishop, l.i P. solectiolla. tin} it down by legal prohibition, or, b� tter still, by a Combination of both Viceb at 11 a in and 7 in. Sunda p y School at 2:$0 p m. General prayer our rates for trio inyprtioil of advurtiaements forspeolfiodperloda;_ tips of 1vhi011 h0 \viL$ president 1NaS disousaingi `the old question of thG re-, ea- Robert Gibbous, ex•1t[.P. • �_ ... ._r• mrttn . This feeling more or less nicetuig oil Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perris, pastor and S. S. Superiuton- SPACE, I YR. GUO. 01610, 116tH On Column..........$00.00 $85.00 $15.00 ta.M nation t of Capital and Jaber. UA M. 0. Cameron, ex.M.P. New,tpaller Subscription taws, accentuated !s not confined to any dent. HaltOolunln.......•„ $5.00.. 18.00 10.00 4,txf Quarter ,,w. 18.00 10,W 0.U0 2.00 thought that suvti a plan would bet Robert Porter, ox -11.P. Anyone, who ettlies a Periodical from P one Country. It is p rvadirng Chrlr. The increased attention ST, PA11I,I,S CHURCH, B1,IsoOPAL--Sob- bath services at 11 a in and 7 p in. San, Advertisements Advortlsoments without a )eclflc dirk>gtion.1 be iTrnnited tiliad°vdlild aneuthargn � to the advantage of the mon and that it' be another mail of draw - John Mouillau, ox -.51_11. t11q oi%ice for three luoathc, ��: �lout re' tvndom, which is given, to the problems or Pot" , 1 prRBV n 9 Sing O 1 W6l ll88da ing Lop a for in ndvantcce. ,would Ino closer togethox employer and em- They They were all strOn(,r melt i:r tt po:itic- Al Sense, surf men of tleCldPd Ch:1t'a(•tei`. Puling, the same, is reeogulnsd bylaw as :t subscriber to til° same. Y °rima and IWbor, ill fact every eV0ll111� Wm, Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S. .ient o al is stocked with an extensive axvortment of all requisites ployeo, The, idea bore fruit in thel --U.11uton Now Era. Subscribers who do not give express effort havinT a philanthrOPle motive; Superintendent. Ing, Affordingfor print... in ging lttier4 not e v lied. in the h tiCkitche which � of rho' notice. to the contrary, tire Considered as is urging rho rum gttestlon• to the fate. :The fight thickens, every day CONC}IiE(}ATIONAI. OHvxali.-Sabbath servicesatt121m�Midweand m. type and appropriate outs for till styles of Post• latest t styles cl p Han,) s Of• o C m npara t Q P y to -day. , It -is an, innovation in foun- Tide Settlement wishing to renew their' subscription. 9k meet! g'on est ylbyppY rtRe Rneli �p of Ne1v Ontario. If subscribers order the diwoutiilnance Th-, brand of infamy is burned in ns at 8 o'clock. Gavin Wednesday evenings ing, H. B. ELLIOTT dry practice, and it is expected that Tarorlto, Nov. '�. - Mr. James Con- of their periodicals, file publish©r mal :more deeply every year. The eenvici Wilson, S.S. Supt,; A. E. Prior, pastor. Proprietor andPub$sher who 74 the 'success of the enterprise is =cc, M.P.P., who is ati the Rossin continnh to seed tlleut until all arrear- tion €,Tralva more intense everywhere SALVATION An= --Service at 7 and 11 imderstood, other institutions will Souse, referred yesterday to the re- Mr, Whitncy.s Have- ages are paid. that mi'na's deadliest foe must be a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and during the at 8 T P, KENNEDY bit r).. M. C. P. S, O. t' • (Member of the British Medical Assooin. follow the example, The Isoup kitchen was it port of speech at loci:, in which the leader of the, Op- if subscribers ashler or refuse to take slain. Though the battle seems to wax -weary for t}le moment, filo tem,; every stoning wee o'clock at the barracks, tion,) Gold Mecutlust in Medicine, S ecial attention at , p �n Women an experiment whop wa+s eatab,• p fished. About 25 r Per cont, of the "Not, poesition was quoted as saying :- Not their periodicals from the post office to i Ince main worth of the name has •t Y . CHRISTXANANDMISSIONARYALLIANCE, San mvlilld ren. Office hours -1 to 4 i� i p. employees made use of it at first, and nna settlor outside the men who had which they are directed, they are re- sponsible until they have settled their W Yielded to despair, God lives. He is -Meetings as follows: S. S. at 2.80 P. in. Fellowship at 4 p, in., and even- DR' MACDONALD, noNsf about two-thirds of the 700 am, gone to work on the railway had gone bills and ordered their discontinuance. the Goal'of this war. Marvellous pred ggelistio at' b p. m., every Sunday in Hall, Centra Street ployeeFA imake use of it. It is# not W, it iqto plew Ontario under the conditions If moth to other places g rens has 'berm made in the sixty years Ritchie's Victoria St. charity, is a business affair, wliere-' of the Algoma Central Railway 11!11, subsuribrms without informing the publisher, and the fight rhos boon cn• Victory is as POST Ormos-In Macdonald Block, Office hours from 8 a ill to 6:80 p m. Win on, g ]irOntario.. in ;the mein pay the °o9' ' , price of `what wbieh; called for a thousand settlers the papers are sent to the former ad- surf as we live. A righteous principle Peter Fisher, postmaster. they get and the figures show that 0 Sear. Mr. Conmee, said that Mr, dress, they are hold responsible. # Camuot b16 ultimately defeated. Every , . MEaHANlas INSTITUTE—Library find 1° �,cti. ACNE W' they' apprea}ate It. , 1 ; r '1Clergue was not silly living up to the The courts have decided that refusing field of investigation is helpnig us. free reading room in the Town Hall, will be en eve afternoon from 2 to Pp Physician, Surgeon, eta. Cacnrrh Cannot be Cared 3ettar!'of the act in the_ matter of im- t0 take periodicals from ,110 Ofi1Ce Or re- The focus formed by the converging , 6.:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to Office-Macdonnld Block, over J. E. Davis' with LOCAL APPLICATIONS , as they can - migration, but -wm exceeding it. The moviug: and leaving them uncalled for, rays -of light which are falling upon it 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, Drug Stora. Night calls answered attlieonice' not reach the seat of the disease. nuen being brought in were mostly skilled: mechanics and they would be is prima facia evidence of intentional will burn up this unholy 'traffic, root and branch. Given such an iniquity; librarian. TOWN CJOuxou.-Win, Clegg, Mayor; g,. . VANSTONE, Catn`rrh ,is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must it,you parma>�ent residents of Canada. They and ivea the lave of humanity in g y Win. Holmes, Thos. Bell ItQbt. M°" Iudoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean BARRGSTER, SOLICITOR; ETC. talc° Iurernal remedies. Hull s Catarrh Cure is ttucen, iuternfllly, and acts direot- railroad, but in the mines, the, offices, Long Life is Inherited the hearts of men, and such must be + Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. For- Privabeand Compnity funds to loan at lowest• rate ofinterest. No commissio.teharged. Mort*. ly oil the blood and mucous surfaces. iaboratoriesu and all the other ludas- tries (springing up in new diatoric. '!t This statement you can pirovo by in- the �elslu4b The Methodist Church !a this cosh �+ilson, Olorlt and Treasurer; Samuel Youhill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- s >a y+0111co Be ver Blocic. Wing bought and sham. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack y medicine. It was prescribed b one of xn%ght be true that as yet compare. vestigatiou. When a person whose an- cestors had lou lives dies in middle a e g g txy Inas lane been pledged to total lector. Board meets first Monde even- 3' ing in each month at 8 o'clock. J A. MORTON, the best; physicians in this country far years, andel a regular It �tively few farmers had been ;settled you can in nine eases out of ten trace abstinence, and is naw committed SCHOOL BOARD. --H. Kerr, (chairman), BARRISTER; scot, t toniptiou. is composed of the boat tonics known, bjr• Mr. Clersue, but that was not the cause to disordered kidneys and con- Sequent suffering from Bright's disease, tummy times over to legal Prohibition. Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. combined with the best blood at: P !lees, directly practicable. yet, though some had ar- and rheumatism, fatty heart or dropsy, Dr. The evils we complain of will not de- Homuth, Wm. Moore, Thos. Bell, Win. Button •,try; Wm. C. N. Griffin. Secret Wingham, Ont. Theactb the uuof til surfaces. the perfect combination of the in. rived others were going on. There xval,s, he said, plenty of farming Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills prevent and cure these fatal and painful diseases as areas.; by being let alone. Surely the tiro,, has came when there should be , Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Robertson; T,� L. DICKENSON, .two gredients is what produces such wonder - ful results in curing Catarrh. Send for land in the country, anti farmers; had no other preparation was ever known to a revival of eff�o�rt in the direction' Meetings second Tuesday evening in each mouth. L. BARRISTER, ETC: testimonials free. a ,splendid market at their gates., do. One pin a dose, 25 cents a box, of both moral snlasion and legal pre_ PpBize SCHOOL 7.'EAaHERs:-A. H. M P ' 1 M' R b t OfifiiolicitortoBanlcofFTarailtoxi. Monevtoloan, F. J. CHENEY & Co, Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists price 75c. ' BEET SUGAR FACTORIES, hibitidn. No one denies that moral M ss Revn'olds Misps Fa lnsshooex n, cp-Meyer Brook, Winglntm. Hall's Family Pills are the best. suasion is right. In .public discussion Oorii yMiss�Vanstoue�Miss Matheson Found az Last. ' ' RTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. The old-fashioned huskingbees on A liver pill that is small and sure, that The indications are from informs_ -Satanic as the subterfuge may seem and Miss Reid. A -even the rigouts aE the ileacs" trade BOARD OF HEALTH -Mayor Clegg; Doctor ofDeltta113ur�geryofthe Pennsylvania the burn floors, with their fou and nets sourly, quickly flncl thoroughly, tion received by the Department of (chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg- Dental College and Licetttinte .of the Royal frolic, are passil5g into ancient, history. that does not gripe. Lasa -Liver Pills advacttte this method of dealing with College of Dental Surgcons of Otttario. Office possess those qualities, and aro a sure Agriculture that nest year will wit„ cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- over Post office, Wingham. The work of huskingand shredding the the victims) of intemparance, The ret Dr. J. R. Macdonald Medical g nLISS quite a development in the lug, �+ , note for Liver Complaint, Constipation, right of- legal prohibition is not, how_ Health Officer. , corn which was once done by a jolly Sick Headache etc. or beet imdustry, for which a bounty crowd of ftirm folic, is now performed ' ever, so universally admitted. The 'l�i % T. IIOLLOWAY, D.D.S., was provided by the Legislature. last New mobhoa for W& by mechanism. Science has put the denial of this right. is in opposition painless ox• husking bee out of business, and is The )tinter lrafr at Guelph. session. The subject is being taken PIAN©, AND THEORY traction. NoCocaiue. A first draft of the of y in several portions oll to the, very genius of government ur_ Specinlattentionto the enre and regulation knocking out nice, shredding programme tip active, of ehildten's teeth. Moderato prices and all $ Y corn at dolt free institutions. A salf.,govern- MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. woriccarefull skilfully the Ontario Provincial Winter Fair, the Province, and a number• of far. carefully Eormed'. Office the rate of 600 bushels a day. 'ing peopright to le always has the rigin Beaver Blocic, Wingltaln. to by held in Guelph, December 10 to tomes, are practically assured. • The and member of the Associated Musicians of protect itself from a gigantic evil by Ontario, is Prepared to receive a limitedntim- If a child eats ravenously, grinds the 13 inclusive, has barn issued. The factory at Wa}laeeburg is now under her of pupils for instruction on Piano and in teeth at night and picks its nose, you crystallizing public sentiment into Theory, JOHN RITCHIE, exhibit of cattle, sheep, 5tvixle slid way, and Stark will, it iss esp`cted, Special attention given to pupils preparing J may be almost certain it has worms and poultry, oliva and dead, will'this year b3 pushed rapidly this fall as long legal enactment. Failure to give for oxaminatlons. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, should administer Dr. Low's Pleasant neclipse any previous exbibit, Lee.; as the weather will allow mea, to effect to the ,will of .the peo& staid. Residence -opposite R. C. Chureh,Wingham. 1 Worm Syrnp, this remedy eoutains.its Wingham Ont. tures, with illustrations, will b+ de. work. It is intended to have all the fies any gaverninmt. It is time that t own cathartic the prohibitionists . of this country OHN OURRIE, WIN6HAM, ONT. y 'livered on the desirable and undesir. machinery on the ground before AFy Il IIII Elliott,'+ S. should, in the namh -of freedom, dP II I,�I�II� I L l J able paints of beef cattle, dairy ril next', ad asp to comY.� within the, � NII J. J. , V. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. � scows, sheep, bacon, pigs and mutton. Dominion act remitting the dui mamd action on the part of the Dom_, Honorary Graduate of Sales of Farm Stocic and Farm Implements a y Ontario 'Veterinary specialty. !niton Government for rile relief of - ,ilm,yng those who lav i agreed to take the2•eon.• i� College. All orders left at THE TlatEs office promptly our oppressed country. Office and Infirmary attended to. Terms reasonable. part in the meetings are Hon.Sydney At Dresden, also in Kent County; corner of Victoria and Minnie Sts., Winghnm. Fisher, Hon. John Dryden, Profs. acreage contracts are being secured ], p Day and night calls ►A � ,.. *1 R.obzrtsou, Grisdale, Davy and Dean, from the.farmers, and the erection of VIfE LOOK FOR YOUR TRADE. �d dl promptly attended to. IIIlRS'■ W. H. iAELE - a. t es a fine facto Telephone connection. Messrs. F. W. Hodson, J.V. Flavelle, factory is expected to be ''be. -r _ t 'Wm. Davies Packing Company, Tor- gun at an early date, The Michigan Serving the public kith care, attell- FARMERS Classes iii China Painting. [rn to ; C- C. L. Wi ]son, Ingersoll Pnek parties who are interested are said ti.ou, honest goods and low prices, has Oil and Water Colors. k a , given us a high position amongst the Also a now revelation Min for firing g Company, and C. r Hodges of the to b_ well pleased with the attitude g china. k druggists of Canada. We look for your . and anyone having live stock or other Studio at her home, Catherine Street. .Tartners Go_ -op; rative Packimg Com- of the] farmx;rs. ; , trade, and will use .every endeavor t0 articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- , pony, Brantford. Everything tise the same for sale in the Ticum. Our large C polars The Boards of Trade of Galt and make you a regular customer. circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if E �TELLE GRIFFIN s' towards a large) show of dressed pouf. Guelph are securing contracts from Our supplies of pure Drugs, Medicines, you do not get a customer. Weean't guarantee . ]' try. Every effort is being made by farmers for the supply of beets;, the Toilet Preparations, Perfumes, Brushes, that you will sell because you may ask mora Combs, Sponges, Etc., will. interest you. ' for the article or stock than it is worth. Send WINGHA6x ,the committee to make this display former baing already in negotiation , y9ur advertisement to the Tnms and try this There is a noted difference PAINE S CELERY COMPOUND. plan of disposing of your stock and other TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE: instructive and interesting. There with a company, and the latter pre. We are folly prepared to fill your articles. will b- a large exhibit- from the fat- paring to make an offer for the loc&' Pi p in the Style and fit of Pants. We orders for this popular disease -banishing Pu in repared .for Conservatory of Music teeing station, illustrating the ad, ticu of a factory in ;that vicinity. medicine. Knowing its polvers and exam at vantage of the use of the cramming Burlin. has all but closed an agree,. virtues, we strongly recommend it as Z'HL' make that always brings peo- miachines for feeding, from the regu_ ment for a factory, while negotia. blood purifier, nerve bracer and flesh VIOLIN AND GUITAR. ple (lack for another pair. lar fattiming coops ; also a builder. Paine's Celery Componnd is no HOLSTEIN DAIRY good di, tions axe pending for one at Walker. new remedy, it has been tested and sue- MISS CABBIE MOORE � Then there is the IoW price play of birds, showing the effect of tca• eessfully used. in till parts of Canada by having added a separator t6 their plant, now of London Conservatory of Music will be pre- -food on the color, of the flesh. As tens of thousands, and has never failed. oiler pared after Oct. Ist to receive a limited num- and better qualityof cloth put. usual ,lure will b� a cramming m3. Smallpox and Vinegar. COLIN A. CAMPBELL, Druggist, ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and e CILARIFIED MILK Guitar. The vinegar treatment as a prev9ntat- Wingham, Ont, Residence -opposite It, C. Church, Win Isom. in them—cloth that Wears, ch}me on exhibition, also crates of S ive against the contagion of amallpox,tlis- to the people of Wiaghnm. O,tr cows are ]cep, VLrds, which will be fed from the ma. A story strictly clean, so that we are enabled to offer See- our new goods and prices. covered and introduced by Dr. 0. F. y is printed in a Dawson news, absolutely clean milk, iced in summer, during JOB PRINTING, ' rhino twice each day during the fair. paper about the prospecting tour of H. June, July and August. • At tilt-- opening mactin�•, Hon. John Howe, county health officer, ACChiaon, 8 conte por quart delivered once a day. Heads, Books, pamphlets, Posters, Bill E BST R �+ Kansas has ' passed the point of more W Bracken, who has returned to Daw- Heads, re art, t &c., moderate e the best Dryden will preside, and the other ' p P son after six mouths in Nbrthern Alaska. ehorb of o• art, at moderate prices, and ou a theory, and is now an established fact lspeak� rs will b. Han. Goo. 1. Ross, ' ' According to Bracken'sT narrative, while s.:: ,J t' '- a,et +i ` BoaltBnPDINo.-We are pleased to announcetr,r? t :+v Yi»�a#ta' having been efficient in several hundred ' that any Boolm or Magazines left with us for « ' ��kf s!f #rYyKfiUi31J?uisl •--~ ]Ion. Sydney Fisher, Irof. 0.0 James eases of exposure in the city of Atchison in the mountains about one thousand Binding will hove our premnt attention mo !7 p y miles from Dawson he and his com.: Prices or Binding " and Prof. J. V. ILab�rtsbn. and Atchison county. Many of those ' ®� application to gin any style willlbe given on exposures have been the nurses, as well pamons ascended a very high glacier, THE TIMES OFFICE,. Tangy in the Blood as many others that it was impossible to There they found a herd of mountain SOLID RUBBER Wingham. l isolate from the original ease of small os sheep frozen in the ice. The theory is - p ' RAILWAY TIME TABLES. for want of room. In other words that amid -winter blizzard had caught Cay" �" i % TRADE MARR8 �i�z�� ��ety 2��c� Death g ' them. while stampeding, and thele the GRAND TnuxK RAZLvvAY SYSTEM,' DxstexN3 vrl a Acid the Cause of SeriouN Or- anyone, vaeoinatfd or not, can nurse a ttftrsie Cl►sassy, ('arty, Heart, case of smallpox without fear of con- sheep huddled together and perished, 'qy� palmerstoh .............. a 53 1111 a 55a.m. - Anyone Bonding n sketch end dose% »L16 &e p Brifsht's Disealxe, Unlarged Liv- the snow gradually forming an icy Coat- Tires e s London , a.6o a m.... 1S.lOp.m. gtliok_O nsaortnet our et even free whether g9 t oro aind Thain Disease's, tracting the disease if, at the same time MncardinW...... a.m.-. 6.5 p In,., 8,38p,m, Invention iv probably patpnon fr Com then a Ile iiae 1119 vinegar 111 tableap00fn1 (loses g Auluv1, rnobl tions,strictlyconddentlal. IiandbdokonPatents, 'Will erarryheavy loads and Kincardine....a.4Un.m.. 8.65n.m..,. g.10 m sent fro& oldest ntteiigfor socurinir stents. ,shrive kidneys form What is known as . P. PntentA taken tliroultb Efunn, !; tA. receive Foul poisons left in the blood by de- urie acid. Its presence may be detect-. four times daily in a cup of water, It Chlidreh dry for Witlistarid fiord ServfCC. London .......... .......11.10I<1n#... 7.66 p.m apeaialotottea, withoutchnrge,lit the ed by such ailments as dyspepsia, asso. should be taken in less amounts by Palmerston............. 2,45 p.m,... 8:88 p.m rioted with irregular bowels and •Ari CVCr-StstLfattorV. eas1T- R• T• SUTTON)Agent, Wingham. SC'Q�'�' � ` children. Dr. Howe advises the use Of C11 CASTOR IA., highly -colored Urine. There ridiriR wheel tire. �yANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWA1i, AhanAsomoly 111utttrnted ,weakly. I.nr>zest sir• tare pains of a neuralgic nature in the pure oiler vinegar only, as all others "' W ThAINS LXAVE Iron calatiou of any Adobtind )•rurn,tl Terms. 0 a back and In the joints, sleepleawnights, contain alcohol. Fven after the person Landonly'ree Press:--1�otiv cwt apples,' Every set guaranteed. TorontoanclEast.....,., O.6i am... 8,2u p.m, oar; lourmontha„°:L so14by:tli nowedealere, Aidizziness. headache, depressed spirits Teoswator .............. 1.82 pan,...10,48 p.m. .`1 Q �1 0819tmdwa , Holly 1' *nd impaired memory. exposed rias rail tblmbst the entire Frolt a sanitary point of. view they are Cass bo fitted to any wheel, Anulvz rnom ffiv � UG C y H V i Yo, k tit Fatty heart, dropsy, apoplexy and fncubatioil eriod the 1789 of vine ar v9r useful, The eb7ltaln acids that Teeswater.,..,,OXMin. .... 825P.M. nrr+,•uOmen.(Mi ; et..�v+,:,+r,t,M1n.n L. u9tsrt disease are the usual termination' p , g y y Torantoancl East ...... 182 p.m.;.. 10A8 p.m. t • will either abort the disease entirely dr are mild yet Stimulating, and ata anti• send "far Catalnauo. T. H. BEEMER. Agent, W fi gham. f uric acid is .flit in the blood. It is $ C rious !natter to neglect these aymp- modify to the extent of having all the soptia. An apple eater is said to. have bUtfLO]PtTIRE 00. mg inx. The home treatment Prescribed prodromal symptoms without the dis- neither dyspepsia nor biliousness, and to b Dr. A. W. Chase haat proven sac- � ranowro. ul in many thousands of cases, figuring eruption. To gat the immediate . en jOY a clear head and a clear complex- IT - PAN Mr. A. W. Parson, Martinville, que., control of A smallpox epidemic in it - ion. To persons Witha goaty tendency ' � S rt tel: -"L was a sufferer from kidney u easend bladder trouble for 13 years, commanity�, everyone should talto a a ripe apple, peeled, eaten with a little ! - d hal a constant deweire to urinate course of vinegar for a 'week, whether salt and well masticated, is useful taken i cave,tlnna','r:,de.rl,rkx obtained :tnl atipittene th it arses iia Yl g eaknesa. Medi , . i �r �-y!��- �•� �r business e:onduated for MODER1Tt( FEES. bly pterlbed by a skilful )physician exposed or not. Diluted vinegar applied shortly boforo retiring at night, Food � L O ALV .i'a ib 11SE f,fKcbisIn tileitumed,vtc viclnityefthe Patentof6ce Est et• lneg temporary relief, The _ local! will cO, tol the itching of small authorities say that it is one of the nasi- Sendnd mod pities tch or ritotopatentcannr.tion wi-% /r y p + �', " y Send mode), sketch or nhmogrAph arinvautioa wit,' T t dYrIf old recur ! d Vero awkward A1*r- tion nttdstatem,:n1 as tr, adelatage, alarmed, enol rierivaded to try br.. ox. A sli pert' alfa poultice applied est of all vegetable substanaes twirl! I��i.i pY.rrx, �,re a),n.rno i.r ,atttle for an n»lnion rxa rd @ dtdney Liver fills. 2 obtaindcl to: the face While in the vesicular stage whloh the'stoinaeh has to deal, requir'• - - - IN THE pato►►thbiloy , and rtv 'fes ter preaeauking thn onC date, and b1±1'orn I lYtld application tell Simi S3 belied or ,tutu tha rite base Pant );atter tI h lti will not only abort' the partular stage, ing alt hour,•and fifteen minutes for per- �. ` o PAiEIIT good this mobs,, 't trirelt,elex. "Inv."tons�r,tlttsl[,” con. ilt,r inan'y 1rdars. ' Dr. Clinse..'it Itid. but prevent the ,pitting. Tris pouldo foot digestilln, Ilovlr seldottl all this is ' � ,may be secured by taln,na.iull information loot free, All Cesrmunl I& all iirtir Irfrt di. ,lose, 28 cents nor lid. Addieee; 7 tkikpltil Ot#tlsldtlisd 1668tt1ckly Cun.Udottllal. I& alToronto. ar Ldmanuona foiYi�eel,_- Abriesan l�Cestii(tal esiales flaws thought of in yeaisd whezk Apples lytta %�+ i I.l l'+q H. " must Etat bb ubed until the g1 pp 7Ng PAT"T itltoaltll. ' J60fttl plelitl ulI w3,iltltaeN,Nd. tt 't+ i 111" .1,ro.;e., :i✓..,».� "r'd:1.u.c n�.r'w -)) ] a - f"� • B -"L .-it,.:; 01 Yl