HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-15, Page 8nT Vis.
malahST Pula, S.
Matlerml 11"I 3'V'Axt]Kis l�ttl.�
'lltfil Aisa;lers. 1'Piugkrtttt.
r `40DERGARTEN Mornings
9 to 12,
w Torras very $.+aasonable.
k, •
mug. A. L" VRIOl r. I•r. Patrick St.
R HALF, Corner farm. with whool on lot,
S milm from town, in TAI'Abcrry Th.
Sfsak barn 0xuo - large franca hoose; goal soil,
An ezoollo nt grain Yarm t will W sold ch
n, eap
and an easy terms. The situatioor thix lot
aPW,RkFsti4 p very desirable piooertlf. ALiPly to
' .,�,, DulmuFe, Real F.tattct ancl7aoutt�jloitt, t5hiri.
iiolut Bioox, Wingltanl. ,
Sam dais
EaNst Please of the cabal Treaty
'4 ---The Onitd States to Have
Full' Control of the.
The Character of Emigration ' to
the lJo ted States -Earl
.1017 per-... 71
a.nd stttil, tire in this si;y. A clay or
two ago tlmy visited the litteratate
Cvmm,er" Conwil5sion. la order ill
;�9aextain t1w rate ujxn various ar„
tieles of Irma and steel production in
this country. Th: y al m took on., asion
to jnquiro- into the utiethods of the
commission. and exami>tt.e its valuabla
and fully equtpix•d railroad library:,
Xr. Parker is well known in Ilogland
and Ara:siva for 1113, prottssive And
active Wert-st interest in coinmercial
affairs, Mr. J%:ans is protnluen1k as
the author of many vrilunbto .railway
works. Thai ora esp;c-al'y valuab'e•
to American% for the comparisons.
mad � bitwee•n the F.ngllih and Amer,
ioun railway crmditions.
Alfred Bowker, 11Tayor of tivinelw-
ter, England, :and Mrs. Powker, who
eamvY to this Country to attend a
celebration in New Marl: thii week,
ha'l'e baext visiting this city, Mr.B'oty„
ler ,said: "A fety weeks since the ]told
at Winchester a colebration cow,
H48, NOV. 15, 19'01,
disease, but is soon restored to active
health null strength. If you are ill, or
weals, or suVerinx front any disease due
to poor blood or weak uorveq, take Dr.
Willfailts' Fink Pill# M •we i ud .they
NY11180034 snake yeti Well. '.tbopo pills
axe sold by all ilealors lit •utediclues, or
will be soatpost paid itG G4, t.gntsi a be
oi: sfx.boxes far u2.w0 by 1td11ressi the
)jr.Williams, Xedlciuti Cu.,. Brook,
villa, Out. ,
The, baby of normal Wal4h:t tips the
seines 40%Y4 tit birth at the, Seven
found mark.' It he sur' she] is. much
heavier or much lighter, he or.she
is at: parts wi1.1i tha averap,
The uw of fruit .diminishes acidity..
and antagoni4t•,s rlicumatism. The
acid.i 4n.1milte. undergo ehan-,es which
in:=orative of Kin,; Alfred, who
flourished there 1,000 years ego. Our
diminish the acidity of the brood and
aid in the elimination of uric acid,
eelebraticm was attendee] by many ;
Ferus and other plami-s grow# 'C
Have you seen the catalouge of the
Washington, Noveiii. r 1, 19a1,
re resentatives feast ilio universities
Principally for tin it foliage ntu:3t not' `
Nicaraguan Canal contiau>s ntt.
andl earned societies of Buglaud and
ba allowed to get too dry, but much
Itnot,youarenotyet.familiartvithtlte best
Canada has to offer in the lice» of a3neinesa
urttlly enough to b-, the chief topic of
talk whenever the ecrosideration of
British or Canadian affairs cozws up,
the colonies, and also from the Unit.
ed States. Inr view of theaourtesics
that various officials of the United
less water will suffice during the au-;
to ,
nin and winter than is needed in'
spring and sulu ner.
TaaluilYg, Shorthand re Iacheis for
We have sup more teachers for other
artioularl in view a this run=,%
F' y
States` showed us on that important
Here is a ,simiple method of making
businenschoo thananAther Canadian bust-
that some quid pro thio h:rs bseac, or
will be de'niao. ded for Canada in
occasion it was deemed fitting that T
half a toaq!of;ooal go as far' as fifteen
Sbi of our pupils secured good positions dor-
In the past year. Send for thio list and hand-
cxtr-me north.weat tis an offset to
should coma, to New, York as the, IT -hundred
presentative of Winchester at the
weight. The tan is rev place
Wei p p
GoodboaTforladiesat42.00perweek gents
3E-40. We ay railway fareu to $8, If;h%um-
Ilritain's concession in regard to the
municipal celebration there."
u quantity of chalk in the grates,;
once• heated this is pinpticail inex
pp canal. These rumors, it must W car: The folldwi�n Y . . .. -.
- ttttanceawilnotallowyoutoattendatChat]nam, p,nsions have b.en
r 3gncanget INSTRUCTION RT MAIL, in Boon- fessed, are ver indefinite and may 4 - hausttble from cquibustion and gives l�
X$EPINO, SRORTHAND and PE�NMANSHIPfeem Y granted to residents of Canada: Ori. ' b o _.r � , ,tr^' � �v^' � �r• �r �i-- �i• �- �,,r•• V- ,
out gl'elat, lte'ait,
,• Canada's greatest school of $usiaess, by ad he mere idle 6oasip, though possibly gi•nal — Thomas Brown, Frankville,
iressing .. .... .. '
A.MCLACHLAN & CO.. Chatham, Out. 5011110thiug more definite regarding heeds County, $12° Increase—'L.ewis Receptacles 00ataininc, drinking
,— —.- - them may b,, forthcoming whctn Lord ,MeCall.igan, Fleatneeville, New water should never b. left uncover.
*' Patracefate reachas this ci4 The Brunswick, 510 • Alexander H. Crass, ed in a slcePipg roam. Water THE 1 J , quick-` .LZESoua�ces the fol -
E. 0. C LARKE latest report hole is that the British Admiral Rock, 1!io7a Scotia, .5,8 Ed: lY absorbs impuritiets, said in a short
Cabinet has agreed to the treaty as ward L-il-n,, Magog, Ontario, $12; t}m: becomes unfit to ba taken into '
�� ^ s�e,t forth in, th't ab�trict published ,Toho Walsh, Cdueb:c, $3. the BYstem. 1•;specially is this the . lowing c1biig oil e Y s o
1 /"� J'S in this country' soave months ag•o. Ae. ' eais in, a sick roiom .
cordling t othis, the United States is A bride should mark her linen with •�
to havo full control of the canal in •
>h i A Modern Scourge,the is,* aha haps to wear for life- ��®�'3.e�o�•We have laced in stock a war nn,d in ac., sub'_et to ilio pec. 1� that.is; her Tnarrted name. The silver
dice, assortment Of really -to- mise that no discrimination shall ba
should bs marked with the initial of
wean clothing, 'and while we made against British vessels. The MORE TO BE DREADED THAN AN tho husband's! surname, or if u mono.
right to fortify is not given int ea-
rlo not pretend to sell at less ,, OUTBREAK OFS11iALF,I?OX. gram is desired the Christian names
press terms bu,, the Limited States is
ryf husband amd'wifer can bo cambini;d.
than cost and live on the loss, [liven power to take. any steps it may with, thio. -
r dtliire for its own ' NO EPIDEMO IN THE LAW QUARTER CEN-
you will fend full value far }our protection. -
TURP HAS OARRIED OFF AS 3LANY PEO- Tho woman who wishes to keep • her .
money evertime.
PLE AS AiiNL' 1LLX FALL V1CTT1tIS OF. Little notice is taken here of the neck plump and unwrinkled should
were working,he said,not onl;q ori .the CONSCUPTION.
Give us a Call. See what against the Monroe doctrine. Amer. L'Apenir du Nord, St. Jerome, Quo, ` ever the a high, stiff shirt. ea]la .s
we have in Men's, in Youths' ;can interest in 'the upholding of that The little hemstitched linen mfovt-s
Throughout Canada mnoll .alarm has are m,c,re'`becoYn}mg and more comfort_.
famous enunciation was never stron
and. is Children's, all new and � . been felt daring the past few months at able•. A tie .of •tvhite glace silk warn
er than it is t :lay; mot only are the
up -to -[late goods. the ontbrea> .of smallpox that has oo- without it collar makes a neat era.
t pjople of the country more
positive curred in various localities and thou- vat if
than ever that` it =ast ba maintain_ Ftopc rly adjuattedj'
We have also a line of odd sands of dollars have been eapondedw- • In making marmalade pudding take
ed > at in Roa;ete:t th hale a rrt�si
Garments, Trousers Vests Y j and rightly so in. suppressing it.. And
s a , !calf of a 4-1b. loaf without the crust,
dent who will go to the very limit in yet year in and year out this country
BicycleSuits, Overalls, etc. i:p'.lolding it. Europ:aa powers,which suffers from a plague that claims more
half cup of brown sugar, two table_
think that the United States is using g spoonfuls of In xinalade, a. teaspoon_ '
w �� O victims annually than have been carried ful of bald
(V'; r�{, the Pax_�mericatrt Congress, now in � soda, quarter lb. of
session at Mexico to assert and .off by any epidemic during the past :suet. Grate the bread, and add all
quarter of a century. Consumption— the-, ingredients and mix
stremgihan its continental supremacy + pretty stiff
Nett door to Griffin's Royal and to npwold the Dlronroe doctrin the great white plague of the north—is
t wi h a little buttermilk. Rainto'
more to be dreaded. than any epidemic'
Grocery. dq ma 'buttered -bowl, cund boll far 2 1.
mot rettliza the situation over here Its victims throughout Canada are num-
V t aall • literal] how•
E y, not one American in bored by the thousands annually, ,and.
y g a hundred thousand wants any -Span. through its ravages bright young lives If We• live.in houses, the drains of
Have lou a ��� aid that any terri;Span sh m ricin any in every quarter are brought to an un- �'hieti are' defective, and breathe the
aid that any Spanish American state timely end. Why? There are two sewage gases which escalr from ' the
ri could give, in time of soar at, a pin's reasons, the insiduous Character of the, drains into such dwellings, typhoid
s worth. The Pam,.American Congress fever mtt
"i m Stis to capture trade if tlA3 can be done disease, and the all too prevalent belief Y come. Tut such cases pec.
g o o Ove p that those who inherit weak longs are bubly the germs of, the fever escape .
and Por nothing else in the world.: foredoomed to an -early death and that g
,l from the mwa- a .into the air and in.
Gerard A. Lowther, formerly the the most that can be done is to ;give the feet us whem. one, state of health is
v _ First Secretary and Charge d'Af,, loved ones temporaryrelief In the. jour- below par, a -lid when, therefore, we
faires of the British Embass dur'
Y � ney towards the grave. This is a great are, more liable to acquire any ail -
the absence of .Lord Pauncefoce in mistake. Medical science now knows =nt• '
In your kitchen ? If you England, was given a farewell din,that con'sumtion" when ithas not reach -
An uncommon device for a round
ner at the Metropolitan p ?
are worrying along without politan Club the ed an acute stage, is curable. But better table is in red, white, and blue, as in
'• . One, change at once. Life is other night by his associates of the
diplomatic, circle. Mr. Lowther has still, it is preventable. Sufferers from ,every cage the napery must be snowy
too short to admit of any been appointed British Minister to weak lungs who will clothe themselves white. procure two equal lengths
trouble in the kitchen. We properly, who will keep the blood rich eaoh of royal blue, and rich red; rib -
and and will lesiva in the near, fur and red not only need not dread coil- ,
know and can prove that urea for that pont. ' Y bon, about 'two and a. half inches
' sumptiun, but will ultimately become wide. Cross the riblioa so'as to form
Tables which have been
1 Il EFAVORITE : en. compiled healthy, robust people. Among those a star, thin red and blue to alternate
showing the,'character of the immi. p on the table. A basket with fruit
upon whom consumption had fastened
S co All O h gration t otho ITnited States at pre. • h
Till January .igo3,
r.h.e,Tim,...esfor.. •....... .
Times till end of 1902 ................................. l 00
Times. and. Weekly' Globe, with two magnifieient pictures,
"The Duke and Duchess of York," and -The Farm
Pets,', . till January 1st, 1903 ..................... 1 60
Times and Weekly 'witness ..................:.:.:..:. 1 60
Tfines and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with Ifemium 1 75
Times and Weekly Mall and Empire .................... 1 75
Times znd Western Advertiser ........................ 1 40
Times o,nd1Weekly Sun ................................. 1 75
Times and Daily Globe ............................... 4 35
* 'Panes acid Toronto Daily Star, till Janauary 1st, 1903 .. 2 50
Times and Fanners' Advocate ........•................. 1 85
Timesand Daily World .........:.................... 3 00
Timet+'und Daily News ........ ....... r .............. 2 25
Times and Daily Mail and Empire .... . .......... ... 4 35
Times and Youth's Companion ........
u With the Toront Daily Star subscribers will get a beautiful
picture of Sing Edward VII, in nine colors, by paying , $2.50, or on
payment of $4.00 the premium with the Star will be a book,
`•`.1 otnresque Canada."
The balance of the year is included FREE in case of all
weeklies' to New Subscribers.
nrpasses t ers, To its fangs, and w o ]rave proved the des- looks well in the centre with thig ar..
furt, give emphasis .to the demand
Bake, to Broil, to Roast, to ease curable, is Mr. Ildege St. George, rangoment•r-
further restrictious on the right :of of St. Jerome Que. His story as related
Boil, as well as being More ' @ For ordinaryuse the best
entry to this country shall ba imis to a reporter of 'L'Avenir du Nord, will polish for
Durable, Convenfent and poised. For instance, during the de.4be of interest to similar sufferers. Mr. furniture is; a mixture of equal quare,
Economical iu the Use of cads 1870_80, about 80 par een.t. of St. George says, it,) to the age of 't}ties of turpentine and paraffin oil.
Fuel, the immigrants cams from the north„
fifteen years I hall always enjoyed the This should b•- rubbed an with awoollen cloth, the surface being ,
ern, and western Europe ,and only best of health, but at that ago I became polj
FOR; SALE BY about B per cent. from eastern Euroished with'a soft woollen cloth and
greatly run down. I lost color, suffered
cp3 (Italy, Austria-Hungary and Rur- constantly from headaches - and p4s in fatally with a piece al soft linen.
ERTQ B MOO N EY sia,. During the last decade, only 40 the sides; my appetite left me and I be- Smiling as a, euro far the blues. is
I par cent, came from the former group Came very weak. For upwards of three recout-mended by a physician who
)JEYER )MLOCK.of states and over, 50 per centit from, years—thdugh I teas having medical has made nervous disease a specialty.
th? latter. Immigration. from Canada treatment—the trouble went on. Then After finding 'that this simple remedy
sank from, 13.6 per cent. in 1870.80 (to I was attacked by a cough, and was told proved really helpful to his wife,who
The WinAham Times 1.0
7,5 par cent. in 1880.00 and to 0.1 per that I was in , consumption.- Then the was of t, nervous and despondent
cent, in 18'9(:1900. doctor who was attending me ordered temperament, he has tried it with
The Aontreal Assistant Secretary Taylor will not me to the Laurentian Mountains in the patietats afflicted with- Melancholia,
apologize, as demanded by Countess hope that -the change of air wouldbone- giving them no other medicine when.
Daily HeraldRussell, forhis alleged statement 8.t me. I remained there for sometime, he had satisfied himself that they
3.00 anent th eright of Barl Russell to but did not improve, and returned home had na bodily ailment. It is a favor
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can
give you clubbing rates for "any newspaper or magazine published.
Every sAbscriber•will receive a, copy of the Handsome Illustrated
CANADIAN ANN .HAL for 1902. The above are
our F I X E D R A T E s, marked down so as to admit of no
reduction. Therefore, there is no use asking for eheapet rates.
When we can.. afford to give cheaper rates to one, we'can give
theta to all.
Call at or address
And si Splendid Pitt re of enter this country despite his convte, feeling that I had not mach longer to Ira saying, df 11481 'than ,If you keepYY In '(,� a Ontario
tion or biigamy by the Ilouse of Lords, live. It was then that my parents do- - the corners of the mouth turned' ftp . �Ir gil
Kind Edward VI1. , .50 for tho reason that he never made tided that I should use Dr. Williams you cilWt feel blue."
tho s8tatement attributed to him. pink Pills, and I began taking then:.
`Ictal ,. $4.50 . Mr. Taylor knows nothing about the After using several boxes Ivy appetite,
divorce except whait he read in the began to return, and this seemed to A good citizen, whose business had
LL FORA` $1.75 mark the change which brought about ' detained him rather later than usual,,
that the United States cannot bar my recovery, for with the imlirovod ap- was wending his homeward 030]4» on
out a man on tho ground that be petite came gradual but surely inbreas- Saturday night when the following
ThiS is the greaten combination olfer ever lifts been convicted of an infamous Ing strength, IContinued'the use of the ,soliloquy came to him on the breeze:
84tY any Canadian jourah•l r, a:,the ar„
t xst it in seci,rina the exclusive privilt-g� for crirttM when he has siulply done what pills, and daily felt the wealtness that. "Well, this 4811 a niCO—hie—haw—li e
1• dlithict. The Deity 3teMId r ane of r'e,t. —00"1110—do;
r91=•ort th lendin Itstabtis : f$ in tsa3, it ha a a court of him authoritytho t ilei ted States The l.arl >r cgave ase until f[nall thrimtened to I was again enjoying life goer] street here is thish--hie—
Is a It is now a ptceitrtf,+ n iii ft trri hatvever, will 1>r iflvestigatecl when health, and now, as those who know me hlo�rig ic-- gone--chic--and aavatl--
h ay giving frill news orae anrld, nt, t RI -C' ht tit on me sh, It-�-sh a .
09 Maar spite to matters of j•c c•u,rar in
to the family, V4 cmnn:er6o'. i. kh. he seeks admittance, can see, Z chow no trace of the illpeas i nlsh thin g-•-hfC—if a=-hic-•- -ober hie i
HIt 13(''S°POLTRAt'ti'.'1+ the t,••.I ev. Mr. E. marker, msmbar ,of the Tari, passed through. 1. believe Dr. Williams; '°'•-deehent—hio- citishen oath-wltio--:
t! *sa lbiihe alts' of all it,
l I.I.qu.•n lrlc,t�°t'tti tix11 iyax llamvnt and 'President
of pink pills savod my life, And i hope my, go home—hie-�•-safely And •a% pe-awish-
ty a neve proclit* and 1:: at,1 rtt :,t it, the 11ri,tish Iron Trade Adsacration, titatement will induce similar (sufferers onslr. And .. hie--Nvhen Ish do✓-hic.
c olo,ted pnt;rait!� flit Cnntntrn. s, gethio--home, I 'ehtiippblie'-hie-soY1Ye
a r :sir: ttrit"^• of 1'Ste It •r�t•t iu •�...,.. arta 1Vf.r. T. Btepkens Jearrg, secretary to try them.
tMtrW erxlity.rfn:.r tit tt ,r•ii . Y, it*. ► .�-hio—rascal—hie-�• Will--hie—have.-
of the game nasoclatinli,,, who 'were nr, Willlatns- Pink Tills make new,
iltmos ACI. Ott=k% 7... �t� to this `ountry ass il�-legate of Fish, rad blood- With every dose the h1C--gout+ tine] shtolels.•-mysh. -Itw- •key.
�HE TIMES a c . imlon iv.eently formed in blood is strengthener], the quantity In. hole." The 'wive wait looatdel, and do
' Great Britain to investigate the rapid creased, and thus the patient is enables] W"the corner, iu ilio 'dite)L Both
$Mj -v OtlW:'a" O, advtneM of the United states in lrott trot onlyto resittt the further inroad of 'we're taken horns.
tiff. '
�rai�ca�'`..c^y.� .., _ .. . ,.. .:u:Y,:.,..,tA•lv�nJ
TURP HAS OARRIED OFF AS 3LANY PEO- Tho woman who wishes to keep • her .
money evertime.
PLE AS AiiNL' 1LLX FALL V1CTT1tIS OF. Little notice is taken here of the neck plump and unwrinkled should
were working,he said,not onl;q ori .the CONSCUPTION.
Give us a Call. See what against the Monroe doctrine. Amer. L'Apenir du Nord, St. Jerome, Quo, ` ever the a high, stiff shirt. ea]la .s
we have in Men's, in Youths' ;can interest in 'the upholding of that The little hemstitched linen mfovt-s
Throughout Canada mnoll .alarm has are m,c,re'`becoYn}mg and more comfort_.
famous enunciation was never stron
and. is Children's, all new and � . been felt daring the past few months at able•. A tie .of •tvhite glace silk warn
er than it is t :lay; mot only are the
up -to -[late goods. the ontbrea> .of smallpox that has oo- without it collar makes a neat era.
t pjople of the country more
positive curred in various localities and thou- vat if
than ever that` it =ast ba maintain_ Ftopc rly adjuattedj'
We have also a line of odd sands of dollars have been eapondedw- • In making marmalade pudding take
ed > at in Roa;ete:t th hale a rrt�si
Garments, Trousers Vests Y j and rightly so in. suppressing it.. And
s a , !calf of a 4-1b. loaf without the crust,
dent who will go to the very limit in yet year in and year out this country
BicycleSuits, Overalls, etc. i:p'.lolding it. Europ:aa powers,which suffers from a plague that claims more
half cup of brown sugar, two table_
think that the United States is using g spoonfuls of In xinalade, a. teaspoon_ '
w �� O victims annually than have been carried ful of bald
(V'; r�{, the Pax_�mericatrt Congress, now in � soda, quarter lb. of
session at Mexico to assert and .off by any epidemic during the past :suet. Grate the bread, and add all
quarter of a century. Consumption— the-, ingredients and mix
stremgihan its continental supremacy + pretty stiff
Nett door to Griffin's Royal and to npwold the Dlronroe doctrin the great white plague of the north—is
t wi h a little buttermilk. Rainto'
more to be dreaded. than any epidemic'
Grocery. dq ma 'buttered -bowl, cund boll far 2 1.
mot rettliza the situation over here Its victims throughout Canada are num-
V t aall • literal] how•
E y, not one American in bored by the thousands annually, ,and.
y g a hundred thousand wants any -Span. through its ravages bright young lives If We• live.in houses, the drains of
Have lou a ��� aid that any terri;Span sh m ricin any in every quarter are brought to an un- �'hieti are' defective, and breathe the
aid that any Spanish American state timely end. Why? There are two sewage gases which escalr from ' the
ri could give, in time of soar at, a pin's reasons, the insiduous Character of the, drains into such dwellings, typhoid
s worth. The Pam,.American Congress fever mtt
"i m Stis to capture trade if tlA3 can be done disease, and the all too prevalent belief Y come. Tut such cases pec.
g o o Ove p that those who inherit weak longs are bubly the germs of, the fever escape .
and Por nothing else in the world.: foredoomed to an -early death and that g
,l from the mwa- a .into the air and in.
Gerard A. Lowther, formerly the the most that can be done is to ;give the feet us whem. one, state of health is
v _ First Secretary and Charge d'Af,, loved ones temporaryrelief In the. jour- below par, a -lid when, therefore, we
faires of the British Embass dur'
Y � ney towards the grave. This is a great are, more liable to acquire any ail -
the absence of .Lord Pauncefoce in mistake. Medical science now knows =nt• '
In your kitchen ? If you England, was given a farewell din,that con'sumtion" when ithas not reach -
An uncommon device for a round
ner at the Metropolitan p ?
are worrying along without politan Club the ed an acute stage, is curable. But better table is in red, white, and blue, as in
'• . One, change at once. Life is other night by his associates of the
diplomatic, circle. Mr. Lowther has still, it is preventable. Sufferers from ,every cage the napery must be snowy
too short to admit of any been appointed British Minister to weak lungs who will clothe themselves white. procure two equal lengths
trouble in the kitchen. We properly, who will keep the blood rich eaoh of royal blue, and rich red; rib -
and and will lesiva in the near, fur and red not only need not dread coil- ,
know and can prove that urea for that pont. ' Y bon, about 'two and a. half inches
' sumptiun, but will ultimately become wide. Cross the riblioa so'as to form
Tables which have been
1 Il EFAVORITE : en. compiled healthy, robust people. Among those a star, thin red and blue to alternate
showing the,'character of the immi. p on the table. A basket with fruit
upon whom consumption had fastened
S co All O h gration t otho ITnited States at pre. • h
Till January .igo3,
r.h.e,Tim,...esfor.. •....... .
Times till end of 1902 ................................. l 00
Times. and. Weekly' Globe, with two magnifieient pictures,
"The Duke and Duchess of York," and -The Farm
Pets,', . till January 1st, 1903 ..................... 1 60
Times and Weekly 'witness ..................:.:.:..:. 1 60
Tfines and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with Ifemium 1 75
Times and Weekly Mall and Empire .................... 1 75
Times znd Western Advertiser ........................ 1 40
Times o,nd1Weekly Sun ................................. 1 75
Times and Daily Globe ............................... 4 35
* 'Panes acid Toronto Daily Star, till Janauary 1st, 1903 .. 2 50
Times and Fanners' Advocate ........•................. 1 85
Timesand Daily World .........:.................... 3 00
Timet+'und Daily News ........ ....... r .............. 2 25
Times and Daily Mail and Empire .... . .......... ... 4 35
Times and Youth's Companion ........
u With the Toront Daily Star subscribers will get a beautiful
picture of Sing Edward VII, in nine colors, by paying , $2.50, or on
payment of $4.00 the premium with the Star will be a book,
`•`.1 otnresque Canada."
The balance of the year is included FREE in case of all
weeklies' to New Subscribers.
nrpasses t ers, To its fangs, and w o ]rave proved the des- looks well in the centre with thig ar..
furt, give emphasis .to the demand
Bake, to Broil, to Roast, to ease curable, is Mr. Ildege St. George, rangoment•r-
further restrictious on the right :of of St. Jerome Que. His story as related
Boil, as well as being More ' @ For ordinaryuse the best
entry to this country shall ba imis to a reporter of 'L'Avenir du Nord, will polish for
Durable, Convenfent and poised. For instance, during the de.4be of interest to similar sufferers. Mr. furniture is; a mixture of equal quare,
Economical iu the Use of cads 1870_80, about 80 par een.t. of St. George says, it,) to the age of 't}ties of turpentine and paraffin oil.
Fuel, the immigrants cams from the north„
fifteen years I hall always enjoyed the This should b•- rubbed an with awoollen cloth, the surface being ,
ern, and western Europe ,and only best of health, but at that ago I became polj
FOR; SALE BY about B per cent. from eastern Euroished with'a soft woollen cloth and
greatly run down. I lost color, suffered
cp3 (Italy, Austria-Hungary and Rur- constantly from headaches - and p4s in fatally with a piece al soft linen.
ERTQ B MOO N EY sia,. During the last decade, only 40 the sides; my appetite left me and I be- Smiling as a, euro far the blues. is
I par cent, came from the former group Came very weak. For upwards of three recout-mended by a physician who
)JEYER )MLOCK.of states and over, 50 per centit from, years—thdugh I teas having medical has made nervous disease a specialty.
th? latter. Immigration. from Canada treatment—the trouble went on. Then After finding 'that this simple remedy
sank from, 13.6 per cent. in 1870.80 (to I was attacked by a cough, and was told proved really helpful to his wife,who
The WinAham Times 1.0
7,5 par cent. in 1880.00 and to 0.1 per that I was in , consumption.- Then the was of t, nervous and despondent
cent, in 18'9(:1900. doctor who was attending me ordered temperament, he has tried it with
The Aontreal Assistant Secretary Taylor will not me to the Laurentian Mountains in the patietats afflicted with- Melancholia,
apologize, as demanded by Countess hope that -the change of air wouldbone- giving them no other medicine when.
Daily HeraldRussell, forhis alleged statement 8.t me. I remained there for sometime, he had satisfied himself that they
3.00 anent th eright of Barl Russell to but did not improve, and returned home had na bodily ailment. It is a favor
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can
give you clubbing rates for "any newspaper or magazine published.
Every sAbscriber•will receive a, copy of the Handsome Illustrated
CANADIAN ANN .HAL for 1902. The above are
our F I X E D R A T E s, marked down so as to admit of no
reduction. Therefore, there is no use asking for eheapet rates.
When we can.. afford to give cheaper rates to one, we'can give
theta to all.
Call at or address
And si Splendid Pitt re of enter this country despite his convte, feeling that I had not mach longer to Ira saying, df 11481 'than ,If you keepYY In '(,� a Ontario
tion or biigamy by the Ilouse of Lords, live. It was then that my parents do- - the corners of the mouth turned' ftp . �Ir gil
Kind Edward VI1. , .50 for tho reason that he never made tided that I should use Dr. Williams you cilWt feel blue."
tho s8tatement attributed to him. pink Pills, and I began taking then:.
`Ictal ,. $4.50 . Mr. Taylor knows nothing about the After using several boxes Ivy appetite,
divorce except whait he read in the began to return, and this seemed to A good citizen, whose business had
LL FORA` $1.75 mark the change which brought about ' detained him rather later than usual,,
that the United States cannot bar my recovery, for with the imlirovod ap- was wending his homeward 030]4» on
out a man on tho ground that be petite came gradual but surely inbreas- Saturday night when the following
ThiS is the greaten combination olfer ever lifts been convicted of an infamous Ing strength, IContinued'the use of the ,soliloquy came to him on the breeze:
84tY any Canadian jourah•l r, a:,the ar„
t xst it in seci,rina the exclusive privilt-g� for crirttM when he has siulply done what pills, and daily felt the wealtness that. "Well, this 4811 a niCO—hie—haw—li e
1• dlithict. The Deity 3teMId r ane of r'e,t. —00"1110—do;
r91=•ort th lendin Itstabtis : f$ in tsa3, it ha a a court of him authoritytho t ilei ted States The l.arl >r cgave ase until f[nall thrimtened to I was again enjoying life goer] street here is thish--hie—
Is a It is now a ptceitrtf,+ n iii ft trri hatvever, will 1>r iflvestigatecl when health, and now, as those who know me hlo�rig ic-- gone--chic--and aavatl--
h ay giving frill news orae anrld, nt, t RI -C' ht tit on me sh, It-�-sh a .
09 Maar spite to matters of j•c c•u,rar in
to the family, V4 cmnn:er6o'. i. kh. he seeks admittance, can see, Z chow no trace of the illpeas i nlsh thin g-•-hfC—if a=-hic-•- -ober hie i
HIt 13(''S°POLTRAt'ti'.'1+ the t,••.I ev. Mr. E. marker, msmbar ,of the Tari, passed through. 1. believe Dr. Williams; '°'•-deehent—hio- citishen oath-wltio--:
t! *sa lbiihe alts' of all it,
l I.I.qu.•n lrlc,t�°t'tti tix11 iyax llamvnt and 'President
of pink pills savod my life, And i hope my, go home—hie-�•-safely And •a% pe-awish-
ty a neve proclit* and 1:: at,1 rtt :,t it, the 11ri,tish Iron Trade Adsacration, titatement will induce similar (sufferers onslr. And .. hie--Nvhen Ish do✓-hic.
c olo,ted pnt;rait!� flit Cnntntrn. s, gethio--home, I 'ehtiippblie'-hie-soY1Ye
a r :sir: ttrit"^• of 1'Ste It •r�t•t iu •�...,.. arta 1Vf.r. T. Btepkens Jearrg, secretary to try them.
tMtrW erxlity.rfn:.r tit tt ,r•ii . Y, it*. ► .�-hio—rascal—hie-�• Will--hie—have.-
of the game nasoclatinli,,, who 'were nr, Willlatns- Pink Tills make new,
iltmos ACI. Ott=k% 7... �t� to this `ountry ass il�-legate of Fish, rad blood- With every dose the h1C--gout+ tine] shtolels.•-mysh. -Itw- •key.
�HE TIMES a c . imlon iv.eently formed in blood is strengthener], the quantity In. hole." The 'wive wait looatdel, and do
' Great Britain to investigate the rapid creased, and thus the patient is enables] W"the corner, iu ilio 'dite)L Both
$Mj -v OtlW:'a" O, advtneM of the United states in lrott trot onlyto resittt the further inroad of 'we're taken horns.
tiff. '
�rai�ca�'`..c^y.� .., _ .. . ,.. .:u:Y,:.,..,tA•lv�nJ
Till January .igo3,
r.h.e,Tim,...esfor.. •....... .
Times till end of 1902 ................................. l 00
Times. and. Weekly' Globe, with two magnifieient pictures,
"The Duke and Duchess of York," and -The Farm
Pets,', . till January 1st, 1903 ..................... 1 60
Times and Weekly 'witness ..................:.:.:..:. 1 60
Tfines and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with Ifemium 1 75
Times and Weekly Mall and Empire .................... 1 75
Times znd Western Advertiser ........................ 1 40
Times o,nd1Weekly Sun ................................. 1 75
Times and Daily Globe ............................... 4 35
* 'Panes acid Toronto Daily Star, till Janauary 1st, 1903 .. 2 50
Times and Fanners' Advocate ........•................. 1 85
Timesand Daily World .........:.................... 3 00
Timet+'und Daily News ........ ....... r .............. 2 25
Times and Daily Mail and Empire .... . .......... ... 4 35
Times and Youth's Companion ........
u With the Toront Daily Star subscribers will get a beautiful
picture of Sing Edward VII, in nine colors, by paying , $2.50, or on
payment of $4.00 the premium with the Star will be a book,
`•`.1 otnresque Canada."
The balance of the year is included FREE in case of all
weeklies' to New Subscribers.
nrpasses t ers, To its fangs, and w o ]rave proved the des- looks well in the centre with thig ar..
furt, give emphasis .to the demand
Bake, to Broil, to Roast, to ease curable, is Mr. Ildege St. George, rangoment•r-
further restrictious on the right :of of St. Jerome Que. His story as related
Boil, as well as being More ' @ For ordinaryuse the best
entry to this country shall ba imis to a reporter of 'L'Avenir du Nord, will polish for
Durable, Convenfent and poised. For instance, during the de.4be of interest to similar sufferers. Mr. furniture is; a mixture of equal quare,
Economical iu the Use of cads 1870_80, about 80 par een.t. of St. George says, it,) to the age of 't}ties of turpentine and paraffin oil.
Fuel, the immigrants cams from the north„
fifteen years I hall always enjoyed the This should b•- rubbed an with awoollen cloth, the surface being ,
ern, and western Europe ,and only best of health, but at that ago I became polj
FOR; SALE BY about B per cent. from eastern Euroished with'a soft woollen cloth and
greatly run down. I lost color, suffered
cp3 (Italy, Austria-Hungary and Rur- constantly from headaches - and p4s in fatally with a piece al soft linen.
ERTQ B MOO N EY sia,. During the last decade, only 40 the sides; my appetite left me and I be- Smiling as a, euro far the blues. is
I par cent, came from the former group Came very weak. For upwards of three recout-mended by a physician who
)JEYER )MLOCK.of states and over, 50 per centit from, years—thdugh I teas having medical has made nervous disease a specialty.
th? latter. Immigration. from Canada treatment—the trouble went on. Then After finding 'that this simple remedy
sank from, 13.6 per cent. in 1870.80 (to I was attacked by a cough, and was told proved really helpful to his wife,who
The WinAham Times 1.0
7,5 par cent. in 1880.00 and to 0.1 per that I was in , consumption.- Then the was of t, nervous and despondent
cent, in 18'9(:1900. doctor who was attending me ordered temperament, he has tried it with
The Aontreal Assistant Secretary Taylor will not me to the Laurentian Mountains in the patietats afflicted with- Melancholia,
apologize, as demanded by Countess hope that -the change of air wouldbone- giving them no other medicine when.
Daily HeraldRussell, forhis alleged statement 8.t me. I remained there for sometime, he had satisfied himself that they
3.00 anent th eright of Barl Russell to but did not improve, and returned home had na bodily ailment. It is a favor
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can
give you clubbing rates for "any newspaper or magazine published.
Every sAbscriber•will receive a, copy of the Handsome Illustrated
CANADIAN ANN .HAL for 1902. The above are
our F I X E D R A T E s, marked down so as to admit of no
reduction. Therefore, there is no use asking for eheapet rates.
When we can.. afford to give cheaper rates to one, we'can give
theta to all.
Call at or address
And si Splendid Pitt re of enter this country despite his convte, feeling that I had not mach longer to Ira saying, df 11481 'than ,If you keepYY In '(,� a Ontario
tion or biigamy by the Ilouse of Lords, live. It was then that my parents do- - the corners of the mouth turned' ftp . �Ir gil
Kind Edward VI1. , .50 for tho reason that he never made tided that I should use Dr. Williams you cilWt feel blue."
tho s8tatement attributed to him. pink Pills, and I began taking then:.
`Ictal ,. $4.50 . Mr. Taylor knows nothing about the After using several boxes Ivy appetite,
divorce except whait he read in the began to return, and this seemed to A good citizen, whose business had
LL FORA` $1.75 mark the change which brought about ' detained him rather later than usual,,
that the United States cannot bar my recovery, for with the imlirovod ap- was wending his homeward 030]4» on
out a man on tho ground that be petite came gradual but surely inbreas- Saturday night when the following
ThiS is the greaten combination olfer ever lifts been convicted of an infamous Ing strength, IContinued'the use of the ,soliloquy came to him on the breeze:
84tY any Canadian jourah•l r, a:,the ar„
t xst it in seci,rina the exclusive privilt-g� for crirttM when he has siulply done what pills, and daily felt the wealtness that. "Well, this 4811 a niCO—hie—haw—li e
1• dlithict. The Deity 3teMId r ane of r'e,t. —00"1110—do;
r91=•ort th lendin Itstabtis : f$ in tsa3, it ha a a court of him authoritytho t ilei ted States The l.arl >r cgave ase until f[nall thrimtened to I was again enjoying life goer] street here is thish--hie—
Is a It is now a ptceitrtf,+ n iii ft trri hatvever, will 1>r iflvestigatecl when health, and now, as those who know me hlo�rig ic-- gone--chic--and aavatl--
h ay giving frill news orae anrld, nt, t RI -C' ht tit on me sh, It-�-sh a .
09 Maar spite to matters of j•c c•u,rar in
to the family, V4 cmnn:er6o'. i. kh. he seeks admittance, can see, Z chow no trace of the illpeas i nlsh thin g-•-hfC—if a=-hic-•- -ober hie i
HIt 13(''S°POLTRAt'ti'.'1+ the t,••.I ev. Mr. E. marker, msmbar ,of the Tari, passed through. 1. believe Dr. Williams; '°'•-deehent—hio- citishen oath-wltio--:
t! *sa lbiihe alts' of all it,
l I.I.qu.•n lrlc,t�°t'tti tix11 iyax llamvnt and 'President
of pink pills savod my life, And i hope my, go home—hie-�•-safely And •a% pe-awish-
ty a neve proclit* and 1:: at,1 rtt :,t it, the 11ri,tish Iron Trade Adsacration, titatement will induce similar (sufferers onslr. And .. hie--Nvhen Ish do✓-hic.
c olo,ted pnt;rait!� flit Cnntntrn. s, gethio--home, I 'ehtiippblie'-hie-soY1Ye
a r :sir: ttrit"^• of 1'Ste It •r�t•t iu •�...,.. arta 1Vf.r. T. Btepkens Jearrg, secretary to try them.
tMtrW erxlity.rfn:.r tit tt ,r•ii . Y, it*. ► .�-hio—rascal—hie-�• Will--hie—have.-
of the game nasoclatinli,,, who 'were nr, Willlatns- Pink Tills make new,
iltmos ACI. Ott=k% 7... �t� to this `ountry ass il�-legate of Fish, rad blood- With every dose the h1C--gout+ tine] shtolels.•-mysh. -Itw- •key.
�HE TIMES a c . imlon iv.eently formed in blood is strengthener], the quantity In. hole." The 'wive wait looatdel, and do
' Great Britain to investigate the rapid creased, and thus the patient is enables] W"the corner, iu ilio 'dite)L Both
$Mj -v OtlW:'a" O, advtneM of the United states in lrott trot onlyto resittt the further inroad of 'we're taken horns.
tiff. '
�rai�ca�'`..c^y.� .., _ .. . ,.. .:u:Y,:.,..,tA•lv�nJ
u With the Toront Daily Star subscribers will get a beautiful
picture of Sing Edward VII, in nine colors, by paying , $2.50, or on
payment of $4.00 the premium with the Star will be a book,
`•`.1 otnresque Canada."
The balance of the year is included FREE in case of all
weeklies' to New Subscribers.
nrpasses t ers, To its fangs, and w o ]rave proved the des- looks well in the centre with thig ar..
furt, give emphasis .to the demand
Bake, to Broil, to Roast, to ease curable, is Mr. Ildege St. George, rangoment•r-
further restrictious on the right :of of St. Jerome Que. His story as related
Boil, as well as being More ' @ For ordinaryuse the best
entry to this country shall ba imis to a reporter of 'L'Avenir du Nord, will polish for
Durable, Convenfent and poised. For instance, during the de.4be of interest to similar sufferers. Mr. furniture is; a mixture of equal quare,
Economical iu the Use of cads 1870_80, about 80 par een.t. of St. George says, it,) to the age of 't}ties of turpentine and paraffin oil.
Fuel, the immigrants cams from the north„
fifteen years I hall always enjoyed the This should b•- rubbed an with awoollen cloth, the surface being ,
ern, and western Europe ,and only best of health, but at that ago I became polj
FOR; SALE BY about B per cent. from eastern Euroished with'a soft woollen cloth and
greatly run down. I lost color, suffered
cp3 (Italy, Austria-Hungary and Rur- constantly from headaches - and p4s in fatally with a piece al soft linen.
ERTQ B MOO N EY sia,. During the last decade, only 40 the sides; my appetite left me and I be- Smiling as a, euro far the blues. is
I par cent, came from the former group Came very weak. For upwards of three recout-mended by a physician who
)JEYER )MLOCK.of states and over, 50 per centit from, years—thdugh I teas having medical has made nervous disease a specialty.
th? latter. Immigration. from Canada treatment—the trouble went on. Then After finding 'that this simple remedy
sank from, 13.6 per cent. in 1870.80 (to I was attacked by a cough, and was told proved really helpful to his wife,who
The WinAham Times 1.0
7,5 par cent. in 1880.00 and to 0.1 per that I was in , consumption.- Then the was of t, nervous and despondent
cent, in 18'9(:1900. doctor who was attending me ordered temperament, he has tried it with
The Aontreal Assistant Secretary Taylor will not me to the Laurentian Mountains in the patietats afflicted with- Melancholia,
apologize, as demanded by Countess hope that -the change of air wouldbone- giving them no other medicine when.
Daily HeraldRussell, forhis alleged statement 8.t me. I remained there for sometime, he had satisfied himself that they
3.00 anent th eright of Barl Russell to but did not improve, and returned home had na bodily ailment. It is a favor
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can
give you clubbing rates for "any newspaper or magazine published.
Every sAbscriber•will receive a, copy of the Handsome Illustrated
CANADIAN ANN .HAL for 1902. The above are
our F I X E D R A T E s, marked down so as to admit of no
reduction. Therefore, there is no use asking for eheapet rates.
When we can.. afford to give cheaper rates to one, we'can give
theta to all.
Call at or address
And si Splendid Pitt re of enter this country despite his convte, feeling that I had not mach longer to Ira saying, df 11481 'than ,If you keepYY In '(,� a Ontario
tion or biigamy by the Ilouse of Lords, live. It was then that my parents do- - the corners of the mouth turned' ftp . �Ir gil
Kind Edward VI1. , .50 for tho reason that he never made tided that I should use Dr. Williams you cilWt feel blue."
tho s8tatement attributed to him. pink Pills, and I began taking then:.
`Ictal ,. $4.50 . Mr. Taylor knows nothing about the After using several boxes Ivy appetite,
divorce except whait he read in the began to return, and this seemed to A good citizen, whose business had
LL FORA` $1.75 mark the change which brought about ' detained him rather later than usual,,
that the United States cannot bar my recovery, for with the imlirovod ap- was wending his homeward 030]4» on
out a man on tho ground that be petite came gradual but surely inbreas- Saturday night when the following
ThiS is the greaten combination olfer ever lifts been convicted of an infamous Ing strength, IContinued'the use of the ,soliloquy came to him on the breeze:
84tY any Canadian jourah•l r, a:,the ar„
t xst it in seci,rina the exclusive privilt-g� for crirttM when he has siulply done what pills, and daily felt the wealtness that. "Well, this 4811 a niCO—hie—haw—li e
1• dlithict. The Deity 3teMId r ane of r'e,t. —00"1110—do;
r91=•ort th lendin Itstabtis : f$ in tsa3, it ha a a court of him authoritytho t ilei ted States The l.arl >r cgave ase until f[nall thrimtened to I was again enjoying life goer] street here is thish--hie—
Is a It is now a ptceitrtf,+ n iii ft trri hatvever, will 1>r iflvestigatecl when health, and now, as those who know me hlo�rig ic-- gone--chic--and aavatl--
h ay giving frill news orae anrld, nt, t RI -C' ht tit on me sh, It-�-sh a .
09 Maar spite to matters of j•c c•u,rar in
to the family, V4 cmnn:er6o'. i. kh. he seeks admittance, can see, Z chow no trace of the illpeas i nlsh thin g-•-hfC—if a=-hic-•- -ober hie i
HIt 13(''S°POLTRAt'ti'.'1+ the t,••.I ev. Mr. E. marker, msmbar ,of the Tari, passed through. 1. believe Dr. Williams; '°'•-deehent—hio- citishen oath-wltio--:
t! *sa lbiihe alts' of all it,
l I.I.qu.•n lrlc,t�°t'tti tix11 iyax llamvnt and 'President
of pink pills savod my life, And i hope my, go home—hie-�•-safely And •a% pe-awish-
ty a neve proclit* and 1:: at,1 rtt :,t it, the 11ri,tish Iron Trade Adsacration, titatement will induce similar (sufferers onslr. And .. hie--Nvhen Ish do✓-hic.
c olo,ted pnt;rait!� flit Cnntntrn. s, gethio--home, I 'ehtiippblie'-hie-soY1Ye
a r :sir: ttrit"^• of 1'Ste It •r�t•t iu •�...,.. arta 1Vf.r. T. Btepkens Jearrg, secretary to try them.
tMtrW erxlity.rfn:.r tit tt ,r•ii . Y, it*. ► .�-hio—rascal—hie-�• Will--hie—have.-
of the game nasoclatinli,,, who 'were nr, Willlatns- Pink Tills make new,
iltmos ACI. Ott=k% 7... �t� to this `ountry ass il�-legate of Fish, rad blood- With every dose the h1C--gout+ tine] shtolels.•-mysh. -Itw- •key.
�HE TIMES a c . imlon iv.eently formed in blood is strengthener], the quantity In. hole." The 'wive wait looatdel, and do
' Great Britain to investigate the rapid creased, and thus the patient is enables] W"the corner, iu ilio 'dite)L Both
$Mj -v OtlW:'a" O, advtneM of the United states in lrott trot onlyto resittt the further inroad of 'we're taken horns.
tiff. '
�rai�ca�'`..c^y.� .., _ .. . ,.. .:u:Y,:.,..,tA•lv�nJ
�rai�ca�'`..c^y.� .., _ .. . ,.. .:u:Y,:.,..,tA•lv�nJ