HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-15, Page 4-7
Wingbm", Nov. 114, 101
&RE SELL119G Flour per 100 lbs .......... 1 65 to L, 50
1194 kttoudauvo IQ Huron'-saym
Fall Wheat .............. 0 63 46H. Kerr,
1481'ector Robu.-J10" yau4tQue Spring Wheat....,...,,.. 0 2 too 0 02 ino. Jas. 11' Kerr. The People's Ppular Store ino. & ins,
]�,A)Xstao a Teacher Who ()ata� ..................... 0 8-1 to 0 ss
Con Teavix Vraucb.
0 38 to 0 4'1 WWW�
Chamol*s ........ . 0 02 to 0 61
There alar meetiul; of the Turkeys, dm*u ...... .... 0 09 to 0 10
wiuglium Board of Education was Con. Geese, 14 ............ 0 05 to 0 0()
versed on Monday evening last. There Dutotlo,,�or pair ........... 0 40 to 0 60 •
AT BARGAIN were present Messrs, Hoinnth, Abraham, Rutter
0 14 to 0 10
Eggs per doz ......... _ , 0 11 to 0 11
Moore, Qrifflu, Elliott and Chairman Wood per cord ........... 2 00 to 2 25
AW-PRIOESV% Kerr. Flay per ton ............... 8 00 to 8 N 0
The minutes of 14st meeting were ' Potatoes, perbushol ., 0.25, to 0 25 0 FU r,
read. Mn.Moore said it was overlooked
Tallow per lb ........ 0 05 to 0 0,5 0 Don't Close Your, Eyes -,i>
Lard _ .. .... I ..... 0 14 to 014
last mouth, but they should have given Dried Apples per lb,. ..... 0 03JtQ 0 04 • ToQUALITY Or the world will
the Principal a raise in salary for the Wool ....... ......... I 1 0 13 to 0 15 6 seem full of cheap things,
ani Cam A. cpbelil ,ham Live Hogs, per, owt ....... a 00 to 5 00 Coals COFFEE 44
next year making it $800. Mr. Abr Chickens .................. 0 80 to 0, 40
consented to the ingtion being rescinded
and a raise given, 'Mr. Musgrove said
he would leave it over for a year since Calves 4
WINGthe salary had been already stated, and AB
excuse the Board, The minutes were I LOAN, ASSURAXCRE AAND FF
then on motion adopted. REAL ETGENT. AW
Collar 4
Notice of changes must be left at this The Principal's report for October 4
" A new broom sweeps clean, but tin auld yin 0
office not later than Saturday noon. was read and on motion adopted. It lwns tile corners."
The co EE
for changes must be �left Wits as follows: • S EXCELLEN C E 14
not ger than Tuesday evening. Avg. Assum=es insurance that insures,
Casual advertisements accepted, up Boys Girls Total I Policies that pnv. 49 edle AV 4
to noon Thursday of each week. 1 18 88 56 49 REAL Es"AwE { Sales that Satisfy.. 0Our Aim in Coffee, 4
2 19 so 49 45 LoAws� Money that's Moderate, Corr 14
3 W 21 48 44 •4
23 50 46 Office -Corner of ]Winnie and Patrick 4
A5TABLISHED 1872. 4 27
5 18 29 47 44 Streets. WINUHAM. 14
6 14 24 38 84 0 4
IN WIN61UN TINS. 7 27 20 5G 49 At home Friday afternoons and Saturday : We are just in receipt of a splendid lot of 14
A. P, ELLIOTT, PUBLISHIR A" Pa0PRIMTOR 8 40 41 81 62 •Caps 14
- - .9 Coffee, and we better value than you 4
190 235 425 373 T. J. MAGUIRE 0 have ever yet had, We guarantee our Coffee to 44
FRIDAY, WON -EMBER 15, 1901. The school was open 23 days and all 0
teachers present. ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, give SATISFACTION. 14
Principal-",. • Perfect, ground, one pound tins ...... 25c. 4
The bye election in West Huron for 4
A communication was received from Accounts, Rents and, Notes Collected. Con. Value, ground, one pound tins ....... 30c.
the Legislature will take -place Dec. 4. veyancing done
Inspector Robb. He stated that he had Value, bean, in bulk, per pound ...... 80c.
Nr. Garrow and Mr. Beek will be the er D. X. Gordon's store.
contestants. There has been so much visited the school and found everything RESIDENCE-LPODold street. Blue Ribbon Blend, bean, per pound .. 40c.
,excitement over this election in the past in a satisfactory state, The roomswere
said Win. -ham, is the Only A 41
that we may expect to have a warm all full. 5A STAY -ON
time. After fighting so -valiantly dur. school in East Huron that has a fullBLANKE I T BLUE RIBBON TEA Still Leads. No doubt the
ing the past it would not do to allow the school population,
motilin of Messrs. Griffin and best package tea Ori the market. Black and
On M
enemy to gain a 'foothold at the last opted. Have you seen them). They ard'a
moment, a hold that might eventually Moore the report war. ad Dutch Kersey Blanket with cross girths mixed, 25c, 40c, 50c -
Miss Vanstone teacher of the second OVERCOATS 14
prove. disastous. It behooves the Liber- under the belly; guaranteed to stay on, 0 4
als to don their armor and do battle for room sent in her resignation to take,,, because they are shaped to fit the : ULSTERSI 4
progress, for building up Ontario, fora effect at the end of the term, which was 0
horse. BLANKETS,
accepted by the Board. The question of MONSOON TEA, Many think as good a tea as
Government that has proved itself wor Excellent line of Trunks and Vallgos, 0
L thy the long administration accorded a new teacher required some delibera and Telescopes, always in stock and at 01, 5 Blue Ribbon. I t is certaily an excellent tea.
tion. Principal Musgrov6 explained"18w prices. Robes and Blankets and • YARN
them. Fur Overcoats
Matriculation examination re- * Single and double Har- a Black and mixed 30c, 40c, 50c -
that the ness made to order and kept in stock a
Infants too young to take medicine may be quired one modern language, and a, Repairing neatly and promptly 1:i�ne.
cured of croup, whooping cough and colds by there were some pupils desirious of FLANNELETTES,
i U=g Vapo-Cresolene-they breathe it. taking the Matric. it was thought ad-
visable to engage a teacher who cat GEO. C. MANNERS. •COATINGS,
in package 25c
a "subject" by a Ceylon Tea
A student of the name of Lan, who HARNESS14AXER HOMESPUNS
was employed as instruct French, and it was so ordered .9
by the Board. EIDERDOWN.
hypnotist of Konigsberg, Germany, Dr. The Board expressed their satisfaction
WeRmaim, in lectures to medical with the services of Miss Vaustone and A, M. Fralick, wood ............. 28 00
students, has gone raving mad. There- W. Taylor .................. 4 40
with her
fore hypnotism and suggestion have their regret at having to part R. H. McKay, glazing ...... 1 70
been forbidden by the authorities as
in the school: work. Urias Sherk, painting ............ 1 00 •
The accounts Were recom- -Carried. WINCHAM. Jno. Jas. H. Kerr.,
I dangerousto the public health, and Dr. Secretary Robertson reported $200 Jrio. & Jas H. Kerr. MACDONALD BLOCK)
"Welhaun has been forbidden to use mended to be paid* I I
,Thos. Moore, supplies .............$ $ 8 38 from the Government as grant for the
subjects in Ills lectures. continuation class.
Messrs. Abraham and Homuth moved
A that the teachers and officers receive ............. ............ ............................... ....... .......
their salaries, and the board adjourned.
HA81JEY PARK -Those who declaie that religion is +
dying because theology has worn itself
threadbare would by the same isle, pro- Bazaar
nounce a man dead bebause his clothes , +
need mending. -Saturday Evening Post.
-The Anglican clergy have scarcely
got used to praying for "george, Duke +
of Cornwall and York, the Duchess of + Button Block, Wingham.
of Corn wall and York, and all the Royal +
Family, I 'before they axe required to +
revert to something more Me the form+
to which they have been accustomed all
their lives, "George, Prince of Wales, +
the Princess of Wales, and all the Royal
Family." It sounds better.
We have added to our stock a few lines of
For Over Fifty Years. + G R O C E R I E S. -We'have secured the Agency for
Aii. Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Window's SoothingSyrup has been used +
+ Grand Mogul Tea for WinghaM, and can highly re-
for over fifty years bymillionsof mothers +
for their children while teething, with + commend it to our customers at the popular price.S. .. of
perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the CM allays all pain, cures +
d �, 25c, 30c, 40c and 50c a pound, with a coupon in each
SPECIAL wind colic, is the best remedy for +
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. +
Sold by druggists in every part of the + package. Call and get a circular with a list of
NOTICE world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its +
value is mcalculable. Be sure you ask +
+ prizes mentioned on it.
Syrup, for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing +
take no other kind. +
JuIve Stock markets.
For Fall and Winter Trade. +
Toronto, Noy. 12. -At the Western +
cattle market to -day the receipts were + 3 tins of Fleur Do Lis Salmon for 25c. A 97 -Dinner Se' in Royal Blue for $6.50.
We show a very large assort-.
90 carloads, including 1,700 cattle, 800 2 tins of Myrtle Salmon for 25e, (Dtual to $4.50 Toilet Sets, in all colors, edged with
sheep and lambs, r)00 hogs, and the I Maple Leaf. gold for $3.50.
ment of Ladies' and Gentle- usual run of calves and mile co s. +
day, Worcestershire Sauce at 10c, per bottle, Fancy Cups and saucers from 10e up.*
men's Watches. Splendid Business was better all round to -i Corn Starch at 5e a package, Porridge Sets for 19c, and 25e.
but without any decided nota a m- +
+ Sunlight Soap, etc. A M.35 Fruit Set, in China, for $1.10.
provement. There was a more lively +
goods at very I ow prices. demand for export cattle, and good Obina'Bread Plates at 200 each.
t Polishes.
butcher stuff sold well. +
Inspection invited. + Lam-.pz.
Responding to the improved tone in Furniture Polish at 10c, a bottle.
the English markets there was a good Silver Polish at 10c, a bottle. Bedroom Lamps, complete for 22o each.
there was so good demand for fair to. +
choice export cattle here to -day. + X -Ray Metal Polish at 15c a tin, Dining Room Lamp, compleie for 50c.
Shipping stuff sold at from it to 4.12/0 pershoe Dressing in tan and black at 10c. per Parlor Lamp, very fancy. from $1.50 up to
1b., and choice cattle sold better, butbottle. $6.00. To see them is to buy them.
nothing touched 5c. Woodenware. Opal Goods.
Following is the range of quota- +
tions:- + A large No. 0 Washtub for 96c. Opal Plate Souvenir of Wingliam for 10e,
CATTtt, 75c, 89 49 if 25c.
Shippers, per -.vvt.. $4 00 4 19
I #1 2 70o. Opal Trays 11 10e.
Buteher,choice-do.:": ',�59 4 40 +
Butcher, ordinary to + 16 69 3 60c. Opal Vern Bowl for 30o.
good.... ........... 0 Z 9 75
Buteber, inferior ...... 2 75 3 00 Bread Boards for 30e. Opal Biscuit Jar for 250.
MZAV ANO YAMS, ;olid Back WaSh Globe Wash -board for Opal Brash and Comb Tray tor 25c.
Choice ewes, per Cwt... 3 Ml 8 sq, 20C each. Purses.
Butchers, nheop, t4oh_ -
9 W $004- Fibre Pails for 85c,
QY Lambs per owt ......... 3 00 24()-+
200 60 Mop Handles at 10e each. A Lady's Good Purge for 26e,
WILUM AND CALVA4, Butter Howls from 25c, up. $I It to 850,
Cows, 30 00 45 00: We have a large stock of Dinner and Chatelaine'Pag for 850,
Calves, "ch..... Boas, 2 00 I'D 00 Tea Sets, which We will sell cheap Iti order 14 dr 600.
ti to make room for one Christmas stock, It
Choice hogs, per owt... 6 25
HAI LEY PARK Light hogso per cwt..,. 6 00 r6 5': A 97.pleoeDinner get for $6.50,
Sows, per awe ...... 26 8 %5
q #.A , " t++ ....... + ........ ...... ...... ................
Heavy hogs, per OWL 6 00
00 .100
A Ii"