HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-15, Page 34, .4 .y scat] only the U.tlirirs --- - a ftp i ^ ' yThey _. _.. ,.•_. ]lay do ided 2io M Gosh of illOne Disease. That r , ~ wikMrA ti If it bas, been the latl to mrehase ttGod's Perfect !ti r. an f Could IDt ja ltpr d b Qrdin tire• hands ane the alGuli, plre d s . A W + "T'r4aiv ball ti Iran<1 the 1tHrd, tlt4i naatiar rt t glwon s ixi cls t wiper y » that devauresl ;ferteb2l acrd the dogs a ! life never as,ttae book. '.l~ha ,i^ ill 40140 iia tiottor. AIasG of rife best STOMACH aaaay roll on utt:i ora, but yap iu" "' crows itf either }reef or dairy: breads are g ary Drugs and Viedloilnes . tikes de+vaurt'cl N;tbotlt. oil, what a Uow bred to calve itt ill,) fall, Rnd it 1-i 4 swift,a t.!.%whaan awful orraultl Is the key -note eras happy hoArt, or, your pooltron W111 -11d the %roam, irc le tltiv citxlc swcclx militoulgh asc,riiit xt s^d kir" li 0itoprnesobb r rn^ke•, the heel ttrikos the execs au4 la, UW fair to nssniue that ruowt of the best 1 ed forever. Tits Wm fly a0 Young bull§ for sola tit prosont are justC THE DREAD DISEASE WAS BAN- or through many centuries. The ,w nt fiormi nt aid ota,atton en"°t per" from the circle and fall at right about or just over a your old. `These _ , ,. '! ISHE>a ApTES IJSE (1F TWO ever]:] at 6 ted with a theocrat. will be a good age for service in Julia- .tl - y ,for Stotttach: ferment induces Indigestion, Inds, ani;les with o."nuplote oblivion. *cir* It Iia That Sittath upon the BOTTLES OF 1TQVarnlWJ3t -- that is, trod wars the gestionprodacei distress after pacing, weightJq glvt•Ai Forgiven! Ilia =41ulest ary, and should be stlonrod flow botortt ttt1 the stomach, wand on the stomach, loss of sppo, tiirng a roan can d:t !s after sotxte the stop]" has been p;okcd over, for it is N' I , prrHrdcut and emperc4 of rife world. lite, rlizainsss, nausea, itni,overished blood, Circle of the Earth poaple got tired of a theoeraoy. They catarrh of the stomach, sick headache and many difficulty. haas been sot fled to brJug"t reasonably certain that the best ones , fp ist4 ad(t dCrl't event Gwil sliraatl other disorders --but Dr. Von Stan:,*. pincapplti ` Y ` 11 S I.Y Gunk p up valtin, cin;] God will .not do' arly- will belookocl Rf.or v,41' boon. 13oside _ - Y inwrfeft; with the affairs cf ties hf seating the inC• the physicians vprek thin!; like ill;:t, Gad'3 r.te+rAory is this, a young bullgsl4aulri be, tteaiiato4ntsd 11 it world. Give us a monarchy.' .ha w il e them. Sixty tablets, 35 cants, 64 rnlg}aty: cuau'•h to taold uli t Loi events to itis $urron i(liu s fora lie 9 • t tc ftA1/ Q OREAT ARCHIT ,0T, ,* ,, told by A. ]d. iffAmilton, ' Ingham. ' servico, else tiro oltan aur fet)d artd en• it a y g of the ages, but there is ono thing v r 1, A Statement Carr Ing Warping Y After awbtle the liml ed that is ,sure ur slip his memory„ one war had n monarchy. From a mor . „rob it is QiA to have. a Iles] ed •Yiroutuouts is liable t0 upset and unset- mariareli ^^-.. -^.. • y . '^ ...:,,...^^.. •,• these{; he i.9 ,sures to forgot, ands that tie beau for a time, autl this occurring m(muroby will ba given up and, the conourrantly with the excitement, of trio pa and EnclourageMont to .vbleb t hem all aroun•i the worl:l and '`s' Pardoned tran,sgrossion. Ilow do The Circle of History—Bad Deeds rcpublicaai form of government w13 I know itt I will prove It. "Their service season proves a heavy strti;a on Every Sufferer. aroused the martyr spirit, • and out b. everywhere dominant and recot from that burnt aT ?,atirn•r and s3n9 tittd their iniquities will I re - his vitality and pias well uccoutit for ansa Q C1 "R.l;sizlVa to da u:zad. 'Titin the world will get tired Ridley toiled tlic shale wider and mnn.bet! n, -the fact that not Infregaetttly a bull is of the republican form of ,governor u wrdl, stroll d ether circles, er tUn_ 7'Ii>J. ETI.tiNAl: CIIiCI,II, round to be unsure as a Bali=getter for Good --Slanders Foul Poison I While the blood it: the life of the syt1- and it will have an anurch , which ]3 U. truer;u spear; c:ronmsrcribi r But ala net ma a the M19take o two or three montlis after being remov 1 r tens carry to every part its share of force Y U. fug, k m t k f Filial. Ingratitude— --• God's and •energy, it is also the means b no governmont at all, And then all n ' ed from one plata to another A word 0, a y y :veraro]irng ell heaven - u circle, thinking that this d(,etrine of the "]rich the waste 'natter, the result of nat]onK, findingant that man is not But tylia;: is true' bf the gored is circle ,st'oW with this life. It rolls to cher wise in this regard should be sof- pht hamar The Eternal decomposition of the tisanes, is moved ct'pi.bl s a rightt•oasly goper,n:ng man, u•,t a3 truly of the b.'id• You utter on through heaven. You might j1dent,-rarmers' Advocate. Mighty Y - from the body,, If di oaso hits touched will cry acct agai i for theocracy and J n Circle, the kidneys, there is grave danger, and 1}a Y, "Let God coma back and conduct a eltimder against your rielehbw, It quoto in opposition to me what St. -"-'- —= deadly oppressions will settle upotl tiro iix•i Kiane• forth from your teeth. It John says about the city of heaven. AUS""OLURE - body and mind, the affairs of thj world," Every ttep wi'l nvveet oxine back, you. think. You He 'Auys it "lieth four square." If You have any of the syinlrtonts of -monarchy, 1]inl4ecl mona.rch•, r _ WoAhi tau, Nov, 3. -In this dip .Bright's disease or diabetes Paine's Uel- '%'lva (104e the man all the mIsohief That does seem to, militate. against e Co- 11' h " publicanism, anarchy -'only differ. course Dr. Talmage sliows that the earth that 00ari stay0tl a lY Ille ravages ll rho eat steps b.tween L'hc first theocracy You can. a,ou r.}uta•3 to see li;m thus' idea or a circle, Iatr do you good or evil we plc returns to bless ° disease and cora permanently,' Mr. C. and the last thcouiracy or segments w.n ;, Y'1 say' Di Int I giie It to nit know 'herr is many a ,squares You begrudge him the room in your Or or blast us; text, Isaiah xl, 22,""It• TY, Kevill of Dunsford Ont. testifies as ,, of the great circle of the earth; an ]fern. That word hws Xane out, lou -3a that Iuts :i Enrni.f circle fee - whiinsicalities and garrulity, It I$ he that sitteL'h u tri the circle of p follows; which Gad si':s, ,, t1ui,.:sl::iudexu:r3 ward, an its paxor_ Jn; each other :in I Ina cirala, inov- 'same .story twice. You give him the earth " "For the a e p stfiftoeu yeRrs I have been food' he cannot masticate. You wish out and bla,st••d A••u Yau chi k tt , in`K and I a tri prov that tht•s' is ria • . y. n troubled with diseased kidneys. Often &'Goiva to Do Goof, w'll never c1 cy ou any baxm. Eut' I in regard to Itoay el. ; Jolin While yet people thought that the While working iir a stooping position I Cen u i ne warld was flat and thousands of would And it difficult to straighten up at But do not bacom impatient be_ am watchingsays that word, and I see it I I heard the volea of niauY ` Years bafore they found out that it once, and could only do so after repeated cause you can not sae the curve, of b ginning to curve, and is curves angels' round about the throne and @ was round, Isniali, in my text, inti efforts. While undbrvery severe attacks events and therefore conclude that arrrand, and it is aiming at your the beasts and the elders." And a a of my trouble, I became very nervous, , heart. You hacl batter dodge it. You agallb he says, "I waw round about Cart ce mated the shapa of it - God sitting and continually had tired, wornout feel- Gods government is going to break " upthe cirela of the earth. The Ings. My rest at night seemed to do dcMia. History tells us that in the cannot.dogg p a -it. It rolls. into. your the • throne four and 'wont y ,seats. ma^it baaut,}ful figure In all me no *o boom, and, after it rolls in, a word And again he says, "There was a ' ss z e e d geometry morning. I had b enytakin tired making of the pyramids it teak 2,000 at an old back rolls in atter• it, say_ rainbow round about the throne." I g"' tie Liver P"ll t a is ,the circle. God made the universe acrd was getting worse all the time. Attlim twd years to drag one great stone YI ►►77 1 f 1; g i n "W'th h t t The; two former 1-0v a circle • the Must Boar Signature of See Fac-Slmtto Vlra, per Below. .Oery emnlr and ud onoyran . CARTERS roll Dizzy HEADACHE. I f VLF FOR CILI01;SHESS. i VE F00 TORPID LIVER. . FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. - FOR THECOMPLEXI011 y Xi10FfzelYm MV.T MAV{ MATVIIl. ' lip pRfs li'orc2T VeSet;Flle i.,sG OURE SICK HEADACHE. Dizzy ? When your liver isn't actin well. You suffer from bilious mess, constipation. Ayer' Fills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Fall. small doses cure. 'S All drrags4eb. want Your moustache or beard s beandtul brown or rich black? Thea ace BUCKINGHAM'S DYEwh the 50 OM Or D.000,.T.. O. N. P. HALL a Co., NA.M M, N. M. Agony of Eezen",m-. Couldn't sleep at night with the torture. Eczema, or Salt Rheum as it i often called, is one of the most agonizing of skin diseases, nothing -t%ut torture during the day and two Fold torture at night. But there's a remedy permanently aures the worst kind of Eczema- reliev es the. itching, burning and smarting and soon leaves the skin smooth and healthy. It its Burdock Blood Bitters. Mrs. Welch, Greenbank, Ont.,, tried it and here is what she says: "S.'B.B, cured me of Eczema three years ago and I have had no return of it since. I was so bad that I could not sleep at night with it. 'Being told of B, B.B. I tried it, and two bottles made a perfect andaermanentcure." Two Stratford ladies Tell How Milburn'e Heart and Terve P& Make Weak People Strong, MRS. 9LIZABL+TH BARTON, Brittania St., says : "I speak a good word for Mil• burn's heart and Nerve Pillswith pleasure. They proved to mm a most excellent rertredy for nervousness, nervous debility grad exhaustion, and I can heartily recom- rnend them." 'MRS. POLAND, Brunswick street, says t "1Ky husband suffered greatly with ner. vousness, Complicated by heart troubles. Mitpurn's Heart and Nerve Pills have 4ored him, and he now is well and strong. i.AXA-LIVEIR Take one at night be* fore retiring, 'twill pI .LSO work while you sleep without a grip or 16►r1pe, curing Blllousness, Sick Headache, onstipatienand Dyspepsia, and makey&j hese] better in the morning. cn a p ani o the circle. last I decided to give Paine's Celery Proal. the quarry and put it into the n" There are 14 the ,na'tural , world Compound a trial. I procured a bottle, Pyraulids. If meet short lived can a. f 'a g $ s i w. a mr_atsure Ye meta shall b measured to you again:' last, either a circle or a ,semicircle. _ straight lines, angles, parallel- and took'it as directed, and found its ford to work so slowly as that, car- FILIAL INGRATITUDE. The seats facing each other, the, elYeot wonderful. Before I had finished agrams• diagonals, quadruples, but the first bottle I bpgaii to improve; after not God in the building of eternities You maltreated • an aged parent. angels facing each other, the men these evidently are not God's favor- I had used the second bottle T felt -as affard to malt? You begrudge him the room in your facing each other, heaven an nm - i tes. Almost every where where you well at ever I diel in my life. It banished What thous hGod should take 10- house. You are impatient of his phitheat:re of glory. Circumference: find him, geometrizing you find the all my aches and pains, and my nervous. 000 years to dr -an -4 a circle: Shall whiinsicalities and garrulity, It of patriarch ani} the prophet and ness disappeared. I Call go to bed now oirc.e dominant, sled if not the circle. earl ale well and rias in the morning wr. take our little watch which we P makes you mad to hear him. tell the npastle. Circumference of Scorpio -Covennntcra and Theban legion and then the ourve, which is a ci_ Ole that refreshed." have to wind up every night lest it 'same .story twice. You give him !Albigenses. Circvmferenc: of thg rued yaun.g. If it had lived long run down and ]solei it iip ba,side the food' he cannot masticate. You wish I good of all age%, Perph3ry • et ' enough it would have b>Fn a full clack of eter=nal ages? If, according; hc' was away. You wonder if ho is i splendor t:nimr.gined and irdescrib- orb, a periphery. An ellipse is a cir_ arbc) f gardening will gidw for ger_ to the Bible, a thovw4aiad years are going to live forever. He will be I able circle. A circle! A circle!. ole pressed only a little too hard at turies, amd after the Dommings and 'n God'a si,ht as ona day, then, ar_ gates very ,soon. His steps are ' But every circumference must have the sides. Mitchells of, the world have done their cording to that calculation the 6 000 shorter. and aborter. He is going to a centre, and what is the centro of Giant's causeway in Irelancl shows Wet in the far future the art -of gr_ y^ars of the world's existence has S stop. But God has an account to this heaven y circumferences Christ. what God thinks of mathematics. duping will coma up to the arbot•e•!- bvin pally to God as from li2'onday to .settle with you on that subject. Af- Iia+ all the glory; his all the fraise ; There are ever 35,000 columns of Saturday. ' + O(snce of the year 1. If the makers of y. ter awhile your eye will he demi and his all the crowns. All heaven - par, - octuganal, lic. amonak, par.- ooleied „lass go an improving, they But it is often the, "se that the rr_ tagcmal.. These rocks to have your :gait will halt, , and the sound wreathed into a gnrlan I round about; seem may in, some centuries• ba able to bound is quicker, the eturn is much aft the grinding will be low, unci you him. Take off the ixnp'+rial b_rn made by rule and seompass. Ey- make somethingequal to the east quicker than, that. The circle is II will tell the snore story twice, and .sandat from his foot earl behold the sa•tr af^ cry artist hats his rLOldtn room .tomer completed. You resolve that g Aviudaiv of York mitnster, ivlt}eh was 'P your• children will wonder if you, will t11r. ,spike. Lift the coronet of do -- where he may make fifty shapes, but built in the, year 1200. We are ;six you will do •what' good you can., In never, be taker. ;sway. They called minion from his brow and see -where+ he chooses one shapa as preferable to ceuturies babind khose. artists. But. ane week you put a word of coumel You "father" once. Now they call was the laceration of thrs, briers,, all othevs. I will not say that the the Avorld must keep on toiling. until in the heart of a Sabbath srchool you the "old man."... ,If you live A Cerra closer, all heaven. Narrow Giant's causeway was the voTld's child. During that sena week you y it eliail make the complete circuit and fewa yeAars longer„ they will call you the circle around his great heart. U molding room, but I Flo say out of came up to the: skill of those, very give a letter of introduction to a the "old chs r p• ti hat are thosaa Christ, the Saviour I O Christ, the a great many figures'God seems to mca, young man struggling in business. rough words with which your child- mant O Christ, the God! 'Deep have selected the c}rdle as- the best. During the same week you make an If the world continues to improve ren are accosting pout' They are thy throne forever, seated on the It ie he that ss]tteth on the circle in .masonry, we shall have after exhortation in a prayer meeting, It th(f echo. of the very words your »,sed circle of the earth, seated on the of the earth." The stars in a circle, is all g m. e. You will never hear of awhile, parhalos -after the advance of in/ the ear of your old father: forty circle of heaven, . the moon in a circle, the Sun in' a ocmturies, mortar equal to that Avhich it perhaps, you think. A• few years years: ago. What is that which you cirale, the universe in a circle,. and I stew: ]n, the, Avails of an exhumed after a man com=a up to you end are trying to chew, but find it; un - the throne of God tke centre of that English cit !Built in th6 time of the Says, "You don't know ma, do you?" ' Y mct,sticatable and your jails ache , Miller's Worm Powders cure all ail - circle. Romans 1,000 ,yeams ago, the mor_ You Say, "'No;. I dont remember ever and you .surrender the attempt? ments of ehildren like inngie. Sold by Appreciation of this would correct to have seen ort." "Why," he says, tar tG_:lay a4 'aad A8 the day, in Y Y 7'erhaps) it may be tha gristle which Oolin A. Campbell, P the architecture of churches, whose which it was merle, having outlasted "I wao 'in- the Sabbath' ,school class you gave to your father for his shape- ie often a defiance of divine the brick and the stone. I say, af_ over which you were the teacher. One breakfast forty years ago. suggestion. When m,an build churches ter hundreds of years masonry may 'Sunday you invited ma to Christ; I they to imittte the idea ! GOD'S MIGHTY 304 A A COME FAIRLY C M MAD ought of the adva'noe, to that point. accepted the offer. You see that Oh, I would like to see Paul, the .a Great Architect aind put the audience If the woatld stands long enough, church -..with two towers Yonder?" ,Yes," invalid missionary, at the moment Is a modest way of telling of in a circle, knowing•'that the tides of Ave may have a city as huge as they you say. Ha says, "That is whO n 'his influence comes to full orb the torture that thousands am,otion wall more easily that way ]tad in old t;im: a - Babylon, five ` where T preach," or, "Do you see -: his influence rolling out through of people have suffered from than in straight lines. Six. thousand times the size of London. You ,go that gtvvernor'a house? That is Antioch, through Cyprus, through Skin Diseases -]before they years aga God flung- the world out of 'into the- pmtteries of England, and whelrz I live.'i + Lystra, through Corinth, through . learned ©f that ,wonderful his right hand. But he, did not You find them nuking cups and vases Slntuder's Foul Poison. g vaporing-) of the continental 'press healer Dr. Agnews Ointment. thug" it insa straiglit lois, but our. after the style 0ri the cups and vases Ono day a man own -as to you and Athens, through Asia, through Eu- But " gone wild withjoy"only faintly expresses the deep meaning in the thankful hearts that have vilinc ar, wi th a leash of love hold. exhurvad tram Pompeii. The world ,,, Ing itl to' brim! it' :bank says' "'Good maornin.g. You look rope, through America, through the been relieved from skin tortures b this greatest ySalt so as1 again. .]s not going ►back. Oh, nol But it at hi'm1 and say, Why, you have the fir=st century, through five centuries ' of skin heaters. Have you Piles? heum? The, world started from his hand is .viv' )nging in a circle and will come ldvantu ge of me ; I canna place through twenty centuries, through Eczema? Ring -worm? Pimples? ]las baby of g Scald Head? Have you any eruption of the pure and Edcriic: It has been rolling around to slip - styles of y pottery „ you.' Ile says, Dom t you remtim_ earth, through heaven, and at la=st skin? One application of Dr. Agnew's Ointment on through regions csL• moral ice and krn,d4vn so Long ago ass• the days, of the wave of influence, having mala will her p-afew will cure -it never faits. gg ots, disstempar. IIcnv }019• it will 7`0]1. P'om bee thirty years ago giv%vg a letter g prii. The "writ] must keels ant full circuit, .strikes his soul. Oh, 63 of introduction to a youn Iran -a God only knows, but it will In clue progressing until it makes the ens_ then, I would like to seo him! No 5olrlbvA.L.Samilton,winrlisin. letter of introduction to William E. time maks complete circuit and come plete circuit. The curve is ]n the "Yes, ones can tell the wide .sweep of; the Dodge?" yes, Ido." I% back to the place Where it started- right direats.an; the curve will keep "I circle of Paul's • influence .save the r i' l I TALK. says: am the muni. That was the hand of God -pure and Edenie, eat until it baooemws.'the circle. m yfit7st step toward u fortune. But one who is ,seated on the circle of The Circle of History. Bad IDaed% Come, Back. I I have Tetired from business now and .the earth. t n $ Blaine them for Tel. The hi:story of the world goes iRis a am givi my aims to philanthropies Well, rioty, nvltat is true in the, ms- T ,should not like to ,sea the: coup- tenance Voltaire lin each .other about 11.rt' U - $ cirale. Why is it that the shipping .. texial universe i3 true iz Gods moral and public intexests. Cane up to of: when his influ- bllrIlrB Heartand Nell'PB lin, our days is improving so rnpidly8 my house* and see me." gove.tv.rrmnt a%d spiritual arrangr_. Once comes to full orb. When tho fatal hemorrhage Turn A scientific shipbuilder says it is be- But Sometimes it is a wider circle m!mt. That is the meaning of Ezc_ imitating in ,seized him at eighty-three years of his influ- cause mein are sonic!vo_ ' kiel's wheel, All cdrmmcntators agree and does not return for a groat Ap pts what Ilia small 'vita deride, age, once (lid not cease. The most bril- -- tthoaoldmodel of No:ih's ark, pact as tri saying that the wheel means Gods, while. I saw a 'bill of oxwnses for liaii;t man of his century, he had 4' : Ave see it in the old time pictures, but pxovideniea, But a wheel is of no burning, Latimer and Ridlry. The bill of exp,nscs has these items am cm,I used all his faculties for assaulting use unleos it turns, and if it, turn }t a_% it really was according to tlt• ; ae_ others: Christianity, his bad influence wed = gy costar given. Great stitps have we turns around, and if it turns around I Shillir s. rI'•:sack, ening through Fra ce, widening out t ! " i it moves i.n a eircla. What then? Are naw, b=it' wltc;re Is the ship oat, thO Onc load of fire fagot -...3 4 iron through Germany, widening all f i. s , k t,(( j + v sea kc -'fay that could outri0 a de- Ave pasts of a great machine luge whirled around and around whether r Cartage fon four loads of IAmerica, through Europe, widening through widening through the 123 `^u• ti i1 ;3`1" in which the heaven and the weed y we will or not, the victims of inexor_ - t earth wore wreaked,; landing all the years that have gone ,since he died 0 t, r = r Item. a pa3 ......... ,. ...1 4 pa.sscn;;•.xs in safety, titV'a of each Able fate? No. So far from that Item, two chains 4 widening ']trough earth, widening kind of living creatures, hundreds of I ,shall show you that we ourselves ,.. •.....5 C}tausnnds of spaaLes? start the cerci~ of ,good or bid actions Item, two, staples .,......: • 6 it Item, four labyrers 8 through the irteat future, until tit last the A.CCumLI}ALCM influence of his Pamiolo • will and that will surely come ... ...2 by go on with its ae_ around again to us unless b divine ntaki Ing in, all g5,s. 8d. That' was ) $ Y baleful teachings incl dissolute life will teat against his dismayed spir•• hievements until after many centui- . mhea Intervention rt: b:. hindered. Those p tire, coasiderLnq all the cir.. ie. s the world will have plams and it, and at that moment it will Ile THE PafTi>rliT RIEir'YiCb'L" cumstances, but It.. kindled a light paarg educt]. to the paradisaical. The bad or g'aod actions may make the ligh; t0 make site black hair of Ffltit WEAU NEEI11Qtf5 l tFi$i_ . circuit of marry years, but come It •,v' ._ .. . eternal darknomg turn white with It's only nataral that when A finds ac t a b k d its they A ill as that certainly , , •. hau.ox. No ant. can tell hoav that a wornan remedy ivliicli ci!+re3 her of nervousness God Sits on tiro circle of the earth. bad man',s influence girdled the and weakness, relieves her Rainy ttnd p POINTS Jeaebal, the worst woman of the NATURE REVOLTS earth i ®o PILL 'save the ono Who is floated; on aches, her puts color inherch0ekandvitality in Bible* Shakespeare copying his the Circle, of the earth -- tho Lord toM whole system, she should be an rices Dr. AA new's Liver Pills' are a "Lady Maobath" from her picture-- because the I ldneys were over- worked and weakened and Gould Almighty; shHannah oltersulfetin nes, St.ters saJames Street, purely Velgettable Compound, slew Diabetic because she ivaztted has not do their, whole duty. South Well, now," say ,some, "this, in St. John, N.B., relates her experience with A scientificallystudied Form- vineyard. While the dogs were ea.. Aworfoaii ltiidnek Cute clearved s ala. The after-e'ffocts of the . away the Impurities -healed. the )' body vaboth Llljah the smO res}>eots, is a ver this y guar] thoory I remedyas follows t-" For sante ve irs have been troubled with fluttering t=he medicine hst've been $Ivan tie lag the of dieeneed paarte-niade a sick -bo• and , in others a very ;sail one. We heart of and di22iness, accompanied u rnuioh Consideration ab the prophot put dawn Iris compass and death rnan well. would like to have the good we smothering a feeling which prevehtod and r Irninedlate results. marked a eirelei Item these del'gg a}eat+ One of the happiest aced in the County of have Not so Anoldnt y'orinulas-. iiaron to•daq, is Dlr, James iVicBrhte, of Jcus:Cs• I clone. comas back to us, but rho front 1 resting•. hly appetite was pear and with many of tho around to the dogs that should eat t}sou, fateful Pargerb and Ito ]soaring powers. i town, He was suddenly attacked with most tile body of Jezebel, the Murderess. culminatedineve 4 n ht that all fib(, .sins ivr, ItavO r r,amnr}tto-d ;; ° tituch run down and debnitated. bines. I started using Miiburn s Hearr Think 0. these points, i Impaisilvl 1 the pzop.e sail. "lhnt complicationiXof listlaserAiroct tiles ' it, will Como back to and fillu its hxs I'tlin Nutvd Pill -t, the Smothering feeling It you must use medicine, look for the most ph icians in lite Count without avail. i with affright." , Aly bro- ltit4ne, My heart beat is now rettula , 9teas nt safest and surest to take, Dr. Altnew's will never }lappen:" Who is thai: - Attracted by testimony of most marvellous cures titer. Liver Pills are supreme in cases of sick Hcad- r b South Ainerican Kidney Curd he procured it, » y• Y P I leave to fell dh fro y `1 este boon fluttettng has dlsappearm, hod I woudrrftttlybuilt up throul i b mj flume, out of tho paltlec wir,. ],Testi; RClle,. 14il0usno53, Sallow Skin, Constipation,, etc, , and before lie had used one bottle wet corople - dow. Jet, gal. A few ]tours ( , that c}rele an•1 will eo ae, its o#]`ect +, t , tsF thts }+i.l . „ rooafetl r .- 4o doses, ro cents ; rco closes, ag cents, 61 aftrr tely cured, 6s your call. I can brine, twenty 1> v - bettor th to for rrtani• i l+,r, sold, by A. L. 31tlmlitou, wiacghnin, thry cause around, hoping to bury gold by A. L. llamitton. Wilt6ham. 11 sci ' gas U SeApture to prova' t Il!tt say too f seh in pr s' "o restored illy long 1K,-, ...,....,