HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-15, Page 2THE WIXGUN TIMES, NOV. 15, 1901'% EH� U R E F R E E I NELS rRQI� THE Miss Llxuie Northeott, daughteroi Bir' O I •'r'ollu Northoott, of the flyd coircessiou of ASTHMA CSYNC.r , UR 911,11. usborae luot „ith a very painful - Laouldeut one tatty recently, by beim* - .�-- ---^' Ast�.malene Brings. Instant Relief and Per.:, Parag;raps from our gxahangt`es. struck in the ftu;o by a stick of \vood, UIIIIIII+11111111111111111191111ItIlIIIIIIgUIIl0111111pItttlUlUnunu+ SEE iutliotiog several painful gashes, which xnanent Care in. A,11 Cases,. • •- required several ckicller to close. L Ali old anti rosneeted resident of It your ]lived plan squirts mill; on his l J SET ABSOLUTELYRITE YFREE N N 14T+(`ESS OF POSTAL Dultganuou passed away on Saturday, hands to labricate the cow's uAder while l //�� --} A-& JL NAME nxn .11gli'ztrt�ti :ex,aal`zs, . November 2nd, in the person of Air, he is milking„ aur] you sell mill; at ails = xoi? Neal ,I, here is nothing like Asthmalene. It Edward Durniu. at the age of 77 years, creamery, you should either milk the = TTHF CHN N E 13 brings instant relief, even in the worst The funeral took place oil Wednesday at cows yoursel f, or gait selling the ixdik cases, It clavas when all else fails. three o'clock to Dungannon cemetery, The off flavor of butter is more direvtly - _ FAC— SIMILE --� FAC SIMILE F®� a g ile g g ' I p „ traceable to this cause, than any other,- r YEAR'S Rita e, lll, sa\s• Your trial bottle of Monday,Saiunli riloln sou, of K near• The Amherst Bee. 1cNe�etableYrcparatlanfor.As-� SIGNATURE The Rrv, C. F. WELLS of Villa brie e n ed ill raisin a hones on y Aswuutlrne revolved in good condition. Blue I caunut (till you how thankful I feel for , had lis collar boue broken. lie That Stomack trouble will cease if you i similaling tll� oodf![idRegula- �¢ the goo;i derived from it, I was aslave. and others were on a lever, TIrQ others will take Miller's Compound iron Pills. I �.,._OF-- ��'%�'/? chained with putrid sore throat and got off t;uddenly anti he was thrown, One after each ileal. Sold by Colin. A, ting the5tomachsandHowelsof k,� _ Asthma fur teu years. I despaired of sustaining the injuries just nientioued, Cam pbell..�� ,� �r,� t= art �js, ; ever bf fag; eared. I saw your advertise- On Thursday morning last 1 train on milt for 1:ia• cure of this dreadful and Miller's Compound Iron Pills, 50 doses torntentim', disease. Asthma,. and thou. 25 cents. Sold by Colin A. Campoell. Loudon, Huron db Bruce killed an ani- PromowsDigestion,f',ileerftil- ,,, ghty M i ad over spoken yourselves, but mai belonging to Joseph McIntosh, Hul• f resolved le give it a trial. To 1i1 Mrs. Scott, of Hensall, had the oris- let at the 7th con, crossing, and the, nesSaildRRest.Containsneither y g' O iulli Mor Nino 11orNmeral. nstunishmmit, the trial acted like a fortune to be knocked down and tram- P • p is ON THF. same day a train struck and injured a • 4 ��H q charm. Send me a full size bottle." pled on by a cow, on Thursday, Oct. 81. calf belonging to Mr. John Reynolds, 140T 74AMC OTIC. Theatnilual stepped on her chest from at the gravel road crossing. The cattle t y Rev, Dr. Morris Wechsler, which she has since suffered consider-pip 1 WRAPPER w� guards seen to be very defective, idw.arc/okZldr l� Pow, r Rabbi of the Conn. Birai Israel. aUle 'pain though no pern►auent evil ;,+ sad_ r r Ex-Mayor J. L, Eedy, of Harriston, .41�Jaierr New York, Jan. 3, 1301. effects are luolted for. was down his well the other clay steady. �rO°t•f?•'• OF EVERY DRG;. TAPT BRos'. MWDIC1NE CO., A good magi • men and women in Buf• afianeSsis • „ •« g � lug the pump logs, His assistant was t _ CYERV °�°'1�Ripe$ Gentlemen: Your Art hmalene is an falo ore looking for jobs. Hundreds, if ��• vxeell, ur remedy for Asthma and. Hay pounding the pump do\vn with an axe. ,,,, ud_ BQTTIjR OV RELI^��- Fever, and its composition alleviates all not thousands, are out of work, on One blow went sideways and the planka�a;17 trouhlt% which combine with Asthma. account of the closing of the Exhibition. on top of the pump fell into., the well. ! Its tut-cess is astonishing and wonderful.. It is a bad time of the year to be out of "Look out," Mr. Red was warned but Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- After havirog it carefully analysed, we can -tato that Astbmalens contains no ' y ' employment, slid it is d nbtfnl if m�lny he looked u and the lank hit him on boll, Soni StomaCh,Dlarrhaea, opiam, morphine, chlOrofol nr or ether. Va r.• truh yours, p p � Worms,ConvUtslOnS,Feverish- " REV, DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. of them will have much l�d by. the nose and *braided it. Mr. Eedy is a Miller's Worm Powders cure fits in not dangerously hurt. ne *ltd l<,OSs DT SILEEP. p AvoN SPRiNcis, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1901. --• r children. Sold by Colin A. Campbell. TacSimie Signature of DR. TAFT B1203. 1t.EDlcltaE Co. For Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains, Chap- g Gentleman; I write this testimonial from a FPDFe of duty, having tested the Mrs. B. Vauce, wuile on her way home ed Hands, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, wonderful a'f%ct of your Atthmaleue. for the cure of Asthma. My wife has been Burns, Scalds, Bites of Insects, Croup, afflicted with spasmodic asthutn. for the post 12 years. Having exhausted my own on Cuesday night last (veal(, was attack- Coughs, Colds, Hagyard's Yellow .Oil NEW YO$IS: Caetoria is pat up in ono•eize bottles only, It skill as well as many others, I chanced to see your sigh upon your window on 130th ed by a large dog. The animal tore her will be found an excellent remedy. � r 4, 'f, is not sold is balk, Don't al:ovr t nycne to sail street, Nt-w York, I at onct• ol,ttfiried a l ottle of Asthwalene. My wife commenced clothes and left the marks of its teeth in Price 25 cents. All dealers, l + you anything also on the�ples or promise that it taking it about. the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement, several places on her, body. If her ! r` ., is "fust as good'$ and will answer every per- After using one bottle hey A-•theta has disappearsy, of Tiverton, met with i peso. 4w ' „co that you got. symptoms. 0-�-w T•0-T3•T-A. had not been symptoms. I feeltltar I cvanconi-istentiy reeumwend the medicine to all who are daughter (there to drive thean accident last week which might have ;, -The tae- ••• • afflicted with this distressing: disease. dog off Mrs. Vance would have fared ill. �VCACT COPY OF WRAPPER c(nile �p� is oa left him with but one hand. While d stare % Yours respectfully, 0. D PHELPS M. D. As it is she laid u ander the doctors p ' ' p ripping a board in his factory, with one �Hve. �.. �? o! Ras?pee• Dit. TAFT BRos. Mrzlioixr Co. Feb. 6'1901, care with nervous prostration. , ' of the small circulars his baud. came in . I i.` tre��e�•rtl•�r.��+-��•�r.."''�"�;���+- Gentlemen: I was tronbled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numerous Mrs. A. Reichert, of Hensall, had the contact with, the saw, inflicting severe remedies, but they have all failed. I ran acrr•Fs y6ur advertisement and started misfortune, on Monday afternoon of last gashes on the finers: He is, however, with a trial bottle. I found relief or, once. I have since purchased your full-size week, to slip off the high platform of the able to. attend to his work, and is con- bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have family of four ebildren, and for six years 'was unable to work. I am now in the best of health and am doing business every kitchen part of their dwelling, and, in gratulating himself upon escaping the day. This testimony you can make such use of as you see fit. falling, to receive very painful and Toes of such a useful member, the right a i jraw"' -MMMIMMMill Home address, 235 Rivingtou street. S. R'APHAEL, serious injuries about her shoulder, side I hand. E7 East 129th St., New York City. and ankle. Several ribs, it is feared, are There is a school district in Reno TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. broken and her ankle dislocated. county, Kansas, in which there is a B4edical aid was quickly obtained, but it OOD POISON 6) if you ever contracted any Blood Disease you are never safe unless the virus or schoolhouse- and a teacher. but not a poison has been eradicated from the system. At times you see alarming symptoms, will be some time before' Mrs. Reichert Do IInt Delay. Write at once, addressing DR, TAFT BROS. MEDICINE solitary pupil. Bliss Maly SCrOgjg,i 75> outlive to hopes no serious results will follow. Have you any of the following i symptoms? Sore throat, ulcers on the tongue or in the mouth, hair falling out, ach- + CO., 79 East 130(11 St., N. Y. City, is able to goabout Again.' the teacher, opens school every morning ingpainsitchiness of the skin, sores or,blotches on the body, eyes red and smart, Soldb aII d>rtt gg' lsts. A4ilUnl n's Sterling Headache Powders and holds heaself iu readiness to instruct dyspeptic stomach, sexual weakness—Indications of the secondary stage. Don't trust to lack. Don't ruin, your system with the old fogy treatment—mercury and give women prompt relief from monthly any children who may coxle,but she is potash—which only suppressesthesymptomsforatimeonly tobrealrout again when —__ ___•_ _._ _ pnins and leave n0 bad after effects ha 1y indomestic life. on t let quacks exper,menton you. Our NEw METHOD whatever.' Be sure you et DZilburn's. the sole occupant of the bnildnng. There fiJ ] ATMENT Is guaranteed to cure you. ®ar Cxnarantees are backed y g lby bmaLt: bonds that the disease will never return, Thousands of patients Price 10 and 26 cents. All dealers. are plenty of children in tate district; have been already cured by our NEW METHOD TREATMb:NT fqr over 20 years ,f¢ but they are of Catholic, parentage and and no return of the disease. No experiment, no risk—not a "patch up," but a post. ef, attend a parochial school. ' Woodstock Sentinel Review: Thanks- tive care, The worst cases solicited. I . >;iving Day is not observedas ir, was by - the Puritans, and is each year becoming The essential ]tang-healing; principle ofNVO L AT t the pine tree has finally been successNE W DEB - • mora and more a mockery. , People do fully separated and refin4d,into a perfect rvi' 01132 NE77 1140 HOD T REATMENWwi11 core you; and mnke a map not L1tJ11Ze it t0 give thanks, but to have Cough medicine, Dr. Wood's Norway _ of you Under sail influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that w all pitifples, blotches and ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel, so . a arood time. It is not Christian festi- Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers On a o that nervousness bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyeR become bright, val, and in the Old couhtly it is not ori guarantee Of sm isfaction. Price 26 the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and sex- cents. ual systems are invigorated; all drains cease-no more vital waste from the system. h 1 p� ' Eerved at all. In setting it aside we btit The various organs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know - q Ale World was Waiting For. t marriage cannot be a failure. We invite alltileaffiictedtoconsultusconfidentially r • T1[tt a D follow American custom. When but a Mr. James G.. McMichael recently sad free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earned The I JJ Net titer tt dollars. WE WILL CURE YOU OR NO PAY. small part of one per cent. of the papula- purchased a sovtr pig which weighs 7E0 dolwe treat and cure NERVOUS DF,BILITY; SEXUAL WEAKNESS, UMTS- This is PROVED by the fact that the BUSINESS in tion remembers its original purpose, it pounds. It is oli'the Yorkshire breed, is BIONS, SYPHILIS, C-LEFT, 'STRICTUR'C, VARICOCELE KIDNEY anal o habitants of the world USE it., might as well be dropped, and we don't three years old, and was raised by Mr. BLADDER DISEASES, and all diseases peculiar to men and women. Cftresguarc: a- _� Now manufactured in three of the great countres, VtT. thiol] that any very general reeve( will Simon McKenzie, Of Tnekersmith, near �, rpp�+p}�� L'reyonavictim? Have you lost hope? Are you contemplating, It 9 a a l i marriage? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weak- ba expressed if itis. Brucefiel.d. Mr. McMichael now has it dddR1i111SSSit993 [[S11LJJ��tlll. neesz our New Method Treatment will cureyou. eassuttation c;anada, United States and Germany. Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge- at tits Commercial Hotel, stables, Sea. Char •, „ The Canadian Pacific Railway have,GTJeI' 2�0 in use � British Liniment is- ges.reasonabie. 3ookeFrco.— The Golden Monitor pilustratedjonDiseases of y passed by 'tiny liniment on the market forth, where lie is going; to keep and men "Diseases of Womea" "The Wades of Sin." "Varicocele, Stricture and Gleet" They know a GOOD thing to-day. It is composed of healing, feed it until it reaches the one thousand All sent Free sealed. •;; Plo medicine sent C. Q. Q. Rio names on boxes or envelopes. Etter !tet soothing and cleansing vegetable oils and pound mark and then he thinks it will P g confidential. Question list and Cost of Treatment RIES for Homo Cure. StIDR1E 43.x' ITS ADVANTAGES: extracts. It is put up in large bottles p a . for the small price of 251ceuts. be a mate for the big steer, Visible writing slaty to finish. Portability, weighs only 15 pounds. Five fox terrier* got into a scrap on IDWN. * KERGM. �iR& Alex. Cameron of Anderson, died on hlauiColding, beats them all, Alignment, positive and permanent. ' Main street Thursday, says the Galt Durability, hardened steel parts. �inplielty, P00 parts as against 14001 Friday last, the result bf a burning � WARRANTED by a well-known Canadian Company here to back it up. Reformer. Twasa furious .fight, and i14B SHELBY ST. DETROIT MICH accident on the preceding Monday, Oct. ,+ , final( one came oi€ victor. A sixth fox A 0 ,, r '� 28th. He had been left alone in the y • �l n 'el •: `� ate__ ��`%p�.1i'II e�:•�� e • !• �� � �160. house while the familywent about their terrier had watched the fun from a dis- ttance. This wisR dog; now. sailed in and regular morning's work, and when Mrs.. - -----• •----- --• • • - '�--• • YOU WASTE, rant• much iP you, BUY any OTHER,, and you DO Cameron, jr returned ;;to the house licked the battered hero ofahe first fray. - NOT VET s0 GOOD a tuw•hinp ! found Mr. Cameron lying unconscious Then a bull terrier, about.twice llis size, O wnd run for assistance; but Ire was ith his clothing on fire. She put it out appeared, and the discreet dog walked Job Pri*-mt I T i� I C` VtT _I.�LI1�.I�JIS ��'�•. Co..I.,iinited away. He would have nothing whatever • ;., _a JWWrite today, MONTREAL, P. Q. severely burnt about the breast and to do with such a vulgar breed. Besides, shoulders. The fire ie supposed to have bull terriers are terrors il} Unttle. such In this ro ressin e a business firm cannot d ord to use - . been caused by a spark from his pipe. is a true story of a dog \y�ith brains. p g g ff He was SG Sears of age and one of the A Galt beet sttgar wan went acreage poor printing rl Customers anality e f its stationery is. tweet no better ex to its pioneers. I, hunting the other night. He saw a p generally schoolalight, thought it a sugar beet sign than neat and attractive printing. THE TIMES On Wednesday, Oct. 86th, S. E. Put- g n meeting, went in and gave an hour's Presses are prepared: to furnish just what is wanted in non, liveryman, ..outhampton. hal a I� P close call for his life. He was exercising spiel on the advantages of the proposed alta a horse, a vicious animal, when the Galt sugar beet factory. Silence gtreet- ___ -8,a- -•, r,.t ed his effort. He took his seat and a i;� e �� s A*4* • horse, catching rum off his guard seized , {'• ' clerical-looking person arose: 1"Chris- AL11�. l m s•i:d' , him by the shoulder, threw him in Glia letter 'Heads Statements air, pounced upon him with its. knees as Christian friends de will proceed with the t. he fell, and commenced to tear him with Christian Endeavor topic, "The power Bili Heads Memorandums f its teeth. The cries of some women %vlio of prayer in, the C. E.' " Tho sugar i, beet man dug 'out and plants(] himself ;; Cn>lEiupes �. saw the occurrence brought assistance, ill tile next county. Kole Head P� 0 Ct, and after the horso had been beaten 1 •`--'•••+a '- severely over the head with the butt end R. J, Gailaugher, of Alliston, wrote ' And a�� Qfii� Supplies. y�ire$' . r of a heavy whip it desisted from its his name and address on au egg, which • 1 ` msn-eating attack, Mr,. Putnam was finally got into a shipment to the Old foetid to be severely injured, not only Country. Thomas Orr, of Hamilton, A Good having his flesh torn in various Scotland, got the egg,, and wrote Mr. 1'�'" , places, but from the loll. Gallaugher, in part, as follows: ,It is . Cheap �1 1: Peter Hardy, employed as track fore- ''With ninth regret that I did as you de. �d �s X sire,!-at the contents of this shell-so, q , man for the s Michigan, *ille Superior now that I have got out of the infirm. is not always the best kind tt) et • but if '01t et good riming, and at a ipti Power Co,, tuns illstantly;killed about ;� �' i 3 p � p '?i o'clock Friday afternoon, Hewasillary, I return the shell to you. The state moderate price, you will then have the best, We have every facility for FreserOn charge of the work of constructing athe egg; (excuse me for calling:• it names) turning oixt good coria in tits shortest time. The office is equipped witi� snspended track in the power house and reached here was the 25th of September, fast Jobbers, a rd and paper cutters, stapling machine and till madertx was on a scaffold above one of the pets. 1901, but the combustible inside this conveniences. stock openings, when a beam supporting; shell had the taste of having been laid • the scaffold broke nod caused the un- in the year one. Hoping sou will per•-. . forhluatfl mail to fall to the eeulent snade the !rens in the Domiuioll of Can. YOU WANT 5 T ,t V ig' ' floor thirty feet -below. When picked oda that the eggs they lits aro' not for � � 1 election purposes, nor yet Anarchists' Pro ramnles up it was found that his head was badly bombs, but for freens in Bonnie Scot- €' Wedding Stationery + crushed and ilia neck broken. The body land," Catalogues Da.�t�r was Wmil to Vanderhock's morgue and BtlSinc ,S Notices Teo Iva see (ands. a�W z ke 'd p e on s IT rdysulseqlon Mapently le he De eased was it e of James Calendars or Auction Bills r1 h vn a hood, �T h Pi* in c k6p, and ]lutea p ra• r ti. o f r, Ile salt. dr, his �' ��r A C ,.. Chloe xiver rel, Naples the'matttr, oar win brother of James C. Hardy, proprietor of �•��. ' p and '•nee ehouxand tetd. ' »,onrair re•ti1Ail to OAY "&4" •u receipt of p'lee, { t e Soo Cycle Co" and lead been a refli• .••:h:1MM++..s,ref.rfawenrr..e.l.iwhrns'sirwlr. ,• a LrttieRlp.rr attar(it;e,,t4tyluerit;,HeeaYork city, tit+tit of this City for about eighteen x+'Or Wahts itilil Ciliidrelt. i Itr01101S, condugK ]veru from Port Elkin,' • %, Iir 'Ont., where his ntotlierr ;survives alar]. unit..�' td�ot�r THE IIIe was 4? ltyears of age i$tl unmatrrie'd. OFFICE wttriwtirrrtw wr.rtrni l —Tile Sault Mmes. �wM iarru WINGIhim, O 'Yr