HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-15, Page 1lip 1 , wi#N.*G� HAM n�S i „VOL., XXIX, --NO, 1� 4 �1, 0~AAAAMAAA6f1AMiSAAA WANTnD.—Five ntired men, at'id Fresh Oyators arriving } uu •riving 1laily at J. Mc- The Tmsi"s tilt the lot of January, Stock 111 � •• boys to buy clotlii t H. B. Isard & Co's $elvie's. y DIU,, to new ubscribe oho Clegg e Bltoxolao Sol, Mr. D. 'Pelt has solei Ximmii sax H ar,--Weslo , the 8• J gg The�•timis to talk; about his broncho whit he purchased a few year-old soil of 101 Will Rath on the p sold his house cn iiinie street opposite weoka a o to Mr Win Ilelfour'of Turn• lith of >aas5. Wawa ash vvas picked b a . g y the Methodist oho _ h parsonage to Mr," Crew C ry berry, making it the Ileal a hC 0. horse, in the face, It Saturday fast. He H, D, Bell. ATTT NVONT IN had it brok to go double. was driving a hor!?J iii a field when it DiEn.- AlLother of the Hurou Ptoneo:a has come ;again, We expect A few boarders vvaut at •Mss, kicl ed, fltriklug tit bay !n fife face, to open, u Barin the {'next Flood's, DZiunie street. 1poaeliin s01no of hi toei11, and caitiffs has passed away.Mr. James' Berney at p It is nil. the ripe old age'ofi8l Years, 1 mouth and ]3efare pitr0hasing your tw.o weeks sevtaral nice lines Oyxrrut Surrali,r•-btr• P. hell gave an •rho skin of his face a a vase, • winter supply of 15 days. The c eoeased was, boxix in - of Fancy oyster snptier to tate boarders at the. likely that there krill Q a scar, Toronto township 4n 18117 and moved to } WOW, } qr ,. Park house on Ta ursday evouing last. near D� OnAAi an..,4W . J to, Kerr of Morris, Morris about4857 And settled on. his late tSu� �r� Sa�1 st4�1 pr � - -' Atter the supper, Z. MaoMath was tip•lie grave, passe awa,4u Th rs r' Japanese China pP ,• p , , Do ((�� Qp pointed chairma and a program of day evellixig 1asb. at ti age 6.38 years, farm, let 15, con, -, whet? he has heed Do y4! 4'� German China Songs, ? Death was a ever shoe, In 1 bit ut married Mise k, good timeyai s op ntii as given. A jolly ,tl;ki 1114, ;u ua son twooks ago ak She axu they lied six CALL ON V McCracken w1t11. h French China a g children.. He wa of late a Methodist in French China . KINei'S B1RTHI) \St, -All' the stores fix leaves a husband a d four .childrou to religion, and a Co servt;tive, in politics. ��j Like payinga Good Price AND. -- town kept open o i Saturday last, though niacin 11er loss. er father of Kraut* He leaves to mon n lils,loss a wife font fru pint ford died about 24 Dura before from a ' ' Doug ,_ ptr for a Poor Salt of Clothes? English Dinnerware there ivas little business done, The boy? and two g rls; William on the DD Or a Reasonable Price; for majority of the farmers. looked npou 'cold coatiaoted'iv Ile visiting Mrs. Kerr li0mestead, James in Morris, John in Saturday ns ti ho iday and many calnec ohrinl,„ her illness Brussels, F. C., barber in town, Mrs, ,And get ciuotations, We guarantee prices and in on Friday to d their trading. ''Those Wru costar RAI .--Nothing has been. so Hobert Torbes, of `the Ord of Morris and ' gnality, and the assortment will who came In oii S turday'wero surprised rveltiottie t0 far tars, tuck either?. rrilio Mrs. Will Jewel of England. Ho was Suit speak for itself. to find the stores on, lt'ave welts as rain , of Monday and ill about three ` 'eks,. The funeral took • Any orders for sales left at the 7.14ES Tuesday. M i y have had a difficult place ou ld do and was'vory largely Medical H&1!, wingham � O®`" R ofilce will r iva rom .t attention.. J, •time to obtain "fTicient water for cattle • ftA P P ended showi . the respect in which, NA,h[quharsoall ptirrio. apo ioneex. incl household -_so. Some s rings that se p cA decen d waThe choice is yours. If Tza tu; Wo11DSI u the pulpit notices have never beei known to be dry beforgW �. OwTumty. ue of the pioneers at On Sunday erenin last Rev, Hobba. were without a trop of water. To the your judgment prompts CHINA HOUSE cailod attention to t` amount. of north of us, in ey county, the cattle Zetland.passed way, after a linCerilig ib�' AGENT G. N. W. , ' you to save money,. and Opp, Hanle of. Hamilton., that hoc! been pulJe off; .the ilew church have to -be be driven ti or three miles to illness, on Tue day last, David S. Mao• your taste suggests. stylish by boys oil Sunda, He exhorted the wafter. Donald at .the go of 70 years. The de- WV>tIWVWYWWVWVVWWVV•s chased had en ill for about three ������ p clothes, let us have your parents to tifAni ie oh}ldren to have WAN,rED, —Br4 lit Dried Apples, 8c.— $2 f;C tiOZ, more respect for the church, that to • Orders direct from Germany. Also Roil filled to the 1 d. three weeks being coir- order. FOR SALE. perforin such acts zb was a titn int Butter,, Fowl find Raw FurF, fined to his b d. ' Mr. MacDonald was We lead the trade in and in need.. of get +rat observ. Ie. iii the G. E. Kia,ct. born in Iu ernes, Snotland, and h � 1 lumber wagon, 1, single vva 0m town, Iain? out to is 'Photo ® � Cbxr.Ers M*rET, -Lovers of the granite 9 with his parents �• G611�S with iron axle and spring seat i set met at tike fire ba 1 on Thursday even- when .:Duly s x weeks old, settlifag in At p g a Fur Coats and Ju 'et 1 gnarantood.. Colborn? tour ship, Tu 18E0 h° inavud 'STUDIO �`i U,jrnisbings double harness, 1 set single harness. Men's from 815,00 t 50.00. Ladies., lug, Nov, 7,. to ori-anize a curling club p• STAR PHOTO STUDIO I plow. Also rooms over Gordon and :from $820,00 to :410, . 'Call a]' examine, for'tho season of 002. QQuite a number to Zetland wl ore he has been e;igagediii �p �+ Beaver Block, o A 'full• line of , Fali and Galbraith'6 stores to rent. ' Largest assortment in town, were present and anxious to get a good I the mill bus! esti ever,since. He was �. MiEtQn Crahamt Brunswick a3ouao;' Winter' Goods now. passed , ; GEO. MCIiLN'ZT1+',., HANNA & Co. club a-goiuz. Mr. A. A, Musgrove noted for hi , upright character and winBluiin. into stock. 7 he latest in SUCCESS gal TH F mu. --In addition acted as ubairm and A, J. Alderson, honest d'ealin s with all men, high.? s Shirts, Under- w P r y, p to g P Y vhiui. In. 1807 Bulbs ? Bulbs . g d6ath� Tallies. Hats, Caps, h , w to his first-class come news aper no sec otar ro. in. The followin respected b a who knee Who Wants .Farm ry . farmer who �visho to malLa farwiup a ofhreis were. eler;bd: Hou. Pro?. Dr. he was marri A to 'Miss. Mitchell of +to•, etc. Leave_vour order at Star studio, in a wear, etc. pleasure and a pr . t can afford to nbe Kaodotlald, M: P.; Pesident, E. L. Turnberry whe survives hick, with seven wave. Blocac; or ?aces street, wAIJA , a Ihave over 4 000 acres of choice 'farm lands without a ria r li'ite the "Faxmer's DiolLiuso'u Sec. Tress. A. J. Alderson children. The ,hildren are: Mrs, Thos. T. C. GRAHAM, 1'3oots anal for sale, in 60;' 6,100 160 and 200 acres, lots in Pe , , ' ��•••��•�,, Kinloss, Greenock, ')Bruce, Kincardine, Hiu'oit Advocate," .of, L0 riga, Ont., specially Managing corm cittee.—Messrs. Griffiu, , Dodds, Mitchel-,; Andrew of Rat Portdge, iA711QQirT and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with Climbing tate Business Rcod buildinEs to be solei cheap on easT terms. devoted to his of . business. It is writ- Vannormau, K: echtel, McAlpine and and David W., Maitland, Lillie, Hattie, �9� COLr.��� Our stock in this line was iAi rod d mus good bush shop el eels n con- 'ten by practical en for practical men R. Vaustone. Membership fee was and Norman at home. rHe was ?Presby- �`� °•o Ladder. Qa s} As on increase your A hotoi doing good business for sale cheap• in all branches, ef.. agriculture, and is placed at $2. he coilectoi•s were ap. terian in religirai. The funeral took � � y never more complete. All Also a wagonsliop. A general store with large usefulness to trace, live village. Also ci large amount of beautifuly ,gott in out. Write the pointed asfollo •s: Ward 1, W. Hele; place onThursd.„y afternoon toWingham ti � ployer so you luvecamst the Latest Styles. will be money to loan at o per cent, For further par- "Advocate”' r cemetery. Mazw friends ' and ac uain- �� ° your chances of promo- Y Aclvooate pub fishers for a fie$ sample Ward 2, G.,N. rifiiu; Ward 3, . Vnn- Y q o tion—year ugefxliie»F tar: ticitilarsapplyto"` , f> the business-- .�y found at this store. J, A. I&HRNZIE; copy. It will sear inspection, Read norinan War 4, D. Dinsley and A. J. Lances s) liupathiye with the mourner? • yi wages. A course in they, Insurance Accent. Hoirrood. their anuortucai + itt, .entitled .1make the AIderson. T committee meets at the Fcderiited Businoss Cot- l NAaTIONAL I1tC 1 Woinrs.—A meeting loges tivith Fe ole it t T,ondon, Toronto; Hamil- Farm Pay," el' where in this issue. fare Ball ou N ember 19. ton, Ottawa, £siirnia, Berlin, Dalt, St: Cather - rail creditors of tate National Irou'Works, N E W ADVT$, Subscriptions fol the Advocate received," Come in an gat acro of Coffee I Ines, hal "s yon to reach this end. l3 ,tion o' i P limited heiYi !n Win htsm tho;l2tai of yr. boo an all particuhirs on npplic4tion tp at the TLviES Off e., and test tae qualities our Good ' g ; i " �'Coltees. 1rfiSs tin e, ,represeittin November at wi5ich upwards of < sixty- �n D �, ROD, th & Sr II. E. Gird co• Ediga#nsr i Mrs. Gre°n kae s :on hand a, large g g E.Qre�t, Cily Business ' �C'0i9ege, on P , g Mabars: Gorman, art & C0„ of Lou- five per cent to _ ?file of the creditors'Y. Ball53xdis. A$edroomSnite' assortment of beautifully trimmed fiats, dun, will be at thi store on Fr'da and were re reseuGe► >ylox�ed b Mr. A1cT MSC. A. Building, London, Ont. R. A. Hutchison—Selling Fast. Y P y , and is selling them fast, at remarkably Saturday, the 22ad and 28rd of this �; V7i .'WESrERVELT, Princi.*fal. WINGHA11z. itobt. Mooney—Cooking Stoves. Y, ridge seconded b; ` J,(Ir. Shepherd kind ttu• Sutton Fesdant—LogstiVantecl. low ririeos. month to demonstrate Our No. 1 Blend animously resole :d that in the opinion A. L. Hamilton—Story About Pills, ( and Oapitoi Blend Coffees. -- --- TNCOIt1tEOr.—Mit Kerr who moved JNo. &JAS• H. S1;1t1t. of this meeting i is advisable that the — 11Tarringe Licenses VPm, Gannett—Savo You a Cutter? to the Sault iii Aub st, tapes esceptfeii Y —Another Creclitors allow the Directors 0f the ANOTHEEt W1N r. -The Ed At Griffin's—A Lady Demonstrator. Issued. by aPitilxic PAriaasox, No. 28 Victoria Smith & Pethiek—Not Just as Good.. to our remarks re •ding that place, in Do THEY PAY cEtisE. . montotr Review has a write up of the Company thirty •aye -from this elate far ,i street. Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required. Wm. Weld Co.—Malde the Farm Pay, a letter in which mixes a treat deal saaifilc, of disloyal to onr town finer- the purpose of a deavoring to iaiae saf- business places in Strathcona in its Tolm Campbell—MoLaughlin Cutter, know-it-all with some political gush, chants has beet . manifested lately. ficieut funds to special issue. Amo g those mentioned J. R. Stratton—Tenders for Supplies. There ate some tr vellers fu town sell- P Y the creditors a com- A. R. smith—Ladies"Underwear, etc. � v,�ith no attempt know what he is talk- promise of fifty sots in the dollar on is the Blowey fur tura estabiiahment„* "no - &Jas. H. Kerr—Coffee, Flu Coats, etc. ; iug about. He aims that we said in ing hoods, and to • ng orders for articles their claims, at a expiration of that of which R. T9Yfx n of Wingbani is DOMIN10” BANK! the T=S that, t the time of his de- of wear, to be m e in the city. Those manager. The Re-iew sass:-1Here is who ba from these people not only time, and that if he Directors are sue- r : parture, he won be disappointed and . y P p Y cessfnl, the Cre itors accept a com- a gentleman that or his merits alone, is GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. S, that a Wiugha man gave the inform?- I take the money 'at of the town finer- promise on that osis, the Directors in entitled to 1;onorabl t mention. He has ;tion. He did n t oven write to its but chants' • pockets{ tjie pockets of those , been here for three nonths and the busi- qq the meantime i dertaking that the Capital . • • • $2 5001000 ; See Halsev ?ark's advertisement. sought to place ci$ in a false position by who pay the tax :s for them, but they assets of the Co any will remain in- nor s under his Supe; vision has grown to p Calm bell's Headache Wafers uarmt- , I pay more than tl ;y will have to a. for Reserve , , , , , , .f1C 500.000 P g a letter that .dvance. To sliovv thin P 3 pay tact as at the pre tit time, and that the splendid propurti0r =. Mr. Nixon. is a 1 ► teed to cure headache. he had either u ,t read our item Or had superior goods iL our own town. One splondid busiuc. ss m in, of rare ability, is Creditors be in n way* prejudiced by FARM SOLD: r. P. Wells has sold + forgotten it, v< reproduce it here: instance that :�.ciirred on Saturday the delay. It b fug also understood °Ory prompt anti ecirteous with eusto» arm in Tur erry, advertised in the : "Mr. J. Kerr moved; to the night may be i centioued. A certain mere, and his stater tints may be relied that the chetah lders-shall surrender Tis, to Messr William Sr. and Chas. Sault last eek to work at his lady had given. h r order to enc, of theee upon implicity, Aw. Nixon has follow•- WINGHAM BFHANCH;"Eto, trAda as sto a mason, A entla- nfifty 1�°r cent o their stool; into theMell of the ownahip, g travulle rs. ,:he eves looking at sor.ie , ed the furniture buy cess all his life and Juan who v' iced that place this treasury of th Company and that �p��y ,,11 1 0 p O C v . tuautlas in stogy 3, wlieii she said she is. quite au expert or repairing aticl up- q S it K li L R CUT .HAND. r. fits. Carr had the summer .to the TrUns that Alessrs. Galt all Bullock surrender all bolstering. It shou d be further ridded misfortune to five a chisel through his anyone who venar to the Sault liked one much litter than the one she the common sto t field by thein; either that Mr. Nixon is at undertaker of skill: A General Banking Business' Trans- baud at the ch ix factory on Saturday expecting to )btaiu work 'would had ordered., besi fes, it was fifty cents and judgment. He tikes full charge e of "'.oBcted. be disappof ed, unless thttY cheaper. She K as Sorry she had given Personally, in th names of their wires obesqui frnm crap to flowers iii. he Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and last. It will l y him off work for some Vern engage before goii * the order and int Ailed not to take it if or in tract, ex ept fifty shares each. has condauted u nut ber of notabl! iei- advances made -on saltie. time. He me with'the same accident a John Aldridge, hepherd far A. H. Co., ferment, He erten es fuucriclS in finer Drafts bought and sold on all Dints !n Remember o r Slice epaxGmetlt it ware possible i. Sad a flaw. This is p few •mouths a W. O. Hattie R 'Laidlaw Lumber Co.,?Gyle desired front be simplest t0 that �Cfanada,. United -.States and Europe. }which is always lo tied illi Bargains, only a sample. Do these nieu pay a costliest liud lie ran w relied on in (wet,v SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest Armstrong d' will make 'u.11,00 :Out' Motto: "Goo it o•date Shoes to i license? Do t' oy help support the E' A. Drake for L. E. & D. R. Ry., way. He is the < ilv undertaker hetes• :allowed oil deposits of $1 and upwards. photograph fox 25c from Nov. 16th to 'give satisfaction ",your money, to�vu7 "D0 ants others,"• etc. Alex. Yount; & Sc ns, W. Hutson & Sons and he tarries ti oniplete stork of 28rd. For Alen's acct L es Fina Shoal we S. Bennett, McLe. •a & Sons, J. M. Dow- faucial iequislteti. SGratht otiiL coif i A. E. GIBSON, Manager. recommend Geo. • A. Slaters make. lliogny To LOAN.—money . 60 loan on nor, H. B. Elliot. Arthur J. Irwin funeralgratillaes herself o ltavira snob it corer - R. VANSTONE, Solicitor. SOLD AND 'OUGIA1 r. "Whitfield Sold at HANNA & Co. notes, and notes discounted at reason- ' " President John b arra Secretary. 1t is profession. We Jermon has s d his', arm 41on the B. , able fates. Molloy advanced on wort= , y ?crater , award him a high ,lace here. _ .. To THE FRO:" —one of Wingbam s ,ages, with privilege of paying at the : stent artist i line of Tarnbe y to Mr. Tbos. Holmes, boys Morris Ro s, son of Mr. T. A. eild of any year. Notes and accounts He bought age ,the farm of Mr. JohnBlock, �'" GHAA .� S :l.�ii"'.�DIN SE[ STORE (l� Bosman of to u, between bare .. and runnm race at e1 h• He entered the RoFs,�h sae been tlo ng p imsulf proud fn a � Oallocied. t7ttiCe—liaRO'eTMC1.ivD 01 4 � ��� ........�' .. _.... .. ,...... . liluevano occupied by Mr. RObt, i eve mile factory race and caws out C. GiLLiespfl:' F vE1tAL=The facetal Yoo' second• `Che G elpli Herald liaa file of Chas. Gillespie thok place oil Satur- 1 Ladies' Fine i i CRE A � .s Or WixelnA. Too.•--•'Th9.Clinton New following to say o the Mee in wtlioll lo ' day afterltoun to Wiugham cemetery J THE NEW ' y Capital paid up; $1,005, 750,00. ra,, last week had to "say of the number starrted:—"The ve mile factory race I where interment n as ukafe. It was tli.i i Shoes. SHOE Reserve Fund, $p1,G00,000,00. of young. men n business in that town. ]vt;sulted in then st exciting finish of largest facetal s.r ti iu Wftighatn fax J We can lay o im to the same boast and the day. Most a- the starters were in some time, Revs Perrie of Winglfaui President=-JoartSTUART. $+ndsome to the eye,' r 4' 'C1 1elit— . G. perhaps ee Dun nen in buslned5 here. forty fine form havintr • gone over the course and Dunn of . W rift Cliut'Cli conducted Yieo-Presiai,nt -A. G. zzArtswx. erha s win ut. We Can coapt �0 several times d'ur ng tlio past few �vaaks. the service 'at tile house. The pall Artistic; in design. y g 40hu proctor, Goo, Itoach Wm, Gibson, M.P. hays the co bivations, Young & . Sons, Geo. Simpson w is the favorite among beavers wore 0111, Murray, ' Wm, First, rate workmansi le. A.T. Wood, M. P., A. Y3, Lee (Toronto). HOmitth & 'Sons, Xerr Ere$, Walker a Bost of adirire s, and he succeeded in Holmes, H. D. H ndersott, Robt. Perrie, General Manager -4. Tt7RNBU`LT,, - o s' Sat -fo Brod, Field res, Ball Eros. Wingltain landing tike face but it was not without T. J. l llioft and :.. Hough. The em• Made to wear unci keep their sa'viiiAs D�its —Hours 1110 to 0; received. :Ino, takes lie ba Sent, a great strirgg ilidrrls floss, who ployeas 0f the d eeasatl attended in a W - to 1, 1hi��,ioo�il. tot -oat aM.01 ,aria computed or the Both N ca tured socon rite hails from Win body. There tee» nearly ;200 of file I.O. Shape vemberand Bust May each year aria added to Gents.— ave a look the bargain~ p p i g' , '- principal. in Shirts at Hanrra & o, Ott Saturday .tam'. Ile is a oy with a great future V, V-, S• O• S. au 1 C: O, P- in the pro- Beautiful fitlish, easy cometwet, Special ,beposits also received at current night. Regular t° . , $51,00, 760 for 260. as an athlete. Last ivinter he made a cession. The Od lfelloNA s had charge of - tliteaofinterest. Ali sizes from 1�1; 016,4, great reputat` n as a skater, and lie :is the service at t e grave. Mr. J. A. very durable. brafts on G4rMt liritatu and the 'United r statedBoaglit aad sold. REMOVING.-- wo of our merchants also a clang ons roan on the wheel, Morton acted as W. G. and A. Coleus as 't'Vhen N ou discard them you Travetlet s are notiflcd that theBankof Hf,m• The large turnout showed Chaplain, i� tori audits Sran,lLos issuo Circular Rates of are in thf week to Differ promises, Simpson too the lead from ilio start Clta ltiib, ase gas ..d ,011W." N' tidnxl $acivincial ilau]e of Bn, na, Limited, Mr. Geo, Gree is moving his stock to atld paced tl o race all the way tacit to fife este?m of yr cicli ilio deceased tv rrtlrnt lrnt)Ghet "j -lit, It 1tCre t,1e tri 1t , A.1 tphiah elfin 'o castii d wittiont charge of troit- b.1ch 1titglrartarftlie tv ,rrd. the Fishdr Flo ,and Colin Campbell is the fount?` ori St. George's square, ltcyld by:ill. Thc-M411agers of the fres• Thetl our prfeei etre l;lcit the, 1p i•:t. iii,- dill,? 4)<t, f10R]30Yf.i:,D, Anent moving ills div store into 1121!. Green's Ross took lis advantage and -followed byturlan t:hurch plitzed a boiultifuI E. 1tr. DZaltl= 3N. Solicitor. store. Mr. Cat pbell found it necessary hint all th - way, passing film just below wreath -flit thu m8ket. Among those hart of the buyiog•. to make- this o ango' ?reins to the re• tile post oiy,ca at the finish. But Siulp• uresant fratti 1i ;lisatt,etl were.. Geo. here kite it fere : ••••$l .5f1, X1.7:1, w 2:tiff ;� ' :� ;`i0, i freed uurtors for quest of the Te phone Company to hayo sofa was ncA to be outdone, and with h Stewart, Stratlr7•uy, Wide of Mrs. —The TIMPS 01nea a el " it cards, their oilice,in more central position, great spun lie tools the 1(ail Pt the Gillespie; Rev. 1�: Saiidersclti kind wife See: 2Dt1 w It (lniW 8C1 tJi i„t7Gi�{G5• `tris 'Thera has just been placed in nayy The Misses M well who have had: a Dominion Bank corner and �ra;<tt 't; f Ilderton, the I atter it sister of Mrs. ��� ay 'hands for Sale a 200 acct faint on the li dressmaking bi iness in n part of the rano, 'with. [loss a hood second,, ' few Gillespie; *"as. I% -til and wife of Bruce � WAV yk� � w litle f Tnrliberr 11 miles from Witt - layishei' 131oCk h; ve tnaved t0 the rooms ,feel; behiitc hint. 'Tni1t�, `s:,.48." 'Tile. illiiiekl, brlitlsnr "f 1►rn. (�itlesple; Hugh 'he'ra, Yat ,o House, part brick veneere . over Maxwol a tailor shop. Mrs. second prtc a WAS n Chhla fish sate vnluecl Gillespie+ 01 Ilton; itc,n, affil.? vt rllek ilc- O L' . �0CAL A� E N T � , Commodious and coniplete outbuildings Gxeoli'd ntlllfi ` � alio rvlil be found in . itt r„>. 'ye coligratultite Morris ori the reirsi rl, itticl Nc+il rillea, iu of C,rultitixty, p and hank barb 10x;10. All under crtlti` the Fisher Dol:, rho old post 0il'ico ' Success of bo fight lie tint rip and folie a courilt; D. Gun , rilld 11. Moffat; repro• � ration, except 8 or 4 ?ores, A. lxal this is only the beginning, Sulld,lg D. Galan w CLv., '40rontaa. >tnt►ge, ircalcatate agent, `4Vingltnitr.. stand., A ,