The Wingham Times, 1901-11-08, Page 10'111E kk INGRA 11. '1111ES', NOV. Nr 1901,
INi3TAlILIkfHT.1) 191'.• nowarithutetle, for histauce,isasavntg, ��< .iC' Z� ��J 1�" 1)Iii11r�� I, O„ihIldren Cry for. EST'ABZP;;3182U 1872 .November.
its ill order to supply true needs for AT No suit --,no luoorlI
'HE 1 . lth t•li the preenut i';stte wn a Beit creta SOUTH HURON'S Q4.0 REPRE- j � �� 11r il� # Do. No morn --no uAl
.1wL.lw[O'X"j`.j"Crttt.telitYia Aral k'noruir.1tok llecot,iwq w purchase a butsk of royie�� Is PUBLISHED No dawn -••-no dusk -no roper thue of about fifteeir ceitt each for $ENTATIVE iN THE
---- --- p'
each nits 4lrterttl. ll this COMMON$'j ('� (�T) EVERY FRIDAY MORNING day-
s P pupil J < 7:OWN DT1�I i � OIff No sky -no earthly views
. rALDA.Y. NU 41rA1JGk�t h, 1:101 he would pay 44 cents or W coats, abavo a Tl►ornttglt A1;rlvuaturlst Avid rat Xxcel- ---- �-�- The Times Office, Be#tVer Blook No distance looking bide ---
- -. - - the prIQQ of the team book by the time It lit 4100ornt SpeAltor-ter.. memlwtti B;rTxsT Cnuaoit--••Sabbatli services at WINURAM, ONT.4,419, No rood -no street --no "t'whcr side the
Kri:1,1, AxI�'t, xo T,II. iii +r.
the 1illtrauee was reached. Wns Highly itolw.lrded All Ovoc 010 11 a ni and 7 p iii, Sunda School at ..�
To the question, „Arta tial clttlii eg d11 ?l rarutee. y it way --
' If there is ouethitisnore thalt another 1 g r" 2:30 p it1. Geateral prayer 1110etiug TitR an vitt svn3clttPTtox-;1.00 per atutum in No end to any row-•-
' g iulprovemeli.t," we sey Yes, as, note the Seaforth, oot, 81, --Mr. dorm McMillan oil Wednesday evenings. Rev. 4, J. Fat- • advolice 'i -001f not so paid, No llttpc+r tri Oil
IUAt the Liberals use 1•b li constitueilo set questions in the begiouinll of the I Ox -M. P. for South Huron,. died at his toraon, B,A.,pastor, W.J.Cglutpman, 5,8, Option of the publis a r:°1'Q paid, exegi t nothe 1`to indication where the crepeeuts
AA'Q risers. to, it will b 4- tYe once, Not boor[, a great saviug Of the toacher's residence ill the Township of Hullett Superintendent. - APvklltTcsxNo RA ks. -- Legal and other go
indifference because of all unremediable , , MLTHOIAST C HUitali-Sabbath services - et'saal udvortisements 80 orNonjntriel line for No top to any steeple --
ate,. runt because tbore,lltts been such a titnu tnstl UousOtltutnit benefit to the pit-. this iitorliiu;(. l hA aituouu.4fiment of at 11 a in and 7 p 111. Suitdoy School at irrsie Insertion, l 0 per line for euclt subsequent No r'eoq tlitionS of faulllittr eo 110--
ils. A"aiu the delanuds. of life larva Mr. McMillan o death was a severe , g p l
' llui)t %sure of prosperous government, suer P � } 2:30 p u1. Iap�Vort11 Loaglia °very Mon- , Advertisements in Igenl columns are slur tri No courtesies for showing 'ern--
< „ hetes-itoted the udilidun • of certain 611001: to the community. It had been tlay•evoiiilig. General prayer meeting 10ots, per line for first insertion, and 5 cents , M S
A passibility of allowlu0 the ambitions of on Wednesday QYenings. Rov. Rlgluard ' llor Aims for each subsequent insertion, NO knowing. e»t I .,
parts, for the ,uivuueatl pupils, �vlticll lcttowu for a few trays that he was ailing, P ,, Adverttsonie3its of boat, Found, Strayell, No travolllu at all--uo locomo eau
i #lie Uppositiau to leo fulfilled, We liav4 could iioi: !lava beou.,doue ,without and but foly outside of ]iia, inlmedlate family Hobbs, ustor. Dr. 7.owler, ca. S, Sup- Fuinis fol Sale o. to Iient,,utd sirnflttr ,#1.ubvfor 6 t
had up lost of entltusiatim lately, but " or' tendent, first month and. 40 .t citta for each suilsoc uent No inkling, of the way- uo notion-
here has been ample root' Of the fact wbluki •the .teugherd told pupils wore Circle 6u1)pos°d laic Baso 1VaS s0 serious, pl;l♦SBYrEItIAN CILUitga Sabbath ser- malttll, X "No r „�
p P oftiuies clantorin fur. An crit}ctiuu oX the stouiaelt was the _ >,o "-by laud or ppegu--
r , '�' $ vices at 11 a iu aril 7 p ui. Sunday oto ratomfox•Rtile Insertion of wad ertisoments No !nail --no post -
In tris Province that all exp
1 , t In rrgtltd tothe question wiry the text - iiuw0dlate cause of death, He vas 77 School at 2:30 p in. General Brayer for sneciflcdperiods:--
alive to the best policy ever placed bit- WOW tire ohnnued so ott4n, the forego- years of; age. He carne to Canada' Meeting on Wodnooday evenings. Rev, srwol,. 1 Yet. Oto. sato. 1 lsr� No nows' from any foreign coast -
lore a people. There has been little of n D, Perrie, patitor and S. S., Superinten- One Colntnn.......... tuo.00 t:ls,w $15,00 torn No park -no rill. --no tifternoon ,gentilt-
tug is a partial answer. lii1G logkiu;, at from :+c+otlau4 In 1843, settling on a i'arin' .dont. Half Column........ 86,00 18.00 3e.00 4.uU ty
the blander, the scandal, or detrill1610411 too graluitierwe find farther evidence, in the Township of Hallett, in thrl same , cluarteroolumn ..... 1s.oe 10.00 6.00 2,00
legislation, yet we must not rest or takeST. PAUL S CHURCH, EPISCopAI.-Sab• Advertisements without specific directions . No p0Ui1)Auy-UO noviliq-
ft easy, but dU Our 11t1nosG t0 preYeut li a may never expect t0 Ili1V0 a grain- neighborhood where hq !las ever since• bath services at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sun- will be inserted
till forbid and charged accord* No warmth no cheerfulness, n li
tnQr that will not• need obetuging every resided. Whoa he oatille to Hnroll'there day School at 2:30p in. G°neral prayer for fn advance,ttt aavurtisenienta must be pard + ss, o earth-
lapse of power into the control of a J meetin on Wednesday evening. Rev. fill ease-
i tali stirs, . Indeed, it lvottltl. ba nttrph loss little Cleared land, sill h4 settled in g y THIS JOn DuPARTxyX,.v is stocked with an
Party that has shown so little of the a„- better for the pupils if a change were the bush and did his full share towards Wm' Lowe; incumbent. F. Shore, S. S. estonaive assortment of all requisites for print. No comfortable feel in any mem.
! gressive. Every Liberal, vett, every r Stbpeiiiitendont; civat ffording facilities not equancil in the bor-
made every five years. !here are so converting the site of the. dense forest COX CxvROH.-Sabbath yfor turnin�; Qat fllHt eh,ss leorlc, Largs
ratizen should be proud that our Premier many changes in our laugnane that it it into fruitful farms. For savoral years services. at 11 a in and 7 p in, Sunday type d ill$ cote., Qandf the` all
styles of
loKa Y No shall, no' alliue, no butterflies, •no'
]was manifested snclt a go-ahead Policy necessary to .keep Up wi 11 them, he hili been one Of the inost extensive School at 12 m. Midweek meeting'on ehoico fancy taps for the finer classes oi'vprint bees,
as the foll'lwiug, Memorizing a rule was in practice until farnier and stock -raisers in this 'part of Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin Ing. H. B. ELLIOTT. No fruits, no flowers, no loaves, no
(1). The early settlement of the un- late years. We are now becoming ulore Canada. Froin his first settlement he Vgilson,'S.S, Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. Propriotorand Publisher birds,
occupied lands of the Province by colon- • SALVAnoN ARKY-Service at 7 and li November i
�atiou sits b the action of railways practical and more sensible in our iii- took a leading positidii, and has filled. a m,. and 3 and 8 p in on Sunday, and T P. KENNEDY, M. ii., viz, o. p. S. O,
y projection y struetiotl of the yonug, and all endeavor many positions of trusts municipally and, every evoliiilg during . the week: at 8 �J • .(Moniber of the British Medical Assoufa- -Thomas Hood,
into New Ontario. , tion.) 401d Medallist iii Medicine, 8pcoral
is made to have the pupil Make up his otherwise. He was lUeve of his own o'clock at the barracks. attention paid to discuses of Women , P8ecihila Catarrh cannot biv roared
(2) The manufacture within the PTO. own rule after he has got the idea. The Township of 'Hallett for fifteen years, CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARX AT+LTANCD. ren. Office heuro-A to 4 p. in.: 7 to 9 p, m. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they c=.
vinee, and so far as practicable by 10 cent and 20 cent hers were necessary and resigned that position to become a -Meetings as. follows: S. S. at 2.30 p. not reach the seat of the disease.
forests such as ins and race, sits the P y P an. Fellowship at 4 p, m., and evau- R. M ACDONALD,
P p in the grammar study, and were also member of the Dominion Parliament. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional
gelistic at 8 P. m., every Sunday in
smelting and refining of our mineral pro- disease, and in order to otire it yon must
used in history, bQogr :ply , etc. 'We He first represented Cenci% Huron,:' and Ritchie's Hall, Victoria St. Centre street -take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
ducts, such as iron, nickel and copper venture to say that tea i;ruinbling by after the reconstruction of trio ctinsti PosT OFFIOI•;-In Macdonald Block. tiVinglunt, Cure is taxen internally, and notsditect-
' ore, for the markets of the world. 'Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m. Ontario,
the parents was not at the price of ,the tuenoies he sat for South Enron from ly on the blood and, InuCona surface%
1 (3) The increase of our agricultural test boolty but at the innumerable helps' 1$87 until the uiiGral electioi3 of 1900. Peter Fisher, postmaster. 'Half's Catarrh Cure is not a quack
" ..M oILtmos'. INsrrrUTE—Library and DR. Wealth by improved methods of hits- needed to tide the pupil over the work He was a man of 'great, ' natutrai aliilit free roatiinn room h1 the Town Hall AGNS W, medicine. It was prescribed by one of
t bandry, fruit- rowin dairying, cold. P P g y' o , 1 the best physicians in tkis country Pok
' g' y g" before a proper text book was issued. 'and boinl*, indastruns and ambitious he will be open evexy afternoon from 2 to Physician, Surgeon, etc. years, and iso regular prescription. It
# storage and the production of beet root '5:46 o''cloch. and every evening from 7 to , Ofllce-Macdonald Black, over J. E. Davis' is composed of the best tonics known,
Z;ven before there was an announcement -lot only accumulated a colnpet�enoy; but 9f30 o'clOok. Miss Millie Robertson, Drug store. Night oulls answered attheoffice, combined, with the boat blood purifiers
sager, and by reclaiming the undrained e
? q. a change in the test books, we liit'ta stored his mind with uuittli useful !,ren- 1ibrltrian, '. ,
Sands of the Province, R. acting directly on the mucous surfaces•
heard teachers sill principals assert that star knowloclge, `so' that, txltliourh' ha TO�vN COUNCIL.- Wm. Clegg, Mayor; pp vAN4TONE,
1L' The perfect combination of the two in.
(#} The extension of our trade with Win. Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Me- dients is what produces such wonder.
a Chance was nestled, not. Only in the had fe1Y educational advrltitages 111 leis BARpT9TER, SOLICITOR, ETC. gre P
Great Britain in all natural products, Iiidob, G. A. Newton,'John A. McLean, fill results in ourin r Catarrh. Send for
but especially in cattle, horses and dress- mmar, but in the arithmetic, history youth, lee was the lii.,licst sense of. GoorMoRelizie, Councillors; J. B. Fer- rube of iote sb.. No conv ch loan eedt lowest l testimonials free. b e
and geography. The place to learn the the term a remarkably well-edneitted �;;uson, Clerk and Treasurer; • Samuel gages, town and farm )roner% bought and F. J. CHE E�; & Co Pros Toledo O
ed Ascots. needs of the nil is in the seat at the man. He had a thorough, sots, Ofnco, Beaver Bloc c. g Sold b druggists, e
6 The disposal of our forest wealth, pupil 1, practical Youhill, Assessor; Will. Robertson, Col- 1 Witlgytiam. y ggists, price 760.
r'. O P school, and the nearer the Minister of acquaintance with 'his own occupation, I lector. " Board meets first Monday even Hall's Family Pills are the best.
with a view to its perpetration by re* mg in eaeh`mouth at 8 o'clock. A. MORTON,
'! Education keeps in touch with -that part and took delight in imparting his know. SCHOOL BOARD, -H. Kerr J• <.
i forestry, timber reserves and parks. , , (chairman), BARRISTER, &a,, While descending the stairs in Iiia rear -
1 the better the results will have. Not- ledge to others. His power itud gifts its Thos., Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J.
(6) The i mprovement of transports• deuce off Monday morning, Mr. George
tion by the better construction of high- withstanding that many of the 7 cry• an eloquent and Hueut platform speaker Htlntuth, Wm. -Moore, Thos. Berl, Will. Winghnm, Onf' Preston, of Harristou, throngh a mis
„ party will denounce the changes, though brought flim into prominence the Pro• Bnttou, C. N. Giiflin. Secretary, Wm.
Pro -
ways and the removal of tolls. Robertson • Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. step stumbled and fell frons near the top
j they may not have been in a school vine over, and 'there aro' few counties Fl L. DICKENSON,
.;l (7) The regulation of rates for pas- Meetings second Tuesday evening in each sustaining a s°vere sprain to his ankle
hoose for months, let aloud studied from or constituencies that his voice has not month. BARRISTER ETC.
stingers and frsight oil all railways sub- and sundry 'bruises in addition to a
P the books. The Education Department been heard in, either' 6fl the political PUBLIC SCHOOL . TEAOHERS.-A. H. . 901icitol-to Bsinkofunntilton. Moneytoloan, violent shock to his system.
tided by the Prevince, and the ultimate leave sought to keep in touch with the platform or at Farmers' Institute meet. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, Otlice-.X ygr Bloctc, Ivingham,
Oontrol of such railways as the option of Miss Rey olds, Miss Farquliarsou, Miss around at Last.
needs, through the Inspectors and teach•_• ings in both of wbich capacites his Corn ,
Pile Legislature. er's associations and Nve sa confident. yu, ss Vanatono Miss Matheson A liver ill that is small and sure, that
y, 1 services have been in groat demand and and Miss Reicl. At R7 HUR J. IRWTN, D. D. S., L. D. S. slats gentpy, quickly and thoroughly,
(8) The application of public revenues ly, that the new books have met with A 1
for the development of the Province and the approval of the majority of teachers have been unsparingly given. He will BOARD of HEALTH --Mayor Clegg, Doctor of DentalSurgeiyofthePennsylvania that does not gripe. Laxa•Liver Pills
P throughout the Province. be much missed in the community where (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- Dental College and Licentinto .of the Roval possess thane qualities and are a sure
the relief of the taxpayers. 3 cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, See- College of Dentnl surgeons of Ontario. of3ce P t
he has long been a prominent figure, over Post Office. Winghum. cure for Liver Complaint, Constipation,
(9) The ierisiou from lime to time, as rotary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical P , P +
the public interests may require, of the �OE MOST EFFECTIVE D�JI1111� and it is with feelings of the sincerest Health Officer. Sick Headache, etc.
governing P A33E. SHOWN iN TIID sorrow that the announcement of Ilia T. HOLLOWAY D.D.S.,
Saws ocernin the muuuicipal and olid- �rv. L.D.S. Mitchell, like other places, has a lot of
death was received. He leaves a widow, t p �1 -t�A�� N•ew method for painless ex• useless dogs that ought to be shot.
cal institutions of the Yrorince, and the n pin two sons, and one daughter. PIANO .AND l 6tEORY. traction. No cocable. A&
improvement and enforcement of alI DIAMOND DYE MAT AND RUG special attention to the care and regulation They seem to be kept for no other, par -
of children's teeth. Moderato Prices and all
Saws affecting public morality. PATTERNS
ApTr MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. work c,tref,luy and skilfully per.rineci. office. Pose than to annoy and cause loss to the
(10) Themaintenance of the independ- 1 i H l l R S' I and member of the Associated Musicians of in Beaver Block, Wingham, public. One night last week two hounds
4 CHEESE AND BUTTER. Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num-
Bence of the Legislative Assembly as the ! _ ber of pupils for instruction on Piano and in worried and killed a fine heifer beloug-
of the constitutional rights of Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns , Theosy . OHN RITCHIE, � Ing to Mr. Edward Siegel, and from
guardiang the most effective and artistic designs Ontario last year indulged in a very Spe'llattention given to pupils preparing r
the Province. ever shown to the ladies of Canada. for examinations. GENERAL I TSURANCE AGENT, there they crossed over to the farm of .
These designs are colored on a ver desirable form of record-breaking rhe Residence-oimosito R. C. Church, Wingham. Mr. John Golluitz sill destroyed two of
(Il) The application of sound prin- a d out ut of cheese for the province was wingham, Out, his best sheep.
�oiples of education to the courses of superior quality of Scotch Hessian, and P P•
show to advantage the-colorsthat should over 013,000,000, an increase of $900,- OHN OURTiIE, WiNOtiAM, ONT.
instruction in all our schools and col- be used when makingn the niat or run Elliott P a• 000 over the previous year, which, II J Ett V $
leges, including technical schools and Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns �I s V. LICENSED AUCTIONEER,
are made in the follows again, was $400,000 ahead of the previ-
colleges, including technical schools for ng standard � Honorary Graduate of • Salol of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a
sizes: 18 s 30 sutler, 24 x 36 inches 30 sous best year. Avery gratifying fes i lOntario. aterinary specialty. p
those concerned in industrial pursuits, x 54 inches and 36k 72 inches, and are ture of this branch of our agricultural I�IIII COf&co';Ind Infirmary All otdora left at THE Trattrs office promptly
agricultural schools for those concerned for sale at retail dr I attended to. Terms reasonable.
y goods stores. Ir industry is the exceedingly lar ° pro- � corner of victoria and
in industrial ursuits, agricultural your merchant cannot supply y g y g p ,1 Minnie fats., Wingham. pursuits, pp y yon, send "'
portion, Of this, no less than $11,68'1; �, p Day and night calls,
schoolsfortbose concernedinhusbandry apostal with your full address to The �I promptly attended to. ppi�pp u�►
000, or 89 per cent., which went d!- wail, i111iS''1� DEE
and schools of mining and engineering We1L &Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Telephoneconnection.
Mountain St., Montreal, P. Q., and they reetly into the pockets of •the farmers
where a wider range of scientific know- will seed on est aid sheets of des! ns Classes in China Painting.
ledge is required. to make y P P g who supplied the milk. Deducting the �p•�
g 4 your selections from before �/'k M Oil and water Colors.
N -
orderin cast of haul ge, tits meant ten Intl -
g• � Also a new revelation ]dru for firing China. i^
—.- — lions and a h if .realized from the milk and anyone having live stocic or othor
,NOTES B.'IL W)liIRiENTS. o articles they wish to dis ose oP should adver- Studio at her home, Catherine Street.
of the caws. These returns represent
THOSE SCHOOL .L'OOiis. rise the sumo for sale in the Timm. Our !arse i�-
It would hardly be advisable to put an advance of $].00,000 upon the sum girculution tells aAd it will ba,., lgo indeed if
A short time ago the editor of the Whitney in power, just to find out received by the farmers in 1899. There youdonotgetacustomer. Wecan'tguarantee E. ESTl,LE GRIFFIN
Kincardine Review asked a few cues- that oil �vt l sell bscauae you may ask mora
What his policy is, wag a slight ,decrease in tl a number
tris arttcte or stock than it is worth. Send NVINGHA 1
tions relative to school books, which your advertisement to the Tiuss and try this
were copied b ere newspaper er of the What a grave charge is brought of factories, from 1,203 to 1,173, ' and plan of disposing of your stock and other TEACAER OF VOICE CULTURE.
There is a rioted difference
P y ou P P i•n the number of f articles. in the style and fit of Pants we
' �Uppositiou in the county. He evidently against the Ontario Government=shat patrons, from 60,h00
asked these questions more as a they are good business heads. to 59,300 ; the milk gave slightly bet- Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music
Q pastime exalhinations. .
than in any desire to learn, or because Mr. Whitney's appeal to the electors is ter results than in 1899. the amount t='H� make that always brings pe0=
something "Shut your a of cheese made was greater over HOLS.� VIOi.iN AND GUITAR, p P
3ie believed the questions was needed. b I' eyes and E I N DAIRY le hack for another air.
open our month, and I'll 2,000 tents, sill tris price showed an i .
We have taken the trouble to look up y give you
something to make „ average. advance of 36 eontls per hun-
tlie books and had interviews with pupils g you wise." MISS CARRIE bi00RE Then there is the low price
died pouad;s. ° f having added a separator to their plant, now of London Conservatory of Musie, will be pro.
'who have recently come through school What is the issue in the coming elec- oflor ared.after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num.
The ;statistics for the ereameries also and better qualityOf cloth lit
]Ifs and who, we believe, are in a poli- tion, do you say? Well, the Opposition � iier of pupils for instruction on violin and p
tion to eve an opinion on these showi.a general advance. The cream C.>LAL RI[ IED HILLK Quitar.
g P quos- have been unable to find sufficient Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. in them cloth that wears:
erie,s are fewer by 15 -their number to the people of win hum. Oar cows are kopt
tions. We briefly reply to two or three wrong in the• Government administra- strictly Olean, so trust% we are enabled to offer Sea our new goods and prices.
questions below: tion to form one, are 21800, as a a -and the patrons absolutely clean milk, iced in summer, ducting JOB P$INTIN4,
"' now s,an s at mist 2,20U in, 1890. <Tune, Ju y and August.
He asks Don't you think.' there are The Brantford Expositor Dints out g 8 cents per quart, delivered once a day. including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bili ��� �.
P P while ,there was s'o .a decrease of 72,- Heads, routers, t&c., Sec ;executed in true best.
too many Changes in the text book. that Mr. Whitney opposed the creation UOU. xiounids of butter. ]3:ut there was style of the art, at moderato prices, and on
119`e saw no. It was 'evident to eve j short notice,
every of a Minister of Agriculture; opposed a considerable increasa in the rice, .� ,tb■,.I IINI ":,..w BOOXBTNb7No. Weare pleased to announce t.ti YCatt:�'
pupil and teacher of thought that the the establishment of the Algoma Pioneer p that any Books or Magazines left with us for I `; , ) X$irci�! .iV C E
!i and the sum .realized was a record, Binding, will have our prom t attention �_, ..
Farm, the Western Dairy School, and the$,1,819,000,a,s a against �y � ®� Prices for Sinding in any style w�il be givon +
g $1,746,000 in �!�' _ application to ; 1
- fruit -spraying experiments ; opposed G 1899, and $1,032,000 in 1898. The pat- ', THE TIMES OFFICE,
grants man of the ants intended to make WinI
��� Chase's �'a6'1.����3i'� y` Acus of the ereamories' pocketed $1,- SOLID RUbi3ER gham.
the Agricultural College more efficient; 580,000, or $140,000 more than: they
A Food for the Skin opposed the grant to the Poultry Associ. did in the previous year ' A number of - RAILWAY' TIME TABLES.
ation; opposed the appointment Of a the creameries which did not- operate Carr1 c � RAND TRUNK RAWWAY SYSTEMILT. TaAuc M ESIGsK01
An Antiseptic Healer Whiell Prole t• Provincial Road COmmissionar ` O Osed . n TItAnNs LEAVit Pali CdifYRIGHTS »tR<cc.
p the appointment of a Clerk of T`orest I were dCtCxrod from doing so by 'the �y r� ! Palmerston. .............. 6.s.9 a.m.... 8.55a,m. Anyone dending n sketch and desctiption mar
ly Allayis Iteitln,- anti Ifurning ry; good cheese aeason. g 4 Londolt ....... 0.50 a.m._ 8.10 .m. gt11okii ascertain oar opinion freo.w tether an
and 'Pisol-olighly Cures Every " opposed the providing of more accom• Butter and cheese thug !n 19U0 d Kincardino..1110 a.m... 8.10 p•iit..., 8,88p,m, invention is probably? cotmaunien-
a Aultlrkl EItoM tions strictlyconfidentltit- HandbbekonPateatil
corm of Ittohing Skin Dlsettse. modation for the insane by the erection brought into the pockets of the; -farm- ' list carry heavy loads and K(neardift ....0.49 a.m., 8.55 ain..., 3.10 sent free oldest nRencyfor tecit g�pn,entd
< ' London.......... 11.10 a.nt.... 7.66 p.m a Patents t aklvttlinro oharNufiithoco' reooi#8
If the erltraortlinary value of Dr. of a now asylum at Brockville; voted cr"0 {r" Ontario twelve millions• and a �'ithstafld hard servfte: '� p8lmerdtait....,..,.. 2,36 P MRA- rig % f� r w
Chase's Ointment were thoroughly un- against a plebiscite on the t0mperanc0 q lye An ever-satisfacto . City- t Agent, W gli m. Wififi` ✓ v N `011■`�
nutter. On the alit. osition that no t`j+ ea, -+ R. T. SUTTON, Agent, winghtim.
tlersfood there would fiat be a fanny In question; Opposed a grant to tho'Victori- farmr, rs, were patru4s of both °ream-+ sidiisg wheel tire. ANADIAN' PAMPIO RAIL" WAY. A l,tindsoiheV ufut+ttated weekly. I,nraodt eir•
Canada that ^.vents be without it lr1 the an Order of binrses; opposed grouts fox TnAnuvs 1,MAVE Iron culation of tiny deientinn )-mrnni. Tor s, 0 a
Cana for a single day, the Order
makiof rses; o surveys New cry And che,"a ,factory, the province EVery' set guat`Aalteed. 'Toronto and East o-
...., 0;67 a,tn , 8.-o p rn, year: fait months, rill Sold by all none onlern,
S P y contained: $1000 men who contributed , Toeswater .., ..... 1.32 p.m.,..10.43, MU%ri & C 96111foadway, New York
housin the first place It Is a food 'snit Ontario; opposed the appointment of a Can be fitted to af�y wis.,et, AttnYVE rrnoM
Leautifter for the skin; anti Is s6 pure PP milk to factory or creamery, and theix Toeswater.... - 6.67 aaii,... 8,25 p.m. Branch o,aca. triG h Ut .lvnahingtnn. D, C.
Superintendent of Children ; opposed averse recei iia• ill the Send tot Catalogue. d Torouto and East ...... 1.32 p.m ....10.48 p,m.
stud pleasant try use that fro lady will p° a J. H. BEEMER, Agent, winaham,
g P' yeklx were - i
delay in applying at. It removes plan the appointment ofaMunicipal Auditor; itiO3.50. �Torr•rx+:n; dyltit4e. DUNLOP TIRE SCO.
ores, blackheads, anti all sorts of lis- an
d opposed many of the wisest andyiln.Pike$ 4sit'recable and disfiguring skin distases. y�.�,Tn the Cettrr ssealde h irl o of ca nd anther 1 on %110 Provinc allaost progressive ma% t tees tb be found 1 y years. • t 'TORONTO. I� r■F��tisrheum, t,Ot 'Uvor lt1Pt ..44 1111���Itching skin eruptions, Dr. thane tr l An Old and Well -Tried Roulbdy--Mrs ,-
01ritment affords Instant relief by at. zYy- - - I Wfli'lotv'i4Sootilin{t, yrri hasboollrtsoti ;
laying the burnirix,. dtlnl;inK sensations, Mr. William Stevens, who lives up the for over' fiftyy yyeal<s bymilSionsof motherA ' eflvaats and'i'radc•Mark"s obtained, nttd ellpAteae
vivid Will 1lertnani•ntly cure if applied fiver while delivering a mesm I for their childt 11 �. A •��r �•�•� •� ImInesd conducted for 1rOARUWX PENN, hey .
treguiarly. tri ► g go at the a tvlliloteetliin>Y, vi�li � „t3L V [ ski. � L', offictrisinthe,thtnedbtevit:inityofthepatebkoflce
Dr. t''hast`'s Olnttnrnt is the ritaudird residence of Henry Atkinson, river road;, perfect sueetm. It soothes the chilli, i - andmyfaahidedforseeurinjtpatehtsdreunsurpatsed
T Send m6dcl, sketch ee p totogrnpl of invention wit:%
attutmont the world over, and a!i no tsar- on "Wednesday Inst, was saverly bitters
softens the KntnAr a11ayA 1111 pain, oufeA sera_ d6ri-andstaterrrntns Mnc�vaVIM is diluted,
yrellously suevexxful as to far surpass windoolic, hud Is the beat remedy for 1Vtai"t, p+t. Jrli-•Xetlilt.Nlilliaiatterde�"i,rrc,c.•,rltitloti.Mbtb
it rivals. Ask your neighhorb about it. Ott the left arm and side by the latter s diatr1awn. It is pleasant to the to OO, ..�- � � ___ �� rC�� �; tiaea„9dblli„ had rtv fey for pro,secndnrc the
1 hello is 'not a single community % dog, and sir art present•under the doctor's Sold by' drltggito in ov"Ip�r t of the �`� ��T��l� �60� lifseS � rpielrnf=''i,xrl�;a'�i:d 37iyvn:��teI+;u1h�°l�co
,CatiaQ but h s to rnscrr tvht+ra th0.
is (,Ate. Mr, litevens will take proceedings world. Twenty-tiv0 COnts tt E►OttIO, Its tmy be drteurod by ttintaq full ►ufirmation ern% freo, ! 1t ('elYlltiunb
remedycent has worked remarkable ruresr 1wt !lir'. Atkinwis if the do value is if"t'alculable. $0 burs yotL salt cttr aid. Address, tdtaoU9 'ilaabldand.IM 1111,10 V ! ••9111111eltttalr
d} e�rlts R ix1x, at all t4ratrr111, or ICtI• g fd iron ,
icor I1ilCCrA. Wint+ttrol► A Soothing Syrtlp, and 1 f11t t'AtEht ltitoon+l', 1 �Y� �'�,`A N K I.{ N H. �'•!'C`.3 �,1�.�`r H
ltlutilsan, I3ata,ir Co., 7Corvxito, destroyed< -Y Al ire. tak9 ito obhor Ititd< ri a
,., ► gtiNlMOt'e, Iwd. a rr w :v'"" ;: N. ra,.C..:;,•3:' t .