The Wingham Times, 1901-11-08, Page 8Raw —7, v Tlll?,, 1VVNGJIA)l TIM114S, ),N01. I T • AP Mot with t1l­ Alribissadcr abou� '.Novar. from worpbloo. Ibe. bar Th: new F jr�%� Sveretary ct came so peak from pure Ottrvation that, 33RASS, LEAD, NUDES UTUR illal y I the Pwitlih Huxb-issy !it Washington death staved 2uo in the face. F I COPPER, ZlTqo. is Arthur .Stewart Raikes,, who, is to friend said, "Why don't you try Dr. 3110HUT puTC)LS. suceped Cierard A. LoNyther. Williams, Pink fills?" "What's the Mr. L. S. Rolt, of Burlingt(mi, Worth liso," I sold, ';'I've tried everything and RAtI01141 Arent Works, f.4d., A SCherne 10 Coflneot Washing- Carolina, who has Wen travelling Just got worse till the time.", Xa Dealera. Willghani. Well", With., throu-,,-hCauada, wins much impressed she said, "you try a box of Ion with Paris Ijy Rail Dr. Wil- Mornings I by tll,-- feollilg ebolwai there when liallis' Pink Pills; they cured ine, ilud I r XIXDEWRTEN out Changing Cars, PAWIdent McKinley was assaasinat- believe they will do you good." Well'I 9 to 12. I Q(L Ile says: "I was forcibly impress- purchased 4 box find started taidlig ed by tile deep, interest and concern them, After a little I thought they Terms Very Reasonable. Qv4.,r t1w shooting and illness of Mr. helped me, so I kept gil taking them for CLEANLINESS OF BRITISH -y. They seemed �a feel it A cou�leofmontlis UcKi%1C , when I felt I was 3s. A. B• PRIOR, E. Patrick St, almost as mAcb1 there as we do here, really cured after so many years of stif, tl.POLITICS, For instances, in Toronto I was out feriug. My strength carte back, my FOR SALE.—Corner farm, with school oil lot, from town, in Turnberry Tp. driving, arN -q& we passed a public otomaoll recovered its power, and I was 11 ba X ;large frainlehou-so;,Yoddsoil, building our driver leaned back and able to eat 111171tbiog I -fancied, and once eXcell t rat farm; will be sod cheap *Ad OR terms• ic situation of this lot Cape said: 'There's a, flag at half-mast, more coulJ enjoy life. This is nearly aQAkea it v desirablepro rty, Apply to, New Consul General for I'm afraid it niclaitiq bad news in, -o enl tate and •Van Agent, Clits- for two Years ago, but I was ourea to, stay , Ingim . you.' See Nyli.t it little thing that cured. I have never had 4 sick clay es ru 40 on easy town...—Pres. Roosevelt's wa%. yet it indicateathe general son- since or known the slightest stomach Innovation, timent among the Canadians, even trouble. I till confident I would be A Canada dead man now if it were not for Dr. manifested by the people of C, . U I M E S tile poorer classes." Mr. Holt was Williams' Pink Pills--nothing else over Washington, D.C., October 25th, •9V311tly impressed by the fortifica- helped me." 1901.—Lard PaunoQfote will probably tid11% OC Quebec, and the valor og. The Old adage, "experience is the,best IT PAYS IN THE RIJI), b.• ca his way to the, United` States CrUnexal Wolfe in ni*ing his historic teacher,". might well be applied in cases 3isive you seen the catalouge of the by the, ti&,, this letter is printed. As assault da thq.m, of dyspepsia) and if sufferers, would only axtled the W guided by thelexperionce of those CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, already stated, he brings with him president Roosevelt has at* (Cii CHATHAM, ONT.Wasb- who have suffered but are -now well and a rough draft of the canal treaty country by inviting Booker It not, you are not yet familiar with the best Gxe"%t Britain is willing that it ingtion, the, noted Negro educator, to happy through the ase of Dr. Williams' Canada has to offer in the lines of jiusiness as Tmining, Shorthand. or renuiansial),shoue baing Pink Pills, there would, be less distress We have supplied more teachers for other ld be drawn. This will be used dine, with ' him. Criticisms 111' Iminesssehoolsthan n1lother CaLadiun Vast- as a basis in dra-whig the final ishowexed. upon , both, together with throughout-, the land, ' Dr. Williams, mesa colleges combined. at all, dealers in 304 of our pupils secured good positions dur. treaty, -which will 1>3 put into shape defenses that'a.re halt oriticis=I.- sen-, Ing the past year. Send for this list and hand- here in, Washington after conferences ator Tillmah, of- South Carolina, ex- medidifvk-Nftb�"'mail, post paid, at 50 F F E- some, catalogue. Good board for ladies at $2.00 pervee1c, gents between Lord -Paulicefote and the pressed the feeling in the south when cents a box or six boxes for $2.50; by a& 52.50. We ?ay railway.fare up to $8.- If circum- State Department, There' - is reason he said that the w here "would dressing the D WilliamO Me4icina Co,, A"noes wi Inot allow you to attend at Chathem, whites :t CoA Can get INSTRUCTIONSY MAIL, inBOOK.Brookville, Out. feom A14 PXXG, SHORTRALITI) and PF,NxA,NsHir to b2lieve that the abstract already have, to kill a thousand6niggers to Canada's greatest school of Business, by ad-prinLted as a forecast of the treaty get the race back where it was before Rressi D. MoLACHLAN & CO., Chatham, Ont. will Prove substantially correct as the dinner. On the other hand, many 'DIET FOR THIN PEOPLE. jll�— jllt�— J4-- J4-- far as it goals, bat it is! hunted that people in ' the,north, while openly com- Britain may demand a certain quid mending Mr.. Roosevelt, usually couple E. O. OLARKE Pro quo in the mutter of other con- their commendation with the statement It is a logical deduction that the cessions. All this; however, is little that they wouldn't care todoitthem- mare than gossip. selves: A few ethers, all prominent, foods from -w-hich the fleshy person rp must abstain are the ones which are TAILOR THE TIMES announces the fol.- on, are making a deterruined effort to One Loic, de Lobjl, a Frenchman; in beneficial to the thiwono. An author.. is here, trying to arouse interest in support the President ha his stand by ii-y gives this regimen: "If possible, - the old scheme of building a railway themselves inviting Profossor Wasbin, lowinLy clubbing' o rs or-, to Alaska,' a ferry across Behring ton, to their ,tables, I , Meanwhi1q, 'Mr: havd'a cup of cocoa or chocolate! be- Ile Core, rising. For your breakfast have We have placed in stock a straits and a railway in Sibc!rla,thus Roosevelt is undoubtedly- altog-ther ill- eggs, I poached or boiled; outlets, chops, nice, assortment of ready-to- coinn,,ting WashingLon with Paris by different to public opinion in the matter; 90-1 902 orr,steak; a cup of coffee, dildisome. vrear clothini, and while We rail without chango of cars. M.Lolo he did what. he thought was right, and fruit , ;!but do not neglect thoo eggs. do, not pretend to sell at less -says that he represents a French syn_ those who don't like it can do the otper than cost and live on the loss. dicate, and;wantsto Organize another thing. For twenty years or more, lie "At dinner have SOUP, -meat, and �cn this side under Governm2nt pat_ has been denouncing people, or has been fish, according .. to your taste; but bo you will find full value for your sura to have rice, macaroni, potatoog, ravage, to b.,gin the -work. Nobody In Process of baiiig denounced by them. cauliflower, asparagus — indeed, all money every time. here takes him very seriously; the In all this time he has steadily advanced Aal��les, Avoid acids, although proposed road is practicable from an. in public estimation. Whenever hp vegL Give us a call. See whaty engineering standpoint', bat it is im- pulled people out of their ruts, the: hate sala�� aro good. we have in Men's, in Youths' pmsible, that it should prove cow- abused him, until, like famous Dr: "'Choose desserts that are sweet, and in Children'S, all new and mexciany profitable for years to Johnston, he has come to. consider Q;ie especially those containing milk and V 'rill January iqo3, cam,-,; for this reason, it is consider- amount Of abuse showered upon him a eggs. Grapes are said to be fattening, up-to-date goods. The. Times for ............ $1' ed tax removed from the practical fair measure of the good'effedt he has ands sugar undoubtedly is. I We have also a line of odd consideration of to-day. perhaps, produced, "Doi not take cold'baths or -indulge Garments, Trousers, Vests, soma decades hence, when Alaska is The following pensions have been in very violent exercise. Sleep Us' Bicycle Suits, Overalls, etc. settled and Russia is willing to per- granted. Ori.aftial—John Heasley, Brant- much as possible and do not allow Bic Till Jan. ist, mit the, meaning up' of Siberia, such ford, Ont., $12. War with Spain, Peter yoursolf to be exceedingly interested Cassidy, Xoutngus Bridge, P. E. 1., $8; in anything -which will causer you. to 1902, for a road may ba built', but even. then, The im.es 15c E. 0. OLARKE it. will 1>5 done by degrees, a. step; at Inuresse, J. Curran, Brantford, Ont., WONTY."• a time, and not at one swoop.. $12; Win. Robertson, Victoria, B. Phisiclans) say that if this -regimen .. r Next door to Griffin's Royal A high tribute; to the cleanliness of is carefully carried out the thinnest Times till end of 1902 .................................. 51 00 Grocery. Rritish politics is •paid by A. L. woman may attain the desired plump- Years . Times and Weekly Globe, with two magnificient pictures, Hayes, of Illinois, who :recently passed licss, provided she has no deep-seated ( I "The Duke and Duchess of York," and "The Farm through this cif pan his -way hormi af- .,of Suer�ng, dN.ea�se. a prolonged visit. to Great BxL It' will be iseen. that all #dsf con- Pets," till January 1st, 1903 ..................... 1 60 �Am tain, He said. "In cit-2 particular, at tainihg flour, starch, ;sugar, or -fat arq 'Times and Weekly Witness ................. I .......... 1 60 A War"N' least, we Americans must take off HOW RELIEF CAME TO THOMAS advised,providing the digestion offer o Time . s and Family herald and Weekly Star, with premium 1 75 FINDI AY, OF PETROLIA. no bar. If the digeittion of anyl of car hats to England, and, that 15 in ilf Air N regard to clean politics. Over there these constituents is accomplished Times and Weekly Mail and Empire .................... 1 75 ®t such a thing as municipal corruption He Had Suffered for Forty Yearn from with difficulty they are useless as Times and Western Advertiser.......................... 1 40 is almost unknown, while here I sup- Dyspepsia—Food Been-me Detestable fattening agents, for they Call to be and Stomach Orlimps Slade life a .. ..*. 1 75 k pose Washington is about the only properly assimilated. 1jappily, the lista Times and Weekly Sun......:.... ......... I ............ i, This rool spell, will Burdon• city where the boodle politician does of self-producing foods is Ion- enough; Times and Daily Globe ... . . . 4 35 ......................... remind you that Win- From The Topic, Pe olio, Ont. not predominate in municipal affairs. tre allow a liberal choice in the mat- y 1 Times and Toronto Daily Star, till Janaaary 1st, 1903 2 50 ter is coming, and you In England I believe the .people would Few men in Petrolia are better known will be lookinc, about �J`-,) almast mob lam, offi-ce-holder who than Mr. Thomas Findlay, who has re- All foodisshould be slowly mast . icatrL Times -and Farm Advocate ......................... 1 90 • for something b in the submitted to bribery or to bad in- sided liere nearly forty years. In 1862, ed in order to be casily digested. fluences of any kind. I inquired the Mr. Findlay came here, and ibefore the Care and grief should be, allowed no Stove line. We Wish Ift cause of clean politics there, and railroad connected with Petrolia, he place at table.' Condiments and high- With the Toront Daily Star subscribers will get a beautiful to give you a hint found iQ is the: result of the intense drOTe a stage coach, bringing the early ly.spiced sauces should be avoided; A picture of King Edward VII, in nine colors, by paying $2.50, or on payment of $4.00 the premium with the Star will be a book, that we have a fine line of interest all the paciple take in public oil men, When the railroad came here merry laugh is 'superior to pepsin, tab- Picturesque Canada." affairs. No matter what question is Mr. Findlay engaged in the oil business, lots, for indigestion. "Afirth is God's STOVES HEATERS and RANGES up' 'Ito"' it is the election of a but later he suffered from 9 gun accident mediclAe," said Dr, Oliver Wendell member of Parliament or simply some that disabled his hands permanently. Holmeiq. local affair, everybody votes. The After recovering from this, Mr. Findlay Do not overeat, but cat all the ap For either coal or wood, at reason- -records show that at every election was api)ointed constable and night pr-fito.domands withjudgmeat: Three I able prices. Call and see us. 90 p2r• cent. of the voters of the com- watchman for the town, which office lie meals a day, with a light luncheon A FULL LINE OF munity cast their ballots, and in some has held during thirty Years past. This between, if'oruved, are permis:sible, instances the parcentage runs as high accident was by no means Mr. Findlay's taking care only that th'a light repast Coal Stoves, Stove Boords, Coal as ninety-four or, ninety-six. public, worst misfortune. From early youth he is' not near enough the solid ,mftt to, We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can questions, are actively discussed by had been. amartyr to dyspepsia, Which spoil-'the appetite , for, it., 1 t give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published, every one. In this country it is imp finally become so bad that he looked for- Scuttles, etc. 'Mills is very fattening, and wli6ro, poLisible, to, get the people to vote. ward to death as a merciful release. it; agrees with one, two quartd a I day -Every subscriber will receive a copy of the Handsome Illustrated They are too, busy running after dol_ happening to hear that. Mr. Findlay had ar . e, recommendedi If taken cold it -C-AN ADI A N ANN V A L for 1902. The above are ROBERT MOONEY, laxs. They dcn�t` seem t6 carc who found complete relief from his lifelong ,,Ahdtildi be' slowly sipped, as it forms our FIXED 'RATES, . marked down so as to admit of no. is their mayor or who their gover- foe, a Topic, reporter waited on him to into: s when .the stow- -eduction. Therefore, there is no use asking 6r cheaper rates. HINYER BLOCK. nor. In fact, they show a lamentable find if this was true, Mr. Findlay was nto. curd, it it reaches t i aah,, and if in a large .mass, it is icas When we can afford to give cheaper rates to one, we can give• apathy, even regarding the Presi- only too glad to tell his story, hoping its easily acted upon by the gastric juices them to all. The Nin ham Times 1.00 deny unless soma particularly im- publication might help some other sof- A . tablespooliftil of limollyater in a portent question is up for consider- fever. "I am a pretty old man now, Call at or address a,ticia.11 , I said Mr. Findla "but I cannot remom- goblet' of milk will prevll est it.g cas- y, . in g billousil6ss� Vichy-brandy or a The Aontreal A new Consul General has been berthe time when I was-not in pain pinch of salt 'will' also, perform the selected to take the post resigned by from pernicious dyspepsia and stomach #amd service., THE TIMES) Consul General Stowe, at Capetown, trouble until lately. As a young man Daily Herald 3.00 who resignedon the plea that his ;of, on the farm I suffered all sorts of pains illot"milk iis much' more easily di. 01: to e- W g s & than cold, and taken just b And a Splendid Plctt:n or fico coat him more than his $3,000 sal- with it-, 'food would sour on my stomach fore going to bed quiets the nerves in ham, Ontario a'ry to -maintain. The, new man is and violent vomiting spells would fol- 9 and nourishas, the system. It should King Edward T11, .50 W. R. Bighami, elf Kansas, and is: a low. As r grew older ray sufferings in• be heated just s1fort of the boiling 4�-0 fine, man physically. Hi has been in creased. I could not eat anything but Total 5tha h9:rdWar,-! and real estate biusinesi the simplest kind of food, find. little of point.! A pinch of ,salt may (bel added ALS. and has served iA. the Kansas legis. that. My system became badly run to aid digestion.laturo., these laots of course qualify, down and I grow so weak that I really FOR $1.75 ing him to disebaxgc the responsible looked forward to death as a release This in tile greate't combitinflon eller evtf and delicate duties of consul general from my misery. One after another I XisslVaggle Moody, of Lluck-now, is Zda by may Caundian jot"'n-11, 11.1 we art,- in U stato, under martial law, Be tried doctors and medicines, but could visiting her gtand,parents) Mr. and Mrs. tutinte in kettritur the exclitsIve privilog� for 06 district. The Daily llcral,l is nein cttu. 811-vs tha-t he wants a little zest get no relief; then in despair I conclude Sas, Portor. =I's great nper.-I. Rstabliql;ed in ,PA It 11.1. from the eaves of business, and has 6d to quit all And await the end. M6aft. Mr. and Mrs, 0. A. Howe, Who have glitelitlelelding Liberal d Cttad,k. Tt is now'a pruit fainly sY�lected this consulate as a good time my condition became worse. Vio. resided on the Taylor farm in Morris, ekh day givinq foll uzws of tlie all't 11.r, d"oting mitcli xp-we to rnatter14 of ;1venlior iii. phloo fail thia purpose, lont cramps attacked my legs, prostrat- near Blyth, for the past three years, Urtiat to the fatililly. 1t.4 Coll, llwrclal, hitelh. They became worse move(! in to . Blyth , recently And are A cot"Pletellid Word has icen, received here that in m6for a time. mileni XMPS PORTRATT'r, the L-st t-t­ Lady I'alincefote, -wife otthe British and more frequent until they one day occupying the house oil Dinsiley street %td)IIAlled in callid.1, Avid Will 80011 i . W attacked my stoviach, and I thought my recently Vacated by Mt. and Mrs, Jo kd, cion to the wal14 of Itis In-- Ambassadoie, is to Pass t1w, winter in =by it new prbtet4, and j, 11'.1 o..:c or. 11; yr. colored potunit-iso mimnii-t. 14rigland with her danghtot, Mrs, end had come. Unable to mope and in Carter. A* the ro li rice of Tbe M-i-riVIN 11roniley, whose weddimg took place agony I was driven home, as 1 thought, Miss 'fella Cartier left on Tuesday y"r, the W91,111apy or onr ofrtr is se % ict it . morning of last week to take in the olos. in Washington nlxmt a year ago..to die, btkb i%fter an ifijection of mor- worn A=.AEsdj Am ornuxx w Miss Sibyl llaunc(,foite will Tenittin in phine, I gradualTy tocovor6d. Prow that Ing goantig at the Piln-Amarietin okposi- TJRPj TIWJ98 14ligland with her tiioit-hor and mister, d1nd M the 'dralbPil iiiOrOftsdd ill fro' tion. From Buffalo she goes to Now I e two mo lie t VffJugh=,, while, th2 Mimits Maiud nfttl Aftd"T quenoy&ncIvIolelloo. Xothinggim and Ybtk, Where 84 Will Sp0tId t nt Onta-A-0 Paun"tote will return to Ai4eriel rellet except the temporary immunity visiting wit', trelativtis. I