The Wingham Times, 1901-11-08, Page 7�1.
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(.� Pleyt d �rttla leis uncle+ oo kho Yarlli alttl iuq In contact withtl�l•I�S MAENTto I)ecembor 16th, both clays ]Aolus-To$
• d L a llve�thelrttlaw Carriers pf te way Ili$ )land i a tlirc IILr rrsnit. I•' /�,r a*« >aettuwt 91 � 10" 90
rt g t'l`
lath to lataembo l5t11, both days in, xg sometimes responsible for dlfmcalt dl• ; o i'$+ � a th'eft for rY!t[a1y.
_ ■ THE ■. M I l' triDec -- Open season September I � � teen- car -old WAS t ford i1n91
15til' , �77C1
elusive. May not be bought .or ,sill iitSorllo time [i t'ortslli farrtior all the ti •t; x=*... • , udtfi o ha litters rrel.m'vrltbsu
y l;esblon, that 119, I>'�Sl'EI'l3ldt, h r y b"' , One lel y the auA l" lvaadt �
Y r What Ilea a ,hate used. Ater s f'lalrvt er +
before the 15111, clay of September, What beadacha, dlwzlneare, Gonatlpatlon, ctanzit�, vilio shall be Ilameless, bought it �; r t ;� cel tits iourksen•year elda irlsatlrar tai'
Azle of the Indications of Serious 1905., What. lits of despondency, machine, say % cutting !lox, frolic th,+, � for 'a t rml hall)' years,,
and t..
K,Ianey Trouble, that lar, Pit- what fears of ltnagluary evils, cohdllce ipowifactarer, giving his Rote therefor. r• iheci,;h. I am past eighty years cx fo` Deer, , „ �
Pileapants -Open season September age 17enr l�iiltll. it rote t#la .tatet�t, 'IT
Aher'a 7Baoitacibe Kidney Tata- p , y.k I have rtt?t rl ;xray !lair lel ,
1501 t". December 15111, both Clays in- with the distress after eatlA i Cho soulnca t 'Clan ula9lnftlekul er evetttnl911.y foutld it tray Bead.'• lnaph distressed over toy s l itlmtllt
lets Comp 11 cures, olu.stvr Rli lish or Mon oliun lailcas- of the stomach, the bad taste Ili tho'•tnouth, uoceomry t0 take, the artlele oil thea prix• G^a, �`ellott, roivsprl Md, wrIte all Interesting lotter. 1 kir l,a
g S , �` a She hna been, 'aorrcalroaitllluq with tar�9t
exits may not be killed before the latae o forth,
worthe tnellife of the auf• ellasor's llftnd. No sooner !lad tile, N' ��"x+ „ . regularly for .same years now, antl tlmoz*
Sediment in the tit7it 1l0 brick dui tt 15th day of September, 1095. D s o Dyspepsia yIt d it m t r t i e ninohioei gone oft' 'tile farin titan the : �vlC; meal! all that rich, k is really no excuse for a 4 -Irl at funrtsid911
its nature, whether It be brick s., y P p a resulted . o torpid d 1 i r In, , not writing a better letter. If thlx Ie; t
white particles floating thr4ug$ it, or Dlovor-Apon,sea'son September 15th the Gaee of illrs, tones, 2320 N. 12th St„ t,lr►nel" vtept, to Ills nearest town, 4114 ;k;irh Color your flair used i
slim deposits is indicative of serious P Pltlladol h1a, I'a. who iris a grant sufferer 'bought Ane from the local re ,resenta" r best she can do noir, theta a tier ami to t?
y + to December 16th, both days inclus= p , r i:? have, if its grayflow her later on, I'm Afraid, Ilex lettelnc
Kidney derangement. y 1906,, Ilpr statement made in her 77th year is tale of - tlttl tlatno luautlfaaturer, a : r ala most uninteresting, aAd I'm ilttsljz
There is uo- remedy can s0 quickly that she was completely Gyred Af It And Alli initcblue of exactly Cho same kiutl Cls be no matter; . fur Ayer's surprised and asltnlaerl for her. ::oars
clearpup the urine, And cure the Kidney Prairlo lo,wIz Opcli xenson bailtom- Its attendant ftchee and pulns, as others} Bair Vigor always re- don't go `#chlirg her.+ill illlA. of ap14�i1Rs
trouble, as Dr, Pitchers BaolcaC 4 liid be, 15111 tri December 15th, bot}il days have keen, by a. faithful use of o That would never do. But -just see dsl,'
ney Tablets -the modern medicine for inclusive. May ,i O i n# r arch �t9I'ea color to ra. • Mall'. f
baekaChe, kiduoy, bladder and nrintiry y not be ]tilled before, (� s - „j'a t _. �' ti- . l Y you canuat cantrlye to lel her kno+ty how
the 151h c a of September, 190x. i>UNct,t` AAY. Sometimes it mlakes.the she falls to make.hor letters 'intereatlas .
disorders. y p r That oats "an all the dfgosttve organs, , J h. an4 then set !Chant at once Itnllrovinlg ..
Mr, W.1?attersotl,electriolan, Whitby, Quail -+ripen scetson,Oakober 15111 to cures dyspepsia, arid give permanent xlsor Qn Wedresda Cot. 213 Mr. Jas, lir glow very heavy and them. Never by lock or 1r�trtl lit. her
Ont„ says: "Permit zl9e to soy that Cho DeCe1ylbcr X,`�ith, bbtll days incluslva, uAcl tone to tUo Whole system. t a, nn'tad .
`bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Bgokoche Kidney '` moils n of Gt ph l , Out., w s _ l ul _1 long; OIl and it stops falling suspect that I eriticlsed thetrt> Ey toe
Mp3 not be bought or ,sold before, T way, 7dd�th, dear, did you deeido to get
Tablets I got at the store, of J. E. Little, -_.- - -- - - -- - -� - wedlock to Miss Naomi Davidson, of 4 of the hall', too. the blue fauiAril or"tlte gray vtRPe do
druggist,'W`hitby, has done me a. great 1110 ]5tli day of October, 1005. WILL BE SOON ENOUGH'. Dungannon. A large number of re- � 1140,& bode, All diuggkis. clliae,"" etc.
deal•oY good. I para tried and other kidney Itail•"OPen season September 15 to latives and friend were Iresent at the 1! your dirk,�fat cannot ettpp i au Now, uo sooner d]d "Edith, deal; �lieaa
remedies ivithouG result, d December 15th, both : days inclusive, Ceretuouy. The knot was tied by Rev, pend tie .ono dolor aud w•e willpo:yrpxeee this than she, of caursep ivpnts Erato bele �
these just what I want. My water, that Wicussi tits olitioal r: i�uatryn,tl,, , • yona wt0e. ilo A»ie, and� givetUe nnmo the fourteen*Teal'-r:id And gave>
used, to be dark, bad. and full of sedi• Turkeys, Wild -Open sea spu October a P y R, r Orbairn, thou all l s it flown to a of your limrost eti rrea:� oiaro, Addreer, "right off the bat, • as Charlie, the nine -
els lath' to Deceruber 1 th, both d,t s t. T11cmLts Jtaurnal says: Out Win. stimptuoui repast. We wish Mr, and a.a.ari:ltcU,,lpwel�:7�i.s, tGan•year•oid sin asci ilratlttr. atonit�
pnelit is lapty clear ap . my boWejs more r
e[ sily, regularly, and. gently, , with no elusived May flet be killed baler. 0ervative fri_-wls wall swan have their Airs, Wilson much happiness and joy ' ". prob�tl,ly para Pl?.t 'it. Tl,i" anAt'S I"atter.
griping'. i I•have worked steadily, and r r o ct f6v a gonaral elactlon in Or,. cirntion to keep silence Anil, tall, was dubr �
" the paten I used to suffer with is gone en•'.day of Ocitober, 190,1, ]u their new life, read "at" tile° alece until 81m, ;must !tics"e t
Snipe -Open season September lath tarso gratified, The Legislature }s J�, Pt 2ud Gecr�o Currie Mary
Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab C r to Met In .Janutry orad»Cite last sr..^•_ � _ Elliott. ' been. a+vary to regimore Rtuac girl than .
y to December 15th, both days inclus- he was not to entire the lisle of !rates~
lets are 50 cents a box,iat all druggists s,an is generally mads, use of by elle r cel in .iter own letters to 'bring all this
The�Dr, Zina Pitcher Co., Toronto, Out ive. May not' be ,sold •beforw the% 15th � Pk 1st.--Giteudulterc 4ni'rfe, 1ii'a �
day of a ]teiriber, 1905. Opposittan so as to form material for David '~haat,
I ter, Fcrgusou, Samuel draw is*ce1;s l to <l'c tnpth ` > tcciFeti
� I the campaign which fellows. It lois Lfukla r
-.... P
the Styles. a second Inter irons Aunt 11tay and :iR
VJ'oodubck--Open season September not •seem probable that. file session \ Aal>rS S. G1tIa«, i,>;Acifr•.ir. kts•fit"st'rordshet hair. rose. "'):a !leaven"$ <
15th to December 15th, both days in- will ba :urcirlcaessarfly prolonged ur_ - name," ltegau the letter. ""what does this ,
Ontario Game Las elusive. May not be bought or sold less the Opposition choose to make it mean about CharltOs marriage. Axa*
writes me that1te is about to marry that
before filo 15th .day of September, wry by obstructive taction. The can_8.11ghTOLSTOI ON SUICIDE. dreadful kfiond that ,ysed to live on the
1905•, duct of bath parties in theLegisla_ ,
• block bnpic cif Boit ,and Who. afteetvnrd
In.sectivoro 's birds may -not be tune •during the isession will natur- deli Dertruetlon Shows a'Perverted Ment on. the stage aud to whom I'm sure
+ p auu ht killed or, sold or hail, in pose rally iia claaely serutitnizcd by Lhe It is a sad thing to See fine Idem of the OUleet of Life. you 'vpnidn't nllu'v any of the chlildrexk
Abstra'ot of`the,Rulesaand °REgu' g , The question, lifts a man the rikht'to `to speak to, much.less hire any int, to
session without a permit, except Llectars, Some of those who do plot ," • ,
fruit trees spoiled by the blight, take his own life?" is incorrectly, framed. do with, Oh, -my dear 1•.dith, •tion t write
la'tlons that Govern the a Hawks, Crows, Black -birds and Eng- take strafing party grounds will pro- In this matter there can be no question of and tell me that it's se --and yet I da
lish' Sparrows. ,• bably ba guided to a certain extent You can always tell them from right. We can only ask if it is wise tend want to know all about it, and Alan's let:
Huatint Season, Si 4irrcIs, Black or Gray -Open sin- by the o -curse pursuaa by the partlos therefore moral, for wisdom and mortal- 'ter simply stated the facts and"-
nd" - .
duruug the session. They can .sca.rcc_ the` rest. They never do well its' art= identical) to kill oneself.. Taro, it The distraTpbt mother, rtislied to the
sun September 15th to December 15th, is foolish, its foolish as it would be to cut fourteen -year-old, What possessed you
botli .days inclusive, Iy have arrived at the conclusion from• .afterwards belt stay small and the stalk of a plant that one -,vishes to to write this awful, dreadful disgrace-,,
The. following is An 'abstract, of the t T the past reaoird of the Govern=. nt destroy. The plant does :lot Perish, but ful lie to. your Aunt :t :W she gusppd.
Er'A`n'1D"LAN$ hs -issued by E. Tinsley;`' 0oa'ver and`;Oitter-Opett •season 7\o- - 'its growth becomes distorted. ""You• know there's•;no\t `s agreed of truth
vem'ber Zit to April 1st, in follow- and of the opposition that it would sickly.
tthief game warder.: ba -lire to make a .change.. Air. Life is indestructible, it is :independent !n it. Answer me-how"dared yeti?"
Ing year, both drays sive. May It is woke t0 See a bli hi, of time and space, and therefore death '1'lie feta tea n -year old•' calmly 'tnrik the
No person not a resident and, demi- not be taken \ or' killett before.the 1st w`hilmey, instead. of demonstxating can, only alter the form of life and de- ietter, acid 'it. returned it., ' 11.a you
oiled in Ontario, may hunt or kill noy of November, 1905. his ability to govenn. by what he has strike children. Good health iatroy its manifestations in this 'World. think Aunt.'tiay will ever say again
any ap%mal or bird in Ontario without done during the ithree sessions of But if I put an end to my life in this that T efin'twrite interesting letters?'a'
having procured a nen-resicllent 11- Muskrats -Open, season January 1st the Legislnturc already held this is the natural. right of children. world in the .first place I do not know she said, with .at smile.
to' MaY 1st, both da7•s inclusive: But u_ whether iffb in the next wfll, be more
idensel term, has disi.iactly receded in pap '13ut some of them don't get Agreeable and in the second place I de- FLORENCE A3 A JOKER. t
Dee r-Opan� season November. lot to act Xuskrat may be shot during the lar favor, while the Government, es_ prive myself of the possibility of conning
T.xiovembe1+115th both days inclusive. month of Npril. , their rights. While the rest for myself all ,that may be attainabl* in TWO Prank" the Cotnceltan 1'1a7•ed be4
y _ parially, s]inec, Mr. Ross has baen , this world. y tete nuke of Beaufort.
Only; two deer may be tak'enl in.(one A Good • Corn Remover. planed alt the head of it, has advanc- grow big and strong One stays Besides, and this is the, main point, 'it Through the elder Sotherd Billy Flor *men by one person. A marvel of cheapness, of efficacy, ed ire the people's estimation. It trill 1s foolish for rare to kill myself because ence, tilt .a olnedian, carne to know the
r 'Mo se .Reindeer or Caribou- .Open and of promptitude, is contained lit.'s, W. a surprise, both to his political small and weals, by putting an end to my earthly life puke of Fetturort, and the-,- were excel-
bottle of tharfamous remedy,Puthatn's 'friends aud jt,6w, if Mr. Whitney , merely because it seems unpleasant I ant friends. Lr Aufc»t carne to this cfiulR
Pe rson, November 1st to November 15, Painlesa,Ocixn ,Extractor. Io¢tc short yes_ Scott S EmulSlOn can stop show that I have a perverted idea of the try and was at ere Gilsey Rouse in Nqw
f3oety right should ba able during object of life. York it good while. Florence enlivened
inj tiro year 1900, both days inclusivo.' to the root. of the trouble, •" there' sets siva to prove that he -has the " eapa„ that blight. There is no I assume its object to lid enjoyment, his stay by several jokes;'vhicl; w.era'the
nna in every third' year thereafter, gaieldy but so painlessly, that nothing is wbile its real purposes should be the per- talk of the toren at the tide. Ile .fold
known of its operation until the corn is c}ty of which hithejrtof lie has, Act reason whysuch a child should
only orae Moose, Reindeer or Carie shelled. Beware of substitutes offered shown himself to bi possessed. icctiug of my individuality (ego) and the tics dul.c• that he was :not looking,"s' rt'c e.
stay small. Scott's Emulsion Rer•vite of humanity iu general. Suicide, "you need violent exercise,' soil 'Ace, .
boo may be taken in one season b9 for Put'nain's Painless Dorn Extractor- Y is therefore immoral. Our life is given ""Now, I was troubled as you \are t used
•ZC,rlel per�soll. safe, sure and Painless. Sold' abding- steps 41le, Q`oniv. t is a medicine with lots Of to us to be used until 'fts natural end in
to strip to my underclothing !tett! t siting'
t �To' ,aoiv 112o4,se or young ilioose,Iiein- ., gists. itll�Il �YOY'3i;F! O tlt0 CalcQ. the service of others. But the suicide eu- it heavy chair fu by hands. would run -
strength in it—the bind Of joys life only so long as it seems pleasant about my rooms raising, and lewettaag tete
kleei+ or Caribou' under the aket of, one LiSTOWEL. Laxative Bromo•QuininoTablets euro n coir! in to. him, whereas in all probability its use- chair a hundred tiules_ without stopping.,
ear can be killed. one div No Curo,no Pay. Price 21 cont*.. strength that makes things
y Mrs. Thos. Davidson, Penelope street, fuluess is just beginning when it becomes It had a grand a �ec;•." ' r
No Elk or Walkiti shall be hunted, mother of Mrs. Mayor Watson took a grow. unpteasanC. Every task is disagreeable at Florence ins}sted°upon this for severtf
CLINTON. first. days and got the duke into at mind for
,aken or killed at' any trine "in• 'On- ' hii;9ytie stroke on Monday last. As Scott's Emulsion makes I,'or more than 30 years a man lay in a t:•ying it. One aflenwon when several
Wario.i • `D, , years, We are pleased to learn that Miss
c• Alis. Iia'�idson is advanced in ears her Itusstau cloister parnlyZCd• and able to eminent persous'vprp going to tali +tu the
t No person may transport or have chances for complete, recovery are slight,
Mary McEweu, daughter of D. Me- children grow, makes them eat, moxe only his left hand. The physicians duke Vlorence perRttadcd i nit to try the
p although Ewen, ofiStanley, who wrote on the said that Ills suffering must have been in- great remedy. Vie cls I o ulld:esst•d, putt,
in possession, except. from November, gh she is progressing favorably. a iitlsumniem'edepartmental exams, and maks them sleep, makes them tense, but he made no complaint :and, spiz-i it greai,chair, he eltv;ited it above
Ut to 22nd, any wild Deer,, Moose, Mrs. Jit,. .Mauna!!, of j�oodstoak. only'failed by a few inatlks, was last play. Give the Weak child a crossing Himself and, fixing his eyes on iris howl and began rneili: around the
Reindeer or Cdribou, or Bead, rain" another daughter, is in attendance. tel, :he sacred images, constantly gave thanks room ITe war it, A fine �wegt. with his
Her ext thereof, unless A4r: ]Iarry'Torrunce, son of Mr. John week granted•her aappifll by the Educa- chance. Scott's s Emulsion will to God for the .feeble spark of life that eyes bulge: Ills ,fac# red aud hs \'Pills;
ishan or at p troll Depiirtnient, And awarded icer, was left to him. He was visited by many : standing otit. I Iorell went to the oti}ee,
accompanied by affidavit that same Torrance,. of this town, went under an �r Y make it catch up thousands of people, and it is impossible ! a^d :en the em:nvllt And dignilletl Iwr-
Was taken duffing the, open season. operation for appendicitis, at the Owen Jnufor Leaviri„ oertifiotitc`. Miss Atc-
Eweti itis been attending the Model �— � with the rest. to estimate the good that creat out to the finny •:u•rivecl he said to one of them he•
1Oper, Meese, !Reindeer or Caribou may, Bound"Rdipital, on Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, world front this maul, who was almost de- ituew•
Drs. LaL Hershey and chool this term. to ;r,, This Picture represents prived of the power of ']notion. Cot•taialy --Goin; up to see his grace ?it
riot -be. CRrried, Or traplsported upilegs, , +' g, S Murray,y, Of the Air. Sibley, who gave uphousekeeping _ 2 the Tra a Mark of Scott's he accompliyhed more, good than then- ;`yes;' said the man." ""
"a; license ,shipping eoupon is attach- hos, ttal state, performer! the operation, t=° Emulsiln and is on the sands of whole and sound men who .fan- �S eIl. said rlorpnpe. "I've been ftp .to
led'. l toil the appendix when taken out was. owing to rib's dlelicate stntrt of his wife's r . + wrapperof every bottle. cied that their it+ere benefiting mnnkiud sec hi1n, and I'tn of:nid he's touchol •iii
1. lieal'th, has'rciuted a House on Prioress
l No hound's or dogs accustomed to 5)J inches long.' We are glad t0 report s s; 1 Send for free sample. iri every possible war. }, . head. Ice is leaping about his roam,
street east, and will again take uphoase• 9 So long as life remains in a ,:can he can m ;king strange noises and breaking the
pursue Deer -are allowed, at, large that lie is improving, aud Mr, Torrance koopirig, Mrs: 'Sibley lio'v'liesfYi� much SCOTT Sc BOWNE, perfect himself nud serve humanity.. But furniture. Conte up And Ree ti}m. 1 t,i:tk
Where Doer are found,during the olose expects that he will be able to. be better: °' = TORONTO
CANADA lie can serve humanity only by perfeeling he ought to be restrained.. Ills faildly
4easonl for Deer. ; brought home in a few weeks. _ himself, and he can perfect himself only ought to be told,"
R. Jelikiiis lost ti;o vt►luitble cows on 5oc and $i. all druggists, by serving htunuuity. 'the eminent and dignified personages
Aounds' or dogs running Deer dur•- Tuesday. They were killed at the rail- � accompanied Florence and, perp»tg
ing the close season may be killed rs, \ , way oro4sing by-1he iut)tniu"\traiugoinl; _ - •-•----= = HOUSEHOLD HINTS. through .a crack in the door, saw At, dt[l-
bII sight by any person, who• shall not - 't Vie7• A WT�1 �6,��ASE S to ErOtleiich. �
parent maniac dashing round nett rmnld.
be liable to damage forgo Join _ lyd� t AMU L1191� ... RAST iv'AtirANOSi[, A tablespoonful of flour added to the+ with staring eyes and hushed free. 'Chen
S: G A. McKee has rented -thu new
tom Cr 1st
iv sent direct to the�dlseased y ,. i� A fe v days Since Hir:ttan F`Ji +lltmttll starch keeps curtains stili much longer. 1� lurence shut the door find took the
houswbuilt b 1. Gibbii, s tin Toiin• 3 ' array to tell rth. t'they had seen, begin-, +Oueks -Open season Sop b y� pattsby the improved blower, hasty french or black laees'tnay be ,,
"r li�xls the ulcers, ctear� she air loud street and will move to it sherd 1t+Yt this township for tlr0 SoC, titking freshened by dipping thein into steak tea ni,te, "it's very find about his grace, nae
to December 15th, both days inclusive. g , 1'
n 'season Sep" '�' tbt',�H', r oiore'r»anantf,y Ares The House Vacated will be occupied by boat at Otteu Souudl. �Litst week a re- tint! then pressing them on a flat surface, til all impression was general that, the
i Geese, and Swans—,Open P f u r , p t Y 4 Duke of iipaufort had gone .mod, A. few
bel 15th to May s"t in the :fol- a�• %tarehantil-isy t?ever, slower Mrs. Watt, mother•uf lilrs.tBulets. port -was circulated 'thAt the boat had between newspapers. i ,
;tem y 1r. t,. T` A,
or Ir. A W:Ehiae 'Elie sntol.p of a Common wood fire Iles �,t} later Florence hid the duke's troth-
lowing year,, both days� �tted,ctn,• cn.. t ,r„tato .rani ausalr. Ediss Carrie `Spindler, formerly of gone clown, aud his friends -wore -very apetl recommended ns an economical and in„ and poked his head in tit tit(- tToor
i j 'Grouser -!igen season September 1Gtii _
this•:, 0*31, was married a tfow Clays ago, much alarthed, but we are pleaseri to eiliaacious disinfectant for sickrooms or • anti said, "Ilurry cut: the hotel is afire!"
to John }3: Smith StrathroN. � Flt)= that Hiram arrived safely at his ptI1CP COntAIninnted 111aCCS. Tilt, dune prrae'nty apptynred lit the ]tate!
to. December 15th, both days inclus- Messrs. T. W. Whalley of Toronto and office Iu.a n}t;htgnwtt, ]clippers a,ld ;it tall
Mr. McOlay i iaclo a iredslint; rales last : dt.stivatiou. Piedes of unstacked Buie 'in earthern Httt, thus confirming the unfavorable I=-
A. Craig of Al'ektindria,'hase boubgt The bowls placed in different rooms 'will, it is
ccs-� on siren September 15th Windsor Review week which is going along way, before ! Mr.' Jolla tl. A2LOliutou, collector for quid, improve the atmosphere on it humid pression of his intellectuals.
,Ha, , . P s P
t participates in .the happy festit•ities. ;this toiVuship, holds a record, which is - filar, The lime will absorb the venter from.
......` ' ..•. Ile line- No Fear.
'It is for a lady, cousin of T. Miller, Lou,.! hard to surpass, and shows his efficiency the air. , .
Prince Metternich was c rir ino iii itleln-
' desboro, who visited hgre a couple of :tis a colh3dtor of taexes. For ]six Fears he The dust cloth -for any room shoilld be rya one, day during •the tougre5q of ISIS
years ago, but is. residing' in Few has lield the pogitiou, :cud iliwiug the
lightly fiprinl:led before using find should ; when the horses bolted, the carriage was
? be washed and dripd after every dusthig , , , . . , •
t See that StAM.�3e Zealand, where she Is. married, and: last three eisrb huts collected every cent � Corot ci, and lit ttprnich 'vets throwe
to which lace the cake is sent• which lris3roll nulls for, When, it is 1,.uruitth ' good in ecleau not asroonr.molc � Into the" t•oadrray. Led hi„ hl hall ito
•,� ' < � P g bones brokt.n let r]c:lced Ititliself lip tine!
:, ice' ; ,':• Miss Cantelon, oldest, daughter of Mr. 'know, that therti is itrvariublp 2i certain. Por covering lily cracks and mending I ivalkc d euietr err ay. The same evetiltuo
Frank atawnut--trot osier.' rpllulnid atrtic•les a mixture of three parts lit-, tu<t the king of Vaples. who had'aet"n
i H. OantelUn was, •ilturried to Mr. Frank airily lavge-wl}iah ifi parts ether has been . the ncofdeut.
Wheat you get a genu- alpnhol and foul
i r, r �, .' Yeo, of Mt. 1+crest, Un, Wedlgesclay, - iistially returner.! aria "uncollertnble;" it rp camuteuded. The fractures tire coated I "`Ilow horribly frightened 'you tnusx
inc Sovereign Shoe ,t Word was •receivedothe other Clay that iaho:is Mr. Mudlint-ou'a oii3cielwy as it ,villi titin, pressed together nud then al- bare hpc,t." Said the kin, .
I\ will have that mark on the Fred,• sou of John '$W' ,venson -of towlt, t;onipetmit collector. luwetl to dry for :.•4 hours. "Not -it All." atnswered Aietternich, rt
y , 'fire lacquered brass knobs and trim- is no molt of mint-, but I ant -eau ttitu+
5„ sole. who is out in Souris, Alan., tact wit,t all 'the following is the report of , the min. s reset! on furniture are best cleaner] tionall;i ingeces,sibit. to t'par."
accideut recently, whereby his left hand stull(liug of the, pupils of S, S. No. 9, rvlth a soft cloth'vet in alcohol. All un- "It Is its I thought. replied the ling.
j That maik means a + "You , • „
] was cousitlerably iuyured I+red is ani• T,,st 1�Vittvnuosh, for the mouth of lnequei•ed brasses should be first washed "You are a supernatural being.
hundred treats` worth cif -- .^r-----•--^- _., ._.. ._.•_ .. �•r• ill tivurat'sbapsuds and then rubbed with l
_ C)atuher:-- colt :incl vinegar applied with a flannel
1 fiinn itnek [illi rotate.
'+.' : + fllllkRE4G1+1 value for every dollar //� saE � t� 60h class: -Willie Elliott, Jcuttie sloth. I suppose than every ninn's dream, ot~
13jal''" Sbie•il. mserrurtl lisp is tinlr o, less mixed tip
charge<I for the shoes. i �,� + with rte itie•1 of food food that he cul}
r, r lih Ansi,.-l3tdla McDougrill, .1"In. r
r ;r• 2 .. t, ( eat an.l earn iuritp Ills friend -.4 to eat. The
Sovereign Shoes" arts t- rete a� Willonl, Robert bl:owbray, David Jahn• � � � � � � , I
ta�al,w+ +� , PpRRlbilities of thn Chafing ilisll atre'ils-
j " `y •? ; j, , Clic best R11tles—iltey tVCitr The matrons of the Edi. — Stoll, Rayrnbn:) Elliott. « 1 numerable. Try yotr best not to fall into
f b t ^, .• + w '1Qo reading notice advet titaing nay enter • +
! ` :;�.�.•-' , salt Orphanage aatLowell r..t3ict.•-thea: Mo i2o al,ticer• A helteh•xs rtrt, Ito dainty taui:inl;. ihra
ii, >•~ti' ,ti; best because thCyarc the e /j y y hiiomoutnrmutterbylvhio}r inonnp is to I*
l kelt s`, lea Nittss.,U.S.A.,rv.Cotethey 5 ,, son, George Xerr, Willie Shoeboetctn. madebyanyperwniorrouse will be inserted, souxa tins+ it mnT be that tilt, fragrY�uc•e
best mads. had a siege cf -lige, lit r_ E3. , fit Tilts Tnms wdtliont charge,, d`kcept that t of a perfect 'V% olsh labbtt will brise to
% tf -� Herbert $bieil. whole the job wort: fni� the snttte aAtlenefti'ltila aur tui,ttl the lit:ei building of lour. as
ja i+ 'r• cough in their institution. aai ,••, .�: Iuterine diate 3rd.—Stanley Bliiott, 7 intss OtlteP, one notice, wiil be given gratia of I ,
Every lxnr Goody ear # at+ize in fro tortioIll to the stn�tlortanee of tat, long as lice and afi deep its the grave.
n+, They said t hat every case "-. Grurria Dencort, A1311ie Lettver; Iloivard - event. flu future the prices for those loe:tia i Alen art, +tut ci creatures, aren't they"a`
welted --••when you et ft promptly y J j 1 $hjell, rte, l invorlo lr",tn flows fi rrt•s. except iri ea� +
y' l was r01'll tj r�1leVed h r a 1()• , n111 inararinfr l ri rants lg�ter line. Ppsitive i
`' •" " sl�s. ' '
"Sovereign ohne"' yonare Cregoiene. lis valite ill cougli-, it tl 3 1 y of.nitttaspts of 501tnPrr attci cpnvards. No ren•
s y Jr. 3rd.-••13arbara St •les Harve
v titp will lit, rhargpti Lest; iliara iiae. I Iter Cetlal Itelmi;t>t'llt.
Colds was !90 great •th'ev oliva 's lit .k
sure of it welted shoe. + ) l+ Lh.l.ltitei, 1:1'11 Walker, Wilburn - W -- i a"tt It it rllal DlAnto say tnceri her "fattier
x it ready l'br uso. Y0d ltttoil h0W tr 1+'ergttrryit. tf! CONSY?ltl�1t'TI VJ08. j save her tl,nt new gold watch?'" nskr4
$ .or. aAnd S4.oa lined, don't yott i 'Tis be. tcd ,y Sr. �url.�•ltiabel ASr.S.brtt "Cess "Pus iuiderglltned having been xestoreil t'oI one gladsome girl.
r 4' 9 . j 3 5 Va 6rize'tt aitd you uthalc lt.\ 'lVI a y" h6dtlt by Rlmitir, ineans, aftr, �ufferillg tot 1 "Oh. the saluo thlAi that the it]tvAYA
1 t pet` Pair, � tell, illi fll)Olitll. $ Anderson, Ltmra, Critt.le, Jollil Derr,..t„atalytritt'rrthitscv"rolungofFtc.tlon, atirti
t `r r• Vit,• c its for rt book that 5 that tlrrnad dict"ase Cotigrtnrptrou, is nttxious to ; sits s. Silo rptitat 1tt+d that she ` ala ht1"+.
lE,ttie ;thieil, lktalegis Shied, Jotail malu" known tc his follow sufirerers the means ; lu: a perfectly lovely .tilltelt
1 a
Stamped on the soleal . , c o, rttrp. 7 n.tito�c ,•,len tlEfifre if, lie will cltpt"Y-
Vann.Cresnleno to ,sold tis rttn,,.i to rrvdtwl•aro, .'11 i tali, Janles x r rgn,(ell,
Tho 'Va ta, i,xcr haul Y.aalt 'rddcla xtronid lwst A I,It'- : htlly t t"nd a t il, of eiicii';rc%1 a< cat>y it -ltd 7 tot, ; v
tfinr, timl ,t butdo of t fesolcm couatleta, x a?,+a Jr, 2fid... Earnest Linkltater, '6'G'illie sail.,ira6tt uscvl, rthiell they will l telt! cora" far A Vikiad f,# dice,.
d,e,n,tltil11t1r1Yr, .1stloult. Va?.ari'lt, 1W411ftc+Cal.: • .
N tf extra' enpph" of Creseleue r.5 C0114i Anil S"; tram• 'l�ti'lr ty. 6111004 wheebottoni, A111% ell -tri noir 1111 thioat alibi lung * A it Allies its% i x1lbbs--ile NeAC 1>Sta the ltgrsJi ttf cRt
Sovereign Shue, ltlustmtea booklet totitaialug I,hystcia+ !d's i• Lwpes Ali saffpt will try lttu rimledly, as it cat' "
+ wonials tier, tap rat retrtlest, Vrvo•t uis6Lu vu'., ,al,biwii. + and 'Cittri ! alit 11I[tt
�p iurnnuablr, "!!Carr tlr irtttit flit, laic eerilttian, i ]ti.e a roAritfg lien
rN0 laoitOn SF„ 1'i'Oev York,4.9,J1, �,'Elliott, l ie4tntte WWI).�'
Si. 1 t t tl.-••-r.tlSl PCa11 wl:',•lt rvlltt•n�t th, ai i tri:u� t .,t`•t), rtarly ,trey," . 1
yyy 11i,eornnmtidetl ritd sold br A.D. Agmilto-r , n ,ler+--Silt, 'r ili l+la li.•e aarlu a -y, tti v. 1"311- 'Bnbbtt•-•H,6W WAS th&0
Sold Ill' YYinghifln by YY, 3, GRI` ER, druggist, Winghanl, ��tU(tii,itti'e.Lti�Zitlloitl, 11 Al a A. il'[t,11)N, 141:uuklylt,''aVr'0york.' Xubbtt•`••'•Licked.