The Wingham Times, 1901-11-08, Page 6. T THE 1YIXGIIAK TIMES NOV. 8t pol.. wislwAe euuo wi t1FJ[4b1GE.-->31 Neraa. a concerned, the polioy of 184 wa"s the Canadian Store u$hwtt in Turnbrrry �+,, _, , _ • It won't tax« ` 1' 1, PI.A'YWRITINA, _ ;i,u:e•la nWiu+y to xct this sma 1 establin t.d policy of #h(, country. , tartu,+sithlwnkiwratc�omtortablrhourcc•. and , 1s lies closed he waa.greeted with Tochall ti 7wlny.>aarkrt,j• $tNiOtiawawilisecurOit. AP (tqe of an Art That ><tcanlrss It P#J to A. I,tcalraua �(e�lt F�tate anti I'.oaa acri,.s oa "RuLals}t" acid "h[uY;: atiw:l>. 'aCast nr*a s#rII1. - The Charm D � n � e ret �� England' oreleetl(M." Some time In lite life every author, no �� Cattle �'(tB i�Allfi. Iratinouehaltiititpir()m West• 1.4.N_:MERICAN MODEL DAIR.r clatter how succesful he may be In lie- ttc' lH>rt ()filet, in East Wawanosh, 1W tion, deterwlnes to write it play, ilnd ' arrece, i>;i clearpci ltauk baro, frame hottsp, well------�- NOTES, this without a clone understanding of L<'t d, nlc+pm cavil and Heli cultivated. Good the difference between the tlrautottc and or(•h*rd; fine stock farm, $3,u0U. AP1sly to A. Th^ Modal I)alry is ngNr ,gdlpg alQ11g , ptht•r forms of coatpasitolA, So few, in- t,, l f you 1}itl'41a't c1nE Of Chir beautiful Ilii}her isholni block, Unsuccessful Attempt to Hare Qa Olt, lines that were la 1.1 down when deed, are those who lucre mgstcretl the lvinuhat, 'Hunte agent, tinniage>, real c Ch the warm tveatkier caixhG to an end, Technique of both the novel acid the play Sets, you have missed thu chief of Chi' minor _ %AHTBevoral ppeersona of character the Present law of Restric- Thi J rt(ya natal $cist:ins a,l'e znttl:int; that they can 'be counted upon your joys of life. I'Or .the nice C1i1}net` Set adds and irrrcxt reputamr, in each state (one thumbs, says ,Manuscript. ,) In this county re uirrchl to rePrrsen6anoad• a u the b>St showing, TLtiOrC especially as ('bevies Meade, whoin Swinburne calls t Tort#aeal= emtxbliia ted wealthy business l;()a•+e tion Removed ---Model = brightness t0 the ll]t:ctl ai1C1 1}1al;,es possible tl1N - ni sgld Ilgancial standing. S1ktary $18.00 week- • tit^y i=- holdl g well togother,while fico greatest of English, novelists , id lywtthrxpent*%additional,allpayableincot-b the Gueraseys tare week atfter wcelc whose "The Cloister and the Ilearth"�i.a Enjoyment of this most important daily function. vAL1hWednedaydilvetfrotahaldcilicew.Horse Dairy Notes. NSrceQ by all to ice the Ideal of the lli5tat'- And carriages furnished, when necessary. kt- dropping m9re arid. more apart. They Lt!a'eyneea. w1ose ::cifaddre:rsedatam edea- Teal novel, always plumel himself ou Itis .l<U$T THINK ILII' OVER. vtlope. Manager,7lfi(':extonBuitdtnR,Chicago. ----,-.-. -are snotiv laOldl [Ourth, place with the ability to write a play. Certainly he had French Calt4dian9. in fairly good the clrwgatitc souse, as the stories of liis FORolt BALD.—l9biacres,51milestroul wing- Whc,n Han, Sydney Fisher, Domin. fifth, and thpit with nnM 7niriiatlure, which have bcetl dramatized. prove, but AS a further inducement lv4' 'YVlll for ��1�1'1�y mchgol on lot, ',y mile froth P. O, an Minister of he lacked the ti'atuiug in (Ira tech- Brick tlottsp,bank barn, and convenient Ont• . Agriculture, was in cow .that has never earned or eaten nlque. And, worst of all, he was totally days give a rtCiuction. in Dinner Sets such as EbiAllil gs. Mahc, s agoodchen cleioue Har Gnat Britain last summer he made nearly t,,% much as the average of the bllntl to Iiia deficiency, Ile toads nvrr n � s will surpOse you. We have il• doublE motive 1n e chAncefor anenergetic, manwho •innot afrrid =trony representations, to the P.resi-- herd. When they were brqught into good Vreti� ploy into 4 poor Flu�lch. =� of work. Will be sold at a b:ar!ain. Apply to ch at of file Board of one apd wrote to :t friend that he,, lied this, that is, to sell thtTm, and save packing them A. Itntmaae, Beat F�tatn nod Loan Agent, Agriculture in the Dairy they were a new clement achieved the dearest wish of his life, away. Our Christmas goods will soon be in CtiislialmBlock,Wingham, regard to the importation of store in, t}i:•+list and %Y,rc considered much tai the composition of a piny the first y a Gall and t;ALE.•-0n the Wroseter gravel road, cattle from Canada, asking that in of a curio-,tty, but they have very essential is the construction of a "seen:h_ and we must make room for them. t:niletcfrom B lmore,lal, s; arres of good this matter Canada be treated in the well established their claim to good oto, the franlework of the fabric, With see how interesting we can make it for you. It land. A) CIVRIVE1, balance rill, cexiar and elm, „amt way thio done, the platy is full lowish land, that will bo the very belt when y as Ireland as an integral dairy qualitiee. They are pf course y emlrodicti cleared. Two small frame Houses bank barn: the ntiinl of the pr4etical playwright, will pay you, ofd �►' }:mtl(+front„c•ho()t. Wilt besold 've cheap,part at the British Empire and not sometlitn� of a nor#hero animuland, The, rest is but i(pl;olstcring—"leather D exchange fora 6 and lot. Appy to iA.s- :lig a foreign country, Ii ! also ad. suffered novo from the midaummer and. piunella." The younger Dumas was holm•e, Reai liqng ate and lain Agent, Chis tref-sed .a number of meed ' holes B�fa•k, Winttham. •• meetings 0#far_ heat ihnat e4,•.,py, �o•h.;s did, as did also ones iisl:cd how hay was.&ektius on fvith. si .. 1 play that be had .on the stocks and ati mors and others interested in this the Ayrsh.ires. wjhich lead not all becri swered+ Nearly through. All done butHUT H IN S 1 r "L�QRfsA'F.E,— the flue township of Howick, trade, and since his, return the a itn_ imported g „ j 1 100acres of chciice hind. Fine brick rest- S ported long enoueh t0 it2aome Sully the dUtlogne. (i o Bence, large bank barn and ont-houses. About t(oa has bxn kept,', up in, the Odd. acclimated, It is probable that the The fault of the "closet dramatist;' ti0 acres in good state of cultivation. At the - A rate money can be borrowed from this office: Land. The Scotch farmers want Can. Canadian Shorthorns will utake up a whose plays read better than they act,, is ' R r r it pays better to go into debt for the full price nearly always too mush attention. to Iii- _ + f. of n Tarin than to rent. A ply to A, lhttmna:c, odian cattle and Lave exerted every total that is later m propprtioA to P ovary style and too little to stage effect. Rea l.;tate and Loan Agent, Chisholm BIg k, .nfluenc to have the present law the others, thlan, Wars experAgd, The IIe thinks too much of word painting, u l Wingham. of restriction repealed but without stganding of , the herds for tide week necessity in the days. of the bare Eliza- $7500 bnysii• teres,lii0cleared, infirxtr sgccess. The British stock breeders ending "Aol.ar 15th is as follows:._ bethan stnSe, bnt now rendered obsolet@ , NEW S /\ T i`I_��� cLtss a ndition, balance good demand - by the calcium and other modern effeefs. Lr .!J Vv .8:.A.1J �" ]wrdwoal bush. F, r mites from Wingham protection against Canada, Jerseys, e.69.; UclsteiAs, $.31 ; '1'b.e frame of the dramatic edifice nowa- 8orodsfrombhickvt thshop, post ()trite, kelp al'thaugh they are more than willing Ayrsbice: �7,0�; Guernseys, 883; days Is everything. The paint can be L.:1, h11LLs.has just opened out a eomplete stock at Fall and Winter graph office suit P. R. siding, school and 1* T church. River ru at back end of plum; good to welcome Canadian buyers of pure French , t'anadians, $6.01; Iced squirted on with A hgse. Goods, which will be cleared our at SpE�elal Low Prices. In. ideadr•made artesian well and 'ndmill, good frame hoose, bred stack who b' rices for The novelist who will write a play - p , , , , , kitchen and is td•bank burn 4.vcc00. Ivor pay igi p Polls, $5.75, Polled Jerseys; ' $5.391 Clothing, I have•bought lar•ge,y io Mea's ar,4 Boys Sults, Overcoats and ! tnrtherPurticuo r+delresr P. Wens, Exlenan• the best animals. That The c 6houkl therefore engaise• the services of nen. Please m tion Ttxas—it will help you. policy of Shorthorns, �3,� 8 ; Brown Swiss,13.18 a professional play'wriglit either as a c61- eefE:rs. q protection will ba continued as long Dutch Belted, $4.01. laborator or critic and reviser. Lveii MEN'S SUITS. Special at $4.50 and up. ' See our special value at F a•s; the Right lion. R. W. Hanbury' is y then, if he does not :produce a popular 87,$7—wp•to, date pattern—good "eight, regular ()10.00 suit, ST AY SHEEP. President of the hoard of Agriculture play,,be will have revered hints concern- - ALSO YQUTII'S A)\'D 13QYS' SUITS, Special values, t ADVICE TO MOTHER&: ing the attainment of dramatic effects _ 1s shown by the following from the " whieli mill be of invaluxible service to hint see Our MEN'S OVERCOATS. Special live to clear a� �4.Ob. GOod." Strayed upon t epremitremofthe undersiggna• Edinburgh Evening Despatch of How toHeepthe Baby ltlealthy'aadHappy in subsequent work in his own field of -heavy weight, sizes ranrrflil; to $4. Also an up -to date stock of Dress. ed, lot 10, con, 4, nberry,. on or about Ehe ._ :;o -e allea. soothdn fit -tion, Indeed, one of the best ractices = + 20th of Sepermtie ttvencynme sheep. Owner Oetobsr 9th. The Right —Avoid the s p Coats, YOi1th$ And 1}U3's ]ikeefers i`rom. $1.15 up. can have t,ow by roving properfyAnd paying HM, R. W. Uanbtiry, M. P., Medleitiea. ijn embryo novelist could. engage in would - Also a cam glete stool: of Ladies' and Men's RTaterprE of Costs. The expeaws. a the novelizing of a successful drama JAS. ELLIOT, President rA the Board of r: Efery mother is neturally Solicitous eelebr Lodi Mancileber ood3 F wtpt� seam assorted COlor$. Prise tCOm Ag —it lie can find one on the boards that 8 - g �, , 0 , Binevale P. O. culture, vas in Edinburgh tc_3ay. In as to the heathy of her childrem, but wasn't a novel itself oii finally. $8.75 up. the forenoon he received in the City not everyone treats their little trodbles in theri ht g Blankets and Fl.annelsP In Blankets we have special value. STRAY C©LT, Chambers a deputation represent_ C way. the so-called WHAT NOT rm WE/CR. These are made of selected wools ing all parts of Scotland in favor •of ;emediea are still used altogether too Cheap lace on anything and will give the best wear, See these goods before purchasing elsewhere, { L the removal of the restrictions on the^ much, although physicians. •]leve �, Came on the premises of E. Gaunt, lot 21, Cheap jewelry any time: ' primes to star .the purchaser. Also a'Ifne of WOOL BLANKETS to clear 2nd con, Kinloss, on or ()bout October 23td, one importation of Canadian cattle. Mr. preached against them for 'Many years, Taff shoes In midw lutes at ew.5U, See Otlr FLANHELETTP BIcAN[irTS at 75C pair—Special. Also, Suckling Cult. Owner can have the same by p p proving property and paying expenses. Hanbury on this occasion was aeeom_ The fact that they put children to sleen Diamonds in the da-atI'tne. extra values in FL=LNNEL SHEETIN.-G White and gray. See our Gray Plan. s. GAUNT, p y is no sign that the are helpft}l. Oni the Elaborate toilets for church, . ne113 in. Union, All -wool And Homeaptrfis. t l Whiteehnrch. ended b Sir Jacob Wilson. The $ y deputation which was a very large contrary, soothing drags are dilugereas Untidy frocks for breakfast. A large stock of HORSE BLANKETS to select from. Yarns in all one, includetl Bailie Brechin. Glar;_ and distinctly harmful. At• the slight Dotted veils with weak. eyes. colors—single, two and three ply—Made O� pUCEi w061, no shoddy or fl in FARM FOR SALE. Pointed shoes when bicycling, Y Y las - galv ; Mr. W. Smith, Ealzeord;e, eat sign of ill lh,•alth or disorders, give � in these goods. Guaranteed t0 wear. At 35e and u . Conspicuous bicycle costumes. !; p ii Brc+chin; Mr. W. F. Bell, Luthrie the little ones Baby's -Own Tablets.' Meq's•and Ladies' UNDi;ItiVE�Bi in Union All -wool, Natural �C61 t A broad belt on a stoat figure. , , i 50 -Acre Farm for pate, being loath half of lot Bank; Mr. A. Hutcheson, Beechwood, This medicine is partly 'vegetableff, -& lain bnsque �n a slim: figure. ' 2ti, coo. 11, Township of Grey. corner lot, 21,� ,,, and in• naranteed to contain uo o (ate• p Sore. Fleece Fined and Stanfored s Unsbrinkable All -wool Goods. These are the { : i miles from Ethel station; mile from school-; •` . > i : Mr. Nathaniel Dunlop, Clyde I P 'White petticoats on mudily Bars. best goods 2cnb rYn to the trade. Sizes train 36 to 46;, Price riy lit. s 2 miles from post office and churches. The l�,.yct ; 31; . Henry D. M'Crombie and • Or pOisOITOus soothLLj stuff. For Gandy colors in diens nii(tt rials. i farm Is in Lust-claav state of cultivation. Frame house with large kitchen attached; 1Le. 2.filton, .of K-emnay. The case for indigestion', sour stomach, colic, co& Linen collars with dressy frocks. j bank barn with stables underneath. The farm stip itiou, simple fevers. diarrhoea, the Cheap trimmings on a good dress. } is watered by a never•failing syring; hag a the deputation wtm stated by Mfr.. �` large orchard, and is well Lanced For Lurcher irritation accOmpaiaying the Cutting of ' Theater bonnets; with steer suits. particulars aypiy to Bailie Brechin, who commented upon T A ■ JOHN B. HYDE, the careful examination made of all ireeth,'there eau be uo better, no safer i PiMnre hats with Outing eostuinea.M Sn Ethel, P. O. n. Canadian store cattle landed in Giae_ remedy than this, Baby''s Own Tablets r Bright red with .a with td a, mTrub nos f „. a sire a sweet, pleasant little tablet which ' 1Tair dressed hibh with a snob apse. ; 1� GUTTERS TERS ^ . gonv, and upon the fast that they had i R ora shoos with an elaborate toilet. 1J i11 -+� not bad a single case of pleuro. They asp child will take readilt;, and dissolvrrcti ; Along, draggled skirt ou a rainy day - • in tivater, dna be given with absolute � a `ThQre is nothing more enjc;vahlr' in thought the tin,': lead now .arrived = y g e• Hair in s Psyche icaot t>-iGT::i Itom:+n `'the w;-vr••r a.a,.nn than a cutter ride. whm th-se restricti-ns should be re_ safety, to the youngest infant. Mothers sense. who have used thecae tablets cheerfaUy A linen collar that is not limmaculately But;— (rl asnrH is tilkE n away :f m^.v'rl, for if the faring 'were to be ,rtify to the benefit their little ones. �h' f'�1i you Li„ a+n a roomy, comfortable r••maneratcrd fur bier, trouble. ou,I• y 00 K Lace frills or chiffon ruefies for work have derived front them. Mrs. IL l.. ' l -cutter, with spring bxuk and -seat. and care, it was to b• from the fees'_ or school. 'That is the kind wo keep. Strongly � of Canadian cattle. Fre:• trade + McFarlaue, Bristol, Que.,says:— •Iwiny ' Neves with holes in them: or boots with '.-made, nicely ftuished and at a reasonable should b^ allwved in, ca ttia as in nu > estimation Baby's Own Tablets have no. battens missing. $ghee. Have a hxik at them. NOvr is �,h�r thins. Mfr. tit'm Smith said Anal as a mediciue'for little ones. T.a Sailed white gloves on. ae shopping ex - the time to prepare for winter. t cases of children teething Y would not by : pceldtfon or any time. t..:a. all they ack-2d was the right I horizontal stripes or tucks on a stout r A O •T•- Tt without them on any account, as tlia>g AU M--TERqu i 1 p>�s=`s`i<'=1 b^ every #t•ade:,mnnt. in . fgtirc.VwA Seo'la-nd sav• thrmrelves —the right keep my baby healthy and happy-," Implement 'nY - Wlilphalll t' b•iy t'hetr raw• material ehonp-t Druggists sell them, but if youcauno I A rccallnr Present. N , ga t, D fad them conveniently, send 25 cent.%& ; iEdward Noyes Westcott. known only F and b:•ttt_ If. lig said, the three great as the alithor of "DnvuL' flavum." pos- iect ions and wewill forward a bas by + sessed a rich baritoue vofee and nt one tnduata•ies of Edisiburgll ticere con_ mail prepaid. The Dr. S'Prliia,tsis prlled to buy their raw mnterial in P P time sang in a choir At Syracuse, He 4 Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. rrAs feud of telling of en ocension onwa For New Subscribers O the United Kingdom Llano, the 'brew_ Every mother should have out which he was invited to sing at 'a con- eri-is would soon Im out of existence, cert to one of the s:nall'cr town:; of west- ♦ • uable little book on the care of in -tints Sciittish whisk^y would b': made in am New Bork. The+ innsfeul ntictit pass - j and young children Seal:' free for lite ed off satisfactorily with the help of the t For 25 cents N •e will send the Times Germ.•iny, and the flour industry J and Toronto We 'kl Globe orthe'rcxs c ♦ askiu uct rhbot int; talent. assiMed by Mfr. West. Y would b- practically annih(lated.'Can_. g - tott's vert toles. a*idFamilyHr lit and WeeklyyKtnr to A Doctor ��� atiy addre,ei til January ist, IV; 4 4 adiin cattle., he cla;mr�d, were the, As ?lir. R esteott wins about to reties Early lteEuement, his host came timidly Ito his room..car' I• U EN'TN 9 "oundeet and healthiest that passed A ltrfvate letter to the (aiutbn, New in two long.paper boxes, "I leave the throunh the, farmers' hands. 3Sfr. W. S For 15 cont~ •e will send the Tia ms to , honer so early in tilde• morning to go to anvaddress ti 1.Ptnu ar•y lst.lno•2, s F. Bell cLalmrd that if dimeric. cnce Era office, from one of the earliest set- „ " 'lhest: offer arc for new *ubrcriaers. tiers in Enron, mid one of the mos4;high- mr f;ictory, the nitrri explained, that 7Sint sub u ril�•rs to t -he Family Herald. ♦ ^xiated in Canada there had b -en no Pin nfrnhl i marc not we yim. but i want t and Weekly star will get a pfctnrr of • tenon of it for ly tetspected of ifs residents Contains the to givo you something fbr your singing the: DukeandiAtis]•tssafCOintvaiL Size + yea. A1r. A. Huiche_ follon'ing remarks: •`lien I' C>Attue to tonight. Now, hetes two pairs of rho 19x''0 inches. Reduced rutt•s on any ♦ sun, Mr. N. Dunlop, air. M'Crotnwo newnpaprr 1• either old or new tub- O North Huron there Were very 1;ew set- re•t•y best w•hatebom-d cm•sets tliat one - t scribcra. O and Mr. John Mitchell, Npwburgh, fartory turns out. and I want run to tiers in East Wawanosh, Mort:(s, Grev v Call at or ac_isess, al�a� StSake• in support of the, Pilo, of tcko them home w%m, ,roti. r 0 T mi.'s ()T'F' ok,'Wingbam• (lie d-puthtion; all ea:•er to shone that or 2'nrnlierlry. lint they shute id rapid- �i cstcott used r,�M add that he was so • ly, most IriAb, and Highland. Sootoh, ' eur'prised And amin•erl that Ice could find Cnaaclian store entile were itbiolutc_ air ♦reeds of protest. nod so accepted unit _ r<nd were nndobtedly a Sae class of poo- p; . N'ew and Nifty lines of Fall and Christmas 'y fret+ from di-semse. tool: there bottle. r ' ple. Conning in as they did, one atter �r .�+ Mil„ HANNBUR Dp;CLIVl•35i To another, I ►tot to know most, of them, ChInesw Nerve. Goods, We have the latest and best line o' lY 0w ,f o— r 4 YIELD. for we gladly called anyone aneighbor Tbc most common forst of puttinr, a ! wholived Within five or•tdh miles. I man'to denth.in China is tzkili•r, off the JEWELRY llftl� WOl/E,L'IES ever shown'itl l Mr. Ilanb:iry, in rep;yin•; to 'lu.• cls- remember the first arriVals with lea. pend by the sword. nod the extraordimiry 1 pscalion, pointed out that this ma+_ P Win ham. (Jul+ Cold ,W'ea��.e�° nerve of the Chinersa In auaw•n ill this � GOLD GYATCHES are of ' 1 ter -.vav provid••d for by on ae=,' o'- sure; their honesty, loudness andhelp- lady more than any other. I have seen the choicest patterns and full Pnrliam+,nt r:taseri to rcoently ns falaesa. Most Of those grand Old settlers two men behe4fled, one placed before the : 1MG, and he b-lievcd th=ere %v A it l be have passed or are rapidly passing away. other. It took, three strokes of the inspection. tion. �A Clinton was thea the market place for sword to kill the first, find while the We have no trouble selling them after inspection. .�`�ire a d(stEneL majnrfty in th,- Eiou'=!t of Operation was going on the second knelt t ' c/ommons who woal't tm ik•• it im nearly all those northern townships. I 'down with his neck outstretched waiting We will he right at the front this . pa. year with the nee what those te,wnships are now, and hits turn, Thinking that the process was sable fen• any Govcrn•iv+nt to paw a .• Latest Goods. ` e have everything read measure rc mlina that. Act. e think the change is truly wonderful. s(6W lie turned' to the executioner and SpeCtacles of all. kinds, Y Y p Il• asked if lie were going to be much longor When I first Katy 'Vw'iughaw it Was uotli- to'meet the delll�,tsds of the pointed out that it applied to live with the first. Then, when the expeo- GOO -GOO EYE' � TES�E � +� ' onimais from all over the worid,and ing but a dismal bush, alive with wild tioner, came to him, he sttetchecl his neck a t' R•E R. Fall and Winter Seawn, [lucks and pigeons, now it isa fairly nice and waited for the blow, whish cath, Camilo was on exactly the same foot- town. pletely severed• his head from his body. m aq any 'other country. Any alter_ New overcoatlogs itf'oo, tivr?fore., mutat affect every A PROCLAMATION; A toad Wuttito+ The Latest Material oe h -r co'antry that cotild supply there A' whaling atsttion can be smelled a rvitli state cacti• . Then there was the Ming distance, It is a wonder how people st. We possesss all the modetwand tlp•to• can endure such awful odors, but it is • + Q T . (, perfectly i&m1perable difficulty that date facilities for eoudncting a relifible true that Onit can Set used to anything. i New Suffins. Gt 1 fouserino$ • tlioy could mot rev`er.." their itreaties avid first -Class drug business. When, you The ezcnrsion Ateamers to the North l y , ' at a mam<'•nt s ytotiCe. IIe tha,ight Ptirdr Tia with your doctor'a.prescription, " (;are .always visit a whstling station for To ;suit Ever otic and ht� was t:iki:ng what in file end was onr bast effort: are put forth to make the edilicntion of the tourists. It is one so that presetiptfon what your physician of the sights on� the regular programine, the, lr!st course for farmers, and oet,, il,revided it should bo-•ptofessionally but few Iteople go ashore. The others WE T Satisfaction Guaranteed {airily for the rosrsurnrr at lairgc, correct in the minutest details, are satisfied to remain afar off alid spend %th in Making and Price, wheal, ho ,said that rift tar as' he was PAsyl'sCkr•,a1LYC6xroUND. the time "cussing" the captain and beg - .Ring film to get away As soon as possible. caneeraed lids mind wast very clearly This Itomedicine p giving mar Canada, A dead W hale will smell longer and loud - made up. It,.- dict wA think there wnK results t0 sick people all over tlanacltt. hweller a ' The cures rtffected by P'a,ine's Celery L chub any knawti anintnl.--Norway o 3 Como along in Im made waren any ptAsibflity of H4 yfe•ldin't, to this Compound tltxritrg the ppest speaks Letter to Chicago Iferalrl, ER N 04llappy, oelld h4tV6 thO ttt�sit 411Ct3 dom.,xwl 34 IP4,r al lvs waw; 111ri gter volnmesinfavorofthe populttrmediofne. 1ta itenrcta. • R4iliai+ol'a stetw o rit;910++rd. orf A.grictxliu•o. 11, hoptA that by Thousand t(ho have mayered fiord Phan• t,. Stone ! 11'a•riY 'you sent lour regrets, �tlrtl� "Y`tAft* truly, thug rs~ak'n. cut, st.rE>Futly h+ woubl tt odsm, neural(tfa, nervdtts troublet;awl thy?" atked mamma of lite little daugh- + dt speprtia. now of g the praloon of til=, we eft brims haHiir to th= it Tnin<I,1 and n1:•". t;o=tlieitto t1vtt bits ron. theist, such for, w:ieli she (had boenon nit. to re partlw minds of W2*drra that ao far tis• lie ht; elltilts. „M M21 15►� � w PpY .I haven't any tri send, momma, nit. AAA MIA tlti"fiam fit, write eon -said, A,L. HAMILTON-, Mriggint, wwtred Dorothy. "I don't whet to gal' XW X ART TAIU)P4 and sir fn r nit, all tarty%�rnrli +ni K wc+t'sl Wfngttrttn, Gut. �Itydlntiapolia Ntl'6'k,WIN* GH