The Wingham Times, 1901-11-08, Page 5I,77 ,.. Tli a '4 WINGHAN "I, TIM, t /"''� �followjng. �QR B,AL1G 1Hy■rrasin>t vv,■wa>;k+wh flzar. t �+$ 1 ✓ 1111 /'14� H hf tt r 1 wttwk Sernt, J# wttla+ it tai Ing.ALLAN t M j may? OUR N Our Morris, brays Are working tl]eir kszu,. 13nnlc barA, oozlzffwkre�•�i UI 11 oasto, ltuhtu trait�. 3iiAr to>y�tK thN11 j(�jl{y nn I jl 11 /t V way to the front. �'113f3 ti?XFO It 19 AleX, na„turly lx,undary oQ thiN lot. of �kirtR it a vf,ri Steamships 041 Estate aid loan Office. Sharp, Upu of JalSham,itll lltle,wllo d`K+z.ptiotvzlr�l Mal t+rtapans a thio bill farzm. Air lass been at Cleveland wails the Electracl ply tc�,. DnlnznKe, btenl re tliW A ant ma (,on bionuY to loan ol1 town trial Earn) propel ty, Railway Company. Hs bail been de- v`"yan"zer, Chi41'ub9 �}ktek, Will$ . in. Odoors north of Drs. T & IT, 13• Ciiisholm'skturgery, llnsldnztcu-Gatliuriau St, •+ pntized to g0 to Long island, N. Y., t. .._OM MONTREAL %NO EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR PLEADER& with another gentleman, where each of I FFR SALE--Asplendi<i loci ttnra tnrm, ' mflf,t from town, wi tlzf+14th cancessfoit ri YORK. t Oli BALI..+-100ncio farat in AtorrlN. G them Will take Charge Of fifty anises all l ltlftstWktwsrigyhaft(rtlerndfoi rotlk+; wellfelit+(tl;NEW y► miles Yrom Wingltfstn, 05 aaruN cleared, 1U turitt vnitl4bla oftclor: ne"',: fallillfr s tri y ood nlny lnnnt Noil, WJ anus set sed down, the buildin of ail electric railway. Mr. t nt ^-�-� g y orf+ok: a rftuney mnkina fnznt homf+ in K znoNt fork burn 60x70,, liorsu barzt WIx4U. ho> pen 1'�x Sharpe has become quite Ali expert in des}rnbin lonztittp hriclrtzonse.lroocl larftci'banlc :?4, CnmtortaUlu hcusn KKofxl occltard, A flrn olttefi hargttizt at 14,000. Lrftsy terms. Anl>lv to What Wideawalce )gimes. Corrospondent� Cgmmuta�a&te ^ Other the electrical work. horn axttX utit+hulktintl"r. Nanus No near tlzia , For tiultetd anti hal infnrtzatation Apply A, Dahungo, 1i;al Efitatu Al;ent, pldfiholul's Browing Cox zt are Nttra to Wereaso in value. to Staub, Wiztaliant, Items Clipped From Qur Exohttinges. Monday afterhgou of this week, W,H. Anl'ly to .4. pgltunge, 1ie"Fl �fktta Agent, Wingham" --^ Maunders lett for Carey, Iclallo, where I S, Winchani. WALKER � BROS & BUTTON: lie will try his hand at sheep witching f _ . _..:.. _ , ._, .� a,, k... - �..._ �f�Llla.oitl: I,ucii;xtsrw. and at the same time hopes• to rcouper- UND£RTAK£RS, WINGHAM. the death of Peter Teriff Jr, occurred: The ra-opening re—openingservices of the Moligo• ate his health, Mr. Maunders fa a liars R y dist churah took place on Sunday, Oot. worker, in fact has Clone too much at BIRTHDAY RING$. We have also a full Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth on Wednesda la3t at ills home south of :a door south of Sobool. House, Shop op- the village. He had been ill several- 27th,' The church has been renovated and we hope the change will do; lliul a JANUARY line of 1 )Polite Macdonald black,times during the summer, but had been within and retouched without, until it Creat deal of good Mrs. Mauuavrs v, iii Garnet--CousGaucy soil Fidelity, " Working up to two days previous to his now has a very flue appearance. spend the fall and whiter with relative, FEBRUARRINGS, . death, Bowel trouble was the oftuse of A bo about sixteen ears of age, of and friends in this locality, and if Mr Ametbyst-Tusures Peace of Mind,. . CHEAP MONEY, y y g � death, The funeral took place of Friday slight build, and dark hair, left his home Mauugers is suited wir,11 his luclat!gli MARCH EINs, afternoon at the McIntosh cemetery, in; the township of Ashfield, in ,Tune will go )vest next spring. I Bloodstone-Courage, Wisdom •aufl Deceased was' a young marries roan. last. He wore Clark cl(:thea:and c at'ried Early Monday iuoruiiig the spirit of ( Firmness. 9rq �,cs BR,().i�E�'' 1 Money to load on farm property at APRIL from 4; to 5 per cent. with liberal While driving through the country a small bundle containing a blue Derry lex. McNab took • it.9 flight, his death I ' Cerins of repayment, Apply to the other clay your correspondent met suit of working clothes. ,When last being the result of a fall into a cellar on, Diamond-Emblem of Iuuoconce• cmims, R. VANSTONE, Mr.' John Hackney, who carried a heard from he gava his name' as "Bill the Friday 1 revious. Mr. MoNab was I MAY Windham, shovel on his shoulders, which he in- Nixon." Any information regarding his born in McNab township, Renfrew Emerald-Insures True Love. CLOCKS tended to use in digging a drain, Mr• present address will be thankfully re- county, where he was also married, his JUNE Hackney will be 81 years, old oil his next caived and suitably rewarded by his wife pre-deceasing him nineteen years. Agate-Health and Prosperity. SILVERWARE, The Saskatchewan birthday, and still does as much work father, if sent to the Sentinel office, fir; resided in this locality foraver'thirty JULY as the average man. Tic is now engaged Lucknorv. + years, living in, McKillop, Grey find Ruby--Insures Friendship. . A 1%T�3 nrnao by with his fall ploughing and can move . Mr, John Elliott, of this village, met Morris townships. Four daughters AUGUST ' Robes around as lively as a boy. We venture With a very painful accident in his groc- (Mrs. R. D. McLaucblin and Miss Sadie Nluaustcua-Protects frons Harm E, V'E�,YTHING Newlands & Co, to say that there is not another man of ery store ou Thursday last. He and in Manitoba, Miss Bell attending the and Danger. ` � his age in the county who possesses as Marshal Graham jokingly engaged. .in a Normal school at London and Miss SEPTEMBER g y a g y. ��IT, , D ThegaskuteliewanRobeconsititsofthreeparts; Sapphire-Prererves.•and Cures �b4V* 1 much vitality as Mr. Hackney, friendly scuffle, and in falling Mr. Maggie at home) and one son (Alex,) from Folly, ° THE FUR CLOTH, THE RUBBER SHEET t Elliott had one of the small bones in his, survive. Mr, McNab: was 62 years land OCTOBER 11 H IN )- A 1NG, AND THE LINING, (all without seams) leg broken. Dr, Tennant, who was pre- .7 days old, The home Was- on lot 24 C�JL1tOS5. 6 T , Opal-Denotes Hope. The fur cloth is IIs strong as leWier. . The the home of Mr. and sant, immediately set the fractured 6th line. NOVEMBER FIR ST-f3LASS t rubber sheeting i9 of the very ppbest. ((�� The lin• Sannyside Farm, limb, - . roots re theTrimming ids of n DoublonP ulc Felt of Mrs. Jas. Thompson, coil. 18, Cdlross, ,and We' are pleased tq say"Mr, _ Topaz_Fidelity and Frie}ldship. Elliott is progressing as favorably as: Jtpe JEWEL Y suitable colors. Sold only by was the scene of a brillian and pleasing pressed and Discouraged DECEMBER }4 as• could be expected. i • • event on tile' evening of Wednesday, It is remarkable how thoroughly the Turquoise-Success and Hallpiuess JOHN CAMPBELL Mr. John Whinnie was badly hurt by whole system is thrown out of order Through Life. STORk ' Oct 23rd, the, ;, UCCE13i0n b0111g' 1118 3' CAMPBELL, a bag of apples falling upon him one day when the • nerves become weak and marriage of their third dtiugllter, Sarah, exhaustdd. All energy and ambition to Mr. Jas: Lee of Riversdale." As the -last week at the apple evaporator iu this Implement Agent, - Wingham seems t9 rife mind wander, Jeweler & Optician village: H HI ChiShol wedding march, played by Miss Amanda memory fails nuc). despondency ref,,.. Miller, "rang out, g Miss Robertson, of vViugham, iy viaicsu )suis. Dr.Cliaso's NerveFood its , � Opposite Bank of .Hamilton. Cha groom and his right supreme. p . "If Music be the Food of Love, baud man,' Mr. J. Thompson, entered ing friends in to%Vu. flew vita and energy into the brain, 1 .1 I., and body, builds tip the system the room, quiety followed by the two and preveuts •paralysis, prosration and " P1ay on"' maids or honor, Misses W. Stewart and insanity. M. Thompson', neices of the.' bride; Then I'leuretio Yams a Danger ;iIgaal.. . Said the immortal bard of Avon. But came the-bride leaning on the arm of Prompt treatment is essential. Botha I Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Fancy you might as well play on her father. 'Elie bride and her maids'of the region of pain immediately with ]nRUSSIEUS. 'Ne'w G O®d C Polson's Nerviliue and quickly wind ou : hjiSs So h1a Steele, amt d 38 oars die,i d i7 Vests, etc., are now in�stock. honor docked cllarmin dressed in white. T p . f, y . . Rev; J. Maxwell of Kinloss tied the allot bandage sprinkled with fferviliva.,' y p' . London. It wi 1 be to the advantage of 1Vevar lcliowu to fail, Cares alwu�t iii- Snturda at Viet Hos ztal A Good ®Y'ga�Y -knot. stautly. N6ui•algia, tootha,;he,. lhoii- Deceased teas. the daughter of Rev. For those who intend purchasing in that The remaining hours weve spent With-matism and lumbago are curud by Ner• Douglas Steele, of Port Stanley. Death line to inspect our stock, and see the Or Piano. It is admitted by all those -'games and music. -> The guests numbered valine just as readily. ' •Polsuu's by, was caused by a complication of diseases latest styles, hue cures all pain, and is the best house- e who have purchased from us that we about silty flue. The bride was the I hold liniment known. Larne bottle ;foe: which set in after an operation. Miss'al ( v ' Also in Gents' Furnishings, st lish keep the Very Best Instruments. We recipient of a large number of handsome Steele Glad been studying iii London and "`r' �' Y �� + g y are sole agents for• the Thomils, Karn,eto and costly presents testifying to the I her litany friends will,mourn the loss of liars; qa ps, etc. esteem in Which the young couple was I ^ • so bright and amiable.young lady- The �•�.-�-��•� - held, .All join in wishing. them a long MoRP.Ts. interment took place at Port Sit uley. �., • A ELLL, WINGHAM. and posperous life in their new abode. Saumel McCracken, 4th line,. is home .The deceased was a rasideut of Brussels Opposite the Rink. 11. from the west. at ono time and her former aspoeiates �® Opposite Mrs. David Farquharson, 9th lino, hos will regret to hoar of her demise. been on the sick list, but we are pleased Deer hunters are in the persons of H a I C r r POSt ��11C� Deafness is Curable ! Sufferers from impaired hearing Will ba glad to know ,to hear that she is improving. Arch. -Lamont, ltich• S. Armstrong, F. ` that their affliction is probably not due The re-modelled residence of Robert Embury, Jas. Thy nne, Garniss Bros. - — - ---- -- Is 9 to any organic defect in. the ear, but re- Nichol, 6th line, will be a very"ciniY 1111d George Turvey. Game will have sults,probably from a thickening of the modious and comfortable home when. 'to roost high .and run swift to avoid lining of the middle ear caused by cat completed. these Huntsmen for a number of thein STILL TO 'THE, cat- arrhal-inflammation. Hund�ds of per-, com p , MAY have a slangy significance fect'recoveries as a result of the inhala- William Taylor -is back from an enjoy. are old heads at t� a business. that will not prove very' attractive if tion of Catarrhozone are reported, and able visit to relatives in Kansas. Crops Miss Lizzie Sample has taken a on the highest authority we recommend are none too.govd.iu some parts of the positiotl as . sopranosoloist in the y printed in our advertisement, when this treatment to our readers. Catarrh- i the thermometer is "fway up," but ozone quickly restores lost hearing, and State, he says, owing to drought. Memorial church, London, and is also I '-Christmas is coming" with its its efficiency 1s placed beyond dispute by Miss Bella McNab, Gth line, was called busy during the week as sales lady in a FRO N T "way down" thermometer, when the case of Mr. Foxall, of St. Thomas, .home last Saturday, owing to the illness departnlelit * Whiskard's store, She who recovered perfect hearing by using you'll be anxious . to I1ave the air Catarrhozone, after years of deafness. and subsequent death of .her father. is a a good vocalist and will. do her part heated just right. carried just where Price $1. At druggists or, by mail, from She is attending .the Normal school in well. We wish her success. you want it, and in jlast the right Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. London. The navies of a flaw boys are on the quantities. William Dark, who bought .the Cor- list of those likely to 1:eceive legal at NoNr can give yon better help nish property, ,on.a and a quarter miles teution for window breaking from store than we can if you wis7a .to replace, XXNLoss. south of Rrussels, has raised the house throwing. It is to be hoped the penalty A ® BEA 0,Mv. i Our readers will regret to learn of the and will put new sills and a stolie found- will be- made severe gnough to put a • remodel or repair the heating ap- untimel death of Mr. W.. H. paratus in ,your house. y ation under it. He has also bad the stop to the deliberate destruction of Montgomery. After a short illness well drilled. property at the hands of saucy .young T1i1;R>;f No Bre orb, "Jof iliIInx deceased succumbed at the age of 24 Mr. and Mrs. Haley and Thomas Rus- lads who should know very much better. Geneva/ er ,chant; NOW for such work, no facilities years. The young man )was highly sell have returned to Sasinaw, Mich., Rev. Mr. Holmes has .announced a superior to ours, not less. expensive. respected by all who knew him. The after a visit here with relatives and short series of sermons on the "Three 'j Command us. any time, but rigbt funeral took place last week from the friends. Mrs. Russell, who, has •been Sweetest Words in the English now is the right time for right away home, of his parents', Mr. and Mrs. ver >. Begs to return thanks to his numerous customers• for their ' y poorly, is,on the road to complete Language, Mother, Home, Heaven. i� service. Montgomery, Kinloss, and was largely restoration to health. Sabbath last was be the commence- liberal patronage during the past seven years, and asks for a We can suit, you in a new attended. The deceased was a member `Rev. John continuance of the same. f;. Wednesday afternoon of last week, went of the 23rd year o� STOVE, HEATER alt FURNACE, of the C. O. F. and had been married Alex. Bryans, sr.., uncle of Alex,. Bry- Ross' pastorate in the Melville church, but four months. We sympathize with My stock was never so complete, and vire .never had such.ans, who liyes..about a>mile south of Brussels. Tlke years glide by very a nice ranee of 1, JOHN ��� the widow and parents and friends of Jamestown, paid Nature's debt at the- quickly and many are the changes, but b u deceased. advanced age of,84 years and o months. the church is in a healthy, vigorous �1 Mr. Peter Carrigan, one of the oldest The funeral took place on Friday at 2 condition. t 1.7 and best known residents of the town- o'clock, service at 1.30 p. in. Interment Robert Mainprize has gone to Muskoka GroeerleAco ship of Kinloss, together with Mrs. was made at Brussels cemeter to hunt (leer, and Angus Campbell is'in STONE BLOCK, y , ' _W = N G A M Corrigan and their daughter Miss Aggie The 100-acre farm belonging to Mi s. charge of the electric light plant during Corrigan, removed to Luckuow last Frank Baines, Brussels, located on the his absence. week and will in future make their - Crockery, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Dry Goods 5th line of Morris, was sold last week to , y , t; home in the village. Mr. Corrigan has 'S. Jordan, for the Sam of. x;4;600. The GODERICH. Mens Ready-made Clothing, etc, We call your attention to, for nearly forty years been identified purchaser gets possession next March, William F. Harris, well-known in the our large range of Ladies' and Gentlemen's F i 1Tith the mUnlaioal affairs Of Ki11103y A3 The gale was made by F. S. Scott, of seventies and eighties as the ..owner of - their township treasurer and both Sae Brussels. A; G. Easom is the present Harris' Mill, Ashfield, died on Wednes- and his family will be greatly missed tenant, who moves to West Huron, day of last week at the residence of �y / Caps. Enjoy"Your D from Holyrood, and the Sentinel extends Where he has leased another farm. his brother, Thos. Harris, Trafal- Hats a is an to them a hearty welcome as citizens of The Trustees of S. S, No. 9, known as gas street, after a not very our village. Button's school, have engaged Miss Hat- long illness. For the past ten years the Mr. and Mrs. Samfiel Morrison of tie Bielby as teacher Tor nett year at a deceased gentleman had been located in At Special Prices. We are headquarters for a full line of Kinloss .had a very narrow escape from salary of $280, Miss Bielby is a student, ;various parts of the province, but last a serious rttnaft accident near the world-renowned 1�logul Goods. Everything sold at rock- Our By trying some Of our Choice y at Clinton Model at the present time. spring failing health braUgllt him to , Sentinel ofllca on lest week through the Miss Januio Kirkb bottom rices for Cash. Farmers Produce Taken in Ex- ;y Cuts, some prices of which we y, who is now teach• town where he resided with his brother. p give you below: breaking of a part of thp' harness, erg Will go to Blyth .at Now Years to Until a few days sicca, he t)as around Ghange. Give us a call and be convinced that we Can give Fortunately the horse was caught before take charge of one of the departments of town, and thougli he had taken aserious you better values than any other house in the, three counties, Beefsteak eaklOc, 0c, Shstl a and damage was done, except to the l y, p We Wish to Call the attention Of our customers to out f Snrloin Roast 100, Shoulder g p that school. turn on Tuesday, death was not expected Roast Sc, Rill Stew 7c, Head- harness. - Rev. Air. Hamilton, of Brantford, tied for a few days. cheese Sc, Lamb 102, Diamond's the nuptial bow between Robert Forrest • The curfew will ring ill Goderich and Miss Cora 8ouch, both well-known every night after this. Pressed Beef 30c, Fresh Pork An English Author wrote: young people of this township, on Ties- It is suggested that that Bart of St. Special Brand of Manitoba o 10c and 13c, Long Clear 13c, ""No Shade no sbine, no flowers, no Lunch Tongue IIOo, Lamb's leaves,-N'ovisuiberl" Many Americans 'day, October 22nd. Mr, Forrest and � Patrick's Ward sea. the Star Mill and Tongue goo, Jellet Tenderloin would add no freedom from Catarrh, bride will reside at Bow 1'arlc farm at : Idlest)) a pinnilfas factory s called 2da, Corn Beef 15c, Cooped Which, is so aggravated durnig this Brantford, where Mr. Forrest has a Goldtllorpoaia, its Joseph has erected month that it becomes constantly position. We join very 1leartilyiuvoic• many desirable dwellings in that neigh- put up Especially for our OWN TRADE -at $1.go per sack. Loaf Veal 25C, E. Brawny 15, troublesome. There 1s aboundant proof ing the good wishes of .many in this borhood the past few months. Kidney Slice 15c, Lard 140, that catarrh is a constitutional disease. locant for their future Arca erity. It is related to Scrofula and consum p- y 1 p V t tion, being one of the wasting diseases. Service 1n tho Jackson Church was . Tiood!a Sarsaparilla has shown that withdrawn last Sunday on account of what is capable of eradicating scrofula, the quarterly service at Blyth and neat •CASTOR I DIAMONDO completely cures catarrh and taken of W, time pldti nts sufferer ca on, ' o cannot vices t t lytb t0 trio ch circuit sok- gee haw any sufferer aan put off taking 'vices tit Blyth, of tivliiali Circuit J'acic• For Iilt'ant6 sinti CllildrG21. i UN, ., this medicine, 111 view of the )v1da19 stlu'S forms a part. Rev. De, Daniels, of Aa 1%ir BEA BUTCHER published record of its radical and . Goderich, who is an excellent preacher, the tie. ' it a y pormarient tlures. It is undoubtedly A,r Aluoriaa's Greatest Medicino for is to oscopy the pulpit for t110 anhrver• titb6t Zee/.; ��LI�a, > L ' Auieriaa's Greatest Disaaae••-�Catai'rh. teary. Ile leeturos oil Monday evening W hit�.""i/faroh y 0sr" r r h ' 1•,