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The Wingham Times, 1901-11-08, Page 3
r THE MG1101 TIMES NTOV, Na 77. ttr,rlat 14 1110 C. 1 c1f,'and wo wb.y hav • bat th:A advar. WR LOOK FOR YOUR T$AAN. tial I hwir the rtiaor olds." � SI',,, 1-lsclai)Reroustonegh—vta simpletewso t. �i,� � tal,,dJ>: modern ,4dev!a1:iu?vq,Iwt;on, *•^^-^^.^-• t+r"till b4all us, w4 ;1F, jw f ofitohing-lil-tutu the trouble is ilkelprii:o Avy @ ctrl?het iia• bi ,tll1 more bilpr.ow-it than, *rviug the public with care, dtwu- �Fl ronl would eower tbs first�become cbrouir. and ilovelop into final t'�' tuna; ;.ell, with th^ qu+,stinA of the tion„ 110UM $cods aucl law priof4, lull nce.+ ]rnlnil frig A• r.>a>ln ' fnourable +Ilsotla or eaucer of etiw � #Myelo us a high pasitlOa ptaaof 90 the y ltd : � rectult. .*o-alnt;lo nilplloation of .xOr. w f t-,xt,us it puts b: fart; usrMe fact that druggists of Canada. We look for your � friends i lausiuerw friatad�t; li�blu! : OF and GAY U+ U tvorlis 11t1nd1'cds of sitlileS&.istant kava txacle, and will rtes every endla:or to Chnsos (Xlltta.tnt will quieldy r0levo faic,ude. In our heart of hearis To" the itching ludil burning sensation, trtl:l �� 1 a gricpi on, our world. There are BWeev m��you a regular ovatouler. e'lwrLuil thplas, ,�1� a few boxim vk ivure all of piles. VIVO h{,l} E�l!p y p ! � ( ;( aW��n ����Ilit 61s�i f Sn �nflucys:saa whish bald u�i lraatl, afar. ppliesoRpure Drugs, M©dicilles, guest iufluatices of our holy•mil standard Irirltaa�ttnt lots probnhly reliovnd Toget Preparations, Perfumes, Brushes, . amore sut4texitltPrbau tiny prelmratiolivrVt `!'here+»µt.ty have lr.cu in eta ancestral Couabs, silonges, Bto., will ittiereat you, 9"13, surrounded as we arm by pJT ,` Data ;itHtttxart• (IT PIS THE POPUTA$ XwelNs Bine mlihaps 200 years ago some oor.: PAINS%CrLlsnyC-O)EVorxn, the amenities of Christian toelery •-.secrat¢ Gixtf THE HOME$ OF TEE Held over alltlpe eal�ratisy>wxan asineeltin tR!/e are fully nitr�liseNse�• tro bt�uisb�lut,'nrfinlini hn,d,�tdnc'levatilwho itf i?1\ crfelt aP ibis Friday ovl*itng, Oct MNth. A IN�ti, WILLI E DOWN AW. f E WEALTHY ANO THQSE htttluanxa• far l;ood wllielt ►we liclve xio inedfcrigel tb� �piu it'd uh g 1 , rr , atunfber oftht+rpeOple %round Loadeslattvo IN HIJMBLEt1R Cl)Ei- K powers ld goR a:.l. floret Influena3s of the Bab. b dATeryotijoyablotitre. `,Cheocemiia_- c t powcgr to realize, axid we !Ix turn by virtW<es,gNyeOrouulyrecommend it as. a hath, fifl hVO of thorn ebIMIA �TH�Dv ' it CUMSTADh'3ES. blood purifier, nerve bracer and ilesla �" >t y y , - our vtiitlar. or vire may bn@incurs thous bud}c3et•. Patina's Cblery Conlponlatiasuo their.joy -vas�hoe�tilobrnaian of the Gwent >h@t who 6114111 live. «0U ears froin now. een Influences ltof the Scriptures, SwithAnnµ suo Mrs MrsalytitiLfai hwai e, of n oa $q {g of Substititta andI-ICK4.. Moral gra vi i as ppiverful its eeasfanlly used in all parts f tested and by thrbr! balm for all wounds. and #ltelr Mrs Marsh -fill IEtxithwaite, when abooit tens�af thousands, and brie never failed eighty loerisosss ltpartookcY it tuoe4"� tions, material gravitation, and itf, as my ' ,llgb't for every darksito9s! Wham the Sermon �3y Rev. T, »e Wit teat teaches and science coilirms,ibe Stix A. OAntI�BEI,t, Druggist,heirs :of a vast !estate in England sumptuous,tup+per, and enjoyed then• Plebudc':t 1 Whisbaarl, Ono. aalVes rnost +lyisppbiy until about bnel-T.Ahna C D. 1B Asec+yau tilling, 'roll daeawrl, oftsty r, , nghich are 42«,000 ugles front wished to ;e;stablish their claim to pro. o'clock i1i 040 maolvling. Mr and 3tfis,i � g:' Jug,f &A solve dangeroW diaeasdi' If our earth. Influence the oarlA, we perty Worth $100,000.00, they Offered a 8rnithwnibe erre ,Iiaghly respected, •z.+ you xd.nllQyP u>s'with caudgur and *a out;lit to I� impressed with 7aow We the Done tvoxid ca111Y Christ, roans .reward of $300 for the recovery; of lan proof of Wbicii+•lcould be seen ilntholleaikaluteresLihyour tv iia, Goths cG may ba is Anvnced by others fear awn • old ilible Q 2 . �,vourattentl$u to Paine"a Cieler Lout• 3 ln�iai:;terin� spit'its, Done all gracirnts ,the faintly rvcaccl o@ tvhlomany kind ►vol'c?rrthat Were spokenaulWashinas¢t .h Oet, 7. -lea tie ctli.eponudo-the medicine that 16inah,d4ok bac' and Low we, in hsHuence igfluences, l+ram the other world contained the evidence .rc:qulslte, But the excellentspreaauts that were brough� icce<rse Dr. Talmage demrros"t"1:tibea Aeople,well." others far dtcrwn the future. . rise all: satanic and ditibalfe inflo, any"Bible. now or old, can help us to .. t0sst we ar; affected by farees 11114t The twouderful recopd Of .duces Astrmomnevs can ea4lly locatet the e•,no s, From that world of moral abetter inheritance than the ane awe seldoaauxecQgelac and emla+rgcrs twroughpd4rsiglcand distea�sed people 111 Pleiaden. Vsejr Will take you into night rose. the s okom ot, .one tliat never fades awe i upon )%union accountability. ql}m our DGwiu:Iota, is the best and 'struatgeNt b salver that wrecked _ s y proOtoftlto health•restorir,tg virtues ,of tliiir ob3cry Mllan,s .an .a clear alight a per world six thousand years 'ha statics of tllttt world grad its text is Jobaxxx*iii, 31, 1104 oat thou,' Faiue's,,0flery Ciolnpond. Tit irtts corm and aiul their revealinr_; instrument tt;.;o, and all the good Work done since Italy hilarities come in upon oor . W TE'tJoInd tile, sswt"et influences of Vlel,� the mosb.dosverate and obidhiate .oases toward the ass- to the heavens t3 souls sometimes in son r I thrai Las not hien able to geU aux g, samutima(1 atdefs3" I of diseasotoveu after snSerem were ,prcr 4h�ow, seven atu;rs have thotr bah'. tvarld out of the breakers. But the in ,sermon, iso otixmes , in hours of @4V )rut W theL iwanin of that . mouucedtiucurable J qui,_ Tile one bottle of'Palale'sdule� lode, and they avill paint to the cot.. signs of distress have been hoisted •solitary reflection, and they are, to l,tL-on which God p%t, to Job? 'Dave , ontpnnutl zviill, ati.all eAftS. hailislt the .-Aellation Taunts, and you% can the lifelines are out, and our World's 114'- tl}e Words of my text. sweet( in -0 � stvae all our liners been readili; at, :and IoabCS+o@rt110 LlllbellBtillr,. T10 testae„ sec for yourself. But it is impossible release is pertain, The good influences I flucueas. Words utero ls• o t. star ilia - FI ; W an-, piaA of usi,ignoran�t• of its Wauty of•Que•bottlewillprove to all sufferer-$$! I � , to point to influt:nees far back that of the consecrated +o affects :us alaoris liian Us x%vcat.izaTluSEal ,,anal, power a'nd practical suggostivc ' cthat.tlaereleco virtues in the nrondrous: p Plc in our aiedioiaej possessed by no othek reineday; have affected .aur character and will world \will b centupled by the help, er.cts Phan IIto -centro. star, they Al- .�•� i.rless? A meayl*.ingless passage of --+virtues .#ha•t banjsli suffering and! affect Our dest;ny. •ova know the in-, from, jibe heavenly world; and the cyone of 4110 Pleiade•.t, en 1 t h•i.t• ig Stsitpture many thought it to b�, tla.:isery, flu^trace azar by-grttrrnai, maternal, divine power will avercotns tUa 1(,. what one I;ibir, ani.;t :t c:tli+ tllc :it:t "��@��' but the telescopes were busy age af- ter, 1'116 iramoiise popularity of Paint2'si ,aelety ConLuound has induced unsscritt-! wriugal-but by the tima we have maniacs. O man, O woman, expanrt of Jacob and another Bible author �. age, and gpesasUicrnoming obscrva_ c p p p p g000 back two •gen cra.tiow, or, at your idea and know the magnitude of call;i the Morning Star, Of rill the a, 9 p�dous eat !e to at n vile and worth- '- �.-$itms: kept ou cygestioning the skies lots imitations ;of the great health re-! mosst, three, our investigations fol_' a odutest in which three worlds .arc+ sweet influences that have ever C: s ,i.ttntill the meaniW.1 of my text comes tstorer. Di ddhouestr.dealersfor:thesakeof ter and fall, Throughout the modern s a.cialiy interestedl Jfrom till fltc touched our eitrth thaso 'thxt radiR Little, D er .out ;lustrously. Wie Pleiades is a r g profits z sort to. t sa8 ] i ltijegand tst cis ittterestin:; habit of searching back 6+pgwen worlds which my text calls ate from Christ are the sweetest, Pill �Gr .cpnstellt tion of seven stars assent_, g�,> At,ttsll times beware of imita. to find the ancestral tree . we may the, Pleiades there Came no surh pow_ Sweet . influencas of the Italy 1700 t7 iaag ;to the nal eti eye, bat scientific tica�s and suitastitutes. See that the, fled a long li.at of naffs, but they ' exful influences as from the 066 -Ghost, 'with all its transforming and Must t3eaa tiHntaturo qt ialstnuments re, ewl more •than 400 name PAIINT r',5 and the stalk of Celery aro wally naw.m The consecration gids that I' can mow mentioning. comforting, and cmancipating power, ipcope;rly, bslonoing to the group. A]_ aplaearou.eadhUottlB. or albandanmsnt of t"cam^ one 200 Wllea that power is fully felt, there Road did sfir6n� tostiniony of Mr. cr. My only hops for th's world is in �i cSsnaL is the sigma of the brightest W. Purks,t4*- tgiisville,•N.S,, cured by years ago was nat recorded. It the: re_ nforeement that is to come .Will ba Lia more sin• to poi ion, tend d=4 cel- t1fa't ,group culled the Plei_ Paine's Celeryi)olnpouud'aftei `failures wo:il,f v •at b: s•o import.ani: if you no more. wrongs to. correct, n11c1 no fr.-,z anal Gar \world. 1Tnt that ie ades. a!_ Russian astrcnom.2r observ_ With othermbdicimes: and I, by our, good or bad behavior, peoralsed, and •to I f. --.l ns' ,rnrc, of ntrre ,sorrows, to comfort, and no "While at Re81 was takell sick, which See iFae.s uillo'sv> mer Relotw. ed tihott Alcyahae is tr` a centre of growl_ - blesse4 or blasted only rhos^ imrn._ til; rust iii?.Ltlo:t . of :ill evil ai ?nory bondage to break. Iipt tis the compelled me t®nlyandon ley work and n y old time ship ,. Lotion sof our sots;r .system. Hugh seek. heme.tia rest. I cov'sttited the diat_ly around us, brit our .goodw s thfg1gl, lao.ciug our. o"- my w;