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The Wingham Times, 1901-11-01, Page 12
Z °.E E WINGHAN "C'fNDE .NOV. 1, no l . -�Ailvartise your stray animals, ftxwe ^At�+1�^ H; Mel for sale, ete., in the Tium. l�AAAAMAAAA"NVV AA^AAAAA n�AAAAMI1 - Talk it o o. _ The "Young I+adWI Fortnightly ... _- - ....,_� 0411111 will Luer t Mallday e4eriiug, Nov. Oh, at the Volae of Miss Sparliug —I,3atfin's Island will go down in the i _ Over r ri 4 h Dominion census `vitlt a population of LOTS OF 670 Bskimoa and one Scothohman. i • Saturd' - - Your ifs ---Mr. R..l1. Ii<tltcllesoii is a new sliver• tiser this week. Patterson the jeweller, ` o Cha TUT TO asps volt to look out for him. Sce Chair bO& And we will be willing to —Messrs. Scott & Lougheed are con- X �'him accept a bright woman's ud - advertisements. 'A/T A - templatim., opeuiug refreshment parlors J.�.l. .C�. + p g , g in the building being prepared for them i'i7 s ,� merit on the Furniture we by fir. George McKenzie, BOOM have to Sell. Day —A true bill was brought is in Toronto y against Lewis, whose child died from Q /� S ecial Prices for dipthHeria, Nicaune of treatment by ��vm' T: I N 1 1 L N IRS p Christian Scientists, ; : We- offer some remarkable pieces—remarkable for their ele- Saturday Selling << —A procession catling itself the M, Bance, durability, comfort and low price. For $ rz we can . A. It bumnier s parade marched the streets SMITIt Kent Block WINGN� To add interest to the occasion on on Wednesday night, relieving their from the manufacturer givh you a handsome set of Diners, 5 small Chairs and t Arm, feelings bybeating pans, blowinghorns I3 Ii I V E Q New selected quarter cut Oak, good value at $14,50. Other sets at Saturday, we have selected from and cheering, Hcimeshuns for ladies' skirts, in black $isr $l:6, $18. Will be pleased to show you the goods. every dep:irtnlent throughout the —Cznlgosz paid the death penalty for storespecialandnavy lines. New Goods we the killing of McKinley, on Tuesday y bltie, those are the proper goads, BALL 9bought at special prices. You can morning. His last words were a wish pay Also Navy and Black Serges for ladies' tailor- UNDERTAKING—us not do better than ,i us a visit on to see his father, and the statement thatOur extensive 'experience warrants he was not sorry for his crime. in calling special attention to this. Saturday. i made- Suits. A first-class dressmaker to make � Branch of our business. You will find us prompt, reliable attentive And —In an article on building operations efficient, LUTHER, BALL, Funeral Director. Residence—Patrick St., Our New Dress Goods. ine Sentstable evietl!d forth. Bac wick Fur Overcoats, this week a lot of Mens Mr. taraeey's lata residence. tti Woodkock durin the present ear, them 11 . ACC • g y , dwell- I > in Calf Coon noel Walloby.+►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦s♦�♦o♦♦♦♦♦♦♦�♦e♦s♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 600 yards Homespun, regular 350 g > , and Sic Saturday2iic at a cost of about $3,x00, our former Ladies' Astrachan Mantles, Fur Collarettes ........... ` 100 yards Tweed to clear, remnant townsman has been very successful. } i goods for boys' suits and Capes. Men's Fur Caps in abundance. Our pants, regular 50c and 60c, PERSONAL$. Saturday ................. .37? a Furs are all new stock—no old styles. Those 200 pair odd sizes of gid Gloves, We shall be glad to have contributions to black and colnre�i, regular thiscolumn from any of our readers. Ifyou New Capes from New York are sellin . 1.25, Saturday . 750 drop inallots or purpose going away to thlf, g Y effectnsndtallus,orsend us a note to that Take another look at our Youths' Odd vests 50 Men's and Boys Overcoats, re- gular $7.00, $8.00 and $9.00, Mr. R. A. Hutchison visited this week at 25c. Black or blue Overalls at 5oc each. Saturday ......•............. 4.50 at Wellesley. 25 Mantles, broken sizes, regular Men's Suits and Overcoats $6.00 and $8.00, Saturday .... 4.50 Mr. A. L. Hamilton was in To>sonto ,$5.00 up. Ri- on Friday last. � ' Special in Hpsiery, Glove-, Laces, member we have the assortment. Can fit a SCS, Embroideries, Carpets and Lace Miss Laurie of Hamilton, is visiting at Vauston R . R. e's. �''urt8illA. Mr. ; boy from three years to the largest marl. Mr. Anderson of Buffalo spent a few Furs and Dress Goods, days with R. MacMath. ® R1`410- Mrs. Morrow has returned from a visit �L 1, This month will receive special atten- with friends in Manitoba. tion. Deserve success and yon will win Ivan Cooks was home from Wingham it. Our Fur and Dress Goods selling on Sanday.—Brussels Herald. gives a 'striking example of that fact. We have on Friends and gained Trade Mrs. W. G. Patterson is visiting at and to -day stand second to none in the parental home in Listowel. 4-11 1 T■ Wingham in selling High-class Furs, Mr. W. S. Robertson, of the civil ser- 7 Mantles and Dress Goods. vice, Ottawa, is home on a visit. K E N T B L ® C K ' -- -- COME AND SEE. Mrs. Proctor of Lucknow called on friends in town on Wednesday. a Dr. McFadgen, of Orangeville, is as- sisting Dr. Elliott in the veternary line. WIBGHAM S GENTS FURBISHER ' Mrs. C. Young, of Wingham, is visit- ing her niece Mrs. P. Gowans,—Exeter . Advocate. _ Mr. John Rath, of Dundalk, visited MINOR LOCALS. his sister, Mrs. J. Ir. Davis, in town on 1V 0 T 10 E • WALKER BROS. PA .BUTTON Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs, A. W, Sloan of Blyth UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. —Town Council meets on Llouday visited theirdtinehber Mrs. Wes Walk- �� No rending notice advertising any enter- Night calls at Button 131onk, or Fifth tainme"nt or matter by which money is to be evening next. er, in town this week. made by any person or cause will be inserted door south of l Houne. Shop op - in TnE TT�s without charge, except that Iloalte Macdonalldd bbllock. —Tine houses are being rushed along W. 1 . and Mrs. VauAtone, Uf Wing- when the job work for the same is done in THic these fine days. ham, were in town for a day or two this Ttaess Office, one notice will be given gratis of About sixty feet of reading matter in week. --Brussels Post. a size in proportion to the importance of the >r3r a:•�0•II• ................... � THE TIaLES this week—all local too. Mr. W. J. Flnety and wife and son event. In future+ the prices for these locals ✓. + will invariably be 5 cents per line. Positively .1. "GENUINE" Business Education + Harr of the Southampton Beacon were —Owing to repairs to the prover house Y, no deviation from these figures, except in cps© •'r .*i., there was no fire protection on Saturdny, visiting in town this week. of contracts of 50 lines and, upwards. No no- + —the kind our students - eceive. Be '1• Mr. Will Irvin Lice will be charged less than tic. thoroughly prepared for the best sit- •t —John Campbell saws Saskatchewan of Dundalk, was in nations and + robes are the best. See his aavertisP_ town on Wednesday. He. had been buy- metit. +in.- a stock of lumber tit Westfield. WANTED -,-Several persons of character ♦ r n I. Robt. Fleuty of the Southampton and good reputation in each state (one + —Mr. H. D. Henderson is nntNu_ up in this county re4nixed) to represent and ad- .+,. 4. a storehouse for Bugg &Son at the rear Beacon spent a few days this week in vertise. ON established wealthy business house 0 + y of the store. town. The Beacon holidays this week. of sold financial standing. Salary $18.00 week. ,1. .l, ly with expenses additional, all payable in cash Thomas new of Chica o is heach Wednesday direct front head of eea.Horse + WILL BE POURS. .� —Don't fail to read our new story be- g g ' ere and carriages fnrnislTed, when necessary. Re- + ginning November Sth. The T1xNs; 14 visiting his brother, John, who is ill. ferences. gEnclose self addressed stamped c n- ^ velope. Manager,8/it, nBuilding,Cli o. �QII� e Mr. Agnew waA a former resident of�' p months for $i, + Central Business , Wingham, _ _ _ .- ...__ __ t, t, —Mr 7,.. Robertson, collector, has all •t• Stratford, Ont. + his tax iioAci s sorted and some taxes in. Mrs. R. Henderson, who has boon TO CONPT ES. + vision • friends iu Teeswatar and Cul-° Many leading busine-s eolleges em - He is a hustler. l' The undersignedg en restored to + ploy our grnduate.g as teachers. This ,•'`!, rnss for the last week, bas gone t0 health by simple a er suffering for Ts the, best proof that Our work is of ,1. —The latest craze among the ladies of several. years with mg affection, and the very hi hest grade. Do not inT- Wingham.--News. that dread disease prion, is anxious to aging thatgali businasc 'colleges arc 0 Paris is that of foxes, or fox Cu1JA, as matte known to hisufferers the means alike. There'•i a, big difference. Get household nets. Mr. Ale .Coutts and his Sister, Miss • of cure. To those ire it, he will cheer- �' our catalogue before deciding to goMaggie and Miss Mitchell, of Win lulu fully send (free. of ea cony of the pro• a' elsewhere. Out• school offers advent. .v —Dr. N. J. Tait, formerly' of Blyth, g ' scription used, which they will find a cure for aces not found elsewhere in Canada. ' were the guests of friends in town on Censumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchi- l' Enter this month if possible. lips formed a partnership with Dr. tie and air lil root and lulls Maladies. He ;t' Sunday.—Gorrie Vidette, hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it IN 3' 6 Rogers, of Ingersoll. invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. —Shipments of lambs were ma.rle this Thos. McGavin, who has been em- which will cost them nothing, and may prove cloyed in Truax's planing mill at Walk- a blessing, will please address, Bev. IED- ���, � ��� a week by Robertacn & Rirchall, Joseph WARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New York. •r•.•F••Y ............. � ••'1 T Wellwood, and A. Lnuttit. ton has resigned, and has gone to Wing - ham where he has been, engaged as —Mrs. Mnry ;MLeLpnu has sold her farm, barber.—Mildmay Gazette. lot 1, con. 4. Morrill to James Robertson of Blnevale for a tidy sum. Dr, Kennedy was called to Hamilton l on Tuesday to operate on a case of ap- Is alwaye up-to-date, mane. —The United States have had to send peudicitis. Upon his arrival he found yp factoring daily First-class Bread 10,000 more troops to the Phillipines. thr, case to be one of typhoid fever. Thov cannot laugh at Britain now. The doctor returned the same evening. of the different kinds, includingT R A L the --We are informed by the advertisers Wroxeter Star; Dr. Tamlyn, of that mxny ineairies hrve been made Wingham, visited at the Gofton House ' regarding the+ properties for sale, in the Saturday evening in consultation with Electric Broad TratEs, some es far away as New Ham- Dr. S. B. Smile, in ilio ease of little Also Fancy Cakes of innumer TitixR, and sales made thereby. Harry Town, who has been suffering able kinds. -•-The fine fields of fall wheat through- from pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Angus. &t this distriot are remarkable. The of Wingham, visited at Mr. W. H. _ Opwing is the best for a long time and Eagleson's, near town on Tuesday., w..far as the fall growth is concerned, °its a good crop next year. a0r.X, Wedding Cakes McKsxnr -•In Tiverton, on October lT, the t;!;rvaov. Mr. Dickie, of Orangeville, ifs of Mr. Angus McKenzie; a son %tft*d to a good sized andience in the MAUltrul) `" '`--✓'' •`-A Specialty HOnGMS-COX-At ginloss, on Octob-r Ard, k�i erian church on Monday eveit;• by RAY: BA.Hall A f.He!dains to Mise Adeline, tlieme was "The Reign of the daughter U J. W. Cox, Esq, (.ARaETr`—WAI,T.Ts—At the residence of the Oou tttok&eople, and Watl attentively bride's father, Goderich Tp., on October :,.Ard "��'0by all. by Rev. Mr'. Yelland, Mr, John Garrett of Quality ,arid Ornamentation T, ,,.;;r,� , .Hullett to Miss Carrie B., daughter of ' ir. Unexcelled, r,.., LokQltiwr of one 6f our exchanges James'EVulli& stti! jr"he and big wife diAhgrea ili6s%Pit-1tATnw MT, -0h October 2.3rd at Orders Promptly atten6d to. ls home of the bride's father • Goderieli ll'p., f1d, ha sets things to right and bq Rev, 7. W Andrews,lbiiaq W'fnuie,daughtvr Satisfaetion gtlaranteed, �-r�� C of Mr. and Mr!r B. xatliwell, to Win. Foster, of 1f,6 wrfi;en Chinas to net. She reads what Stanley. Daily Delivery. otherR write and lie writes what others ►ctirmOsit-zYoTfxn- in Olhiton, on O st•eivr 10. Mor'e' Go 6S o d-, T h in. L 0 White Toilet Sets, nicely embossed pattern, 4 - consisting of Soup Dish, Covered Chamber, y Large Basin and Pitcher for $1.50. F Another shipment of Selected Valnieia Raisins, re -cleaned; 28 lbs, in a box, for $1.35. 0. i Maple Syrup, strictly pure, by the quart or +. ► gallon. r Alicante Mats, the correct thing for your buggy. AT RIFFIN's + 0 00+♦O♦.0+♦00+4++0.+++++4+4 b0+*+0+..0..0....00000..+ The " ". L, ori ad. CLC Ti►fIN G THE "LION" BRAND OV BOYS' CLOTHING is the result of a demand r from the public of this country for some- thing that is reliable and somethitig that will give satisfaction. IT HAS ALWAYS BEE1 r A DIFFICULT MATTER to get Clothing that will stand the average boy's wear, )ecause no attention was paid to the maize or quality of goods. IN THE " LION " BRAND you will get all that is desirable. The goods tre manufactured specially for this brand and is something that will give extra ,vear; not an ounce of cotton or shoddy being used. THE CUT OF THE COAT, Vest and Knickers is the latest, attention be - ng paid to all the small details which go ,to give the Lion Brand a style that cannot ie seen in any other line. This Maize is the Very Hest. KNICKER PANTS are made with double knees and double seats, strongly sewn with the best linen thiV ad. The linings are strong and durable, and can be ecommended with confidence. AND NOW THE PRICE. If anybody sells Boys' Clothing lower than We to it is because they ignore quality, risk satisfaction, trust to luck. Go into this subject this season before you buy, and let the BEST win—not the cheapest. Agent for the s D Gord0n, Fa0nyo,us0,,,,ti,g LionBndofn h am i1A ® Just Arrived A full line of Coal Stoves, Heaters, Combi. nation Cook stoves and Ranges, burning both coal and wood. The Celebrated Deearbon Steel stoves and Ranges, unbreakable. ?welt's Happy Thought Ranges and Heaters. McClary's Famous Stoves and lZanges, and lastly but not least, Burrows) Stewart & Milne's unsurpasEed Stoves and Ranges. Dunt' fail to see us before purchasing elsewhere. 2.4rd at the home of fhr brae s Mot e -e. iliw 1 alit epA the devil out of t110 ++stile, sh,oi1tPT' or olnt, A sirs tm}fo-111.1nn 1 NICHOLL y� MarintosiT of Mos t I'uini, Hlissi4sipp., fci Tnai ty I " .. jri'bd'estrtif her ability, while he:Aa Yotl of Hesford.° retains li3ii, ; occasions slid coaldn t Dti ih u Hall Central g rj i 1 Il. iYYnikri& Son's, titt-tri�toirTK on Ortnber 2.it1T.'IrT opposote vell3Ql Btdkly to resa•siout him. She knoiws telae a " y ; s !f R months and 10 cl y i amore tlttititts'itlt8m'' t0 writer+ and It —In Clitaoil on aged ears pm0ctotier2srd,• rtl�rld X11 }ittliYrsr tlutigd 'tilers he knows, oar C, aged it ye Lib, M 0 A t