The Wingham Times, 1901-11-01, Page 11Iq fur Over AltBty YunrH« IT O. WHAT #O Ivexe aluwmt ent)tiiwk to Abutter the p p All (lit! anti, Well-Tried lirniecely--•ms1! YOU NEED4 C H E R R � 1 BAD R EAAT Axe L WiUslow'b SoothitigH.).11 i !lits been used at rvc s and inert the b.;tut. [t tivcnld "s „ �, , q� �' ' II THE- �Eir N """'"" b" hart! to tt'll which have ihl: bi et 'eas u,' n 14f, s" fox ovtix Fitt 1 t illi bye}illiansat lntotheia �- . K.4 hlml 11 dou!'•n #lewd get" aro 1 ) tl►`{ ;or their esjiddreu r4hite teothiittz, with t 1J ge^st fkght in this ivvrld. 111;' prow. th't i lutnxatLla. `Aac>�aia,' itmd lit i� as worlfinb' Was +aQnaslrn•d pox-toot success. It soothes tilt) e+h{lit,W'ORDS]l 1 p+pit}e:�s or the adversitl% the cop. ` tbt,l. is athirst 'oomr,' 1'he+ stroke softens the guns, .allays till pain. cures 1 but, 4r't M►li est esf ICuro fon tho sl�r� �,vind colic, aril is tltt, best remedy for � � i cult! �s or Ilia obsenri#ie:s. Just as: ��� �"M,� -man, a�' :hlflrN, of one boll in. ii tR'iver may bib sweet, { diarrhoea, It is. pleasant to tho tanto. tncotci as you lutYt� enough succeis to i7iii a .score+ OP bells well tulded, ",. Sold by clrnggists lit ovary part of rite �CXIR1aA ARIL, J. PEECHINQH: attract the: attention of others, the lient weakness and Emoting spells wt:ra sp r rightly lifted oval ellll�>atly save 'world. Tweuty•ilve Rents A bottle. Its S111LOH, Q]RT„ Qp Rli$l1J ,&. envies and jealousles are let loose acute that Win, ClIorry, of Owen Wund.I,}at, { to out, great s.p1" fill tko lg�itr ws* value is incalculable. I3e sure you ask " t'rcrrxt Uheir kt•n;pt•1. The l;rc'atesI. . had Ao quit wor4. His sufferings ware very t rr9tlt tr,a i<. alii�c:,at `ti•i•r;t}:tl. Amd for Mrs, Whislow's Soothing Syrup, and c n t�jp l of (j }� ,„{ TIM AND 30IATIC4. great. .Ona day a. stmt!* 1st strict: "Cherry, t Is on aIle Lip .SSI 0011 ;Saint ^^'� t:^,jjlgij'k1aA tit P.1i).1'3 id to, (het PA' large „ x �I a Unl� retia tiro lUo'txtl tits Tillgli 2 take no other kind, you e t,n aoiunait to the wr..Agnew s Cure for t to heart; it must tu: a n It. Matters Not How Serious Yty11r bitter tit fiite.y tlo, '1"!ley thionic and t at *bottles.. nand (foes as iaPf' ohlrllt•t In #its #ortrore cal »4wrr [p�dtt good thing for it has a Sala. lle dirt so c DR. KOCH'$ THFft1�S, &Rd' Slow.:r (;hen#; or VoponhaWm nsn fora t Troubles Are, t g " The Gre&t Cpm„ your i►dcliti+ofit is their alistraation, d'ay's work as any,of .thein, tb ranks to this great. them. Nnrr it wtpy to.,, that, In �—'�— pound W111 Permanently rive. hunched prisons start for a reatsdy. �.� this Sabbath hour all boavert is lyliatever may ba tite truth or loth- POWER O R THE H WORD "COME" Cure You, coxtain goal of success. Line reaches _ Bold 1tval.l.,Hatuilton, W9arRitorit. chimi le and the voices of o4rts0i � erwi�se of Dr. Koch% theories, it . is A s+WE,1 O A i1 [IO tJ �►U E .--._.., it, and the othts four launched and friends and kindred a; Ing ilbI # '!bayonet doubt that h3 has done aptem Autnntn luoutbs brie rapid weather ninety.alue..are. land, It would take sky..saying. Cvma! 711+ swt>Fails dirt atrAw to the cause of scientific g � way p•erirt through the n!ght, and • � obAuges disastrous to all. who suffer volum,.rs to LOW tha story .of the who never fell, betiding from sapphire from rhoutnatism, Pains and tortures wrongs, outrtaAes nand dpfa'wnat}ons by the direetloo. Of that stair t 0ey tlardmrt s, tti;e ;oh rtt,tlttt,�, "Corrie i" tea, amediclua by tilt, taterest which ho sermon By Rev. T, De Witt increase sevenfold, avid death ren a his again. Those Svlto .follow Stas raised u upon, alto discussions i s he $ that have come upon you as a i re- „a It m. a ai all ihti 'tower"s ezf°btRpveq, tRrvex'of Z'aj�age, �. D. harvest front rite ranks of rheuinatistu'ut lite adv}ca of this world in ilea's of lttta raised uiiati bactoria stet! innoau. this season, quit cit yorir success, The warm sunt Iapontles, tower of'evaugelista, tower !titre. Vie remarks that Professor .:_.. . , If You are a sufferer from tin. o£ of pt•osptMrity brings into life a 1+arpleeity are izi a tearful rotted, of the temple of the 1'.ord Goll and rheumntism for it N orae bewildered soul follow. 13xauu.rdcl has just published on Elle , cast aside the tnedfoinnes ,swamp, full of annoyinng inseotri, On this Lamb are chiming "Come I �Washin to Oct, 20. In this die. that you have too long experinfented int; anotlft''� 1.Mrvitdered soul and „ offer which the irrench doctor Ger- g n. t]ae other hand the unfortunate Cemt,l Pardon for all, and peaco course lir, Talmage calls all pea wl with and test the virtues, of Paiues's. les for main_ cn:ly Qtose who. leave in +n ich time got for all, and lit,ttvert' for all who mault made to l),r. Iioali, to , allow l e Celery Compound, that great apeciBR for classes leave 'their strug4 their yr• on rite morning star of our, 7 aitsaelf to iia innooulated with the to gladness and opans all, the doors rheumatism that leas worked such mar. teuan.ce. Ter achieve a,'.livelfhood by Christian tai'th ban:' Find their wa I come., { bovine• virus, of tuberculosis, are a of expectancy,, texts, Genesis vi, 18, vellousouresfnallpartsoftaurl�ogt}pian. ane who had nothing to stoat ,with y When Russia was in one of her valuable contribution to the discus "Coerce;" Revelation xxii„ 17, "Come." Mr. Beech}nor permanently cured after , and after, awhile far a family as, well colt oto lsr sta4ario enough to. h'ad great, wars, the isutffering, of rbe, sol• Immrial, ten der and all ersua- five years of suffering, urges tlteatIlicted othhre w%th •an ail persuasive invite. talon, l3is expert opinion entirely_ p to use there that savacl 1313 , acid: carry this do until dhildrvm are., Biers .had been. loi.g and bitter, and sive is the ward °omni Sint hued. 11 an, b3ars out lhat'af the ord}mary layman `� " He says; reared and educated. and fairly start- „ „ they were waiting for the end of the •rvho cannot see rhat the infection or red amd 4evonty.eight times it is If ; five years I suffered from sciatica ed ht' the, world Hittt to do, 't amid Bnit� sayi5 stll7fAd o�itll, c jKlta rClxrls� strife, Ono day a mvst;anger In gr�.it a•scap3 •o'F Gernatult would Prove any_ found in. the Scriptures. It stands and rheumatism, at times being. so batt :all t]ir rivalries of business and the tion,:p.gplt.,koel? telling us. to come., trifetrZent .ran ,tuong tiv: :•setts of thing except that he himself was or, at ,the ,front 'gate of the B,ible,'as in �y mouticouid nILtI� rte n or pudmttyi hanonoyy '�tRex.tairtty of aropa and tete fickle_ - y`et you , .do . ntot. toll urn how' to ( t1�r, army, shouLirg dPcaie' �;`uaos v' was not liable to take the disease. The pia first text, inviting antediluvans work I would be crlpl',led for weeks, I nes,s of tariff legislation, with an oc. Gt7gtt2i' .Turf Qharga shall not be The sentinel on ular.l aslCod. "who IwafcsWr i4st:aznees the .case of - Mr. into Nosulea a'rlc, and i1: stands at took • medical treatment, patent caaiaual -labor' strike and here' and � rule.' •°n this occasion, ,Conte belipv I S:,ys; 'p„ncaf" , Ana 'tire sick soldier Peter, who, endeavored to give him,. the other gate of the Bible, as in mel#cines, Turkish :trod mineral baths., there a financial panic thrown in,• ingt Come rcpontting! Como6 pray- I.i.t:rn+d ere h;a h.ospitil ri•tlrt:';q ­id m but alt failed to meet my Case. I tried ung . psi#tor all .tk►at :'God ha.s..bcen (self diphtheria, but failed. This did y second text, inviting the post. Pain's Celery Compound, tend after is u mighty thing to do, and, -there asked, Moho say3 Apeacct," Ati.i: all diluvians at all later ages: into the doing for ;six thousand years, some- not prove that diphtheria, is not con_ using. six bottleslfeel like a new man, are Hundreds and thousands of such rip+ and down the', -oneamproont of the times. through patriarchs and some- Russians (tent .the ttilestiom, Who 'tabitrus, but Merely that M:r, Peter: ark of u Saviour's mercy. "Gone " and can do a hard day's work and feel heroes and heroines who live unsung " g is 'duly a Ward -at .four letters; butt none the worse for it, .I have, also times through prdpliets� and at last , , „ • avec abate favorable,, round stir rite' um,d dirt unhan6ted. I sryg. peaoef TbQrw the messenger a:rowdi of the disease, !mother -great, i t'!%IIIP queen of words, 11.311.1 nearly gained in weight, and can truly ss I aIn What we all need, whether up or through the cul nination of all the responded, , "The Czar says. °peaces"i s y y $c ientific man, Dr. Johne, of Berlin,: the entire nation of English vocabp. permanently oared. tragedlee da' Golgotha;, cap, any, ora I , dawn in life+ nor Ipalf way Int'ween, is th#alt that, God twill trot welcome That 'was criough. That meant go- says that it is most probable that the : lary bows to its scepter. It is an the infinite is'oltuce Of the Christfa•n re. it O hoarse. That meant the war was i:ub:rculosis bacillus of cattle is com_ , Me= into which empties ten thous_ !mg with him?, Ia that thb manly gion. And so we employ the word y*ur comlm, Will a father at vast li y over., 1'to more wounds aAd no more parativel and rivers of meanie Other words briery,_ is thite, the• elemr eye, is, that ., „ outlay construct a mansion for his y innocuous to adults with g• come. It. will take sal eternity to long; marches. �, Cap to-day, as 'sips of i• tartna3 power of desistance, but drive, but this beckons. All moods We 'moble !fierier, that I mmrried? find out the numb x of business men son and lay'.awt parks white with ;the,, xeorcl's mcasen r3rs": I move bighly dangerous, to infants avid to of feeling .hath that word come. hat vile drug buys you given him who have b:tei. strengthened by the statues and green with foliage and througb,.t}nesg g1mat cnCampments of 'Adults whose constitutions are weak. Sometimes it weeps amd• somctimes it thtcf, has turned him into a f}en(l? promises of God and the people who all a,-sparkle wit)i fountains, and then souls and cry. "Pea.ee between earth• 7'}te mere Pact that such u discussion. laughs. 5ocnetimes It prays, some_ Takh.yarar tiger claws off of ]tiro. Ust� leave baeta:.fed. -by the x'avens when not °allot^ his son to lives, in the unci heavenl Peucp between God tunes it tempts, and sometimes it coil those se.rpvat folds of evil hab:t s ,oi walk in.the parks? • .,•nas. mud such an examination into the other soureas gave out and the 4ndr man. l'°ace between your( re- causes of and reasons for tubarculosis destroys. It sounds from the door qE that are crushing him. Give me book men and women, who, going into this G°d built his house o1 gospel mercy renting .soul and a. pardoning Lord t" lugs taken'place is a sure proof that the* church and from the seraglios of MY husband, the one with whom 7 }?ai:ttic� a.rmscl e2tiy with needle of and will he then refuse etitrunee, to ++ y°ll =e,slt me, "Who says peaceg" tits proFessaosi of .medic}rte is not si'n, from rite gates of heaven and the stood at the altar teat years,ago. Give . IiW children: ' Will .a , government' at: I „ . ary of a!rr or ttrdsBipk or pen or I anislv4r, ,f lirist, oleic .King, declares him back to tae.',' V}ctim was tic, a9 great! expense build life saving' Is I • n, „ utanding still or resting on any out- gates of hell. It is confluent and type or ;iliovi:l or s oe_last, have it, 11Ty' peace I` give% unto you! nullioms of others have been, of the i ` tions -all, along' the- coast land Goats „ , 'wo'rn and venerable theories, acerescent of- all pourer: , ,It is the gained a victory thu1 made the lien- 1 I cpce, ; of God• that passeth. all un- heiress of most of the past and, the ward "came,"-, that, resound. With all the resources that can ho y P` iitihuu:e t !tics a �' Yieni e g !" Everlasting dersf r►n+fin g panto i almoner of must of the future. Now, wei went all the world over to, (it Gott promised fox every exigency over , the widest surge, nd t "come!" S"au may pronounce it so ha'mr.ss this word fqr good us others when the Aifgboat has, reached the no one• need'b3 letirin the lurch. that all the Heavens will b3 heard tit have hatstessed it for evil, aiid it will : , wreck of aship ern the offing, not al 1' � � � Dut the w•arcl tom•' applied to low the dr vain to .sciza th,^•,life' lT its cadences or pronounce it so that Beaty the five continents a;id the::tlr°s" who meed'solaCe will amount to R1' g• . y seas bstwen them — ea nothing unlcass it b: uttered by ssim3 lines of take the boat for aha aro all the, woes of time and eternity y' . it will draw shall xeverberate in its ane syllable'. the whole earth back to the G•od from in .su:fety4 aheilt" God pzovtdu'nt 'the . For Infants arid Children. gm y cmc �vti6 lius c�cp rieticecl that solace. cost of his 'daily' Son's dssassiuMjon ' 11 Rim 0 Ih N an the lip of saint rand 1profll,* rK7iare it 'has. wandered. It is that' That- s n•eads-tb,. responsibili of SEW ITY, w,coi amd Tho isoMR Mfi >;ate. It is the mightiost of all salici. persuasive ,wot•rl, that 1 y esaapa for :ti sinking wcrld end #hen sltoile- is a giving th4v gmjy-[ call among a gent . Ol�LA2nre',P�J�/j 878ry tants, sillier for cod or bid. ; will load men. to give up their sins. turn a deaf 'oar to the cry that of (,1xPPem. b^ F many. - hoie rvho. have lost prop"I_ tomos up from the brealta'c s?' I Was scepticism • eves brought in O. mei " r "ilii, tile. 1ks,lveigli anchor and haul in °°g "But,". ;'ea say: rte are so - - p and set sail on that great thel ove':of truth ,itis an ebullitioni of (°,sen u i ne word; although '. .I tum sure I will not hot words aguiust infidelity.?Was --- - many things., I, have to believe and ba able La xeacir the further shore. ever the blasphemer stopped in his sa 'ninny things • in tba shape of a `� oaths by denunciation of blasphemy? FOUL CREATHI creed that I hav3 to adopt that 1 13 C a r 13 e. r I _will let down the fathoming. line alit kept back,' No, no? You need • �o into this sou and Ley to measurer its Was ever a drunkard weaned from that Runntng u••deptltS, and, though: I ti$ taaetlicr his cups by the tempexanoe laeturs.r'g CATARR6� HEADACHE belrevc but two things—namely, Little Liver- Pills all the, cables find cordage I have on mimicry of staggering step and We. ' I Jesus Christ name into the rs'oxld Of .4.r !t vg d s, cough? No. It was, "Come with fir® Banished by Dr. Agnew's save, sinners and that you arc ono' of board I will not be abler to touch bottom. All the power of the Chris- inn: to ohurob to-day and hear our Clatarrha•1 Powder. It relieves them. "But," you say, .." , do Sores, Must Bene SFt,nFttttr© of i.„s!tmgin&”"C•onb3 and let me introduce in 10 minutes. believe both of tTieso firings." Do tion 'religion is in that word soma:. you' really believe them with illi our The dictatarial and commendatory ill. you to a Christian man ivhom you F. A. Bottom, druggist, Cooksbire, Que., � Y Mr. Stephen'Wescott, Freeport, religion are of no avail. The i.m ern_ will b: sure, to admire. "Come with says: "For 2o years 1 suffered from Catarrb. heart. Yes.' Why, then, you N.S., gives the follo�wingexperience p +1 breath-was very offensive even to myself. I have me, into associations that are cheerful y } Passed from •death -into life.- with Burdock Blood Bitters. tivo tn,eod is not the appropriate mood and �� tried everything which promised me a cure. In Why, then, you are a,saa or a. daugh- tt I was Very much run down in See Pac•Simile Wrapper Below, when we would have people savi,ngly good and inspiring'. Comm wii:h almost all ins aces I had to proclaim them no ry #m pressed. `Chet' may be caaacd, bat me'iota joy such as you never before good at all. I wasinduced to try Dr. Agnerv's ter ,of the ;Lord Almighty. -Why, health .and employed our local physi- very small and as oasq i •o.xperienced." hist appliC tion er It Icured ot relief and I tam fres then, you are an heir or an heiress 'clan who attended me threes months; they cannat b_ driven. Our hearts : PP of an inheritance that will declare final! m le broke out in runnin to talo tti saga . With That ward which has lima so from all effects ofit." qg y y g • are like our ho+ntes—a't a friendly ` g + FOR IIEADACHC., much far others I approach you to- Sold by A. L..Hamlltot, Winuham. dividends from now until long after sores with fearful burning. I had �f+��E�� knock the. door will b•: opened, but' ala^, Stars an: dead. Rallelu ihI thirteen running sores at one time CARTERS FOR DiaT7'{fdESS. an attempt to force open the door day bre you all right with God? . �' g 0 FOR BILIOUSNESS. would ]amii tlicc assailant in prison. "N°'" you say, "I think not, I ase Pad talo rince, of God, why do you not come'. from my knee to the top of my foot. 1�TL� FOR TORPID LIVER. ,` somal#nes alarmed when. I think oP your coronot? Prineass of All the medicine I took did me trio '�ER out' theological waniluarie.., 'which ty aai:d W n oonvoled by religion in, the Lord Almighty, why do ,you not good, so I threw it aside and tried ILLS.FOR CONSTIPATION. keep young teen. titres years. in their: him. I fear I will not"ba ready to t}ra:t trial are t'h: aaea to invite mount your throne? Pass'up into B.B.B. when one-half the bottle i FOR BALLON/ SKIN. curriculum b3fore launching them •mrct hin> in the last day. My heart thase who liuve, fa}leis Ia business. the light.", Your boat is anchored. was gone I noticed FOR THE COMPLEXION into thei ministry, will do well if is not right with God. Come., then, Those who have lost their health and- -wily d° you not go ashorel Just a change for the "�;• Mei 6ta2YDlfIa Nv�TNAvc NAnill[. In sa slicer a time they can teach and have it made ''right. Through the . b Cn earusarled ti religion .are the better and b the s, „t,IPareWvegetable.,.t�ie ss ..,cG Christ who. died to save ou come ! y Plant yoL•r icer hard down, and you. y ..Y the , candidates far rite holy office y • ; ones tp invite 'those who are in poor twill Ecol under them the Rook of time I had finished CURE SICK HEADACHE. haw to say with right emphasis and What' is the use In veafting? .'The licalth. T sasc who have' had b;xeave- Amies.. I challenge the universe for cwo bottles my leg _-_ intonation and power that- one word lan'gor you wait the further off you moots and Wen consoled in those be- one instance. in which a man in th3 u'� perfectly tier! "come." That magi who has. such are and the deeper y6a are down, reavements etre the ones to syn_ right ,spirit: .appealed for the Salva- � W and any health • • Strike out for Heaven! )i ou remem: g read improved. ® ® COI1Bt1p1.t1O11 efficemey, in Chr}stinri workand that' pa.i;hi..e, w%th tlton3 w}io ' have � lost,- lige, of thc.gospal and did,not gat it. ' g— _y p ww-tan who- has such power to per- b=r that a fere years ago it steamer father ire mother 'or!jpompanion or A4:nn alive, you are going to lel. all Ooa your head ache? Pain suade• peoples to. quit the wrong aidd called the Princess Alice,. with a child frt^nd. Whit multitudes of they years• of. your life go away with a back of your eyes? Bad b2ght the right went through a ser- or•ored of excursionists, on board sank us aro al}ve. tc lay! "rind in , good! you without your . having this greatBu-silielss taste in your mouth!? It's fes of. !osseus, bereavements, pease_ is the Thames, and there was an. err- }it*altli and bsoyant'.in this journey peace, this. glorious hop3, this bright cuticns tinct the trials, of twont.y or ful sacrifice of life. A boatman from of life who would have broken down expectancy? Ire you going to lot pour liver 1 Ayer S pills are thirty years b3fore they could analre the share rut out for .the roscue, and 'died long ago pat for th,a •sustis.ir. 'the pearl of great price.!}a. in theMen Backs,$Ver ills. The. cureCOriSii it a triumph of. grate every time he, bad a bit; boat, and lie got' it so ins; and cheerin liel.p of bur holy p y 3 dus6 at your, feet because you oxo 'too potion, headache, dyspepsia. they u£tered the ward. "oolne• full it would not hold., anaLh-tw par- rtrlirgLord 'So we say, "Comte!" The indolent. or lyvo proud to stoop dawn Too much rush smil 25c. All druggists. You must rememb3r that in maaty soar, and as he laid hold of, the oars well is not airy. 41vi buckets are not encu pick it' up? Will you wear the bustle, stl a work 96na lob of the a� aAe ��/�iyrr cases our "come" has a mightier to pull for the• shore, leaving bund- empty. The supply is not exhausted. chain! of evil' habit when ncart by, you to the man. I{#dneye brown or richblaoi?bi•toionusedsbosatunl •come" to conquer' before it has any reds `helpless and drowning, he ari'ri .The:re is, just as much. mercy and cam. is the hammer that could with' °un � ca.n't,stand it they fail to '` m n {o�•thhe effect at alt. Just give me the ac- out, Oh, that i had a b't,-g.r boat. d Mitts and soothing power in God its c;, filter the poisons from tTte BUCKINGHAM S DYE Whiskers y Thank Gad I am not °rhes limited lov i snap pre ahaogi 'Ven 'yoti Bt ao,ore. o.o.ua,ns7A. oe n., P. "ALI, a CO., NA.NNA, N.H. carate censna, rite statistics of harw b^Eore the first blood properly. Ur#nary aunt! that 7 can pxawnisa •ra, zn ;for all grave was dug, ' or ;lily !n ilia prisotr aF sin rvht:n 7r see, trouble,gonerallanguor and many are, damn in fraud, in drunken. 4 l.ltt> first tear started, or the first' 141 a gospel key that could uuloc!: pain in the back are the ness, in gambling, in impurity or ion ilwis gospel boat. Room in thehea,rt Jtrnrt bioien;'tit lhe'ftrst ,ZCc#dent your incarceration? :v o, riot natural results. A mp>x In vi°a of any sort, and I will give of a pardoning God. Room in heaven. happon:rd, •or 'the first fortun(I van- 'As the one word "'come" haq " can't attend to business I also apply ih^ rvorcl of m text _ properly if ,his back sohos ME GEO, TRAILL you the accurate CQuitts Or statistics y isfwa.. Teh:as3 io1 us-who have�folt the somet iine,s broul ht many souls to --no rise trying. ! of how matey have. bxn slain b3� the to tliosp who would ;like°, practical catisolatory power of religion have a Christ, I will try the exp3riment of Only one ante remody thab never fails word "camp." Come amd click wine- comfort. If any ever • - e�scapa the _ right tc, sp. ak but of our orwn exp::- piling rile into a wnountuin ant! than 9 �t311 �IIUHII !tall �� Thornhill, Man,,gltbss.s with tap at this ivory bar." struggle of life, I have not found ienees anal say, `cCemi�}"'. sehd down in ate avalauchc aE owor DOAK S p i "Gouia it-nd see what lve a4n witf at them. They are not certainly What dismal wore of c:ondol-mce the many of these gmpol "comtms«" KIDNEY` PILLS, this gambling table." "Come, enter among the prosperous Classes In erotic! nutkes when it attempts to Come thou and all thy house into Got Almost Instant Relief FrOiDi with use this doubtful sp2calatien, most eases it was a struggle nil the : ccadolcl T}ie plaster they spread tiac• ark;" "Come unto mo all ye who T'ako s hint from business men who have Heart Trouble by the Use "Com- with rn3 and read hosc. in- way up till they reached the pray- dries not stick. Tha broken bones ur-. labor and are heavy laden, and I need them: ' I of Milburn's Heart fid:'i tra:�e'br, onChristionit'y." "Cowie parity, and since Clio, have xeuched der their bandage dies not knit. A will "Come IltavotakenDoanoliidneyPill„roti°oh ane! Nerve Pills, with wits* to a plead of bad amuse_ thefor se heights, there !taws gree' per. ; former was last In a snowstorm on things( are now sready; Comeowith h'oumat sm and pane inathe small of my matt.” "Coma with me in a gay bout .plexities, anxieties and crises which a prairie of the far 'vest. Night abk, with which I have been attioted for Yb ie simply rvondorful bye number of through the underground life of the _ h deb x sere. T sydid me somuc bop y _ p y g ram}trg an and after lie ryas almost good that I .heartily reebmmend theta ttwt to toll of women erat o are comirs ng forward eiry." If in thin City these are twenty if frantic from not knowing which 'i �. !9 r' sanexeellentmedioinefor rhaumati°troubled EeartandNervePills. thattsaaid who tiro down in moral HELPLESS WITH way to go, his: sleigh struck the'.rut A HERO S TONIC arid backache." CmrsarseC}.Ptnxs:,dealer This Unto it is Mrs. Gies. Traill, a highly citaxacterr, then tw.:nty thousand fell �1 !7 of aviother sleigh, and he said, ".[ in agrieuitntal implements, Clrillia, Ont, �� " RHEUMATISM Dose's Kidney Palls cure backache, lain& respected lady of Thornhill, Man., rvho under ilio power of the r�ard cower.. will fallow this rut, and it will tako Par 'soldlcbr or civillah South or weak baok, Bright's disease, diaeetes. gives in the following words the. history of I rv;as reading of a wife whose hus- Sduth American tthoUlrnatid my out to safety." Ile hastened ort• An! rlcah Nervine pr6VOil It• • dropsy, gravel, sediment in the urine, too liter ease., Y n s Y t until lea licard the bAls of tht pre.s self the .greatest of system Itti g g "Y obtained froth Air, J. A. 1;IObbs, drug- bcttirl ]wad been overthrown b sero QaAre Mr, barker spa s Worked � y quenb ><'ietn a at night, rheatnat#stn,, aril gist of Morden, Man., a box 1 M#]burn'- skink, and site went to the saloon & tmiraele in his Case, and he ecdin_v horses l but, coming up, he toners `aveakness of the kidneys in ohildren anti• oxpresses bib geAtltude In no c, , ` •r►erve healers sjiEtd . ofd people, Remember the name, Doan's,. Heart and Nerve Pills, as I was very bad whtrra hr. wa,s ruined, and stir. said, uncertain sound'. fecal tlaitt that man was, also lost, blood cieahaora, and refuse all others. 'Tito Uaan Tsa3uey with heart trouble at the time, "Give« m.! back my husband." An ct and as is the tendency of those who c2i11 Co.,'T60suto, Ont. i1 "i used, the one box and got almost rife. C Barker, of q Sutlalk lilacs, Toronto. ' y A battle-scarred veteran just !tome Pram toe Instant relief, then bought another box, the bartender, painting' to a mautL writes:--'" It is only fair to my suftermg neigh- are thus, confused in th3 forest or an war in South Africa, who wits all run down anti - but only had to use ti. fern of the rills, as I lin and battered than drowsing in hors to publicly express ray atantude for the, vwors, thtty twine bath moving, in wreak, isle aftermath of that dread veldt fever, work while you alae .Wlthoub the almost miraculous cure Clint.f heuntatisnt LAXA Y, p have rover been troubled with palpibstiotw ,the corner of a bar. room, trail : effected to me by the use of South American a cirel:', Ball th;r runn-r twf i he one w r able i, edicine and heartily�rrecomme�claittto � s �rfpe or pain, cur#ngbiliottw since using bhetn• "There he Is. Jim, wake up. Here's Rheumatic Cure, ror three tnbnths I was next Ind alrl,h w.•is followhv; alta xu.:iiior everybody in need of a god tonic." It's n nose, constipation, 0"'! 1­0- I 1• 0- "I am very thankful that I got the pills, oar wife eerrn t for you." Aiid the, door to belp?essnes% tend my sufferings were of tltt, other lost slci -Ii roc tl and grand renedy for all "tun down" peorle. Ono l.1 V E R aclwe and dyapepsin'.. >~nd if this will be of any use to others y intense, but esr'b bottles of this great tensely , h zYbottle eve s eat relief, .A few bottles never votz feelbetter #u +" - " +� • ' " ' ' �' •I LL'rlce o.`t:. tib a!i tsufferinl' sr I did, easy rvtblish it in thew' rvatnasi ,said: 1)•a ort call that my Cured were. It re heves in silt hours, 't round. At last it omu. r: d to 'llivin fail to trate., S t tiapere.' husbaftd? What have you been der:. , gold by A. L. Hamilton, Winghnin. Act look at: the, Narth stud•, Whitlt dolt) 1"y A. L. Iinnul-lon, \t ingluuu.