HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-01, Page 10IV _: S ES THAT THE .L FAC—SIMILE rQ The Rev. C. F', WELLS, of Villa While picking apples oil the fibra of Ca.tupbell, la, � SIGNATURE r Ti i'1„F+ Ill., says: °'Maur trial bottle of YEARS Rilgo.:111lte a l bottle o ) '.... , HE THE WIll17t11A TIMES, NOV. 1901, ' Ell .[[, ? .�l `rr t, ( \ THE' I� �tJil� �iJiJ 7 Ii l ()JI rI I1ltJ S h!�TC1I 4 MIIJTJ, Ml', a'tittlPn'Cnc'hHr 1waF(,ct to his iclna' home oil Thursday nlollllil;;, 0vt. lith, at t11H resit?none c1Y ilia, so.i•ill•luw, tlr. 5, Clitl than, of Mitchell fell from all n p , p S• A. Moffatt, of Varna, ivas out shoot- � fii4theStan845andBowdsof -, R. Brill, ilii}nig lnanited the `'�•�--. ,�.,,,,,.,�„ _ •, ,, „ _ I, •, ,.•_,_..�.,, Paragrtlps from stir � �c��n�es, i7pe ago11 ,-, nWitIllPel;Ieu11111UI11111111111111111UlIIIIlU1111111u1unu,naw - of $evoiity-four C�t)tlliioi �.S'��1ma'i U E3 ;'t� In S au� )Relief and Per- For me year ii:i C ,{,pfA J„4e•.b (l Cure All Oases. which will ke(+p him grgin hatzdling a E4 Irii a eel lie And g .}i _ � A olltlfiilan %vas in Seaford, foot Iiia daughter trinved to Teeswater to re- 1 A NT A l3$(1[,L Tl°`hl I' h' I+' la n�i lil?t`h,Il'T Qh' P C) '1' �1 L . Stratford last week looking over the flax side, For tho hist six weeks ho had -1 `� \\ 1Lb'CE TOVIt :tabu. AN(T #D011,1184 I'LAINI'T. millproperty with it view t0 its par- been COlifiltetl t0 ill$ ked °ltd 111 ,Nip a E "..•""'"'��`""-' `".'.. _- - .'..-. thnsli, He had it (-onfereiiee }with the midst of 111tense palls death Valueas a -. Armstrong, of Bruceflelrl, was suiilnlpn- T i n a is nothing like Astbinalene. It �itil fir. It }}geld bo (a great advantage peacefal release. ness, drowsiness, sallow complexion, ed nu(1 lie had to ndutittister chloroform brute s nlStatlt relief, Elwell Ia the }7Qrat to the town to luive this establishment Afi1 sr' C lei ct•1 t( I' Pill 0 l rt r 1 l loll P 1 s, my 2t, ate..; nice to till e, Sold U Colin A. Y ` �+ Ci:S,+h. It. ellCea \Y11P11 all P19e falls. in oper ltiou again, r'mits. for 50 dosis• Soltl by Colin A. - £ - - �.•,l I I IM r�:,, IV _: S ES THAT THE .L FAC—SIMILE rQ The Rev. C. F', WELLS, of Villa While picking apples oil the fibra of Ca.tupbell, Y AVe9c[ablePrCparatiollforAS- SIGNATURE r Ti i'1„F+ Ill., says: °'Maur trial bottle of YEARS Rilgo.:111lte a l bottle o Air, Earl Francis, Filllarton, Iter. burry On Taesc111y, lltst week as Lloyd, srni n£ , Y , , SllnilatingllkFO0d11nC1RC�t,tci- tri sNiyed iu t I witlut)G leil you flow thankfal I feel for Clitl than, of Mitchell fell from all n p , p S• A. Moffatt, of Varna, ivas out shoot- � fii4theStan845andBowdsof o�'— p �/j „� Tri'' ;-t)t).i (l•'1'iwHd £t'aW it, I was aslave. p1e [i'f(i slid HtiStainntl Re}•Ht'O lnjilt'IeS. illg s uirrels lie stet with an accident cl + i; { putrid sore. tltrgat and Phil It"rl r1'itli Hyl was clt'ivnu to town and attended lid. which will ke(+p him grgin hatzdling a i �M`� t� ty�j�l�' •� .y�W'yryty�Jj.`y,, j� etz tirlw yo despaired V •rrrllift ilt`ri r' tiF�dyears, . f 1�euEi, r Dr. Aritts:tmng, whHu it \vas+ found thtit 91111 for IvIlile, I`t Cl'QSaI11,., it tHlln� t.11e- was dischar cl trod the ball �� t , In,`nt for flip cure of this dreadful and no dunes were broken. gnu ene��- traten at the hast+ of the thtlmU. Dr. PromotesDigestion, C eTFUi- • tornipntin:d disease, Asthma, and thon- L=ht you uttd over sllolrHu yourselves, but Miller's Worin Powders correct all sncli troubles as lack of appetite, bilious. Armstrong, of Bruceflelrl, was suiilnlpn- tleSSandBe5t.Containsneither' O lU[Ci,Marphine ztarMizler. ON TEEE resolv`d to rive it a trial. To m a ness, drowsiness, sallow complexion, ed nu(1 lie had to ndutittister chloroform � �QT �ATiC OTIC. + astonishmew, the trial aote°i like ate..; nice to till e, Sold U Colin A. Y to extract the ball i'ronl tiro palm of filo ehnrm, Send tort a fall sib°:+ bottle." Calupbtll• WRAPPER �r The council has taken action to re- MilUnru's Sterling FleaQacho PowdHrc' i ” �pldllr,rf)r7U1ZP11i�Ft �, Rev. Dr. Morris '�V eehsler, cover the fines remitted b = the Police J give woiuen prompt relief frtnu moutlllr ` IA.,, , so"j- C Rabbi of the Coug, Buai Israel. Mugistrate to the,, county treasurer, Mr. pains and lenve no tlacl after effects Iriddlesdsr- og EVERY , New Yorlc .Tali. '�, 1.101. Ril<se Ilii, Fllolt'lt his Fpite against the whatever. 13o sure )-on get Milborn's. I ,AniticJrsd • Iris. TArT Bitos'. MI DI<`IN> CO., town, which gives loco his livtug, by 2 Prices 10 and u cents. All dealers. j talon _ �°c>ubonoQs,�. I �'�y'�'� OP (wixil• neon: Your Asthlnalene is an EVERY RINGS Hay sending fines passing through his bauds While A number of pleasure seekers driving Prom Palmerston to Rot1'- Ka"Aced �i�T.i..a-J-L 1 ex('P1It•lit rriltecly for Asthma and to Stratford, instead. of paying them, were roariFlavm: ` F.•+•er. and its contpositiou alleviates all RELIEF. tr,+ables which combine with Asthma. over to the town' treasurer as was the say, Sunday Oct, 20, they came across A erfectRemedy forConstipa R _ I , snt•c,•ss is astonishing and wonderful. custom before.—Mitchell Advocate. a flock of geese by the road side and ns Sour $totllt�ch,Dlarrhoea, a After havill it cart alnil}rad i, t• Nistate that Astlunalene contains no g + Mr. Aaron Tremain, while working this is the season of the year when fowl .tion, i Worms,Convu1s jOns,Fever sh- _. 0 i opium, morpllinQ, cliloroturiit or etlier. 'Very traly points, REV 1311, MORRIS WECHSLER. on the house now ocoti led by Mr. W. p are most admired, they alighted from the rig and made a capture of a gooses, mess atidLoss ©y SLEEP. „ Avo v SPRINc3a, N. Y., Feb. ,l, 1901, Helliug, Mitchell, on Thursday afternoon of last week, had the misfor- and disabled another. The owner of the Tac Simile Signature of DR. TAFT BnOS. 'MEDICINE Co Gentlemen:, I writs• this tegtituonial from a sense of duty, having tested the tune to fall off a ladder. He was at -,geese, seeing what was done, hitched tip his horse and followed the sports to i NEW YORK. Castoria, is u in ono -olio bottles only.It P wonderful c+fFect of vent t.chtu:il+iva, for rhe cure of Asthma. My wife has been tempting p lg to move the ladder while on it Rothsay, where he exacted a :eo ' of . 5' � put p , � to soli is not sold in bulk, Dont allow afflicted with spasmo+liv asrhum fur the past 12 years, Having exhausted my coati upon our window on 130th when it slipped and gave hint a fall ten feat. He lit his right as the alernativq of a. lawsuit. 1 ombs you anyti ing else on the plats or promise that it "just 'twill g p Y S411 as well as ninny oth° t �. T cbru,cecl to ,e(+ vont sign street, New York, I tit ono ol'tai,le.1 11, bottle of Asthtnaleue. My wife commenced about on side and also bruising his left arm. We hope If a child eats ravenously, grinds the 1 is as good" and answer epery pur- :pose.' �?c Bco that you got O -A -S -T -O -R -I -A, taking it. ttbonf tyle fins oo iVc,cE nibs+r, I very anon noticed a• radical improveuieut, bottle h •+ A tions bras di,tipp+-ared and she is entirely free Prem all that the accident won't rove serious p teeth at night and picks its nose, you may be almost certain it has worms and Tho tao- to ca Alter using one symptoms. fl el that I t'an oou.isteiltly recoatlnend the medicine to all who are and Mr. Tremain will soon be able to be should administer Dr. Low's Pleasant EXACT COPYo>• WRAPPEi3, t simile egaatmo jG� fi �o ovo:y afflicted with this distretsiug dispasp. around again. Worm Syrup, this rented contains its y � °+p""•^"^ :. ' � of rveagne:.. Yunisren' ectfnlly, O. D PHELPS, M. D. p Mr. Robert Carmichael, son of Mrs:''•k•---`� own cathartic. asst' +I" wk �.,�' tr�1'+ty �, ,1 •ha " ,Its+^rf+u"e . rt. BR. TAFT $IiOR. Mt DICT\ECO. Feb.'5, 1901. Robert Carmichael of Seaforth, is there + Women have taken to barbering in T t I f It view of the passing , Gentlemen: I was tronbled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numerous just now from Seattle, Washington oron o. n a -remedies, but they have all failed. I ren across your+ advertisement and stwrted ,Territory. He accompanied the remains thousands a couple of them shave 'and with a trial bottle. I found relief tic once. I have sluce purchased your full-size out hair in the largest barber shop on i bottle, and I am ewer grateful. T Move family of four children, and for six years of his brother, which reached there on Young street. 'Some years ago a woman - - - - -- - - 'was unable to work. I alit note iu the best of health and am doing business every Saturday for interment. It is a great g " •day. This testimony you can tnakp such use of as you see fit. many years since Mr. Carmichael left opened a barber shop on Victoria street ; Home address, 285 Rivington street,. S. RAPHAEL, and for a while did a very good business. 67 East 129tH St., New York City. deal du and is has changed a good Wervou- �a a �!deal during his absence, bet we are Her customers felled to stay after the leased to learn that lie has been nos- novelty had worn off, so men tool;: her TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. p p 0Thousandsof��}}-ounaandmiddie-aged men are annually swept to a1�isremature porous pecnninrly, place. The females in the Young street ase through lEARLY I111DISCRETION, EXCESSES, ADW I LOOK)-' barber shop seem to Move the call when . : 618EA88'S. It you have any of the following symptoms consult us. before It is Do unt, Delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS. MEDICINE Mrs. McAllister has received a letter too late. Are you nervons and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the CO., 79 East 130th St., N.. Y. Ci ty. half a dozen white -coated leen are sitt- eyes with dark circles under them, weak back,ycidneys irritable, palpitation of the from her sou William who went t0 heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine, pimples oil the face, sunken Sold 6 all druggists. , ing waiting for customers. the fair OLHB eyes, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack ! gg Albt3rta from Stanley Iasi spring. seem to be always busy. energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, weak man. I hood, stunted orgens,p remature decayr•-bone pains, hal. loose, sore throat, etc-? 1 _ When he went there he first erected a It will be remembered that in Jnly a Our i!tics�s fs4etlaod areatmeat will cure you. --'- kitchen to which he has added there- boy naiiied Arthur Mitchell, of Montreal, ` 1 ntainder of a hoose. He hila also fen- BLOOD ° was run over by a frfit lot ear, losing an ced his farm, comprising 480 acres with arm, and having his left leg badly mlltil- A fief, substantial wire ftaner. From Nothing can be more demoralizing to younq and middle-aged men than emissions °ted. To heal the latter }wound it was at night or secret drains through the urine. 'They unfit a man for business, mar. 100 acres of oats Rown he ,has reaped tied life or social happiness. No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, i necessary to graft some skin on to it, { natural weakness, or sexual excesses, our New Method Treatment will posi- Owe• between 7,cro 8,0 a bushels, a has and the boy's brother, 12 years old, gave I Lively cureyou. CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURT;, No PAY. e also a good crop of barley and potatGe6• up some forty square inches of his skin He has 5 horses and 50 head of cattle:•'4 No r'iTames Used Without Writ&n Consent. a and a large number of pigs. He is well for the purpose. Recently a further W. A. Muir, of Lima, o., says: -"i was one of supply was found to be necessary, .and the countless ountl drat eon cop earlysystevice cea weakening r 7 T br t R �f !,t pleased with country and his prospects.— his sister, Mathildia Mitchell, 17 years of ag brain as well as my sexual and nervous sys- A The 1 yfpe?i ¢Gr , 1. tiriil Was Waiting For. ,!i4+.'•1� • tem. For tett years I tried scores of doctors Hensall Obsriver. age, offered herself for the operation. ,a aE' electric belts and patent medicines. Somehelpeti mc, none cured. I was giving up in despair, in Yr , , T , } I 1 For Cuts, Wounds, Chilblili>7R, Chap- About sir square iitelfies of her entitle , ,1., 1D.YI U� ":1_ �� t'e tact -that the BUSINESS In pd Hands, Rlietlmatism. S'tlff Joints,• ,e' fact,cme as a las season when a friend ad- ,• $urns, Scalds, Bites of Insects, Croup, was grafted on to the inured lad at file �V wised me r a last resort to give the Mew •habit,wLS of the world U,'; r trial.bletWithout Treatment of consented K.n fair Coughs, Colds, Hagyard's Yellow Oil General Hospital, and it is expected that y"�. !< trial. Without confidence I consented and is Ni Ow 171111ufFtCture(1 ...in thre e of the tri at countres, viz will he found an excellent reined !te }villnovv recover. 7' three mouthsIwasacured man. I was cured y. seven years ago—am married and Itappp. I Canada, Unitv-d State.° and Germany. Price 25 cents. All dealers. British Troop Oil Linimeut is unsur>' hearttivrecommend Drs. K.&H.tomyaf aid s , s t ; passed by any liui�rtol2t on the market BeforeTreatment fellow men.' After Treatment Tile W.irl�tdi:ln t .I ir;c lilt;'�1y hal} e ever 200 tie use A serious matter occitrre(1 n cue' of to -day. It is ni=o osed Of healing, AW'We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, geminal weakness, ( the departments of the Ynbl�i� school in soothinlr and eleansiu vegetable oils and Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder They know �i G U ..1 i a t 1 t r> ` p g 14 Mitchell last week, which is described extracts. It is put up Mlarge bottles Diseases, and all diseases of Alen and Women. ' ;a�Q@l}@ f ; 4�I` 3' '?a :'1 LF)`'_O �i'.E'AG ES as a case of brutality, and which will be for the. small price of 25 cents. medicine ENAMES USED No namesonWITHOUTWRITTEN n5dent3Nalo. ventilated at the neNt meeting of A ivarriage recently took place at 2urestionlist and cost offtreatment, VREC. Visible rviitin> start to Lnxs11, i,oAlIgni Wit, weighs only iii pounfpermanent. 'trubtees. A girl, it appears, Toledo, O.,•whibh was something DIS. �Gll�ed� f:? fuer r�iill ire SHELBY. $'fRE�T Alanifolding, bents thin: t:11, Alignniea,t, positive andFermanent, %' pp , 6gnii'tecl g Of a o pini lilcity, cm parts as against 14001 water on a boy sitting in front of her, suriosit A farmer named Winebloom, ! DETf101t, MICU. Durability, hurdent•dxttoll•fit•:s. I 8 �'' WARRANTED by a well-known Camdia i Company here to back it up. and the little lad took out his handker- .from near Guelph, Out., met At Toledo ti � , , as A V I� • ,� q, chief to wipe the 'water from his face. for the first time, his fiancHt�. Mary i. % A $60. The teacher, without investigating the Retirdon, of Met»mera, and, after some matter, thought the little Bad was play- difficulties, the couple were married. YOU WASTP, that much if' you BUY any OTHER, and you LO ing with his handkerchief, instead of The courtship was conducted entirely PrintIlL.Ag m NOT tiET SO GOOD a con+-hitse! studying his lessons, and she gave him by letter, the woman having answered such a punishment on the bare hands ail an advertisement for a .wife. Ap- Job T M. `'i)(%',tLIAMS AIFG. CO., Limited that he was unable to close his •fingers pmrently Ole dealt quite frankly with joWlWrite to -day. MONTRIAL, P. Q. for the balance of the day. her correspondent on all subjects but Mrs. McIntosh, Ilrerhnron, had a very that of age, for when Winebloon, who In this progressing age a business firm cannot afford to use confesses 'to forty-one years, saw his poor printing. The quality of its stationer is the index to its exciting time recently with a wildcat. p p g q y y -'" °•� " " `°"" For some time she was woudering what bride elect, who A fifty, he was about to 1 worth. Customers and the; public generally want no better was happening to her turkeys which retreat from the contract, blit changed Sian than neat and attractive printing. THE TIMES were strangely disappearing, when, on his mind when convinced that his bride b p g going out one morning she discovered had a $1,000 bank account. Winebloom Presses are prepared to furnish just what is wanted in ' the cause was a lean hungry looking is an unsophisticated farmer, who has wildcat, which made off at her approach, probably never been off the feta a U.H.PA.N.S �'� ^ but which the do not liking his a. dozen times. �� .si6.14I-A pearance, took after and chased it into a Letter Heads Statements tree, Finally dislodged from his posi- tion the cat was rankinga track for Only%Little bsaeknche - Bili Heads Mernorandunls liberty and was again nailed by the clog. Thnt is the first unntista.knble find s. mptoin of difienSed Man^;r„ iii ailment Dote Heads Envelopes The dog was getting the worst, of it, iji . ' ' ® �� which no one can neglect without in- fect the cat was teal,-inl;• •for the fence. viting Bright's disease, diabetes, igen- f c wbell Mrs. Mrintos'h came to the rescue mutism and the const painful and fatal And all OfflCe SIIPPIIeS. and a largo stone dropped upon . hib cat- maladies use Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver 1011 and oa can he certain of prompt ship's head settled the conflict. i s y i reli4 and cure. flue pill a close, 26 cents The essential lnuf(•hc•aling principle of a box. ) A, Go() dcy NLP prop trey has finally been perfSc- • • fully Feparated and rrfined into a perfect �ii�c��� crlttlh inec?ie}ut+. Dr. 'Wood's Norway 13obcayBean Independent: There is ng fine Syrnp. Sold by all dealers on a• no businesq in existenco, that is so much I ftilaralitfe of Fatisfaction, Price 25 run upon by people of gall ns that of is not always the best kind to et but if `oil et good rintin and at at, cents. !' 3 g' g p, ipti nowspaperitig'., A newspaper is conduct• moderate price, you will then have the best. We halve every facility for ��� The public school board of Seaford ed like evPry other business, to obtain a ttalrning out good work in the shortest time. The office is equipped with. have concluded engagements with all profit. It has a certain quantity of fast jobbers, card and paper cutters, stapling Milebine and all modern;' the tenehers to compose the staff for the space which it offers to the public for conveniences. ruonit4a lout euiiit• ray ti�+trw om rotelptofpria, u,rs is Macle oil tivet uut of the Soparato to put n e" Y i111," A peexet, is & i11ar- F brtheitip.o. heaitatce°,It.�insa9t.,NewYorkCity, I school being established there. rPhe vel. Local loachestaro too uunierotiitfor salaries have also been materially retiuc- tiny paper to speak of, and rho number %� FIC ed, that of the 1Yrir'i fpal by 0150; rile cif gall factories that endenvor to platy �...! F E first araistant by $60, and, each of the the'pro ars of the Provinco foie tools is y��•,•�, _ others by $1i5. legion. INGILAM, O ,i I _ neat year. the following fire the names advertising purposes, at a certain rate. ' J r For -Principal, � with the stipulated salary for each; T. llfeffort, T'.iplPv, salary, That apace is what it line to ,sell, and tnalte its living, A grocer has tens tend - - • , r �j�� j� �, T I F YOU - 4f Co; first a6sistnnt, Miss Annie'C>V'atson, sugars for sale, the clothier lifts clothing e,r ,r r ` � 1 `T - ;1300; second nssistant, Miss Minnie file- to sell. Let any one enter a shop and progratli1lles Mrcdding Stationery ; I(ay, ;3s%co; third assistant, Miss Jellitie Ballantyne $275; fourth assistant, Miss ask for ten or twelve pounds of tear or a suit of clothes, and say he will be pleas, Catalogues Businc ;s Notices Adaljenttio$27f,, pritnnrydepart tent, A. And he w be Oalendars or Auction Bills Ten nor itM trap at Gtrtkete iiesEstnisi6f ' lsnm* l thus Ni1•s.Coultt $300. The staff will h k- Out Or would be kicked int or firrested n5 a would - 5ora'alt saloEsre, xt"wa i., t e wtn�itd n'eo ` o teachers, one fewer be composed of six to reduction - lunatic. Yet the number of people pilo GIVE E °(J e� A CALL. dOu y�ivee t u nil aa�a>°d� a cin. than fcrosed tulle in noel-' will aril,- for tho use of the paper's space, ruonit4a lout euiiit• ray ti�+trw om rotelptofpria, u,rs is Macle oil tivet uut of the Soparato to put n e" Y i111," A peexet, is & i11ar- F brtheitip.o. heaitatce°,It.�insa9t.,NewYorkCity, I school being established there. rPhe vel. Local loachestaro too uunierotiitfor salaries have also been materially retiuc- tiny paper to speak of, and rho number %� FIC ed, that of the 1Yrir'i fpal by 0150; rile cif gall factories that endenvor to platy �...! F E first araistant by $60, and, each of the the'pro ars of the Provinco foie tools is y��•,•�, _ others by $1i5. legion. INGILAM, O ,i I