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The Wingham Times, 1901-11-01, Page 9
'1111{4 W INGIIA.N 7`1,11 +I NOV. !, The IQa(le4vor public service held in liittr.QlcaYi.. 1r �j FROM NEIGHBORS f')alviri vii Flida evenin vas well at- (�I � OUR y g+ The anuiv�exea�'servicas ial tllo eras•� HE,,1, ,A./ �J tended. Mr. John Mcliay 8111 Mr. and byteriau church on Sunday last, we '70 x Mrs. Stailtor, 0f Whitechnrcli, anti St. largely attended, Rev Prof. Balla n• Isaias for ��trds' Holell's cil0ir assisted veli efficiently ill tyno of Toronto preached elognent ser• Qrl�$$ 1QQd5 � STORE 1=Qr IQ hla 7 filo rendering of the program. Rev, goons at both services, The fine Malcolm of Teeswater, addressed the weather added much to the suceesa, both 1 '1 EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS, YY � , YE atutionce on ponsecratiol s Power. ill members and finance. Tho annivoraary services of Westfield MONEY � PRICES churchpl1 ,aiundtiy lA6G were YNry Bile• 1x1:LENfi. 1iP11at Wzdemwako T1mes Cgrrespottdents Communicate- Otherc0ssful, also the concert of Monday sr,evening, Rev, Millyard, of Exeter,, Rev S. bT. Whaley, B. A„ tools Rev Under Items Clipped "Froin Our Ex'obanges, conducted the services of Sabbath. The Mr Larkin's work in Seaforth on pricel ood� the tlthemee of each,addloss being, +"ThD e Sunday, _. Miss Martin, Teeswater, s Unchange a b i e 11 e s s of God," Our' , was the guest annttl,sTplyN. When at lase the car is filled, when the I+'atller's Caro," and "Decision of Earth- of Mrs A. McDonald last week, Miss Caraie Mitchell of Brussels was train with its living burden has disap-. ly or Heavenly Gain," The choir and Frank Weatherhead, of Auburn, was 50 yards Fancy Plaid (wide), regular price 50e, for $ :0 85 visiting her aunt, Mrs, James. Strachen Feared down the shining track, the pro- MissD' Ila Patterson sang very creditably a caller in the village on Tuesday of last 1 piece Velvet I+rnish Black Henrietta, regular price;l, for 75 ., week, 1 Piece Gray Twaed Dress Goods, regular price 35e, for, . , 25 over Sunday, fits and losses are counted up; the far- Oil each occasion, The evening service 6 pieces 54 -inch Ladies' Cloth, regular price 650, for .. 50 Mr.. and Mrs, Len Browli and daughter mer slowly wends his way hon,oward was closed with 1t tenor solo, "Jesus, W. 0. Webb, who went .oil the 1 piece Fancy Plaid (wide) Cloth, regular price 40c, for ... 25 1 of Wroxeter, visited at Richard Miller's with a pleased and happy senile upon his Lover of My Soul, Q' accompanied by Manitoba excursion, returned on i piece Black Serge, all wool, regular: price GOc, for .. , 50 •over Sunday. sun -browned countenance and the ponce 'Annie Laurie." The Clinton Male Thursday; J, McPherson returned last Piece Fancy Black and White Mohair, regular price 50u, 35 and n' wools, 1 Piece Tweed Skirting, regular price 35e, for ....... . ..... 25 Airs. Bush has returned to her home q itness which had been so rudely Quartette, which supplied the music on 5 pieces Frieze Suiting, regular price $1,25, for , , ...... 1 00 in Frankfort, after spending the summer disturbed, avain settle for another week. Monday evening, was something new Miss Maggie Wellwood and her friend, with her father, Mr, George Ruttan. Rev, Dr, Moffatt, the general agent and grand. Proceeds $185,00. Miss F. Turner,'of Donnybrook' spent Ladies' Wrappers. Rev. John Ross of Brussels tied the for the Upper Canada Bible and Tract Mr. Wm, Beecroft is speudiug it few Saturday and Sunday at the home of W. Well made, lined, full wide Skirt with deAp frill, choice matrimonial knot between Miss Maggie Society, delivered his annual address in weeks at his brother's, Mr.. Thomas Wellwood sou. 30, patterns, fast colors, regular $2,00, while they fact ..; 1 50 Simpson and Mr. John Montgomery last the Presbyterian church here on Wed, Beecroft, of Barrie. We hope the Below we give the results of the LatlJos' and Children's Underwear.. Wednesday evening. l=esday night. A more extended notice change improves his. health. October exams for our school: Jr. II to All sizes and qualities. Pries range thus-l5c, 20o, 25c, Mr, Richard Bennett of the Kloudyke will be given next week. Quite a number of the 10th people at- Sr. II, marks obtainable, 630, to pass 30e, 35o, 40c, 50e, 60x, 75c, $1.00, Ai.25. See our Sundayed at William Wright's. Those people who are wont to remark tended the anniversary services of 315 : Chrisie Miller 403, Janie Webb Special Fleeced Line at . , . , , , , , ; , , • , • , , , • • , . , , . , • , • $ 0 25 Miss Tillie MCCntCheon of Turnberry upon the manners of those who partake Whitechurch on Sunday, also those of 393; Sr. II to Jr, III: Archie Aitchison Ladies' anti Children's Hose. spent a few days with her cousin, Miss of the free lunch at the Model Farm Belgrave oil the same date. 497, Johnnie Miller 453, Lizzie Anderson In great variety. We carry a. large stock of tl1A best males. Eliza Reid. ever summer are respectfully requested Rev. Dr. Moffat addressed, the con- 469' Tena Ellis 359, Laura Archer 399, Sao our leader, worth 35c, our price 25c. Have just ordered 10 Albert Willis has gone to Nevar, Mus- to direst their attention to that edifying l;rogations pf Brick church and qulviuRobert Durnin 416, Irene Weatherhead dozen more; they are, surprising value. , ' koka to build a evening on on his recently display of bad manners which took place on Tuesday eveninou behalf of mis- 426; Jr. III to S1.III, marks obtainable Men's Gloves and Diitts. -purchased farm. at the reception given by the Duke and cions. 835, to pass 418: Althea Oliff 517, Agnes Our stock of Gloves is large and eon,plAtA With the latp d; Duchess of Cornwall during their visit Miss Alice 'Tisdale, of 'Wingham, Cliff 486,lJohn Aitchison 534, Herman ai=d best goods. Prices are 25c, 350, 50.0, 75c, $1,00, to Toronto. In the eager desire shown spoilt Sunday at her home, also Gordon Phillips 349, Sara Durnin 556, Mamie $1,75, $1.95. wHIT1 CKURCH. by almost everyone, to see, at the ex. Wightman, Will Taylor and Melbourne Weatherhead 551., Rosswell Rutherford Men's Underwear. Twelve pages in the Timms this week. Pense of others )night be drawn a fitting McDowell, of Goderich Collegiate. 644• Marry Theriff 518, Cleve Joynt 528. At Special Out Prices, 'See our Unshrinkable Elastic Rib (Tiger Com Of 18 wilting, all were successful with Brand), special at 75c.Our new story begins nest week. comparison with the actions of their hdi t good standing. Blankets 1 Blankets I The name in A. D. Beaton's advertise- humbler brethren. Many were so over- gb uient was slightly mixed last week. He come in the crush that they had to be MORRIS. C, A. TuBBUTT, Teacher. We have just opened, up a large ease of fine Wool yes yon bargains just the same, earned away and one lady had her dress The Wright farm in Morris was sold -r Blankets. Prices are $2,50, $3.00, $3.25, $3.0`0, $4.00, $4 50 We are agents for the 1+'lorida Blanket, size 68x88, worth Presbyterian church d their so badly torn that she had to fight her recently to Mr. John McMillan, who USTOWEL. $4.00, our price ............................... . .... 3 50 anniversary on Sunday aucr Monday, way out and gp home. The next morn- owns the adjoining farm, for $3435. Col Dent, accompanied by Major last, and are highly elated over the ing the floors were covered with heads, is only Mausley, was in town on Monday and Fresh Groceries. success. The weather smiled upon them, jets, etc., which had been torn off in the one mile from Blyth. -acres and Tuesday.Laundry Starch, per pouncl ...... • . ................. . . . .. $0 05 Last week Mrs. win. GeddesJr., judging horses for South Fresh Figs, per pound ....... , the crowd came, and the finances grew c0nfiict. The same'spirit which animates + j '•+ e• Africa.- About 275 horses were put up Clothes Pins • " • "' """ • " " " " " " 05 t eeivecl the sad tidings of the death of her' , per dozen.... , .. , , ... • • • . , , , , , , , , , • • • • , • • • , 01 wonderfully, , Excellent sermons were he patron of the lunch counter to eat, a for examination, but most of these were Fresh Salmon, per tin ............ . . ........... 10 listened to on Sunday by Revs. MacKa regardless of propriety was shown• by brother, Henry Armstrong Clark, sou of 0111 for Pearl Tapioca, per pound, ,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , ; ; , , ; • , y pprobatign,and on this account Pearl 'Uncolored Japan Tea .................. '•'•'.•• 05 'Wm. Clark a former resident of the 5th p 10 pounds Rolled Oats for . • •' . • . • ... • • • 25 of Woodstock and west of Bluevale -rho guests at the. receptioa only. in : a there were only about 100 accepted. line of Morris, Deceased had sue to P 25 The entertainment on Monday eveni different way, and they are the more to g Messrs. Kidd, -.Hay and Brown were the 10 bars Laundry Soap for .......... . ... . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . r 1.9 was a grand suttees. There was a large blame, for they kayo had many sopor- Chieagu about fourteen years ago and buyers. Messrs: Climie and Telfer also Al quality Cheese, per pound crowd and a, good urogram of ad- tunit'ies for knowing better, frutu thence to walla walla, was king- accompanied the major from Montreal. Large Tin Pure Baking Powder . . . ....... . . . . ...... 15 dresses and magic. Mable Thomas has returned from ton 'Ty. Whr-re previous to his death Seldom has there been such alar a Mixed Pickles, per bottle ................ 13 g Brunswick Sardines, per tin , • • , . • • , , Miss hu heti charge of a traction engine iu , ...... . ..... . . . . . . . . . pu Mr. Frank Henry,resident of the Grant} galley ,where she had been spend- ' faucial in town as that of Mrs. T, Later, ll Grape Nuts, per package ... , , .. , r creamery, has been lei; Harlistou, in- b gl her comnection with a threshing outfit. The • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • .. 15 y ' in w weeks. SliO was accompanied • , � fully seventyfiva carriages following the a Kippered Herring, per cin ............ .................... 10 s , etin the cold storage e sy6•tonl 'in Y uncle, Mr. Thomas west who 'ng' was 1 leitlg drawn by a team of remains to their last resting r lace at pe g g + 1 P _ Highest Price Paid for Produce. g, g pointers on ,what stayed ae�v-cls s here, horses to Walla Walla to be re- elg tt their.buildin to et s y � Fairview cemetery. Rev. H. Irvine, _ .. Paired' Clark ridiog the wheel horse king o€ system to establish in the' new Rev. W. J. west tools part in the su. pastor of the Methodist church, conduct- niversar services of .the Wrfitechurch and when going down• steep grade . he ed the funeral service. factory, Y neglected putting on the brakes think- , yy Presbyterian church on Sunday lifter- Mr. decide Martins condition has yi, av lag ha could hold it back with his horses Goo . ' noon last and• he also delivered an ad- taken a decided taro for the better, and • m but it got beyond his control, `1'1,0 his recover ' ISARD SLUEVA I . dress at the entertainment which was y is looked upon now as being Mrs, John. "Diment, we are' sorry to given on Mondaynight. seven horses managed to escape but the certain. + linbham'S Bri�i>tteStt0re. �adli£ of Hamilton. state, is still very ill, • Mrs. -R, Musgrove visited the Pan eighth horse was killed instantly and About twelve o'clock Saturday night,pp' Mr. John Burgess was iii Brantford American last week. She was accom- .Clark's arm and leg was badly mangled. Mr. Alf. Clemenshaw. night rpatCllmall . He, was taken to Walla Walla 1106 =sal proceeding X11. I Al 011,16 �: �S l.3pYYiiild,Fi49 iB.T,P!'diSG 1. i!ri:YflYl iY l u � �. I i ni Yyll tl�! . YI Y IIP iY i I lYil i l ll .Vl tli d : I n II Yd i G , last week, auditing the books of the pal,ied by Mrs. T. Farrow of Brussels. p at the tannery, heard'a'uoiso roceediu Canadian Order of Forestdrs, Mr. Askins of Teeswater visited 'at where he died two hours later, Septem- from the park grounds, which is the be'r Gth. At the time of his death he "' P Mr. John'Bosmau of Wingham, - for- . John Wasman's on'Sunday and address ' next property to the tannery.' Upon in _ .. merly for many years a resident of Blue• ed the Bible class 0f the Methodist Sun- was a member of good standing in the vestigation, Mr. Clemenshaw found that vale, is very ill, day school in the afternoon. Oddfellow's lodge of Idaho. His re- a horse owned by Allan George, which � ' mains were interred in Willa Walla�� `1 sL� Mr. Joe Yeo is visiting _friends in Those weather prophets who foretell a was pasturing there, had stepped on a (v..� !f'7 (ct cemetery. Il �Pindsor; Out. _ severe . winter from fila -large crop of board covering a well, which was rotten } i The anniversary services of the Metho- nuts have a pretty save thing of it. It One more of Huron's pioneers has de- and was making futile efforts to free + parted this 11-10. Mr. Henry did . . enry Perdue e dist church will be held on Sunday, isn't generally very risky to predict aitself,. He quickly called for help and _ Wovember 17th, when Rev. I. B. Wall- severe winter or a hot summer in this I on Friday last in his 71st year. He was the horse was removed without suffer- i win. will reach, On the Monde even- count one of the pioneer residents of Morris p y_ country. ing any serious injui_v. We desire to thank our customers for the in following a tea.will be • and highly respected b all tvho knew g b' given, & Y P Y + him. The family is all growl, up.; The I patronage they have extended to us during the Mr, P. Wheeler , and family intend funeral on Sunday was one of the VORDWIC11. movininto P. Wheeler's house shortly. EAST wA1VANOSH, largest, ever seen in this locality, and Messrs. Charles nig letoft of London past three years. We have appreciated very John Haney has returned from his few Mr. Edward Haines, of the gravel g y' P much the way you have stuck to US, riOtWith- showed the dee respect for the deceased and William Mu letoft of Mount Forest, j' montlis labor in the "Pest. He 'reports road, .neat• Wingl,am,. has got moved p P P hard work but ; ood. a What more and deep sympathy for the sorrow spent from Saturday until Monday with standing the en�leaVOC t0 belittle our business g pay. into his new dwelling. This' house is stricken. their brother Goor a in the could be desired. built of concrete, and the work is well gvillage. Miss Minnie Coad 'of Trowbrid 'e was ♦ Miss McKee of Gorrio spent a few Methods and business. Trowbridge 'done, as is also the wood wont on both last, week. days the latter part of last week visit - visiting friends in Bluevald, the interior and exterior of the ]louse. witoXETER. It assures us, moreover, that we still lead Mrs.Frazer, sr., who has spent the Mr. Charles Adams, of wingllam, had Miss A. Carey of Palmerston, niece of ing at the home of her brother, Mr. G. E. McKee. and that the largeness of our stock gives us the last few months with relatives and charge of the wore: and a look at the J. Brethaner, was the guest of her uncle Mr. Blake Cook has so far recovered ClVileoe Of 5elllna file same woods a little friends in Manitoba, returned home last house would convince any person that last Sunday. P a c week.from his illness that he left for Toronto lie is a first-class workman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black of Bluevale was cheaper than our opponents. A look through is Regularly once a week, the peace and Mrs. Haines will ]lave a very comfort- the guest of her mother, Mrs, John on Monday to take his place in the drug g quietness which usually preyades the able home. store again, evidence that we if anything, exceed in beauty Robertson, o, Tuesday. ' )' g+ }' Mr. B. S. Cool: and daughter spent t little red station house and yard isbrolten Mr. and Mrs. James Scott.ire all Mrs. Smillio'andson of Morris were of exhibit, workmanship and value. ,) Sunday and Monday in •Berlin. ' by a scene of bustl0 and activity which smiles, all oil account of a littte girl the guests of John Robertson on Sander- Miss Katie Smith visited her sister in We have been Keeping pretty quiet in the recalls the day when Bluevale had am- that came to gladden their home, son street on 'Tuesday last. Mildmay on Sunday. bitions and when a brass band and a fall Mr. and Mrs. James Bone are also the Mr, Richard Rann and family were way of booming our business, because we have show numbered themselves among her proud owners of a wee girl.... Mr. Arthnr visiting on the 9tb of Turnberry on been kept at it, but now we are going t0 Work attractions, and' by the way, the fall Kingsbury engaged with Mr, Wm. Snell Sunday last. HOWICK. show was nothing to be ashamed of to cut wood. Bili knows when he has There was no school on Wednesday, , Mr. William Chapman of Newbridge through the newspaper and show you that we can either. The heads that planned it might a good man. owing to so many children being sick; arrived home on Friday last from Eng- - puff a little, and on good foundation. have graced a wider sphere of usefulness Mr. Charles Black returned home from some with the measles. laud where h0 has been apenditlg,1the , in the show business but they devoted Manitoba. He speaks well of the Miss Aggie Hastings is visiting Mrs, past few months with his parents and W e do picture framing while you wait. all their energies to the task before them country and people but thinks there is R. Rana, her sister. relatives. His many friends are glad to You may have picture home with you sarne day. and their hard work brought its reward, no place like home. Rev. Mr. Brown of Bdlgrave occupied see him back again looking so well. The day of special attractions was yet Mr. David S. Scott bought a handsome the pulpit in the Methodist church last I n order to lease our customers and our in its infancy,but the show committee , Sabbath, Mr. C• Leopard of Molesworth ossa- _ p driver at Mr. George Henrys pale pied the pulpit in the Methodist church competitors we have marked our goods in lain with that originality and longheaded• Messrs. Charles Wightman and David Airs. Thos. Rae was in Listowel on ' P ness which characterized all their actions Scott each disposed of a horse last week y, g , Robt, at Orange Hill last Sunday, in the ab- the guest her figures and at the bottom price, such as : had this feature of the fair specially • to a Blyth buyer for a handsome figure. Mr. A. A. Esty of the walker House Bence of the pastor who conducted an - marked on their programmes and the The right kind of horses are scarce and was at Newbridge this week, an- niversary services at Lucknow. Odd Dressers for .............. $ 3 60 financial returns showed the wisdom of prices good. Two nieces of Gliver Smith from Galt #Mr. A. t1. Wilson, of Springbank, sold Mattress for .................. 1 95 having a calithumpiau exhibition and a Mr. Wm, Lockhart. who has been are visiting at the former place, his fast horse the other day to Brussels Couches in Velure for.......... 5 'l5 , baby show as a relief from the monotony visiting at Mr.. Mol fur some Henry Smith is very low at present. man. Common Beds as low ..as ........ 1 25 of prize cabbages and cozy quilts. Alas, time, has returned to his home ill Mus- Mr, W. A. Edwards and wife of Ford- A pie social in the interests of the Ep• Common Suites as low as ... ... 1 25 3814evole will never again have a fall koka, wick were tyle guests of Neil White on worth League was held oh the 17th con. show I'm afraid, but the time still lives Mr. and Mrs. Huge= Halliday, of Turn- Sunday. on Tuesday evening, at the residence of Spring Beds as low as ....... , . , 1 25 green in. our memories when Arch, berry, spent 'Sunday with Mrs. Halli• Mr. Charles Wendt of Mildmay called Mr. James Wright. Extension Table as low as ...... 3 25 Patterson's trotter wolf the tin medal in , his John W©ndt Mdays parents, Mr., and Mrs, Peter oil s son on Monday. .110 -Parlor Suites, in velure covering. 13 25 file 9 -free-for-all" event, four times to Mason. Mrs. Gavin Davidson was in Gorrie on 31ake ittiero ]clutter. Easy Chairs, in velure .......... 2 90 the grave yard and back and Duff's cow Monday evening. The Montreal Butter and Cheese As Few Kitchen Chairs left at...... 20 Miss 14Ya1•y I+'otllergill is ill with , was adorned with the rod ticket, not The Editor of the Mildmay Gazette sociation advises the farmers- 'to turfs typhoid -pneumonia at present 3t die- Seeretarys for ............. , .. 2 75 only for her good: points as a dairy gill- gave our town a call last Monday. their attention to butter more y ' vase ce which her sister >;nima is coli- general) Good Arm Chair .... . ..... ... final but as a recognition of her firmness case of w Mr. HOlines of Luoknow shipped a car for the tension that the consumption of 90 of character and her adroitness in open- load of apples from the station here, choose is not increasing, hitt diminishing, Rockers to match .............. 95 ing raidso nnillga fes and cabbage loan midnight Asa A>� of herillness. re is fmpr0ving Wm, Bennett of Gorrie was in tbwlf while the consumption of finest creamery ver slowl'ou •can Make no mistake in buying g g $ell Tuesday, on business. butter is rapoly growing; that the price this pleasant retrosp9ot has led us from Mr. James Robinson and Mr. Alex, Little Charli0 "Town is still improving, of butter is higher Oil an average all the upholstered goods from us, r,= the subject in hand. Wm. Jewitt s Lushman spent part of last week In J. Brethauer has ereoted a drive house year round than cheese, for the We do rust what we say.. Vile keg in weekly shipment o4 Hogs from our , Buffalo. to keep ills buggy in. J }'• p i y manufacture of butter is more profitable station gives Bluovole quite a bnsinoss- A number of the loth people attended Mr. Edward Barnard has the plaster, than cheese. stock what we advertise, like air. During the early morning, the the wedding of Miss Zeila Simpson of era at work oil his house. tall pig racks with their squealing in. Amestowil, oil Wednesday, Some of the farmers have firiahed mates go lumbering past. From the The boys who went to Manitoba have taking up their rests. F. s, Scott, of Brussels, will act as shipping yard, come the stern command had their tickets oxtonded for another � -T-- township clerk for (Grey township during � • alker Bros. ou Button, of the shippers mingled with the shrill month, We believe that owing M ail .. the absonco of Clerk $p6nce, of protests of the porkers, while the full outbreak of small -pot in DolorainO, they beau extensively used for Allf o�rntli of thr at a� who 9065 to Color'adb Springs Seeking w x IN G H •A• M 0 N T A R 1 0 Y wagona come ani the eutpty wagons go, are compelled to bo vaccinated. bronchial truublm All Druggists. � health, p g g L