The Wingham Times, 1901-11-01, Page 8t
B $l LEAD-11
tnd inntstmade, afire Inty moititl Matt« I AiRy#•NG ilii THl* 1iE T.
''-`A`�', e�.$'*�+1�? .i+1,i;?�„�'�, �� }.�. tittit.'S f ...�-.-=•.,,w..•
eOPPE� have Wen false, and 8ciuA yIxtyni.s. J. A..itud�tick, ,Fi.•as1stalit 4)a;W1AlGa
�T PRXCI';5. � �t���i. liana been known io a,etuatly pity ttn,.! lautry Gtztitmis�sioitx*R, is bark from
"'^— " earwr d divixiends. in order to sell their'
' �[�� titGti]C. Ia'ox Instance, niwn t'�i tTililla, DrItisl4 ('pllltll'l }:t, lYi},'re btP Instituted �
Dealers, s Treaty—The
"i•n t p a travelling da'r school, under the i
Wiugilstln. l Rttia!{ 11 !, tiou in court, Lbo 11}i)% -t ger of on of � y
direetiaa of J. 1e. Ila>kills. 1144 C, W.
thC45;` Cp3ilj}flirts xerully stated uix, t •t� ('r'
RiRARTt Mornings para uaq Route►iitiitert � 111uc1)ctigall, ttya eAant):'tcxit Iilatrucr,>-
di*r oath that the �r�dend declared era from, •tlxti nortil west Territor-
Ben rw,re gild out of tlix caItitl Inv, .
-L 9 to 12. p u+lQ$ " able, the claims, are of very little les, Classes have batvu held lit Vic, .
-. value. torla. Voi'i}ox and lhmy Wteestp}4nater,
Ter. Very Rftsonxble., concerning which very sutlsfaotor ...
The North�West Boundary liner Tltt dlscu Orth and who
t, nine „ r y
' Amtn•ic:i�n soldiers w14o' fell tt:t file TePori.s hove beext received. The ill..
� • E• I'T;1OR. E. Patrick St, goitre of I.undy's 1;amt, Iti C;�nuda,and atructors will •loo in"t to l Aderby, in ,
the ]kindly feeling in the matter m4ni, . t1w Okanagan Valley, and tile achc:ol
Ii BALE.--Oarniown,or ulk W%.Abcr;onlot, �"� will b'� domed riga the fll.}•.st rveelti of
s ixiiles frttzn torvtx, izx '1'ttrntbotzy T>. fasted by the Dominion, has led to au A'c+va4nbax. Dir, Ruddlek visited o
ukbhrix4ftW:large framehouse; 6•eodsoa. A Warnill Aeainst Certain Kion-
a�eeilelxtRrale farm; -viii i sold cheap agitation hexa far the eleCtloxz of a number of agriculturpl oxhibitions
cxn tarry terms, The it ti of this lot joint manumout to the American and
skcr{!t a very tleaital)le pro 'rty.
pple to tiur!l►`g ills stay in B:rltiall Coluan, ..
Iiulxaxagu,Reittzr`itateaniiptoaxidsei V,h;s• qt�{�, ���t(�pr �j0m afjle$••--- Canadian soldiers who strugl;ictl to.
tan Block, winghum• p bill, and noticed several fine digpluya
getl4er there. Of course, thetlerml.,
i+ of vegetables, Butter and fruit. Tile
.••"»'•,. ....,.rt._..,,,r..,-' '.-.Pensions to La"OdIan Bice AE calsada -vaulel have• to b' ob, quality of the butter :rwatS eatcellextl,
tallied, but it is thought first tura I3xitlsit Columbia is ntttlt%ii,g r>o>:,
t'„�� �,,,..•.-•,,,�..,�" I ----,-, would b: little difficulty about this, .
sidorable ra„
, ,•. �`,r 111 view QS On Itn1th 4,1 time t1w taxis P mass ]n cla'lryl�ta, said I M E S
-fr yV asttngton, I3.i~., Oiitob3t 18, 14101.
4 —IC �Tr, Audd4ck, although tl;at' progress '
• <.. , F 't Proves, as sugge�ted in tit13 tor, All, pd since tilt: battle and the is sametrttctt slaw. The reRsenu for
resp,cmdenee last week, that the all k]xtdly Feeling now existlpg batrveen t'hfs
IT l'AXB SN 'NUBENA. �" ( is' that -,lb is def-
aci abstract of the canal treaty sent the two p opus C LU I N (G
ficult to brans; the load under culti,
Have you seen thecatalottge of the out from, this city, was largely a tnat,l Pcrosions issued to Canadians; O,rF: vaticta, owing to filo heavy timL):r.
ANADA BUSINESS COLJUEGE, tex of guess work by enterprising cox: ginal-- Jahn II, Fraser, Liverpool, Tilers are six oto tjl. h !n Alteratlo .
O$ATaAM, ONT. Nova Scotia, $8 ; Johu. Van Normals,
If not, you are not rt familiarwith ith the best resp idents. The actual treaty has in the, Province, all doing ie
da him to offer in the lines of .6.nels not yet bac n put inbosliaps and xvill Bell,^.ville, Ozxtaxlo, 5G; Cllest4r DSc, T t a elle est_
tWag, Shortlssnd or Peantausbi , Hemmingford, bttsuness, Their fatal output
P snot b, until naxt Month when Lord Ginnis, Hemmin ford, QueWe-, $6; Wehave suppplied more teachers for other ' Wcrtlld probably be about half a mi],
essschoolrthannilother Caxadian busi- Plauncelote will take the matter• up James Gordon, Ottawa, .s - Tuorease,
colleges combined. • with. the State Department. eta,— Joseph , Ilan. pounds, The. product was sold to
SM of our pupils secured goal positions dur pa tinent. This is p ,W atexlWuse, J, almer_
the past year. 13eitd for this list and hand- Ston, Ontario,$ ; Allan London, Ot_ merchants for thirty cents s pound,
not to say, h•awtiver, th0-FF E S
at the abstract
e catalogue, and by the latter .retailed at 35 cents..
Good board for Indies at$'.2.00per week,Sputa -vas not substantially correct; -what taws, 810; John Goldsmith, Toronto, , Ruddick before returning i. '.60, Rte ay railway fare ug to K If circum- Ontario, IO ; b'rodcriGk Flarris, Ltto, ing visited
neeswi Inotallowyoutoa •tend atChatharn, indications th.�re have been in regard
�F Acall get INSTRUCTION BY 31AIL, in $pox- to the contents of the ;Future treat p:a, Ontario, $12, Samuel I•ew!".'Wind_ all the Government creameries in .
PING, SHORTHANt) and PENMANSHIP feOM y --or, Ontario, $10; l3ent•y� Renzichau_ tho NA'rtb,wes't Territories. Their.
ado's greatest school of Business, bar ad- ;shows that the published 'provisions p year -vas over 600 - --=
e�s4n total output last
ii Dfi IttCeLAC13LAx & CO., Chatham, Out. are not very -vide of tate d re y to sent, rd, B Colin, Quebec, $ ,John S. 000 lbs., but. this rieasota the total - - - � � � !� � � � 1a"'
dent R•aasevelt has stated freely to Howard, Berlin, Ontario, $8. quauitity of butter procluded will be
callers within the pbk, week that the much larger. A-fost of the butter was
i 0. OLAIRKE ne�v treaty would br submitted to 0' �d disposed of at good prices !n British
y the Senate when 'Congress meets in YOuN . Columbia. Theigxeater number of mu j�/� �Y 77 '}
Deceutbsi, and that it would be thor_1PALE �+■ RLS
thO Narth--rest cream,erleo are mgtiv THE TIMES announces. aces. the fol'"
t ?. TAILOR oughly satisfactory to the A.mericazl
14 people. A study of Mr. Roosevelt's i HOW THEY MAY GAIN BRIGHT free.from debt, having repaid the
s " well known attitude on canal topics, EYES AND ROSY CHEEKS. loan -which they received from the lowing clubbing oilers or
' Government. Some nava paid off as
in connection with the thoroughly un_
We have placed in stock a - in ntut=h aa,$3,000 Sl�toe they b?. -an 'per_
<< 'atce, assortment of read to- dirsteod position of ilia Senate and THISSTOR , A. YOUNG GIRLWHO sUFEIt- _ations four years ago. Settlement is
y' the people on the same subjeet,seems ED FRO,rI HEADACHES, DIZZINESS ANDing l y ,rapidly in the ter_ 1901-"*"� o2
tuk' Aare• vel •
{tgear clothing, and while we to demonstrate that the actual treaty FAINTING :SPELL$—HER HEALTH BE- xi or many of Che ]le-r^COmers haft_
90 not pretend to sell at less cannot differ very widely from the CAME So BAD THAT SHE WAS FORCED M1
than cost and live on the loss alleged abstract. ,T.he prospects for TO GIVE UP SCHOOL. imb crossed the line from. the United
s States. There ate also a great num_
• the• canal are now considered to ba Miss Catherine McLellan is a young br of foreigners, y
roll will find full value for your g:iL rs, unaai of whom are
y very bright, Nor !s there way part!_ lady well known in Charlottetown, P:E. doing -veli. !ice•- ,�••— !V
`•.�iane� every time. I-•• d tl t d 1 •
k -
oular doubt . that the -Nicaraguan
•r an Brea y es same among let so -
i Giro us a call. See what
route will b:!ac
chosen, despite the ft
gaatntances. Like so many other young
' f ,
' Ve have in Men's, in' Youths>
ibat M. Florio, prsident of the
ladies throughout the land Miss DSc-
g ,
i nd in- Children's, all new and
rtlnama Company. is in the city now,
trying to sell.his ditch to the Govern_
Lellan fell a victim to anaemia, or poor-'
tress of ills blood, and' although several
{p -to -date goods.
numt. The details: of his proposition
medicines were tried, she found nothing
are not well understood, but M.Hui_
F We have -also a line of odd f !•n has the co-operation, to
to help her until she began using Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,
arments, Trousers, Vests,
some ex-
tint, of the Drench Embassy. He has
Miss DScLellan tells the Story of her
,iCyClt Suits, Overalls, etc.
been in Washington heretofore dur_
illness, as folio-vs:—'elan now eighteen
ins the efforts at canal legislation,
years of age, and for a considerable
it.. //''11
but his efforts have always been far
time suffered moon from anaemia. AS y
blood had almost turned to water, and I
r `.i .
a sort of partnership arrangement
by which the 1 nited Status should
was very weak and pale; in fact could
text door to Griffin's Royal
b:* allowed to have shares in: a com_
not undergo the least exertion. M
(1 Grocery..
pony organized, tiyr more correctly;
appetite failed tae; I suffered from
perhaps, reorganized, for completing
headaches; if I stopued I would become
the big ditch, which Frenchmen have
dizzy, and. frequently I suffered from
I b:ezl working on for many years.
fainting spells.' I tried several kinds of
medicine and doctors prescribed for me,
s>rrvey of the boundary line be_
tween British Columbia, Assini_
but instead of getting better I was
boia and Alberta on the one hand,and
graduallygrowingweaker, and eventual,
ly had to discontinue going to school.
a ®� t
Washington, Idaho and Ma ontanon
the other, has proceeded fax enough
About this time I read the testimonial
ro Shaw that the old boundary line
of n girl whose condition was similar to
This wool spell will
was laid down. with substantial ac-
mine, who had been cured by Dr. Wil.
lions' Pink Pills. I then decided to try,
7• �
y ell that Win-
curacy wherever the old monuments
these pills, and have every reason to be
r is coming, and you
can bz found. Altaeether 161 of these
were established in, 1856 and 1861,
gratified that T did so, as they have con-
11 be lool?;ing about
extending over a distance of 410
pletely restored my health. Every one
r something lri the
tulles. The trouble with them is that
of the symptoms that had made my
ove line. We wish
there are not enough of theme to suit
life so miserable have disappeared, and I
give you a hint
the conditions as they now exist. Laid
am ogre enjoying as good as any
girl of my age could wish, and I shall
t we have a fide line of
down fort. g y
y years a o, in a ver wild
• re3icn, devoted at that time to
always have a good word to say for Dr.
other purpose than hunting and fisb_
ing, only the mast iraportant points
Williams' PinklPills."
Miss J1•iclaellan further stated- 'that
white she was not desirous of publicity
i were marked, such as those -where
in matters of this kind she nevertheless
r either coal or wood, at reason-
t rivers trails intersected the boon,
felt that her experience, cif known,
;le prices. Call and see us.
dart' ling. Consequently, long gaps
might be the means of bringing health
were, left, which tv. day, when im-
=,.-n>ely valuable mineral deposits
to some other sufferer, and it is this ver
p n (1ne�f
rh� p} Stove
Stoves, Stove Boards, Goal
near the Lina have been found, have
praiseworthy motive that has induced
her to give the above statement for pub-.
b_'ceme a source of much friction be_
lieatiog. '
Scuttles, etc.
i twexn the two countries acid of a
j great deal of vexation tominers xvho
Dr. Williams' Zink Pills mane rich;
have experienced great difficulties in
red and give folie to. the nerves,
It is
l� ��
aseertainiug with which cc'unt ' theybright
because of this that they bring
eyes, rosy cheeks slid light toot -
t sbi aid register their claims. Espec!
ally is; this true in the Alount,'Baker
steps to girls who have been weary, pale
and listless and had begun to feel that
along the north-eastern part
life was a burden. Pale and anaemic
ate ' iftham Times 1.06
of Washington, and in north -,west
Montana. The last isesslon of Cons
girls everywhere should give these pills
stress authorized on behalf of the
a fair trial, as they are certain to restore
r b � .
United States government four parte
health and strength. See that the full
name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
ties. enc consisting of officers of the
pale People," is on the wrapper ar6und
coast and geodetic survey and of tarn
to de_
every box. Sold by all dealers or sent
geological survey, who were
postpaid at God, a hos, or six �boxes for
ref' r `•
And x Splcau+d flo.t.;t or
a vote their attentions to the districts
mentioned, and three other parties of
$200, by addressing the 11r. G9l11lams'
�] aa
th. geological survey, who were fig
the CO., Brockville, Ont.
ng Wad i 11, . .50
conduct a reconnoissance ofthe en.
�1•tURritn.isx [ti`.
Total $4.50.
boundary from the plains to the
Pacific coast. Por coavenience the
The end tame very suddenly to An.
A L Fon
stretch Of 410 miles was divided into
i'hree niearly •equal sactians. '.Cha
drew Dodds, of the 5th con. Turnberry)
Saturday night last. Although he
t NK o ®
ties are still at work, and no complete
had been ailing for a few days, he ret'
i las i. the greattat conhivatiu J ci:cr eIvtfi::�t
report will be made for .some time tired as usual Saturday Might, and about
• 11 O'clock was found dead in, his bed,
Puy t:aundi:rn jourrr7l, a tar. err
rn iern•i$14 the esctn•.ive prri ilt r fur
l: " 0tlretrrct The, D „ 3, 11 -raw isiare r,t t ilk.
Ye -i.
Ile had reaeli'ed the age of oVer 80 years,
Mr. Gerard Lowther, Pirst Assis.
;rrnt trig•:• l ,tabli«7:ed in If+rs it has
itielit the leaail.rx 1,51X•rnI Pagrfi rt +r_tittr4s
;. taYit and Charge. d'Affa%res. orf the but was Always quite active, a goad
It'rovw a 0"t f3l"i;y u % --'-!1-.m -
T giving fall new* of tirctr.,tl,7an'd
honest citizen, whom all respected. The
- Ilritisli tolbassy, has � etarlwd tet
funeral took place to the lyaglish church
m'tell prince to natters of inn 1 ar in.
to the family. ala Crarr..1 rciat irrtelt:•
s,r to
Washington from Ximvp art, where
tlat- offices- were located for the aum. loerkaetery, Wroxeter, on Monday and
Kiat:'S T't)RT1tXYt• it t5N f,••«i Iver
rnrrr, was largely attended. Deeeasad was
td in Cana,t•r and witl xaal e, a l:arnlronle
t9 nt Plfrore s;4 eirdiIsiut oueiof mv,
otic of the earliest settlers o! the vicitli.
IrllltPd states Consul McCook, of ty. Ile loaves it -oldow and a step+son,
rrwlomd portrsit« en cnrutnr•n.
re tlarplict of The 2ftr.lfd 1«!I to r,
Dawson, under date of August 13, lir. R. Giik"eib, besidats other rolsttivae
ltbtrallty of aur rrft,-r i+se1G,•sidaur,
3tlbi, warns again9t Investing in OeY� in this vicinity.
*WX14 ALL orntsits ear
twin glondike mining compa"ivafloat,.
ed in: the IlYliteil:Fiat,-,. 11e! isays:�
+rormpanit!s in sur. prospE!etttl4eli
TO A 00tV IS 6Xr, bAT
giving a.4 rexs•rett e, withdrllt liutltor.
Ont `Iio
Take utivn TROMna Quitnine Tshleba, All
rstrrrtfarAthe,rtrer}tty if it iota to ft"
try, pratswitimt: Government n#fiefals
H. e�tooeaatMxr►ttsreiNotxasaoltboz. also.
PHI To prove to you that Dr.
andas Ointolutetout e f certain
and ixbroluto cure for each
and every form of itching,
bleedingand protruding piles,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it, See tes-
timonials in the daily press and ask your noigh-
bon what they think orit, You can use it and
set your money back if not cnred. 60c a box, at
all dealers orrD�rassoN,BATics & Co.,Toronto,
Dr "Chase's Ointment
Lord-Listet on Consumption.
Lard Lister recently addressed a
special letter to the medicutl jonunals
in conneption with the remarks he
made at the close of Dr. Koch':r lec-
ture, his lordship. aoting as chair_
man on that Occasion. Dr. Koch, it
will 1>2� remembered, stated that a
twat supparting his argunwnt that
tuberoulo3ls could not be transmit_
ted by means of milk from ai cofw
to the human baiog Was found in
the ,general a'bsen'ce of the disease in
the intestine or baw,el itself.
.Lord List& in his latest communI_
cation restates his belief that in
such cases tha ,germs had passed
through the digestive system wltb_
out affecting it and caused the die -
ease In the glands. Lard. Lister also
points out a very Important fact •—
namely, that in the bowel not only is
the fogad eomtained during digestion,
but also other matters amongst which
we, find the secretion of the lungs
which, with. the dust of the air, we
inhale, is brought up frons, the lungs
and unconsciously swallowed,, so
that this inhaled dust Passes into
the digestive system. It is admitted
that in the case of a child, as his
lordship remarks, fed on unbolled
milk from a cow with a tub�reulo_
us udder !•u a roam, affected with
tubercular ,germ>a it "might be oopn
to question Whether the bacilli of
bovine, tuber6le derived indirectly
from the inhaled air -Vere the more
nirmero a. in,48 intestine."
From these considerations •Lord Lis,
tear draws the conclusion that the
fact that the internal ,glands are the,
tnly'piiat of tubzreulosis in the milk.
fed child is snd proof that theog'erMs
which .they contain were derived from
tho milk. So far this consideration
may appear to support Dr. Itoeb,
but Lard Lister adds it really de_
strays his argument. Because if eve
6ons1der the -very numerous germs
of human tubercle present in the
eantents of the intestines, Lord Lis.:
te4r maintains the argument might
ssused with equal force against the
pibility of eommunleatifig the, hu.
faun, diseaw to man.
Stepp 0143 Cough
and wdrksi off t1te Cold.
1,nkhtive Aromo•QuinineTablet# care a cold in
tins day. No Cate,no Pay. Price 25 cents.
Awdug the many competitors for a
pri70 offered by Dr. Barnardo far the
best account of a' year's experience,
The essay written by Waster 3.1#. Bar-
Tett, Who resides with Mr. Alex. Frasdr,
Was .ettocessful in winning a $10 prize,
together'with tolllplimeatary oong>ratu•
lotions trout an 6mblent Loudon, Eng"
bw rister.
Till January 1902, e "imes
for. .
Till Jan. Ist,
The: Tim—es 1903, for ... 15C
Times till end of 1$02 ................................ 51 00
Tithes and Weekly Globe, with two tnagnifieient pictures,
"The Duke and Duchess of York," and ,The Farm
Pets," till January 1st, 1903 ..................... 1 60
Times and Weekly Wivuess........................ ... 1 60
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium 1 75
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire... .. .......... 1 75
Times and Western. Advertiser .................... 1 40
Times and•Weekly .Sun ..........:...................... 1 75
Times and Daily Globe ... .......................... 4 35
* 'Times and Toronto Daily Star, till Janauary 1st, 1903 .. 2 50
Times and Farmers' Advocate ......................... 1 90
ar With the Toront Daily Star subscribers will get a beautiful
picture of ging Edward VII, in nine colors, by paying $2.50, or on
payment of $4.00 the premium with the Star will be a book,
Picturesque Canada."
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can
give you clubbing rates for any newspaper,or magazine published.
Every subscriber will receive a copy of the handsome. Illustrated
CANADIAN AN N,U A}+ for 1902. The above are
our F x x r D R A T E s, marked down so as to admit of no
reduetioti. Therefore, there is no use asking for cheaper rates..
When we can afford to give cheaper rates to one, we can give
them to all.
Call at or address
1 HM,