The Wingham Times, 1901-11-01, Page 7S ry
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ATO L VS The Brltl
.A .t►ll�iJ T AN CLIMBING.
Acearding ta" The Baltimore e grip.- can Kinig S vlf e .
this Is the usual history al` tflogriP;-••- �.....,_.,,. urarw>r >itRtws�r of N+a>¢ae otT "I`l+oate.11*tre+ ''�'
Nea;T## In IP46lau41. That ill Scrofulae.
SufferedFrom Backache SO Severe She Asneeze. A Curious and Iuteresth:g volume Might No disease to alder.
NIFCt SSARY TO .SUQGE88. lit, written on the ndrentares of ;some NO dlooase is really raoponsible fa ir+
Could Hardly lRalse Rerselllf' in Ded, hones ache; --- --,.- Bank of l:nglttnd notes from tate day1mortality.
Briting "bake; w•len they tears the printing press, clean " 4r "e . m r' y
The I?11FrArera and the Perlin of AsoOri4 and crisp and b('autCful, to the Lust (lay Consumption is commonly its outgrowtL•.
,A SHE THANK$ AR. PITCHER'S BACHACiIS KIDNEY TABLETS �'OK Eyes red; 111141 the ltlethodo 99 AvoldlnB' WIMP aY theft' l'ltrlell earE'iful ►viten, Idris of There Is no oxettw for n091acktibag It. A i
COMPL,PTBL,Y CURINQI IiI~R AND (liIVIN(i fiBR Sore 1Lettcl; lllexorlLe(1 by n Veteran c#1ldlaalxt. FIgUitture and Nvlth a hole putlelwa makes Lts presence known by so 1> #Vy
ptin'c feed
Ifow Aocol4ea is Li11;t►pen. through the figures Nrlile .. have trade signs, such ae glandular tumors, rattttiaiottAl
NEW LIFE AND IdNBItQY, + thein so attractive, they are'Wodled Into eruptions, inllatlt,ed eyelids. more Oars, rJCL-
pan tread; :Hann#sin climbing Is a craft which .has. P y
a twofold object—the attainment at the a dose furnace and convorte(1 late ashes. eta, catarrh, wanting and general debility.
There are hundreds of women in Tor- irritability, bladder and u ina,ry troubles, Ca it't"suloke;Their leases of life vary as widely an Children of J. W,. 'bfcGlnn, "W.00doteek,
onto and thousands in Canada to whom who are reticent a mentioning their No lope; point which It is deAred to reach Andthe' thcfr adventures, for. while 90190 letluit ..Ont., Matt scrofula Pores so bad they could
avoidance of accident in so doing. rqQ to the fold with their wont d:oue within not attend`school for three months, When
Life 1s Ott absolute burden on account of ailments to says Can't sin first is gained by skill, the second b
the unceasing ache in the back, the 89 g y I,rn u. day or two, these may be bEett lit
To all th kidney and backache sof- Ears ring; donee and experience, .Accidents are 'Threadneedle street a note which was different llindo of medicines had been used
fcrers D . Pitcher's Backache Kidney wanderiti
`:'able come as a veritable boon and Can't talk; ceased either .b things falling upon file ra far u century and a quarter c riapurposewhatever,thesesu4Vola ary
• climber or by rife clhuber hitnse}f falling. before it came again yinto the •'Ultl cured, according to Mr.. McUtnla's voltwtary
ble. ig. They clear out the clogged -up Gant ivalk; Lad,.`$" keeping; testimonial, by
neJ's, cure the backache and urinary . When I speak of accidents, I meas One Of the most historically Interesting H 0 ' � +
rouble,, roll away the burden of pain, Don't caro; practically unavoidable misfortunes. AXore of bank notes was that for i-1.,000 witit Mood $ M arsaaarT _ y
give health, strength and energy, iilpl Sin'enrl than Half the deaths that annually occur which AdmIral C•oehrano paid tile in- which has elf cted the most vo de ,
on the Alps axe caused by neglect of the i nitons fin0 int osed as him in X814, It radical and permanent cures of . scrofulia u
Miss. Anna Defoe, a young lady Take pills; p 0 P Wald aria young.
who,e a(ldress is Kin street west Doe's bills, most rudimentary precautions and are not may be remembered that this mast "bei-
' 355 g, properly aceldents. True Alpine aces- bn it n P sailors had teen ascus d change tvv LgNti�lt 'YOUNG.
^� e
Toronto, recently carate as totlaws ;
or con -
dents are those which occur in spite of 1 s ,
/ Fpr a number of ears l have had p y b circulatiti
� foresight and l•ecantion. The have nl. Y b a false report of the death
kidney trouble and backache, so bad that Child ren Ory fOM' ways been feti{, and w 111111 the continually of N(tPoleal laid bad Ucea xentenced tog W1111e. crow4' feet, set bare spored :the face
��� •.,;� in the moruang 1 could hardly raise my increasing number of climbers' Is reekoncd 6nO of £1,000, l : ntoaths' imprisonment end rime of time has lett 8q tritca
�•;. self, A severe dragging pain would catch and nit hour in the pillory. Gpon the locks which stir with grass
••• , they may be said to decrease rather than l 3 Above our brows 3tace clung,
ins in the small of my Irick, and I had no CA"STO R ta'. .increase in frequency. A publle subscription ryas raised among
q y. We find our pace is L`rowing slow,
li ��� appitite, and .often suffered from severe The things that by falling upon a climb. !lis constituents for Cio payment of Ills And as we view the passing show
Q, l(/ 'll •.�, headaches, and a general breaking down itoosts ioi Chickens, ing party may produce fatal results -re .fine, anti the admiral, thus fndorPed thq There comes n time when we must know
of the entire system %v the result lint, rocks, ice and snail*, All rack mouutalus. note which they presented hits: That ,vo'ro no longer youn;.
thinks to Ur. I'Ctcher a "Backache 1%idney A groat mistake is mads by many are faliing to pieces—some faster than Cuaren Cltausea, tlsa's BENCH r'nleox,
Tabrets, tlicy'put new life incl energy in poultry -keepers in allowing youog chick- others—tinder the alternate Prost and July s, 1816. There comes a time when children Vern
ser relieving men teasil , so pain and ens to roost on high perches. This is thaw. Water trickles into cracks on a co finemr nt andlul, my o prcred by ors • being �d close rhe ictor,'P Days we,,since our bmi� edlh ls were ie worn,
/ soreness gently and easily, so much so, r y rs b g et toga to
that; "[ continned•to gel Wier, until I was one of the most fruitful causes of the irarun day, At night, it freezes and In deprive me of property or lite, I submit to Tot,• '.l'o praises freely sung,
deformity known as croaked brelists in freezing; expands, It thus acts like a bery to protect myself from murder in the hope And whilo,these acclamations flow
entirely cured. 1 am in condition now to y Truth's whisper in the .ear sounds low
t95 A:D j:p , wedge to widen the cracks and tear rocim that f shall liver to bring the delinquents to Jus- Tient it is time for h to know
ntal+;e known:to the world what Or. Pit- fowls. 'rhe practice of'allowing young asunder, '.L'hus the whole face of most tics. Coctmom.
chWs. Tablets have done for me .and for birds to roast at too early 'an age its rock mountains is enmbered with ]"Dose Once and only once the bink issued by What we're no longer young;
whose future welfare I have the beststones Valanced on,
wishes:" specially objectionable in 'the case of ledges to. fall .when the mistake a note for a penny, which for That it is time, to bear the pain y
turkeys, which; as is well 'known, are least dliptllse Is applied, One stone in some years was a source of annoyance or learning that we `must remail
dragging pains in the loins, the headaches Dr, Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablets motion starts others and theyin turn many uad anxiety. Lilts a willful and stubborn Henceforth an exile from youtles reign
find sideaches. are 5o cents a box at all druggists. The particularly liable to suffer from crook- more. In this manner n whole rock face .prop, it would not come back to the fold, In age's desert flung; ,
Many, too, are suffering from kidney Dr. Lina Pitcher Co., Toronto, Ont. ed breasts. As a general rule, chicitens may be swept by myriads of Lalling rocks and it was only recovered when the bault But aler we stagger from this blow, F .
should not be allowed to roost on perches of till shapes and sizes. Such falls are In despair offered a reward of f0 for its, wr.tett adds to life another woe, ;
njr fortunegrant us sense to know
until from throe to four months of age, fairly Common on the east face of the return. Matterhorn. That is why the route fol In a mood of rare extravagance the "When we're no longer }'Dung!
]Free Iteprintx of Splendid Paintings, two with, "every year's subscription to the and even then they should be confined lowed lip it keeps as close as possible to haul: once printed four notes, each for
Weekly, or three months' .subscription to broad, wide perches, the best for the the edge of the face. :"1,000,000, and promptly destroyed the
Mr= .Toho Innes= who for twelve years p ' Fire 8tasex of the sword, •
to the Daily. Both pictures are given purpose being young larch or other ;trees Rock faces are usually furrowed: with plate. Two of these notes came Into the It may be said that the evolution of
ived among the miners and ranchers in free if a subscriber sends a year's sub about three inches in diameter, split into itracks
l, cs.ealled gullies and couloirs, worn by eery appropriate liaucls of Rothschilds.the sword has passed through five dis-
our osvn �i!est `and Who first studied art seri tion to the Weekly, in addition to , the stones falling down them. ,IL a gully nuc! Coutts, where for a time they at- tinct stages. First "came the, .epoch at
P y,_ halves:—harmers Gazette. Is straight, stones generally fall down the tracted many open mouthed spectators. pure carnage, when men Seemed to hewn
in England when a youth, it recognized his own, or if he takes the Daily for six middle of it, and the sides itiay be. climbed . Tlio . only notes approaching these in and hack each other for the hero pleat!-
as Qanada's leading exponent, of out- months. See, our clubbing list. !n comparative safety. Some faces nE value were two for £100,000 each,. which are it gave them; next the era of legend;.
door pa1iniiii Mr. Innes' !two last =Write for a free sample copy of the rock are less liable to be stone swept than were destined to a eery "short life:' when .stupendous and impossible lents 6
piLintings'are his best, two large canvases Inreetion horn Trees.
Canadian Horticulturist, tile n m
e leading others. Aexperienced climber knows Bank of England notes have often, as ' of ars were said to have been, aecom
garden magazine in America, treating the signs of danger. When there is much perhaps is not unnatural, been associated r
portraying typical incidents of our Prof. Harrison, bacteriologist at the recently fallen snow on a rock face, stones with tragedies and crime. It is not many Pushed. Chen followed fife feudal time.,
fully of the cultivation pY fruits and a curious mixture of bloodshed and re-
�i7Pestern life. They are styled, On the Ontario Agricultural College, has report- flowers; numerous illustrations; practi- nil melt dl away. often: s whon'ttuber Veers namethe snow is o, n5 vanuy oung g'nc]tleinan of the ligion, when the pjofv of the crusaders
Edge of the Herd, and The Miners ed to the Department of Agriculture the g e Swann was. foe dead, shot by cans proved by their trbilfty to slash tliix
Farewell." The former is a striking111- p „ „ cal and profeasioual contributors. Ad- ail Hese facts in mind and knows what his own baud, in n Landon attic. He had equally Bloodthirsty "Saracens.
result of his investigation into the off dress, L. Woolvertou. M. A., Grimsby. to look out for. squandered a large fortune in every kind Succeeding this period sprang the no-
eident of a round -up, a cow -puncher, flavor; of cheese from. the Innerkip and As with stones, so with .Ice. It does of dissipation, and when he was reduced ble season of skillful fence, as the sword;,
thrown from his horse, being charged oilier Ontario factories. He says thertl not fall anywhere and anyhow. It has to his last £6 note he decided that life had no longer a weapon of purse attack, be -
upon by a Wild steer, while a fellow- ,d SALEM. its habits, which may be learned by ob- nothing more to offer h]1n, came a -mixed arui of offense and de-
t ryas a combined bitter and somewhat servation. Except in the lower part of a On a table by the side of his revolver fanse combined. Finally .w a see its fall,
cowbop, racing after,,.is preparing to aromatic smell in the curds, giving the Air. Ed. Palmer has returned from glacier ice seldom appears on'the surface. was found a charred portion of n bank being today a cera milwe s acts fall,
throw the lasso. The herd, in the back. cheese a bitter taste and somewhat bad Manitoba. People talk vaguely of ice. when they note, with which, in bravado, he had lit ment, after at'mi;aing'A glory that no one,
-ground 'grows restless and threatens Savor." He has found certain species M hitoba. may be all right but with utean bard frozen snow. Where a glacier his last cigar, and on it these words were dreamed of during tae darn of Its first;
descends a very steep and uneven slope penciled, "The last note of a dying rude nn<1 Udrhiuous use.
-to stampede, Behind all rise the snow-. of yeasts, bacteria and moulds, which he Ed. ; here is no place like" home. ;t breaks rip into great lumiis of ice, Swann."
Capped peaks of the Rockies. As a a thinks are the causes; and win now pro- Rev. A. H. Brow;i, of Belgrave, which are called sorties. Seracs often In the days when to steal or forge a
y 'Whole the painting is .a. masterpiece of ceed to ' a more' scientific analysis, preached here last Sunday. tumble, but seldom !A the early part of bank note was •a crime punishable by
coloring, drawing and action. There was an infection of the cheese The fine new shed at the Meth. Qhnrch the "day. It is generally easy to perceive death the *histories• ormany notes were
whether a given seracf is ready to fall or tragic in the extrome. ire circumstances Lobster a la
"The Miner's Farewell" depicts a cloths, which gives them a red color. is nearly completed. There will be whether; it is firm. A"well • chosen route of o Ic memorable one memorable pocultarly sad. Lobster a la New•burt—who has not,
mounted miner with saddle -bags bulging yeasts were found on maple trees and splendid accomodation for all comers avolds Vac track where the serac innybe A certalll young man called'Iiowland heard of the inimitable flavor that Sohn
with gold dust, homeward -bound. Par 'fruit trees,. and by some means, probab- this winter, expected to fall. The crests of some mir- was accused by his uncle, a merchant in Chambed::l of R"ashington gave to this "
down in rife' yltl>ey he sights his old tom- ly the wind and dust, they found "theiir Messrs. William and Albert GallaglLer overhanging ware of ice, called a cornice. writing table in Ills study. Although it somehow .unable, ra the eculiar grace
1. rades working at the.sluices. 'A parting way into the cans, which probably stood visited to the Pau -American, last week. Cornices grow .slowly by Accretion of was not .proved that the note had over :ind lint ;ion that Ctgot get t e peculiar
gave it, but
wave and cheer is exchanged. The under or nm the trees. The whey be- This weer will' about finish the snowflakes. When they become too big, been in his possession or that it had been here i, the secret:
background is a mass of mountain and ing returned to the cans in which the threshing around here and the boys they fall, and woe to the man on whom cashed, the circumstances were consider- "Take two pounds boiled lobster; pick
they full! The wise man does not puss cal suspicious enough to justify convic- nit the rust out of the claws; cut the
mist„forestund• cloud. • •The•treatment''milk- was•tdken away helped to aggroare not torr- y. We understand that under it great cornice. tion, and the young man, who was pop- meat to Inedin:n sized pieces; place it ins
is masterly, bold and true. ; I vats the spread of the. infection. Infec- Mr Will Palmer is going to Moncrieff Falling snow is called a snow ava- alar and of irreproachable character, was Heel) saucepan with a half pint of ma- ”
The Mail and Empire has scoured ex- tion was also caused, the professor' says, the beginning of neat month. He has Ianclie. Snow avalanches only fall Stn sentenced to death. heirs and n good sized piece of fresh but -
not 14 -color reproductions of thesepaint- by leaving the empty cans on the, road- brought out the saw mill there and will easily recognizable tracks, (lost of them Some years sifter his execution the note tet•; season with salt, a little natmeg,
+ ran it this winter. Willis a fall in springtime, before climbing he- fur which leis life was sacrificed was yet-, y Little i ayenne' pepper. Than cook
ngs, 16x20 inches in size. Ever detail side exposed to the dust and dirt. Gas- young man
y gins. The summer avalanches tali after L'auud ht n recess in the library chimney. tha whole Well together for six or seven
of color and grain is faithfully •brought producinggerms were very numerous in who is resuected by all. His many fresh xaow• has accumulated during bad where it is supposed a draft had curried minutes; Ixop the lid on the pan while
the barns " friends here wish him success in his new I weather. Avalanches. howvve . seldom it, cooking. Beat in a bowl a pint of sweet
out. They offer free the choice of the ,. most of those examined bo- tall on limbers. Usually au accident is
t full of cobwabs." taking, cream and the yolks of two eggs; add to
y undertaking.
caused by the climbing party tin Uow They neneated the Lase; this the lobster; add two fine! sliced truf-
_.• , _ ,...... ... .Ing dirty, sus Ona. f` .. _
• •. -. _ - l avalanche. Professor Tyndall near:y lostlies
— Itis life in this way. IIs was crassiug a Wilhelm Liebknecht in ills memairs of het. pour into a• hot tureen an serve vent
Karl Marx tells how the people of I%n• 'p
,lY,.. - . I steep slope of snow ln. the afternoon, art-
-peal forced the repeal of th(S Inn• pro=_
�r it had been softened by but sunshine• liibitiag the sato of beer on--
� . It cracked across.'aud the whole surface which at the time was claimed to hire
i —a foot deal) or so—slid down. carrying Ba���IL6 S
bcell made by the aristocrats to "impress d.>Qi
� r �.. ,_. his party with it. By good hick they rs- rirtne and morale on the common peo-
fff , caped from the rear of the avalanche be-
fore reaching the edge of a cliff, over . ��dy���
` But the people of London, says Lieu• 99CC��
w hic11 it Pell. A prudent climber, avoids ,. ,
• ''E erotsing rotten snow slopes that are ntrep. knelt, dant their: t joke when i
an attack is made on their stomachs. By
: Donn;'t
l ;►lost accidents, lnolvcvrri arc caused by the hundred thousand they wandered out i "All well—all ha lots
a falls from rocks, ice or snow. Careful Pl�y—
fi y to Itrdc� palls on the Suuclay atter rhoi clittibers seldom fall from rocks.. The �+
�� II Ill passage of that bill and thundered into Of fun That 15 file re�lllai=
N-, K do not undertake ascents that are.Uoyond I 5
"0rr rise cars of the pious aristocratic males
lig the skill of their party. It the guides are ,
and feuinics who were enjoying their report from the 111Qnke ' rage
good, enough for the particular climb, two rh rs In carriages and on horseUaelc 11 ' y b
of thein will render any tolerable climber t: G ,• 1' ' r
xned iron ' .o to church! so load that the of Barnum's Cll'CU5 ever $i1lCE .
!� ?i safe by proper use of the roe «'Bile
••..a :-�'� �;a •` 9 rope. Haus ❑ and females were terror
they arc moving he keeps stilt. «`hrn trlchem On the next Sunday the (luso•- • the b began d
keepers dosing tiff''
he moves, they remain firmly planted curd rc•I• of a million had increased to a halt B
7 draw in the rope as he advances. IL he
million, and. the •C:o to churell!, had be• monks s with Cott' S limul-
slips, they easily hold him. could strop er and more serious, and by I y
You don't take apogCresolene Into A fall from fee is less easy to check. ilia third :atind.ty the measure was al- Sion. Consumption wa
the stomach you breath it. But some 1he.dangerons places are steepslo es of l s carry-
blue ice like the urface of ieudy revoked." y
Cresolene in the vaporizer, light the. lamp ing off two thirds of them
a frozen poiid set up at an angle. Steps
` beneath ' and then breathe -in the vapor. cut in such material 'are themselves quite London Dtalcet.
B "Tile American," wrote Italian Ilrlph every year slid rile C1rCu5 11ad
It's eas cdnve'nlent safe. It Can be slippery. If a elope of this kind fs very
�� + `' long..oud takes perhaps hours to ascend, In IIarper s. " who hplievcs, its thausanda
w +� , do,'that to betray aur', uatiaunlity is to t0 buy new ones.
used Witl1 `S11CC5u ec E d1 fOr infants; the dine comes when carelessness in foot- i
l lq «, ' hig'or balance may lead to a sli.r. If the Invite overcharng tinct estortlun fu the i One da 1 keeper aCCidenl;4•
Dont you see at 'once how valuable man ahead is immediately above the one . r'cst and shops t.f f,ondon i, runt only i y p
such a remedymust be for ha ' fl't'C r who "slips, he can hold him easily. but If bard pressed. to choose the l)c•0 It,' ; ,
a the ascent., as is probable, Is being made words the English employ, but ire leasp
ally= broke a bottle Of Scott's
diphthe ia, sore throat, Cata.rh, wzti-ira, diagoltnlly, a slip is more difficult tt► at,. quite as 111.111;- end as `deep pitfalls to
• and oilier diseases of the air pass(l,(.,rts . g a.vold Iii 0V nwthncls of rounneintion. I I Emulsion near the monkey
? ;rr res't,wand the whole party will be in. 1
�i ry peril• wi.l not refer to the false or i;inorant , cage and the monkoys cagerly
' p,Q For whooping -cough if is a perfect specific, From slopes Or ridges of snow` men are itie'thods of illnot lte persons. but will I a
often curing the disease ]n from one to not likely to fall finless they are over- routine attention to souls'•rce'lhirltirs of lapped it from the floor.
thrown by a sudden blast of sterni, as pranunciatiau of Ilion and w•otueu of cd -
BIS u 7 Ithree days. has happened once or twice. Even then tication, r=ink ttIld brectling They s t�' This suggested file idCa filet it "
" a fall tatty be arrested by using the ax tilinu jitly. hijin tot rnghle, nuhfittl, Der gg
What i$,V7.po-Cresolene ? It is what as a broke if the surface of the snow* be and hltgcrs, claric for clerk, paytedt, nay rhig'ht do then! Ood. - Since'
the doctors call a coal -tar product • that is I not too hard frozen. `lie chief danger on tional, and so on through a lona list." � g
• snow is that you may fall. through it Into alien the monkeys have received
it's something like carbolic acid, only It a ]ridden crevasse. It sometimes hap- The First Australttin ltallot. 1 }
Pons after a fresh fall of snow that a . The ballot was first introduced into regular ular doses and the keepers,
• ' destroys disease � gezn�s, ., g
crevasse is completely covered tip so that Rome in the second century B. C. This
XeeYp Vapo-Cresolene on hand; it's ]int not a Agn of it can be pereeised even by was the teal Australian ballot, The report very few deaths from
expwislve, for the vaporizer lasts a Rift:- the blest experienced eye, Against this voter received a sort of wooden Plato consumptloll. Of course itis
F. N. NIMMIM,. M.D., peril,• however, there Is one certain pro- covered with ;fax on which the names
Itogernvh]Jilt little. tection. It is the rope, rightly used. if of all the candidates were scratched. He I Clleaper to buy Scott's EnAtli-
'•i find your refftedy to En the � the Aiembers of a party fire joined, as made, holes to the Avot opposite those' of I
best I Im.c rver tried in the above trine slaew• line they ultvays should his choice and dtro led his tablet in the slot! than nein monkeys-•a,nct
treatnfent t, I Who( ing- e. us h pl
catarrhal fcvr r, uytlnna, also lei' 9 be, by a good ropy druily knotted round box. ,
dlsi, feet! ronma where scarlet �ati,mZraerrr rx unirsu "'` t- elsk� trretttnareur us:sy:rte,
he woifit of etteb, 'with a distance of from ;liter the downfall of the I oman to- that suits tilt': C1rC115 1dlCri.
fovdr end d.iphth•:ria prevail." ten to fifteen feet between it man find Ills public polmlar governmenf tools a long Consumption ill monks s
A uetRhbor, and it the rope be net ntlawed sleep, and. there was little use for it bal• y
to t.ati> le nn the gt' will be a mat« Cat till ttu3te ulodelu tfnuis. IL1ld 111 man is the same dlsCaSe.
rS. ter of indltYei�uce arhether (Inc falls into�i n ereva5se of not. " Before •lir'' I.; Innre A,nrloVot the Betels.
,a If yru have it or are threaten-
N _—' wu>rt+ sentilGC3i 1'i*idl(
thrill waist deep the roue will hotel Win. "IT get even with ill(, prbprletor of rid Si+Ytll It call"Ort
and he will be able td settamble out with. that hotel do same way." lie annannee. d. �, =w Y t �
Vapo•Cre-oleve N sold 1•y druggists every%hcm Th6 Vaporizer and Lsmp, which should Inst a Wn-time out difiiealty. or damage. Sir tuartin "Ton ('all do it easily. 'too," answered take the hint?
a d„ uuttic of Lresblona eomplem, gt.yo; extra rupplies bf Vapn-Cresolene ag etuta and 5o cents, i tustrtui a = Conway In London Mail. hits fI•teud.
' lUx kte�L b..nt,'ttnlag pbysiriaus' ltatlmonlak fr,.o upwn request. VAro-Cimsommn Co , Ifo Button St.. Now Yurk, " " ••'� ti U 'I'11I3 1 re re re
"ITaI 111 :kited, ii tfa
" + Of col lehas 116 Vs►d d Il rote •`C of it slaichle In his hotel, 'That ni. ! the Trade ark of 'ac telt: '
i I 11tra. StaloL�-holy, don't you tihInk I wit, s ,tnt,t,y r 1ht,ln:'• Emulsion and is on thaw
w :e w L ,.w . ^•,>rr,•x.w cxacar tny�tars(ta ccvlur�nr •� ^�,w ,ssa+t xe 8c a i 1tOed's. nets gown? iritis nae t3 beginu3ng 1 � tsrapllcrof every bottl0.
I to look shabby., A %sMitri t4otpr. , &rid for free simple.
.f..r.,y Aft'. Stalor-•f dost% stye anything the l'nrl:e--Ct 'pltllcn tl.u..:.v! It IAflow � I
rw ,b .. "a > + h •1.\.Tar 7b SCOTT ld ;
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taoney to macre Foal 1tifto 'Itttractl'Ve to I"nl'kr,yl %vonder•Ilk4t:i` ht, ti:.•(+y $Lr fan AACS14 aild.0 s.
Recon mended sand Sold by A, L. 14amilton, Druggist, Wingham, othtir diens, It,.•,• hit.,liati•I.-
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