The Wingham Times, 1901-11-01, Page 5,, ,,r .;,
`bits; .1VINCIIIANI TIMES. NOV. 1. 1901.
� @ p�p�^ I1dt1I,'!Y>iQItI+
A. D V La l V i AG E Ur Bremmer is very ill .at the present
NEWSFROM OUR NEIGHBORSLimo, Very little hopoa aro entertained
Heel Estate and Loan Office, for his. recovery, He is. much respected
Uonveynnc inqAaaiRnro amt Arcaitntunt, all beiltg known as a man RP the
MGneyto Io:iit, ori town and Yniin property. est integrity.
()(lice.—Two doors north of ACe T. & T. A. are very a?riy to have also to
0121sholni'stiurgeryy. Ilsmwidence Catlierilte St,
^ EVENTS OF INTEREST TO, ALL OUR READERS. report .that Herman Hall, the five year
�oIi EtAIaI;.—I00 Here frtrn)
Ju innotes iyieI
uiilos Yrmn winghnm, cleorril,
f�rreed riny IGsm soil, 1fA acres aeGdi•ci dawn.
J3ank burn C,as70, Lotwe barn :(axle. ho¢ Pen l2x
24. Canifortable 1)mtse, eeod Qt elnlyd. A IIe• what
oided be urn a+t �4,ea(1, rasp tnrin Anply to
A. Dulmage. Rml L+'stato Agout, Chisholm's
Block, winghatn.
old son of Mr Joseph Hall is quite ill,
A, couple of weeks Ago he was stricken
Wi awake Times Correspondents Communictate Other with infantile paralysis and, while ho, is
de p not suffering as much as he did at Srst
Items' Clipped 'From Our Exchanges, still he is unable to wall;, ,.Aa Harman
1" a general favorite there wiltbe many
a wish for speedy recover -.-S
pwlu�x; nd e k xis �n E•n kpH stein 1YidixK^
ham Bank barn, cotafuitablr+ frimielunt;:e.
over I00 b+ snug fruit trs isa liiver form, th0
r Ast(rly bvniidary s)1 this
lot inking it a very arm.itt daivitl
and easy terns will anent.+ this Liu farm. A1r
al MailSteamships
ply to A. DulinaRe, heal ]$state Anent and Colt
veynneer, Chislwlu! Bruck, Win$lwtit.
Ol; fiAL$—Aaplouclici I4U note xnr)n, A,yy�
milers franc town, Gu the I4tlx concesstalx i)C
10.1 vawaluable e(offered for sale; Wellfenc,d;
10)ic•res valuable r),dar, never•failinq )ipi•injt
E A e� �.
;reale: a moneyy making farm home inn In"
desirable local[ty brie k Batu e, good large btsnk
baric and out -buildings, L'arup, Ao near this
For tickets land Pull iuforux•ttion apply
growing town are sure to inerease ht vahie.
A ply to A. Dul)nage, Real x4tate Agent,
H. DAVIS, Wln[rliam-
J. J. Elliott, V. S. itx,,l rli. FORDwlall• Mr John Mulvey AvMMplLnied Mr ,
klonorary Graduate of Mrs. James Situs and daughter visited Edmund Thomas, who leas been a regi- Gavin Davidson, of Wroyeterf tock a � � � � V' � � � � � � � r j
Ontario Veterinary with of Fcrdwaeh for upwards of 28 tri down to London. Mr Davidson 4�
College. wxtli Stanley frieptIs recently, p
oilice and Infirmary Miss M. Settergreen of Harriston years, and known as the oldest man in sold his horse to a party down there and
enrnrr of Victoria and the Villa, ,. y
Minnie Sts,, winghnm. visited for a fere , slays last week with „e, beau, in his 97th year, but took it (lo�rn tel thein. •
pay and night calls . the ]Dae and ec le that knew InIn so The Misses Edwards, of Wingbam,
promptly intended to. Miss Lou Setterg%611. p people
Tolophonocon lection• Miss Eertie Carder of Mitchell visited long will know frim no. more forever, spent last week under the parental roof, Is where an expert loops to find whether is is as
'k0 parental home last week. for death summoned him beuce early Mr and Miss Lynn, of nmestown,. were
+he anniversary services of Blyth Tuesday Oct 22. The funeral took place also visiting at Mr Edwards', rPpl'eselltecl. A showy case is not e.Yery,thln,,
CHEAPMaNEYr Methodist cliarch will be held onsun- on Wednesday Afternoon to the Fordw!ali Rev. A, H. Brown, B, A , E. D., of though we have them in all dualities. They do
day alid Monday, November 19th ,and cepletery, being attended by friende and Belgrave 1preauhed a missionary ' not show the real qualities of the works. When
Money to loan on farmproperty at 11th. Rev. Dr, Daniel of Godorich will relatives, He leaves a wife and a num- sermon in the Methodist church here
from 4% to G per Dent., with liberal preach on SugJay aind lector® on bion- bar of sons and slaughters to mouru this last Sunday, Neat, Sunday morning you deal with us you talce no chances, for we
terms of repayment, Apply to day evening. loss. Communion service will be hold there, handle Watches that have stood the test of thne
R. VANSTONE, On Wednesday Oct. 23, Clifford,
Wingham.' _ the eldest son of Mr Melvin Johnston, of ��"' and have come out victorious.
L71STUVii ll., the 4th eau., was thrown from apart, ro-Perfect Cure for Brojlehitis. TbI
Then we have the same to say of our jewel -calving a bast bruiso on tho left temple disease call be treated only by a romedy
The Saskatcb Mr. A. St. George Hawkins, editor of which rendered him unconscious for carried to the affected parts along with ry lines. ,l Ii Rings, Pins, Broaches Chains and
tate l;,istowel Standard, who was taken about half ass hour. It•appears that tl?e tlhieseair
orgat s for the passafor ge of air alone, intended
the life we show an excellent quality,
1,r t,y all with puen-monia while visiting friends boy, who is only about 12 years old, sprays atomizers and internal modiciues '
ROb�3 in Rochester,N.Y., returned home on carne to the village with a horse and utterly fail. Bat Catarrhpzoue doesu,t The same as watches, we guarantc,; j,; ..:erg-.
Ne ods & Co, Tuesday evening, and is now rapidly cart to purchase sonio oil and paint and fail, for it goes wherever the air breathed
G A a" oonvaieseimg Mrs. and bliss Hawkins goes, and, its healing antiseptic vapor is
�' was returning bonne when the horse,
The SaskateliewanRob conslstsofthreeparts. who were with flim, also returned Tnes sure to reach ivory affected the
part, Ca
which is a spirited one, tool; fright just tarrhozone is inhaled at the mouth and "
Tale FUR CLOT , HE RUBBER !SHEET. day evening• before reaching the east enol of the bridge after passing through , every air cell of
INa, AND THE 1NG, (all withoutseama)Mrs. Thomas Later, of Listowel^pass- and started to run away. the breathing orgays is slowly exhaled
Tho fur cloth is as strong as leather. Tho' ed suddenly away in the 59th year of through the nostrils. Catarrhozoue IS M
Tubber sheeting is of the very best. Tho Iin-• ,h r age, October 23rd, at her residence, -- +-- — protects and heats the inflamed surfaces, 1 Z
1u1+,, aro the best and most expensive used in e g + relieves congestion, allays iufiam-
1•a[iCH. Trimming is of a Double+Pmk Felt -of;Alain street west. Deceased was in her Lumbago Backs straiglitened. matioll, and perfectly cases all bronchial
suitable colors. Sold only by ,
usual health ,u i to 3 o'clock on the after- affections. Price $1. Small size 2Gc. wha
1 Doss t lie around the house losing time Jeweler and lOpfiicianJOHN OAMPOEtL noon pmevious to, her death, when she alld money because your buck is stiffDruggists or Polson & Co.; gingstoss,t fiook a aparalytic stroke, which carried from lumbago^ Do as thouands before Oht. Mason Block, h
Implement Agent, - 1Ningtam' her off at'17.30. She ;'was a slaughter df you have done. Pay n large bottle
that unusually good hnimeut�, Poison's
the lace 'lOhomas Mann, being bora in -
Nexvxliue, add rub it frequently over the JA E- STOWN. T '
West, Simcoe County, in sore part. It gets at the pain, drives it
"If Music be the Food of, Love, t aG
1$42, ;and +was married in Toronto in out,limbers you up in no time. 1rTsrviline (intended for last weak.(
1870,'to:Mr,'Thomas Later, where three is gnick to relieve; never fails; never Mr. Bert McEwen, of Teeswater, is Suits OvercoatB rousers Palley
,C i C�r o .�� i childven were born to them. After .re-
harms. 'pry it today. 2G Dents. visiting his parents at present. �TQ�ZT ����� !
siding ten+yoars in Toronto, she remov. Alias Mary Simpson and Albert Willis New e f � Vests, etc., are now stock.
Said the immortal bard sof Apron. Brat ed'te'Trowbridge with her husband,wlio took in Sundry evening service at It wi'l be to the adva.ntaI of
youmroat-as well play 'on cariiied -on a blacksmith and carriage >tiRussLLs. I Wroxeter. For- :2 � those who intend purchasing in that
-sbop•there•until 1891; when they remov- bliss Downey, teacher, was called Willie McDonald, of Wroxeter, was line to inspect our stock, and see the
elite �,istowel. She leaves a husband away on Monday of last week to ettoucl visiting
his brother Duncan. latest styles.
A Good Organ y �.
aln(1 three Children to mourn a loving the funeral of her aunt. • The deceased � Miss Figgie Forestt and Mr. George �i�- o • ,
a�1jL� Also in Gents Furnishings, stylish
Or Fiaum It is admitted by all rt4tose mother; and beloved *wife. lady's name was Burrs. McDonald and Wheeler took in the Harvest home ser- t+
who I&ve purebased from us that we she died of pneumanxia at Toronto, where vices in the English church at Winn• Hats, Caps, etc.
Beep the 'Very, Best Instraments. 'We = , she was visiting. Interment' was made ham.
elle sole agents for the Thomas,isarn,ete at Klineburg, her home. Misty Eliza Bains, of Brussels, is visit-
Ou Oct. r th; Charles H. Vanstotie, a ing bier sister, Airs. Bnniiae Payne, at
/ �n, � one time resident of Brussels, and a present. ��
�, B� V6TIP+1rHANi.1 �✓ brother to the late Will. Vanstone, •died Mrs., Muli;an has purchased a hand- �� �rrCL
Ooslfte the Rink. Thiesaignature is on every box of the genuine at his home Alarshall', Missouri. He some organ from Mr. Walker„ of Brus- 4 POS( Off ice
Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablets was W years of age. Mrs. Vaustone and sels. It is a Waterloo maize and it is
the ammedy that cures a coma in one day fait?ily survive. I
supposed she will be highly suited. She_.
�'�'9 Wednesday of last week Peter, Me- likes some attraction for the young folk.
d` ..L a Martin, of Hensall, formerly of Brussels, Will Millar, of Turnberry, and Miss;
�\ tl
R ^!.7 CtINTON. and Miss :Sadie McDonald, of Fingal, Ireland, of Hovrick, tool. ill the services ,STFLL TO THEA
1^j{t .8�. .&. Clinton is discussing the advisability , were unreel in marriage at the latter at Victoria Hall, ou Sunday -
,of holding a Fat Stock Show in the place.• The groom's old friends in town Quite a mishap befel George Wheeler mm
MAY have :a ;slangy sagaificance week precediisg Christrhas. will be a unit du extending hearty con- lust Monday morning, by neglecting to
• that will not prove very attractive if Clinton pays their Collegiate staff gratulatious Whim and his bride. They stable his horses the evening before—
printed in mem advertisement, -1vlhen �$, 4G7G, will reside ;in :Hensall, we ' understand. Such would have been done if he had
i the thermoii eter is "way tip,"' but Mr. `W. 0. Searle had the misfortune Mrs. Wm. Wilton. of Brussels, is a been at home. George scoured the
-Christmas is oomin with its sister to Mr. McMartin. forest far and near but failed in finding
' g" '• � ata tumble-down stairs. He will be sill
f "sway down"' tdiermometer, svilieu ' •ri�lxt again in a few days. Mrs. Twaddle and family moved to horses. Oivmg to friendly neighbors he
,you'll be anxious to have the •air T P Seaforth a week ago to join Dr. Tv, eddlo secured one from Johnny Cutt in time "
1'ho S . oouer ,Estate has been sold. ' � • ' ' ' '
heated just right. carried just where 'The'house on:Allbert street was purchas- who recently apurchased a dental practice to start with the milk for Bluevale
YOU want it, and iu just the itiglxt ed by Mr. A. Sin„ of the Base line for there. DnAing their sojourn in Brussels fhdtory. ,
�Iuantitaes. 5 11Ti R. J.'Cluff, who at present they made inassy fast friends, who, while my M ffDa 8 E 'Am T Nor
ivo on better help occupies.the•store, purchased itfor$1070. regretting their removal, will be pleased
' �oxE Can g y p �1*.1;isTr.IDLn.
than we can if you �vish to replaoe, One of our 'Clinton young ladies left to hear of their prosperity in Seaforth.
Damodar or repair the heating ; `Canada last wedk to become a citizen of Harry Metcalf, of Honolulu, is Misses Clara. McDowell and Phoebe
paratus ill your house.
tlndle Sam's domain. down south. On home on a visit under the parental roof. Densmore have returned home after N�enera®erchan4
'Tii> x> 's xo IiErrl tt l's'%E T7aLL4N ; 'Wednesday of (last week, at the home of He is a,nephew,to Mrs. J. L. herr, of spending a few weeks with friends at
bride's another, Mrs. Young, Victoria Brussels. He has seen quite a bit of the Saginaw, Mich.
1\T O W for such work, no facilities world. Mr. Wesley Stackhouse has returned
street, the happy •event tool( place at lueme from Plumes, Manitoba, after
superior to ours, icor less expensive. Begs to return thanks to his numerous customers for their
{ ; hialx noon %vhen her daughter, Miss visitin his us any time, but right " ' " ' � g is mother, Mrs. J. Anderson. liberal patronage during the past seven ears and asks for a
• Gerbie, was a muted i3it marriage to W. r g g p y
now is tixe right time for right ativa� ; a:onritICI3[. Miss Mabel Wi+rhtmass who has spent
• $attics. i Patterson Mas�,xxtosh,' formerly of Ales'- a b ' COntitlLtarice Of the same.
I ford, but now of '111 m Point, Mississsi- , The Odclfelloays started the cold season the last few months with her aunt in
We call snit you in a new+, 'poi, the ceremarzy lbeing performed by with, a classce mu their fine ]call on Essex, returned Home on Saturday last. IVIy steel: was never so complete, and we never had such
STOVE, HEATER oft FURNACE. Mr. and Mrs. McVittie, sr., left for a nice range of
diner pastor; Rev :Zs'.. Stewart, , of town. Thursday, 17uh mot. Thee wag a, good g
•T•� ry'' Only a few relative"s;amd,intimate friends attendance meet of the ' invitations their home in Collhigwobd on Weaves-
'j'j'�T11V B'V G were invited. having been accepted, and the success of a day of last week.
ei v Mr. David Barge- Vassed away on the opening flop presages, liiany such Mr. Wm. Blair, of Blyth, is engaged
SONTuesday, after About :a year's illness. pleasant evenings during the coming with Mr. T. H. Taylor. for a year. �
Mr. 13arge+ was born seventy-one years winter. Mr. and Mrs. D. Dunbar have return-
STONE BLOOX, ago in the shire of Northampton, Eng- A well known citizen suggests ad from Stratford after visiting their
haests that the daughter, Mrs. Wm. Graham.
_AL M: land, and in 1849 he came to Canada.
people of Godei:ich, through the Town lair. Herman Wightmaii left -last week
He married a daughter of the late .Phos.. Council, offer Will. Marlton, our ship for Sault Ste. Mario, where lie has se- Crockery, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Dr Goods
0. Cooper, one of the pioneers of Gode- builder, It botins of :1;20,000 .for the y y �
rich township,and for some years the g g cured a good situation as bookkeeper, Men's Ready-made Clothing, etc, We call our attention to.
Y 3' purpose of staitin-ail iron ship building y �• y
lived in the townshipof Logan but The anniversary services on Sunday , +
g , establishment at thc,itarbor, elle large. range of Ladies slnd Gentlemen's
-thirty years ago took up their residence
last were an undoubted sueeess. The
R here leave been many petty thefts weather was the best that could have
ill Clinton. To them wale born four p been asked for, while the crowds
over -sons and two 'daughters of , whom of the Goderich BowlingClu West
Enjoy Your Dinner..William, John and Mrs. Stewart Mar- g filled the church. Rev. },2,. AZnSuld, of ��� '�°„��� C��%s
street, the principal things stolen being Exeter, proaalieel throe times on Sunday,
tin live in Chicago, Mrs. Trios. Gardener bowling slices.
in Detroit and Alf. and George in town.
o giving excellent sermons at all times.
d. G. Armstrong, who a few years ago The afternoon meeting had perhaps the '
His death causes the first vacant char. At Special Prices. We are headquarters for a full line o£
Outside of the immediate faintly Mr. was one of our leading dry goods mer- largest crowd. Standing room could world-renowned Morrul Goods. Everything sold at rock -
By trying some of our Choice Barge had only one relative in this chants,'Is now manager of the Sussex clot be find and many were left outside.
Cuts, some prices of which we country, his brother James of Windsor. Mineral Spring Co. at Sussex, N.B., The choir was assisted by singers from bottom prices for Cash. rarmers' Produce Taken in Fix -
give you "below: We are pleased to learn that Miss and is making it big success of it. The . Auburn and Dungannon. The singing change. Give us a call and be convinced that we Can give
Mary Lough, daughter of W. R, Lough, "Company has been doing it good trade was excellent. It is rarely one hears you better values than any other house in the three counties.
Beefsteak 100, Rib Roast 70c, in the Maritime Provinces, and have such good congrogational singing. r
has heels appointed iuusicttl director of �� e wish to Call the attention of dot' customers to Orli`
Surloin Roast 10c, Shoulder
the third year students at Toronto Varma slow decided upon the erection Of a Everyone seems td put their whole soul
Roast Sc. Rib Stew )c, Head• branch factory atChelmsford, Mass., soul into the words. Miss, Patterson'
cheese Sc, Lamb 10a, Diamond+s sity; this is a position of honor among
tite students, and one which Miss Lough to supply the United States custom- contribatod it solo at the afternoon ser- r
.Pressed Beef 10c, Fresh fork may Joel proud of, as it is only given to ers, vice. She has a very , sweet voico; Special � o � Manitobaflour,
1oc and 13c, Long Clean 13e,
Lunch Tongue 300, Lamb's those whose ability Can claim it. B• X. Btirroiva,of Guelph, and which is in Axcollent command. On
Mr. S. Wilson, tinsmith,, who was a . Dumont, of St. Thomas, were in town Monday evening 'a concert was given, at
Tongue 300, Jellet Tenderloin member o£ trio MountF
lorest Rifle Co. last week looking over the prospacts fox• which address were given by Rev. Mill• a
Loa, Vea- Net!1Ga, Cooked 1866 andthe establishin
Loaf Veal -250, E. Browns 15, in 1and took up arms at the time of g of a aafpet factory dere. 'Yard Duct Robert Holmes, M, P, Miss put up .ispecially for our OWN T ItAD E at $ I.90 per Sack.
the Fenian Raid, rocoived his Fenian They suet the special committee of the Washington, of Clinton, and Miss Annie ,
i%idney Slice 1Gc, Lard 11c. Riii(i Medal from the Militia Depart- Council and were dritdn Around town by Buchanan, reeifW in excellent style, do-
nient the'Other day; it also entitles flim. Councillors Catelou and Knox. They Ang justice to themselves find pleasing i
to 10ll bl
0 acres of land in Ontario, `vete, slinive(i several available situs And the audience imuteusley. The proceeds ': � �""•"`
DIAMONDAll. Goodwixi recoived a bad shaking seethed to be vera favorably impressed were Highly pleasing to the trustees of
1 . with the town and desirous of locating the church.
tythe other day; ey t chivy Ind 11• g11MC&A I U
ty'd dray team, they ra» a`vay and lta hers. They are asking assistituce froiii t 1063. "m A f
u was thrown from the wagoli. the town by way 'tlf loan', arid left a � AsDw
RUTGNER Agicratdeal of trnublo asoalised by proposition in uniting which wassab• Children cry' Cdr
om a misCl giants (tatting the harness on witted at the Council meeting on 1+'riday A T r . " , ;
left ih the shade of the hotels. uiglxt. Whff 4 i�'t h",/' % ' Ont,
_ ... _. ..., ..__ a�5leir�;C'.,YI►nAil�,.:a�.` � �'.ans. s,�. ��„Yr.� _:c : _,,,.w