HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-01, Page 3rt I M tk <2 41 4 1 1. IT In T A' THE IVINGIIAN TIMES. Nov.. 1. 1901. 'I, vas waly frozen. it was the custom,. Isl-Ar 1111cau. 1 -Ben Rome- 6110ot clad In nl$ ruts, me oaoy alrady :4 I I the village for the miners when �Itin, biwix-tied. Ile swerved A.- wrapped in a fur bag which wad. the street, And therefore vheA he LONG BARTOH RACE going to, work to plant n staff with tenth Of an Illell;1 a piece Of 1co slung, under his arm. Ile carried his fell he 41d not move into it, If, 0 1'rag streamer at the entrance of caught the channel of his polished staff in Ills band, 4 revolver in Lis. however,. he was in. 4 building or 1 AMr In a gloomy room, made more chis-. 11110 shoots, so that they COU14. fled, Ski, poi -haps, and the next second pocket for wolves, and on his booted , other structure facing the street And. s .. 1VkV mal by a spluttering, candle set nil their horres if a stormIt tile line of racers rushed . like the feet were the. Als, which, the incom. a ot., Como up. 131 . , lie fell, landing in the tre it bottle, the sides of which were cov. Ill(?, wmj bad blown Barton's clog ivind by A figure rolling Over And parable '(dope" had polished so that, •would. then be proper to say "Ile over, its legs, 41 -MB find IODg skis he could hardly stand. A momo-at' fell into the street.), ored with a copious ovorflow of tal. 401111 Gefts I low, a young man sat, attomptim ,,, to Then there was. another trouble. seemingly tangled 11) 4 hopeless later he was lost to view., III is frequently an adverb, and Cor a number of years George Bitro knot. OlTanglefoot" lind lost again, The same dogged' persistency in such cases itshould be used after decipher the words on a sinall piece ton had, been A contestant In the aid and the lQud, latigbter and gibes of 11-hich had lea Long 134rton to be- a vorb denoting motion, For ex. that do not convey a of paper. Near him, with her' head races which Are. the principal amuse- the spectators rang in his ears an, licyo that lie could -win the race made ample, it is correct to say- "Ile came how little you Ito y 1*.,r th.1111 bent forward in All anxious,. Milt ONmeet of the people half stunned, be slid to the bottom 'hiiii. think that he could carry the in" of on are illustrated Ill libmulmik . of those counties e who had been asked to '4J I,k pectant attitude, was his mother, on of California in. win every find To their _' N I hinter, but in ev y, picked himself up, baby to safety, If he had been ask enter a house. But. if preposition our catalogrue, which we A%.. whose not unattraotivQ face wero one lie had been doloated—morc, credit, the winuerq 614 not laugh. od an hour before it a man could were to. be used in this connection the lines of toll and sufrering. humiliated, as twice, unable to eon- It was the crowd on the bill, and do this, be would have said no, He the phrase would be "He came into send upon applicativ "Well, coorl""e", she finally said, trol his long legs, he had at first Barton took off his skis and,. Avoid- strode up the little valley, keeping the house," You will woneLr lir •w su-.h 0',why don't you read it?" wobbled, then slipped and: gone Ing them, walked over the snow and 1. in the center; with the. walls of t keeping Those who will commit to memo - pretty tokens. (I f. 4p "I can hardly make it out, moth- down the slide upon his back amid was lost to sight in the shoot tbat-:siorras, snowelad, trembling with ry the rule quoted will soon be sure of 9 trembling In grout could be purc,;L-..-d far Cw to his home, Avalanches 12 prices we a3k, er," her son riplied, "but it's new,' the roars gibes 0A either side a an �f t .d when they have oc ).an liter and' p of wa t beli and lie says lie got the receipt from the crowd of spectators. , I That night, as was the custom, hour struck the straggling, forest, nasion to use In or into. one of the great piano. makers, in "The funniest thing about it, re, there was a. ball, and at the earnestIle knew the trees well And for five Loch article will lac iniOuled Now York, it's the stuff that makes marked the storekeeper,, "is that wish of his mother Long, Barton 'miles kept the trail, Then lie came His One Topic of Conversation. without extra charge and ell. the cases sbineso. Think ofktI If George thinks he can ride and al- went. But. lie, took, to part in the to the first slope, By the aid of his Sir Walter Scott had , a clever s ed in a dalsity box to niaka 1 could got such a polish on my skis, ways it to his skis or the 'dope.' entertainment and sat by the stove staff he made a rapid slide, reaching friend who was otice utterly Willed clog P�ler. why, I'd win t4lat $M And pay off Put, bless your heart,. a man might and watched. the merrymakers, the bottom of the c The the giving so much pret' ,Ut canyon safely in by a stranger in a stagecoach. the mortgage and got you a thick jest is well try to ride on stilts as 'knowing well that he was the butt a few seconds. And thus was to be friend, who wished to converse, tis - cloak and all the things you need." them legs of W.Va. They ain't built of them all. Late at tight, while his experience—climbing DIANOND HALL. y o—climbing and, slid- sailed stranger nu all hands and "Yes, Geo said the woman, a for skiin. They'd make good skid he still looked: On, a ciowd 'gathered, ing. The next bill was so soft that a last expostulated, "I have talked MsteKlshad 1654. George," tingeing slight flush tinge her pale face for a bridge. My, how be. did tan- at the door around a .man who haa. he was breathing-, bard when he to you, my friend," said be, "on all trio so "but you've d many kinds of gle up, legs and arms all Iu knotdl just arrive& -Reel Stacey, the stage reached half way. Then be felt a the ordinary subjects _; literature, "dope,' and they all failed. I'm. Why don't some of you chaps tell driver. tremble, a nameless thrill, and the forming, MervIlandise, gaining. Kyrie Bros., oSraid. it's your way of riding, dear." him. nature didn't intend him to "ITope you folks has extra splices entire side of the mountain seemed game laws, horse races, suits at law, -0 6C Yonge end Adolmlcl Gtz;-, 31y way of riding!" exclaimed ride skis?" o give way, and he was carried erre- politics on your chimuoys and flags out," he • t politics and swindling. blasphemy .the young man, and he looked up "Why don't you tell him?" retort- said. "It's banked 50 feet at EV_ sistibly down on the wings of an av- I and philosophy, TORONTO. and ran his ba . nds through his curly ed. a listener, lauggiling. ( I e Is there any one ans, and the .130 foot marks on the alanclic. H., made Aesperate strut- subject et that you will favar me by Bair. "Why, there isn't a man in C ti t' id he in �Waaj, it Ain't in gles and by a miracle kept near the opening upon 9" "Sir," 6t lid I y business, and pines tire covered, And. it's snowing 0 ,-Plumas county who can toss more get heaps of fun out of him, but lil•o it trill never stopi But tbatps top andafter much labor, dug him- reply, "can you say anything clever r snow in a day, lift more, stand more, it's the truth, he ain't . got . any clot wit .It I come for," he continued, self,out, about bend leather?" Alost People, than can L" sense?' unrolling a bundle, blanket after It had stopped snowing as he like Sir Walter, would conies: they BEST AND His mother said nothing. She "He's entered for next week." said blanlik, and producing a baby that started down the canyon, now sli& would have been as much nonf)luseil I'ST95 sighed as she looked up at the snow one of the group. looked up at the men with a wonder- Ing, now ow leaping, ille famous "dope" as his ac(Inaintlince'. Perhaps the CHEAP"" :1 ,covered windows, then glanced At "What f sweepstakes?" Ing gaze. carrying him well and fast. From a Aman who was' only interested in Never was a greatar truth her companion with . an expression for --the the sweer. deep valley he must climb the next "bend leather" was post hope for than when said of Dr. Ag- -that combined pride and pity, The • asked the storekeeper. 7A baby I" they shouted in chorus,, range, but when lie was half way up conversational purposes. Gentle- news Liver P.1114. 10c. a vial. Young man had not overstated his "You -bet!" was the repl , y,.' "lie's and half a dozen arms reached fo got some 'dope' that's like greased the child.' the snow began to full a gal ii, and he nian's Magazine. Little priced, little doses, but - COS. e little terrors; to drive out 11n* - H was a giant, a colossus lightning, and 3-011 can't got the "Hold on,.boys," said the driver; became bewildered, lie cmild, not • Be Sure of Your Yoke Fellow. purities and leave you a. Efiro,wt strength, seven feet tall, but so cret out of him with A team of wild "business first. This is Jim Gray., se clear brain and a bright eye*, reDg e the stars and would have to trust So he swung himself. over thin so long of limb, so strangely horses. Gus Lindberg offered• him sons baby. His wife died. last night to luck A farmer was traming o Preflo -drawn out that for miles around lie the divide and rushed -down the :601's ball calf forthe work of sin 0 u Constipation or other $10 for 4 cupful, but lie wouldn't and he's flat on his back. The cow dispordZoarissiunfg"frforommtliis caum? Dr. Agnew's Was- known as "Long Barton" and slopes. Another range to climb, and. ox and. injudiciously Pllt 11"'; 0%vil Liver Pill., area safe and pleasant cute, Larger look 4 him, and lie's given it out was killed in. the, snow, and ..fliers that b6 expects to%vin." any' milk I . n this town but still it snowed, and later the wind, head through the other end of i he raze, 25 cents for xoo pills. Tanglefoot," He was a miner, like - ain't his father, who had been killed in rose and tossed the snow aloft in yoke. Evidpnt.ly the calf w not Solfl, by A. L. 1-ininiltroi. WinAipw. an avalanche two seasons before. III0111 win if the w)rize is for ty-m this," and the old driver held up a Ing his le -s into knots" laughed the great spectral wraiths that looked to well pleased with his workin-, rnate, quart bottle. "ISTow, the, doctor recogniz The winter had set in early, and a disparity of the spe- storekeeper. "Re can't cqii:il the says that the only thing to save the his distorted vision like shrouds, Ing the succession of snowstorms bad buried time lie went to Miss Bates' party bob is to get it out where there's But that warm bundle so close to his cies or perhaps seeing an element Rasa a I A 1, n, SVP Is the little, hamlet of a dozen houses heart gave him courage, and he of humor in the sihintion. and at ha,c . .1fe ""' and slipped at the head of their, milk. If we doi2tl, it will starve." once started on a wild 'dash down so deep in the snow that around the shoot. It Was 75'foet if it was a I'Why,.Rccl," said the storekeeper Pushed on. with Eurdw liar -B, �ziji�Ajal Barton home it was. nearly 30 feet through the village. The farmer ncss oil. it re. % , 0 an awed whisper,."it"s death to Five hours be had been traveling 0 hists aha foot, and lie -went sliding down Eke in 0 extricate himself. and ,on the level, and the hamlet, so far -steadily. Ile co v could n t P.11111h, a log of redwood—a mile a minute. try mountains in such a storm!" could not romeiiibe Is. --in, balking was out of the question. a nces went, had been wiped p s appeara The front door was shut, and he So 1. told -Abe doctor," ;replied how many I. g-cs tit-, had passed, out of existence and lay with h1l, its He had forgqtt6 how i iany ranges therefore he kept to the pace of tile struck it feet first and landed right the stage driver, "and I haven't the No roia;h tur N 1 0 not domestic life under tbe.sxiow. The he was to cross to reach the too calf and roared to the denizeilA of face to Chafe town I andcut. 'I ho ad dug the in the party, his legs all in knots?,' nerve to try it, . I know what it is-- the hamlet: "Here we conic, darn .1 entire male- population- h He made some descents'th"it, biluifl -il harn"s rut The ski races had been announced a man's life against the Ilea's. But our fool —1 Ifead us off, souse- onir ktcr, Barton' out, as in previous winters, for• a week, and, Long Barton had I said,I d state the case. lie's a new- the famous race course, wirrowly es- 01, the operation consisting in begin- holding 'one hodyl'�—Field and Stream. .4,w it entered. The grand prize was $2.550, comer at Sierra. He got herd and calling trees and rocks, I IT . .. I 1 1*11 %Ycartt t ning a shoot 50 feet from the front AAlun-l-ilh" and he believeA he could win it. DA con't get Away." arm about the bundle, potting it as Doubt In the Matter. 'kureka Use of of the lionise, dr where it was sup - X on the morning of the event his "It's. 50 miles to milk if its a lie heard fitful cries. Again he was A story is told in an Englisdi village of Harn­� OUL 6 posed to be, and­§;nking a burrow mother made some excuse for re- foot,�' remarked a red whiskered caught in an avalanche, reaching, the a inan -he visited the schoolr6unt wbon or shoot at An single of 45 degrees in manning home- and was the only w0_ mine in the groUp. "'Won't his nephew Ivas hard at work at his les - r 'bread bottom waist,deep in snow, the bal�y sons. the -direction of the second story. Sold man in the hamlet not present at And water do?" almost buried. It was now da�light, "Well, Jack." -,aid the uncle, "good everywhere ! P. It tbbk some tiTne to accomplish this boy this morning. I hope." In CA03— the races. She could not bear to i "It might for some, retorted the and after dimain- his foot out he tin all Jack looked at. the clock, -which stood sizes after the laist storm, but finally the witness his defeat. The course was ' driver, "but this baby's not Iiiifl0iolled the bandl.'e, and, protecting it, at half past 11.,and then doubtfully at Made by 'miners reached the attic window, on the slopes. of the sierras, a splen- that way. She wants milli, and she gave, the baby a ration of the milk, his teacher. "I donne. yet, uncle," he Imperial Oil giving a rousing cheer as Mrs- Bar- did hill 2,000 feet long, slippery as won't touch anything else. They've which had kept warm against his said, "there's half an hour more." Company. ton and her son :appeared to eel - glass and of so sharp an angle that been trying it for days; Is there any body. It looked wonderingly at him come them. From this time the At,' � 0 Shooting Flying surds. tic window had been the front d6or. a man could not aqcend it, And once man here that can suggest any- the while, and George, who Icilow In Smith's "Eli%tory of Kerry," publish - on it with Iskis, it was a race like tho thinr?'� And very little about babies, made up his ed iu 1734. is found the statement that s up the burrow, w 9 nep FO U U11 0 H F. PQ George had cut t mind that it must be a very (rood the or flying birds was taught wind for Pearl half a mile, then out voice. ,and the Btirtons, as the postmaster y on ton gradual slope into the valleyll Every miner present knew that. it natured one. to the Irish people by the French ref-. LOST FORTUNE remarked, were "in society Again." came over after the revoca- where the little village lay buried. was impossible to get out of the He did clot how weary lie 11901's who The chimney had been spliceT with tion of the edict of Nantes and that to Of health through believing what Every town or village in Plumas mountains, even if it was not snow- was until he started up again. Then this circumstiusee is due the decline and she read-testod the clatm-proved. pieces kept for the purpose, so that the truth. South American Kidney and Sierra counties of any preten- Ing, until the snow had settled. E Cure cured a violent type of Xldne3r V. he found that his foot had been disappearance of falcourye the top reached the surface of the 'ions bad a ski club, and many of cry, one recalled the names and faces twisted and he was'lame. The cold . Disease. show, and as George had sled a the members were experts who had of men who had met death trying to was increasing, the snow was finer There Are Others. Mrs. ' IN arnian Cooke, of Delhi, Ont., doctored ,plentiful supply of wood in the performed wonderful feats, and for cross the sierras in storms, and for find filled his eves, and be felt that Nell -Why do you call her an optimist' },Asters disease until she was tired -tried, plastersand a dozen remedies before she tried house in September and there was this race the pick of every-eltib was a few moments 310 :one answered. this was the beginning of the end. Belle -She thinks wbon, she writes a south an abun6nce of candles, oil and 0 American Kidney Cure. When she hail on hand at the top Of the glassy Then, as the driver pulled the blan- But on he pressed until the after. letter* a"'d puts "In haste" on the corse. used one bottle she had derived great benefit. s things were as comforta- of the cn�velope that the postal anthori.. After taking six bottles she was cured. She ar provision slide, while an, admiring crowd of ket,. ,over, the little figure., which he noon, when the baby cried, anahe ties ahunst breal. their necks to rush it so great a sufferer at tinies that she couldn't`1 ie file in the Barton hom.e as in any men, women 01 r o his breast, 2 stopped to give it the remainder Of • throu.-b. down -was totally unfit for household duties. l. and girls looked. on. held'86se t' L voice Moue in the place 20'or more feet The curious Norwegian snowshoes, said: the milk, looking at the little face South Ans,-rican Kidney Cure gives relief fix under the snow. six hours. 54 But there is a skeleton in which were 'eight feet long, four "Well, if the baby wants milk with red and desperate eyes. On he every inches wide and half an inch thick-, household, it is said, and in the Bar- she's going to have it;don't you for.I. went again, now running, now limp - ton home it was pride and. debt: were being given their final polish, get it, boys."' And Long Barton' ing, plunging down the slopes until every contestant having his especial took he began to experience a strange The elder Barton, had left a mort- edged through the crowd and * "dope which was bis secret, Apart oppression, as though a band of iron gage on the house, which was soon the child in his arms. He rolled it. was about his head. Then he seem - from the others stood Long Barton up I V;k • to expire, and the mortgagee wished, n the coverings the stage driver -S THE KING) strapping on -his skis, which had a had- taken oil. Then he pulled on ed to be at home, and lie tried to ask * the money. He lived in the city, 500 polish such as had -never been seen his snow. cap and, followed by the his mother to take, the baby. He * miles distant, and. did not care fora, risk where the security was liable to efore. The gleamed in the sun men to the door, went out into the suddenly stopped, trembling, realiz- ♦ * x%p THE QUEEN and with dazzling brilliance. If "dope" ing that hismindwas not clear, and I M crushed beneath 30 feet of snow, storm, "A counted, there were those who. be- to dashed snow upon, his forehead� Well exclaimed Reel Stacey, V both Plumasand Sierra counties lieved that et would win. r Then he rushed on again like 'a • SOP THE DUCHESS were famous for heavy snowfalls. The.first signal wear given, and the Td have picked 'Tanglefoot' the din. ♦ Oeorge Barton fisia not been able to last one for such A. proposition. But, madman' knows to OF DEVONSHIR.E. ,save enough money -for the -mort- men lined.up, their long skis extend- boys, we've nlistook: him. He's got How far lie -went no one k ,gage. Avalanches, had covered the ed f6rwafa•, their bodies in various fifind, for he going to his funeral." this daY, but it had been many miles positions, Each racer bore a long 's the wrong direction, when, with a -mines and kept him from work, What George BartonBarto'n said to his 'wild laugh, which frightened, those A Remarkable 'Off�r�`t when ione night in returning home staff, or starter. Some held it on mother no one knew, Time was the L one side, some between their legs, best he could not find the shoot and bad essence of this transaction, and in a who rd it., Lon ' g Barton unslung Here is the bast offer ever made In this community. By a excellent ar- 6 uIldle and P111 " v vis_,nflvrcd �off and -when discovered while, thers extended it ahead, and very,sligrt while he came 'up the bur b maed into a halt ran ementinadet-,#Iththol?atnilyHeraia and WeeklyStarof 3,Tro.'Jty;ceaItvc1lrc as the word was given each man buried wickitip. froin. the top of ess'g led to offer THr, WiNGtmar Tams and that great Family Pan eer and Family Herald and Weekly Star for ono ear for the small sum of 1.75 in - which sparks ware rising. The men elude to each subscriber,three beautiful premium pictures of which the follow - gave umighty slio#e and projected himself down the terrific slide. They reached for their firearms tit sight of i ing is a brief description. Nervous Deprestion shot over the edge like a wave of Better stop that the gigantic And wild eyed figure, ♦ KING EDWARD VII. -True to life, a beautiful portrait, size 18 x water over a fall and seemed to rush cougli now with but the squaw, laying her papoose ♦ 24 Inches, on beautiful heavy white satin finished paper for framing. This portrait and Dadily Weakness. the blankets, with unerring has been taken since Ills accession to the throne, and is the very latest and bests into sgdoe, then sank so rapidly. a - few' doses- of' obtainable. It cannot be had except through the FAsrmy HER.&LD AND 111110119 from view that they were gone be in,�tinct caught the bundle from the WEEIttY STAR; each picture bears the King's autograph. This picture has the Dr. Wood?s t merit of beinx the first taken after the King's a-.cosslon, and has therefore !Axkother Woman VVA 11as Found fore the excited onlookers realized hands of the falling man, And. Jim 911rchalstorical value that no other picture can possess. 11641th, SUC119th ItIld V1903? In. th6 'Pine it. The speed increised rapidly, And Norw�y Oraysou's baby was saved. As for QTJHE 14 ALE XANDRA.-Asi exquisitely beautiful plature of the remark. Use of Dr. Chasselm Nerve Food. in 10 seconds was liko that of a fait Sy,rup. than le "TiL,1cfo6t"' 13arton, one of the ably beautiful and good Queen Alexandra, also taken since the KIng's ace('asion to women especially Dr. Chase's trotter, at 15 it was equal to the it run on to end Or. Wood".4 half U;ceds, who came in to the vil- to the throne. It; is the same size as that of the King, the two forming st hand. Xitrve Food Is proving to be a. Very fastest train of cars, And at 20 the p'erhaLps in Bron- Norway Inge from Another Nvieldup and who some errand pictures that alone would sell for many times the subscriptiloa price great bleaginz. Eld"thfiftY %voinen are holding their of p dr &lid pictures. �d by overworit, best men were eir breath understood English, said lie was V, portrait of the King and Consort taken rib the'second oraucceeding,41t, opo W(mkoned and debilitated Chi tis,' Pneii- ping ting' can have One fraction ofthe value of the drat, These godown tohistoty. worries or discasps peculiar tof theft, as it was impossible to breathe at I clean off his head anA thouglit lie sex, and need The assistance of just such speed, and the slightest swerve trionvi or Coil- had, -won atacc,Charlos F. Holder THP, DUO)IMS Or, DHV0jNTSRIP.9.--�Tho Renowned Gainab.,vaul2li Pic• such a restorative as tills great food Syrup. 1 0 at auction sale in London. tweaty-five years a for 410,50a in Now York V woning Post, stolen clever thieves, hidden for over twenty-foar ra and elivered to 16 - cute. would send them off the track. V rom, suription. , ies we, Xr.,%. M, A. UcCroa, Tory Alli; 'Ont., the aide the scene was a frightful aworiderfUllull g owner 11 payment of $25,000 reward &lid since sold to 1111ri J. Pleepant; Morgan for In and Into. '75 writew-I'My system was all run dowTi one, as it was bard -to believe that healing. miled Y--" his, In briefs is the history of one of tho premium pictured, which, b When I began to Use Dr. ChUds XbrWl 11ticli. confusion charticter120A the clever stroke of eaterprise, the publlAorg of the L41asully IlerAid listive secured Toll Food. X was weak and very is human beings could preserve their their stib'scribers. The picture is 2U28 in ton colones, and is reproduced Ittio for that cures the 51.-,-- 5'1_31Z and felt So tired and ver that I use of these twet pr6positiolls, Stor- position and, not be dashed to pieces line edxkld W&LftblYl dink myself about tb*, colour for colour with the original. coplesof tho reproductions tiro now sold N* York City, Montreal and 'oroato for *,U) eAoh, and this Is the plettle-a kincIg of 11 month gives the simplest and best house. It seemed Impossible for ryfe to ,under such extreme velocity, But WOrst I n 1' got rest or Sloop at tilt lit, and I felt the line swept on, a few of the races coughs andcoldr, rule concerning th0n). AVIA0.11 V6 have Vatntly Herald agbscrillers are going to got aly-iolutuly free together with,tna that I was gradually growlair weaker surging abetta. Half way a6wn, Q wKe-ii oths��rs fail. -Como across. He says: "Into domes picture* of the Xin and Queen. beginning tho, We of T)r. Chase's Nerve Price 25c. 5oc. All dealers. lifter a verb denoting m-otioui and of these beAutiftil pictures. and more nervous and irritable. 181ne'% tour are inuavitteo, two,thirag, aild Is that 1166 big value? Call M Tag TiNma Offlea mid arae sAinples V 004 1 feel dIt090th0r dMerent. It has one tall 9=0 is leading. in follows a verb denoting rest?* You wiLlic Tara WINGRA-A Tturs for the local nerve, and yon wskhb that gradually strengthened my nerves and 0 great, 0061)er, the Family Herald,for its 2 1 paiges of goneral news and faints. rhis gives the idea comprehensive- y It is Long Barton. Ro is rusbing reading Its &VIOhItUral P0,9�M atony dry worth instany titA69 the issibacriptioa "'re 0 Flepp to ft �y 0000.( T built ut? My APStont r-nderfultV. I w0lilow, affil all) 1willm tilorougfi• with the speed of light, The now cum constipation, blilonaiess, fil."k ly, but it must ,lot be -en literal. 1)rlclifig or'110% . a yout Inbsorlptl6a, to taT' f4trengul. I red )A ly. Thus it is entirely piopet to IV vet�torvd to health Pud it dope„ is davrl . ig him on to victo- dp­.1(P&!a. rs, bellovc, It Iq ths� best nwdldnp, to be . I say IfIto fell in the gtreot.11 Tho or I �M 6: bad• for tliv nerveft.11 ry. lie knew it; his teeth were s6t; LIMI TH Cr his heart was in big mouth -6- wtaw niwP r I I)ersoii Teterre(I to may hate 1con. Dr. Chase's llzorvo rood. 50 eents & eldt(silng a-Zeau4 r box. (,, toxess for $Iq.nn at all (losticrii, or • NALL$ 004- 411 4,tu,;- I willkina. or lid ndiAntoyi, lsqtts &,Co., Toronto.