The Wingham Times, 1901-11-01, Page 2_ Iffi WI.t.111',l,IA t lM,t;dSNOY 11 1901. `
lex.#sratK»licn ltrr�. _
' n ' 'i HC;, WHEAT MARKETS. Children Cry for a�sxAllLss� 1872 DOMESTIC HINT'S
ffkl Tiffs. 1,00"ed d 01 i n� In it's Yvrlto-up of Uio atato of trade H ,�T v Try r
Lt•�++ CASTOMA. �•s,� ��1,��� �illl�'�, ].t,gs with vuly tlsil alit#l:s ,)ra slat
•.ti•rt�l.lciTT.Prrluriattr:aaieiaraOlialsrctt ..�-•^-- tho Globe oto Saturday says: ,,�,,--,IS PUBLIS94.1) not so likely io oraok ill boiling if
•� '.1`lu+ri ha•s been ata improvement, goat in , , EMERY FRIDAY MQRNING they. aro put ht cold wittar' and brau,.
Failmi.3� . NO'S FA BBB 1, 1901. /�'! DoT t p !1 SAID
IMPROVEMENT l� �31��111u �#t�tl tile+ 1>�•icr,s at ,t-llc�, til8 loading �:Q1X.t1 DI���iTQ11Y, -A2_ l,lt1: sip,t•ly to 1t Boit.
TO BE `�1. ARVEl LOUS, markets of the world this, wook.Thero ��.. 'f'h@ �'It1Jos Qtiieer Beater- Block � 1>tsi•il cf cold ,v,ttt•r, plac,•d unoti
` - isx iituch discussion, at the :moment as
x>S1; cxOOlt Olid) POI IVY - - - tt/ tlw robitble cpurso of the wheat RAI fIsx G'IIVIiOII-Sabbath services at w1:1` QUAAs, ONTARIO, the, table in it room ,vhioll smalls• of
P 11 a nl and 7 m. Sunday School at -.- - tobaoeo, will .soon ab4orb. the odour,
Of bli'tister•aud barrenogs is beiugfollOw- Mr. A. W. Campbell Speaks Rnthusi•. ivaruotq in the immediate future. A 3:30'"�i:' �. General pxayor ineetulg TxuusoaSunscnLrxloN-ti.Opncrannuniin and Purify thQ air of the recut.
eii by tllG Oppoaitioli paper" ill the On- lecenti mall brought Proomhall'd Qsti_ 4n WQtln08 OYQjdlltlTa, Ivey. f.,]. Pat• advattoc �1,601f nUtaOpai(1, �iq pop(tt (itN<otl A
thele election camtpaign, while their aStic3llx o$ .:i liRt4ept Q11r--B;f- matey of; the J'901 crop revised to. qo. tQjsor.l3•A'•,pastor. W.J.Q1*putan,S',S, .opt riofttltill arrears sus para, oxccl�Gnotha If hat meats and soups aw covered .,
St pe iutendent, before- they are pritotioally cold they `
leader is being kept in the Uackt;touttd :' genditures in 1i0W Fork State tobex; 1, but tllo figurers' da, 'oat ,diftar,tatNo Itq,rits. - Logesl ' nd other
aiETHODISTiIIIvliCI;--,Saltbat11 80rVitles p(tenal ativUrGiyctrieuta apoi Non n; e1131t,+Yee will 8ui•aly spoil, 'file hot air lariat
lest. the government should havo oppor• moa o'ntal'iq Compared, oss(+ittially, from tbosc given out isgille at 11 a lit and 7 pin. Sunday School at itrst insertion, 8c per line for caul, {tubagqueut ,
is insertion, ltitxt a place to esatlia ire the meat
ianiky of drawing nttilnti0tt k0 his phnn- - - „• two ,weeks since by Beerbohm, Ac- 2:30 p nt. Epworth League every Mon- Advertisements in local columns are charged will, be affected,
tont plank, Ile popped up' on the 3rd of Toronto, Oct. I#.- "'The road im.. cordlnir to the Coi�,n Tracie NowYs, the day evening. General prayer meeting10 eta. per line for #first insertion tl»db cents
September like a Ja(k-im•tho-bps incl r on Wednesday avenin , Ray. Richard, 'per llt{o for wtolt subaaquetti inaartion, In making gingerbread, to avoid the ,
p:r�r In-mt goin, n in the Z'ravtnce \worlds crop ss L,&i19,0A0,UU•l busllols, Hobbs, pastor. Dr, o�vler, S. S. Sup. Advortistm(ntts of Lost, Found, Sti ea, bark• spots usually so,ttrorcd through '
>;tatedalilatfarltt,whivli gave .evidQltee i:t siutply marvell us,'s said 11 r. A. w1itle the London Llst.s ostimato is eriutetident. Ft{rmNfarbataartolJ(aG,andainiilar $1.00fgx
ttrst month and 50 pouts for each subtiesluv4t it, mix molasses .'lad Spices together
Of hasty preparation, only t0 relapse 1\ . (`ttntpb:•1L Deputy Commissioner ?,711,600,000 bushels:. Beerbohm Places PRESBYTZRXAN CHU1�Olt—Sabbath ser- month,
and then add the; other iligradlouts.
i into silence. FiY9lt iu his campaign of laub'ic Works, yesterday, after t1►0 ,\^orld',s conaumiiiioit lis not oxc4ed- vices its 11• a nt cud[ 7 p nt. Sunday oltCrrnt�for°R,vr iitt47ilianll wing table allows A little ,sal ctaaad " to gingerbread
. against the Goveruuiertt, Mr. Whitney •:(.Vasal clays spans in Western On_ ing 2,500,000,000 bttlhele. par annum School 2.30 1 M. Golloral prayer forspecifiedporl«1s: of ttdvortiacntauts t 81 S
ineetiug on Woclnesda �rveltitigs. Rev. SPACE. 1 vn, 0ata. !Soto. lour. greatlm, improires it,
lacks E•nthusiasllt and 1lrsseiverance, ratio, "Modern m lchinery is being and ills Compilations°slie\w that lir the D. Perfie, pastor unci S. Superinteu- One Colunsn.,......,,,t00,00 #ili,00. x,15.00 fNm 7 a obtain a goal palish .on backs'
From this we should properly infer that a;a•d almost cutirely, Systematic past ten years thar4 have been only dent, Half Column........... 03,00 18,00. 10.00 4.o0 mix the bli-mairn with boiling Water • �t
uarterOoltuun ..... 16.00 10,00. 0,00 2,00 b` b ;
Hires years -19A0, 1. 7 and 1890— in ST, PAUL'S CHUItOH, PIst70rdL--Sub- O
the saute 1latINNSileSP watiltl be manifest• p',StSiS tl:rC b,'.lII�� ltxld sawn and fol_ Advortispntet{ts ,tithcut s eelfic directions its hmust be boiling or they ,wills be a,
ed if ha were Prt'ui#e r. It fig preposter• to\wall, tile a!>propriatlans by munici- w4ioh: the crops have been below the bath services at 11 a m d 7 p m. Sun- will be inserted till forbid an charged accord dull brown. If tiro boots, aro dtlm
•Ons to res Alue tel place sixu]a a Hutu,: ill annual requirements. The Hungarian day School at 2:Sop tn.�` General prayer for is advance, ttdvertisQments moat be paid b ►t o p
P palati. s have a est ,vandcrfully in_ meeting cit Wednesday evening, Rev, sprinkle a little .moist sugar. an the
a 1posikiou sten, to a man like our pro- ert*a3eci in rho last five years, and Agricultural DStn+stor estimates this Wm. Lowe, ittcumbeut, F. Shorn, S. S. alta THE assortmentrnall's !s ked with an blacking. and apply' -with brush tl4 tiro
your •s outturn df ,wheat tit 2604 000,- �1 sit vforprint-
Sent Premier, who allows a business atti• th'e very deepest interest is being tak, Superlutendont, ing, afYoraing facilities not etYualled in the ordinary! manner.
OAU bushels, ,which mount he (looms CoxianvoATIONAL HUROH.—Sabbath eoulttyfor taeniag ottt $rstglnss work. Large
s fade, an everlasting progressiveness, a c,n in the work byg Council and peo_ T type and apnroprlatc cuts for aIIstylos of Post• There is an easy, simple ,way, to ,tall
oto -tire -Out policy. A mum" who mast ole." Mr, CtimpbalV said he laad re_ insu£f icient to meet Ilio world's, needs, services at 11 a tri an • 7 p M. Sunday ars, Hand Bi1Lv, oto., ana the latest stylos of if a diamond is genuine, 1►Tako a
needs. vrork for his country when On a 0(ntly observed 14 a number Of Reliable figures 16SU0d the past School at 12m. Mi4week meeting Oil altoiaa fanny typo for rho &tor classes of print
FFF Wednesday evenings t 8 o'clock. Gavin ittg' s'ma'll dot on a piece of papoti with
I pleasure tour to England. He is so deeply toW inships, including Norwich, in Ox'_ tea days of the 11'reneh, Russian Wilson S.S. Supt. E. Prior H, B. ELLIOTT
and Italian crop ` lli a that those P .0 , pastor. Proprietor andPabfishor rt lead pencil and look at it; through
in earnest over the advancement of the fdrd, and Dosanquoz in Lambton, ex_ SALVATION ARXy ' t;rvioe at 7 and 11
a m'and 3 and 8 . the 4lampnd. If it shove but a sin -
me deficient., It is, estimated pin on Sunda�
Province that he cannot keep quiet. ilnf,Tes of levelling, grading and seed, y, and � P. KENNEDY Ili. i).. M. 0. P. S: O. gle slut the diamond is genuine, If
g that Prance will r 'alta the iinPorta- every everting durilg the week at 8 tion,) (member eroff{ ihloB British Medical 8sooiul it shows more than one ora mark
His first st tement du becoming Premier img ,with rasl3 an the sides of the o'clock at the barrac s pp
was that he intended to develop New road,. ,vlie're rho farmers ,were taking tiaiq of at least 40, 00,0(10 bushels! and ; • attention•paid to diseases of Women and.. 11ild appear,! scattered, it Is false, act mat*
Ontario and keg the maliufacAure of Italy will need abOia 28,000,000 bu,shel4 CHRISTIAN AND MISS 4IONAIly ALLIANCE. rail• Office hours -1 to 4 p. m,: 7 to 9 p• m.
p particular "pains to b.auttfy the —Meetings as follows• S. S. at 2.00 ter; what it cost, a
timber in the Province. He has held to to .cover her dcflele cy.Compared with P•
hi•5hsway, its.• Fellowship at = p, xn., and even- R. MACDONALD, A mother ,yhaso littlQ as tole is
brat plank through every storm, and Mr, Campbell's atte tion was drawn
this situation it yea . ago Ralssia ,will gOlistic at .8 pm., 'every Sunday in D 4h`
vaccessf ally battled ever wave of the have 23,000,000. bus els less \vhoat, Ritchie's Hall, Vioto •a St. : Contra Street inclined to stoop is gradually breaking
y Y to a at New
c¢tt r a t American pa_ \,,Hick' cuts down h export surplus; POST OFFICE—In aedo#raid Block. t:hei (habit by a revival of, an old cus-
+Opposition, until now he stands upon a par that New 5'ark State lead app.ro_ p Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 m. frit{gleam' Ontario• tom. "She makes the child ,year a
record of which he may well be but' during SQptem r her .shipments , P book an her hexad during ,some hours
y proud. elated 4LO,OU9 far road improvement Patel Fisher,
p P exceeded those made during the car- epos er..
A record that the Opposition wQtLId this Year; als'o' that 4it miles had been MEOHANICS INSTIT TE Library and DR, AGNSWt lit) the house each clay. The woman's'
gladly usurp. A record which every improved at a cost Of 367,600, and responding{huonth in each of tho,.past free reading room iii the Town Hall,
Physician, Surgeon, etc, own mother was brought by like
+citizen of the Province is road to co t:hrect yours. Of ilio other important will be open every tilt' ritoou from 2 to treatment to' passes! a most majes-
p point i .. miles furtltr.r were undergoing European wheat cfyunt:ries Hungary 5:45 o'clock and every veiling from 7 to Office-Maadonnid- Black; over y: E. Dallis'
two, in a Provivoial light at least, improvemt:at at a cost of. t;773,730. Y 9:30 o'clock. Miss Tillie Robertson, Drugstore. Ni;;htcalls answered attltcof�ce, tic and beautiful bearing, which also '..
"Choose stho,* sO a loss' of "360,003 bushels and librarian. • 1 counteracted a narrowness of the
Choose ye at the election ye Mr. Canipball admitted that those YANSTOIJE;
,> Germany' a"drop o ; 52,800,000 bushels, TOWN CovNon—'Wm. Clegg, Mayor;
serve. roads looked .rather expansive•, butR. chest, which expanded "under the
If you desire- a Premier ,who has rc�arked that the while Spain �shdws a# iuercaao of about Win. Holmes, Thok Bell, RObt. Mo- BARRISTER, SOLICITOR ETC. P
policy in New 8,000,000 bushels,as om a eel with the, Indoor G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, rigidly -enforced; rule.
PPe Private sad CUmpRuy funds to loan at lowest To ,stow leeks take only the white
Trove himself to ber without resource York Stats*. ]lea been to first •buildGeo. McKenzie, Councillors; J, B. It'or- tato of interest. Noaom{uiasiouoharged. Mort
axon -aggressive, none•preseverivg and enormously expansive trunk easels harvest of 1900. B •oomliall s estimate tnison, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel gages, town and farm ro� port bon ht and
sold. Ofi3ae,Beaver131oa y g part of the leeks and see thoy are {'
'#barren of fruit, support the Conservative leading to large otm res, and that, font Europa as' a. w ole — translating Youhill, Assessor; Witt. Robertson, Col- �t. wiui;tu{m. nicely washed; put them in a pan
Y e y ,gravel and quarters into bushe s— is 1,396;000,000 lector. Board meet$ first Monday even-
:candidate and Whitney, But if on de- further, the necessaza , ing in each month at 8 o'clock. A. MORTON, with cold water, bring them to the
sire a Premier who has proven himself stone were not near so convenient bushels this year, i against 1,4 l x00; u
P SogOOL.BOARD.—H Kerr, chairman) boil for five niiniites, than pour all the
3' OOQ bushels -last ye t. 'Cho total Am^ Thos. Abraham, J. -J. . J, BARRISTER, Fie., Witter away and wash the looks in
to be alive to every issue, who can hold in Now York State �tts in this! Piro, Elliott,,
the reins of Government well in hand, vinee. Here there arc but few coup_ orican, crop, incluAing • the United Z%muth, Wni. Moore; Thos; Bell, Wm Wingham, Ont,
States, Canada, , Iklexico, Argentina; Button, C. N. Griffin.; Secretary, Wm. cold ,water; now, put them on with
who is tireless in his efforts to further ties which have not tel tlia rate ma_ Robertson; Treasurer". J. B. For�nson. , adding a little
Chili and 'Uruguay, is estimated at. + L..DICBENSON, milk to cover them
'tile interests of the Province, who is al- terial that is neede,l aerie at hand Meetings second Tnesdkyeveningineach E. lalt, popper and nutmeg; let them
+� ` 9115 000.000 bushels" a tint 745,600,0011 boil till quite soft, and • lift Cham out
ways at it, who has borne fruit a hand- . scud \v are able to bu$ld sada much ' >a month. BARRISTER, ETC.
reel fold, shown in our educational more. cheaply. y ;lfi 1000; Asia will ha:rvesst 307,600,000 PUBLIC SCHOOL' TEACHERS.—A. "H. SolicitortoBankofHaintlton, monoytoloi':n, on toast; thicken the milk with',a,
��atem, our standing in agriculture, 'in "I should say that iinathQ' Z'rovinoe l bushels, which is 3,200,000 bushels lass Musgrove, Principal, '-Miss Robertson, Office—Meyer Blook, wingham,
' than last year;frica produces 4■�, Miss Reynolds, Miss F3arquharson, Miss teaspoon, of butter and one 4f, flour
cheese and buttermaking, in the opening of Ontario this. year fully 500 miles' Cornyu, Miss Vanaton'e, Miss Matheson mixed and boiled up; pour over fhe
,out and develo meat of New Ontario in of 03,000 bushels, which is 5,600,000 bush- ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D, S., L. p, S. leek; and .serve hot. i
p , good atone and �ravcl toads will I900 and Miss Reid.
our manufactures, in oar increase of re- have baen built, and this largely by ets: more than in r ,. and the, Aus-, BOARD,, OF HEALT Mayor Clegg, Doctor of DentalsurgeryofthePennsylvania The proper ,care of the eyes is an
tralasia ytold will he 46,800,000 bushels (chairmall);'0. J. Rung, Thos Greg- Dental College and Licentiate of the Roval
venue, in the provision for the sick, the taeal appropriation. ha people have cry, Dr, Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- Colle sofDc+ntai stn t,•eons of Ontario. of0ca important matter, and ,should never,
blind, the deaf, in every de artment of not � which is about 11,60 ;000 bushels under over est clam wingham.
p yet recent cad to take advantage retary; Dr. J. R,. Macdonald, Medical bc} :neglected. Do not use hot appli-
Provincial Government. If this is what of the, recent appropriation of one that crop of 1900; the grand total for . Health Officer. ,
the world is tkus made 2,099,600,000 T. HOLLOWAY D. cations. bran are positively injurious
iron desire, support the Government and m'�n dollars for roltd improvement W. , D.D.S., and may b ••
bushels, "against 2;636,360,000 bushels in L.D.S. y ring about serious trouble,
Premier Ross ,alibis the next ten ears, PIANO AND THEORY New for "
but as painless as. si�yst a noted eye doctor. Consult a '
1900.' s . traction. No Cocaine.
sane as they da much more will ba Special attention to the care and regulation reliable oculist when your eyes pain
a dcm,e. • Within the past ten MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. of children's
teeth, moderate prices and andat'. y l p y q
p years yperp pix Ltd you can assign n reason f6r,
Atlas of W astern C a.nuda, y and skilfully forme .Office
Casarrh Caunot be .Cured 97,390,449 has Wen xpended fear im_ � and member of the Associated Musicians of in Beaver Block, Wingliam. it. Rest them as much as assib104,
i A chaste pra;taet of printers ink Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num• p ,
'With LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as they can. proving the, roads by the township bar of pupils for instruction on Piano and in and always sleep in a dark room. Try,
not reach Ithe seat of the disease. municipalities. Thi is equivalent to and j>apzr has just baa isswed by clic_ Theory. r. alway;sl to sit with our back td' the
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional Octian o£ Hon. Cliff Slfton, Mit!- fo esnmin t unison gjven fip pupils preparing JOBN RITCHiE, light, and never road when you are 1
almost a, year, which is all h Y Y'
-disease; and in order to cure it you must . ister of 'the Interior, j t is act atlas :of Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT,. ing down. The head ,should always'
take internal remedies:t Hall's Catarrh raised by direct taxation. Besides this be) elevated, ;so the fluid of the' eyes, .
1 wa*stenn Canada, an contains it pie_ Winrtiham, Ont. Y
Care is taken internally and acts direct- there is expended ttnhually iu Ontario Y ,
' tolrittl'as we•11 as a , .ritten. scary of : I 1 ,will not be,stzained awn from thorn.
ly on the blood and mucous surfaces. 1,100,00 clays of labyr under the jj •JOHN ouRRYB wnva>tArc oxm:
Ball's Catarrh Care is not a quack the illimitable tl ;possibifttiea ILII J J . u
q statute dabyr system. Elliott,t ,
medicine. It was prescribed by one of which await devela'mzmt iii that ISI Honorary Graduate of LICENSED AUCTIONEER. `
the best physicians in this country for part of our heritage.+ Besides' lthataps I� I Ontario 'Veterinary a ales f Farm Stools and Farm Implements a
years, andis a regular -prescription. I Loss ofikesh. College. P v
of the provinces na,d territories, the Otllco and Infirmary All orders left at THE TrmEs office promptly
is composed of tile best tonics know)Y, at 00110 Is old stand, attended to. Terms reasonable,
If you find yonrtl if falling below book is replete with cow ruphicttl oaf _ ,, , t Viat 'ria St. Win
combined with the best blood purifies, o ¢ gilanl.
normal ,veigltt there is danger. .Che , I Da and ni lit calls
meting directly on the ueous surfaces. lines of New O'ntari ,Dake St, John I�tU t norm
�1'he perfect combinatit-n oe the two in- use of fish oils can temporarily add oat, district, Great Brita and Ireland. "i °''"' pro
i aecotn{nect on. SIRS W H HELE
gradients is what produces such wonder- but will never build filo health tissues.
Dr. Chase's Nerve F �•od acts through The halt tone tugs - ing! are. battuti- _
till imresn is s coring C tarrh. Send for g + Classes in China Painting.I ''^
testimonials free. the blood and nervous system and cai+xies fol uraaels, possess: !pact: and de_ G
new life and energy to every nook, and . FARMERS E RS 4 Oil and Water Colors.
F. J. CH>rNEY & CO, Props., Toledo, O tail instead of the fiRt, stiff appear_
Sold,by druggists, corner of the body. ;It regulates the u
y r,g' , price 750. anc4 so common in rrent illastra � Also a new revelation ldhi for $ring china.
. various organs of the ,body, makes the �' • and anyone having Ile stock or other
Hall s Family Pills are the best. a' articles the Studio at her home Catherine Street.
appetite good, adds healthy $ash, and tiaas. No one who ds the matter y\arsto in o; ums. ala large ,
replaces the tissues ,v sted by disease. set forth could fail o ba impressed c rculation tells audit wills" st an•ga deed if
Naturally and gradually this food Cure t you do not eta customer, �ra cant guarantee
Jointed Paragraphs. ,Pith the• boundless c" gatilities of bhot you sell because, on may E. ESTELLE. 'GRIFFIN
restores color to the cheek, increases the , y ask more tr
A dumb waiter is bet r than a stupid weight of the bed an thoroughly over- life, In, the spreading anudian plains. for the article or stock th it is worth. Send
P g y g y g f P your advertisement to th Tiutts and try this WIN
comes disease. articles• TEACHER Olt' VOICE CULTURE. There is a noted difference
man, plan of disposing of yo ,r stack and other '
A very littler tombstone may tell a very t
The Work is Now; Easily and ' in the style and fit of Pants we
big story. will Dund theAtLilway. Pupils ponspared for conservatory of Music y
The obese woman fit a museum al- Hon. F. R. Latelifor0."itatedoil Thura- Well Done by Z'��� � make that always brings peo•
Sways draws a fat salary: day of last week that' in view of the
Wecau't all be heroe', but we can all great rush of settlementinto the Temis- Doamon D �'$ VIOLIN AND GUITAR. le back for another air.
be men—women except d. kaming regon during the present year HOLSTEIN DAIRY p p
Miss cARRI� MooRE Then there is the low rice
The popularity Of 80 a people is due the Government would,; commence the The perfect coloring of all cotton and having added a separator to their plant, now of London Conservatory bhtsio willbo pre. p
to the things they don' say. work of building a railway northward mixed cotton and w of rags for the oiler pared after Oct. 1st to rp" ceive a 1'imited num-
er of pupils for instra tion on 'Violin still and better quality of cloth put
g• making up of mats, rn and carpets, is LA RIFIED 11IILH Guitar 1
It's easier to play o a hand organ from North Bay Host apl ing. The re- C
easily accomplished w n the Diamond Residenco=oppositon. , Chureb, Wingham. in them—cloth that wears.
I'ban on spate people 's mouthy. salt oP the anrveyors work sO far had Dye special Cotton ' lora are used. to the people of wingham. Our cotes are kept
i Some men etre getting Vp schemes for been most satisfactory, Ian easy route These scientifically, t- repared cattail strictly clean, so that wet, are enabled to offer TOB PRINTING, See Our new goods and rices.
I getting other men down. having been secured, an 1 an excellent colors are the only .unf .ding cotton dyes absolutelyuly and milk, icelt in summer, during tl l�
•. now before the ladies o Canada. . They including Rooks, Pamphlets, Posters
The amateur corneter is contiuuall county alongside b in scovered. Mr. 8 cents per quart, delivered once a. day. Searle Cs , Bill
y y g are fast to sunlight audgwasliin The routers, &c., &o., executed in the best
'blowingabout his instrument. Latchford said his personal view was i g g' y style of the ce art, at moderate prices; ana on �+
P in produce the most lovely and brilliant short notice. W a■• B S I "'""ER' & c o ■
Locksmiths are not necessarily' hu -'favor of letting • contracts -as early as shades, and so' simple to use that a child BooxBrigDSNG.-We lire pleased to announce
may dye successfully that any Books or Magilzines left with us for
porists because love laughs at them, possible so that the work of making y Y y with them. Binding, will, have our prompt attention
' g If you are a lover of homemade mats • Prices Eor Binding in any style
railwayconnection for the remote region y t3 n1" will be given on
. g andarugs, collect our sottou., s, iced v n 1®j � application to THE TI=8 ornon, v
"""• could be completed the, sooner, y g ;_ j��
p He to The Wella &Richardson Cp., Limited, ;
thought that the whole'.line might pos. Montreal for pattern sheat," Of 'Diamond SOLID , R IAB B E R Wingham. ±t
sibly be built in one year, but that re- I Dye Mat and Rug Patterns," which ` /
the y other mained to be seen. ` In tiny event, he will enable you to choose your own RAILWAY TIME
designs of any required size. When C arri �� � E TABLES.
thought Lake Temis'kaming could be you have selected youf design, use the RAND fiRUNK RA1L'y1rAY SYSTEM,
A ®�(#��� reached which would. then open the Diamond Dyes to color our rags as per • - G TtiAtit MARKS
. 'tiavC�. , P 3' g P � TLtALNe Lt,A1i'rl 'Molt DESIGNS '
wag fora eat tourist tralilC. shades on mat Or rag pattern. Pattern ices London .... d.50 8.55m,m,JJcoPYt#tOhIT$ dGC,
sheets mailed free to a address. London ... . tl50 h m.. „ g,10p.m. Anyone sending a sketch and description mac
It is an anxious time for mothers The whole line to the head of Lalke Kincardtne..11.l`0ma op -m,,,, g,ggp m anventyioascertain nbly httentiab e00t 0�envurit an
'ishan the little ones get their feet cold Temtsltaming would b0 about one Will carry heavy Loads and Iiineardino .,..0,19am 8:55a.m.... 8.10 p.m eo°rtit"ran�to'ieio01s'i a orti�a1�foIIeecnte,nkont6hW Its
and wet, and come home hdarsd and London....,..... 53:10h.m..,, ry,5a g
g Brer Sntitr Ilan S p
+coughing, or awaken in the night vices hundred miles lone, and when colnplot- i< p{ism. Wit tuna paid service, Palmerston........., p•m Patent#" taken t�iroutch Atunn A Co..radelte
aims of deadly croup, Then it is that ed it would reach about brie -third Ol the At is ,said that the �uke halt ,with An ever-satiifactory, easy'- R• T• SUTTON, Agltnt, Winghain�n epeeist aeric#+ Without charge, in the
ltnotbers turn gratefully to Dr. Chase, • ,
*rho, through his great Recipe Book and way from North Bay to .Tames Bay. him X4,000 ,worth of cigars at 750 eaCh� ; riding wheel ire, r CANADIAN. PACIFIC RAILWAY. dent�fic ,�merecan�
Tamous famlly remedies, has time and Lake Abitt]bi will probably b0 the liext When the ure,vspapor .�orrespondenta, 'rnnlics zuAVll soli Ahanasometyilluntrhtea weekly. tnraost eir.
p y Every setQU r,anteed. Toronto andRast........0.58nm„,s,38p.m. plat,` ourtnontheealifieJonial.rtoermsatGrn
tilgain saved the little ones anti Olde! \VliO aCCampa'nled Ge0ig0, Come Clown ' Teeswator ...........:. 1-82 13-m....10.4Sold bYnit 8 tones, too, from suffering and death. Ob3etltivQ point in continuing the Can be, fitted'to any wllee:l. , Attttrvz IrAom p.m• ��`�� & Co New York
It is truly surprising. ]tear Samtaadway,
promptly lute riOrthward, This wtluld be the first t0 khOlY' old CermQObg and 10�Cent• baC� ;; Teeswator.,...• 6.Gga.m,•....g,G8p,m, , ,,
Mr. Chtzse a Syrup of Lfnseed and' Tar• Government ,ratlwa in Ontario and ca, they may be exeu •sod if they work . Solid for Catalogue. Toronto and East ...... 1.82 p, p.m. Branch oalde. tea, if 0t..,w:uhin„inn. D. tr
Irentlne brings relief when the hrott y ' J' H• BE11:MRlt, Anent, Wingham,
as rlore and irritated, when the told Is would mark anothetstop In the advanced off a few bits of flowery stuff on the, DUA LOP TOM Co,
tight in the Chest, and the cough' pain- olio of developin New Ontario, For divinity of royalty, a'nd the celestial s:lxtatan. = -_
tial rind ol, heals It allays tri. lit- policy R j A . ,
ills mmatlait, Heals the sore and torn some years a charter has been held by tnascendency of trY,Pcrialism. Im- raito veer 1 AL1Jti
xriembranes, soothes the nerves and Mackenzie & Mann to built'[ a railway to Agina a 750 whiff. Phaw 1 And whole . S '
ralears the air' passages. r ,
People whir knoa of the iiingular vlr- water; Bay, but no step•has been taken boxes{ of am 1 Boy, pass tho..towel.' A
tY:ues of Dr. Chases Syrup of Linseeds by them to -carry it out, beyond making , 4 by
falni.ness steals over' thtr senses. Ito
surd 'Tut'penfine do not think of accept• casual surveys. Sinee the Government cttygoon Independen . i � � Caveat; end't'rnde•ltark'a attained, and all patent
ing the Chesp Arubstitates which many 7.0 ,ADVEuXist lacus aondcC,,,1 far liiOQHRITl4 PARA, My _
oiliceisin the imt�tediatavicisit` dithepatentOtlied
rail p y I an any ac Cities orseeuringpa ntaareunautp
020 In its piletCe ;l5 CelYta. y Wag 9 oken Of the Have been � Scud model, akoeah crphotograph of invention.,
rya, s Inakilig a t'demOnatrati0ri” On the siCltl Ifiettnd 'i ahs, ¢ `j►�i �,` dascription auddtatetnentaa tondvantage:163t.
Vof s bill at North Bay with a anR Of that 1 J � L � U -0G,1"Nnt7,na+4edr tnrtJd fn!•rtoinf,lltinna6W
• � � �:� F# A liver pill that Is'lnall soil acre, ...�.____ _ ._�..
r '” well, acts' gently, gttiokl r and thoroughly, � Appli rnito5iritaell�l s uii bd A6 for
par +rail ��ihe
of Unsou-2 A dcpse of 11Ii118 that does Plot gtip� Laxa•Liwer .fills � r 0 PATENT AOCd idI l>E < r«reit: 'tbrtdteea. a'lttva,toaaAip wit edn-
l's WOriY! Powders possess these gaallt t+, and aro a 'lI1Pe 1 iht►y bb bYdtrrtld by lumens hill information seat fret. All COMMUni•
OYiraid, Addrtttie,, s.a ,,, M"E"'
Catt4uti Cohslaelt a s5 Nttloily Ctlnadplit101r
And �? �llq� rtyill keep the children curd for S.iw'ex COinliltlnE, �Ctllstil5at�itltl, 'iH8 �Atgi�tt ll>:bb81t, � ` 1 ��g�qp+'»
Tape nn y,, , health leafier Colin A.'Campbell. Sick iitlad5telle, etc, eattttsisrsr N6. �y`y"� t� �� � �• � �1 A�• " M�ti H
P, ,. ... :::lir., Ytr \,��:Y �i��tl JN. 2b• rL
.. i .
:.-�.Jia�ti':�•.'.. ...- .-; !.:, �/, ':. '. 'i?.;`:� '� � i.y_ss„:'la:�y`.— "ate_--.,.. �.�2%l:_?. +�i�: •i