HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-01, Page 1A
� •J
THE W, y
VOL, XN.IN,T--NO, 15.11, WINGII � , 0 TARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1,, 1901 $1 A YEAR IN : DVA C'
G A]" T1 �N.IES
AAd1 AAAA Ml^AAA 1,000 bushels of Des wanted far 250 Arlust ang & Uo, will ake a 01.00
Call at 111=4 o's.atOnce. THE QOM! ION BAf�K.,
phatograpli far Ga i Nov. 10th to Stock Men
S. 0. S. CoNcEit .,---The Sons of Soot- 2 rd� Q1+enecl for iSnsincsq n 7h'eKlneactay M1lar,#- �I�
The time, t0 talk about. land have decided` o hold: their annual' Inp.govlN fr. ' Charles Gillespie i#,g #n the s aw 01094,
•; �,, '' concert iti the th it w@ek of January, still imprnvc's. M , Il'orsyth, who was As was aanaunces ' in our last issue,
�iO�' ookery Preparations are already in progroso to scnldOC11 will bQ iI off a,wliil yet. the Dominion Bantt -Nas opened for busi• 11 ATTEINTIONobtain talent. Mr. Agnew is iz17p wingnicer . ness. on Wedaesda - morning.. TheyI IIHas come again, We expect �.
_ �#.wlul �t1LLs C...viu,-0n Saturday last - BltoxnN ARar. little girl Con. have fitted up their ofli,c@ iri'tlie Shaw I
► duotor Ireland, f l while xullnins on Block very taste full , In their savings
to open Up during the next 111x, Walter 11A, s brought down, alarg@
, the sic on ' esda' evel►fu€,r, e d department they all tv the highest our-
tvt o' weeks several nice linea owl while out lit ting. He brought It 3 weber purcllaslnf your -
into town to hav it set u , > t measured brol;a her arm, a is doin nicel rent rate on deposit of $i ancT upwards,
p g y winter supply of
of Fane.' as well as transaotiry a general banking
four feet two ills es from, tip: to tIV of See Mrs. Gree for the bargain iu
--� millinery, business, We are Teased to welcome
the wings, ry
Japanese China such a strong; finane al Institution. tp our Sulpher, Salts Saltpeter Etc
� 0 you feel
Fresh Oysters arriving daily' at S. Me- WITUOUT BLIND ;.-•.•A test Baso will be town. Mr, A. E. (�altson, the manager,
1 ! ! �
German China $q�Y1e tpied at Ottawa In charge laid against whose wide emporia cc+ has fitted him so
french China ��� N• I, Wolll,, -A Inpetiilg q"f the a hotelkp@pQr for v olntion of the regal. well for a branch o this kind, has been CALK, GLV'
Like;payIng a Good Price AND
Directors of the-7ational Iron. Works ations of the. Lioen @ Cquitnfssiollers„ xp• found by the writ GP be very pleasant
• for a Poor Suit of Qlothes? was held on Wadi isdeey evening, It, is quixing all wiudo+a to afford s clear and courteous, M Win, Walker, who 71ie
English Dinnerware expected that evewthing will $oon be, IIx view of the barroo-as at all hours, has been teller an ace'ouat'ant in the
Douglass s1
t. Or a Re&sortable � rlc,v for � working Order. -pother meeting was Pitopz,lzT-� SOLD?—Tile house occupi@d Uabri g0 branch ox some years, will tlra�j�I��
held last night, by Look Cree, on 11=riry street, has. been ho the same po tion ill this branch.
i unlit and guarantee
a tee prices and Dn isiolc CQUil = Tudg�e. Doylq held Naught by him fro x Mrs TufYts, Bel- 1ep Greer of to n has been fortunate And got quotations,
quality, rtment will grave for the sura o $500, and the hnuse n being appoint d junior. With this
speak for itself. Dit•ison Court In 1llgbam on ']:liars•
I and vacant lot adjo ging; owned by Mrs' staff, the local bra .wh is ao1v well equip.
Good Suit day of last wool , . The ono case of in- ; Delp, Whi than he ° been bought by Mr p
t@rest was Campbe vs, Fox. This Svae ' ti Whigham, + ped for business. We are also leased
A. [arquhalson. p McCaughey, for th : sunt of $075, Both to announce that Mr, R. Vamstone, our 11r<ledif al Hall '' ing,1l,am
an action brou ht 1 - John Clam beYY of s town against A,'F. o£ WhiLephurch, toare well worth t, a fignros lsafd fpr tyell_kuovt n town. maa,has been appoint -
them. New Era. '
in which ' Camp_
ed solicitor for tilt local branch.
choles is yours. IF � recover the diff@r��1ce
your judgment prompts CHINA, HOUSE bell claimed he ws3 deceived in a horse Any orders for sales left at the TDEEs
you, 1 o save money, and Opp. Bank of Hamilton, trade. There welt 3, no witness s for Clip office will receive prompt attention. ' T. c ' A.rz az G. N. W.
t defence, The plq atilt was . oivecl $50 Currie, auctioneer, BoueaT AGAIN -Dr. Terome, dentist,
i vour taste suggests. stylish vv�>�vvwwrwvvw�wwd.�a and costs, Asswus NEST W :.rc.—SiaCasea leave Art recently sod out his practice r,
F clothes, let us have your Arthur liar pnroh load the practice of Dr,
WAxzi,D.—Brigh. ed tipples, $c, been entered for tris by Judge Meredith Cooke in Blyth a d takes�passession neat a r
order. Orders direct from, ratally. .Also Holl :at the non: jury .assi @s which a en on `"° � 2 pCi, dOZ'
FOR SALE.- ' P w@el;•
We lead the trade in Butter, Fowl and w Fars Monday next at Got erich. Oars of these
G E. ?11.G• vases is that of the town of Goderich SOLD HIS Lnz, Mr, Hiram Smith of Photo
�j �w� ��
'(xexltS' 1 lumber wagon, I single wagon Wingham Town lot, has sold his house 11
with iron axle and spring- seat i set ALWAYS IN+ THE EAD,—`.lie '1'=s it vexsits the Goderich Elevator Company, �,
p g' $ and lot of 233 a as to Wm. S. Ling:- � t -
FUrI11S111i1gS double harness, 1 set single harness always ahead of it competitorsbecausels to compel thefulAl-ulent of the agree- p n(�
is up to itself in cr ry line of imp vw- l,tnent between the town anal• the coix- later o£ 'East W wanosh. The latter STAR 1'i,��it �YUDi.�,
° A full line of Fall and I plow. Also rooms over Gordon and has in turn rente his farm to Mr. Geo.
` Galbraith's• stores torrent. meat that can 'b • introduced. his �paxry. There is els a nation for judg- Pocock. 1u� Aeaver131ec1t opp.
,Winter Goods now passed week we have fou .d.it'necessaly to en- ingnt on the docket.. J. Milton Graham', brungwicl� a'nuse,
W.into stock. Z he latest in GEO. McKENZIE. large to twelve pa ;es, 7� coluutiis dust A NEw .REsm' v ir. Miohael A VETERAN H xTRR.—Win. Robert- w'nsliau''
think, twelve pag -a of good local matter. Walker of East Wat an six has bought son has sold q t@ a number of. deer R
Hats, Caps, Shirts,
Under- We serve u o sly the beet resdiu licenses this seas `u. Amon them was Bulbs 1 Bulbs ! At Ca`atosue price.
Who wants a Farm p g the house and lot on olin street owned g H3-aainti#, Tulips,
Mr. Tchn Gofto , of Wroxeter, 84 years etc., etc, Leave Your order at star studio,
Wear, etG. matter, none Duly what is fresh Next b� Jas, McGavin, a will mote into ver Block, or Vrances street, wingham,
a week, we begin aur ,new story,,,"The town at once, leavin his youngest son of ge. The of gentleman is as spry as T. C. GRAHAM.
Zoots and I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands Oe could wish nd will no doubt give a
for sale, in 60, 75,100, 160 and 200 acres, lots in Gunmaker of M-*Goty" NOW is the on the farm to wor it. Mr. Walker
Shoes Kinloss,
Greenock. Bruce, Kincardine, Huron time to subscribe We can justly Olaim . , .0O
Ed Ashfield Townships. Good lands with has liv®'d in E, Wtiw Osh for about 40 6 d account o himself. �' CULL,. Climbing the Business
Our stock in this line Was. good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms. that we are in ad 'dace of any paper ii1 ears and iS' Due Of ile oldest rattlers, � s Laddar
Also a and blacksmith shop (dwelling in con• y , A few bOArdexs wanted at Mrs. h�
never more complete. All nectiongj doing a good busine6s, for solo 9heap. the 680tfOni. Ova thirty-five columns of i He has been a reads of the Tnms since Flood's, Minnie street. o°
p A hotoll doing good business for sale cheep.. advertlsin is pr f of our wt11 is it b y As volt increase your
P + t11e first issue and Dud to tel We W > t sefulness to your em -
1118 Latest Styles' will be Also a #vagontop. A general store with largo P Do IT YO ELI`,—Au exchange a a pioyer so on increase
trade, live village. Also a large amount of not? welcome him to tot Itis rnu a
money to loan at 6 per cent. For further par- makes the
sensib find well-timed sU � o Sour chur a of .promh:
found at this store. oculars apply to g o tion—your #tisePllhnc+ss to.
Harold H in .0 s a winner and business i i town gestion that th editor should not ' 'st the busineas — your.
T. A. McKENZIE, makes lots of m ; so is the pian who ,voges. A course in the
Tns,#ranco Aeeinti,. Holvroed. Mr. and Mrs. Dollar u cents spent be risked to rebtt a @very evil in the town Federated Business Cos.-.'
buys his C hAlli and Furs frOrti Hanna l P leges Nvith schools nt London, Toronto, Hamil-
codaiderable' men purchasing their and community. If anyone becomes
& Co. Fall Bill at Ha a &do's. this week. ton, Ottawa, Sarnia, Berlin, Galt, St. Cather -
N E W ADWI 5. ♦ + convinced that s h things need attend- Ines, helUs you to reach this rad. Hahelsonne
WORT$ WAiTI ' Folz.—When one year book and all particulars on application to
TtxEs Osiice—Notice, wants a picture 0 the Sia and Queen LTanxS WENT O .—Three times dur- iug to, let him w it@ an article to th@ �1 l
Soy D. Bell—A. Organ. o frame and 110 g up in his housA, he •ing the past week a have been without ,paper himself and ignr his llama to it. forest Citi Rosiness 'Ooilee,
&MUth t . i lights. O ria :la for bo :There are too roan men, and possibly � -
A. R. Smith—Lots of ROOW. is going to Mare the best portraits elegtx cF d -y . st. a _ill Y. M.Q. A. Buildin,,, London, Out.
W. G, Pattei on—Look Out. obtainable, and t hen he knows that the an hour, as An in' eduction, we were in some women too, "o -are too cowaxdly J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
Colin A, Campbell—Ohamois, the dark. A whoel broke at the power to publish a letter ver their own name,
R. A. Hutchison—Dinner sets. best is to be had s cheap, and in some house on. Thesda • night and left us in but would like to eep the editor in hot T
marriage Licenses At Griffin's—More Good Things. cases cheaper, t'_au an inferior one, he —The 'Trims. O ee is lleari uaiters for:
D. M. Gordon—The °Lion" Brand. Would feel that1 a had better have no daricuess for two nights. There wilts titer all the time. � q
leaned by ItilAxic PATaxesox, No. 28 Victoria Geo. C. Manners—Horse Blanket's. much scurrying about to gab lights, I visiting card,;.
-street. Wintcham, Ont. No wituesses required. rotrait at all .ban be persue ed into The Tinrrs till the 1st of January,
�i win. Diamond—Enjoy Your Dinner. P some of the sto -es resorting to tallow 1002, to new subscribers for 15 cents. To REvz—Five rooms, with bnril.and
j John Campbell—saskatchewan Robes. ` taking the infer r article,. ins cl oY the candles and of rs closed rip. We soft voter. Apply at corner Viotoxiaj
H. H. Isard & Co.—Money saving Prices. best, which is rr liy the one 'on@ worth TIIE ELC>F.NE PACs CONCERT OODiI'ASY. eopoid streets,
Jno. &Jas. H. Kerr—How to MelteoneS. understood that everything would be —Rev. A. E. Prio has arranged with
Central Business Colle.ge—Gem,fne Business having. This the pos' on of affairs lIghted n for T! rsda night. Ir. W. E. ]Hassey died at his
'DOMINION Education. ' regarding the p ,rt its slug Edward , b P y g the Great Eastern Lyceum Bureau o£
and Queen Al- x a, »resented this Farm wanted rent at once, must Toronto for a cone •rt by the Celebarted summer redden Dentouia farm on
• srsson to r@ode s o the Family Herald be in good Condit n with roomy build- I Eugene Page Con :erim Company, to be Monday afterno He was taken with
'Capital $2,500,000 GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. and Weekly Mar. No one who sees lags. Rent poi .quarterly, Apply given in the town fail on the evening of typhoid fever b t other complications
v Drawer 838, Win ham. g set in, He *Rs esirlent of 'the Masse
Rest $2 500 000 them will do bt for a minute their .ax Nov. 12. This is o be one of the clean- y-
.... , r See I-Ialsev Parks advertisement. Tin, CANADIA ' PACE A wave of I
Harris Co. He I As in his 88th year.
superiority. T nay ars valniible Trim, est as well as the .hoieest musical treats
Campbell's Headache Wafers gnarau- faithful in ev@rte detail, and our advice excitement was ;est o'er he town o11 ever offered the sic Toying people of VERY ILL. -11 r. F. H. ''Kerney vas
teed to Dore headache. to our readers 's to get the Family Tuesday afternom in welcoming home Wfngh m. Mr. . E. Page, who has visiting his fath_r in Morris on Monday-Cvi1LERS.-A m ting will be held in Harald's picture, f the Icing and Queen. the little CanaGan pacer, Harold H•been identified t nth the best musical The old gentle- aan, who is over 00.
WINGHA BRANCH the Towu Hall Thursday evening The Family Hex ld also inclnd@s a third Lucknow Band as secured and Ra pro- combinations of merica, is a great years old, is ve y ill with pneumonia.
p (l V next, November 7t , to re -organize the picture, the r nowned Duchess of cession formed the G. T. R. station,. artist on all man er of musical instru- He contracted a •cold at a tbreshiiig, 'a
SHAW U ll f1 Carling Club.' A those interested are Devonshire, a p feet gem, and easily where the little ay was presented with ments, but is »own chiefly as the kind of trork he liked though he is tip in
A General Banking Business Trans- invited to be press t. worth the entir price asked for the a collar of fio ars as an emblem of "World's Gr to t Mandolinist."' He is years. There s little ]lope of his re -
:acted. Family Herald nd Weekly Star, the victory. . A lar a crowd was oat and supported by per ormers of acknowledg- covery.
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and For the best van a and largest assort- y ed merit and the oncert ill @very way , _
advances made on same. meat of ready-to-wear clothing go to ging and Que n and the famous cheered the pro ssiou as it passed down ENQAGLD AN 1NGi cEER.-The Council.
Drafts bought and sold on all points in H. E. Isard & Co. Gainsborough p Glare. The Family the street to the now stables where the will please the ost critical audience. has engaged as engineer to draw the
Canada, United States and Europe. Herald will certa ly do a bigger business winter is to be ent. The Canadian The Toronto lobe says:—"°Musical plans And saper aten,l the putting nil of
` SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest HOUSE SoiD.---Y-t. John Huffman has PmIrs.
ever this ye r.Champion as .ontinued to lower his people who rem 'nod away from Masseyallowed on deposits of $1 and upwards. sold his house slid lot on Charles streettiro@ a s@anon »til ha now stands at Ha11 last ore lased a rare treat. It the waterworks'of=ysteru Mr. Galt, C. E.,
A. E. GIBSON, . R. VANStOXE, to J. W Sootit o Hsrriston for X000.soGreen keeps on hand a large 2 0#, This (F , ay) afternoon a mat- M. E., presiders ii the National Iron
Manager. Solicitor. Mr. Scott is comxi4 to town to team for assortment of beautifully trim cl hats, can be easily `d best
Page Company Wprks at Wing ant. 11Ir. Galt has had
4 McLean & Son. A. Dulmage, real and. is selling thein fast, at arkably whit vile be helc�+on the driving park, at gave one r t -e best concerts t the a long experien a at this particular kind
� lots »rices. Which s nnmbe = of horses will show popular Fiartm .n Course. About 2,000
1 estate agent, negated the sale'. theirs speed, and aroid H will ace to of work and w think our town•fathers
i3ouE FROX T -E WEST, r. Hugh P P people attends and were well repaid for have` doue w to secure him.—South-
Ho=BANK::OF IWANTnD•—Two boys. Apply to lower the -Cana ian record for a half +
. Hamilton, sr,, reaitrugd hon hist week the}r trouble.
Walker & Clegg at the upholstering after having Spelt. a few weeks with re- mile track of 2.1 .Y4 A banquet w111 be
..: factory. hold in the even�g. � ampton sac i.
latives And frient� ill different parts of ,. LEADING S7E30. +` S'1'OR,�•+'
IPVIN H H A M ■ A TROLLEY Lr�E. or, BRuale.�—Mr. T. Manitoba; He tv is very much taken up There has just been placed in my
M. Humble of Tu onto states that, h@ ' 204•acre farm on the $ Y`� WTNG$AM'S LEA •
'Capital paid up, X1,995,750.00. with the country And says he never saw hands for salt a
and Licut-Col. Bel•[ier of Southampton line of lurnberry, 8 miles from Wing -
Reserve Fund, $1,500,004.00. b�ttsr land in hi its, The weather was j haul; large house, part brick veneered. ®f0�, Rubbers
President—JOHN STVAAT. are prbmotintt a tr ,lley line through the Ver; disagreeftbh for a short time in the I Commodious and complete ontbmldiltgs';� j
Vise-President—A. G. RAi�SAY. County of Bruce, with Southampton us partb he visited, here being heavy rains and bank barn 70x90. All under, .'itlt1i
rotR�oa'tiRs one of the termi ', aticl eirrulars have and at one place »loot of snow had fallen. vstion, except 8 or 4 acres. A: Di11- and. others
been sent to t e various Municipal Threshing operAt arts were in full swing mage, real estate age , Wingham,
Bohn Proctor, Goo. Roach wee Gibsono).
A. T, Woad, All P., A. n. Lee (Toronto). Councils, Toro 0 Capitalists Are inter- while he -Was in the West and many HAPPILY M r'
A quiet wedding
a l3enoral ir2anager—J.'CUROBUL1,.
ested, and Mr, amble, who has re -
feared that the th eshing would not be took place at he esideuce of Mr,� i„ Some rubbers have 'very
Saviilga Bank-13ours 10 to ti; saturday, 10 cantly affeetea strong financial dna fiuislied this fel Workmen were, Baldwin, first venue, Roseland, B.C., y . _°'� //
to I. Depositsofsl'atndup�,ardsreceived. In little rubber in them. ladled,
crest allowed, and computed on thn Both No• political falians in Montreal, visv let a scarce and wages v •are high. While in Wednesday, Oe . 9, when his sistsr-iu-
t sat May each year and added to few of his frien s there in on the ground chin Mx. Ha Itoa met Messrs. D. law,111fss Jose iiia Mag , liloway, was � k Vic;' r
vember and 1 y W ISauI /� , y they are very trashy stuff.
-principal. R. C. united in marc a#to' to Cliurles Forbes ` s '
Special Deposits' also rewired at current floor, Sutltsrinuc.1 W. I , W allsce,
rates ofintarest. The TLu1Cs and Weekly Globe will be Sperling and GGeor Or ItusseiY, ,all old 14icHardy, a eriiber of lila ]Nelson // ' s,4; ,''' We dont' liandle anything
Drafts on Great Britain and the Vnited sent to ne`v snUscribers till the 1st of Wingh lies whoa a doing well in the •Hardware Co party, and one of the
States bought and gold.
ravaltera are netiflcd that thobankof Dam- January, 1902, for 2'o cents, Tell your We t, At Gilbort iotas he met Mr. A. Lalco City's su essful ural rising young r, i� - a but the best bra il+�S, t�l<: land
11toon hied its Branches issue Circular hates oil ads, (, art, former of the Tees�vsts,r' business men, The ceremony was.
National Yroev%1 tai a 1 rel tBe xIn ge air tx ott+ friends. ,
whi0. cant . Box SOCL&L,�•-"lie Boz Social given News, and also 111x. Fuldlster and two performed by v. A. M. Sanford, B. we lirtOW Will bring Customers back for other„footr. eltr.
7#le in any part bf tI%e wo11d. .1
W, opg>Sot7Y,ri, Agent'' by the ladies of the Congregational sons, who formed lived in Idowick. A. pastor Of th Methodist church, In C}i1 Can de end upon the 1'Ul�lJerB �"Ou f�„Yet here beCuilBe
21. 'T" :0101KINSol�1. solicitor. .
church at the hon r of 111r, 'Geo. 'lervit At Nerpa.walie foul tJohno0outts, form- the presence n a 'small gathering of ,..
g we sell none but those made of putt rubber, thoroughly cured,
. _ Was tt successfi l dna illi enjoyable erly of bast Va. »nosh, aucl Alex, intimate friant 7.lie draxviu room
.. Family, erald and occasion. The boxes were numbered I Mitchell, formerly f town, at BrslldoTi hai:clsomety dee grated with swset pens We have thorn] at all riCeg in all styles.
The TIME and y �
Weekly Star to now subscriblars till 19b and sola accord ug to the numbering. he hada pleasant v sit with Jahn Jobb Ana astors, An 1t-metise floral bell being ,
y of Januarq, 1902, for 25 cents.
With This caused nmci merriment as most of end family, farir Fly of Turuberry. the feature of Ito decorations. The . See our l:�# alt Footwear in both Ladies ,'end Crede s.
1 this splendid ofror all who subsea1.
mss the boxes, and tl_6 wxnera too, went else. Mr. Hamilton spoin a fete days n1 Win- bride wAg attirci-, in tratvciling costume
.get si platuro of tile � l�ulta arta .
guy of the nipeg, and called ca Mr, George McKay, and was given a1 y by ]let brother -in -
1 of "fork. Siva 14x20 inches, w11e10 than inulapa, 11i At
Arr, Mono to loan an boxes' Were worl s of nit, inside and out, a former well-kno-M resitlent of iWing• law, R. d, Watgr u. rizr. alio Airs. rile. +� +�
MoNry To Lo y ^,"L
lc1 riotos 4iscoxllnea` sit reason.• and reflerts n' x011 credit upon t11q hard, We lino so ry to learn. that Mr. Hardy left oti t'1 nfterilooii train or r oq� qua j� /�►' s
notes, ax SOLELy G � 0
title rates, Money acivxnce(1 on »tort• inaleol:s, The r,fnrlual. program was a rixel�ay cvas to ve1� poor 1lenitii, bit, Nelson, where tilt ivi11 take tip their
ith privilege of paying At the crodit to the pa -ticipants and Only ono I3nmilton also vi itexi Wftli friexirls At residence, "lie 'ootxi is' a former' ��
� c f any year..Xotes anti acoolnits I ngectccl flip injtzlctiotl of "speak'%a little Miuiledosa, itnpid Vity and Portage la residrTi'�P
Will htxrn dna the Tt l s L
collaotCd. office—IReavor 13100lt, Wing , Prairie. extends eoligratul lolls.
slam. hour. lidCr,Ulmo. IoTtder, please.