HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-25, Page 7� l i
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Mrs. D. Jardine, of Ao"eld, recently ttaUtta w QTXkroti, t x *it* reoyliv wkq
returned after having it visit for about ,writ Pa zlteut s 1 st r Is res `
flue weeks s4xtlx relatives at fl•lamtuts, '
hitt; arsenic Ili the farm In whish ��. Dress Goods T� � � � �'����' For ��Athl>��
Bruce county. wilk is token by the peasants of Styria
" Mrs, O'Connor loft here on Friday on and the Tyrol, Professor Schallaruebel
EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL 0U 3 READERS, a visiting tour to rplativos aG Buffalo• of t,aetz was tho first to call attention to
W. Bailin was at Brantford last; week. this practice in a report which he made
attending the meeting to lcau to t1►t+ Austrian. s e attneut au
of the Executive the cause at flee numerous deaths from
What Wideawake .T11nes Correspondents Communicate Other Committee of the 0auadian Or•ler of ntsenic poisoning In those diatr t l3R
Foresters, found that arsenic ivas kept in most of ���Items Clipped 'From Our Exchanges. the Mouses he upper Styria under tine
Mr, T. E. Durnha left here oft Friday n me of "h dracli " evidentl a corru • INCREASING
last for Manitoba on business, We wisll tion of "huttenrauch," or furnace smoke,
rlgifl:tc�, iSLLGl:AY1y, him. success and safe home, Ills statements made were subsequently
Rev, Prof.Ballantyne of Knox Cal• `i'he sacrament of the Lard's Supper confirmed from personal observation by
Tho sad helve w:tis received last �veeif �� was dispensed in Erskine church lase u Th, AleGingan of Edinburgh, but for
by Mrs, Neil MoLanoblin, Brussels, that Lego, lorotito, will preach anniversary, Sabbath to nits a large uttniber of cont- many years Afterward the arsenic cafet:y
Servicesitt the Presbyterian church ori g wog enerally disbelieved in, and It wasIS Now a little over one year since we opened up bull-
laer sister, Mrs. Euos Willett, of uimaicants, Preparatory, service -vas not till ]SCO that Q. Heise published con- IT'
U'1'reherne Manitoba lead answered the Sunday, October 27, at .10,30 a, m. and vinein evhlcuce, nese in Wingham, and it is pleasing .and $at1,0factory
conducted very acceptably by Rev. A. g
roll call above. She Rassed away on 7 p• in, McNay, of Luoknorv, on Thursday after- Arsenic is principally eaten by hunters and woodcutters with the object of ward so hate the increase 9n trade, which speaks volumes for a
Monday of last 'week age 40 years noon, the 17th. Thanksgiving service ing off fatigue and improving their stay, go ahead business. We thank our numerous customers
',typhoid fav vas the immediate cause wr:ST w�t.w.UNOS11. was hold in the church on Monday, the Int; peivers. Owing to the fact that the
of dtaath. aby a week or Be old was The municipal fathers of West Wawa- 21st, sale of Arsenle is Llegal in Austria witli- ane}:; friends for their patronage, and bespeak A continuance of
buried int ine grave as the mother. nosh held a sossioai in the townslii hall out a doctor's certificate it is diflicil to
A sorrowing husband and 7 children P On Tuesday evening, the loth, a series obtain definite intorivatIon oY n habit the same, During our second year we will endeavor to cater to
ou Wednesday, the pith, All the mem• of revival serttices will commence in the which is kept as secret as possible, Ae- your wants with a larger assortment of goods in all departments,
survives who will be deeply sympathized bars were present and Messrs. Roberts. Methodist church. Rev. J. fi, Collips, cording to Dr. Lorenzo, in that district
with in their sorrow. Deceased's maiden the arsenic is talmi fasting, usually in a Our Fall and Winter Stock is about all in and you area cordially,
and Case were present re 1)uul;auuon of Anaastar, is expected to assist the +
cap of catl'cc. the ilrst dose Using minute,
name was Mary Forbes and was a former drains. Cheques were issued to the pastor, Rev. T. R. 112oNair. but increased day by day until it some- invited to inspect the goods and compare prices.
highly esteemed resident of Morris amount of $450. After clue considers• The many friends of Mrs. Blair are tiutes Amounts to the enormous dose of °
township. tion of municipal business it was deoid-. 12 or 15 grains. Ile found that the ar- We quote a few prices below just samples—of values to be
pleasod to know that she is recovering settle eaters were usually long lived, d throughout the stock
ed to meet again on fountroe Wednesday, Nov. from her recent illness. though liable to sudden death. They have g
1$tli• u very fresh, youthful appearance And
ICLYLOSB. _ are seldom attacked by infectious dis- 50c Ladies' Night Gowns for............ • . , ... , $ 0 39
Mr. Wm. Rendall has sold his farm, LTSTt,wa.r.. PERSONALS. e
r the first dose the usual symptoms 75c Ladies' Night Gowns for ..... .............. 59
lot 2, con. 1, to Mr. Fred Champion. -- of slight arsenic poisoning are evident, 35c Ladies' Fleeced Vests for . .............. . . 2S
The Presbyterians of Langside have Coving to a break in the generator of iN shall be glad to have contributions to but these soon disappear on continuing 35c Ladies' Black Wool Hose for ...... .. .. 2f�
had their church raised, a new founds, the plant of the Gas slid Electric Light have vivito s or Ali pOys@ going of our .fou a dig the treatment.
Co., the supply of gas was shut otYTues- drop in and toll us, or send lid A cote to that In the arsenic factories of Salzberg it Is $;2.00 Flauuelette Wrappers for ............. .... 1 LO
tion built, the building veneered with day night, and most of the stores and elYect. stated that workmen who are not arsenic $1.50 Ladies Dougola Boots for .... . ......... . . 1 25
brick, a new brick porch built in front caters soon succumb to the fumes. The 45c Tweed Dress Goods for .. , • .......... . ...... 25
and the whole painted inside and out. hotels wore forced to fall back on the Mrs. Hogan of Toronto is the guest of malinger of one of these works informed $1.00 Black Henrietta for ................
lampsfor light. It would be a good plan Mr. Heise that he had been medically ad -
The walls have been kaleomined. The if the company would keep au extra Mrs. T. H. Ross. vised to eat arsenic before taking up his $2,00 Box Calf Boots for . . . . ......... • ..... .. 1 75
cost of the improvements wag about enerato:: oil hand in case of an Mr. John Addison of Clanton spent position. He considered that no one 45c Black Ribbed Cashmere Hose for............ 35
4400• g Sunda in town. should begin the practice before 12 years $5.00 Ladies' Black Coats for ............. . ..... 3 95
Mrs. Bronscombe and Miss M. emergency of this kind• Y old nor after 30 -and that in any case aft-
'Brouscombe, who have been spending a Mrs. T. W. Magahy, of Chicago, 'Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Borden and two er 50 years of age the daily dose should $4.0 largest size White Blankets ...... . ......... 3 50
mouth with friends and relatives in this formerly of Listowel, has sold her brick' sous are visiting in Toronto. be gradually reduced, since otherwise $1.000 Flannelette Blankets for , - , , , , ...... 75
... , ..
residence on Main street westto Mr. Mies Scott of Heusall oval the guest of sudden death would ensue. If a con- 35c Union Carpet for , . , , , ..... • ....... . ........ 25
part, have returned to their home in firmed arsenic eater suddenly Attempts 50 Tapestry Carpet for ......................... 40
Ohio. John Scott, drover, for :$1,100. the Misses Delaney the past week. to do nitogethrr without the drug, he im-
Miss Murtie Armstrong has gone to A young son of Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. Fred Diamond. electrican, of mediately succumb% to the effects of ar- 50c White loreLacCurtains for .................. i 50
Elms sleet, was crossing the street, senic poisoning. The only way to obviate 50c Boys' Colored Sweaters for ................. 35
Lucknpw where she will reside fora Toronto is visiting the parental home. this Is gradually to acclimatize the sys- 35c Halifax Tweed for... 25
when he fell under the wheels of a
time. Mrs. Welsh of Exeter has been visit- tent Uy •reduehu, the dose front day to 7c Check Gingham for .......................... 05
h Hewitt has sold his boat -
Mr Jose awiftly-moving ,buggy, which passed day. As another evidence of the cuntu- , .
p directly over his body. When picked ing Iter daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Holloway. Inti v e properties of arsenic it is interest- lOc Dark Prints for 08
ing and and picnicking egnipnieuts on , Mr. Gus McLaughlin of Ciintou was ing to not,, that when the graveyards in - 75o bleu's Fancy Print Shirts for ................ 50
Silver Lake to Mr. John Hodgins, who. up. it was found that h0 was more 1,
frightened than hurt and that he had calling on old friends in town this week. upper Styria Ara opened the bodies of the $1,50 Men's Plough Boots for ................... 1 25
will add many improvements, and by e ' , arsenic eaters can be distinguished by
n season Silver Lake promises to be sustiuued uo serious injury by the au- Mrs. Brookliaulf, of ShallowLal;e, has their almost perfect state of preservation, $2.50 Boys tweed Suits tor,,....... I...... •.... 1 00
cidout: been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Gil- due to the gradnally accumulated arsenic. $1.25 Men's Tweed Pants for .................... 1 00
very popular summer resort. —Science Gossip. $4.00 Mews Heavy Pea Jacket for.,.. 3 50
Death visited the home of Mr, Jacob _ tittles.
"bliss Mabel Mitchell. who has been 35c bleu's Four-in-hand Ties .................... 25
Gates Y ST. an:L7•'N5. HOTEL RULES IN BELGIUM . $7.00u Wednesday, 2nd inst., and he weather i. cool and fall -like these 181t1n„ m Toronto. and Plattsvilie,
n bleu's Tweed Suits for .................... 4 95
claimlis eight-year-old daughter. has At n certain hotel m Bd inm the fol -
'rhe little`girl had been ailing for some returned home,
ys while everything is putting on a lowhig rules were placed in each bedroom,
time and her death was not unexpected. ' all appearance. Mr. Frank Foster is home front . pr,,stnu t'ily for the benefit of Lnglish
The funeral took place on the following The fanners are pretty well through Toronto. He intends to return'with T. spe::kinc visitors, but need to be again Lo
�� Q•
Friday to the Riversdale cemetery, Rev. with the fall plowing, and the threshing J• Diamond to Missouri. translated: Q� J7J, Maxwell officiating. Mr, W. D, Cameron of Detroit has 1. Bing three times for the boodts.H•
is almost completed for this year. ^. To depnsit the hey of the room at
_ The anniversary services in couneo- been engaged as clerk with Mr. A. It.. the hall porter or maid. +
tion with the Presbyterian charch were Smith. He begins to -day. 3. To inforniv in the office or the hall I Wingham s Brightest Store. Opp. Bank Of Hamilton. i
wROXETER. held last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent and childrell, of porter of their departure before 5 o'clock,
Mr. Donald Fisltgr has built anew The brick work of the new English Hanover, are the guests of Mrs. if not the there
will n charged.
fence around his lot on Centre street, church is completed, and the car en 4. That there is nay complaints al do
p , . p ftti� Ti=cent's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward it in the oRice. manager will not fail to
opposite the ball grounds. The old one' busy at the carpenter work. Bosman. give due attention to.
served its time. Dr. Marion Oliver, of. India, gave •a Harry Purdy, machinist in the Nr% �• To shot the door, on the nigt and
Herb, Hennings is buying a few car lecture in the Presbyterian church on tional Iron Works Wingham spent a . with going out.
loads of potatoes. The farriers are busy "Misson Work in India," recently. few days at his home here.—Kincardine u. The price of the ed more, I very the l Furnit
��� Fae V�
p 'Phe teachers oY the Wawauosh localposition will be charged more, 1 Yranc at
bringing them in. Reporter. less a clay if the meals are not taken in
Thos. Hemphill & Son shipped one car division held a very successful meeting Miss S. McMath, of tiViilgham, visited the hotel.
of oatmeal this week. on the 28th ult. A. F. McDonald has ]tar sister, Mrs. Hamleu, last week and ' A special courier is Attached on the
A number of our citizens attended the been re-engaged to teach in S. S. No. 14. hotel to inake the service of courses and
funeral of the late Andrew Dodds on the Several of the farms in this section
left to visit relatives at Dungannon.— conuuission.
y have handy of late. An usbic- Goderich Signal. S. The proprietor will net be respensa- We desire to thank our customers for the
4th line of Turnberr His remainschanged.g Messrs. Jno. Murray S.
Goo. A. ble for objects, money or valuable articles
were laid to rest in the Wroxeter come- Donald has Sold his farm to Mr. Hugh with shall not have Leen given up forpatronage they have extended to us during the
'Rutherford; W. Campbell has sold his Newtolr attended the meeting of the save or show for verifleation.'
tory. farm to B. S. Naylor; and both Jos, shareholders of the National Iron Works 0. 'Meals served after fixed hears or in past three years. We have appreciated very
Miss Jennie Miller of SandersoL street in Toronto on Mouda the room at* charged extra, if meals are
Y Wilson and H. Woods have rented their much the wayyou have stuck to us, notwith-
3eft for Goderich on Thursday, y not said their will not be disconted.
she intends staying with her aunt until farms for a term of years. Mr. Craig of Pittston, Pa., who has 10. To prevent errors it is of the standing the endeavor to belittle our business
Xmas. _ been visiting Mr. A. Ross, left Thurs- grentes importance to put their full name
Mr. James Hastie of the ay morning for Hamilton where lie and profession, very well written, methods and business.
8th line is day
wHICTECHURCH. will visit before returning home.
laid up with a sore hand. He got a Pere Dlonsabre's Itebulce. 1 It assures us, moreover, that we still lead
The Presbyterians are having their Rev. Mr. Freed late aster of the
scratch on Dile of his fingers and blood + p rere'Ions:rbre, the celebrated Dem;n- and that the largeness of our stock lues us the
sheds reshingled. Baptist church here g
poisoning has set in. He will not be p ,was in town this lean preacher, may Appropriately be call- g
able to work for some weeks. last
Chas. Henderson visited the Pan week calling on friends. He�is moving ed the rather Burke of Fr:vtce, Ile is privilege of selling the same goods a little
John R. Miller, license inspector was last week. to De Cewsville, Wentworth county, just its fond of a joke is was his famous
Moving and putting up stoves is theIrish brother. A story of him is that one cheaper than our opponents. A look through is
in town on Wder of the day.
'Wednesday last. or where he has accepted a charge. day as he was just going to preach a
Mr. Thomas Appleby and family of Mr. Thos. J. Diamond of Charleston, massage chine to frim that a lady wanted � evidence that we, if anything, exceed In beauty
the 10th of Turnberry, was the guest of
Some from here .attended the Guy Missouri, is spending a short time with to sea him. Site was worried aboutan of exhibit, workmanship and value.
Bros. contort last Friday Queuing, in affair of conscience; she felt she'd likike to
his father last Sunday. g his parents in town. He likes Missouri see him, etc. After much waste of time
Miss Latta Hazlewood, who has been Win Ilam. We have been keeping pretty quiet in the
and says everything is booming there. she came to the point. She was Oven up p I) Y
visiting in Smith's Falls, returned last The creamery building is prod essing The crops were good except corn which to vanity. That very morlikig she con-
mcely and will be ready for tiro fessed she had looked in her looking way Of booming our business, because We have
week. machinery next week. will likely reach $2 per bushel. Doff is ,.hiss and yielded to the temptation of been kept at it, but now we are going to work
Mrs. J. Brethauer and Mrs. John engaged in milling. thinking herself pretty.
Mr. K. J. Beaton of Clinton Highrere'Mousabre looked at her and said through the newspaper and show you that we can
3 Robertson called on Mrs. Robert Black School visited his home last week. Brussels Post We are sorry to state
at Bluevale last Monday. quietly, s that all?"
Mr. Will, son of Jac. McDonald has that Aggie, daughter of James Walker, .xhnt's Alt." puff a little, and on good foundation.
Robert Andison of Toronto called on accepted a position in Bell's furniture of Wingham, formerly of Brussels, is on "Well. lily child", he replied, "you can
,Jab. Kirby on Tuesday last. the sick list with inflammation of the go Away in pence, for to make a mistake We do picture framing while you wait.
factory . x grain b Y p € You may have picture home with you same day.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith brought lungs. It is to be hoped her con- is not n sin.
' Mr. C. Fos rain buyer reports rain
their son home from Galt last Thursday. comic in slowly now. It is impossible valescence will be speedy. Alex. Forsyth
We sort to say he is ver low. g p Forgot Her Lines.
Y Y Y ' d b his to obtain cars for shipment of grain from and family have 'moved to' Wingham A well known vountess was announced In order to please our customers and Our
B.. H. Townsend, accompalile Y the station, where they purpose making their home. to speak at a costers gathering to tiro -
sister.H. Brown of Bel -rave Mr. Forsyth hail a situation in the Salt east end recently, so the little daughter competitors, we have marked our goads In plain
' Gorrie on Tuesday. of one of the costers—:t flower seller - \
visited at the parsonage here last weelf, Works there. Brussels has coutributod figures and at the bottom price, such as
Messrs. J. Cowan and J. Brethauer s good man residents to our neighboring fleas debated to present titc countess on
Rev. bit. Wilson of Nile preached m g Y her arrival with a beautiful bouquet. Odd Dressers for .............. 6 3 GO
were at Goorie on Tuesday attending the Methodist church on Sunday. town. The evening arrived, with an euthusi'
court. The dockbt was light. A, D. Beaton has an interesting astir audience ill the hall, and presently Mattress for ...... ... , , , , , 1 95
Mr. Charles Wallace, formerly hostler = the countess was announced,
advt. in another colunin this week. The little girl, who had been coached Conches in Velure for.......... 5 25
at the Wallft House, same to town on Read it. It will interest you. —The non -jury assizes will be held at its to what to say, walked Along the Common Beds as low as........ 1 45
Monday to renew old acquaintances, Miss Maud McDonald spent Suuday Goderich on Monday, November 4th, platform to where her ladyship stood and
Messrs. C. Reiss and Thomas Rae in her confusion convulsed every .)lie . Bedroom Suites as low a9 • .... • . 7 25
in Wingham. before Judge Meredith. with laughter by shouting out: Spring Beds as low as....... , .. 1 25
were out shooting last Monday and Rev. Dr. Brown is takingin the Pau- p g
—A G. T. R, baggagemau found $i0G bre yer are, initial Only n penny a Extension Table as low as ...... 3`25
bagged Wino rabbits and divided them . American this week. and the lady rewarded him with $1. bunch—market buuch for a penny!"
among their friends. The Presbyterian church will hold He will probably retire and live oil the The countess smiled, accepted the flow- Parlor Suites, in velure covering, 13 25
Constable A, Paulin took John Daly to p Y ers, and the child got• the penny. Easy Chairs, in velure .......... 2 90
the House of Rofuge at Clinton 411A then anniversary services on Sunday interest of it.
and Monday nest. Rev. W A. McKay —When in need of Wedding Station- F ew Xiteben Chairs left at... , .. 20 �
Tuesday, of Woodstock will preach at 10.80 a.m. on His Guard.
Charlie Town, son of Geo. Town of ery call at the TIAMS Office. We' have tin. Handout—If you would wash Sour SeCretarye for .... • • ... , .. 2 75
the Gofton House has been very ill. It and 7 p. m. Rev. Mr. West of Bluevale the latest type and also many different face, comb your hair, trim your beard ,
reach at 2,30 ti. til. Uu Monday Good Arm Chair . ... • ... • . • 9p i
was thought at one time he would not will p styles of cards, You will find our prices and intend your clothes, you would teddi• Rockers to match .. 95
survive, but wo are glad to say he is now evening the program will consist of ad. as low us the lowest, ly secure employ uieht. 1 tdv. I've
dresses by the above gentlemen and Staggering plow—Y-yes,
getting better. —The trial of the election petition been aware 'uv dnt feet fer jest 2i yearsl You call make no mistake in buying
Revs. Hastie, Brown, Lowe and others,
Mrs. 'Turnbull of (trey is visiting at a9 P, for North Braes lies been fixed ter de warn-
�O. Smith's oil Howiok street. If you have an estray or farm to ad, against Dawes Halliday, Conservative 113inugt I'm jest es much obliged , upholstered goods from us,
vortise, remember the TIMES has the '
1 Mrs,. McLaughlil of Brussels is 'Visit. largest circulation hereabouts. for December 10th, aIler Designs on tlttnit Wiarton, before We d0 just whist we say. We keep i11 .
. i
ing at Oliver Sin
itli's on Howick street. Sit ,John Boyd and Mr. Justice Mac- Sha—She lint dt sisals on him, stock what we advertise.
Rev'. Mr. McKelvey is assisting Rev, Mahon. Belie—Since A0vu? it
Silo—Ulf, rt er NinrC he consented tt -
Mr. Garbutt of Gorrio tit Orange Hill at A pioneer of: the township of South --There is only hu oecnS olral word fuser ilecktie that she e:nbroidored.
revival uteetings. After a series of Eastliopo Passed away on 1Vlonday iu dropped regarding municipal politics. Walker Br, �1�, 3. 1•�
meetings there they will start at Salem. the person of Mr. J'amesMoTavish, aged There is scarcely onough to give the j .lir IJ tj
81 years. 110 came to that section of the drift of the tide, ;some claim to be (lie- If a spray of liquld tit" Is applietl to the
ordw I X G H A M s 0 N T A 0.
country tvlieu a young wan, and was 'satisfied with alio past year's rec, skin, the part is feozeu as hard as ice,
Houghs, cold$, hosrseneei,,tiind other throat but a few minutes etcc su returns
among rho earliest settlors theta, TtVo but most have not thought much about without injury to the tissue, prnvitlinl;
ailtuenttiateciuicklyrelievedbgvdtio-Creso• sons and two daughtors 914-Vive. it 'yet. the Bart is not lit sono extremity. •y.« ...._ ..._ w
Rene tablets, ten cents pot bort. All dtrugaists, • �' `"�`'�"`�"�
.;t.'ra,�..�"...L7�4�.'ti�.,1..1S.e..c::_ ,,.. .. _. ... L.' , ... .., ,. __,...o. _,�.� _•rarl.,ti.�s.. .. ,.�. ,:f7 " r .:�11