HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-25, Page 5,i r: THE IVINGIIAN TINES OCT. 25, 1901, , Aj' a IGANT SVAWAIiU$t{. f)R BA% .- �1e8 aozPs 1n X. w4wanosh fine , 4 %�," U L M J'1 Q E � wllegk an<t atpck farul, b mita+ %rale �t'ing. ALLAN � A T { U 8 OUR Mr. V. Gibbous, of the ;10th con. of lam, Bank l]"raaomlpr6able[ralnau�" """""""""��'^"jj�R X&ORBORS this towusbip,,ul, One of the most success, °R� 009 >��rling 1rult trope. ewer form the Neal Estate and Loan Office,NE t rT bon 1darT ox Ghial tot ,#laking "?I ,>ry lel breederti Of inlprOved lttock, his hob, a s lestonk 1"11 t31n"ll $aTxilenwRqal MailNosh]ps Coilve unoing, b bein Berkshire ho a and he demon• al des b g t' y Aavown and rmpropert, y r g , p T to A�. puma l; t t tie A oak and Coa• Molloy to loan on town and Berm property. strafes the oft -xe sated statement that rn gnuer,.lCl>i Q al Block, ins "1n. t7011%m i%tdi; x .'ae Cp}oaths 'st: 11E�11"5 0� INTEREST TQ ALL 0U READER$. good stook pays. He exhibited at no: less than seven fairs this fall, and his oR DAL$—As FROM MONTREAL. ANO �OR BALK. -••100 acro Saran in Morris O p. 6 F plea Ila loo acre farm, milds 1ron1 M(ngllam, of acres cleared, bt00k %Ogle fire% prize at every 040 of mites from tpwn, pn the 14th oonoawafaai I, IEasbWalwonoshlspfferedforeale; weillPnced; NEW YORK. ggpnd clay loam flail, Uo acres aeed8dwtlown. What WideAWal>;e �'lIne9 Correspopdents Communis3ate -- Other them, Iu order to farther im rove bis 0". "ores valuable Cedar nover•failing a r1nR Bu;lie tarn tiOq,U, horso barn UOs40, hpg pen 12 P P ' i l4. Clomfortablp house, opcl orcllllld. ,.,A de* creek: a moned nlaking'i"r:af home ceded bargain at 14,000. l+�alsy terms, Appl to Items Chipped From Our Exchanges, prodttet ho recently bought a very fine deslrablo locality briek}louse,goodlargn bank A. Altllila go, tial Estate Agent, ollislioivni's five mouths' old boar, and sow of the barn and out•bnitainga. 13airms so Hoar this � or tiOkets and full inforlriation;tpply' roWixi{; town are sure to mercers in value, same age, from Mr. David Calvin, of _, plT to A ])ulnlage, Beal Estate Agexit, _ - Yvtngha711 ftTll:lto9s. Wrssr WAIV ANOSM. Toronto East. These animals have boom H. DAVIS, Wingliam. SEWING IN Op . nl tunl. I' MACHINES. Mies McKenzie has beelr. re•ent;aged We received two samples of Northern exhibited ata cumber of faire, And asKenneth '-'• --� •• • •-- ••-- ••-'--' ' E nice,. easy-running,, ovance of S. S. No. 2, Culross at Spy appleg from Mr, Kpe4neth Gamexon never have boen beaten. A in salary of $30, of West Wawanosh; one measured 12%. FU strong and ' unwear, Messrs. Currie and Dayidson of and othor 12;x' inches in circumference, Luoxxow. out machine at reason- Wingllam, have been drilling wells in and weighed 12% and 13 ounces, re. Mr, O, B. Bryan of Oalgary is visiting able prices. ' . this vicinity lately. pan McTavish of spectfully. friends in town. 'the 10tH con. had one drilled last week, Mr. Henry Woods, of West Wawa- Mr, Thomas Gollan of ,Alberta is visit- a )PIANOS AND ORGAi S depth 93 foot, and another K9 feet in nosh, leaves at once for his work A8 stn- jug In tsi%vn. Is where an expert looks to find whether it is as depth was put down at the schoolhouse tion agent at Saginaw, He and Mrs. Messrs. Geo, Lawrence and Jas. Bryan represented. A showy case is not everything, We have some beauti- on the $nine concession. No rook was Woods will be much missed in social are home from their Manitoba trip. fal Instruments, of touched in either of these wells. On and church work and their many Wends Mrs. G. H. Douglas and sister, Miss though we have them in all qualities, They do lovely tope, and in Friday and Saturday they drilled a %yell trust they will enjoy their home in M. J. Carrick of Duluth spent last weep pandsome eases, Best for Mr, W Tittle 95 feet in -in depth. Uncle Sam's domains, at the Pan and visited the Falls. not show the real qualities of the works. When makes. The dril was through rook ail the you deal with us you tae no chances, everything i'; the ,uaaic i' g Mr, and Mrs. R. T. Stoner of Toronto y k for we line. way, DUNGANNON. paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs. R, Graham handle Watches that have stood the test of time The Directors of the Culross Fair :net and family at the old home here, �� BELL 1 Tl`1G$ ATS► , 1nong those who were° personally ex on Saturday list• hid wound up the Mr. Allan 1icKiunOu informs us that and have come out V1CtOC10US. business of the society for this year.. Ylbiting stock at the fair on Friday one day last week Mr. ,Tact: McDonald Though the evowd attending the fear two of Ashfield's most highly Tespected Then we have the same to say of our Jewel-' g g threshed 1,G00 bushels of :grain in seven ee H O 1�7 was larger than. usual yet the smalDer and oldest residents; two meYarovlio 1¢ave hours, Mr. Dail McKinnon carrying it ry lines. In Rings, Pins, Broaches Chains and a iZ J, extrance fee and the increases inthe Dammed through all the hardships of A to the grandly, This certainly is a ioneer life and wile aro et 'as s r the like, we show an excellent quality. AIR !! prize list both, worked Agaillst a lauige p ' y p y g seven flours work.—Sentinel. A .Ll► and Active As young Dolts, althOngfa hot The same as watches surplus. Thee surplus, if any, wild be A quiet and pretty wedding took place , we guarantee jewelery. very small. 'The fair fame of the fair have passed the limit of •'•Sthree scordwat thH home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert however ig increasing and we have no years and ten." One of these was Mr: MAY have a Slangy significance g Graham, J. ]5., Outram street, on Wed. t; doubt that�with a few attractions auan W Mallough, who is 81 yearg•of ge,but that will not rove very attractive if y Hersey, 10th lust„ when 'sheer daughter, hinted is oilpro vevery attr when who did not attend this year wil4,do so he handled a fine frisky colt like a Miss Eunice A., was united in marriage p ' nett year. The Societyhas ave , nice young man; the other was •Mr.'Thotnas 1`Y to Mr. R. H. Burrell of 'Toronto, by the u • • S H L M the thermometer is "way up," but slur les to their credit and tlfeir bne hall Anderson, who was shoving choice 1 jC H I 0. a) 1■, -Christmas is corrin with its p Rev. A. G. Harris, Methodist minister g is free from debt so that there Are young thoroughbr stook, Moth are ,. " " , good farmers, and ode iu Choir abilit of Luckuow. The Young way down 'thermometer, when y � nt., duple took piobab]y few societies in a batter poli- y their departure oil the :afternoon train you'll be anxious to have the air is pardonable. a don't know, whether tion fitiAncially than the Culross fiociety, p for London ails other ;laces to be v6 h isit- Jeweler anti'Optician • heated just right: carried just where - they were prize wiuicmers but '•they both eel amid the cong+rahrtilatioms, many t you want it, and in est the right "News. a m y jdeserved to be) rigid rnalthei•ticolis as if he friends and acquahu�touuces.�� Mason Block, f quantities. — had the slightest inrteution.of' "takingit II NONE can give you better help easy" for some time Yet. tHere's long On Sunday, October 20th, universary r services were held yin Calvin church. than\we can if you wlife, to replace, , p osperity and happiness to both of Rev. Mr. Larkin of 'Seaforth preached remodel or Irepair the heating ap- them. at 10%30 a. itenits 7 , m. On 11loifdA paratas inyour house. TINe . signature is on every box of the genuine _ r p' y Laxative Bromo-Quinine'Tablets evening a tea-meotug was held in the Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Fancy' THnEn''s No ]BETTER TIME THAN the immedy that cures a cold to wne day Neuralgia„ Almost Drives People Had. school room of the -church. A fine and New Goods Vests, etc., are now in stock. N O W for such work, no facilities varied programme -of .music and singing , 1 v - Only those who :have suffered it, p It will be to the advantage of J superior:to ours, nor ess expensive. Commafnd us an time but right Y , g >.iollacls. kllo%v of the darting, tlistractin g pains and aches•uouwulgia :inflicts. Ordinary was rendered and -addresses by Rev. J.J. Hastie of Belgrave, Owen, Larkin and b these who intend purchasing in that FOr k - novo is the right time for right away i Farmers are busy at the mangold . remedies don't even relieve. It required ( Rutherfmd. line tO inspect our stock, and see the _ service. We octll suit oil in a new Y , arop. Curnips aro ;,rowitsg wspaudidly I $n� will yield well. 9 b an liniment t dialive stthe pin. To get, }iniment to•da+ive out the gin. To et ( + � � latest styles. • •�- 3 FallW - STOVE, HEATER este TJRNACE. DW. H. McCutcheoll, (nth ➢erne, vvaa a relief rub Poison's Nerviline into the spot. Pain •Claamf't resistTerviline which AeSureas Yon Are born i n il.•e� Also in Gents Furnishings stylish o�� r + •,vepy successful prize winned•utlBelgrave, has five times %the strength of any ot110r putnaun''s Corn Extractor cures all kind - Hats, Caps, etc. BUGG ' igrussels and Blyth Fall Ferias in Tam- ' liniment. 9A lives ottt mauralgia in half an flour. Never failsl Never ]farms! of corns and warts• in a short time. Cures painlessly.as well as promptly, + s�oN vrorth pigs. i p g always su'ocessful. Try a large 2G cent cures revdically as well as queerly. The �4 ��1T'j uu Vs� iWilliamDuncan ishome fvomLindsay ; where he has been for. sever-fil months. bottle. greatest corn raiser on the North American Cota�tineut, just ask your Opposite pp Cq r - - STOIITE •BLOCK See looks as if the rl took-- gi good care of 0 druggists i; this a�;n't so, Druggists all ir ® sell it_ If yoa�tae at a distance from ' I�OSt Office W 2 N 'him while awn from dere. u uicNxl Ialzv. Y a drug store send twenty five ceut3 to ,Eruost Maunders is llonae ,from Mani- Minutes oUcouneil meeting heldin the N. C. Folsoli & Co,, Mngston, and get post �pL& it ' toba whither lie went owing�to, the illness clerk's ef3ioe, Blue+viile, October 19th,. - of his sister, Mrs. Dobson, who is regain- 1901. ,fu hor former good health we are Members of counorl :All present; the i;LUISVALU. I ST'/LL TO as to hear. Reeve in 030 o,claaix. 'The minutes of last Rev. 2obert'Tllyme, one of Bluovale's A WO U T Y O U R Among Morrisites who recently visited meeting w•eve reaol :and approved on ,„ j old boys, preached in the Pzesbyter- I the Pau American were .Councillor motion of Messrs Mitchell enol eau ciluidi on Sunday to an appreciative �� . tiGeorge Jackson and vvifel 'Jai'm. 1tileCall Mos�"iove. congregation. and wife; Jac. McCall and Rdfe; au , Reports.—M>c �Cofrpland reported lfav nlonglliose •rrlfo purchased bronchos .• Marshall, They ]lad a gond ti. ing let a p,ou•of putting iu the culvert o , at the big sale an 3iuxham last week The farm of Walter Innes, 7th�1tinee, 10th'con. lime, to R. Armstrong, at $6, .has not been sold et so the proprietor is township to ti for also let job of was Mr: A. McEwen,, of Bluevale. His y p p �` y animal,fe,-ms to be,of a;particularly un- disposed to rent to a good ,tenant. In- repairing caaalvert oli tkth con. to A. Hast - tractable nature. On its homeward We have engaged Mr. formation may be had frolic! Mr. Innes, ings at .%; also let job,of repairing road T'H o. aI A s P H A I Ls , <Jainestown, or F. S. Scott, .Brussels. on hill soeth ,of ,Haalie's bride to E. journey buried its t¢eth in the calve P J. Jermyn, of Cffrlaberry, has Johnston at &w0. P of a entlemail's 1 o and it had to have . who has Butcher ? g �+ who .has had charge of .purchased from Jas. Robiusou„ of Morris, Mr. ;klosgrrave repantetlihaving let job its teeth pried open with a stick. On AN Dm DEA "0 N tile, largest shops, in lot.25 con. 2 Morris to%dnship a of cleaning crit oveivament drain on 4th reaching lirlmo it required the assistance ,,consisting g e of several men .to put A .in the stable; AW England, and are now ,of one hundred acres, with good lice to A. Magee at.$1'<. iwa position to serve up buildings, for 03,500. Mr. Jermyn will Air. Mitchell reported having let a job and now the poor brute ,has worried so Tastie and D e 1 i c i o u sgot possession thio Fa' 11, and ;work the of gravellingtln B Bele itoiRObert Hupfer much about • •'s strange surroundings General e8,' c band Cuts of Any Kind of :1 in connection with the one he at $15. that it a xery low .condition of � Meats sides . on. Moved by Mr. L,ow,011, -seconded by hoAlth. Jnet;try an order and ,Mrs. Dennis O'Connor died at her Mr. Moagrove, tba;t tberaletk be instruct- Mrs. Fred. MoCra&en and her two T children, of Brfis;$als, aieited her .par- Begs to return thanks to his numerous customers for their see if you do not want :i home in Morris oil Wedueeda,Y of last ed to notify ylfoufAsetrtorfield to re - to ,come back M week after only 011e day's illness. Heart move his fence oil Qdeen street in outs, Mr. and Mrs.Q.Jol>Sl Gardiner, on � liberal patronage during the past seven years, and asks for a Sunday.failure efts constipation was Sale cause Wingitam town plat and .leave street continuance of the same. We are glad to rsport,that Mrs. F. B. of,death. The funeral took place from open on or before the �t slay of No My stock was never so complete, and we never had such i ,1 Scott is recovering, •thoffgllalowly, from p her late residence, lot 3, .con. ,, oil vember next. ditch that,day if fencing a nice range Of Friday, to the Roman Catholic .church, is not removed, the comne l will employ her severe illness. Blyth, and from there to the man encu to remove fence .and •lpen street at Miss Bella Robertson., -of Turnberry, W. DIAMOND visited At .Waiter and tJ rc1t..Patterson's Catholic cemetery in Morris. his expense.—Carried. Last week Frank Lambie left for Tor- Mr, A. Hastings applied koicouncil for on Sunday. G �® � Butcher, lylftham onto.where lie will attend the Quitario payment for a horse which ,broke its len air. Will. Jewitt shfpped,a -carload of Veterinary College. He took up the in a culvert on the ,public road. He val- flogs last week. r r The "bad cold” epidemic, which is • same,study in Scotland some years ago nes the horse at �0. Left+wver for fur - such a regular visitor, has :once more so w.i l,have a fairly good idea of his ther enquiry. called around and happy .Are t, oy who Crockery, Glassware, Boots Shoes, Rubbers, Dr Goods, wo L Mr. O. Jobb applied to time conned for y y have escaped its attentions. Men's Ready-made Clothing etc, 'p�� �+ astriday, Rose Caroline, infant $GOO damages forinjilriessustatfnedfrom y- , We call your attention t0 Now for daubhier of William Skelton, Sth line,, being severely hurt by beijAg thro%vn Mrs. Henderson is vieitin5. 7iaulids in our large range of Ladies' and Gentlemen's died agsd.G/z months. She had bao;Alver embankment at %vest end of J`obb's Brantford, ailing froin a tumor and on it brealc:iug bridge. Left over for furthea cous]der- Mrs. Thomas West and ,children of Cold- Weather convulsions ensued resulting inher briou. Grand Valley, have returned home after �;� death. The funeral took place'ou Suhda,,y The following account+ were passed a fe%v weeks visit to her parents, Mr. Half% anff.1 A- app' • afternoon. Rev. W. Penhall was the and cheques issued: T. MrBgrove, and Mrs. Robert Duncan, of Bluevale, Attire minister natd interm ut made in 3 gravel acct, 84c; Amos Gofton, gravel another sister, Mrs. Marsh, of Wood - Brussels Qemetery. and Mrs acct, $2.22; D. Pocock, gravel acct, stock. 1 0�.Mr. Robert Smillie has returned home At Special Prices. We are headquarters for a full ling of S * er'ything ready bereavement. Win. Cruickshank, selecting jurors, $3; Skelton are sympathised with in their .$5.40; H. Wheeler, gravel acct, .$2.70; We have ec from Preston, England, where he has world-renowned Mogul Goods.Everything Sold at rock - to meet the demands of the John S. McTarish, selecting jurors, $3; passed the last year or more. bottom prices for Cash. Farmers' Produce Taken in E-<. j Fall and. Winter Season,rr. Robert Duncan is ill at present. ' Jelin Burgess, selecting jurors, $G; C.A.aC.A, chin �. Give us a call .and be convinced that we can give 9 %Vas one of those ideal October oil better values than an other house in the three counties. • Jones, soot Armstrong drain, $22; R. days which malre one hold autumn in y Y m s Arnastroug, repairing ouNert $G' Jahn We wish to call the attention of our customers to our New Overcoatings � G�ILtIZ �Ci 15172 Metcalf, repairing two culverts, $1.50; Higher estimation than the other three The latest Dfaterial No other dtseiise makes one feel so old. 19. ,Tohuston, repairing road, $20; A. seasons of the year. It 'would indeed be It stiffens tine ioinfs, produces lameness, Magee. cleaning drain, $3; [John Mo• hard to imagine anything more beauti- p ,h and makes every motion painful. fill than such a dap, when nature having New Wtings & Trouterings It Is sometimes Be bad as wholly todisa- Elven, repairing culvert, $3; 1!;li Bolt, Special Bof ManitobaFloor, repairing bridge, 25c; Robert Hupfer, yielded of her bounty, to' the hand of To suit Pvei'yone, and bier. and it should never be neglected. gravelling, $1G; John 116XI ;non, ravel. man, decks herself In her bravbst colors M. J. McDonald, Trenton, Ont., had it $ and breathes her softest and most per - after a severe attach of the grip,, Mrs, ling, $67.54; Win, Churchill, gravelling, Satisfaction Guaranteed Battle Turner, Bolivar, hio., had It so $1.4.25; Hirfam Smith, inspecting gravel, fame laden airs, as if reluctant ty yield herself to the cold embrace of Winter, Put U Especially for our OWN TRADE at 1. o per sack. • •eyerely she Could not lett anything and $8. 1� p y � 9 Doth in Disking and price, could scarcely set up or dd�vrr ntelrs; �V. Moved by ltiih. 1Viusgrove, seconded by The potato- crop an this section has H. Shepard, Sandy Hook, Conn., was laid Mr. Mitchell, that this meeting do uO'ty been all extra good one this year. Y up with it. Ras cold even in July, and adjourn to meet in clerk's office, Blue. Mrs. Win, Maxwell and her little Come along and be made warm toula not dress himself. vale, on Monday, Xovembor 25th, at 10 daughter Joan, hale returned from 'a .According to testimonials voluntArily "d happy, ltlid have the, assurance o'eltek a. m. ..visit to l►iilverton. $fven, tb9sd bufferers were rmanently air. 'IV. Stewart is building a now t that you are well dressed. rblieveb, m others have beets, y + Jolt\ 13ullta> ss, Clork. stable.0N Yours tr111y, HOOd S t,�arsa�atl�l'rx �' Mrs. Jelin Messier received lvord thal A J 8w, DEA I R. MAXWELL. `. whicti airrreetts the k4olity 4f the blo6d Th CUhx A Calyx• IX OXX JbAl 1Veek that lisle' soil John is ill Vith A n LLr whole bybtearl, s md ds 'Peke t axative laromo Quinine '.tablets. All tVplloid fever in the Winnipeg hospitAT i ���@��i[�`i"r3%� ��� x$00-0 PIMA 6Cele �**#uiMattoa.leth dl'rk64 �eat4 S. gists re's sta t money, If it fellate oW, �,r f� ,�•. , �IpIT A17x TAILOR. a the S. �, Grove's atanatnrn is ell each box, ;rbc, FIa is err the road 'to reao'very, however. 3'•