HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-25, Page 1i WIN, H T�\)IHIE to s , , au eo o s see s. and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with p be Iu good condition with roomy bus - that the Work will be ill operation Coa Climbing the Business Our stock in this line was good buildinggs to be sold cheap on easy terms. HAROLD H TI%zRD.— .2e following is ings, Rent paid quarterly, Apply to ;cam t ePes Ladder Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- Drawer 333, Wingham, agalin next wee J� never more complete. All rection) doing a good business, for sale cheap• the result of the races at Memphis,. on + c 'o p A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. THE. PESKY FLY. A la Ue Of flies c $ As Ines Increase your the Latest Styles well be Also n reagens op. A •erernl store with lar -e Tuesday: 2.08 pine purse $3,000,— P �" CFI Iter ruTrs. W > usefulness to your ant-• ti y trade, live village. Aliso a large amount of ! has been rouaced b the fine weather �^ plover so you increase l J found at this stere. money to loan at o per cent, For further par- Dan Patch, br.h., by oePatcllen, P o your chances of promw titulars apply to (McHenry) ...... . .. 1 1 1 of this week,. You ave seen a man on ` the psa,ture o Rev. Richard Hobbs is mod your your usefulness to, J, A. McKENZIE I the street stn ones to till something given in the Lo don Free Press of Tues- �'�,� the business — your TusurancaAgent, irolvFood. Mazette, b.m. (Ale nald) .... 4 2 2 P 'Y P g wages, A Bourse in the Harold H b. Pro or 3 G 3 out of his eye. t was a g rebu fly. day. Fceferated Bnsiness Col- g. ( ) . leges with schools at London, Toronto, Hami1 NEO ADVTS. Major Dsuscovite ................. 5 4 4 Have you not got ne in the eye yet? The general c nference of the Metho. ton, ottat�va, carnia, Berlin, Galt, st. Cather- You are fortunate then. They belong Ines, helps you to l:euch this end. Hnndsonie W ill Leybnrn ....... , , tr 3 6 Y �+ dist church moil meet iu Winnipeg In year book unci all particulat s ondtpplicatl(s}i to Romdh & Sons Little Squaw, ........ 2 d1d.. to the aphids and Ire described as "a 1902' Forest City Business College E. Gaunt—stray dolt: i steuorh chaii hem )terous insect." The P Time -2.05 2.06/, 2 8. Harold H. will Y Win. Gannett—Cutters. Rev. D. Perris egfns a series of ser- WINGHAM, Jas: Elliott—stray Sheep. race again on Frida The owner of Dan name will relieve you molten your I Y. M.C. A. Building,),ondon, Ont. mons ou the "Se ou on the Monut" on John B. Hyde—Farm for Sale, Patch announced t t he would retire Patience is tried tvltli them, J. W. WESTERVELT, Prsuci!)al. A: J. Nicholls—Central Bakery. for the rest of the s son. I Sunday evening ext. marriage Licenses A. D. Beaton—Still to the Front. Mit. LECICIE's L eTL r.E.—Mr. Leckie, . Rev. Will. LO a will hold service in —. Issued by FnAxrs PATEnsox, No. 23 victoria Dominion Bank—Business Card. Where to get a ram coat or a water- misstonary lu the lumber camps gave a X. H. Mcindoo—Saturday Bargain Day. proof to suit any purse from $2.7o" to very interesting it d entertaining lecture Zetland school 1 once every Thursday Rev. a elistMargratt the 'Home Mission - No wingham. Ont, No witneseesrequireai. W J. Greer—Good Rubbers and Others, $10. Good assortment at HANNA & CO. in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening at 7.30 u til further notice. cry Evangelist of the Congregational Ball Bros.—Talk it Over with Your Wife. evening, under thea, auspices of the W. Next Sunday is, U4 wortl2 Lea ne Da Church of Canada, 's expected to assist Thomas's Bazaar—Bargains in Graniteware. DODIINION BAND— We have another g, P P g Y g or o the Pastf the n regational church Jno. &.s. H. Kerr—Gloves, Mite and Gaunt- proof of the growth of our town to re- C. T. U. He began by describing his in the Methodist. church. The pastor ROMMIDN �WNK lets. ort this week an :vidence of the in_ early life and ads ictiou to drink, and will preach a special sermon to young here in two or tl ee weeks of revival Forest City Business College—Climbing the P ' later reform. HE followed with the le 2u the avail work. beginning .pout the first of No - Business Ladder. creasing business an, financial transac- peep 4g• tions of Win liatn i t another chartered story of his call to the work among the velnber. qq g , ri rumor is afloat in Methodist circles capital • . • ... $Lt4OODDO band. The Domino i Bank are estab- lumber camps, a id described many that Rev. Dr. Caiu-tice, editor of the Rev. E. W. Iaighes, rector of 4t. Rest $2,400:000 GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. liching an agency in -tie Sbaw Block and amusing incidents of the' lumber man's Christian Guardian will retire at the John's church, TAsouburg, formerly of I will be open for bus =less the beginning life, or the '•boys ' as he calls them. next general confe nee and return to Wingl2ani, i22tenav within the n(xt few Se SHalsev Park's advertisement, of next week. • Mr A. E. Gibson, of He described the s 12tyman•s "turkey," months to remote • his family to the; Old active pulpit work. Y pbell's Headache Wafers guarall- Toronto, who is alr-edy With us, and the "chilly," the auce. For over an Country. Air. H�hes leas large interests WINCH MBRANCH,�xto cure headache, who has had a wide experience, and is hour he kept his a diene deeply inter- Subjects of sermo-is to be delivered iniu Liverpool nud ;Vales; whichat presentDIOVED.—Owin' to the Dominion held in the highest e�eem in Toronto as ested and ofttim in laughter. Mr. the Congregational i mrch coming Sun- need his persona supervision and direc- S N A W B L 0 C K . Bank going into the Shad* Block, Mr. an able banker, wig have charge as and Mrs. Hope co tribiited two well- day areas follows. :Ioruing, °'Called to g P tion, incl which makes it necessary for R. Mooney has move his stock of tin- manager. The Dor■inion. is one of the rendered solos to the evening's enter- What?" Isaiah 42:(i7- Evening; '-The him to change h residence. A General Banking Business Trans- snare, stoves, etc. t the Meyer ck, strongest banks in Gauada and reliable tainment. true process of 'self.-iiscovery'. " Luke acted. next door to E. L. D ckinson's.Wehis to the core. It is a matter for wonder pairs are be iuuinz to move. We have 16:17. Faxlners Sale Notes Collected, and —The TruEs office is headquarters advances made on same at lowest rates. adv. in another coli n. that there has not another bank been sold G Fur Coats alnea•. y, When are The Jarvis street 3aptist church, Tor- q arters for Drafts bought and sold on all points in A few boarders wanted at i17rs. established here ere ,his, as most towns you going to come in cl pick out goals? , olni2tarily into the visiting cards. Granada, United States and Europe. Flood's, Minnie street. I of our .size have tvw chartered banks, HANNA &; CO, onto paid $G87,G0 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT'—Interest city treasury. It vv is an installment on The Prot lite sal Game Warden has allowed on: deposits of $1 and Upwards. To ADVERTISERS. QVe must again rQ- The two chartered banks will give the , A $50 WALK. r. Will. Pearson x;850 of taxes, whicl the church will pay issuers bet wee) five and six thouand quest our advertiser to bring in their town a better R sal standin:;, which walked to Teeswat on Saturday in' one I of its own accord his year on a value deer -hunting li*niises this season through. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. for change o advertisement not will be of general enefit. The a oncy hoar and fort iii lutes, a distance off copy g g g y I tion Of $50,000 on the building. The 282 deputies tip jointed for purl ose: He — later than Tuesday 3vening. Owing to will bo open totnother a general banking nine miles. This .valla was consequent I property is, of co' arse, legally exempt has also deleg.-ted forth men to look 4 ?I.p..��.�..pot..£„'g..,,.g,.t,.g.II.�...I...b3...r•�•l••k our extra pages; su :11 a number of aciver- business, and alho bank with them on a bet some vvee :s ago that the rias- i from taxatiou,,but ;he church managers `after the sport men's camps throughout tisements to than ce each Leek, it is will receive coucus treatment. See tanto could not be -alked in four and one I have for several years paid taxes there- Northern Ont. io and see to it that the *POPULAR A popular, prao-,i, very inconvenient to receive an adver- business Card in. column, half hours. That 'ell through and some on just the same. game latus aT� observed. ;PROGRESSIVE I tical and pro-�. PRACTICAL grecsive School+ tfsement on Thurso y morning, This There has just been placed in my one else said it c .nld be done in two of B•u. s in e s st week one mean's ch ' g�e of advt. came in hands for sale a 300 -acre farm on the B hours. Last we -.z fifty dollars v� as put NG SHOE STORE V- - Trainin is the , , .:... ,* after that part oft paper was run oft, line of .Curnberr 3 miles from Win a by parties,that Pearson could ;�. Y g, -less veneered. walk the d2stan� m one hour and WalvCT$AM S LEADING v. and another on Thi •sda morning. We hien; large house, part b ' Central Business College ,'1l, trust our advertise will do us the favor Commodious aa�d complete outbuildings forty-five n2fuuter Preparations were t'�.. to comply q 3 and bank barn 70x.)0. All under culti- j Stratford, Ont. p y with ab a request, and they I ration, except 3 or 4 acres. A. Dul- f glade, and he stn ted cif at about six / Food, Rubbers + will receive better ervice. mage, real estate agent, Wingham. I miles for the first tour. 'Cowards the / .i. 112-2. Green ]seeps on baud a large BIBLE SOCIETY M`ETiNG.—Tlie annual last he became pre ty tired until for the i ani. Othem ^l' assortment of beautifully trimmed hats, / hast mile it was 1} -gain to keep mov- aF '� and is sellingthem fast, at remarkab meeting of the Wit ,3ham Branch of the in-. iy Tho Load, of course, was bad ones / v lova prices. Upper Canada Bibl Society was held in the tviud pretty hi h and axil a ainst' p t partly l Sole ubbers have very , the Baptist elaurol2 )n Wednesday even- blip. He Ivan by silent five minutes.} E,. •€• + REv. DICKIE s cTURE.— The Rev, His -,-owned our efforts tinct our fall 'F' mg, There was a f�rly good representa• Hal ber in them. I ndeed R. W. Dickie, of 0 ngoville, vv111 give opening was the best in the History of ,'11, his lecture "The R gn of the Common tion present. Rev. John Ross gave all TIyE GRAVEL CONTRACT.—Beattie , our school. Our graduates do not look / 'i' ill vain for positions—they toote2nploy- People," fu the Pre byterian church, on ©xcellent address, �hic11 highly delight- Bros. mobil were t�viarded the gravel a meat, many of them i,itmevliately on ,t, g, , ed the audience • lis subject wits "The contract on Joseph ne street, at 60 cents ! t. H are very trashy scurf. t leaving college. At our fall opening ,i, Monday evenin 2 th rust. Admission Y -vo enrolled students from 1) it fn ,1, , Bible and the wort of the Bible Society," ay ard, screened a d delivered, have a ✓" We dont' handle anything which other business colleges are lo- 10 Cents. The A ion free Press says "—' toted, They • wanted tine best incl , , of the Rev. Mr. D' kie's lecture, given After the address t*e meeting was thrown great steal of it 'd e. It would scalp. -- 'II' came here for it, Enter note. PJrite open to the audience by the retiring from appearance t at drivers will have / `° * �� ' . but'tre best brands the kind for cataloguo, .i. there recently: TI a lecturer for the oc- _ P II _ , rasion was Rev. R W. Dickie, of St. President, R. Curiae, for hints oil how' to "a bumpy drive ave it, The gravel is prove the usef*lness of the Society.. too big and it is wonder to citizens we know will bring customers back for other footwear, W. J. ELLIOTT, I'rineipol. Andre�t''s church 'Oralag©vill©, This im '� was Mr. Dickie's first appearaneo in Among those wlic tools part were Rev. why the Street Cn mitten are putting; it ...... , . .......... .'3• •� �3 You can -de end upon the rubbers you et here because �.0 Xnox• church, Act -.n. His lecture was Prior, Dr. Macri ,pales And P. Fisher. on. One Councils r said he was asked ..mss. — 012 "The Jteigu of 12e Coiumon People." The following is a list of the officers as much as fifty ti les in one clay Why we sell none but those tirade elf purr• rubber, thoroughly cltr� d• The TIMES and Family Herald and and was a luaster •ffort. Ali who heard elected for thegaping year: )'res., such gravel was i sed. If ilio Com- The WeeklyStar to now subscribers till 1st it were deeply lin; resited with the way Jno• Derr; obt. Currin; lliittee oxpectcrl tilinflux Of tramps, it �e have them at all prices in all :tits les. "tic—Pres. R oJanary, 1902, for 25 cents. With in whiell. the lecttzer handled the sub. Secretary, A. E. Lloyd; Treasurer, Rev, would be reasona le. It is well to halo See our Felt 1"Ootwear in both 1, aches' and Gent's. 'f this splendid offer all mosso subscribe will nurwaslt; Direot _)rs: Methodist church 2t put an Into in tl Poll, its it will soon got a picture of the Duke gild Duchess jest. Mr. Dickicis a man of a "splendid llO Conory, .;inns. Tipling, Cou 2e be covered lvith si ow and sullen sprint; I of York: Size 14x20 inches. presence, good vo Ce and a tplcndid de- J t3 - EER atio2tal church-(44vin 'PVilson, J. T. opens and this ravel begins to peep I • r .Allh 2r MOSEY TO LOArr.--Money to loan oil livery, lie will be welcomed at any Currie, Episeo )aliali church --•-,F. Shorn, tlirOugh the AIM , tearusters will Con- tima by an Acto audience. ri0te+3,, and times v2SCouflted at rcas011- i1' rates. Money advanced cit most• ! }, T. L. Jobb, esbyferiail church—W. Sidor it fixed, anti subtl2it to t12n fuovi= �j `OLE � 4%CA L AGENTS FOR able ith rfvllege of paying at the The TiMrs and Weekly Globe Will be Grierson, Pet r Campbell. Baptist table. "VVt6 belie-io it is the intention of +gaaff�es, w p' and of guy year, Dotes and accounts seflt to nein gubsc bels till the 1st Of Churth—Alex.' 'belly, Wm. Romuth. the Committee tcawep broalcinri at the I rollectecl. plaice -Beaver Iiiorlt, Wing- January, 1902, for 25 rents, Tell our stones. 'liana- ftODT. MCINDOO. friends. Also resident A misters. y i S OIC. XXIX;1 WINGRAX QNCARIQ, FRIDAY, OCTOBER �, t Bl . 1 A YEAR I ADVANCE. 4 . ,. d ^AW�lMAMM�/1/MMh/e/tr Fresh Oysters arriving dais at J,. UP- : y g , y, . WANTED,—.00 Tubs Choice Se tern-' The TIMES till the 1st of Jaguars, xielv'e B tiler Butter G. Pi. I�INlt. 1002, to new subscribers for XG cent Stock Men, ' The time to talk about WITHOUT INTENT. , Last Sveelc w6 ilii` b ARX SOLD, --Mr Jas. l lliott of Turn- PIOT[7ItE(a TOOII —*Mayor Clegg has to, --.,,, wittingly made a intake in the names berry leas sold his f :rin, lot 11, coil, G, ceived a pxeture o the representatives of ro ker r � of the doctors who ` erformed the operw tiou on Mr, Deans. The namesshould to Dir. Jas, Mclav*h for a .haudsome the different mu icipalities present at suin. tate late conventio ill. Toronto, It is ATTENTION!V have been Drs. Kei aedy and J. R. and CONTINvoAs TEL-:TIIONE.—Mr. Camp- well taken and sl ws each person to Ilas come again, We expect y P, Macdonald,, it .vas a 6111? Of the pelt hell intorms ushat tbo continuous good advantage. I has been on exhibi. ' ` •a to open up during the next ; or the memory and without intent. telephoue cervico il:an assured fact and tion in Ball Bros', v indow. •. •M" two weeks several nice lines D See Mrs. Green for the bargains. its subseribers will ba-ethe advantage of AT rl1i. SICK BE. —As we go to press Before purchasing your .. Of I,,anc millinery, it in about a moutl_-, The service will uevv is slightly bet- we learn that Mr, winter supply of, - y MAsoazo SEl22aIONI• .—The members begin about Dec. 1 ter. The report Yiym Mr. Gillespie is Japanese China ? of Lebanon Chapter A, r. & A, M, at. iii Guy lsltos.--Th Guy Bros, insuistieis that he is no worse, a little improved if Salpher, Salty Saltpeter Etc. 1'tVV p�Ntended China St. Pauls ch rah a body Uri Sunday la and listened to iL ave air excellent utertainnient in the g anything. The c10 tors report a greatDo-you Z German n2oruing town ball on Frid y evening last, As deal. of sickness t s fall, some quite French China very able sermon ft tri Rev. Mr, Lowe, usual ,the house w s filled. The pro- serious cases of pne nmuia are reported. CALL ON � A number of vid fig brethren from .1 }, •am had many nary features, but SCALDED Alex. Life paying a Good Price AND Lucknow and Tee water were resent, P enough of the old t remind the audience IN ALT,—ML, The tor'a Poor Salt of Clothes? English Dinnerware Q For the best value ones largest assort• ment of ready-to-wear clothing go to that it was the same Lyell -known Forsyth slipped fu the pan of boiling at klie Salt W rl:s an Saturday and Dougiass Druggist g Or a Reasbnable Prie: for H. E. Isard & Co, company.brine sustained a scalded not, The skin all . , ... y THE HonsE SALE. A large ilnmber Of See our bargains in Shoes at the door, about the heel a it ankle is literally Rema niber we have the most perfect And get quotations. A We guarantee prices and C quality, and the assortment will "farmers and others a ended the sale of mantles in town and the style is riallt. ceglced and will c e ofi. It is a very i3nxxA & Co. -NN take some time to C speak for itself. Horses in town on uesday, Mr, P, p aiuful sore and O�d ■ Deans weilded the.) amines, and to good lot. , heal. Mr. Forsch had only recently . HE Bn�1 LING GREEN,—President y Y had moved to Win ;ham from Brussels . u effect, for lie clean out• the ""hole Macdonnid of the owling club has Medical Hall, Wing�.a•�rx• A. N A larquhaison Twenty -Your heals were sold; for $800. moll at work on t e green at the west and taken posit on there, s C 1 There were sons fine looking horses end of the park sparing the grounds._ OUR NEW STOLY.—011 November 8th, The choice is yours. If among thein, and to doubt Will make It lips required a great deal of work i we begin our lacy story, I'The Gun - your . judgment prompts ' CHINA HOUSE > good drivers after rokeu in. but is nicely lev ,lied now and ready for The is being maker of Moseov ," by Sylvanus Cobb, Ac�E., r G. N. W. "�� ydu� to save money, and Opp, Bank of'Hemilton. t WANTED•—•Two boys, Apply to sodding. ennis court 'his jr. This is an in .eresting and thrilling your taste suggests stylish `� Walker & Clegg at the upholstering factory. -,levelled also, is going to be an Russian stury. Our readers will find VVVVWVWWVWVWVVWWVW/ ideal ground a d will: much improve the this story worth erusal as there is con- elotbee, let us have your CLEANING TILE STI ETs.—The muddy 1 appearance of tie park. 1 siderable instrac 'on besides entertain- G a b i n el $2 per doz. ' order. FOR SALE. season has arrived nn the fair sex have Any orders for sales left at the Tnms meat rias throu 2 it. Now is a good We lead the trade in their patience sorely vied, at the cross- office will receive prompt attention. J. time for new s bscribers to begin. Gents 1 lumber wagon. 1 single wagon ' ings in town, in tr lug to Beep their shoes and skirts out Y the mud, It i� Currie, auctioneer. A sLTDID2Ela Iio•rEL r GoDERICIi.—A Only $1.00 for the TIDIES to the anti of 1902 ®,�0 ra h Furnishings g with iron axle and spring seat, 1 set double harness, .1 set single harness, provoking for even anon to have to the by-law to loan 810,000 towards the arae- hot THEN I. WoR s. As we announced At ups i` n STAR AR PHOTO STUDIO A frill sails Of Fall ayld 1.plow, cals9 rooms over Gordon and tramp in mud a ss . street; but it he had a clear to protect Loa, lie tion of a summer and sanatorium was curried fu Godes' h on Monday by last week the rmaneut Board of Iron Works Beaver Block,opp- ' J, Milton Graham, k, Om Winter Goods now passed Galbraith's stores to rent. would soon have th street cleaned. - It for the a vote of 410 to 84. W H. Smith, of Indianapolis,11 Directors of the ationa1 was elected on M day last in Toronto Brunswickeeo wingliann. into t3tpCk• 1 he. latest In GE0.'MckENZIE. would probably crew a sensation ,Ina., 1 proceed at once The new director who are given below g ' • Hats; Caps, Shirts, Under- street commissioner o have the crossings cleaned but he w uld receive many to select the site an put up the building, which will be a thr a -story brick veneer, ' are all frons Win sham: W C. Bullock, At pa+alogac. Price. Bulbs ? Boibs Hyacinth, Tttlius, wear, etc, C Farm ? Who Want. a thanks. to accommodate at east 200 uests and g Geo. A. Newto , J. Irwin, Geo. etc., etc. Leave your order at Star Studio, Bawer Blocs., or PF -tineas street, wirigham. J yypp , .17���' and I have over a,000 cores of choice farm lands To RENT—Five rooms, with hard and will be ready for xt season's business. I Mason Jno. Mu Jno. McLean, A. + E. Smith. acing of the Directors , T. C. GRAHAM. S aeaS for sale, in 50, 7,5,100 150 and 2011 acres, lots in soft water. Apply at corner Victoria x' los Greenock Bruce Kincardine Htiron d L ld t t 1"arm wanted to rent at once, must; 'ld was held 1 t ni ht, and it is probable to s , , au eo o s see s. and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with p be Iu good condition with roomy bus - that the Work will be ill operation Coa Climbing the Business Our stock in this line was good buildinggs to be sold cheap on easy terms. HAROLD H TI%zRD.— .2e following is ings, Rent paid quarterly, Apply to ;cam t ePes Ladder Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- Drawer 333, Wingham, agalin next wee J� never more complete. All rection) doing a good business, for sale cheap• the result of the races at Memphis,. on + c 'o p A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. THE. PESKY FLY. A la Ue Of flies c $ As Ines Increase your the Latest Styles well be Also n reagens op. A •erernl store with lar -e Tuesday: 2.08 pine purse $3,000,— P �" CFI Iter ruTrs. W > usefulness to your ant-• ti y trade, live village. Aliso a large amount of ! has been rouaced b the fine weather �^ plover so you increase l J found at this stere. money to loan at o per cent, For further par- Dan Patch, br.h., by oePatcllen, P o your chances of promw titulars apply to (McHenry) ...... . .. 1 1 1 of this week,. You ave seen a man on ` the psa,ture o Rev. Richard Hobbs is mod your your usefulness to, J, A. McKENZIE I the street stn ones to till something given in the Lo don Free Press of Tues- �'�,� the business — your TusurancaAgent, irolvFood. Mazette, b.m. (Ale nald) .... 4 2 2 P 'Y P g wages, A Bourse in the Harold H b. Pro or 3 G 3 out of his eye. t was a g rebu fly. day. Fceferated Bnsiness Col- g. ( ) . leges with schools at London, Toronto, Hami1 NEO ADVTS. Major Dsuscovite ................. 5 4 4 Have you not got ne in the eye yet? The general c nference of the Metho. ton, ottat�va, carnia, Berlin, Galt, st. Cather- You are fortunate then. They belong Ines, helps you to l:euch this end. Hnndsonie W ill Leybnrn ....... , , tr 3 6 Y �+ dist church moil meet iu Winnipeg In year book unci all particulat s ondtpplicatl(s}i to Romdh & Sons Little Squaw, ........ 2 d1d.. to the aphids and Ire described as "a 1902' Forest City Business College E. Gaunt—stray dolt: i steuorh chaii hem )terous insect." The P Time -2.05 2.06/, 2 8. Harold H. will Y Win. Gannett—Cutters. Rev. D. Perris egfns a series of ser- WINGHAM, Jas: Elliott—stray Sheep. race again on Frida The owner of Dan name will relieve you molten your I Y. M.C. A. Building,),ondon, Ont. mons ou the "Se ou on the Monut" on John B. Hyde—Farm for Sale, Patch announced t t he would retire Patience is tried tvltli them, J. W. WESTERVELT, Prsuci!)al. A: J. Nicholls—Central Bakery. for the rest of the s son. I Sunday evening ext. marriage Licenses A. D. Beaton—Still to the Front. Mit. LECICIE's L eTL r.E.—Mr. Leckie, . Rev. Will. LO a will hold service in —. Issued by FnAxrs PATEnsox, No. 23 victoria Dominion Bank—Business Card. Where to get a ram coat or a water- misstonary lu the lumber camps gave a X. H. Mcindoo—Saturday Bargain Day. proof to suit any purse from $2.7o" to very interesting it d entertaining lecture Zetland school 1 once every Thursday Rev. a elistMargratt the 'Home Mission - No wingham. Ont, No witneseesrequireai. W J. Greer—Good Rubbers and Others, $10. Good assortment at HANNA & CO. in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening at 7.30 u til further notice. cry Evangelist of the Congregational Ball Bros.—Talk it Over with Your Wife. evening, under thea, auspices of the W. Next Sunday is, U4 wortl2 Lea ne Da Church of Canada, 's expected to assist Thomas's Bazaar—Bargains in Graniteware. DODIINION BAND— We have another g, P P g Y g or o the Pastf the n regational church Jno. &.s. H. Kerr—Gloves, Mite and Gaunt- proof of the growth of our town to re- C. T. U. He began by describing his in the Methodist. church. The pastor ROMMIDN �WNK lets. ort this week an :vidence of the in_ early life and ads ictiou to drink, and will preach a special sermon to young here in two or tl ee weeks of revival Forest City Business College—Climbing the P ' later reform. HE followed with the le 2u the avail work. beginning .pout the first of No - Business Ladder. creasing business an, financial transac- peep 4g• tions of Win liatn i t another chartered story of his call to the work among the velnber. qq g , ri rumor is afloat in Methodist circles capital • . • ... $Lt4OODDO band. The Domino i Bank are estab- lumber camps, a id described many that Rev. Dr. Caiu-tice, editor of the Rev. E. W. Iaighes, rector of 4t. Rest $2,400:000 GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. liching an agency in -tie Sbaw Block and amusing incidents of the' lumber man's Christian Guardian will retire at the John's church, TAsouburg, formerly of I will be open for bus =less the beginning life, or the '•boys ' as he calls them. next general confe nee and return to Wingl2ani, i22tenav within the n(xt few Se SHalsev Park's advertisement, of next week. • Mr A. E. Gibson, of He described the s 12tyman•s "turkey," months to remote • his family to the; Old active pulpit work. Y pbell's Headache Wafers guarall- Toronto, who is alr-edy With us, and the "chilly," the auce. For over an Country. Air. H�hes leas large interests WINCH MBRANCH,�xto cure headache, who has had a wide experience, and is hour he kept his a diene deeply inter- Subjects of sermo-is to be delivered iniu Liverpool nud ;Vales; whichat presentDIOVED.—Owin' to the Dominion held in the highest e�eem in Toronto as ested and ofttim in laughter. Mr. the Congregational i mrch coming Sun- need his persona supervision and direc- S N A W B L 0 C K . Bank going into the Shad* Block, Mr. an able banker, wig have charge as and Mrs. Hope co tribiited two well- day areas follows. :Ioruing, °'Called to g P tion, incl which makes it necessary for R. Mooney has move his stock of tin- manager. The Dor■inion. is one of the rendered solos to the evening's enter- What?" Isaiah 42:(i7- Evening; '-The him to change h residence. A General Banking Business Trans- snare, stoves, etc. t the Meyer ck, strongest banks in Gauada and reliable tainment. true process of 'self.-iiscovery'. " Luke acted. next door to E. L. D ckinson's.Wehis to the core. It is a matter for wonder pairs are be iuuinz to move. We have 16:17. Faxlners Sale Notes Collected, and —The TruEs office is headquarters advances made on same at lowest rates. adv. in another coli n. that there has not another bank been sold G Fur Coats alnea•. y, When are The Jarvis street 3aptist church, Tor- q arters for Drafts bought and sold on all points in A few boarders wanted at i17rs. established here ere ,his, as most towns you going to come in cl pick out goals? , olni2tarily into the visiting cards. Granada, United States and Europe. Flood's, Minnie street. I of our .size have tvw chartered banks, HANNA &; CO, onto paid $G87,G0 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT'—Interest city treasury. It vv is an installment on The Prot lite sal Game Warden has allowed on: deposits of $1 and Upwards. To ADVERTISERS. QVe must again rQ- The two chartered banks will give the , A $50 WALK. r. Will. Pearson x;850 of taxes, whicl the church will pay issuers bet wee) five and six thouand quest our advertiser to bring in their town a better R sal standin:;, which walked to Teeswat on Saturday in' one I of its own accord his year on a value deer -hunting li*niises this season through. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. for change o advertisement not will be of general enefit. The a oncy hoar and fort iii lutes, a distance off copy g g g y I tion Of $50,000 on the building. The 282 deputies tip jointed for purl ose: He — later than Tuesday 3vening. Owing to will bo open totnother a general banking nine miles. This .valla was consequent I property is, of co' arse, legally exempt has also deleg.-ted forth men to look 4 ?I.p..��.�..pot..£„'g..,,.g,.t,.g.II.�...I...b3...r•�•l••k our extra pages; su :11 a number of aciver- business, and alho bank with them on a bet some vvee :s ago that the rias- i from taxatiou,,but ;he church managers `after the sport men's camps throughout tisements to than ce each Leek, it is will receive coucus treatment. See tanto could not be -alked in four and one I have for several years paid taxes there- Northern Ont. io and see to it that the *POPULAR A popular, prao-,i, very inconvenient to receive an adver- business Card in. column, half hours. That 'ell through and some on just the same. game latus aT� observed. ;PROGRESSIVE I tical and pro-�. PRACTICAL grecsive School+ tfsement on Thurso y morning, This There has just been placed in my one else said it c .nld be done in two of B•u. s in e s st week one mean's ch ' g�e of advt. came in hands for sale a 300 -acre farm on the B hours. Last we -.z fifty dollars v� as put NG SHOE STORE V- - Trainin is the , , .:... ,* after that part oft paper was run oft, line of .Curnberr 3 miles from Win a by parties,that Pearson could ;�. Y g, -less veneered. walk the d2stan� m one hour and WalvCT$AM S LEADING v. and another on Thi •sda morning. We hien; large house, part b ' Central Business College ,'1l, trust our advertise will do us the favor Commodious aa�d complete outbuildings forty-five n2fuuter Preparations were t'�.. to comply q 3 and bank barn 70x.)0. All under culti- j Stratford, Ont. p y with ab a request, and they I ration, except 3 or 4 acres. A. Dul- f glade, and he stn ted cif at about six / Food, Rubbers + will receive better ervice. mage, real estate agent, Wingham. I miles for the first tour. 'Cowards the / .i. 112-2. Green ]seeps on baud a large BIBLE SOCIETY M`ETiNG.—Tlie annual last he became pre ty tired until for the i ani. Othem ^l' assortment of beautifully trimmed hats, / hast mile it was 1} -gain to keep mov- aF '� and is sellingthem fast, at remarkab meeting of the Wit ,3ham Branch of the in-. iy Tho Load, of course, was bad ones / v lova prices. Upper Canada Bibl Society was held in the tviud pretty hi h and axil a ainst' p t partly l Sole ubbers have very , the Baptist elaurol2 )n Wednesday even- blip. He Ivan by silent five minutes.} E,. •€• + REv. DICKIE s cTURE.— The Rev, His -,-owned our efforts tinct our fall 'F' mg, There was a f�rly good representa• Hal ber in them. I ndeed R. W. Dickie, of 0 ngoville, vv111 give opening was the best in the History of ,'11, his lecture "The R gn of the Common tion present. Rev. John Ross gave all TIyE GRAVEL CONTRACT.—Beattie , our school. Our graduates do not look / 'i' ill vain for positions—they toote2nploy- People," fu the Pre byterian church, on ©xcellent address, �hic11 highly delight- Bros. mobil were t�viarded the gravel a meat, many of them i,itmevliately on ,t, g, , ed the audience • lis subject wits "The contract on Joseph ne street, at 60 cents ! t. H are very trashy scurf. t leaving college. At our fall opening ,i, Monday evenin 2 th rust. Admission Y -vo enrolled students from 1) it fn ,1, , Bible and the wort of the Bible Society," ay ard, screened a d delivered, have a ✓" We dont' handle anything which other business colleges are lo- 10 Cents. The A ion free Press says "—' toted, They • wanted tine best incl , , of the Rev. Mr. D' kie's lecture, given After the address t*e meeting was thrown great steal of it 'd e. It would scalp. -- 'II' came here for it, Enter note. PJrite open to the audience by the retiring from appearance t at drivers will have / `° * �� ' . but'tre best brands the kind for cataloguo, .i. there recently: TI a lecturer for the oc- _ P II _ , rasion was Rev. R W. Dickie, of St. President, R. Curiae, for hints oil how' to "a bumpy drive ave it, The gravel is prove the usef*lness of the Society.. too big and it is wonder to citizens we know will bring customers back for other footwear, W. J. ELLIOTT, I'rineipol. Andre�t''s church 'Oralag©vill©, This im '� was Mr. Dickie's first appearaneo in Among those wlic tools part were Rev. why the Street Cn mitten are putting; it ...... , . .......... .'3• •� �3 You can -de end upon the rubbers you et here because �.0 Xnox• church, Act -.n. His lecture was Prior, Dr. Macri ,pales And P. Fisher. on. One Councils r said he was asked ..mss. — 012 "The Jteigu of 12e Coiumon People." The following is a list of the officers as much as fifty ti les in one clay Why we sell none but those tirade elf purr• rubber, thoroughly cltr� d• The TIMES and Family Herald and and was a luaster •ffort. Ali who heard elected for thegaping year: )'res., such gravel was i sed. If ilio Com- The WeeklyStar to now subscribers till 1st it were deeply lin; resited with the way Jno• Derr; obt. Currin; lliittee oxpectcrl tilinflux Of tramps, it �e have them at all prices in all :tits les. "tic—Pres. R oJanary, 1902, for 25 cents. With in whiell. the lecttzer handled the sub. Secretary, A. E. Lloyd; Treasurer, Rev, would be reasona le. It is well to halo See our Felt 1"Ootwear in both 1, aches' and Gent's. 'f this splendid offer all mosso subscribe will nurwaslt; Direot _)rs: Methodist church 2t put an Into in tl Poll, its it will soon got a picture of the Duke gild Duchess jest. Mr. Dickicis a man of a "splendid llO Conory, .;inns. Tipling, Cou 2e be covered lvith si ow and sullen sprint; I of York: Size 14x20 inches. presence, good vo Ce and a tplcndid de- J t3 - EER atio2tal church-(44vin 'PVilson, J. T. opens and this ravel begins to peep I • r .Allh 2r MOSEY TO LOArr.--Money to loan oil livery, lie will be welcomed at any Currie, Episeo )aliali church --•-,F. Shorn, tlirOugh the AIM , tearusters will Con- tima by an Acto audience. ri0te+3,, and times v2SCouflted at rcas011- i1' rates. Money advanced cit most• ! }, T. L. Jobb, esbyferiail church—W. Sidor it fixed, anti subtl2it to t12n fuovi= �j `OLE � 4%CA L AGENTS FOR able ith rfvllege of paying at the The TiMrs and Weekly Globe Will be Grierson, Pet r Campbell. Baptist table. "VVt6 belie-io it is the intention of +gaaff�es, w p' and of guy year, Dotes and accounts seflt to nein gubsc bels till the 1st Of Churth—Alex.' 'belly, Wm. Romuth. the Committee tcawep broalcinri at the I rollectecl. plaice -Beaver Iiiorlt, Wing- January, 1902, for 25 rents, Tell our stones. 'liana- ftODT. MCINDOO. friends. Also resident A misters. y i