HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-18, Page 10„:-V <e;'^��„+'�,-�•`••-•�.r.,.-r«ygry..,..;...:,r•►•.+r,;.ifi)•I•w�A^:•iw.�,1�'Niy'1,�..,..-w�..�, �"®, ..._... �. TRE WINGIRAM T1,415t , 0(7. 18, 1001, MINQR LQCAL$.M f. He, rMAOv�AAAAAOM01AAIwArtAl►,tAntnMO►/►OV�AAMO4M --R. Mooney adds some new words to MOINDOO hitt advertisement this week, -Cautid.ian Clydesdale horses got every prize at the Pan American, -Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia) S. 0. S., on. Monday evening next. -•--Masons repaired the foundation of � the Macdonald block building this week, •• --Mrs. Taylor of Auburn, N. Y. pro- poses to float over Niagara Falls iii a barrel, ftT MpN A ®R' �, -The work of preparing the estimates for submission to Parliament is in pro- �y D R E S S 0 0 0 D S gress at Ottawa. y --Mr. Hope of Mt. Forest, a painter, zu the big Dress 'Department this'MITMf mouth. as moveW. J, hd into the rooms over W Greer's store.ARaw 4N Trooper Lougheed proudly sports THIS IS THE For the Tailor • his South African medal received at I S P A S O N mads Costumes, `ioronto last week. ������ Block, More than ever popular, We have"' -A train off the track at Caledon on °1� MAust opened Out another Bright Col. � lection of rine Suitings at Special Friday last delayed the afternoon 0 P. ?� Prises, 500 yards of Homespun in R, train here about two hours. "' all the new shades --heavy weight -The voting on the Suuthampton and good shades. Will sell this line waterworks by-law on Moiiday resulted p 0 AS at 29c. This line is very special. as follows: 145 for and 15 against. WE -Mr. George Buskin, representing the BEAUTIFUL In French Grou- Algoma Missions was in town last week y �► G O O D S ete Suitings, New and secured $5.75 to ,cell, along tho That is one reason why we are going French Broadcloths, New Venetians, Besser Cloths, Homespuns, Cheviots, work• to work up a rapid business -v_,,4E,4z Tronite Suitings in the new shades -A portion of the sewer at the Bap - French Thonnek, just rezeived this tist church ouruer caved in on Saturday from a lack of compactness and the Last week we advertised Black and Colored Over. week, in good patterns and colorings. heavy rains. skirts and Underskirts, selling them at regular whole- 2' hole- j MANTLES They are most hand • -The Sarnia police court is doing a sale prices. We got those Traveller's Samples from the some line of Coats land office business. No less than 143 manufacturers at a discount and that's the reason why we ever had to show, and extra fine cases have been disposed of in the past _ quality and large range of styles. three months. � we can sell them a' what other • stores pay for them. -The Municipal Councils at the places FURS We find the trade This week we have LMantles. and Children's antles. j coming our way this where the Royal part? visited are now i New styles at low prices also Ladies' Sealette Capes, quarreling about the reception expenses, p , season again. Selling lots of tine presentations. etc. in detail. direct from New York Coats Ruffs and Ga. es, p paid the duty. They are Gloves and Hosiery and Under- -Justice Ferguson holds that a per- Beauties, and below Toronto prices. wear. Fine stock of fine goods at son furnishing a newspaper with mater- ial for a libellous article is more guilty { I While in the city last 7• right prices. , Overcoats , Overcoats . than the paper which publishes it, week we got some large READY-TO-WEAR Stock com- -Edouard D'Oize and Company pre- lines at bargains. They are here for Small Hien or Big 9 C L 0 T H I N G plete, Some seated the "Mountebank” in excellent a Men Slender Alen or Fac Men. Youths' and Men's Pea special prices. Will sell 10 Men's form in the Opera House on Wednesday <Jackets (;cut's Furnishings and Underwear Suits, regular $6.00, on Saturday evening. It was reported to be good. g Dry morning for $3.50. Can't repeat < Goods Boots and Shoes, TERMS CASH._ -Rev. J. W. Hodgen of Sea:orth, � z goods. Last Dear's Mantles, District Superintendent for Huron R. A. c good cloth, regular $6, $7 and $8,_ M., visited Lebanon Chapter, No. 84 in tor $4.00. an official capacity on Tuesday evening. -Several farms and other properties "' '� ®�--- have been placed in T. J. Maguire's hands to sell. List of properties for saleSMI MA r H nr exchange will appear in a future d 4 �e p b The Directors of the Turnberry Agri- Corner Store— cultural Society will meet at the Broad - Opposite Broada''s Hotel. .. S r . �' w`V way House on Monday night next to C ff�� consider the matter of anion �vith•Bel- in./1` 1J grave. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP,AAAA O,,AAAA^AAA NAAAAAAOAAAOmAAAAA Our soldier boys returned home from Toronto on Saturday last, tired and F{ OR SALE OR ENiam, in urn acnes, 2 of n 0 j •E- ® 6j , SAL E miles frau Wingham, in Turnberry Tp. f� 8J �7 1 9b wise. They had a good time in Clinton It won't take much looney to get this small I3A1tALD H. A GREAT HORSE.—The farm, -with bank barn, comfortable house, and . while the train was taking the Goderich young orchard• $8W down will secure it. Ap- of Valuable Farm Property, in, the: Tacit.; ,•. 1'c ' i e Haute during the past party home. ply to A. Duhnnge, Real Estate and. Loan P 5' Agent, Chisholm Block, Wingham. -wet I; t%w, c,i it high order, and in some 1IIstaLc;U>; aellsation8l, writes John OR SALE. Pnrm one half mile from. West TOWNSHIP and Mrs. Hope, formerly of O W N S H B P O F C O l PI O S S McCartney, in the Cincinnati, Mt. ForeEt, now of Wingliam, tire ex- 1� 1;�&dd post office. in East wawanosh, 1W petted to sing at the W C. Tission- neres, 05 eleared, basic barn, frame house,. well Commercial Tribune. Harold H., by fenced, clean soil. m:inti well cultivated. Good PURSUANT to the power vosteu` rs rite un- ary meeting next Tuesday evening at the orchard; fine stock farm, $3,500. Apply to A. A dersi; *ted tis the xecuters of the lastivill his great performance, has placed him- Uulmnge, real estate agent, Chisholm block, of Hugh MrAllistor, lute of tiro Toavns}ti of �oclist church, Wingliam. P self among the topnoteh campaigners. of Hug in the County of Bruce, farmer, de - Citizens were surprised pa Th urs- ceased, there will be offered for sale by Public He is one of the few really great horses OR SALE. -1981 acres, 51 miles from Wino Auction, by J. Purvis, Auctioneer, at we VEN- y day morning to awaken auYidst a shover F ham; school on lot, r DOM�>�• libTEL, in the Village of TEES oVAT- of the ear, and must in the fn ure rank /, mile from P. v. i of the beautiful. It made some shiver, Brick house, bank barn, and cunventent out- ' as one of the fastest and gamest race buildings. ' SOacres in'�ood cultivtittun, !,Gov horses in the country. Trainer Procter others grumble, while the majority fie acres of slash, good land when cleared.; floc Wednesday. the 30th October,. chance for an energetic man wit is not ttErttid has trained the splendid little horse in a dotted their overcoats. of �sork. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to 1201 at 2 o'clock ill the afternoon, the, Sallow - manner that roves him to be a master A. Dulmage, Rest Estate and Loan Agent, • ing Yalunble 1 arm Property, vi:s_—Lot 10, in P —The County of LAC a Hache, B. C. Chisholm.Block, Wingham. the .4th condession of the wool Township of Cul - in the art of training and conditioning. is represented by Miss Laura Blackwell, rosy, uontainintr 100 acres of laid, mare or less. This Yarrn is situate about two, miles from the Harold H.'s mile in 2.04 gives him the teacher, formerly of Win haul, as de- R , Village of Teeswater, and seven miles from the distinction of being the fastest pacer ever li htful for scenery and possesses a dr I � Y ■ mown farming WfnFhsin he one y the very best . g 7 P y 04 ace re clearctsed d the Count of tate f.cult t bred in Canada, and along with this and beautiful climate. The soil is pro- U4 mires aro the into] s a good state of c The must o the honor of being the best and soil is i and the balance 4s out V hardwood bush. The g 6' ductive gull suitable for ranching. The ,soil is ti rich clay loran, about Yt acres are un- , truest rage horse that the Dominion ever Money to loan on farm property at der grass, 17 acres sown gdth fall wheat, find country abounds in game, and fish are from 4xf to 5 per cent., with liberal about half an acre of Orchard. produced. I saw Harold H. racing over plentiful in the lakes acid streams. There tare on the pre;misFs a frame ]loose, 822 P terms of reptiyn,eut. Apply to, 22, with two frame addtt4ons,tach11x22,andshed the hal -s,ile tracks last season, and _Trooper Molloy who:vasblindectlay R. VANSTONH, 10x22; it framebatn36x52, withlenn-toadditions rdicted in these columns that he would 14x52 and 11x50, and stone foundation under - p a bullet while on service in Soutk Africa„ Wiugham- nenth the whole, having stabling for 26 head of ave a lecture in the Congregational atioiial (..Ittle, and 8 horst-4; Lind a, framf-pig pen 11x24. be one of the best horses of the year, and g g g -The buildings and fences rro in good repair. he has more than made good every church on Monday evening last. Though ���� , �� Ca t► p� lr TVIOTS or SATA.—Ten per cent. of the pur- prediction made in iegard to hien. He FOR r ALES. chase money on the day tit sale, and the bal- not a large crowd was present, those — once within thirty days therafter. The pr was a good horse on the half -mile tracks, µ,ho were there were well entertained. 'a" will be put•up : ubjec-t to a reserve price. The undersigned offers his farm- for stile; be- Further particulars and conditions of sale will and nine times out of ten a horse which He kept his aildieLlCC spellbound during ing lot 1', con. 4, Morris, containing 105 acres, bn made lonely, on the day of snle, or may be races well over a half -mile track will more or loss. The farm is situnte fourmil", had on application to the Executors or theft the whole time of the address, from Wingliam, and one mile from Belgrave. Solicitor. race well over a mile track. A good Upon the•l')remises are it good brietc hnuse,bank HENRY MoALLI9TER Unrh, sheds, etc., anclan orchard. Tile farm is , a Executors horse will race well over any kind of a wellwatei d with a never -failing spring. pov JOHN MCALLISTER, i track, but a poor horse will not race well�AXfl-rm' BOR '- terms tin¢] Ixtrticnlnrs apply tO 11. VANSTONE, over either s half -mile ora mils track.NEDY.—At the Metlwdtst pwrsornrge, MRS. MARY MoLEAN, Solicitor for Executors. Ernyo>O�llOber,1 t,, the wife of Reg. J mr TFIOii. BR ADO eve Wiu9ham. Dated this 18t day of October, 1001. The track at Oaklay was not in good condition the other cls when Harold H. rtheAus.-In est John Tani on Oetoyiy@ y 11th, the wife of Mr. JOI,�nS•villiunts; tt paced his three fast miles over it, yet HARKNtiss-In Teeswater, on Septum ter this good pacer reeled off three of the 't' -33rd, the wife of Mr. Gee, Harkness; a daugh- fastest miles of the year. wife of or . Jac b Hergter, on October 8tlt, tit. wife of Mr. JL,rou hlergott; a son. sale 1'tegieter. H:1IC1i31S1) Diltlmaomm—WA.DIC—lin. Winghnni„ on Oct. An unreserved auction sale will be held16th by Rev. W Loxve, Miss Nva Wade, niece ' of Mr. and Mrs T. E. to Mr. Will. R. oulot 3, con, 4. Morrie, near BelgiaveDrummond of Blyth. Citation, o1Y'tiWecinesday, Oct. 23, 1901, of oiiNSTON—HAui.r;i:o..a.—At the residence of he bride's mother,. Colborne, on Ochober 15th, farm stock, implements and some house- by Rev. George blewluilhn, Mr.Tantes,Hamilton ; J C 44 Johnston to Arming race, dt,ughtin- of Mrs. hold .furniture. . .rile, — lOneer, Thomas Hamilton, Hugh McLean, proprietor, L 1). 1-de A, clearing sale of farm Stock will take on lot 25, con. 1, Culross, on West Wawanosh on October 16th, Willinm It. Ba agcy A3 years, a Iilace months and 10 days. Thursday, Oct. 24. J. Purvis, auction- 8LATTEitY—In Goderieh, on October 0th, eer; 1). McCormick, proprietor. Annio Blatteryy beloved ]sire of Mr. James Sl ry, aged 6 years. gansas Borges be 'CoXrioyt,--•In Morris, Ort 0th, Mrs. A, number of Will on Dennis O'Connor, aged 48 years. fow' offered for sale at 13- roud•ivay's Hotel on Mcrnr it In Foniwich, on October 16th, Mrs. Tuesday afternoon next. See advertise- Mcrail, aged 87 years. hent in another column. P. Deans, auctioneer. 'BRAS. & BUTTON rairtaiera Institute.KeetiAgd. WALKER Arrangements haze lwen made by Mr, UNDEATAKCRS, WINGHAM. G. C, Creelmm,, ati,,t•rinrendent of Far- Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth yneri' Tttstitt: w VO i, vetings in the door south of School fiou , Shop op- coli i; . tt „I. r .•, ...., I;:,Rt year there ld blck pointe MacdonVyoahsvea �cve1, , , , • . , t, else. be 200 '• ,t Y...p� 1'M .1.'I 1l.axtf. diel t1. ,., i�' t... ,,,,,.. II:!+: ,t it"s, cOm- gall, i, ti,, t:,:t �(t,r. Nowistheour• lowing It rho Expert. LonMachin6s o*,think Now or Olt, fgbr'ttooldMay beotirtsdin&night bytitdiig idAwanethatdoesitot Work right that vovo.ct6soleue, which hat beets extensively yeti cannot got it repaired. All orders ia,* as for twatity-fou# Yeats, All. druggists, Atteuiled to', 13topping at PAUIC RoVsE. A full line of Coal Stoves, Heaters, Cumbi. nation Cook stoves and ].Ganges, burning both coal and wood. The Celebrated DecarbOn Steel stoves and Ranges, unbreakable, Buck's happy Thought 11anges and Beaters; McClary's Fambus Stoves and Panges, and lastly but not least, Burrows, StevaAr't tic Milne's uncurl sst;cd Stoves And Ranges. Dcnt' ;ail to see us before purchasing elsewhere, A F U.1 X I T U RE S X A P S, Wide Awake Furniture Store ' Our desire is to show you how Cheap we can sell a good cuticle, and how good an article we .can l„ sell (heap, The secret of our rapid advance in this Business lies in the fact that we give what we advertise.—the people have found this out, and when they .know it there is no turning thein. back. A Nobby Sideboard for .......................... $ 7 05 Bedroom Suite, flt for a palace ... , .... .... J7 00 Mattresses from $2.25 up to ..... , 1850 ]yeti Springs, the Lind we guarantee, *2,250 (others cheaper) This week we placed in stock new lines of Bedroom Suites and Sideboards—it will pay you to see them. Our r prices are right and we have the assortment. Don't be talked into buying cheap goods until you see our stock—cheap goods are dear at any price, Won't coax you to buy. The i -Price Store, and always the lowest. BALL BROS. t.J D E fl -/"1 P'!,1 �--Our extensive experience warrants. us in calling special attention to this, Branch of our business. You will find us prompt, reliable, attentive and efficient, LUTHER BALL, Funeral Director,, Residence -Patrick 8..t,, Mr. Gracey's late residence, +0000000000000000000000000 ►000000000M00000000040N P + • CIA' L w • + a + O�"P m dd 0�1`O dr + a • + + 212 inch Flower Pots, Ioc per dozen. +15C+ 4 , ,: 20C <: 4 • + 5 „ 30c ' ♦• + 7 t: tt " 65 C ;c aFruit Tars, / gallon, 85c per dozen. �. + Choice Selected Valnicia .Raisins, recleaned, 4 pound + for 2 5c_ • + ♦ dFinnan Haddies arrive weekly direct from the curing + house in Nona Scotia. 4 + (01's R I F F I N'S '&N + 4 a ♦ ♦ �4+♦++++•►+NO++++4•++++000 *++♦++0++++44•d0•►++4++++0♦f• D • ("i 0 ] R D 0' The change in temperature suggests the idea of more Comfortable Clothing. Well, we are in excellent position to supply all who favor us with .their patronage, with the very latest designs and newest materials in Ladies' Jackets (in several styles and lengths) Capes, Golf Capes, Wraps, etc., and as alway, we are showing the most complete and largest range iri Furs, Ladies' Fur Jackets from $15.00 to $135.00+ Capes, Caperines, Collarettes, Ruffs - Muffs, Caps, Gauntlets, etc., and what is most interest ing to all buyers is that the values are the Best that money can procure. In Men's and Boys' Ready -to wear Clothing, business- is rushing here just now. The secret of this is that the quality of the Clothing; and the Prices at which they are sold "Do the selling." +1 D. M. GORDOWT, - - - Importer. XEIW FALL GOODS T. A. MILLs has just opened out a complete stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which will be cleared out at Special Low Prices. In Ready-made Clothing, I have bought largely in Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Reefers. MEN'S SUITS. Special at $4.50 and up, See our special value at $7,50-,up•to date pattern -good weight, regular $10.00 suit. ALSO YOUTH'S AND BOYS' SUITS. Special values. See our MEN'S OVERCOATS. Special line to elear at $4.00• Good heavy weight, sizes. ranging to 44. Also an up -to date stock of Dress Coats, Youths' and Boys' Reefers from $2.25 up. Also a complete stock of Ladies' and Men's Waterproof Coats. 'The celebrated Mandleberg good3, sewed seams, assorted colors. Price from $3.75 up. Blankets and Flannels ( In Blankets we have special value. These are made of selected wools, and will give the best wear. See these goods before purchasing elsewhere; prices to suis the purchaser. - Also a line of WOOL 13LANKETS to clear at $$2,50. See our 11'LANx,ELETTE BLANIiETS at 75c pair—Special. Also extra, values In FLANNEL Sri r)JTING, white and gr'a'y. SCOLour Gray Flan - nets in Union, All -wool and Homespuns. A large stoop of HOPS1: 13LANI ETS to select from. Yarns in all colors—single, two and three ply—made; of pure wool, no shoddy or flyings in these goods. Guaranteed to wear. At 35e and up. Men's and Ladies' UNDERWEAR in TJnion, All•v`col, Natural �lr`oo1, A. Voting Son.5 Fleece. goods known And Stanfored's Unsbrinkabie All -wool Goods. `.['Oso are the best acids ],nova to the, trltde. Sizes from 38 to 46, Price right. W I NJ 0 H A M. T� A4 M, I LLSIA