HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-18, Page 85" •-r._ .u—••v...,r. <,mTn-a.-•.s•– .. ... _ .. . .. .: n.wer, � ... ..- ... ..... ..-..w•w�n-ap, 11'04KIIN* 1n4 D evdtnic Poultry foo "vmlort, ' z f011owirrg manner, Ile llimsttlf chose 3TAl1It7S7EI x1 1672 - Ohiidren Cry for d*'urnu(ti:xvn:*tit..:llgnir�:ly,#;:s(•,satti,`snx�l(•y, �l� �� llqle �'t�koa:xzz'rast'r3 st•ith txbsolutc�ly nn410 R91 ANSS ztl,(e1t I�' Tit, 1011co zn:xz l;s t l t th(zll, txnd sii;Iletl blis 31;tzri0 � I11 91(1Yj V" 1, Vvedtltislaerniur iuulnt:<,tx; tarp°lair,+ - -- - ln; the corner .and oil thrt back of llacill IS PU11LiSII)ti1. POT To ROUT AY Aida or PQATAXAA= tbtl,tHl;immvtl nitll.to tllanl>—ll youhavei#.*• ----- Fo(tldry;atria:tLrrt ittbeturotbeytatoratr4t; CAN SGt1RI ItNEWRA IILALTR 0f tht°zzx to present telly sw]CGhinc; of t r Tt±ESPASliF,lts., Y•hanxittt the•ary,,(,,n+•r(•rrt.,ttt,rttirtr•(:tt.N. AND STRI,,NOT1I, t �� ����j'��t��Y EVERY FRIDAY MQRNING lsy f•.liatt int" thr He dlru(tiut + your fatvt4 tvlld --, Gaxnvases, l'hc a t tiv(l pieces s were pl(xc- " -AT­ Beaver pizziness, Paizi under tha• i!tt�wtt+xiflttextvtnvfts,t.asntl;:ivetllemnt*otsd, + y 1 $t3Av81 $l.Qok wlxill ,colt,rYt,ethexln ;l>htmt+,;t•t•:. (`Iricl:eri4 She!itluh, xtett l.ilmr(l 9iHQe lr A)r. t1"11-.,o(l,f,;etr t(• fico without an snlGo be. —^-^"^ The TiI;1Qat 4liliee, + 8houlderlgledesa9iekiiesdac2le,DdpxegseQ. rrlu.,I't?t+t,itlt,itr ilritl fi't',H!1.1•;•t,t1:Ji i1,1D3'H.1toFttl'n. l,1t ws' rink 14'41101 4.1yed: New ratrerrbtlr ; tq'(,Vn them, They; were held stan(l- BAr,%iaT C nuitca--Sabbath services at WINGRAN,. ONTARIO. >;e91inB', SlOating' after P..atin$', Debility mlliug ; 9ungt bo bh41 ill the tuouth: pluel;t'd - tq ull eery ;!Torre, inbru and orgou at jug in en'c : oil. a table 11 Ow hangs 11 a m and m. ,Sunday SQhool kit, and inpol�a, result from, an lnaotivo• eetly etean and (Try: only leavo eoti, � + the ir.tdy. 1 y 2:30 p in, General prayer sleeting 1>a eh` n oP t t,+,thersi on n(•(•1. Pont hood down: j t sist (kra, one sitting on oach side of the ;1 Wednesday evenings, ROV, J. J. Pat• T`Eltus 010 Bunionikmxox 71,00 per anmlnl In 14vor, i.ta,v hem! -mug ft c t un,11611 cls not draft them. From the Boll ot, Shelbur nt , N. S, y xi(lvance ,1.80 if not so paid. No paper aiscon + Take sac^eat curt+ nn to t;•rtr thorn trlrilu pines • g table and holding the canvases tvlth tel'son, $,A„pastor,,J.t7liapnlan,la.S. timed till all arxxnxs aro paid, lu.Xoept at the Dr, Agnew s Liver pills, qo little Red• ing. Ttlx tm:r, birds are un 41nl,le for the Old . AxznOtlt; the y0tln„ lad of Sholburne. CO1ts,• at a Gose of ro cents will set You Country n •brats, l)uelts, tnrke s nn(t getr•ctt the thumb in front azul the fingers : Superintendent. option of the pubRA%,r, y there is rlon0 to -(lay w110 .more fully •r the ear. ' 1 table. v a Mvraoinsl'C,=oa-Sabbath services A1tVi"1txT6rNG RAxks, - Ltxgal and other right In .short order, Piles of testimony to d liq%vi :6x01 o abo d the rtantlow (ytiva 111. }fit l : i C to t(bl ) as 8o placed in. Sunda School at casiutl ndvel th4enlentH 8c per Dion ,ariellhw for aoliytriru; filo abovo i agilucti ni l you trill ilizo bears file unpress of pt rft et health than at 11 rti Ili and 7 p y S g a ltrxmnbird for thei nfili: h matl.er soul t t flue in f x all t pj a largo lvindoty in broadim. first tion. ierr, 0o per line for cau,x sttbsequerxt prove it. Vials Containing Zea pills a , tea good prin(+far young or spring, birds. we do Allay Ltltatl Durfee. Unfortunately thiel day evening. Epworth ra l pro every Mon- insertion. 7 daylight tbttt sift ,atrn sllOno right clayeveu213g• General prayer Advortisenrentsirxlocaleoltunnsaloahntg6d dents, 3. ,tot w :nt pnt,>w,ur rues l� old b�rcs:31� til nc tcx r �atis z#(st (Ill1'ay s t110 Case, as a f0�ti' years t e estla evenings. R0 . Richard 10 cis. per line fol first itu..tartion. and 0, cents I1 U A, L, Hamilton, Winghalu• alta fowls art not worth r th fr t m 1 t through both pleoeT 'of canvas, Dr, 021 W du y_er• Y ler line Por 61101,, subse uout lndortion. SG c y patntd rtH maul its onng fuses, Kill ltirdH Ho as ago M2gyt Durfee became 211, and her, Hobbs, pasto2 • Di. howler, S. S. Sup. 1 q _ -------* topluel.whiletvaxm:eanpiiekthret•warmto Austin, with ills; thought, was seated Hobbs, Advortisernorr#s of Lost, Found, Strayed, one veld, and not tear them. Wm. Armour, friouds- feared that She was going into or223tendent, Farms for Sale 0 • to Runt, and similar tl•0 , for Wily Adl ertJslug 1*ayH. dtClizle. A doctor was Galled in #And about four feet from th3 table and ill* PRESBY 1,1mizi Cluvitalr - Sabbath ser- first month amts t0 cents for Each su Sequent � , • r successful 'VF ini;liam, i3 in the mnrkot to pureha4e any — '<S gtl.rn City of dressed poultry. reetlyr facing the oanvas. There were vices at 11 a 211 ttiud 7 p In. Sunday, month, Mr, W. J, .l ergnson, a preserxbed, but his medicines dol noir four or fiv(s witnesses reasons, For Sollool at 2:30 p in. General prayer CONxaAoa RATns-Thofollowingtablo shotes Stratford merchant, has the following our rates for tiro insertion of advertisements have the desired Orem Her strength. I ineetillt on Wednes$ay evenings. Rev. for specified pollods: to say on advertising a retail store,.ill 1; TABGIGIIILn 1R;d, about twenty minutes nothing appear- D, Perrie, pastor and.$. S. Superinten- sPAM,. i xrt. Oslo, else. 18th �-- gradually Left leer, her appetite fa2lrad, the Shoe and Leather Review, published. ' w >;hu had frequent headaches, was very ed. At the; cad of that time one of dent, One Column... ...soo.00 ,si.00 s15.op A m , ,( ` '% 1 1” q those' resent deolarod( than lie saw a ST, PAUL'S CHURCHTPI$00PAL--Sab- HalfCGhtunr ......... 85,0 18-W 10,00 s,vu in Toronto; Tbat is only one of the. I Y it-i'mhm:1 u.;Ebis pale, anon finally grew so weal. t11at a ftrGt', +tnc1 at length all saw an in- llatil services at 11 a ni tynd 7 p m. Su22. Quarter column .... 18.00 mod 6.00. 2.00 special advantagets Of newspaper adver- l;, tt, ST.,LIOTT, yutur.lt inat Am) PnoPitt 6'rtin walk of a few rods would completely g Advertisements l without i ohar directions p y distinct outline appear on the inside day School at 2;30pm. General prayer �villl,oina6rtticttliiforbld ant ohargodAccora• tiling. They enter homes you will - - - fatigue her. The young lady's family of flu. canvas,' the bac]; of which was meeting on Incumbent. ore Rev. urg1Y, Transient advertisements must be paid never be permitted to enter. They open FRIDAY. OCTODUR 18, 1901, � for n advance. sorrowfully observed that slit) was steadi• " THE JOB Dol ARTUMM is stocked with nn the door for you to tell store news than ly failing, and feared that consumption next to D• , Austin. Tllo form came SuperintEGATit• extensive assortment of all requisites for print, gradually. At length' the eyes grew CONG>tiuc#a2zoNAL CHU1tOII,-SaUbatli ing, affording facilities not ,squalled in the ,You would be too modest t0 do if you J. a �ievunrttd Surplus, would claim her as a victim. One day a very distinct, as; did also. the contour services at 11 a m and 7 P' m. Sunday coype unty ;iiroiriitte ettt9sYtii ti1118toles at ore aid enter. The newspaper advertisement. Mr. Whitney stated at Listowel that friend urged that she Should give Dr. School at a en Midweek meeo'clock. ng•On era, Htrrld ]liillsp etc„ and the latest stles of is yoilr advoeot0 and with owned of fife face, but it .seemed to rettode Wednesday evenings at O'olook, Gavin chole I ane t ' g. Jolla Sanfield Maedonald left a surplus Williams' Pink Pills a trial, but the idea from the canvas from time to timoi Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E, Prior, pastor. ing. y ypo for the finer classes of pant mistress and nproned maid creates an of $3,800,000 and that this sum had been at first was rot. favorably entertained; and then return. finally it carne out SALvATIov Au, Y—Swvice at 7 and 11 H. B. ELLIOTT, interest in your place of business that squandered by the Liberal Government it seemed hopeless to expect that any clearly and distinct] the coloring am and 3 and 8 p in on Sunday, and Proprietor and Publisher previously never existed and that will. for its own purposes. Here are some of medicine would help her after the doc- y" every evening during the woe]: at S ultimately draw them to Your counter if the purposes. for which not only the tor'streatment had failed. However, Austinfo last. During this time nt. o'clockatthe barracks. Austin found a thought that he want- CIIItISTI.iNANDMISSIO;T3RYALLIANCE , gq� � y0t1 1[Bej) righ5 oil tolling yeti, Story John Saufield surplus, but a much great- this good friend still urged, and finally ed a bouquet on: the little daughter's -Meetings as follows: S. S, at 2.30 p. of LT® every week afresh. There is nothing er sum, has. been spent: prevailed. By, the tinge ;hec, ' box m Fellowship at 4 p, m., and evan- tharwill lead your public to believe in breast, but ho did; not communicate W I N G H A I;tal. Aid to railways $7,000,847 was used, there was, an istukable gelistic at 8 p. m., a very Sunday in : Ca t the fxeFhuess and up t0 -date nature ofthat tti0ught toany ono. The bouquet Ritchie's Hall, Victoria .St. pita] paid up, $1,9.)5 7,10.00, 'Colonization roads 3,389,537 improvement ill Miss Dur 's ndition. did; not appoar> but the Bangs' sisters PosT Or-FioE-In Macdonald Block. Reserve Fund, $1,600,000.00. your stook as much as advertising. Municipal drainage 1,201,266 Cheered by this, the pi were continu- told him that the "gulls" or spirits Office hours from 8 a m to 6;30 p m,President-soar STUART. .Finally d° not spend your money. Keep, Swamp drainage $66,582 ed, and in the courspAif a few weekR the informed them that the picture was Peter fisher, postmaster. Vico-President-A. G, RAmsAY. it in bullet proof form and make it tell Public buildings, construction former invilij, w se strength was tax- MECHANICS INSTITuTn-Library and TiEL EQTORS by confining it to newspaper ads, only. as; yet incomplete. Dr. Austin tool: free reading room in the Town Hall, John Proctor, Goo, Roach, wnl. Gibson, M.P. I believe a fair basis of expenditure for outlay 9,750,887 ed by the sli} ,est exertion, was almost it^ away with him and left it with tris will be open eve afternoon from 2 to you to. adopt is about equal to our Repairs and insiutenance since restored to health. The use of the pills p A. T, wood, M. P., A. B.Lot) (Toronto). y p y p brother-]n-lnly at St. Thomas while he 6:.46 o'clock. anclevory evening from 7 to store rent. Make n0 mistake, it's the. X884 1,212,610 was still continued and a few weeks 9:80 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, General Manager -J. TUR"TJLL. ozone -the atmosphere that will keep, went, on td Michigan. He did not see librarian. Savings Bank -Hours to to 8; Saturday, 10 our business healthy. Maintenance of public institu- more found Miss Durfeo again enjoying his' relation in St. Thom'tur at all, nor Towle Comiam-Wm. Clegg, Mayor; to 1. De osits of sl and upwardsreceived. In- , #i0us 15,593,109 °perfect health. did: hO communicate his thought as to Win. Holmes, Tinos. Bell Robt. Mc torest allpowec,, and computed on tele 80th No- State of Ohio, City of Toledo, 'Yearly grants t0 hospitals and To a reporter who intervied her, she the. bouquet to any one+, but an his rc, ' i enr41 r and 81st May each year and added to Lucas County,ss. q y Indoo, G. A, Newton, John. A. McLean, ,rinr p charities 3,500,080,_ said:-" I believe that Dr. Williams' turn he found a little bouquet of for- Qeo. MoXenzie, Councillors; J. B. For- Franli J. Cheney makes oath that he son, Clerk incl Treasurer Samuel ra sof it Deposits also received at current is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Crown lands, surveys, ranging Pink Pills saved my life, and I earnestly ' Cheney & Co., doing business in the got -me -nous on the olljltl's bosom. IN Youhill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, COI- Drafts on Great Britain and the United f Toledo, i; improvements agencies and racommeud diem to all who fear that also found the; words, "Cathleen, tool, lector. Board meets first Monday even- States Bought and sold. City Of lolea0, said fir and State p afore- compensotions 2,412,343 consumption has laid its grasp upon written on the, canvas, which was not ing ill each month at 8 o'clock. Travellers are nottfied that the Bank of Ham- -i said, and that said firm will pay the SCIIOOL BOARD. -H. Kerr, (chairman), ilton And its Branches isue Circular Rates of sum of One Hundred Dollars for each 'Surplus distribution to the mun- them." them.' at the, time of the Painting. Dr: ,, Natioxiat Provincial hank of England, Limited, and every case of Ontarrh that cannot be ici alines nnderacts of 1859 That the facts related above are net in Thos. Abraham, J. J. Bili0tt, J. J. whtell cern be enslrea tvithont caarge or ti•uu- , P Austin will 'not+ say that the picture Hoimith, Win. Moore, .Thos. Boll, Wm. bleinanypartofthe world, oared by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. and 1878 3,388,777 any way exaggerated, is born out by the i a true ones of his dao hter, for she Button, C. N. Grim. Secret m. FR.&NIc J. CHMN EY. g Secretary, W w. CORBOULD Agent 1 Agriculture 4,438,086 following statement from Robert G. Ir- died at two and a half years of age Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. E. L. DICKINSON. Solicitor. + Sworn to before me and subscribed in It has been often demonstrated sass win, Esq., the well known stipond ary Meetin;s.second Tuesday evening in each my presence, this. 6th day or December, and this portrait, tivpul<1 U(s of her as A. D. 1886. the Brantford Expositor, that the San- magistrate for the municipality, who month. y P. KENNEDY M. 1).. M. C. P. S. O. P , at) p 3', she; would bc► to -day, or at ninh years PUBLIC SCHOOL TCAonmis.—A. H. tY . (Member of British Medical Associa• "^" A. W. GLE ASON. Aelcd Macdonald surplus had all been ap- says: -"I distinctly remember the pale of age. He says, however,. drat tpere Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, attend n paid o dl�(ensea of Women, and Childs ? Seal � Notary Public. 13ropriated before the Liberal party came face of Miss Lillian Durfee and the re- js a likeness about the eyes and in Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss ren. Office bolus -1 to 4 p. ni.: 7 to 0 p. in. into power, but were the fact otherwise grets of friends as they expressed their the ,shape of, the hair.. Incldentxlly, COrnyn, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally what possible object could have been conviction that she would soon be tom- the picture,cost, him 0. , and Miss Reid, YhR. MACDONALD, and acts directly on the blood and BOARD Or HEALTH -Mayor Clegg, JI..! mucous surfaces of the system. Send served by keeping this money in the pelled to say farewell to earth. Miss Asked to explain the phenomenon of . (ebairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- Centre Street for testimonials, free. banl;° Which of the above expenditures Durfea, however, carries the unm]stak- spirit painting, Dr. Austin answered ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- F. J. CHENEY & Co, Toledo, O. would Mr. Whitney out off had lie the able credentials of good health, andyour correspondCnts questions road'- rur etary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical wingha, Ontario. Sold 'by druggists, 75c. powor7 The people have received the frequently expresses her indebtedness to ily, Spirits can;' produce pI3ealthictures,but Officer. DR. AGNS W, . Halls Family Pills are the . best. benefits of this distribution of surplus, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." they'are invisible to the human eye.MRS� � H��E Physician, Surgeon, etc. and although the leader of the Opposi- Pale and anaemic girls, or young pec- Through; the mediums,in, this case the Office -Macdonald Btpck, over J. E. Davis' °tion by the tone of his remarks would ple with consumptive tendencies, will Bangs .sisters, they gain power Over Drat; Store. Night callsanswered attileoffice. ®� n DAIRY create a different impression, that not find renewed health and bodil vigor Classes in China Painting. P 3' g matter and can produce material woi'fz Oil and water Colors. R.VANSTONE. one dollnr of this money has been cor- through the use of r. Williams' Pink capable of beim R. g perceived by the AI§a u rete revelation kiln for firing china. BAIiR 1STER SOLICITOR ETC. , having added a solsttratbr to their plant-now raptly spent is shown by the fact that Pills. These pills are an unfailing cure senses: '.Chert) Ina.)', or ma not be any offer I y • Y Sttulio at her home, Catherine Street. no charge has ever been made let alone for all diseases due t° a watery conditicu 'mental suggestion estion on, the rate arra t. No col fiords to loan at lowest r gg part of the iatoofintorest. Noeoxnmissioucharged. Mort- IZ+IL®�lill!tlt�'Il) 11d$LH,� substantiated, in the Legislative of the blood or shattered nerves. Sold person havin the picture '�� 1L�E GRIFFIN gages, town and fares. property bought and g produced, sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham. to the people of Wingham. Our corers are kept Assembly, -St Marys Argus. by all dealers in medicine or sent post- neither must he; be a believer in spi- strictly clean, so that we are enabled to offer paid on receipt of 500 a bar, or $2.50 for ritualism. ' If, however, the WDTQHAM A. MORTON absolute] clean mills, iced in summer, during; sir boxes b addressing the Dr. Wil- pt a p is J. June, July and August. , Y g required to be( of a person ata ar- TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. BARRISTER, .4c., 3 cants per quart, delivcirod once a day.. Tire Ontario Agricnitnral College, , Is The Agricultural College at Guelph is Hams Medicine CO., Brockville, Out. titular age, the mental picture must Wingham, Ont. gr v P Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music bq produced by the purchaser and the osarninatxais. t)1; again about to extend its usefulness in spirits will reproduce it on canvas. Et L. DICSLNSON, the matter of supplying a short tours® v p Lt AND GUITAR They will also transfer it from a BARRISTER, ETC. a in stock Judging. The course will begin I RIT A RTI photograph; which may, or, may not be Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Moneyto loan, �ou January 8, and continue for two P MISS. CARRIE ZORE Office -Meyer Block, wingham. present., Without the mental aun•ges- weeks. The school day is to be spent of London Conservatory of Music, ,will be pre - tion, . however, they paint only fu's Guitar. fuer Oct. let to receive a limited num- RTHUR�J. IRWIN, D, D. S, L. D. S. somewhat as follows i rem 9 t0 10 a.DREW PICTUREber of pupils for instruction on violin and A the ,subjects are at the present mO- m, of each day will be spent in judging Doctor of Dental dSurgery Licentiate a of the Rove] went. The picture; is, thanks to the Residence—opposite R.C. Church, Wingham. Dental College and Licentiate oP tiro Roval I grain and other classes of farm seeds, College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Offices �y and the identification of weed deeds. mediums, a material one and much > I,1 t� over Post Office, Wing ham. 4 • Photograph of Dr.Austin s Daughter like a human work4 The doctor says PIANO AND THEORY. . i From 10 a. m. until noon, and from 1,30 Who Died Si Years Ago. that the spirjti get their superb col- T. HOLLOWAY, D,D.S., l r t0 8.30 P. m. will be devoted to practical t oring from pa:rtiolesr in the air, from MISS " SARA LOUISE'MOORE, L.C.M. W. eDod foil painless es- 'work in judging Horses, beef cattle, and member lot the Associated Musicians of traction. o Cocaine. r + � !�� the carpets and outer such things. l'1'e Ontario, is prepared to receive a,limited,num- ai :]airy Cattle, sheep and swine. Lectures The Way �� iriQ� ��Q�`€C' , ber of pupils for instruction on Pisnoand in SPecialattention tothe care and regulation declared, that th^, Bangs sisters never of childrou s teeth. Moderate prices and all on breeding, feeding and management saw the 1lhotograph' of his little Theory iven to pupils preparing work Carefully andsldlfnllyperPbrmecl. Office of live stock are to be given each day by for examinations. in Beaver Block, Wingham, There is ' a noted difference- ;- daughter.; Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. members of the college staff. Arrangement of two Pieees of Can- t It may be interesting to the public JOHN RITCHIE, in the style and fit of Pants we No fees are to be charged, the only ex- vas -Spirits do the Coloring from P ,IY eases being practically the cost of board Paritieles in the Air. to know what the are t0 cls inn the I' I I� pp GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, P t; P Y II I I I� �. tD. Elliott,EV. �. cr lana or: ;spirits..�tt doe:, not BGeIr1 as +��I � mare that always brings peo- and of car fare to and from Guelph. Honorary Graduate of Wingham, Ont. NO entrance examination is required, though the are to be absolved from I ontari6 veterinary ple back for another pair. q , Dr. B. F. Austin, of 81 m Kara ave- College. OHN CUEtItIE, WxxGHAu, Oxx. and an farmer or farmer's sen may en labort on bur departure from this life. Office and infirmary tJ , Y Y nue, this city2 has in his possession a i at GoUey'p old stand, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Then there is the low price ter for thii two weeks' course. It is a In an interview with Cathleen, held marvellous picture-marvel]°us either Vxey a d night c nr, . , in' August at Casadaga through a me- ��l;pli, Dnp and night calls Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a matter of interest, not only to the tsiass because of the doctor's extreme gul- I. promptly attended to, specialty. and better quality of cloth put mentioned but also to live stock buyers. r ilium, ;she infer ned. him that she ti!: Telephoneeonneation, All orders left at THE Timms office promptly Y libility or becaaso of the mariner in lived in a attended to. Terms reasonable. P y in , them—cloth that wears. It is in the farmers capacity as mereh- which it vra s ,produced, says the To- Brandi House, but that the weather was so fine that she spent alit, that he will be chiefly benefited by ronto brews. This] picture is supposed Seri our new goods and )rices. pp but little ti�mo in it. She o OB' PRINTING, r� 1 such a course The ability to buy and goes to FARMERS J to be a: photograph of a little dau- Bell Droperly, is a prime requisite of sue- school, where she is taught singing and an one having live stook er other including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill cessi`ul husbandry, and now that the o ghter of Dr.I : usthi s, who died, some s s Heads, the &c., &c., executed pri es tiro best ]>' and painting;zbut everything is so dff- articles they wish to dispose Timms. should slaver• style of rho ort, at moderato prices and on ®®®��� ■ rortunity, is offered at a time of the year six and a Half years ago. It' Is circ the same for sale in rho estran inr terse short notice. ' There in their methods' a teaching' circulation tolls and it will bostrango guarantee BoOKIIX ING: We are pleased to announce , that farmers are in a position to avail about three fact long by two wide, you do notgetacustomer. wocnn' guarantee drat an g �" there' that She; could net describe it. that Cu will sell because you may ask more any Magazines left with us for i,., y,p .+•.' G1 �+.n9 themselves of it,' No doubt the venture and the work is well done, whether Bindin , will have our prompt attention will be highly appreciated by the agri The doctor is now a firm belie ver in for tie article or stock than It is worth, Send Prices or Binding in any style will be given 6n culturists of the Province. there. is anything uncanny about it or spiritualism, though his belief has your advertisement to the Tnr&and ttrybins application to y not. Dr. Austin claims that` this evidently,, rather,stroli plan OP disposing of your stock and other ' •�—„�'•- --- •--` , , some years pest, gin it for artielos. THE TIMES OFFICE, ~, - picture .l,s tire, avork of spirit artists r- wingham. d Oreadful PRidney Pains.. from the other world and rather than - tvl,at is I.lto to Yo,t? �, a.m. sit in judgment,upon the thing it is If you are a victim of n s .,b 1 . m.i � . , •,t I ' . y� RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Could Not Rest or Sleep' preferable tat give the doctor's story y , you sower ]tonne GRAND TRUNK RAILWA`A SYSTEM. TRaosr MARRS Person in every four is Dunlop Dcalaas t tat the public'and let them term their Titerxs LVATM torr C/. V. U. Coridnetar'a 5nfYerinl;q— 1y from "one of the most torturing ail. Palmerston . , ..• 6.53 a,m.... 8,ma,m. COPYRtGF1SB FcC, lie in Now acll and Gives A)i. Own opinions. The only photograph inents known to mar:, and may well r London ..... ... 0.60 non.... 3,10p.m, Anyone sending a sl:otch and deat:ription mar Clitrse•n Ifitiaey-Liner I'13is Credit • StJl,lb RtTBI3EP ”" ttitakty ascortnin our opinion too whether an the family had, of the deceased little wonder if life i6 really worth living. Kineurctine..ii.io a.m.., 3.10^p m.•.. 8.38g.in, Invention is probably ntentablo. +Commonift- t p AnTa" IrRom tpt for the Cure. Certain relief and ultimate curelsawait� i tions strictlycon8dential. Iinncibe6kon.Patents g' One which they . Mueardine . a ..ii.49 a.m., 8.55 nat., .. 8.10 p.m sunt frau. Oldest a enoy for socurinit atenta. girl teas a fivr--Crnt�� TNx• 'W. E, Serryttian, Conductor on hall enlarged, but, th'ay clever liked it. Ing yell by means o4 Dr. Chase's (3illt. London....... •....., 1L10 a.m..., 7.55 p.m Patents "taken troualx nlunu 18 Gp6. recetre the C.P.It., St. Stephen, X.13., � vrites:.. went. It has .never failed to cure piles. Palmerston .............. 2.45 p.ta.... 8.08 p.m 'special notice, �Ithout ebara6, in the i have been railroading for 23 years, Tlti9 summer, during the month of Painlessly and naturally it allays the In. � R. 0?. STiTxON, Agent, winghaln. and Par ten years suffered from a severe August, Dr. Austin: was at Casadaga, flammation, heals the ulcors and thord. �••� ANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. case of MdneY Disease and Backache, a 111 cures this wtatehed disease. TnATNs r,BAVk von it batidsoinolt illurttrated weakly. Imrreat 61r• a trouble common. to railroad iinen. It In New S'ork :Date, tvhorC were also i3 Y T onto and 6,58 n.m. 8,58 p.m. year,461tr m6nntbe,$1,asoiabyali Maes ealet uses me all iii to walk, and after thr. Bangs sisters of Chicago, Hearing '� ' G�i11 carry heavy Loads and 'Teoswator ............. 1.or p.m.,..10.43 p.m. g �"Qi� Public Sch66l inspector PeArce of A,R IVH $'nom mukq a ela,mdway, wew walking tip hili i would have to lift that, these ladies had a staff of spirit p lrrtLnch emus. c , Ir p' Wilhsta ld htird SCYVit:e. Toftutoan down to get relief, ray baGlt'cvaa so '�atArloo o0unty states that lie has , , TortSntoancl�aHtSfi`anr`•1.132pgm��.lb.93p.in. "' et..waalilnrr,nrs.>a.U, , bad, i could not e1AQn"lliore than halt nrtisk at. theirs command, Dr. Austin f0arid in that 60tintr several Iants bf An evef-w isfaG'toryt ea,s- - .T. H. BEEMER, Agent. lvinaham. " the night and then didn't seem to .get. deterininec9 to have thein plaint a pie- Y p `f , , ' � • fidtrg Wheel tire. a any rest, i had ured all sorts of meth. tore Of hr little daughter. On the the fly inttishroon (Amanita 1V[usCarla) eines and was pretty badly discouraged and of the deadly mushroom (Amanita Every set guaranteed, T t -when I heard of Dr. Chese'ts Kidney» first two visit(; no pleturts apps axed e I J PAYS Liver P111m, After using two boxes' of , 7?httllOrlles). Bot11 £Ir0 identical in appCali bC fitted tt3 aiY Wh,�t, 1 J I Dr. Arls#iu s mental ftariraiture of his • Y , e, tulle aniaf B boxes ha a imade M Com daughter being somewhat Vague, 'Ino I)�'R;tanGO above gi`Utlllti tvitli tY10 E ditll9 Send for C'atalogn6, varieties, the only difforence being the 4 plete cure. i now rest ttn(1 sleep con]d well, net pietur(s her in. his mincl } tillCiiLt�ly:{`'lav> CS, Cnraatxand'i`rnde.Mark3ebtaiuea, tfid sill sant my back its strontt anti the cid trouble without having hN thoughts wander . prt'senre of tilt) poison Onp •-a lltilbatthri s /� y �� . lusinem eoitductcd For 110111yIM V9984 My ill's entirely disappeared. I(lany flee bailA of filo root, several Iibine:�belowtlttt L01nlCll. TO ,�,,DV 21•t,,T1t8, _ ofliceisinthe iftimedialevicinityof016pateatonkc VW to •twllom I laic recommended thele back to her as she lay in h.,r, imff]It. �i n t]le third visit tiro Bangs sisters su ftics. ;�Vi:ushroon hiliteiro nhbuld be' ,rOIWITO• AndmytacilitlesiOraCCu-i(tR.pA(CntSn«:sAnbarpaSSCd qffl�%"or bpetu cured. Anyone viish O g Sendmodei,>lketehorptotorrnphnFiaventiori' (ells ' articwars write mo." r>S.w"P.1r'ItI to cdistingaish these from the'r rye e+l! of Dr. Chase'e Kidney-idvcr' suggusttd that Ile allow thtl sit]rit9 rc, illitirtallshroonl. IN THE 4v* fnrot,ar+rr�ntBlrnUed 7lt41s far etcce(lli( th It Of any' sitAllar t0 aitit his daughirr apt dlic� is t0 -day fsrrtdnla.l,rrrrr, and •-v rets tar ti ra=ecntrn tha 47@tlddJr. f}1tC dt"1Rl 3tt @ri0t181r t0hn» T - apNtiea,tan ont1GCtrn„tLtbr+lttvfitt7+A ? Y. (e that #Ilia irx the ire 'Oft. ” af*,r ,!fix and it half yoarx spent ifi �'1 � yytt,w ltatnru t nrz6tr,ra, Isvrv,one w<ts(zs>3, tun. > mCdiCtrid that money 'Will buY• Ispirit land• To, this Dr. Austin Dori-" Children Cry fa thtloutut+infortntxtl4n cttfrati il! lrllinlltinlr • - i �e , 3 i' +,est]S �o:,;ft:olgtCal� �` tatt6n fisldei+t' c J ysill s,,pclucAw 25 (!egltx tt bOX,,µM all ,onfad. He tlpmicribom the way in `1Mit/��� �` t�2' liidrfianra(>zt, atCi .4 Vp .1.(ir I TIMES 6' y i 60" i :Y '...a. .at).,. • s� : \ ..r'� .Y.s. 1�N. at :. which the picture was prOducad its the C � 1 A* �n