HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-18, Page 7THE AV[NG SDI TOM OCT. 18, 19,01 - NE�RSQNA�,;a HEART NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBOR81 Ivo when be glad to have ooaltributiolts tc '^"••""�^°' thiscolunvlfluntanyoPourluuclur8. 1P yon SOME OF THE PECULIAR A8PS"T3 isardS� Qr �+ �SBf�}' have visitorsorno,,, 0geing away rouruelt Dress t7u�ds sHE NE STUB ,' Clothing in and full no, or sendnote tq that OF THIS DREAD MALADY, ofPuut,� tyt:N l * Ur 1i1T1nir.01 TQ ALL UUU fitllUtfib. Mrs, Smith of Grand Rapids is, visit, n an9ell xr o 75c Ladies' Night Gowns for , . , . , .. , • , . , , , . , , , 59 Smith eame home Tuesday evening to pug in towil, a acco x ear Itxces What Wideawako Tires Correspondents Communicate —Other Rev, Dr, Gifford of Clinton was ill tnaute Posucumor.-. The 1"car o1 Death That it Eiitiailu. break the sad news. The parents have litems Clipped From Our Exolhnngos. town on Friday. Air, Thomas Frioudsbip, of Brussuls,18 is lawyer was talking with a friend when it sudden pallor calve over his face, $1.50 Ladies' Don!!^ola Boots for ................ 1 ;25 visiting in town.Thrusting his hand quickly into a waist- one of the the Hartney paper 'tate all the bass in TCTrIT.oss, t;t[IL1et)5s, Mrs. J. L, Davis spout a few days this coat pocket he drew out a small phial, front which he pouted two or three. pellets 1 7,; Mr, Ali. Hodgins, who purchased Wednesday of last week Mr. Peter week Ill Clkuton• into the palm of his hand and swallowed 85.00 Ladies' Black Coats for ........... . ....... Mr. B. Kelp's farm near Ripley, was Mckenzie, painter, took unto himself a Harry Carr of Owen Sound is visiting them. Hu was a stout, robust man, hav- tug .+..�„ t+«n.,� married last Thursday to Miss Cox, life partner in the person of Miss A2aggie, at his home here• every appearance of health, His friend exclaimed: + 25 daughter of Air. J119• Cox of the 10th con. daughter of Mr. Robert Lowey of tite Mr, Goo. Youog of Toronto is visiting " Why, Jack, what's the matter? What $2.00 White Lace Curtains for .................. of Kinloss. There were about two 14th con. A large number of guests his nareuts in towlt. dire YOU taking those pills for?" smiled grimly. Jachundred guests present and the presents partook of the wedding feast and took Mrs, 1?, Anderson v:;ited Whitec$nreil "Th There is sornet'hing the matter wait 05 1 received were very numerous and part i1h the festivities at the homo of friends one Wednesday, nhy heart," he replied, ,,Now and thou 75c Men's Fancy Print Shirts for........ Ill the oveuing there was the bride's father last evening. $1.50 Men's Plough Boots for .......... the machine gets out of order, Some qP .serviooable, a very flue display of fireworks in honor rt Mr, Campbell, of Ingersoll, is the the wheels don't wort: or a co sli,s, • if g 1 1 00 of the occasion. 'WEST wAMIA`�lOSH. guest of Air, C. Moore, at those periods I env get thoso little pellets of strychnine down quick onoagh, t 25 r Mr. John Mallonglh, who recently sold Mr. J, J, McDonogh hits retarned to the difficulty is fixed up for the time be - y t his farm ill West Wawanoslh,has bought AjimerYtfter avisit bore. tag, But one of these days the poison. will X010tIs. one on the London, road, near Denfield, Miss Della Gracey of Blyth visited get in its work too late, and then"— The The elipsis was supplied by a look more Miss M. R, Findlater, who has been an oyes thereto in a few days. It is friends ill town this �vee]r, than words. i tonching school in Middlesex county, re- 10 res and cost him , 6,500. r t Mrs, John Farcluhursou .of 'Teeswater '"What is the nature of your heart af- fection? Have you been examined'?" signed leer charge and has gone to i ekitlt called away Mr. Witt. R. Bar- 19 VlSitillg relatives in town. "Yes. I presume that in a years 1 2 medical college in Philadelphia, where our, of lot 23, con• 10, West Wawa. Mrs. Benj. Jenkins is home, frJtn her have been examined by 50 physicians, t she intends studying medicine. Miss nosh, on Tuesday, in his 34th year, visit at Grand Rapids, Mich. But no two of them ever agreed as to the Findlater is a thoroughly capable young Bright's disease was the cause of death. Mr. 'rola Reid was in Willham on n exast nature of my symptoms?" "1Fhat are your symptoms?' 3 y and will no doubt meet with Mr. Barbour had been strong and heal- Saturday•—Lucknow Sentinel. "The first and most prominent symp- ocess. - thy, bot�i as a boy and a man. When Mr. W. G. Durst of Stratford has tom's the fact that I am constantly made Mrs. Dennis O'Conuo led at her he `vas thirteen years old he weighed 190 pounds, but disease overtook him, accepted a situation in the Uniou, aware that I have a heart. Either it is beating so slowly, that I can scarcely home in Morris on WAsday, after He had recovered for some time. Pie Mr. Geo. Elford has left for Stratford feel it or else it is racin Itl.e g . • - a Corliss onlyone day's illness. Heart failure to work in one of the factories there. engine at full speed. At night I can hear and constipation were the cavae of death. was in Wingham two weeks ago, but it it creaking and straining like an old The funeral left her late residence, lot 3, was apparently only temporary relief. Mr. Jos, Doyle is this week relieving g at the Bank of Hamilton Lucknow. schooner off Point Judith in a storm. i have often smiled to myself in the dark con. 9, Morris, Friday of last week The deceased was well thought of b his at hours just dawn when I have been and proceeded to the Roman Catholic to friends and neighbors. He eaves a wife I. and three children to mourn his loss. Mr. Peter Linklater of Listowel visit- ed at the parental home here last before awakened ri y some frightful struggle on the part of my heart to keep up its nat- church, Blyth, atul from there to. the y week. ural rhythm to think how Roman Catholic cemetery in Morris. The mourners have the deepest sym- Mrs. H. Pearou of Londesboro spent some strong man, a baseball player or an athlete, who pathy of many ends in, their sad be- a few days visiting old friends in town, never knew he had a heart, would act if V reavement. � funeral takes place Mr. A. Waite of Toronto was the 8ucll an attack came upon him suddenly." EAST wawaivosx. this afterno guest of Mrs. D. A. Campbell over Sun- ," Oh, it is only a case of dyspepsia," said his friend. "1 often have green feel - Mr J. Rance spent Sunday at the I LTSTe►wEL. day ings around the heart myself." "Yes, that's what all your friends tell residence of Mr. John Walden. Mr. Geo. Porter, of Gotham, is spend - Clinton News -Record: Mr. A. Knox you," said the lawyer. "'They waut to Mr. Isaac Quinn attended Dungannon info a few days in town, the guest of his of Wingham was in town On Wolves- cheer you up. It's a good thing that they , -fair on Friday. son, Nl:r: Geo. Porter, butcher. day. ,do. Heart disease is naturally depress- ing. Consumptives always believe they 1 Mr. Jas. Craig of Morris passed Rev: A. P. Moore, rector of Christ Mr. Stewart Hood of the Harriston ire going to get well, but a man whose a through this section on Tuesday morn- church, preached Harvest Thanksgiving Tribune, spent Sunday at tile parental heart is affected is positive that he won't - ing on his way home from the Klondyhe. Mr. Wm. Lockhart, who has been .services in St. Paul's church, Atwood, home. fisc a week." "I suppose the conditioa of your heart visiting at Mr. Wm. McNall's for some on Sunday afternoon, He was accom- Air. Will. J. Jenkins of Listowel visit- prevents you from runniug?" "Yes, panied by Mr, John Bamford. ed his parents on the Bluevale load on and any form of severe physical time, returned to his home in Muskoka Mr. John McKeever, real estate dealer, Sunday. y• exercise. I wouldn't run a block for `t5U on Tuesday. ' has left on a business trip to Bay City, Mr. and Miss McAlpine of Thessalon y ,000, I am never in a hurry to catch a car. I usually take from two to three �o The Editor of The Tlut s• Mich. He will be away for two weeks. are visiting with their cousin, _Hiss Bella minutes �o ware up the stairs of the ele- J Dmm SiR,—In your last issue the fol- Revs. Turk and Kerby, the pastor Elliott. vated road." q"' - lowing item appeared in East Wawanosll evangelists, preached their farewell ser- Mrs. Ed. Lown and son were visitiu • ' Y o "What effed � docs heart trouble have upon the mind. 1 mews: mon at the Methodist church last Sun- relatives at Wingham this wedr.—Brus- -Well, I suppose that depends upon the A ""Mr. and Mrs. John►Campbell 1 day night before a good congregation. sets Post. man, If Ile be of the highly imaginative - of Wingham visited at Mr. Hugh McBurney's on Sunday last." These gentlemen are good preachers, Miss Maud F1:huty of Winghslm is the type, the consciousness that his heart is diseased is always depressing. There are M a Allow me to say that the item is false, good organizers and excellent singers,aud duringtheir three weeks std in town guest of Miss Lilly Deuholm,_Blyh times when hu is perfectly quiet or when the heart is and further, the party who wrote it is y have made a host of friends and also a Standard. gently stimulated by poisons, such as strychnine or alcohol, that he is known by me, and knew it was false number .of ,consorts, who' will regret Mr. Chas. Barber of the Lucknow Comparatively free from, distressing; when they wrote it. Their object must their departure, and will wish them all p -Sentinel visited his' parents -ill town symptoms. But the knowledge that his have been to unnecessarily wound my success in their good work. They were over Sunday. heart is weak never' whop 1 y eaves him. it follows him everywhere. He dare not feelings. I would advise your corres- formerly pastors in large churches, re- Messrs. H. HamMon and. Jas. A. drink because lie Is afraid of overstimula- ' pondent to tell the truth and not use the ceiving salaries, but felt that they Cummiuns .of Listowel were in town ; a tiou and consequent palpitation. He must q press to circulate falsehoods, for thI6 liar good had been called upon by God to take up over Sunda f y , not use tobacco because- the weed has a depressing influence upon his life p&np. is always found out, evangelistic work. throughout Canada. Mr. J. E. Swarts leaves today for He dares not permit his teruper to got the Yours truly, They have been the means of starting a Memphis, Tennessee, where Harold H. better of his judgment. The heart is J. CAMPIMLL. Young People's Brotherhood, to be com- will race next. peculiarly susceptible to anger. Should a _ posed of all denominations. Mr. Geo. Jenkins and child of Ingle- roan crossly insult him he must grin and bear it, for both the passion of resent- i wood art) visitiurr at his home on the meat and the physical effort required to wROXETER. Bluevake road. place a blow would result in more injury The Methodist Sunday school have BLYTH. Mr. Harry Ansley left for Chicago on to the man himself than to his enemy." "I can see fres your remarks that decided to hold an Xmas. entertainment. Miss Mary McElroy is spending a Monday, after it visit, with his pareuts, heart disease has some moral advau- A committee was appointed last Sunday weep visiting friends at Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. John Ansley. tages." to map out a plan and they are to report Mrs. E. McMurray; of Seaforth, is 'Yes; it certainly is a deterrent so far . next Sunday. visiting in, town, thti guest of Mrs. Mrs. Brumpston and child of St, as alcohol, tobacco and anger are con - Rev. R. S, G. Anderson of the Pres- Combs. Thomas were visiting with Mrs. D. A, cerned. In fact, a heart physically bad is byterian church, delivered an interesting Mr. D. D. Crittenden, of Exeter, spent Campbell ill town this week. opposed to vice of any kind. It kicks up it row even it a man tries to do a little , sermon to parents on horn tihev are re- Sunday at the home of his parents here. The Misses Vaustone, of Wingham, loving." sponsiblo for the welfare and raising A large number of Blyth citizens took were renewing old friendships in Brus- "Is there any pain?" their children. He had the attention of in the tea meeting at Loudesboro on t sels for a few days.—Brussels Post, '`lot in tine sense that the word is gen- orally understood. It finger is the congregation so that one could have Monday evening. Miss Dulmage attended the reception your caught fu a dour crack, there is a vivid heard a pill drop. Mrs. W. J. Tough, of Bayfield, is to the Duke kind Duchess in Toronto, sense of suf&•riug. but no fear. With Last Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Me- visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, and had the pleasure of a hand shake. heart trouble there is no acute pain, but plenty of uneasine:,z and in awful sense Helve thanked his friends for the kind y and Mrs. Thomas Laidlaw. Mrs. Jerome and young son, of Wing- of weakness. anguish is the better word reception and suitable present given to Mr. Harry Browning, of Exeter, was ham, have been here spending the week to describe it. b him and Mrs. McKelvey. 'Bawden, the guest of his aunt, Mrs, `Thomas with her husband Dr. Jerome.—Arthur '•I have been walking along; n street, L'ediug ill ray uorutal coalition, when i Rev. Mr. McKelvey and a load of for a few days last week. ' Ea rprise. diasm lids opened in the Ridewalk a thou - young people attended, the Epworth Mrs. George Stanley and two child r. W. J. Greer, Orange County Mas- sand feet deep, acid I have stood un the League convention at Lucknow on Tues- rev, of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, ar er for Huron was in, Toronto last weekhcnsfon. brink trembling and sweating; with ap- ap- day. This was along drive, but they the guests of Mrs. Combs, this month, tooling of such awful managed to get home at 1 o'clock a. m. Mr. and Mrs. James Irvine, who were and attended the funeral of Hor�nme Clarke Wallace at Woodbridge. that I ss and apprehensionme been paralyzed, Mr. George Barber of Gorrie called on guests at the home of Councillor Code, There was absolutely no J. Bretlhauer on Tuesdaylast. in Morris for the , past weep, left on, Mr. Wm. Bond lett on Wednesday physical indication that anything had g Mr. Geo. Kirby was in Gorrie on Tues- Wednesday for their home in Smiths evening for Wingham. He intends happened, but the mental appreciation ; da last renewing old acquaintances. y g q Falls, spending three or four days renewing was frig;litfully appalling. "-fit such times my heart had telegraph - It is said that Mr. Jas. Ballantyne will Jar. Cooke and Mr. Robert Powell acquaintances.—Listowel Standard. ed my brain that it was tired, It had ' moye into the Harris dwelling on Howick were in Toronto last week and wituess- Editor Kerr of the Brussels Post was been puurping away in my breast ever ' street. ed the military review given in honor of in town on 'Tuesday and gave us a call, ;ince I was born, never stopping; And Mr. Patterson the engineer, has mov- , g• � the Duke and Duchess of Oornwail and Fie met Mrs, Derr here, who was return- nor, which h now, is some inscrutable enn give the wisest of doctors eau give no rationni i ed into his dwelling on Sanderson street. York. ing from a yisit with friends in Winui- explanation of, it has stopped beating for Every house that is available is filled and Mr. James 13migh, of Goderieh, visit- Peg- tbo fraction of a second. But in that But dwellings are in demand. ed at the home of his parents here on The following ladies attended the brief space of time all the of the body have been notified that something is Mr. Thos, Hemphill is having a now, Sunday. Miss Allie Emigh returned to County W. C. T. U. convention at the matter with the engine. chopper put intu the oatmeal mill. Goderieh with him and will spend a Seaforth last week: Mrs. W. D. Purdy, "You stand hesitating; on the brink of Alex, McKercher and his daughter, weak with county town friends, Airs. (Dr.) Kennedy, Airs. Alex. Ross another existence or annihilation, listen• , Bella, of Washington, D. C., and John Earl on Saturday morning tlhe y y g 'isher• snot .Miss K. M. r inn , to see it the engine will resume its old time beat, 'Then is the time that your McGregor and wife, of Washington, D. buildings in Messrs. Fraser & Logan's Miss Celesta McQuillan of Grand L,hminiy fingers reach for sour waistcoat O., and Miss Crearor from Scotland,near the and brick yard, south of Blyth were Rapids, Mich., Iha accepted a position pocket. In your baste you take a double dose. Slowly the noble organ responds to relatives of Wm. McIierch.er, on B line + burnt. The origin of the fire is unknown. as assistant in the millinery department the stimulus, and you are saved for the of Howick, who have been visiting in I The loss is placed at 0000 with no in- of Mrs. Geo. Green, and brings with her time. the vicinity, left for their homes on durance. all the natty American, styles ill trim- "I believe that I make no exaggeration Wednesday morning'. They will take ming. ht the statement that I have really to all in the Pan American and other sights ) Among the Western Ontario prize- Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Irwin, who intents and purposes died n thousand •!oaths. But such is the wonderful elas- on their wayhome. We are sorry to report that Henry winers at the Pan-American horse show moved to the yillage some six weeks Hty of the mind, so buoyant is Trope, ':at after the most severe of these at - Smith is very low at present. He left were the following: Horses, English ago, moved to Wiugllam on Mouday, nicks it leaves no lasting impres:,ion. But some time ago for Galt and. Hamilton Shire, 8 years or over --First, second and Hain. having secured a good situation in I naturally try to get the little bottle out for the improvement off his health. third prizes, Bawden & 14foDonald, Ex- /the furniture factory there.--Fordwieli quick," Mrs. Oliver Smith, his mother, left I otor, Brood mare, to bis shown with Record. Content` El;tber Way. lately with her daughter, Lena, to nurse foal at foot, by registered sire—First r "People are always content with their lhlm at Hamilton. He got worse and Bawdon & McDonald, Exeter. :hfldren," said AYr. Crusty. Mr, Oliver Smith, his father, left last ---Mir. S. A. Moffat has leased his 'The nowspaperg in Manitoba and the "]es," answered AIr. Dusty. "1f: a boy is dii they say he is drat stay lie Saturday for Hamilton to brie his son g farm, which adjoins the village of j g `Vest go in for plain speech. The tined, and it he is boisterous they say he and I IL- but l d to gto at Galt as the boy 'Varna to Mr, Win. Archer of Goderieh Hartiley Star having expressed doubt Is sure to mako his way In the world," INCREASING TRADE I IT'.S Now a little over one year since we opened up busi. ness in Wingham, and it is pleasing and satisfactor to Mote the increase in trade, which speaks volumes for a go-ahead business. We thank our numerous customers and friends for their patronage, and bespeak a continuance of lie same. During our second year we will endeavor to cater to 'our wants with a larger assortment of goods in all departments. Qur Fall and Winter Stock is about all in, and you are cordially nvited to inspect the goods and compare prices. • We quote a few prices below—just samples—of values to be ound throughout the stock: ingharn's Brightest Store. Opp. Batik of Hamilton. Fulz."Llfture Fa cts We desire to thank our customers for the patronage they have extended to us during the past three years. We have appreciated very much the way you have stuck to us, notwith- standing the endeavor to belittle our business methods arVI business. It assures us,, moreover, that we still lead, and that the largeness of our stock gives. us the privilege of selling the same goods a little cheaper than our opponents. A look through is evidence that we, if anything, exceed in. beauty of exhibit, workmanship and value. We have been keeping pretty quiet in the . way of booming our business, because we have been kept at it, but now we are going to work through the newspaper and show you that we can puff a little, and on good foundation. We do picture framing while you wait. You may have picture home with you same day. In order to please our customers and our competitors, we have marked our goods in plain figures and at the bottom price, such as : Odd Dressers for .............. w 3 60 Mattress for .................. 1 95 Couches in Velure for.......... 525 Common Beds as low as........ 1 45 Bedroum Suites as low as ....... 7 25 spring Beds as low as.......... 1 25 Extension Table as low as ...... 3 25 Parlor Suites, in velure covering. 13 25 Easy Chairs, in velure... ... 2 90 Few Kitchen Chairs left at...... 20 Seeretarys foi' ................ 2 75 Good Arm Chair .. .. .... ...... 90 Rockers to match .... ...... 95 You can make no mistake in buying upholstered goods from us. We do just what we say. We keep in stock what we advertise. ono, ha p was not able to go further. Miss Tona 50c Ladies' Night Gowns for ............. . . .... 6 0 30 .. 75c Ladies' Night Gowns for , . , . , .. , • , . , , , . , , , 59 Smith eame home Tuesday evening to 35c Ladies' Fleeced Vests for, . , , , , • , , , , , • , , 25 35c Ladies' Black Wool Hose for ...... 25 break the sad news. The parents have $2.00 Flannelette Wrappers for . . . .......... .... 1 S O I called her, my wild Irish rose end ask•' $1.50 Ladies' Don!!^ola Boots for ................ 1 ;25 35c Tweed Dress Goods for ..................... 25 one of the the Hartney paper 'tate all the bass in :1.00 Black Henrietta for . . .............. 75 J .�. � �• � � � $2.00 Box Calf Boots for .... . ...... . .. . . ..... .. 1 7,; nicest and best farms in the 45e Black Ribbed Cashmere Hose for............ 35 85.00 Ladies' Black Coats for ........... . ....... 3 05 + Worthy son than Hair Sni:tli is. y $4.00 largest size White Blankets ................ 3 50 .+..�„ t+«n.,� x;1.00 Flannelette Blankets for , , , 75 � .•-�•��:.,.'�� �..� 35c Union Carpet for • 25 50 'Tapestry Carpet for ......................... 40 $2.00 White Lace Curtains for .................. ? 50 50c Boys' Colored Sweaters for ....... . .. . . . . . • . 35 35c Halifax Tweed for .......................... 25 x..,_:aw :_!.�w,. 316'R b . -w t ,. ._,-_.: ';�. wki.�•..:IY.1kL.1,�.... .._ . xt..rt..:.... ", ;' .,; �, 7c Check Gingham for .......................... 05 10c Dark Prints for 03 75c Men's Fancy Print Shirts for........ 50 $1.50 Men's Plough Boots for .......... 1 25 82.50 Boys' Tweed Suits for . . . . . ....... ........ 2 00 $1.25- Men's Tweed Pants for .............. 1 00 $4.00 Men's Heavy Pea Jacket for , , , , 3 50 35c Men's Four-in-hand Ties .................... 25 7.00 lien's Tweed Suits for ... , , ..... , • , , , , .. , , 4 9,5 o L.. ISARD 6+� Go. ingharn's Brightest Store. Opp. Batik of Hamilton. Fulz."Llfture Fa cts We desire to thank our customers for the patronage they have extended to us during the past three years. We have appreciated very much the way you have stuck to us, notwith- standing the endeavor to belittle our business methods arVI business. It assures us,, moreover, that we still lead, and that the largeness of our stock gives. us the privilege of selling the same goods a little cheaper than our opponents. A look through is evidence that we, if anything, exceed in. beauty of exhibit, workmanship and value. We have been keeping pretty quiet in the . way of booming our business, because we have been kept at it, but now we are going to work through the newspaper and show you that we can puff a little, and on good foundation. We do picture framing while you wait. You may have picture home with you same day. In order to please our customers and our competitors, we have marked our goods in plain figures and at the bottom price, such as : Odd Dressers for .............. w 3 60 Mattress for .................. 1 95 Couches in Velure for.......... 525 Common Beds as low as........ 1 45 Bedroum Suites as low as ....... 7 25 spring Beds as low as.......... 1 25 Extension Table as low as ...... 3 25 Parlor Suites, in velure covering. 13 25 Easy Chairs, in velure... ... 2 90 Few Kitchen Chairs left at...... 20 Seeretarys foi' ................ 2 75 Good Arm Chair .. .. .... ...... 90 Rockers to match .... ...... 95 You can make no mistake in buying upholstered goods from us. We do just what we say. We keep in stock what we advertise. ono, ha p was not able to go further. Miss Tona > township, for five years, tit a cental of about the presence of black bass in the .. Smith eame home Tuesday evening to 16385) a year, the tenant to pay the taxes Assinaboino River, tho Trellerne Times $122 ire Ever. Walker Bros.Button, break the sad news. The parents have find do tThp road work. The farin politely intimates that if the editor of I called her, my wild Irish rose end ask•' the syml7athy of all who knotty the boy .contains 100 acres, and is one of the the Hartney paper 'tate all the bass in r,l her to i tarry 1110. ,� nut wild roses tire always ttingr]e. .�. � �• � � � � t � �. �„ � *411 C' w no parent could wish for a more trust- nicest and best farms in the township, the Asginabohie his Agure would logo t'rlyd nhe, with a tnocking lhagh.4-betrolt y , Worthy son than Hair Sni:tli is. y andisin first-class shape. its usual half-starved appearance. .+..�„ t+«n.,� _ � .•-�•��:.,.'�� �..� die,...... x..,_:aw :_!.�w,. 316'R b . -w t ,. ._,-_.: ';�. wki.�•..:IY.1kL.1,�.... .._ . xt..rt..:.... ", ;' .,; �, ' vkj