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The Wingham Times, 1901-10-18, Page 5
I s d;, 4 THE WINGHAN TIMES ON. 18, 1901. found very satisfactory. The oflloer4{ pR SALE.• -leis gegen to aL Wawtuaosi,, file wheat a2ul rtcwk tarrn,b les ttal,a tAtlzrl, ALLAN �j' Ae D kJ LMAC L oV N I oRS and colleetora wore then appointed %i•' fillet• lank lawriu tfrom2tw�1p fz•a�,Iebam{c'""""' "" ep NFROMthe coining year and Rev. � J. West aver 100 �4ring fruit trelw, Rfver fornw the Realeat ES1a{� and �.Qtln �f{�np� f+astetlrbllnndaryofthislot,nakint^ltavery 4 ! w ce closed the meeting by pronouncing the desirayie stock farm. tiljlah P�►yznent dpwn Oanveyanclzzg, Assigzieo and Accountant• benediction. and cony terms will soaure this>ztg farm, Ap• qdl md I+xonoy to loan on Lawn and farm property, P1Yto A. Dulnrage, Rcwl Ifaltato A eat and Con s Orrice-''Wo doors north of orm T. p J. �. Mr. %III, Messer is in Hamilton, tbis , XeyynceF, C111b1Wlni Black, W1ngllgTp. Drs.EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERSROiWONTRA�.NQ Uhisholin's 13urgory, Rasldoace-••Catherino St, O week. Miss May Thornton it; visiting her ��OR f4AL1:=A splendid 1tl0 acre tarn, F({'lj OR SALE. -100 acre farm ill Morris 4'p. B milcri from town, an the 19th conaessiot, p�( miles from wiughum, Ob acres oleured, 8ralldmetheT, DZTa. JOliil Gtir4ftler• 1Ct,stwawanoshlsolferedforsale; welllencod; NEW �Q(111t ,. cod oltly loam axil, W acres seeded dawn.` What 1T11'ideawake '.Times Correspondents Comlmunionte ,-,• Other 10 acres valuable codas; nevafi fallingg s ]sing s nk barn , horso barx, 60x40, leo glen 1';x r creek; a molly makinK farm iromo in Al2nost •---- - D desirable locality brlekl,ousa,goodlargohank «4. 0o"'at n t bourle,Bgood Orchar Ade• Items Clipped From Our Exchanges, burn and oub buildings. Farms so near this For tickets and full informations apply' sided bargain nt f},ODU• Lllsy toims, Appl to d A. Dulmage, Real Estate Agent, 0b,"1rolni's Rtowinf;townare sure to incraaoinvulu•Block, •winghaln. APPIX e A. Duhnage, Real Estate Agent, to ' g This signaturo is on everYery bo�bl tee Wingharq Y _,... •..� ._� r .._....- __ _ , __ ...... .:. _-� .. T X11&IIII. lnlii)\VSGH, ffowIcic. , H. DAVIS, Win SEWING MACHINES. • Mrs, .John H. Webster visited friends Mr. Will Dnlma e of Newbrid a has Laxative Bromo Quin ne in Lucknow last week, sold his driver to Mr. Walker of Tara. the remedy that vireo o cold in one day A nice, easy -running, Mrs. E, Smith of St. Thomas lifts been Mr. Harry Duhnage has returned , N ► D (' strong -and unwear- attending her father, Mr.' E. Thomas, from Manitoba. The Time of A. wink, ► 1 1 tj Miss Annie Hutchinson is visiting , out machine at reason wile is ill. 4 A Gorman scientist has given another .. able rices, friends in Greenock, roof of the painstaking nature of his { P Mrs. James Loree of Harriston is vie, P P g Lots of pooprace in obtaining perfect accuracy itiug ill the village, potatoes are reported in some and PIANOS Arris ORGANS parts of the township, the most minute detail of all things. Is where an expert looks to find whether it is as 3 used a spec wink. We have some beauti- This savant has measured the time that represented, A showy case is not everything,. uuftn><E, " a He Fal Instruments, of The Liberals put about 20 naives on BLYTH. is occupied ial photo.-rapby by apparaHe and fixed qthough we have them in all qualities. They do i lovely tone, and in the voters' list at the, Judge's Court of Miss Gertrude Shane of Ripley visited piece of white paper on the edge of the not show the real qualities -of the works. When handsome cases. Best Revision. The Conservatives were too friends here last week, eyelid for a marls. He fouucl that the makes. late with their appeals. Mr. Alex. Shaefer who has been with lid descends quickly, and sesta a little you deal with us, you take no chances, for we Lverything in the Anuaie Miss May Riddell has been on the sick Mr. J. G, Moser for the past three years at the bottom movement, Thou it rises line' list for a few days. has accepted a situation in Stratford, more slowly than it fell. The mean handle Watches that have stood the test of time D. �,�L � G• H� Dir. J. Doupe is around again after his Mr. and Mrs, John Drummond have duration of the downward movement and have come out victorious. long illness, returned to Blyth after all absence of was from ,076 to .091 of it second. The. Then we have the same to sayof ewes - While lighting the semaphore lamp over three years. time from the instant the eye r+-st- our J 4 « O on the roof of the station on Tuesday Rev, Dir. Lowe of Wingham preached ed till it closed varied from -15 to .17 of ry lines. In Rings, Pins, Broaches Chains and Qvoniug of last week, Knowison Elliott to the C. O. F. here in Trinity church a Tecoad. In rising the lies took 17 of a the like, we show an excellentunlit held elle mi fortune to slip off the roof Sunday last. second, The wink was completed in .4 q y' AIR and fall to tho platform below. Besides of a second. The same as watches, we guarantee jewelery. a bad shaking up one of his hands is badly bruised. Now One Million is Spent. Not MAY have a slangysignificance less than one million dollars is annually Stops tills Cornrle g The fair was a great success. A large spent by people seeking an absolute cure alld world off trite Cola. that will not prove very attractive if crowd was in attendance being fully up for Catarrh, Bronchitisand Lnxntive Bronlo-Quinine Tablets cute a cold in printed in our advertisement, up" of when other years. The exhibit exceeded Consumption. Numerous are 'the oneday. No Cube, no Fay, Price x;, cents. the thermometer is "way up,but other years. remedies, but the one standing 1 1%Christmas is coming" with its _ pre-eminently above all others is • H. C H "way down" thermometer, -when S H 0 L11 It cures these diseases MICROBES. you'll be anxious to have the air ETHEL. because it is sure to reach them. ' At 1130 voters' fiat COnTt held 110xe lie- ^„ \atnAga n1st Them fSn'ushinec`D� Jeweler andiOptician, Win6ham y Catarrhozone is inhaled into the lungs t you want just right. carried ' just where throat and nasal passages; and bathe on wait it and in net the right fore Judge Masson, six Liberals and ten every part of the diseased membrane Half the deaths in the world. are new j�•aSOi'1 OIOCIC y g Conservatives wore added to the list and with sty germ -killing, healing vahour. known to be caused by microbes. In nor � quantities. You Sam 1 breathe Catarrhozone and mal health about 70 distinct species are V two Conservatives strnels off. P Y r ordinarily present in the whole body. Lo - than can give you better help D. Milne had a large exhibit of thor- and it urea. Price 2ao and "n cal or climatic conditions might lessen the than we can if you wish t8 replace, an druaaists, or Polson Co., Kingston s oughbrod cattle at Brussels fair. Be. -put, number somewhat or increase it to senor remodel or repair the Beating ap- tween his prize winnings and those of al hundred. paratus in your house. The eutire mucous membrane of the Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Fancy P, Robertson, whose steel. is bred from body is infested by microbes. The eye is, NewGoodsVests , TH=E's No BETTER Trus THAN Mr. Milne's herd, the made a good however, comparatively free, because it ,etc. are now in Stock. Y a tsf,uEv:lLli. N O W for such work, no facilities sweep. is constantly washed by tears. The di- It wi'l be to the advantage of superior to ours nor less expensive. Mr. Wesley Cornell is attending tiro gestive organs, next to the skin, contain P , P It is rumored that Noble Milut of college of Dentistry at Philodelphia, the most microbes. Thirty species inbab• For those who intend purchasing in that Command us any time, but right Ethel and Miss Morton, of Balmoral it the mouth 30 the stomach and 45 the line to inspect our stock and see the now is the right time for right awn 1• Diss• Rev. D. Rogers, Miss Lily Rog- e , g o Y Man., were joined in wedlock on Tues- lower part of the interior of the body. • service. els and Master Fred Rogers of Ford- The tonsils'in the throat are often found latest styles. day of last week. They will return to wish are spending a few days in Blue• to contain germs of all sorts. The lungs, F� a,l 1 �i� W er' _ Also in Gents' Furnishings, stylish We can suit you in a new Ontario shortly we understand, vale the guests of Dir. Joseph Leech: windpipe flue bronchial tabes are always STOVE, HEATER ort FURNACE. Owingto continued The season of P Hata Cas etc. poor health Post year is now at hand likely to contain a few tubercle bacilli— + Caps, //''��11 master Spence has decided to seek a , diphtheria, influenza and pneumonia. The JOHN BUGt,a" P when, to borrow from the poets 'the liver and kidneys harbor germs of cancer, warmer climate in either Colorado or horn of the huntsman is heard on the tuberetrlosis, malaria and typhoid fever. AEON California. hill". At intervals during the golden Sometimes all of these are present at the Opposite + same time along with many harmless �p _ Ethel cheese factory which has been autumn days,. the sharp report of a gun Geo,, ��•o\vned?ay Robert Barrforthepast fif- e c h o e s throw h the haze-envelo ed germs.gSTONE BLOCS g P If a section of the ordinarily healthy9 Post ®Rice teen- years, has changed hands, John woods, and a wreath of white smoke forearm were placed under the micro- W 2 N Cx 1-1 g M Brown being the purchaser at $1100. curls lazily upwards through the crim. scope, it might show here and there tuber- He uberHe gets possession on March 1 st. Mr. son and ;'olden. of the maples, to descend l cle, tetanus (lockjaw), malarial or blood ------- --- — --- -- y to a more scenic feature of serious poisoning bacilli, but they would be rare. Brown intends overhauling the factor I p g p Nature's great and unfailing weapon for Nett season. Mr. Barr will build a autumn. The horney-handed sons of .against microbes is sunshine. Sometimes 'A now residence oil his farm adjoining the toil go fortis daily to their tall. of l Lith- it takes a few minutes, sometimes weeks, factor aril move there. Mr. Strachan g but in the end n direct ray of sunlight ABOUT YOUR y erica in the root crops. and as they pilo will kill any microbe. • i U C TIff 0 A"W �- will move on the farm vacated by Mr. lip the crimson mangolds and uueaith What are microbes? They are very low Brown. � N N a -.f the yellow murphies, they, no ]doubt, I orders of animal or vegetable life. The take a sleeper pleasure in nature when majority of those which inhabit the hu - I WROXETLr.. the reflect that while deli htfnl to the man body are believed to be vegetable. Y g The air stivnrnls with microbes. limper - Froin the Mail and Empire's legal eye it is also very Satisfactory to the iment shows that in one minute 111 the flit A L column Inst Saturday we take the pocket. of n living room from 50 to 100 microbes I following: W. W., Wroxeter,—Qu.= Mr. W. J. Duff sold a fine horse last will fall on one squnre inch of gelatin. We have engaged Mr. A sold a note to B. which when re. week. One microbe, e, the unian el'I n fleets, is n ®f ® ��J �a�® ��mli� a , P dipsomaniac. micro No ]]Aman Leine ever had THOMAS P R A I L S , sented to the maker, was declared to be DIr. Jas. Robertson our former towns- the thirst for alcohol that this microbe an Experienced Butcher a forgery, but was acquitted. Will has sold his farm til Morris to Mr. JaLe z I possesses. It will turn the finest wine who has lines charge of the maker of the note now be liable for Jermyn at a good figure. ever ]nude into vi:legnr in a few Lours. Strange to say, this groggy microbe the largest shops in the amount thereof to the purchaser? Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Leathern were never touches liquor which contains Ills England, and are now Ans.-Tho fact that A was acquitted of in Toronto last week during the recep- above 10 per cent alcohol, showing that ill a position to serve up the charge of forgery does not prove tion to the Duke and Duchess of York its taste is refined. In the human stow• e WEST ;a I NRffl it is Tastie and Delicious that the note is genuine; Some other The bad weather no doubt kept some a A list of thelcommon diseases known to Cuts of Any Kind of person may have committed the forgery. who might otherwise have gone, from be caused by microbes is: Consumption, Meats * e, If a suit is entered upon the note, the ,getting a glimpse of the Royal visitors. pneumonia, diphtheria, scarlet furor, lock - Just try an order and defendant may show that the si,;nature An item in one of the Toronto papers jaw, malaria, typhoid, smallpox, the see if you do not want to it is not his; and if he can rove to attributes the small number of inmates plague, leprosy, influenza, cancer, ma- Y P ern, blood poisoning, erysipelas, rhegma- , to come back * the satisfaction of the judge or jury in the Central Prison, to the strict tism, eczema, hydrophobia, measles and I that he did not sign it, judgement will measures which have been taken against yellow fever be entered in his favor, and Ile will be tramps for some years. This is trete of Queer Loveninking. relieved entirely fron the payment. P. I our section of country, at any rate, for In the Canary islands engaged lovers S., Fordwich,—Qu.—Can a lawyer who the knights of the road who now yen- do not seem to have things made easy W. ®� draws a will also be a witness to the ture in our midst are few and far be- for them, for etiquette docs not rllow��_` _ �IY the fond swain to visit his fiancee in her e testator's signature along with another? tween and the wandering pedlars who home, but compels him to do his his love- Ans:—The lawyer who draws a will call used to present tlieniselves so frequently making from the pavement. The young 4F T BUtGilef , Wlflhaln also be boa \yitiles5 to the testator's seem to Have followed in the wake of lady sits at the window to receive his dignaturd, The person to whom a gift, the' less respectable brethren. attentions, but, as every one lives in "' •fit flats in the islands, the distance between....... Es, of the legacy, or devise is made can only be u Wednesday of last week at 4 tl,c loving pair i.i often cousideraLle, nisei Instructions have been receivers front Alf. King a State of Kansas, admitted to prove the execution of the o clock p. m. in the manse, Bluevale, they have to resort to all sorts of declres q + will on condition of the gift devise or Mrs. Lousia Bain and Mr. Frank Hill - to prevent their sweet nothings from be. to sell by Public Auction at legacy being declared null and void. were nxited in marriage, Rev: W. J. ing very carol, says Iis tnc ';Notes. .Naw fv►r Avery usual plan is it spear: in a low But this door not apply in the case of West officiating. Miss Katie Ockridge voice against the watt itself, which acts a gift to a creditor in payment of his performed her duties admirably as as a sort of telephone between the two. WINGPIAM.V '�'�j�' debt. See Wells Act, R, S, O., chap. bridesmaid while Mr, Henry Wolfe In the streets of Las Patinas or Santa r Cold • YY ea'�jher' Cruz it is not at all unusual for the de- 9 �� 128, secs. 17 and 18. rendered his assistance in a similar voted lover to Le accommodated with a TuUSLAY9 - M capacity for the 'bridegroom, Aftei chair on the pavement bow-mth his fair J -n the marriage ceremony the wedding lady's window, and even officers in uni- Attire " ' '" ` "'' �'- • '' . „ , form May be seen in this to our way of party drove to the home of the brides thinking rather undignified position. mother, where a large number of rela- �L LunS Lives and friends were enjoyabi enter- The following consignments, consisting of colts from one year up,,vards, sired by We have everything ready `may ta,ined during the evening•.. John Two prisoners escaped from the Con- Kentucky Trotting Stallions. Amongst them are a lot of well matched pairs, to meet the demands of the Moore of Henflyn was a those tial Prison. which will make good roadsters; also a lot which twill mh],Q good aiuglrt uriyers Fall and winter Season, An attack of la grippe left me from a distance who attended the There are a choice lot of Brood Mtires, some of which are in foul to Kentucky \vifh �} bad cough. My friends said wedding. /e horses, = °I had' constimption. I then tried Miss Bella Addison of Foxmeade is IS sl�a NOTICE—This is an excellent oppOrtuuity for farmers and horsemen, as New Ouercoatin s iiyer's Cherry Pectoral and it the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Will. H. ,� these horses will make good roadstera and general purpose horses. Some of them The Latest jV%terial 1 cured me promptly." F i of the 1st line, Morris• aro halterbroken nantt others have never been handled, she King stock farm in Prom foreign ;words ;meaning bail cook, Kansas liar boon raising horses 87 years, aha has never raised a horse with a spavin, A. IC: Rands es, Nokomis, Ill. Dir. G. 'Wray of Comber, Essex Cc,, has come rather to signify bad stomach; for ring bone or curb. This is because tiro founder of the farm, Mr. Wm. King, was a. - was in the village last week, He had the most common cause of the disease is a track mall, and Ills experience with race horses taught slim to be careful about bona New Suitings & Trouserings You forgot, to buy a bot, been atteuding'the funeral of his grand• predisposing want of vigor and tone in .diseases. In selecting blood mares and stallions, if an IluituAl had it blemish on its To Suit l�veryoue, and r - mother, the sat rs. B. Wray of Bel- that organ, limbs he passed' it by. When you come to see this stook you need riot expect to see tle df Ayer s Cherry Pec- grave.No disease makes life more miserable. draught horses that weigh a tan, with legs as round and big as a saw log; with feet Its sufferers certainly do not live to tat; as large and flat IIs a soup plate, You will see medium sized driving Horses, with Satisfaction Guaranteed - toral when your cold f fstThe annual ,sleeting of the Bluevalo they sometimes wonder if they should enroll feet, a fiat bone, and a ne trishapely leg, something all lovers of blooded came on, so you let it run Branch of the Upper Canada, Bible and eat to the. horses adinIre. Both in Making and Price.. g y ©gran church on Monday eveliinPre7Ch0 trouu ed With fi totvyea s; ai dare er It Salo to commence at 1 o'clock p. m. aloe Even now, with � , at all our hard sou hen It Quare, Eau Claire, wig., who was so ` y gi attenctatice was fait, a little Above the afflicted with it that lie was nervous, sleep- ! Come aloe and be made warm less, and actually sick most of the tinge: /'' ®d 1N/ 1' g will not disappoint you. average •at fila yearly meetings, but till obtained no relies from medicines profess and happy, and have the assurance There's a record of sixty \vho attended were very much pleased sionally prescribed. `I'EgMS—•Three months' credit oil approved joint Notes. Sint per cent. per Bible which was given by Rev, Solin others tiniluin oft for Cash, that you'are well dressed. -years t0 fall back OIs. „ have deem, by This sale Will bb eelidllcted strictly without arty Yetsarve 'w&ater0r. with file o:ccoll©lit address on The ' They were eempic y cured, as• I + •' Yours truly,. Rtiss of Btusilfelli: After the address the , boil s nitalSC� dt"[tla "�i,llib eixeea 26e.,ef,eu6h for Ills ordfn,arr Frog Exhibition- of lassoing by Cowboy$ from the MaInso R. MAXWELL ¢old; boo„lnee right for broneLitle, bo„ree• work of the year tvay rovfeed, 'phb Ac�yrdidg to the awn statement vol• m C n6eN, ]lard eelde, std, 81, +Moes eonaWieit , p tintifil Wfl9clb, This gleAt likedidne Torohtoalbeeeesa dtt ee on�,y, t� treASYlrAt s report ivaq read olid the 0 J. a.,a4ii`li o==tt, M. stron9ftits the stomAch anti aisle Whole U1011 ART ri"Ai on. y progretf� ,vhioll ltftici been Made was Pr ������ ���l�i����%"w• lltteetlte rritom, lie sure to gat Ilood'>i• V !J ' n e • yryly..r' —'1L'i i=r—,.�►ek.t7ai:_ -1—.. \ •{'f,{w:'� _t._:L.iJu�il��IlU•.1111"LR..i♦"5'•V