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The Wingham Times, 1901-10-18, Page 4
a 111V4 IV11NU'IIH.l[L I till 1'.0� 1JU14 101 1;11.119 @ These Wipes are worth .from Ha or 8 00 to S .�Q five in family ; no washing or ironing; y P ton .. . . . ... . . .. . . Potatoes, per bushel .. , ... 0 25 to 0 30 0 IQC to 50c each,. but this week tvores $14," The other is fora teacher Fallow per lb 0 05 to 0 05 r • for the Protestant school, with first -dash Lard , . . , . ,.. ,..... 0 14 to 0 14 • we offer at I 5C at elementary diploma; salary $15 per Dried Apples per lb., , . , " . 0 036to 0 04 � Our Fur Coats, Capes, Caperines, Collarettes, Riffs, etc„ are s month for eight months, with a first- I Wool ...... , , .. 0 1$ to 0 15 W Colin Campbell'sclass diploma you can earn $1 a month Livo Hogs, par cSvt..0..., 5 00 to 5 00 APointer No. 1 �� the best that money can buy, New Goods --no shoddy. Prices •. Chickens ................. 0 30 to 0 40 @ �� � �a f A. more than an honest Protestant servaus; ! 0. but the latter has her broard thrown in, • • • moderate. Splendid Collarettes $5.50, $6.00, w�G.50, .. • DRUG STORE. so that on the whole it is better not to Q- -- --- ---^ • �PINGHAM, waste time on earning the diploma. Ash ,� �o�� V ® Our Wool Blankets are All Wo)l and large size at small a LOAN, ASSURANCE AND • price. All New Stock. Flannellette Blankets at reduced prices. • REAL ESTATE AGENT. $ Pointer No. 2 TO ADVERTISERS. CHUP.CH NOTES. • 6J114M�"• Wool Sheeting, very wide—white or gray. "A now broom sweeps clean, but an auld yin Notice of changes must be left at this Rev, A. E. Prior attended the conveu- kenw the corners." • office not later than Saturday noon. tion of the Congregational church, held • A The copy for changes must be left at Embro this week. AssuRArox f Insurance that insures. • w not later than Tuesday evening. Policies that pay. Our Gray Flannel is splendid value at 12te, 20c, 25c, 300. Casual advertisements accepted u + RRAL E3rATF { Sales that Satisfy, , o . P - P The Masons attend St. Pauls church a �— Factory Flannel, plaid, heavy, all wool, „5c yard. Pine Wbite A to noon Thursday of each week. LoArs; Money that's Moderate. Pointer No 3 on Sunday morning next. Rev. Mr. —=--' ' — Lowe will address them. Offlee—Corner of Minnie and Patrick KW- and Rod Flannel, all wool. Big value in Flannelettes, 5e to 12? e � ESTABLISHED 1872.Streets. WINGHAM. 0 per yard. y — The Bishop of Huron has appointed IiINGHA�I TIMESRev. W. J. Doherty, B.A., incumbent At home Friday afternoons and Saturday • � of Hensall, to be rector of Thorndale • • s.R.ELLIOTT,PuRrasasRAND PROPRIETOR and Evelyn. • In Ordered Clothing we won't, take second place to anyone • &_ ._. _-__ The Rev. Mr. Nugent, of Plattsville, T. J..Li/IAGUIRE a ^ . in the trade. We have a splendid stock of Worsteds, Sergei, r FRIDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1901. recently suffered a paralytic stroke. ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, w Pointer No. `� � Fancy Scotch worst®ds. Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, We m INSURANCE AND LOAN ACTENT, guarantee the fit and workmanship, Our prices are low, $10 up. 0 The church hoard Have applied to Con- e� WHY A WILDERNESS ? ference for a supply during their pastor's � 00 Says the Toronto News, an Opposition illness. Mr. Nugent will take a rest Of v Accounts, Redonnts and Notes Collected, Con. • ; • „ some months. • journal. For twenty years New Outer- oF8'ICE—over D. M. Gordon's store. v � lieadymade Tweed Suits for Men 55,00 up. Readymade • so was an unicnown wilderness and tens, of Orange- RESIDENCE—Leopold street. The Rev. R. W. Dickie g � �— Tweed Suits for Boys, all sizes. li,eadymade Pants and Overalls • OE thousends'of valuable settlers passed ville, will lecture in the Presbyterian . Pointer No. a for Boys and Alen. xeaaymade Overcoats in Black and Brown. r through it to Manitoba and the North- church on Monday, October 28th. The H A �3 N • • West. Who is responsible for the neg- subject of the lecture is "The Reign of b`3..r.L � A Nobby line of Overcoats for Young Alen. • Sect?" The question is not difficult to the Common People," Mr. Dickie is Made to order and kept iu st ck. Made • answer, when it is remembered that the highly spoken of as a lectarer. Do not Do from First-class Material Single and : • political friends of the News worked miss it. v Heavy boots for Men—English kip, Canadian kip, grain and overtime deprecating the value of the Services will be held in the Baptist RobesanV ank�;tS. s split leather at low prices. Dongola kid, buff, box calf, etc., $1 • territory, and urging that it was not church at 11 a. m. and 7 P. m. west Pointer No. V • worth retaining by the Ontario;Govern- This is the time when you are • �! up. Our:new shoes for women sell at sight. New styles—solid w went, and ought to be handed over, Lords Day. In the morning the pastor looking for a RobeBillnket. We 0 leather, box calf and dongola kid—very comfortable shoes, p g ' will preach on "The God of Abraham, have some fine baror you in thesewithout more ado, by the Premier of „ lines, at reasonabl. 0 Isaac and Jacob. The evening sub- qt this Province tolthe Dominion Govern- „ u } • anent, which had resolved to annex it to ject of discourse will be Pxocrastin dor Overcoat Will soon be a no- 0 A�' �j We carry a large stock of Rubbers. All new stock. No A Manitoba, Mr. Whithey, the present hirer." Sunday School and Pastori's cesten We base I tie Pointer .bV o• / Bible Class at 2.30 P. m. All are wel- some mood Siberian -Marten ones to�sllow "1 cheap stub, but good stock and latest styles. All sizes for men, • Opposition leader, is apparently in ac- ,you. Call on us. • children. • cord with the traditions of his party, for come. • • women bogs girls an only the other day he referred to this The annual Harvest Home Festival of (EO. C. MAN ERS9 .00 „ Ontario as "the laud of the stunted pop- evening last. The Young People's � � we will pay highest m • :magnificent heritage of the people of St. Paul's church was held on Monday HARNESSM ER • • market prices for Fresh Eggs, Good a lax. Now he wishes he had been more Guild providedanexcellentrepast,which ® ®inter No. `� Butetr, Green Apples, Large Onions, Dried Apples, White Beans a guarded in his metaphor.—London Ad- many townspeople partook of. Besides bays 17o a es, 11,0 cle:ered, in first- • c'7c7©� class co ition, bah.nce good • and Hardwood. veitiser, other addresses, Rea. R. Hicks, B.D., R. hardwood bush. Fo • miles from wingham • ,� 80 rods from bhtc ' th•shop, post office, tele- • D., of Simcoe, gave an excellent address. graph office an P. R, siding, school and • - • Mops the Cough Everyone present speaks highly Of the church. River r at back end of place; good a1 • aitchenandlan wind bankbodframe horse, In�. &Jas. H. Kerr. MACDONALD BLOCK, WINGHAM. Jno. Jas. H. Kerr. entertainment aril will anxiously await kitchen and woodshed bank barn 45sG0. For d • and works of the Cold. the turns of the tide until nest year further pcar ase mention address P. Wells, help you. • nun. Plcase mention Tn+tr —ii will help you. I i Laxative gomo-Qui une Tablets cure a cold in arrives. _ _ - .._ _ O •®�••••••••O•••00•••O••00•®••6••••i••••••••OmAO•@•A•i7.9®@@••••OosO•m0®®••SOei•� onedas. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. _ The 1V. C. T. L. Lumber Cam „ - p li�ssion. A public meeting in the interests of ♦4+�4+♦♦�•04..04t.A4♦4.►Ok4b444.a00♦X44040440♦v+4t.444.f.44............. �� �� the Lumber Camp Mission will held a �'�'� in the Methodist church on thee 22nd � Inst. at 8 p. in., which will be addressed s + 1 by Mr. Leckie, who is engaged by the + SPECIAL N0TICE For Fall and Winter Trade. VVe show a very large assort- ment of Ladies' and Gentle- men's Watches. Splendid goods at very l ow prices. Inspection invited. v --I f1ASLEY PARK �-- Provincial Woman's Christian 4 Temper- 0 ® } ante Union to travel through h the lumber + i and mining cramps in the Muskoka and + + Nippissing districts, preaching gospel + O temperance and distributing the comfort+ Button B 1®c k 9 W i n g h am . bags and literature, annually supplied + by the local Unions. A part of Mr. + Leckie's early life was spent in camp, being "one of the boys" and "saved by + t + grace," eminently qualifies him to + help others "from the snare" that + e. beset the path of thousands of men now + engaged in lumber camps. Some haved taken to this mode of living by choice, � + � Money a but many have been driven to it through ^ + business reverses; thousands of them u + are either without friends, or have been C + You t ow c severed from them by evil habits. They + I �.l object of the W. C. T. U. is to send a o gram of sunshine into these lonely, + ~ eheerleas lives. The misionary is ail- ; +wsys made welcome by the owners, ;i + ARNED •- managers. and men 1n the camp. --Has, + S o + + had the joy of seeing souls saved, and � + + scores of promises given to "quit drink" + + (which is the curse of the men). Mr.' + W + Leckie relates many thrilling iimidants 1! + 'from Ta,is four years experience among3t + Here, i S a class almost totally deprived of true One chance + ' privi,eges enjoyed yed by those in the m;re � + settled districts. A cordial invitation is + + extended to all to come and hear the W, + C. T, U. Missionary. A collection will ! + be taken in aid of the mission.—Com, + A i.,ve ytoc'kIarkots.97 piece dinner sets in brown and green Sugar Shakers for 10c. Toronto, Oct. 15.—At the Western cat- + for $5.50. ` .Jardiners in various sizes and colors, from tleyards today wehad,all told, fifty car- z 10e to $1.50. • loads of live stock, comprising 000 cattle, j 97 piece dinner sets in Flown Blue. for 530 sheep and lambs, 840 hogs, and $6,50. Crokinole Boards for 90c. 5 calves and milkers. Bread Boards for 30e. • The market was poor on Thursaay + 10 piece Toilet Sets: edged with gold, assort. + and Friday, and we had no change for ed colors, for $3.50. Towel Rollers at 9e each. o the better today" Stuff sold slowly at Butter Bowls, various sizes, from 25e to 40c + prices which show no inclination to bTany useful home needs to be found in gutter M' Id for 20e. + advance, It was a dull and uneventful Glassware, Graniteware, Lamps, eta., prices + mgrket of which have been made particularly inter. Rush Do P Mats at 10e each. CATTLE* eating. Fibre Pa s for 35e. Shippers, per owt...... $ 4 25 $4 75 + 144 Porridge or Oyster Howls, blue decor. Good Scr bbing Brush for 5e. Z Butcher, choice do..... 3 75 4 25 + p• Butcher, ordinary to ations one int size, for Sc, Stove Brushes for 130. good.... ......... 8 25 3 75 Butcher, inferior ...... 2 75 8 00 + SHEPP AND td0MS, - Choice Owes, per owt... 6 00 3 00 Butchers' sheep, each... 2 00 3 00 Lambs, ler cwt... , ..... 3 26 3 fro Beeks ................. 2 25 2 60 A Bottle of Stove, Pipe Varnish, with cup and brush 1lfiL3{LrTtB AND C'AL'VES. ; -r o"e Cowg, each.. . 80 00 45 00 complete, for 2oc. Calves, each ........... 2 00 1000 ttcscis. Stove Blackening of all kinds. Uhoiee hogs, per owt... 000 6 26 Light hogs, por owt.... 000 G 00 Heavy bogs, per nwt... 000 G 5 77 Sows, per ewt , ... , .... 3 30 f3 6 ,kw5'tGgr.... r.,.. ,.... 600 240 ��4: � i�N�♦�i��f1^........0# 4,*+0 �Fi.♦i•r'•4.1Mi........ t•i� .............. NOTES AND 4QAIAIVINTS 1YlNGllA I"OR , • � 0••@! •NIl@@iNO1N0l�� # MIMIO+R N••ig0 a��Q�OO••�@ !@[9�s•@6Ql im .� �-~ C. C, Castle warehouse commissioner W ghaK Oct, 01 Flour per 100 lbs, . , .. , .... d Ga to 2 GP under tiro Manitoba rale act says that 1 y Fall Wheat .... .,,, 0 02 to 0 G8 =40,000,000 6klf@RO• o JnU, Jas, H. Kerr, The People's. Po ular MoreAna,&Jas. H. Kerr. the Northwest will have spring Wheat...... ..... Q 00 to 0 00 0 30 to 0 84 & bushels of wheat for export, but that Oats ...................... c sO/ owing to An£El`'Qri11)le -weather 61nC0 peas . . ..... ........ Peas.., ............... 0 0to 0 40 Q G0 to. .Q 65 0 • A l/ Harvests considerable of it will grade Turkeys, drawn ....... , .. 0 09 to 0 10 lower than was at first expected. Geese 0 05 to 0 00 Any '" (fie window Of pints Sia© by Ducks, TheMontreal Herald P u ox, per air........... o i0 do o is • y 'niers about our <;OCk. , This week we give you some Poi Campbell's� Drug Store for IS cents. P• E„bs per doz ............. side two advertisements for help. One Eggs is for clan Honest Protestant servant for Wood per cord ,...,, ,,., , 0 11 to'o 11 M 00 to 2 25 •' 0 Call andsee our New Goods. 't�'o old shop-worn goods here. These Wipes are worth .from Ha or 8 00 to S .�Q five in family ; no washing or ironing; y P ton .. . . . ... . . .. . . Potatoes, per bushel .. , ... 0 25 to 0 30 0 IQC to 50c each,. but this week tvores $14," The other is fora teacher Fallow per lb 0 05 to 0 05 r • for the Protestant school, with first -dash Lard , . . , . ,.. ,..... 0 14 to 0 14 • we offer at I 5C at elementary diploma; salary $15 per Dried Apples per lb., , . , " . 0 036to 0 04 � Our Fur Coats, Capes, Caperines, Collarettes, Riffs, etc„ are s month for eight months, with a first- I Wool ...... , , .. 0 1$ to 0 15 W Colin Campbell'sclass diploma you can earn $1 a month Livo Hogs, par cSvt..0..., 5 00 to 5 00 APointer No. 1 �� the best that money can buy, New Goods --no shoddy. Prices •. Chickens ................. 0 30 to 0 40 @ �� � �a f A. more than an honest Protestant servaus; ! 0. but the latter has her broard thrown in, • • • moderate. Splendid Collarettes $5.50, $6.00, w�G.50, .. • DRUG STORE. so that on the whole it is better not to Q- -- --- ---^ • �PINGHAM, waste time on earning the diploma. Ash ,� �o�� V ® Our Wool Blankets are All Wo)l and large size at small a LOAN, ASSURANCE AND • price. All New Stock. Flannellette Blankets at reduced prices. • REAL ESTATE AGENT. $ Pointer No. 2 TO ADVERTISERS. CHUP.CH NOTES. • 6J114M�"• Wool Sheeting, very wide—white or gray. "A now broom sweeps clean, but an auld yin Notice of changes must be left at this Rev, A. E. Prior attended the conveu- kenw the corners." • office not later than Saturday noon. tion of the Congregational church, held • A The copy for changes must be left at Embro this week. AssuRArox f Insurance that insures. • w not later than Tuesday evening. Policies that pay. Our Gray Flannel is splendid value at 12te, 20c, 25c, 300. Casual advertisements accepted u + RRAL E3rATF { Sales that Satisfy, , o . P - P The Masons attend St. Pauls church a �— Factory Flannel, plaid, heavy, all wool, „5c yard. Pine Wbite A to noon Thursday of each week. LoArs; Money that's Moderate. Pointer No 3 on Sunday morning next. Rev. Mr. —=--' ' — Lowe will address them. Offlee—Corner of Minnie and Patrick KW- and Rod Flannel, all wool. Big value in Flannelettes, 5e to 12? e � ESTABLISHED 1872.Streets. WINGHAM. 0 per yard. y — The Bishop of Huron has appointed IiINGHA�I TIMESRev. W. J. Doherty, B.A., incumbent At home Friday afternoons and Saturday • � of Hensall, to be rector of Thorndale • • s.R.ELLIOTT,PuRrasasRAND PROPRIETOR and Evelyn. • In Ordered Clothing we won't, take second place to anyone • &_ ._. _-__ The Rev. Mr. Nugent, of Plattsville, T. J..Li/IAGUIRE a ^ . in the trade. We have a splendid stock of Worsteds, Sergei, r FRIDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1901. recently suffered a paralytic stroke. ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, w Pointer No. `� � Fancy Scotch worst®ds. Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, We m INSURANCE AND LOAN ACTENT, guarantee the fit and workmanship, Our prices are low, $10 up. 0 The church hoard Have applied to Con- e� WHY A WILDERNESS ? ference for a supply during their pastor's � 00 Says the Toronto News, an Opposition illness. Mr. Nugent will take a rest Of v Accounts, Redonnts and Notes Collected, Con. • ; • „ some months. • journal. For twenty years New Outer- oF8'ICE—over D. M. Gordon's store. v � lieadymade Tweed Suits for Men 55,00 up. Readymade • so was an unicnown wilderness and tens, of Orange- RESIDENCE—Leopold street. The Rev. R. W. Dickie g � �— Tweed Suits for Boys, all sizes. li,eadymade Pants and Overalls • OE thousends'of valuable settlers passed ville, will lecture in the Presbyterian . Pointer No. a for Boys and Alen. xeaaymade Overcoats in Black and Brown. r through it to Manitoba and the North- church on Monday, October 28th. The H A �3 N • • West. Who is responsible for the neg- subject of the lecture is "The Reign of b`3..r.L � A Nobby line of Overcoats for Young Alen. • Sect?" The question is not difficult to the Common People," Mr. Dickie is Made to order and kept iu st ck. Made • answer, when it is remembered that the highly spoken of as a lectarer. Do not Do from First-class Material Single and : • political friends of the News worked miss it. v Heavy boots for Men—English kip, Canadian kip, grain and overtime deprecating the value of the Services will be held in the Baptist RobesanV ank�;tS. s split leather at low prices. Dongola kid, buff, box calf, etc., $1 • territory, and urging that it was not church at 11 a. m. and 7 P. m. west Pointer No. V • worth retaining by the Ontario;Govern- This is the time when you are • �! up. Our:new shoes for women sell at sight. New styles—solid w went, and ought to be handed over, Lords Day. In the morning the pastor looking for a RobeBillnket. We 0 leather, box calf and dongola kid—very comfortable shoes, p g ' will preach on "The God of Abraham, have some fine baror you in thesewithout more ado, by the Premier of „ lines, at reasonabl. 0 Isaac and Jacob. The evening sub- qt this Province tolthe Dominion Govern- „ u } • anent, which had resolved to annex it to ject of discourse will be Pxocrastin dor Overcoat Will soon be a no- 0 A�' �j We carry a large stock of Rubbers. All new stock. No A Manitoba, Mr. Whithey, the present hirer." Sunday School and Pastori's cesten We base I tie Pointer .bV o• / Bible Class at 2.30 P. m. All are wel- some mood Siberian -Marten ones to�sllow "1 cheap stub, but good stock and latest styles. All sizes for men, • Opposition leader, is apparently in ac- ,you. Call on us. • children. • cord with the traditions of his party, for come. • • women bogs girls an only the other day he referred to this The annual Harvest Home Festival of (EO. C. MAN ERS9 .00 „ Ontario as "the laud of the stunted pop- evening last. The Young People's � � we will pay highest m • :magnificent heritage of the people of St. Paul's church was held on Monday HARNESSM ER • • market prices for Fresh Eggs, Good a lax. Now he wishes he had been more Guild providedanexcellentrepast,which ® ®inter No. `� Butetr, Green Apples, Large Onions, Dried Apples, White Beans a guarded in his metaphor.—London Ad- many townspeople partook of. Besides bays 17o a es, 11,0 cle:ered, in first- • c'7c7©� class co ition, bah.nce good • and Hardwood. veitiser, other addresses, Rea. R. Hicks, B.D., R. hardwood bush. Fo • miles from wingham • ,� 80 rods from bhtc ' th•shop, post office, tele- • D., of Simcoe, gave an excellent address. graph office an P. R, siding, school and • - • Mops the Cough Everyone present speaks highly Of the church. River r at back end of place; good a1 • aitchenandlan wind bankbodframe horse, In�. &Jas. H. Kerr. MACDONALD BLOCK, WINGHAM. Jno. Jas. H. Kerr. entertainment aril will anxiously await kitchen and woodshed bank barn 45sG0. For d • and works of the Cold. the turns of the tide until nest year further pcar ase mention address P. Wells, help you. • nun. Plcase mention Tn+tr —ii will help you. I i Laxative gomo-Qui une Tablets cure a cold in arrives. _ _ - .._ _ O •®�••••••••O•••00•••O••00•®••6••••i••••••••OmAO•@•A•i7.9®@@••••OosO•m0®®••SOei•� onedas. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. _ The 1V. C. T. L. Lumber Cam „ - p li�ssion. A public meeting in the interests of ♦4+�4+♦♦�•04..04t.A4♦4.►Ok4b444.a00♦X44040440♦v+4t.444.f.44............. �� �� the Lumber Camp Mission will held a �'�'� in the Methodist church on thee 22nd � Inst. at 8 p. in., which will be addressed s + 1 by Mr. Leckie, who is engaged by the + SPECIAL N0TICE For Fall and Winter Trade. VVe show a very large assort- ment of Ladies' and Gentle- men's Watches. Splendid goods at very l ow prices. Inspection invited. v --I f1ASLEY PARK �-- Provincial Woman's Christian 4 Temper- 0 ® } ante Union to travel through h the lumber + i and mining cramps in the Muskoka and + + Nippissing districts, preaching gospel + O temperance and distributing the comfort+ Button B 1®c k 9 W i n g h am . bags and literature, annually supplied + by the local Unions. A part of Mr. + Leckie's early life was spent in camp, being "one of the boys" and "saved by + t + grace," eminently qualifies him to + help others "from the snare" that + e. beset the path of thousands of men now + engaged in lumber camps. Some haved taken to this mode of living by choice, � + � Money a but many have been driven to it through ^ + business reverses; thousands of them u + are either without friends, or have been C + You t ow c severed from them by evil habits. They + I �.l object of the W. C. T. U. is to send a o gram of sunshine into these lonely, + ~ eheerleas lives. The misionary is ail- ; +wsys made welcome by the owners, ;i + ARNED •- managers. and men 1n the camp. --Has, + S o + + had the joy of seeing souls saved, and � + + scores of promises given to "quit drink" + + (which is the curse of the men). Mr.' + W + Leckie relates many thrilling iimidants 1! + 'from Ta,is four years experience among3t + Here, i S a class almost totally deprived of true One chance + ' privi,eges enjoyed yed by those in the m;re � + settled districts. A cordial invitation is + + extended to all to come and hear the W, + C. T, U. Missionary. A collection will ! + be taken in aid of the mission.—Com, + A i.,ve ytoc'kIarkots.97 piece dinner sets in brown and green Sugar Shakers for 10c. Toronto, Oct. 15.—At the Western cat- + for $5.50. ` .Jardiners in various sizes and colors, from tleyards today wehad,all told, fifty car- z 10e to $1.50. • loads of live stock, comprising 000 cattle, j 97 piece dinner sets in Flown Blue. for 530 sheep and lambs, 840 hogs, and $6,50. Crokinole Boards for 90c. 5 calves and milkers. Bread Boards for 30e. • The market was poor on Thursaay + 10 piece Toilet Sets: edged with gold, assort. + and Friday, and we had no change for ed colors, for $3.50. Towel Rollers at 9e each. o the better today" Stuff sold slowly at Butter Bowls, various sizes, from 25e to 40c + prices which show no inclination to bTany useful home needs to be found in gutter M' Id for 20e. + advance, It was a dull and uneventful Glassware, Graniteware, Lamps, eta., prices + mgrket of which have been made particularly inter. Rush Do P Mats at 10e each. CATTLE* eating. Fibre Pa s for 35e. Shippers, per owt...... $ 4 25 $4 75 + 144 Porridge or Oyster Howls, blue decor. Good Scr bbing Brush for 5e. Z Butcher, choice do..... 3 75 4 25 + p• Butcher, ordinary to ations one int size, for Sc, Stove Brushes for 130. good.... ......... 8 25 3 75 Butcher, inferior ...... 2 75 8 00 + SHEPP AND td0MS, - Choice Owes, per owt... 6 00 3 00 Butchers' sheep, each... 2 00 3 00 Lambs, ler cwt... , ..... 3 26 3 fro Beeks ................. 2 25 2 60 A Bottle of Stove, Pipe Varnish, with cup and brush 1lfiL3{LrTtB AND C'AL'VES. ; -r o"e Cowg, each.. . 80 00 45 00 complete, for 2oc. Calves, each ........... 2 00 1000 ttcscis. Stove Blackening of all kinds. Uhoiee hogs, per owt... 000 6 26 Light hogs, por owt.... 000 G 00 Heavy bogs, per nwt... 000 G 5 77 Sows, per ewt , ... , .... 3 30 f3 6 ,kw5'tGgr.... r.,.. ,.... 600 240 ��4: � i�N�♦�i��f1^........0# 4,*+0 �Fi.♦i•r'•4.1Mi........ t•i� ..............