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The Wingham Times, 1901-10-18, Page 3
J l OCT. 18, U9111, Cores Sickhople and Makes Them Feel Youni Again, A CURED Ii'ilAN SAYS—. R FEF4L JV ST AS D> IG111T A,NL JD YU1Q1NG AS A BOY." fter Many failures with Physleians' and inedielnes, Mr, NeGuer Was Saved By AINE'S CELERY COMPOUN011 All the combined powers on earth oan- Ot Steell tho tide of truth that 4wm-ps ver this Dominion of'! ours ill T0", d i the curing and life-rostoring virtues f Paine's Celery Coumpond. Tho aousands cured year after year send ooh strong and convincing letters of lstiinony that the most hardened, peptics tire forced to admit that Paine's ielery Compound does possess medical d'wers unknown to other medicines. The following letter from Mr A,R.itic- lruer, Di^on'is Corners; Out.. asFures ,on, that, no matter how desperate your ase may be Paine,s Celery compound vill do more for you than you can ,ossibly hope for. Mr. McGruer sayer: 'Some time ago my condition of health vas alarming, and I suffered very much. was laid up three days out of every yeek, and I often said to my friend that t would be better if it was . the Lord's vill that I should be called a{{kly. hires of the best doctors attended me, sut could not relieve me in any way. .t was then I was advised to use Paine's )elegy Compound, which brought relief Lt once. After using this great remedy, find Ingself a new man, and feel just is bright as a boy of eighteen years. I Think pafnWs Celery Compound is the ,neatest medicine in the world.' wear it over your heart. *Do you Agree with Paul and say it is a frown? Then left this hour be your roronati•on. Do you agree with Phe A.pacalypse and say it is a sprin^•inL, in .. aVNTi as It ,arc. 9 almost a vulgar he llt(y reprea,exit it, wy 1 Bleat b1VT 1a # Trodie of, The State o THE WINGRAN TIN WITW41 THir ROYAL TRAIN. ..CRYSTAM, 'N natural nlau receiveth not the thimi they spiritually of God bticauslc th4 fire In the tour of the Duke and 1)uc11- heaven as, 'exquisitely be.autafulaT . hree crystals. In One, plaeo he says:•"Her diacexned.7 There i`� no trouble 1YIt}l rss of Cornwall and York through On-, ,, , ,r . the orystal : the trouble is with the t 'o ( ebeo over the 11ne5 of ori and Zu a Sermon B �,,et►. T, De Witt eyes which try to look through it. We pray ,for vision. Lord, thfit our ayes p y . the, Grand Trunk soots, of the most populous and prosperous cities and Talmage, i), U. might ba opmed, When the eye -salve cures our bUxndiiess then we find towns of the two I.'.rovinces Will be T_-� that religion Is transparent. visited. To Air. W. 13. Tiffln, Super- Washingtoan, 1), C., Oct. 6, loot. --The It is a Crane" e',nt Bibles. All tele mountains Of tine llzble come ouz.— }ntendent of the Grand Trunk Sys- charm of an exalted religion is by 'Dr. g Sinai, the mountain of the law; els tem at Allacndale, 1143 fallen the lion- tub"rrle, Crystal light oma the leaves,- 'refusal gall, the mountain of prospect; Oil - `vel', or of being Personally in charge of Talma in this discourse illustrated the mountain of instruction; Colt tlza royal train during its journey commended. Text, Job .',8, 17;--• vary, the Mountain of sacrifice. All through Ontario, and until the train through road The crystal Cannot equal it lh% rivers of the Ilitli1 come out,—NI- dekelbeauty;the of the rails Of the Intereclonial �Iauy of t}ne precious stones of the Jordan,©oar the river r of holy ai t c Government systom, at I'ir h Bible oome''to prompt recogni- Chrism; Che-rity, ar the river of pro- rGlzaudicre Junction. D7<r, Tiffin Will iudler tion. But for the present I take up But less valuable t crystal, Jab, in the 1 phe'tio supply; dile, or the river of Palaces; and the pure tiger of life take Charge of the trail, at North My text, COWP` ores savior; ;t csloru with from, under the 'throne, clear as cry - My, on the trip to Toronto, them to a specimen topaz, An infidel . fstal. While reading this ,Bible, after London, from there to Niagara -on- of Chemist. or mineralogist would ' pro-' our eyes, have been touched by grace, we find it all transparent„ and the e latter int to fife-I,alce, (torn 1.11 a i po tiVOed- nouns the latter worth more than earth rooks, nOav with crucifixion $am'llton, Brantford ,and Xingston, the form: r, but J-ob makes• an intelli. agony, and ne7R vVitll Ud j gminit ter- in atook, easterly to going froth Kingston to Sherbrooke, due- gent compar}son, .looks at religion ror, and Christ a;ppe'ars. :some, of his two hundred 4nd fifty-six titles, bee, • n from and fx Sherbroolw to Chau- and then lookstit the crystal, and s,,9 far as I can count them — , diere Junction, where connection is Pronounces elle former as of far sup- the bread, the rocs,, the captain, the commander, the conqueror, the ,fates With the '[ntercaloniul Ii,a?lvvay erior value to the latter, exclaiming star, and on arid an b;•yand tiny caps_ The royal train, while speeding , in the,'1wards of Tay text, �, The crystal city of mune to rehearse. Transpar- through Ontario and Queb:c,wi.11 Paas cannot equal it." ' � NOW, it is not a part of my sermon- ent religion! The providence that ,seemed dark over two hundred stations on the is design to depreciate the crysltal, before. becomes pellucid. Now you Gra-pd Trunk Railway, and. every ane of these will be decorated. There axe whether' it 'ba found in Cornish mine find God is hat trying to put, you down. Now you understand wily you some twenty-one stations at {which or 'Hartz mountain o,. Mammoth Cava lost that child, and why you lost your the train :will stop for a few m?nutes or tinkling among the pendants of property; it was to prepare you for eternaittrhzi3igeasums. And si and these will it elaborately decor- the Chandeliers, of a°palace. The -cry- oa, the n rcursai ofknmg aced, while at 130 stations, where no dtal is! the; sta'r' of the mountain;. it mortal javenesceace. And now you stops are. made, flags and bunting on is •thel queen, of the cave ; it' ie the understand why they lied about you the buildings will greet the royal oardrop of the hills; it flhds its heav- and tried to drive you hither and thither. was to put you in the party. '- en in the diamond. . Among all the ,It glarlous company of such men as Ig- In Toronto the Grand Trunk p.ro- pages of natural history there is no naitius, who, when he went out to be Pose a plan of very effective decora- Page more interesting to me than the destroyed by the lions, said:—"i am the wheat, and the teeth -of the wild tion at their city ticket offices,corner Page: crystallographic. Put I want b'aiq't'1 ,lust first grind me before'I of. Ding and i:onge, street's. Mr.Tiarr y to show you that Job was riblet when, call b,,mo=! pnrc .bread for Jesus Charlton of the Grand Trunk {VAS. in taking rel?glen in aha hand and the Glirist ;" or the ociApany of ,such the city from Montreal yesterday to crystal in the, othar, he declared that mr,n its, "Chat ancient Chr!.stian mar - etc the narangements for the the, formxr is. of fax more value, and tyr," who, whin standing in the mid- 11t of the amphitheatra waiting S -Dr clesoxations. There twill ba no less beauty than the latter, recommending the, ligan to corns out of their; cavo than 750 electric lights on the cf. it' to all. the paaple and to all the an L de.%trey him, and the people in -rices. strung around tke doors and ages, decla!ring, "Tile crystal cannot; thq gal.lerLea ,ieer'ng and .shouting, ivindows, and in hanging festoons. equal Lt." In the first plata, I romark that re- "The )Cons!" .avil.ied: ;-"Iger them eon^ ha stooping is �UVCT the mal.,, en•tL'aI1CC will be the the caveand d baa {yard the C1Ve `{yhaCC the weld. bsasrta lioiOIL) in quoorior to elle crvstal it u- ....•.... ...... ...... ,.. 4-- ..,.L ....1• o.,...:., n,.:nA• l OCT. 18, U9111, Cores Sickhople and Makes Them Feel Youni Again, A CURED Ii'ilAN SAYS—. R FEF4L JV ST AS D> IG111T A,NL JD YU1Q1NG AS A BOY." fter Many failures with Physleians' and inedielnes, Mr, NeGuer Was Saved By AINE'S CELERY COMPOUN011 All the combined powers on earth oan- Ot Steell tho tide of truth that 4wm-ps ver this Dominion of'! ours ill T0", d i the curing and life-rostoring virtues f Paine's Celery Coumpond. Tho aousands cured year after year send ooh strong and convincing letters of lstiinony that the most hardened, peptics tire forced to admit that Paine's ielery Compound does possess medical d'wers unknown to other medicines. The following letter from Mr A,R.itic- lruer, Di^on'is Corners; Out.. asFures ,on, that, no matter how desperate your ase may be Paine,s Celery compound vill do more for you than you can ,ossibly hope for. Mr. McGruer sayer: 'Some time ago my condition of health vas alarming, and I suffered very much. was laid up three days out of every yeek, and I often said to my friend that t would be better if it was . the Lord's vill that I should be called a{{kly. hires of the best doctors attended me, sut could not relieve me in any way. .t was then I was advised to use Paine's )elegy Compound, which brought relief Lt once. After using this great remedy, find Ingself a new man, and feel just is bright as a boy of eighteen years. I Think pafnWs Celery Compound is the ,neatest medicine in the world.' wear it over your heart. *Do you Agree with Paul and say it is a frown? Then left this hour be your roronati•on. Do you agree with Phe A.pacalypse and say it is a sprin^•inL, in .. aVNTi as It ,arc. 9 almost a vulgar he llt(y reprea,exit it, wy 1 Bleat b1VT 1a # Trodie of, The State o of Color and hinds of musle makiing, it deafening rao>let. Join apres4�nts heaven as, 'exquisitely be.autafulaT . hree crystals. In One, plaeo he says:•"Her The Cheese XArlcot Aiaeaur&61n8 •-- lir ht was like a precious at -one, clear Maniitoba Wheat -Diose Ontario as crystal." In another place, he ald —1`I saw, a pure river frame ander Grain offering, the throne, clear ars .11 tal.76 In an�o- , tiler place hes says:-""ilefare the throne there was sea of glaels clear , The Toronto !Globs, in its report of as crystal." .-Three Crystals! John the Istato of trade on Saturday says,--•, ,says crystal ateauspbere. That meals '.Cele condition of the Cheese markets, lzealf:h. Mahn of eternal June. What weather atter the wort -Wo east wind. weather ha a 'further change for No racket of storm. clouds, One the worse. the ;(last weak. 'phisseems breath of that air will cure the• worst to have been! the result of persistent tub"rrle, Crystal light oma the leaves,- 'refusal of old Country buyers to meet cAitaI light sllinl¢zzea n 'csi the topaz vlevvs. of Canadian holders. In the Of f}re tr'misles. Crystal light toss -fog in the plumes of the equestrians of latter part of last mouth, holders on heaven on white horses. But "the this slide advanced prices, and tbera orystal MIMIC,. equal it," John says was a feeling in some quarters that crystal .river, That means joy.. Deep tliii rise. {would stimulaf-a the demand, and ever rolling. Not one drop of gels• '[WromaG of the Hudson or the , 1'ho result vrns disappointing, 'Ghees 711011 t ta] sdD!l it. Not oma tear Of,'hu- was but little differene3 in tll'.s Volume m:tn sorrow to embitter it. Crystal, of sales. Jloldort arc, •1;at.t.ing discour- thn rain rut of which it vva"'l made. t:ged un,l if Cho dullnois continues Crystal, th, bid over wlll'eh it shall roll an•L ripple. Crystal, its Infinite muclonerh s' it' is quite evident that riurfana". But the pryst•al cannot Purchases by the middle -min in Can-: equal 11." JOind says crystal sea. ado, firma wild buy the offerings at : Thilimoans multitud'inmsly va9t, the varlous boards will be f;eriously Vast in rapture. Rapture vast as tll� sea, ii.•ep as the sea, strong as the ,lfi:acted by (ho situation. •:ra, vwr cban ring as the sect. Bil.. lo+vi of lixilt, Billows of beauty,blue The Wheat Crops, with :sk:'es that ware never clouded, Tho offerings of Ontario +vhettt have and green with depth% that were increased siao'1 the prices declined,. never fathomed. Aretics and Ant- arctics and Xediterraneans and At- ' Previous to this week there was lantic-, and Pacifies ;in crystalline feeling that after: the long dull spell magnifieence. Three crystals. Cry- in the markets, f;vith no pronounced -1a1 liaht fall',na on a crystal river. price mow(m• tit: 141 cit_ ISl' di;'(('lion,,. Crystal river rolling into a crystal rna. .tut "fuer: crystal cannot equal quotations would work highei',Tlnc de - it?+ cline had the, effort of frightening some holders and. taus:ng them to• Foe (her P111y Fears. press their offerings on the markets,. An Old and Well-2lied Rem- •dy--•i\I) s which helped to further weal.on 'val- Winslow'F SonthiIlr:iynip has been ns(d Lies. Holders oP old wht:a.t in Qatario, for over 1ii fty vears bymilliollsof Mothers aro asking a .cent or two above, the, for their ciiihlren ,vithe teotlibiq, with Pl io % of the new grain. But a great) perfect guccets. It soothes the ohiky softens the gains, allays all pain, cures. deal of tllu'nevv wheat is of excellent wince colic, find is thH best remedy for quality. Some samples show a weightt diturhoea, It is plenstint to the taste.. of over 00 pounds, although much of it. Solei by druggists Int every part of the Its weighs only 57 and 58 pounces. {world. I'-fiva cents a bottlo. value is lnniilcltlable. Be sure you ask The Manitoba Wheat Crap. for 11'Lrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and ( Cali 0 other a n .ler kind. The Winnipeg Commercial says of Reties. Tmlat shapatess mass at cry- --"L•: t them come cn.'• ten, Ye'', 1'i. ,s thirs,to f our soul. Do you Wheve : i A.._. -__- .. hung with the arms of the Provinces I y Iatising send 7fa.ttening Hogs. t1 tat, surmounted by an Illuminated stal ata.ins•t whLeb you accidentally p •rC"cution to put you in ,glorious with - :Ezekiel and slay it is a foliage fobs, : The elevator men say tact, in era{vn...On either evide. are .red and dashed your foot is laid out with mare vrrmpany ; an'1, while th2:M are many cellar? Then tome under its shaclavv, i12r. C. C. I,. Wilson, the mtinrig^ r of spite, of the most explicit instructions )aloe ensigns, and below medallions of CXartn'S4 than any earthly city. 'hints. that you will have. to' postpan,n, Do you believe with Christ and say the Ingersoll Pork factory, who usos to the contrary,their buyers at coup the Duke and Duchess. The effeot, i.e. !lie future for explanation, I tell it 'is a bride, mom come 0 fetch ' Herbs, sum in foeding • hags received There are six styles of crystallization y,,;, that It' i.s, the, whole tcndeney ,of home a I ride? Then strike hands g 7 try points -will continue to take damp when the offices aro illuminated, is i that arc, not in condition for the class expected to be very striki¢lg. and till of ahem ,divinely ordained. year religion to unravel an -1 explain: with your Lard and K?sig white, I pro- t wheat from farmers, and in copse- Lvery crystal has mathematical pre- nounce you everlastingly one Qi if , of pork they. manufacture. In his re- quence they are becoming loaded up cisian. God's gc*oiwstr reaches - �-- you think with Job that it is a jowtl ! port on feeding Iierbareum lie advises -with a most' undesirable quantity of Y Then put ito n your han•1 lake a Xing, 66 g 1 footling it tci sows suckling Choir Pig's tough grain. Pheyi would not mind so th•rounh 'It, and it is a square or it ; C 1A R R E ® til •your neck elks, a bead or on your OLUTEl and to weaned pigs and to (:erose being much if this rain was bought as its a .rertallgleo a it is a rhomboid, (��iRv p��a ��ts !i fare.lencl like a _tai; wh'Ie look:ng in- j g g ar in soaTte {way it has a mathematical! ! ! ®� O 61 YO to, telt.'• Tai.T•ror of Goo's Word you. ac- pr.=pared; for market. It destroys the tough, but it is almost invariably tak- e figure. Now, religion brats that in Imow}edge, "The crystal cannot equal germs of discus:: and thus LoiPs to on as dry wheat and is only shown the, simple fact that spiritual acrur Skin diseases in many cases it." prevent measles and cholera in Pigs up {when it comes to the inspectorBuy- aoy is, mare beautiful than material may need the "inward" a Again, religion is•superio;r to the � , pr crystal in its transfarmatf6s. Tho and poultry. It Cleans out worms and ers say ire defence of their action in SECUR111"Y acCuracY. Gods, attributes are exact. iication to remove tete taint { M GtxPs, lave exact. God's deexees exact. i p diamond is only .t aryst llization. strengthens vvaak hacks, and leers. In di.sconLinuing purchases of wheat for GoWs. manabemnit: of the world ex_ from the blood. Carbonate of limo rises till it be- purifying the blood,' it cures indigos- the present that farmers persist 'in act. Never counting wrong, though But many a once handsome countenance comes calcite or aragonite. Red oxide tion and aids assimilation and thereby bringing the wheat- to market, and he, Counts the brass blaldes and the is 11 scarred for life" for lack of using such of _copper crystallizes into tubas and adds one-fifth to the value of •the again. ���a.�ls�� they cannot .send them away • „sin. stags and the sands and the cycles. a healing agent as Dr. Agnew's Ointment. rctahedrons. . Whose crystals which Isis providemces never dealing with Only needs a few applications of this magic adorn our persons and our homes and rourishmen t and they mature; •one- It is thought by the elevator men- us pexpend cularly when those pro- healer to any skin disease to clear away all our museums have only been resur- fifth sooner ands v:eigh in proportion iha.t: by .stopping all buying until thd vineeLs ought. to ba oblique, nor later -s gas of outward disorder and leave the reeted from forms that were far to, size ono -fifth more than those not wheat has had time to dry in stock C a rit e r s ally when. they ought to ba vertical. 2in:sed part as smooth and soft. as an in. from lustrous. ,Scientlsts for ages (fes, Iiezb i um. The II(rbae**sum book have been examining these wonder- g'� they will prevent much of this trouble liver° q`� p(s yj ���1 c t array trig. in our poss possibility elfe f mistake ed �Laclt �O1Q by Aith- fant's . IIamllton, �Pinghaln. 39 J ful transformations. But I tell you free with every dollar's worth, has Any farmer who chooses to do so may, �.pg��l 1L �A lL A7� life a six -headed prism. Born at the In the. Gospel of the Son of God there I been ;worth many dollars to each of still ship Ills wheat on Consignment time ; dying• at tha right time. `" - " is a more wonderful transformation. the tens of thousands of enterprising and take Cha risk himself of it grad - right Must Bear S!gn'xture ©1 L.'e,re 'are no "happen so's" in our and'interpret and illumine and irra-� Over souls by reason aF sin b4tek' gas and prosperous farmers, feeders and ing, tough. Gif, course, it is understood theology. IFI thought this wag a diate. Jab ;vas :i;gll't. It is a glorious f coal and hard as iron, God, by his I that this cessation of buying is only slipshod universe I would be in de- transparency. "The'cryetal cannot ' Comforting grace, stoops and says: , stock raisers, who have carefully road temporary, and is, due entirely to the spair. God is not an Anarchist. Law, equal it." —';They shall W Imine ?n the day when I and rightly tested Eorbageum, reluctance of large shippers to buy 'o' mai order, symmetry, precision, a per- 1 remark again that religion sur- I maka up my ja'wels." ! i water for wheat. -- feet square, a parfect rectangle, a, P•i,?,ses the Crystal in its buauty. The "What," -say you, "will Gari event g� } i1}[� r r Eeiow. perfect rhomboid, a perfect circle lump of crystal. i5 put under the mag- jewellery?" If he wanted it, he could �� �(������� �� ��cy�7���I�@���iiiS Seo )ret-�icl3te veappe The cdgs Of Gods hobo of govern- nify:n glass o2 the crystallographer, mike the atars of heaven his bntt, A Itetl Hot sansei d{oz3 smn7i aDcIl a...sauy ment never frays. out. '..here are no anti leu sees in it indescribable exqui- and have the evening Cloud fioa �(�gii fi - USA I During Cha hot summer season the rte mataUn a,- d a, a loose ,screws in the world's maichin- si teness—snowdrift and splinters of the sandals aP his feet; ; but he does ill i�OR 09 tE3;ie1 �i ns anti US i blond stars over heated, the drain on the 4 FOR 11r h13itC6i1:. ery. It slid not just happen that Na- hoar -frost and corals and )wreaths not want that adornment. U..) {gill -- system is severs,: and the appetite is often poleon was attacked with indigestion and 6tars and crowns and constAln. not have- tbgt ;iawellery. When Gad I .A, Word About Diamond Dye lost. Burdock Blood Bitter purifies and CARTIi R% Fos pilZi Ess. i at Borodino so that: lie became incom. ticns of conspicuous beauty. The fact wants jewellery lie comes dawn ante invigorates the blood, tones up the f13F1 411 L1®!➢Sfi1:Ss. P.Aent for the day. It did nope just is that crystal is ss, beautiful that digs, its, ut of the. depths and dark- I I@Patit [t�a[fl J >fng 7�aitte>f•f>ts. system, and restores lost appetite. 1TTL happen that John Thomas, the mis- I can think of but +ona thing in all ness of sin. Those souls are all cry- ��FOR T€bRNO LIVES. eionar on a heaths,, island. {waiting the universe that is ,sa b dutiful; an•.1 s,tallizaticxls of mercy. He puts I , Do you make up ,tats, rugs or carpets El FOR CONSTIPATIOU. far an outfit and orders. for another that iy, the rC1iE 1011, 'Of the Bible. No t}l2m an, ani he wears them in t],e 'in your home'( If 90, ;;on {will re, lily 'PILLS.0•Qii SALL0IN SKIN. adtnic that our success is largely clue i x missionary tour, received, that outfit ;vonale:r this Bible represents that: re.- Presence of the whole universe. IIs I to the lovely and brilliant colors given to p� FOR THE COMPLEXION and those orders in a box that float- liglon as the daybreak, as the apple= wears them as the hand that was ed ashore, while the ship and the crew blossom, as Cha glitter of a king's nailed, over thb heart that was p:erc_ �'olir materials by the use of Diamanil Nuxrim uuarNAve NATUR[. Des. Users of DC,t,nond Dye-, kn )++' �a,aaciq�s5auea,<e�� P ..>� i.11at carried the byti {vera never heard bi,nquet. It i,s tlty jaq oP the whole rd,o n the temples that were stung. y y of. t b lieve in .,a particular provi- eiarth. "They shall ba min^.," sail the Ford, that they never suffer failures or tier- glass dencr. I balieve God's geometry may re-opte talo too much about their "in the. day when I hake up my appoint,nelit:;in thoirwilrl.; theyclnirlilyIld GURE SICK liEADACHE. _ allyl titetil et the exact cOiors they r _� ______.,, •,_,_ b�, ser.', in all atilt. lite intoa•e'tbcriuti- crass an•1 not <nough about their je{vel:s."', Wonderf>Ql, transfo.ma- y p' fully than,in ary.sta4lography. Job exown. Do, you, know that the Bible ,:fest 1Whe;ra s:,n abounded ,graice requiru, allyl t,,,wer Nvftsto time or nlonc.y' esti as ofi as your bar. +vas, right. "Che crystal cannot equal in-inticus a crops but twenty-seven :hall, much metre abound. Th., car- If you are interested in the popn,ar {work ani is tough as cviro by Slickb Y eadache • it," tinier, while it nlentioms a cronvn baa becomlas the solira're. I'll' cr of Tug making•, and Oa11110t Prncuratela, ,tefne]itTitLKAHar- Y- I 'Diaulouu lira Diat and Ra;; Patterns" nee• op. you can `Again, I remark that religion is su- righty t?m••s? Ask that -old man what stal calanolt equal it." engthsn as lire-cuatrel0 Food doesn't digest Wellp prrior to the crystal in transparency. lie thinks orf relLgion. He has been a NUIV, I have• n,a lilting for thou p,o. at on3e to ,ice Weler& Richard sddress ;fdln�rtiy ala s, ie 't Appetite poor? I�OWeIS We ltalow not when or by whom glass cio<ir observer, He has been cultivat- tile' who art, always, enlarging :n ,at alias to the Walls Richardson C,u., ppwas, first 'discovered. leads of it Talc; an ax:stlletio taste. He has seen Christian meetings about their oariy • Limited, Montreal, and you will reel,iwe o constipated. Tongue coated? have b.:en found in the tool., of Alex- tel^ swnri•.se.s of a halt century-. .EIe dissipation. Do not ego into that Parti- 'free of cost sheers of designs to seloot E U Rin A It's gofer liver I Ay ander Severus• Vases of it are has. b:•ern an early riser. He hasbeen culars, my broth 1. Simply say you' from. toe Ayer's P111S are liver pills; they cure dys- I"lglit, up from the tui n at l err,rl- un adtT>iT r of cam�a% and corals and were park, but m, ke eta :,splays, your ,t Harness Oil ancum. There were female adorn- n11 kilndA of b.cutiiul tl+imm Ask ulorrs. The chief stock nn tra-de. of I THE ROYAL TRAIN. pepsi'ay biliousness. ,nr.',nts fcund now attached to the him {what he think -i of r limion, rind Qani+ ministers and Christian work- I _—_ matter a peor,oc erns, oar. 26c. All druggists° , inum.ni%s of E ypt•. A groat massy h^ {vill tell you, It N the Ino-itlizntl. ers seems to ba their early crimes nes, tike new. meas or commentators believe i.httt my tett tiful th•in.g I ever saw. Th crystal I and•dissipatious. The numWr of pot- A contrast between the stage coach pure• heavy hodled ail, es. ... ... pectatey prepared to w4b. mennl hiss. What woald we do cannot oqunl i�." '. kegs, you picked amd the number of of; our grandfathers and the superb stand the weather. tr P17tCrOT:Ct1i)tACk7hThenusesabeautiful {without the orystal`d Tha crystal :a 13^aut.iful in ilk symmetry. When it chickons you sto•lo make very poor t royal. Cra]n in which the, Duke, incl old arerywhdrs r for the the window to khep out tate storm pr,von s Go.t's chat lci.er it clues not p1•ayer meeting rhatcr3c. Becidrs n cans -:a u« to. BUCKINGHAM S DYE�„i,iskera gild h•t loll rho clay—t}te crystal over Arc„eat him a,s hav,ng love like a that, it a, couraam other Christina �Duohess of Cornwall and leek are 50 CTS. OF DRUGGISTS, OR R. P. HALL & Co.. NASHUA, N.H. an {wat'in, delay—tg cr delicate over prtw protuberance ma,Iall one side of 1s:''o'ple who, never .got dirunk or stole 1 travelling Canada to -day is a time- i made by1API? ULOIL COmPIfi'f- machinery yet allow:•Tilt ug to see ille his, nature., but m=rhes that lav'.; in anything. But it is pleaisalit to know � ly illustration of the remarkable pro- houe—the crystal of tha telesoop^, by harmony with h's justloo—a love that that t'hotso who {yarn fartliest 0hown i Mrests made, in- flip last fete years in WOOD'S ' whieh the astrozolnli br:n-gs distant vvill. accept all tlio,se who, come to him, linve b`en 'brought highest up. Otntof DR. worlelq. so near h,a Can inspuot theta:, and. a justice that will by no means Internal serfdom into eternal lib:•rty. I fiefs meihocl and manner of transports,- � w .✓ Olt, t.hr triumphs of the crystals ?n cl,,ar the guilty. Beautiful rt1II;yie,a Out, of darknrs9 into- �l i0it. Prom iii tion. This train, constructed for the, .�� f� •-�.-...,., the celebrated windows of Rahuen and , in: the sentiment; It implants t Boattti- coal t.a the ?iolttairc. Thr crystal royal party by fele Canadian Pacific Salis:beryl But there is na:hing So fill rcleg?cin in the Irapa that it kind- CA -1111 equal it.,gailway,consisis of nine Coaches in all transparent3 in a crystal as in our lea. Beautiful Tei ic:n in . tele fact ]lilt, my friends, the t^h:.f firanq- /i holy relli•iou. it is a ti'nnsparent rr. that it proposes togatland and on. forminga' po`tver of the+ Go.ir*1 . will —al train of seven hundred and thirty and throne and em'paradlse an immortal not b�. seen in this vvo'rld., and not un- feet• in length and weighing five llu.n- � ligicun, Yon put it to your eye j Sores. see man• -his girl, leis soul, hi,, destiny spirit. :iolomotl says iP. is a ]fly. Paul' til ho.aven breaks uP01it the ."'au1. deed and ninety•fivo tons. It has well You look at Gac]., and you •arc tsoma� says it is a crown. The Apocalypse i When that 1tghL falls upon the. ,.oil bren.pronounced by a magazine {vritTsr thing of the, grandour of his Charac- clays it i9 a fountain kiss�+l: of the tlti°Irl you will see the. crystals. What bi Mr. Stephen `�I'esoott Free” ct•t, tor. It is a trans parent reh•fxzan.In_ ,un. 1.z. Lice says it is a foliage ood- .t magnificent setting kkor these "`a: marvel of r..legancn•--thu.interior a .� ti• M c 1 ne f llo itl � ex )grimed fialeils tell us it is opaque. Do you ar. Chvi9t ways it is it bri�dt-01 clorin � jewel of 2lterinzty 1. I ,sometimes hear revelation of tllo possibilities of lux - know y1405 t1 1 NORWAY PiNE SYRUP with Burdock Blood Bitters. ' ktitvw vvlky they t..11 ups it is {opaqu+2 Cmvm� to: firtelt hernia n bride. While prrtsple representing }leaven In scatty ury and 'comfort of modern railway it - _. down in It is b2tause they are blind. "The ,lob in the text takes, up it. "whale vase: I dirt iso far frown, aattractive, to In:. txave1.1' The- ear "Cornwall:" shows i was very much run CE precious stenos—1 ter. topaz and the t 1tCalth andemployed ourlocal 11 5r- the rcogption room, And is Yaag11ifi� A positive 'cure for all 'Throat, Lung p y -applllre ruff ilio chrysoprasus—ands , .. , and Bronchial diseases. clan Who attended fele three months; ire tales out of this bzaut?fol vase i 6i ,}� !t •nt f Crntly panxil+d in arr.l<:sinll walnut, finally m le broke in running TEST T� �� �a just: one crystal and holdsitnp until Cure- Alls Didn't Cure and carrying with: it the, lock of ex- -out� Healing 'and soothing in its 'aetioit. , y "yit gleam, in the, warm light of, the t 1Pleasant to take, l,rompt and 'eLooa irrme richness, once i5 ;ill ttdtrtir,tl,to sores with fearful burning. I had y C K i ®� trial iu its results. ' APPLE V N i'i t'a•atrrn sky, awl he.. reclaims, „Th.s Only a, kidney �a�e:cidie of the thirteen running` sores atone time rrrystal can tot. t'qual tit." genuine maria of South f osis. limier specially FT,r the waits, Mr, Chas. Johnson, Beat haver, N.S., from 171 knee to the td of my foot. In the storehouso of Providence there's an Olt, it i4 not tt s'ollt* .religion, it is I AMOvioan kidney Ours CAn and Dueness, and Ill dt.sil,n and arobi 1 wrrtos: T1I -wits troubled withhoarsenesa Y P All Cha medicine took did ale no Antidote for etrery bodily W. Medical not a stup*.I relixian, at is net a ; ever hope;ttD tbopO biviti� ainsid■ lr.etttrc to rcuform {vlt}l the surround- and gore threatt tvhie>1 the doctor pro - as tied science has found Natture's Stomach Pana toFatlilrs3 hag, as soma seem to have ions kidreoy diseases,to titii fritts of thh rwcelr,i:>I roam, is Wool.eelll3ronohltisandrarotntnondetlmr good, SOI throw it aside and t &o0a in that most delicious of fruits—rho B�k�,i;33- When ane'•half the 15ott1t Pinoapplo, represent:cel it; it is stat a rilcg' Mer„ i its forms. to try .I1r, �V'oodrs Norway Pine ii)`rnji, n beautiful upright piano lin Circasw , _ to .4grl with. sheivIt is ain> come Cts; •• t'or two years I was greatly troubled iit9 tri •1 l ittt'tllent'4 of ' Gte1 Pa, 'a.titl tfter ltsin�,' three 11ott10B I was gone I noticed Antiln6dicalscience hasgiven tamnan's 13i t i CAr tet• ;varl<l. It is the fni`re it dam=,: nffeetien of thekidnevs fro menti nnifittin Ind kion ;valutlt, All (+ .1110 i tvna reifies,}y earcil �� gL chane for tele "" pure incl Pleasantferinula I)t- Von Stan s I inC, traltor of rel, h-•ires,; of all hes wealth. g e Tablets to be an everlasting and never forwerk. Hl tried tiianv patent mtrlieines and 1br reerpticll-raonl mike, 1t a ltletura • - - • abetter and b the app) rin tlumanit • ',%treatment if,r ehsek the nlornnnx sky, her v'o:ce i ,icure-nllsi Nvuhout.getunt; tiny relief, for I had rf erne ele,ganon, and van be readily . :i_"t ;l { j` i`feP i�:llbeiare retie• (,fling. healer to smile g y Ii t ve and se. inert ensrve that the i Ile' Clu3ia of the ,:ample {viL�tal; her step lntensopa,n illmastconstantly, ti,nuh Ainericali , , fit:,,. . n.11 tlr,rlw {tl,ile you t?1T+?'w ••-•"+• frog had fiiiz911eC1 a quick ittzd of%C i , use it almost T a' Of the sea. t [,ssny tirtsl iv°oo Kidney Cure was raommended to roe. A few tlt3ttnt sl rscl the .int sllf>tinnt rttriosaty [,i~ 1. oorest sutTerer in the land may i ht c attn i e �+ ,,fir, nr I+:11n during ] "' two bottles, fitly leg }1 i, to a5 water," 'One cease gives rrifrf to heir. I'll i Flpirit Q1t:l the Pride ea.y ; Hours sitterconmleneing its use I got gra'rt relief, till, c.anad:au people/ to st for them. { e+, �'' a ,;t+, sick li ,adaehe - 'iltV44 ' gfectl healw s,3 f C hour bottles cured, it is worth its vvei ht in w• v' ' P y *tntitacirrafstresses in fi,rnt- e[linlr,:t^l,l »vk.w%wvc.r will, Dt h'nl ; ,,_ g Crlveai tltty rtly,tl 1 tali, as i (: sperti�r 1 kxf i '» ::til . lni'trl rt t4«r 1 , t 3i lli;alt4l' Sixty 1abTcts, sr, cents. 46 roil,+• Tl• r gaff n,t tee with :;olnrran ante j gHoTtl b$e1nL l man 1ton, WfnghtnanAhIngton,�metitt, 9S way' train tity, to 'cit'y. snua.tll:;;a 1'e.Ab a l" ted and thy Improved, Bola by A. L. FVinghnut. say it ifi a lilyl TheYt plush it and t