HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-18, Page 2i
fearing a 1flirlriKe, KU -N IS �,��OM �ntl.�t� Mrs. S. Lovee, lormcrly miss Wilson A Nowlty or c ar:oslty has bison nil
'Plan Vere, X*rquette railroad is try* _ (r �j 1 KILL
Uorria. took the first prize for hitch; exhihitibn at, tho Poo. Brussels, thts iver k
109 an 11140restl4g. experisneut In _ i'i,�.,�YCTUX ,�jILL - up, A horse Rt1d driving onx9• lltg1111d tale In the filoquIt of It cob if coo tC1Yiwn oil
brielira building. The company is ; - ..,., track at the Seororth fair, the forrli of t?omwillor r'A,lox. 0arcditter,
r at bridge aer�le, the Rin► Athletes, Bleyclists And atd ere, sbould ;tear Leadbnry, Uckillop. `ibe urighmi
tiger ltivex at Northville, and the _ l?ar::grlllis l•A't?Itl1 Q1lI" lrlcoitltugec, _always keep ]Hag aril's. Yellow Oil on cob is cuoiri-1wl with lvh•tlf dozen either
bridge will be "poured" --that is, it ^"-^^ �^ hand. Nothing11 a itforstitruess and.cobsou all of which;*t•i,oliir�teel,las:ttiu.
will be. Made of Portlagcl ool�xoat,"P1w ' Walltertoll. voters' list are being print- 'soreness, of the muscles, .sproiim, brnires, It is dict mo it svriurh'rfl:l vorit doll %ve
r•iv-o r will be spauued by a skeleton ed a second time. Too marry mistrAkes : outs,toilk olochi c lectin pripreparation, paration, w ill not, over saw.
arch and On, this the cement will biA ill the first to stilt the Council. Tttr>sdily of lint �ver•l: ttritiri+l nurdieai
laid. The eeut:�nti tivili be allowed to A tnt►u nt Stratford was guilty of a ,
Master George Fidler,. liinoardiue, mase rolitcnt . tible trick; on Saturda .aerations wtIV lied,. Aed ill IlrttsFc�lc,
hardeit for a year, and then the skole-- wee s'�'r �uck On the right Arm with All n y p
tau sv1I1 be removed. In the construe- itait rakil`eitt'1'uesday by a neighbor bay. 41tt elderly man, stone blind, was on Ilia the pAUNI's l:+e>init Aliss i yllA 33artliii
#-ion ill brmove( of cement, rue- way to Brantford Bli1td Institute, auli and Miss A.ntiftl Lywry, , lit lioth vases
Three tent�lii'*wort7 suulw4, in the flesh groping his sway around the btatiolfwait- 0113 medico] molt aevouiplislied, til their
yards of crushed stone and 1:,000 yards and a portion 6f, lte bone taken from fug roan,, nieutioue that ho wanted #o satisfaction, wh it F r1T sot ant to do, and
of gravel will, be used, and It the ,ax,,
the elbaw' buy n ticket for his. e>stination, A luau both y'ountt ladies 1 �u doing its well at;
perituent shall prove; as successful as - t •
hoped for, the not result will be a Children ory for standing by sold hi Areducedrate, could be expected, nutter the cir13n111•
solid bridge, of artificial stone, that a, tiolt% front Berlin tStratford, which ata ricer, aucl, With their many friend, we
.till outlive any 'steel or wooden = be was not, able to, pie act until informed hapu spuedy c 11MI-lr•sewice will follow.
A TO R I by a conductor that it was useless to Scrofula c tlretl t ;v lilillc+r'. Cal1u olllacl
bridge,This ie the first railroad V" p
bridge of they kind that has been at- - Mr. Thomas Oliambers of Young's hint. Titis was a moaner trick than Iran Pisa. Sold by Cutin A, Campbell,
tempted, and it may mark a rlew era Grove, Oxford County, had a valuable stealing the coppers from a. dead man's The Department of Custotus have a
!a, railroad bridge construction.. cow die oil Friday,of milk. ftivflr. It is eyes, neve ruliui,', nauiely, ?Outt tourists Olt bi-
very soldow that the death of a cow is Passed 15 1'iigirms --I gave Dr, cycles hereafter bron�ht into Canada by
Tha +►golly of Steolllpx>sAeesrr, due At this time of the year to that ail. Low's Woriu Syru. to lily little girl members of the League of Aulerican
Did you ever pass a single night. ill raeut; but the growth of the grass this two anti e, half yeark old; the result was Wheelitien are subjo-•c t to ell to duties
'Wahvttil inii ery, tossing and rolling in .pall has been very aRnk. that she pasFed lq r6nild norms in five the sable its otlx:t tuulfntF, trod tt tie
lied, trying, in vain to sleep and lou;;ing dax1�, tltxa. R. Roy+ I�iltnitliRi;li, Ont. p"
:tor niort+itti; t° 0OWey Can you imagin4 A Galt gelAtiethan, a proullneut mem- .1 s. Jackson the leite heretofore granted to the membv s
p b 1 6 ber of a town church, patronizes a local a Deady manufacturer
the turrute o! a .endin = lii,a it after night ti , p is to. be congralula ed in sviuuiu•� the of the Lemgu<n of hcEu;tfug in their bicy,
in this stray, ela'h succeriiui; laight grow- Chiuesrs laundry. As a result his wee>t- Iles withont ot-posits cif fluty it; witil-
ing worse? `l his is the niost dreadful libelsult of Heudersou vs. Jaeksou drown, suhjevt, however, to rotund of
syml+toln of Nervous Exhaustion and ly parcel is delivered to the address, which cltnlef ug at tiro Grey assizes last ,
Debility, 'iron can be gradually and "The Jesus Man," The Chinaman does we u k. Mr, .I end'rson a prominent the duty if thf+ bicycrltl i- exported witx-
thorouklriy cured of Slreplo."ness by Rhe not know the citizen's name, but he is Derby stock r ;ser. was theplaiutilr. ill sig lnourli. from �irttc+ of entry•
uilbuilding iuliuenee of Dr, Chase's
JTerve Food.. It cures in nature's way. acquainted with his works. Mr. Jackson over hili own signature in The peper f'uliline i?l England is getting
by creating new ntorve cells and restor. If you Lake a Lala -Liver Pill to -Bight the Tara Leader` cltait'ecl Mr. Henderson to be very serlons. 1:j, is caused by tale `
ing• lust vitality beture reliruig,' it will work while you with refusing to carry out a verbal a• ditIionlly e.f getting wood }gulp, and by
bleep without A gripe or pain, curing witli e f i loll lir, a portion the e•unrolons in crease in dein+tud, and.
A Hien in Loudon • of soute medicine bilivusuess, constipation, -dyspepsia, and in po ' on of the
R sick headache, and make you feel better plaintiff's land and selling it for a church atr:ppai,*e Of supplies froth A nleri0a.
for his afro use recently stud scar it on an the morning I site instead, lienee the actiou.-•�Chesley , The South Afric+nf war, lies naturally
the sideboard. benzine
wife unwittingly, o gI t. f nlervared the t ;'fellation of newspapers,
set a tattle of benzine glen >•side of it... One of °Iia clauses of a will that was Euterpxise.
so that tllc+y arft unsv us" a frv»u 20 t°
'4Phpn he went rq take his niedfciue he in question in. Ru action tried at file re- Can't eat? Take M�ile1•is Compound lOJ per craft. itiorc=: ilapt'x in Loudon
observed that it wits horrible truck but cent fittings of the Court was as follows Iron Pills for A rely days and obsf,rve the
' ,The family will be brought up oil the results, Sold by (7olin A. Qa upbell. than. they werta tAp years ago. The
he took 'er down, remarking as it went, sauce is keine; fe3,t site ewl at in Canada,
that it was the ---lest wedtoine he ever farm in the fear of the Lord out of the Magistrate Millarwas called upon on
tasted. Presently his wife noticed that profits of the land." It would be some- Saturday to settle u disputo between the prion having fu(aroasvd considerably
what difficult t° carry out the proyisions Kenneth AZeNaualit6n, of Brant, and iu the past two years, This fact when
he stneIIod not unlike an ail auppIy i known -will no dune, inspire the sub -
wagon, and an investigation disclosed of that will. his hired pian, Albert Wilkin, Me- �
the fact that he had found the wrong While getting over a fence one day Naughton was ch irged with assault: It pasurper
it [any their . u' ptioits to this
bottle. Fearing serious results, she last week, Mr. Thomas E. Hays, of Sea- appears that the hired man refaced to do i parlor with <lerpufcil:
telephoned th doctor, but be told her forth, met with A pain`w
ful accident. what McNaughton , anted hila to do. The Review anI s 0.1ere is is famine in
to rest easy auR keep flim from the fire Just as he was about to jump over, the This made McNaughton wratby, and he 1 pumpkins in tin vicixnty of Paris, this
and he would pull through without in- top board of the fence broke and he fell strpck his man over the face with a corn being due to the ravai es caused by the
jury, on his left shoulder, bruising it so severe- stalk, Theft Wilkill and his f a t It Is r squasli besetie last spring. The famine
ly that he was unable to use his arm for came c owa to see Mr. Klein about it is not local l:ut general. The beetle
• '�•"- -�' several days. and the result was An. information for
which.bas ortused the trouble is exceed-
�'" assault. MoNaughton was filled one ingly difficult to deal with. As he ob-
�������, Edgar Down, the ypuug school tern h• p tains his food b sucking y
er, who recently mysteriously disappear• doll it and costs.—Walkerton Telescope. y tI fin the
of b
ed from Whalen corn 'rs has not yet Miller's Kidney and Bladder fills are eating, he does not take t the pads
How .Teachers May Prevent the 91 sold at 2$c. per box. Sold by Colin A. green evhfch is ipread ttlt the leaf for
Been heard from, and his parents, Mr. him, and as he has each, a• tough shell -
Ereakdown ai:the . Nervous System .and Mrs. John Down, of Exeter, have like lino, mixtures which would be
which often Threatens. caused an advertisement to be inserted On Tuesday morning between 3 and 4, strong eneagll to kill him nro also strong
oelock a dastardly asFault was made on enough to kit the lifo of the plant. ',It
in the Toronto papers,,aeekiug informs- is noticed, bowovc..r," w,irt Prof. Hatt
The wcrr' and stork,. the strain and tioh)arl to his whereabouts. Mr. Joseph Gallagher, Osven Sound, spealting of this nlxtarr tc%thr Suri t cruel
anxiety of a teacher's life are such as to tell a teamster who drives for Mr. J. M. tillfe ago, That .thou pH.te of this i,inci
severely on the nervous system. Time and A tealtt of horses belonging to Mr.Davis, dritymRn, Mr. Gallagher was oil become elterpt3nllnlly 11 a d n. prn•tt,ite
again teachers have had to give up gopd Dundas, of McKillop; ran away on his way home to the stables, cud when comes egnsilly imillerons +incl soon re-
positions on account of run down Itealtb Wednesday morning in Seaforth: They duoes the evil to n, wwmal lovel.'• In
were left standing in front of Gunu's near the en l sof Russell and Bay, he accorriauco with this view of things
scorn. They turned on Goderich street, was suddenly struck on Ilio face with prof.. Hutt looks for n, inn .rked ;.eduction
`��• 1 what proved to be a piece of beard in in the number of these iuse.ct enemies
„t. ,----� but before going far they collided with the brands of a marl! who stepped front next season, ct
a telegraph pole and were stopped. behind it tree. I,i'rallta her was knocked
is 1 Farther than the breaking of the wagon g
dovtin and by the time he got to luic feet
tongue, no.damage was done. n AWAY WITH CATARRH I
p � , slot his aastlila>ht had taken his depart -
t i. r .+`SlAl'�
y, ,; • � f Buckache, sideache, ::welling of feet tire. and the assaWted clan was unable to
acct ankles, pulling under eyes, frequent recognize him in the darkness. It's' Loathsaine9
thirst, scautp, cloudy, otitic, highly col- g
6"ic S Disgusting.
ored urine. Frequently Urinating, burn- ,
ing sensations w.ueu urinating. 'c',r�`" ' Instant Re9ee-f anti ' Pern-anent
i 9% Any of the above syurptonis lead to Cure Secured bythe use of Dr.
ri;�:iit's disease, dropsy, diabetes, rift;. Agnesrv's. f,»atarirCaal Poavtlec;
.0iiiiat. Sidney i-1114 are a sure cure for T ,-
or Infants ax d t✓Yt.ldrel�.
anti' sitaticted nerrea., TO encu We CO3. all kidney diseases. FIere's strong, evidence of the quickness and
fldently recommend Milburn's Heart and sureness of that wonderful remedy, Lir. Agnew's
Nerve Pills, and in dein so we aro sup.Flex Cameron was driving over aismillr r,; ei Catarrhal Powder•:. " oi5 years I svns a victim
erred b the. testimonyof Mrs. Reilly, As
bridge at the bralrela of tht Conestoga ! ttgnatu:s eytip of Chronic Catarrh—tried-many remedies but no
y alts cure was effected until I had procured :end used
ported by
Chatha, Ont., who made I e of /' , Fl+ti.
rf , River near Moorefield„ witlx a: load of ' Dr. Agnew's Cat hal Pbwder. First applica-
the following statement: — Wilburn'e gravel the bridbibh® hIre was tion gave me instantrrelief; and in an .incredibly
$eart and Nerve Pills ske, beyond question, tiveu The Aillowing in0iflent occurred riot. short while I was absolutely eurcd.'—James
the best remedy for nervousness and all near the centre and he, vsitgon And team Headley, Dundee;.AC.Y. qr
exhausted conditions of the system I zilosv far a w a:y : A respeolable gentleman
y Svere precipitated a diFtaaieea cd twenty Sold by A • L. Iiamitton. Winxli•,nn.
at. lila daughter, as m result of over study , . went to t11e cars one clay to see his fw,-
and close application to Tier duties as school feet into tlxv raver bolo : Tile young
teacher, became much run down and as. man escaped with miglir ibjuries, bat °rite daughter off. S& curing her a seat b11., atrsxicl� rinlrroa.
bilitated and was very nervous, Two one of the hexses broke itetltsg and hat, to he passed out of then cars and went
ntonths ago she begantaking Milburn'e be shot. aroused twber window to say a parting. Formally Sworn,io. at Ost:oode Hall, aeon.
Yieart and Varve Pills. '7.'heyactedquxekly -word. While he was passing round, the• caro, lrornlns.
and effectually in her case, making her On Monday evening a rrawringe pore* daa'hteir left her snat�to speak ro A
strong grid building up her entire system." many was performed by Fbsv. Dr. Gill- h p Toronto, Oat. 10.. --The Court o[
Uilbnrn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure friend,. and at the Satue time a grim oldi Ding's Bench,, 99goode Holl, was
ord, of Ontario strett Methodist church, crowded this. maiming Palpitation, Nervousn�+s, $leeplesonesa, iu.aid too�:the seat and moved tip to the g by a repro-
Anaeltlia, Female Troubles, After Effects Clinton, the contracting palr5ues being 1. sentattve gathavink of the bench and
sviu3ow- Unaware eak the importamb I
of Grippe, Debility. oraaycondition aris:nq Emmerten, Gederich, to Mra,. Junor, of � the bar, supported h a tow ladies,
from Disordered Nerves weak Heats err chane ilasicIe, he hurri�tlly Out his tale on the occasion of the rasveaifn in. lc
Watery Blood, Price 00. a box. rust toHu. Ther�ar cage i5 an gain- tip to the 'window and'v said "One moria of Mr. Justfce� 33. Di Britton,,; the
ently suitable cue, both pmfsies• being kiss sweakr pet I" In unlother instant the newly appointed Jul dge to the Su -
somewhat advaticed ilii years,, And likelypreme Court„ 1'11911 'Court and King's si
to be much more colnfbrtable and ha Point of A cotton utularella was thrust Bench of. Ontario. On the bench p
ppy through the window, followed by the I were Chibb Justice raleonbridge,
married than Alone. d pious iulpri0tion, "Scab, you grey -heady Chief Justdee Sir William Meredith
Brantford Esposito;. The &flans Cono- ed wretcht'. and Mr. Justices Mess and Street.
cit said in a bylaw t t au oxre caught lir. Tohrl. I:Ioskin; K. C., on conclu-
sion of tta• formal ceremony, extend -
spitting on the sidekvalk Or displaying expressly for weak kidneys, bladder, ed the a°ngratulations of the bar
merchandise, or ? pladag boxes pails in the •-•>lck, oto- Sold by ColitkA.
t Anel o enaii goods on the walk Campbell. to the ivenowg judge. Mi . Justice I3r x-
p LX tf ton expttessed his thanks in an ox -
must either pay t>, fine of ;Ili and costs Oa Sid— lay aftemloon. what might celient speecl r,,
" or go to jailfor•ilii dny-;. Aayoue bow- have proved dreadful accident, took
t ; . . The Scl+iey inquiry.
muex can attach a slzel: u, his building pisco at the bridge.. Taira, The new n
`i",A allow it I. ro•.,, t a f sit v r th oeni n i sidewalk on+ th13 hill ,lfforC1h a iVasitington, Oct. l.t), ..•• Xn the
11! It
u p 1. o o e. e e
Walk and on this oaiz display goods, very 5eniptaug place for the UOs to
SchieP Naval Court of Inquiry
rl y yes-
«4l,th rJt:r mo:.a of fllttna
matt or.dert, a Haan living In
To makentallsYitrlsnacesstllytohave
coast X111+ anti on this aftei`noou three
ttli•ctay Lieut. L. T3ristot Coln -
plctoclhis testimony begun Tuesday,
the "h�a t at t:,,a Rockies'+
a clear, bright blain, a uoW head tree
boys -got into e. sulAal wagon on top of
and three nesv witnesses were intro
from pails, and ntrol u, VigOwous nerves.
the heli while anottier; boy, held on, be,
duced'. They woro hear Admiral
+carr do business with us
;Milburn's Ilerint aid Nerve bills int•
hiu�l. As the vvagan ilgaroasPd itaapeed
Ilenryr C, Taylor, who, as captain,
almost 8tt satisfetority as If
living in the city,
vigoratelidt,righte the braiu,strongtit•
fell the nerves, anti remoti.er all heart,
guitAg down lrlll the bty bdlttttd let g0
cotntnanded the battleship, Indiana
dul-log the war with Spain, Lieut.
It It's a Diamond Ring, a.
nerve and brain trouble.
The sad intelligodee was received here
and, Lite tether three went spinailig along
but: the shoo lace, of one of the boy's
Commander Templeton M. Potts,
tvhn was navigator of the battleship
25C. Collar Zutton or any
a:rtfcle, In the Jewelry ibis,
on Tuesday Ol the fiery sudden death in
boots got tinder the wheel just ss the
;,Iassachusetts during that period,
Detroit from inflanimatioti of the heart,
vwligon got near the bridge and turned
cuarl Lieut. Edward V. Lelpor, who
was on the ,19tew Orlearts during the
All goods markdo In p lafrl
of bliss Alice Quinn, half sister of Mrs.
dw waiz9oli mound, and over it went into
rear, the last named being still on
figurao — strictly one i3rico.
Win. Amos, Fergds St. Viss Quinn left!
the river below, it « istanea of fully 10
tho titand whoa tate Court adjourned
Carriage charges nald by us
here but a low -Weeks ago, on a short .
for the day.
tt11d t»ortey t+afanded if you
business visit at#tI it washer lnt8ntlon
\e hanger bf wheat 111ockade.
+desire, It.
to xettxrll whets }Tier business was tram
Winnipeg, oat, lognen Lines-
(7ur houidsohl,6ly Illustrated
Meted and spe'Ad the winter in Mount
tioned yesterday regarding a report
catslotue, sent free.
I+'orestr Crhel wicked death, however,
1* pusakles tho Qootorg oLhti ".
to the effect that there was danger
hue chaxyq all this,--Oonfeder
Abnlsh's6 . hl* pn'tl4uf* how
'of ac wheat bioakado t1�t Fort Wil.
vv t"mv»"
„�,�r .* ; ,,,y j , tt.
,Talilea 1i 1y, liverty mall, was cllalged.
South AtnartCetn N*rVitt)*
ur8ls hili► IiYstr11ft1iy' vwltltr t[wb
1#011x, Mi. Aiaet'tines, assistant nxan.
ager of tiro C. I', alt., s0idt "Tho
before Volieo 16gistrnto Saegar rii' God-
ItiViaftt up tO c1(er0--11t Ml$�fl'16v
sligg'estion as very Absurd. Thin eler
erich with all assault upon Richard Por-
water Capacity at Fort Williane is
i. tf.!. •. • C`i •. :
of Gcidr�ricll teirviisiltip. Tl1r. tsvrl
sr U wife WAS strtektn with nervous math,
y p
8GO'>CO0,000 bushels, and there in.
'� {/f 'I: 1p"•�%
,,•• : r1;. ¢,
trioti llad a ren ., at Vay's stal,lex, dtttinir
tion, which developed Into total t/arai s,s, Vlrt
had handl any haps of her rtcaveryy but lead
heard by
onl�r lit present fix attics 1,7e6,000
which Hays lift Porter with 1i hay .fork
of rite gnat cures made South Ameri» .
:�-':.• •• .* -� �" -��
rself rleft•lic•,rlttt clainletl 7.t ra
can, Nervint in cage* of nervous troubles. Wb
'l'he gliathrock fUttrtft,
.�Jil.4�il•i:..rt��!fi?,MM.M,�o,/•'� ,. >....wunM•1:1'.MA+.::;�.y,.hryikwt•wM.�w.i�Fri�bdY,';a
Castorta is for larauta antl ObIl rou. Ca•storia, is ii
barmiless sulsstitato for Castor 011, Paregoric, I,rolPs
and Suothllll; Syrups, it contains neither OVIUtkt.
Uot.'X)liUke nor otba.k Ivarcotio flllbstanice. It is Pleasatintq
Ita gaarantee is tlil ty years' use by X lllons of
Drotlters. Castorla, destroy's Worms arid Allays reg,*eirisil-
uess. Catistorit> czlre i Ta`laxrllo3fn gild �Vtnd Colic. Castorxa
lroltoves Teething Troubles, titres Constipation and
' V14tulenc3, Gnstorlal, assimilates the Food, regilIates
the Stoliiai,ckl aLTid 1.3oweln of Infauts and Cldlilren, giving
healthy and natural sleep, Castors" is the Children's
Paua+eoa—The Mother's Vrielld.
Castoria. i Ca stor i.a,.
"Castorta is an excellent mec;ici ie for I •l eastoria is eo well t d4q.ted to children
children. Mothers have repeatedly told uta � flint I recounnend it as aupuriur to any pro-
of its good eitect upon their children." scription known to me.11
Die. O, C. OSGoe+rr, .l:o-.a411, MOSS. ( ii. A.. Aacur•.it, Al. D..Urouktyn, N. Y
ffURFwm11�`••:M.:.. �.,. _ , .�.,. a ..._. .......�..r. ' ,-�+-7 ,''..J._',.,�`•.��1`;etfk..sua. �i .
i If yoe ever contracted any Blood Disease you are never safe unless the virus or
poison has been eradicated from the system. At time$ you see alarming symptoms,
butlive in hopes no carious results will. follow, Have you any of the following
symptoms? Sore throat, ulcers on..the tonggue or in the mouth, hair falling out, ach-
ingpatns itchiness. of the skin,.soresor.blotches on the body, eyes red and smart.
TIy to aomesuc ore. mon•r ler.quacua•expertmentott you. Our NEw METHOD
ATMENT is guaranteed to•curo qou. Our t¢uareenteen are backed
b baurz bonds that the disease wili never return. Thousands of ""ppatients
leave been already cured by our'NEW NIETEOD TREATMENT for overZo years,
and no return of the disease. No �exPerlmcnts ao risk --not a "patch up," but a poli•
five cure. The worst cases eotidted.
�T O B 1
OVIM NEU' i 5 I& TIMO D TUMAL$I41MW will cure yoa: andmalae a mai
of you. Under Its influence the• brain, becomes active, the blood par-ilied so that .
all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel, so
that nervousness bashfuluesa and, despondency disappear; the eyes become bright,
the face full and Blear, energy returne.to the body, and the moral, physical and sex -
nal systems are Igvtgorated; all drains cease -•no more vital waste from thesystem.
The various organs become natural.att&manly You feel yourself a man and know
marriage cannot be a failure. we i'nvite:alltheattiictedto consult us confidentially
and free of chargge. Don't let quacks, and fakirs rob you of your hard-earned
BLADDERDIbF»�5$S, ansdall:diseases:pecutiartomen and women. Cures guarac-
Aje you a victim?' Have Tote lost hope? Are yort contemplating
marriage? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weal;-
H .
6 ess? Our New, Method Treatment will cure you. Cossottatics
free. No )natter who has treate�ou;write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. A
Charges reasonable. Bookefree. The Golden Monitor" [inustratedl onDiseasesof 1
men 'Diseased of Women" "Thot Wages, of SIn." "varicocele, Stricture and, Gleet."
.411 vent. Free sealed.
No medicine sent C. 0. d. Na names on boxes or envelopes. Everything
conficipniiat. Question fist and Cost of 'treatment, FREE, for Home Cure. I
:Cittl_✓•6A1d�+`11i'_di%.'t�ki''�•'6M!`RY.'.E3Wi+41•ulri'L1. �.rr..�.I�_.,.�,.�i�-....�. _.
Job Printinv
n this progressing age a business firin cannot afford to use
oor printing. The quality of its stationery is the indent to its
worth. Customers and the public generally want no better
gq than neat and 'attractive printing. THE TIME$
resses are prepared to furnish just what is wanted in
Letter Heads Statements
Hill Heads Memorandums .
Hote,, He•adsr Envelopes
And elf office Supplies.
Cheap Prit-21 it i 1"A (Tt
not always the best kind to get; but if you get good printing, and at a
oderate price, you will there bave the best, Wo have every facility for
ruing out good work in the sboriest time. The ofilce is egttippecl with
tit jobbers, card and paper cutters, stapling maebine and all modern'
nvenielnees. .
Programmes Wedding Stationery.
Catalogues Busincss Notices
Calendars or Auction Bills
y .
Iii decidedly try tht treatment, stir it was astoin.
'1 fell .'il t iQtiri idnitil trate collytderrld that l•Iays list 1 1w,0n r fishing tht rmulfs that followed the taking of riiorr York, Oct. 10.—The :"�Tei+f York TIMES
b " ltilil+hra 640nr«1 by provoked but was hardly jttstiitcci 111 11,3- � fleet bottles-••�•tt worked wonders indeed, ! itol 'yacht Club yesterday iorn1011y tl�
otv Md. .Addraw, iilg !to tlttngerotliq f1 weapon a`: iL £tlik, I Minot aptek tee high of this great retritdy.11 dlined Bir Thoirlas I,fptoift a proVa:txl
iHB pR'fENY IIEC[1111Ir
l dward t'arr, Surrey E'entre, B.C. ds to recd tbb Shamrock IX. again noxt
smfs, o t and he indicted a; fine of $1 and 'oosts. Sold by A. Ti. 1111M bton, winghlim. tuzilritor icor the America's Cup. WINGS & , ONT
ai. , Y.Y ,: