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The Wingham Times, 1901-10-18, Page 1
0 r,✓u..n..�ln4—�lru, LJJi1e • YV,11V1MAX, UlYTARIU, YRIPAX, UUTODIX 18, U.M. ' til: A Xl+A.11 IN ADVANUR _ nn/MRM^AAAAAAAA0 NoNA few boa de wanted at Mrs, The Timis till the lst cif January, Se • _. ��n,n� A a Di'xs, Groan 'or ee r I Flood's, Minnie , at. 1002, to new subscribers for 15 cents. millinery. gains in y The time t0 talk about OPERATION P, And J. R. Mac- IuPnov1Nct.---•W-• are pleased to tell Twt, ,Slcx.--As go to press we Mock Men._,,, ° donild and r. gne`v iorforutecl an our roaders that ,dirs, T. 0, Graham is learn that Mr. John Agupw Is slightly operation ou Cha .Deans Olt Monday improving nicely 'rom the operation for improved, though It:-rdly enough to [Ova ATTENTION �'/"QC�T�°/',/ stPor appeudi tis. He is doing as the removal of tvo tumors, performed u hlpe. Mr Chor)-s Gillespie is grad.well as could be peeted� last week by Drs Chisholm $5 Chisholm nal y Improving. Has come again, We expect PATIENT SnC E]),—•M . R. J, and Dr. Gunn of Clinton, Maa- p'iNorit %�k;AS11FA. James Hawi1- .; to open up during the next Math received Ord oil Mond that his ,E ay Orders for,soles left at the T=s ton had the second y ger Of his left hand two weeks several nice lines application for atent in the United office will receive prompt attention. J. crushed in it maehi �e in Dell's factory Before purchasing your States for his u w lie(*yokO had been Currin, auctioneer, ' Of Fancy —�� yesterday morning Park of the nail, winter supply of granted, He le es this week to arrange In1PORTeNz zo f mxrRs. Farmers and flesh was torn. It will be some. yo p Saltpeter,. L] Japanese China' for the manta titre of them at St, and stock breede-.s who have been before he is able to work again,' sulpher, tSalts �fi(tpeter Etc Do '0/ ®u U, e' Catharines and iagara Falls, X. Y. readers of the ' gamily Herald and WAXTZI),-500 Tubs Choice ,J Star," will flu a still greater ptom- f 9 ! �! German China Fresh Oysters arriving daily at J. Aic• her Butter G. E. $.TNG. Kelvie's, improvement this :ear in the agricult INVITED To STAR -The Quarto xly French China pages of that gra paper. The 4411' fly CALL ON S Guy BROS,—Til svell•known Guy' Board of the Method' t church have in - Like paying a Good Price AND Herald," wa lean_ has added their � Pros, minstrels wil be in town tonight, ' vited Rev. R. Hobbs o remain in Wing- t, for a Poor Suit of Clothes? p in the town hall. ho come wit1v an already large nuz ber of ed' rs, Mr, J. hale for the fourth or at a salary of The n English Dinnerware Y Douglus 0 B. Spencer, one of o est known 1200. This is an in ease of $200. TheDruggist Or a Reasonable Yric^: for entirely now pro Rin, Among the a, , , , , • 3 features are Chas Cameron, discriptive agricultural jou-,l alist Cauacla•. Mt. invitation was unall ons As the Board vocalist; Schaefe & Guy, song illustra- Spencer has for yes been associate recognize the good 1 ork of Air. Hobbs We guarantee prices and editor of -The +'armer's Advocate" g g And get quotations. quality, and the assortment will moving picture— showing the Pan ' And desire his assoc' tion as long as may ' And is recognized is all able authority speAk for itself, American and ot- cerscenes; And i1lusGrAt- � be. Mr. Hobbs ac pt6d the invitation, Good Suit tors; Le Herissie s, acrobats, kinetescope, on Agricultural d Live Stock ques- and declined the o from Exeter. ed songs. Doi. It fail to hear ' p tions. The "1' oily Herald" will be To RENT—Five rooms with bard and Medical Half ��T�ingha- Il'2 } Farphaison central, give me aeaven." D tfail to.tnOre valuable tl n over to the farmingsoft water. Apply at corner Victoria'A. hear thein; you vill enjoy ' , community, an Mr. Spencer is a and Leopold streets. Tpe .caoice is yours. If For the best vale ai largest assort- congratulated ii his new peal ' u with REv. DIcran's LECTURE.—The Rev. ybur judgment prompts CHINA HOUSE ment of read to clothing o to the leading pop r of Ained y- g g R, W. Dickie, of 0 -angeville, will give 1-'- A4,L1T G. TT. W , syr] you t0 save money, . and Opp. Hank of Hamilton.' y H. E. Is_ & Co. WANTED —Two ;�� to his lecture"The R ign of the Common r your taste suggests stylish C > Poll SOUTH APlt 'A.—Mr. Simpson, of Walker &Clegg ng People,' in the Pr�b teriau church on VVV1 VVVVVVVVWVVVV%0VVVV 1V'! ,�' elotbes,' let us have your Howard s scouts, h s been visiting his factor. Monday evening, 2 :th iust. Admi on , order, cousin W. H. Well at Glenaunan for a LONE FOR.— should now consider 10 cents. The A ;tion Free Pres says . F�R S Ei �%i. few weeks. Hep assess the trousers in ourselves done for. but we are hard to �L Cr GtOZ. We lead the trade in __ "Gat" !till, especially by i puff of wind. Our of the Rev. Mr. elle s lector ,given which Gat Iiot Ara was shot. Mr. there recently: T o lector x ' r the oc 1 lumber wagon, 1 single wagon Simpson, whose ome is in Manitoba totem, of the Ripl iy Express last week Basion was Rev. W. ie, of St. P �0�� ��� Gents with iron axle and spring' seat, 1 set intends to return South Africa in the gave us what he cotsidered no doubt, a Andrew's chiuc knock -out blow, in regard to our write , Ora,ng 'lle. This At- - FUrn.isvings double harness, 1 set single harness, spring. He cons' -lens there will be no ' g was Bir. Dickie first appearance in p _tp6t t� 1 plow, Also rooms over Gordon and place like South ifrica for the man who up of the North-western Fair. But was church A STAR I'H0T0 1 tl610 A full line of Fall and , then he seems to he ve oil one e c n. His lecture was t Galbraith's stores to rent. wants to make n Oney, and will ao u Y ye or on "'rhe Reign o the Common People." t ��ff i Beaver Block, opp. Winter Goods now passed the principal of me first there ti first else he is cross-eye 1 and cannot see all: and was a masts effort. All who heard J' lil�lt�n Graham, Brunswick House. GEO. MOIiENZL) . to et a hold. Ar. Harr lis will into stock. 1 he latest in What we said was true and consistent. Wingliam. g Y it were deeply i pressed with the way Bats, Caps, Shirts, Under- �! xeturn with hir ., sad has his Parm Our gate receipts `.ere $x100. Of coarse in which the let •user handled the sub - wear, etc. Who Wants a Farm advertised for s in anot er column. if we count all ext ibition, receipts it will ject. .Mr. Dielme is a man of a splendid' Bulb's t Bulbs i Hyacinth, Ont hgu, p n,,. amount t0 a gre It deal more. Our etc., etc. Leave Your order at Star Studio; I have over 000 acres of choice farm lands WANTED ,—B y O ung lady for COtem road a i rt Of the item tliet2 liresence, good -- ice and a epis d de- Beaver Block, or Pulices street,. Wingliam. Boots,and for sale, in 50, $5,100 150 and 200 a°res, lots in night telegho o tor. Apply to P livery. He wi 1 be welco d at any T. C. GRAHAM. �v 1, Kinloss,' Greenock, 'Bruce, Kincardine Huron Colin A. Cam bel jumped upon his own little show and Shoes and Ashfield Townships. Good lands 'with time by an Aet:a audienc . crowed good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms. ii , without showing anything to Also a good blacksmith shop kdwellkn in eon- Hoz. N. C. WALLACE's FuNERAL.— I•back u his crow vith. We Mrs. Green ke ps o hand a large I N C R E A S E P gave facts g 9., cuu�, Our stock in this line was rection) doing a good business, for salsa cheap. �, R. J. Ma th attud�d the funeral assortment of be. t' y trimmed hats, es YOUR WAGES. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. and not a windy cackle. Give your and is selling th est, at remarkably � �`' never more complete. All Also n wagonsliop. A •eneral store with large of Hon. N. C ke Wallace as a, repre- entries m Yrienc'�aiid that will settle it. low nriCea. ,� g The boy who start.• work trade, live villagLe. Afso a large amount of Y lifter a course, in this col - the Latest Styles will be. money to loan at o per cent. For ftutlier pnr- sentative of iugham Orange Lodge,. W0 retreat no void, but w0u? a i r a' lc^° will shirt act wager ticalnrs apply to 7 4. He repOta that All immense OTOwcl. 3' LEAGUE C)ONyl�NTION. — The annual o i too or three timed gt•eaf• found at this store. J. A. McSENZIB more if neoessar meeting of Wing .am District Epworth J°a e1' than he could htip4, to insurance Acent, )lolvrood. was in atteiid nce, from all over •the 'y °i to thout this dpeci- See our bargains in Shoes tho door. , League was held n Lu°know on Tues- d • Colleges at Province and 'even the Grand Master Remember we: have t e ost erfect London. Toronto, amil- P day. About 4 ighty delegates were ' ton,•Ott�4wa, Carnia, Berlin, Galt, .Giiei h, $t. NEW ADVTS. from British olurjtbia. Protestants, niantles"In town and t tyle is right. resent over tw t Catharines. IQowil4a good time to enter. All and Catholics re there to do honor to HANNA & Co. present, t1 y going from Wing- particulars from 1.1f. King—Audi Salo of Horses. . ham. This is cc isidered one of the best the man whom iev'all respected. 'One• , Robt. Mooney—A arra Hint. Wzri AD.—The • Brussels papers with Rom�SonsP s P P yet held in poiut�£ information gained ; Faregt City.,es�essn��a e} , A. R. Smith - 4: 'as we arty, ° man, he says 0A a uli to him azid sari; a great flourish last_week presented the and interest mat fasted in.tho . rb ram.•' At Griffin's—Sp als. "I see you area Orangeman, and I am R. g Y. Z. C. A. Building, Ino. & Jas.H. K rr—Pointers. entries to their great Ya11 fair before the The two items f most interest were j London Ont, WINGHAM: a Catholic. Mr Wallace was the kind- I , H. E. Isard & Cc=lncrenking Trade. public. But Win,ham fair leads them. addresses by Dr. pencer, missionary for J. W. WESTERVELT, Prineiz�al. est most sous cations and consistent N. A. Farquliars m -Crockery. ' We give below the entries to both the Wingham Di tri tin British Columbia, nYurriago Licenses Geo. C. Manners -Harness. man I ever k w. I admire him not R. A. .Man Manners - ckmen Attention. only because h Ras my best rieud but Wingham and Brtwels fairs: It will be and a deseril)d n of the trip to San.,— Issued by Fruxx P.LTErtsoz, No. 23 Victoria seen that we have -228 entries and Bros- Francisco by ay. R. J. Garbutt of BOY WANTrD.—A bo wanterlAn learn Abner Cosens—�surance, etc. because he wa list ile nT essed to be." y etreet,'Wina hum. out. No witnegsesrequired. sols 966; a gain for us Of 262, or as they Gorrie. The rt convention will be the rriutin . pply at Tiwiss Oiifce.. -` furs are begiunina; to ove. We have have no poultry, v e allow our 90 entries held in Wingha . The following were RErAigs, eo. McKenzie is '++i••1••��••Y••1 1••'o•F�••II••1•�•�••�•b•1•... i•� 3• lS { — i sold 5 Fur Coats a1 e. y. When aro and we gain 172. Quito a difFeronco ? � the officers Disc ed for the ensuing ;g 4. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. you going to come' and ip out yours? I K Year: having the (rout pa , of file bttilding, in 'I'POPULAR A popular, prat---' ` H A & Co. Brussels entries: !hero were 201 entries Hon. President Rev. D. Rogers, Ford- which is Scott lhL gheed's bakery, torn ++PROGRESSIVE I tical and pro-' See Halsey Park a advertisement. in ladies' work 171 in domestic menu- , down, He Wil ld it u i againeven •g• •I• + with; Presiaen ., D. C. Taylor, Luck- gressive School+ Campbell's Head Wafers guaran- OCTOBER NUP ALs, ' quiet, but ( factures, 80 in !airy products, 84 in now; lot Vfee. W. Hunter Bel rave• p of Business;;' teed to cure he d very pretty wed + g , with the bui gs on either side, as it ,. y g was consummated vegetables, 77 in a�otx and hoed crops. J +Trathing.ts the ............ .i. g , Ps• 2nd Vice., Ret . ., C. Sawyers, Tees- uoty ro'e on t sidewalk about two IN BUSINESS. Ir. S. Gracey was ill the handsome arlors of Mr. J. E. 116 in fruit, 36 it�rain, 53 in fine arts, water; Srd V �e., Miss Kew, White- feet. +` around shaking ands on Monday, Swarts on Diagon street on Wednes- 18 in sheep, 48 in ;wine, in cattle there church• 4th '*ice., Miss M. Stewart a Centra! Business College '1' da afternoon 1 ' ' , were s4 thoronihbred Durhams, 39 Royal Oak; ; th Vice., nava. w. R. I'ADi>;' cLiB The Young Lades' +II• previous to his d laveurs for Stratford y , a . Miss B a Wado Stratford, Ont. �' where he is o ani o, in the Purttitu neice of Mrs. Swar s was united in wed- I Fortnightly Clal-ince On Monday even - where p g grades and 8 Jerseys,. 461ight horses and Vance, Bervieecr-Treas. A. Butchart ' ,'1k,, •business. Mays c ' ss attend hiixt� lock to air. R. Wi lam Drummond of 55 heavy horse Wiugham entries: Teeswater. ' m;; last at the leo tie of Miss Macdonald. .y. Blyth by Rev. W Lower There were Horses 113 °attl f i " I The members of .he Club decided to de - •1• •§• As MANAGER. r. W. D. Pringle left , ,sheep 45, pigs 4S, + on Tuesday mo wing for Georgetown. no attendants, the ride Using married poultry 90, agrtc !torsi implements etc., There has just bVlar ill my vote the first tluc� months of thu season's '1' Arnold Bros of tctou ate putting u a in her travelling s Lite, in which slie 20, grain 46, roes 154, fruit 15'0, dairy hands for sal° a 200 -on the B wort: tO the s`ud- of Canadian history, P g P line of rnruberry, 3m Wing - '1' to o factor th :re and Mr. Prin le Des looked lovely, Onl the immediate re- 106, fine arts 7(i flowers 20, ladies' work r The following of iters were re-elected: g y y g g ham; large house, pveneered. Has Drowned our efforts and onr fall + to superintend she putting in of the latives were present. A beautiful array 252, children's opartnient 37. Commodious and cobuildings President, Mrs. Walker; 1st Vice- �, opening was the bast in the itistor Of machinery d a manager a r its of presents were ret ived. The happy and bank barn 70x90. All under culti- President, Mrs. T A. McLean; 2nd Vice - I our sohoof. Our graduates donot look ,r couple left per C. P. for' Drente acct - The TIui±s and Family Herald and 1 vation, except 3 or 4 acres. A. Dul- President. Miss iacdouald; Secretary, in vain for positions—they got employ- ,�, completion.. Weekly Star to new subscribers till 1st ,fmage, real estate agent, Wingham. I Miss Cornyn; Tr asrrer, 21Gordon;ment, many of them immediately on ,t, Buffalo, and will t 1 e resideno in of January, 1902; 'i'or 25 cones. With I I , iisq Gordon • j= leaving college. At our Pall opening ,l, Wltere to et a relOat r a water- Bl P , , I Critic, Miss L.icIienzio. The next ' It the enrolled students from places in + proof to suit any prom $2.75 to Blyth on their recur a TRIES ex- this s lendid offer all wile subscribe will (AUNTY OONvr�TION. — The annual , =l +♦ which other business colleges are lo- ,p 10, .Good assortmHANNA & Co. tends congratulatio s a d wishes them a get a picture Of elle Duke and DuOhess ,count Couventi�ri of the Woman's meeting will be 1-ald oil Monday evtin• came Thar, wanted.Entthe best and week a delegation • sit d Bel state Fair rk. Size 14x20 inches. Y in October 31st •rt the house of Miss: A Dame hero for it.Tater now. Write ll', TotvARDS UNITIN happy matrimon' T voyage. Those Of Yo I Christian Temper .ace Union was held Iu g+ + Y + McKenzie. i for catalogue. + g g present from out ids towns were Jill; the Presb terain church Seaforth on •f' W. J..ELLIOTT Principal, 't• Directors meeting consisting of Mayor and Mrs. E. R. warts of Goderich; , Tuesday and Wectiesday of last week. 't' '` Mrs. Wright of lin, and Mrs. Swarts Wingham's Leading Shoe Store ONLY TEIiPOIiA tY.—Manager Bullock11 •t+ Clegg, and Messrs. Morton, McLean and g + D D There was a fairl large attendance at informed a TrSu representative that 1 '1"t"g"1"1'x"1`°°'1"l'....'�'t"t"1."'t Robertson. Afkr a conference Mr. St. of Clinton. all the sessions ery Union in the the National Ivo i Works plant Using14 11 Morton was instr ted to draw up an 14+`arm wanted to rent at once, must county going repr ented by delegates. temporarily close( clown, is not clue to � vee♦♦s♦♦soo®♦♦♦♦oo�em®�me� agreement which ill be laid before the be in good condition with roomy build- The following war elected t.fliccrs for Iany ® iiigs. Rout tilt! quarterly. Apply to the current ,. financial emb wassment. The duties ♦ For' New Subscribers a respective societie . for their considera- y -ar: Mrs. Llford, of the provisional Directors being coni- ;w a► Drawer 333, 1 nigham. ® tion, We are pie ed to know that even - j I Iiolmesville, presi-cut: bliss Fisher, I pletod, it is neces: -try now to elect the this stage is reach d and hope that an SPECIAL NOTICE. --.Cf you want to sell / Wingham, vicepre ::dent: Mrs E. P. permanent Board There is also a pro - For 25 cents wo will send the Trams ♦ agreement map be ettled Upon: your farm, town city or village property � � Paulin, Dashwo d, correspondiun posit! pts foot to it ualgaiuoitci and move and Toronto Weekly Glob° or thc+ Tim ♦ or if you want to exchange it for property • , � � secretary; Mrs, Fennedy, W iugham, to Wingliam an ausilary concern in { a+td Family Herald and Weekly Star to ♦ ALL' NIGBT T •LEPHONE.—A repro - any address till January 1st, 1002. o in this locality, or for a larger or smaller recording secretary Mrs, bc.later,l3 Lyth, Toronto. It is av kard to have to close ♦ sentative of the Telephone Company, / ♦ li& CENTS Mr. Logan of Hamilton has been Property, write or call at my office and / � treasurer. The rep •rts from the various j the plant at present, there being quite a got terms for selling and forms of 1 Unions were iuter�stiug and showed' For ]n cents we will send the Tatra to � in town for a Pow Says looking after the i - # �+;. � number of order to be got out, but any address till January lst, 1902 ♦ application giving particulars of / that good work is Hing done in all de- • Theso offers are for new sulireribers. subscribers for ar=all night service. We ;r . stock in such a concern can only be Trial subscribers to the Family herald are informed the• have been successful, property, size, location, price, etc, If / l; _:/ pavements. An a celleut and able accurately arrivec at by stopping tem- and Week>Y Star will get a pictntgiof ,� you want to buy a farm or other / address was delfver.A by Airs. Elford, the Duke and Duchess o Cornwall. Ze in so far that, bes des the old subscribers, , NJ porarily to take it ,=14x20 inches. Reduced rates ori any property, write or call and give partion- }} the new prosiden on "Woman's 1 newspaper to either old or new sub- ten new ones hat been secured. The Z scribers. lays and you will be furnished with a 'Sufforage." Good an interesting papers ESCAPED WnT LIFE, Mr. James ♦ service is now ssured and a gang of can at or address, list of those on hand. '.Chose having It will pay ,you to were read by Mrs. B. , Gunn, Soaforth; Paliis Of concessiti 11 Turaborr had a ♦ men will be put �ti as soon as possible to K E E P + y ♦ Ttlil.8 oI Frclr:, Wlugliam. ♦ properties for sal° should comntunicate have D r' y Feet Mrs. Acheson and Mr , D. McGillicuddy, narrow escape fr. m being killed by a ;i ♦ remodel the Ii cos. The front street when you can et r�♦♦�♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦��®♦♦�♦♦o♦♦♦♦ will likely be cabled as far as the at once to obtain the full benefit of the D R V R U B B E Rg S of Goderich, and othe s. On Wedilesday train on Weduestay evening, his Horse q advertising which I intend giving to at these rices. evening all open i eating was held, being killed and hi usoif receiving severe National hotel >:t will re wire a mouth p - g S. S. EtkCvit:' N. - 'Cho Excursion to make the ti fango. A satisfactory Properties that may ue placed with uta which was fairly We attended, The bruises. Mr, Fns slues driving Home Committee of t Sunday Schools of the offer has been m-ceived by the firemen for sale. The present is a favorable time Women's Rubbers, all sizes, ... , .... 350. retiring president, Siris Fisher, presided, .about seven o'cl k, and ' when near town lust on hursday evening, last and 'phones iv 11 be itiatalled in the to place your Real Estate before the Women's High Cut Rubbers,(secondy and an address was d ivered by Rev. Pringle's grossing ie did not hear the public, owing to the good rices gttahty>. • • • • • • • • • • • • 850. Mr. Leckie, the WO nix's Christian C. P. 1t, freight c min probably be - week, to settle p the business in con• members rAsic Hees. Much of the p ,' g , g n 'Women's tigh Cut Rubbers, (first g g' p , y nectioti with tel excursion to Goderich success of the s3 tem here is due to Mr, pxovtu]ing, particularly for farms. In quality) .c.. , ...... . ........ . . ,45c. Temperance Union ill sionary in the cause it was bar Ing Ottt, rhe traits all eases there will be no charge if net Mens Rubbers, (first quality) , .....50c. luinter camps of Ontari y in which he, straek tho horse lid killed it, Stir. in July. The .annoy was received from Colin A. Cainpb 1, local agent. When he sold. Thoso wlio have aecounts, rents or Men's Rubbers, High Out, (first~ described the excellent -.cork being done 1+'allis `t;ics throb n oin the buggy which the G. T. R. and divided among the took over the bt mess there wore only • quality) .... . . ...............400. there under the aasiiice. Of the Union. was dans •ed alit e. IID ryas sev©ral schools A vote of thanks to tho 28 'phones, an previous to the last uotes 'to collect Oill find it to their in. Misses' and Children's 25c, 60 and 35e, t+ picked Mayor and Cl :rk of Goderich And the canvass fliers re 80. t°rest to place the same with we for At the several cess Dns a tuusi0ai up and it doctor sunmoned, when it was ; collection. Or should you not have We guarantee all first qualities. 'These programme was given ltd the proet d- found that lie had 1 ad a remarkable es - caretaker of tel a park was passed. Dr. are all now goods. ace them. 'Towler waste rcicred a vote of thanks as MONEY To L X.—Money to loan on time to straighten up your hooka, I will lugs throughout were iutere4sting and cape. firs heal! beta the sk, torn ofe E'notes, and nets discounted at reason- do this for you very reasonably and to profitable. The It the L+ucforth in Places and a pies, Of Rtorn but of $00rOtary of too ENeursion Committee. "able rates. Diotley advanced on. uteri- v. r your satisfaction. 'Sto business adver• W. Y Union hospitably ei ertaluca their !,lie bridge of his i se, his is it nasty Tile Timm and'Week! Globo will be �,ilges, with rivilege of pitying at the visiting y tisement in this a SOLE f, ACf~t111`S �l�R sisters and left iotlnng undone crossing unless one is the watch and GREER y , Kpold 86� � 0� ,r to make. t neat to itoty subscribers tilt ilio fat Of enc! of an dear, Notes paper. Uflieo over b• g •January+, 1002, for 25 cents, Tell our collected. Office—!?saver Block Win M. Gordon's+Clordoti'a store. ltrstdnne°' l p ,,� �h�,,�� hair stay her as ,plcllt rks it is a �nontler tl�a Dir. b'allis rvsls not ilrrienda. ilea, )ydcillf• DiClNnnn. l3tre0t. T, J. 14imwnta. v1�11tbY1 SARA "� M , possible killer!. {: tel . �.du:wl�.k£....uas. .Y�!'f ,r_ tiSrr• a . E , .. _ s -. _ ... '..,.