The Wingham Times, 1901-10-11, Page 9V
I If I I H It OTTArTER XXXV11 XwerTl, Molmod, of town, browlit '%'hpre Pwssod etwav
-0 "Olt, my daugliter! She tit ill ill a firle kpovirliuilt, of A oacuinber .this John Murdoch, lot 12, Doll.
that wtif; tile clo,-est call —1-1:now sh0 wIlI cc to to forgive weell: measuring twouty-six inabos by oil Monday, September PA411, lade
X'vo ever had oil the 14ound, und 1'w -1110 before I tate. I Want All MY r a foot;iroumd the abler way. This est daughter, XW MR17 0-
By JULIA 4.4 been an it, boy and wan, $or five- fa,tises, I want to tell )till, what 'l ov-0
DWARDS, have suffered through my false pride. fine specispen. grew in Mrs. XcLeod'a Aged 29 ewers, 10 3110nOw AU4
-4 lately of ►'Mora
E*'That Was whaL the Chief Pilot said Her father Is dead Praying garden wid it is hard to bea.-- W, roxeter Deceased was a young
Beauti *07 to Captain Sialth when be, returned that bWAS W14
might only see and bless his Star, ordinary wentAl ability, and WW14
Author of to tile filet -]reeve after he had scia, child. Arid I inust. die, too, with -
seeing bar? . TtwWay Mir
Iirtttle !littler to, hel. strtterooal, Out ..Oil, no. God Is . - W. Uorsburgslrowed our Aud fAvorably kirOW114
"The Littleffli4iiw" and taken a turn to tho ouglac-rooln, too inerelful. Pray—oh, pray, wfp= reporter a handful of beautiful Jargo Children Ory for
41stelu stirling", and forward deeR );clow to solo how Ister of ('#oil, that she be sent to tire rAspberries, of the ()Qlup1bm vgrioty,
before I dle.',
'Trettlest of A14- things went there. picked off bushes in his garden that day.
And her white, thin lips moved 4 He. says they have been able to pick ripe
But oVr "Ilow on earth did 'we ever get 11 CASTORIA0
Etc., Etc, In so far, 'with tho, wind holding the tine lie knelt in prayer. rair 04,
where It did?" clillned lit the other And before lie arose to his feet, berriesoft'the same variety every da -T 00derichluld a row at the I
Pilot. "Our courno ought to have while the others, kneeling, listened since July M4, Arid that there is now Tuesday, of last week. It Appears
(I" - blossorrason.t1lebushes front which lie' High, School pupil-. and. others 0=0
Uoilt us full five miles farthei, out." and Wept, ri, WIT glad cry broke ball "There 'was a still soti'wester all from that mother's lilis. picked the ripe berries.-Uoriat Vorest upon the FfAir grOunfis to) PIA7 I
'4 V y, tlilit pretty 311so LegArio orolia Trom. every I! p. the night an(I day before, and with "She is coming! My Georglang, is Fepreseutative, were told that the Sticiety had
whom wo saw at the opera. the,oth. Even Frank looked sad, arid he was the tide tit obit it mado a terrible coming! I heard a carriage stop At grounds engaged for 010 tNVO tin t3. er night. Her father is worth silent now, current setting out by Montauk. I the floor. It Is sho—thank. Heaven, Luckuow lost another of her oldest
pnillions on millions. And they da . Among the intruders Was 010 k-ader of,, I
should have thought of it, I headed it is my daughterl" And highest esteemed citizens on Sunday
scended from a noble 14rencli family,when of last weelc in the person of Mr, joseph the bandwbecame, who became abusive and re -
1 hnow, just by their looks arid the' CHAPTER XXXV, well over for smooth 'valor, but not I -low a inother's car, even
enough to throw us ,,o far ill shore, that motherl 'vas on Tier death-bod, Agnew, who passed to the great beyond fused to play at the everrilig colloert.
name," answered Flotle. Mattling, with the storm," That by ten miles, rather than live. I'll could hear what no one ale e had Kewastbot refused admission to 010
"Ohl" I Wale tire very word. For while those never forget this experience. We heard, how site could feet so certain at the advanced age of 75 years. Xr, grounds, the result, being that t1le bafta
And that was all Anna. said just loving friends sent, up a. prayor to ]lave over four hundred souls or, her child was near, is beyond our Agliewwas born. in Haltou Couut� in
then, Ileaven for her safety, Mattie Butler, board, and had it not licen for that ken. But it was so, . 182G and 'settled in Ashfield ill 18501 returned up town, Seftforth band WUB
But she kept on thinking, and unable to rvinaln. lit her state-rootia, bright-eyed girl, %%bore would they A raluute, scarcely that, had elapf,*, where he continually resided until about ellaaged for the next day, 'rue bmuii,
d tl*
when Tier brother ILIssed her an not 11,frald, for she was truly brave, be now?" oil, when ilia dear softly opened, and ten years ago when he retired from leader, Mr. Jordan, was prosecuted, f
Flotio g9od-night, as he Invariably but anxious, had thrown a watorm "Who is she, call?" mother arid child wept In each Oil" active farming and tot]; up his residence Abusive Ifluglilige.
did on going out, she said: Proof Manila, which Tier satchel con- 111 don't know. She gave mo her or's arws.
"If you bring a, nice, aristocratic tained, over her head and shoulders, naive. ITUttiO Butler—that IS all in Lu4now.
It war, a holy scene. Wo word of A lied 1140
J? "a
season mister -In-law to our house, Edward and gone out on the deal, near the I know. She wears tile dress, and recrimination, no breath of the ase, John Long, a well-known resident of During the hot summer seas
I'll love you better than ever, if pilot house, whero, -holding on to one Ties the manners of a high-born lady; only tbial Wormaliby,near Gletteden, was nearly
such a thing can be." blood gets overheated, fhedrxiivontft,i�
Of the great Iron stays, site looked and, as you saw, though the face "Mother, dear mother!" Miled byan infuriated sow on his faxen system is severe arid the appetite is ofton
His answer was a sigh, for he was out on the wildly Iletiving Waters, was Palo then, she is as pretty as "My child! Cod bless My only s Burdock Blood Bitter puPlAbli AIM
thinking of one who even then was listened to the ho,%vl of the mad gale on Tuesday of last week. He and his !0 t,
pretty can 130." child—my love!" invigorates tile blood, toues�:vpptkp
tossing on the angry 'eaves of Long And waited, with failit_# and hope, for "I was too bad 9citeed to Look at Thero was not a (Try eye In the wife and daughter were taking pigs system, itud restores lost aupe�jte J
Island Sound. the end, NNItatolver it InIght, be, Tier," satil the chief pilot. "I'm Away front the sow, which is a big brute
And putting on his overcoat, with roont—those who had -%vept, With
By the light in the PIIOt-hOUSO, hardly over. it yet. The passengers -grlef before over a dying friend, now of about 500 lbs. in weight, when the Eany to Critaolse.
An inubrella, to shelter him over the which shone oil the pale faces of the -,vill make lip a. purso for her when wept with joy to thiol: her eyes had animal turned on them. 'Clio wife and 4,1t! ig casy; i.o sit in the sainihkh(�"UIVW
walk, he stepped into his own car- two pilots who stood at the wheel, they hear of It. -If they don't, they not closed
rialto, which lie had ordered out, % she saw also the calm but stern face oleservo the luck they've had." before that daughter got away, but Mr. Long beingTalk io the,man in the ish,06-1'
&,hit gave the driver the nurnber an of Captain-Stnith, the coinniander of "She has begged we not to tell of that reconcilial-lon took Place. t the quite deaf, did not hear the sow coming, it is easy to float irrl a weArt-
d XiMnMcl ivs
avenue on which Mr. Legato resid-. But the physicians bnew tha m9V
the boat. a voteri,41i lit the navlga�' it at replied the captain; "but strength of Mrs. Lonsdale, could not and she grabbed Ilim by the leg with her boat,
tion of the Sound, and she felt that I don't And point out* the placas.tq, Nya 0
see Tim,%, I can v_l i t � -ts
ra to the ground, and I i
he know his peril, and would do all mouth shut. And there are three or fleshing up, could last but; little would certainly killed him had not the Ant. once we awed into the ;sbadewis
He found all the family at IIOMO keep my last—'that the spar!: so near gone, teeth, throwing hi
and met the new cousin, -;vhom 110 that mail could do to save the lives four nev,,spaper men on bonrd, and longer. murmur and: fret' arill"fid
had never seen before, He was of those intrusted to )its caro. others with the aid of a faithful dog Wq
thov'd never forgive me if I kept it Arid the change began almost be- And our It-ngtlx from 1`0e�� Uinki,-*O iC'
.warmly Nvelcomod, and as Mr. Le- But it Is not mail who brings, or from them. But I'll not speak, Of it driven the sow away; as it is, Mr. Loiig
Bare insisted on his passing the Ov- rules, or allays the storm. The winds at the breakfast table to all of 'em fore ihey ex:pcc�od it. shout for a plank,
ening there, he permitted him to are in the hands of the Almighty, We need not say that 0-corglana, is severely cut and bruised. Or throw uly our h�nds, and-vig.9
" ;J . ',*.•y
its I ineant to." Eniellne Lorisdale -,%ng the real name down.
have his carriage and horses sent and I-Ja is able to save -%vhcn all also . The steamer Was now heading tier of our heroine, but that was the
ground to the capacious stables in are powerless.
course, arid the wind going down a name of the flying lady's daughter, Soinetbing About r- IkIth Citron. It is easy, ito sit in our cirri ttlx
the rear of the mansion. Fhol saw the mate pass hot- and go little, vhile the rain, that fell heav- and that daughter was, our heroine. Counsel the man 61'foot';
When he told them he had been to the pilot-houso door. The captain ier than over, made the sea, a great "Raise ilia up. Let me look -at What it great variety of faith cure But get. down and wi�lk and yppJ
sent by Miss Hattie Butler to tell asked; there must be some have faith ill go- change fiilk;
them she had been called away sud- "Is all right below, Mr. Glynn)" deal smoother. %v you. Oh, Goorglana—my (kelar— livinalrealers, others in . "Our I -Irr -yotiff bOOt,1U2f'WJ
But the steamer as hours be- dear vhIldi" ouspold the mother. 4,1 called ( As. you feel "ha Pa.
folonly by the illness of a near role- "Yes, sir, so far. But it Is ft fear- doctors arid still others in the mediolues i tv:
bind, and thoug�ix Mr, Bishop, the prayed but to live for this—and— I -ii
tive, and that even then she Aras on fill night. I never knew the steamer chief engineer, drove ilia fireman to God has Teen ly will --here — they use, Everyperson. who liar, tested it is casy4 to tell the toiler- "I'
her way to Boston by the night to heave and strain so hard," re- good. TN Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills has faith How, best he�rry life- padV.-1-J'-j-
W all the t I in them, but faith or no faith they cure But no cnol,ean� rate a,burdculs, w7elaYl
boat, every one of the family joined plied the mate, a tall, fine-looking their work, the steanior could not under m -y pillo I id e "
him in his expressed anxiety about young man, with it bare accent, not nialoo Fall River within four hours ']'lie physic:ans pressed forward. . list the same, for they act directly arid 11nd 1: 11. ha-� 11,)eetipli, lits`b�ck.
of the regular train time. But the With a. itioan. of sorrow Ccorgiana, J . ; , 4, 1 1. .' ,
:the storm—& Wild, sleety north- a brogue, to tell thu.1; he was a son specifically oil the kidneys. liver bowels, I
caster, -which could be heard ill its of Erin's Isle. captain told' his passeng-ors At the pressed that wait fLLec to her boating
and make these organs healthy, active The up-curled.imotillh, of plae.AUre
fury oven inside 'the marble walls of "I-Tavo you *Tied the pumps well breakfast table that there would be heart. and vigorons. Judging frenn tho Cad preacb,ziL I t"i
sounded?" a special train ready when that boat "!%[other — mother — live for me," enormous demand for these Pills t4ere But give it' it' j1p, and a wryer Ij1W 14,14.
,the grand mansion. "Yes, sit, I have given orders to reached her Wharf to take them she sobbed. must be hosts of people that littye faith Was •nvver'lirKda on oirth.
"Alone, without an escort; she'll sound them every. fifteen minutes, and right on, arid he added that it was "Bless — blessed — child—thank I, them. whoel�r.
be just scared to death," said to report instantly it there is any better to be late and safe than early Cod!' i
Prank. "I wish I was there. gain in the water below." and in peril, adding a remark whicii 'Th, live% forever in a brighter
"You'd be worse frightened than "Good! You Are the right man in he credited to his 0ongincer. 'world,'-' said the minister, with
she'll be," said Lizzlo. '-'She is the right place, Mr. Glynn. Tell "I'd rather got to Fall River 'six touching solemnity.
bravo—very brave, I know." *Bishop, the engineer, to keep a fall hours behind time than to go to And our heroine. vct clasping that
"Poole —site is only a woman, and head of steam on; we neod every Perdition on time." form, so dear that nothing- of the
all -Women are cowards when I&I.AgIM pound Nve can eftrry to mane head Only the reporters on board new, Past could come to mind, lool;cd
iis around," said Frank, in his im- avainst this gale. Ale'train at Fall and I% had been given to them on down oil it smiling face frozen in the
portant Way. River will have to wait for our pas- condition that they should not re- still snow of death.
!"Allow me to differ with you, Mr. seng(rs or leave witliont them, it pent it there. how near to destruc- Gently the kL-1d friends removed her
Legaro," said Mr. W—, promptly. this no -'easter holds stiff till day- tion they ]lad been: and the. captain, clas-1, tenderly the good pastor slid:
9"1 believe that the female sex, as a light." with manly delicacy and honor, had "Illess2d is 'Ile -v,-Iio gives, Blessed
"I only hope is lie who takes awa,
generality, have far more moral we'll live it through," refrained from pointing out Miss Long, long the poor girl wept, and ta'
But i"a W, -
courage than men. And -%,vhat is was what Hattle Batter heard tile. Ter to them as the heroine, thus
physical Fd(. -
courage but that of the mate F&Y to himself, as he crept saviru, her front the torture of being as 8 111 Rg'
would not be comforted, What to The Typewriter the, Wo I W,
I -in, iish-' -
Ward, her was the costly ansion, furi
rut" -n these away, toward the ladder to Ice interviewed.
. Nine times out of to ad as few other houscs in the city
who possess A hold it more on thein by Which 110 descended toward the At breakfast Captain Smith Was
engine -room. were adorn:wl? What to her n, -bank
�Ignoranco of danger than anything very Polite and attentive to oin!l her- accovjnt -Oc8!1d to fc,.N- lit Boston? This isTROVED bY..thetfact Ohat --the..BU-S-1 ..BUST -mut
else." And then she sa-or the captain go olne, but as he was always to all .1. _, ;
What. to her, hors s. carriotg,", old habitants of the world U,9E,it,.
"There, Mr. Frank- Legare, you're and look at the compass, and say, his passengers that did not expose
family plata, jewels that had been
ianswered, and I hope you've got to file pilots: her. owned generation altcr Igeneration. bv Now manufactured ..ift :three of t1he grt-�kt�Odritres, ViZ
enough of it.. Women cowards, in- "'Keep liar up two point,, more to At. last the noble steamer, much to own -1 I -Tor Canada, United States qnd-;Gernian,.v,_,
Windward. We ought to be near the joy - of all on board, and of her ancestors. no-,,,, all her
decoll That shows what you know enouph fd Gardener's Island to lk2e friends _and agents on, shore, made fal It, , r, over kind. her mother, with The Canadian Pac I ifi 6 Mi i,Nr ay have over 200 ill
about them." -the light." Tier port, and ran into lier',regular 'Whout she had parted in onavir when
"Oh, I )night know you'd side she chose a heart's idol, all too early They know a GOOP..
with him," said Frank-, petulantly. "In this sleet, with the spray dash- 'wharf, cast down, -,verc go:�c — forever gone
ing as high As the sinoke-stacks, we'll "Miss Butler," said the captain,
O'But that don't change my opinion I from earth. never see anything till Nvo are right ,,oil return An No York
a bit, Miss Lizzie." 1%, It. was well her sorrow found relief 130RIE OF 127,8, -;A_J3VAXTAGES
oil Ilia top of it!" growled out one please talce passage ort my beat, and in tears. She wept until exhausted, listed, . , - , . �i
. I, '. :,t "! _�ijf ;- .1 , :
"Frank! F ranit I I really thought of the pilots. if you purchase a ticket I %hall feel Visible writing stare to finish. Porta bility, -,Yeiglls� only 1.5 jno�inds.�
You *ere more gallant!" said his and tber� lierself n,. eding a physician. T�
Was it not a. Providence that made hurt. The conlplim$ ealtary card, she sank to sle-p. Fho' lind not till 31alitifolding, beats -t -I illigionelit, 1'0�,itive rind permaneril,
that me- L
father, laughing at the evident die`' llatt:e Butler peer out at which contains my ni�alc, will Pass then slept one inonirnt since the night; Durability, hardened sf evlpsirts; I-linplioRn COO pairta as 0gitin9t 14100
tomilture of his son. stent from the shelter which the you on the rallroall tit all times, before she start-ol from ',N'c%v York. WARRANTED by a well-known Cenaebaii0)lnpary here to Inick it up.
"l might as well give it tip since pilot-hollse qfforded her front the and I want you to think how much
you're all against me," said Frank, Wind and rain — peer out into the I owo you when -.%,oil do inc the real
in a sulk. gloom and darkness ahead? It must favor to accept it." CHAPTLI" Xxxvu- .0
"Oh, I'm not against you, Cousin have been. -To was escorting icer to the boat
I N L Y $60 •
Frank," cried Little Jessie, running' For close, very close, she saw what from the cars when lie said this, and Air. W— was up And out bright
"for I wi
v4p to him, was the bligeat' she know must be an artificial light,
coward In the world to let that miel for through the Inky clouds no star site could not refuse to %peopt his arid early that Sundav morning, anx- YOU WAST.Oi that wrieh if :•ou OTIRER,• a ii d N 01u, DO'
., .1 card, whether -ilia ever used it or jous to see the Sunday papers, daily
wretch, Miss Scrimp, teat me, its she[ or moon could have been seen. not. and weekly, most of which, he knew NOT uET $O GOOD a mAilline!
ALtm"aid. when I mittt. have turoll, Quick as thought she sprang to
L_� =,�_ -41. 1. --a door, filing it open, In five minutes more 'the cars bore did not go to press till late in . the
ilia pilot -house Lihift
passengers toward Ilia city night, or rather early in the Mora -
ed on her arid scratched liar very the glad li THE WILLIAM
rind screamed out:
eyes out." "Captain, there is it light very so often called the "Hub"—I hard- Ing, and he hoped from these to hear AW- lite towdsy. MONTREAL, P.
Frank laughed now. He had one close to us ou our left hand. I can ly understand why. something about the storm on the
Arid now I must draw a sorrowful Sound— something to assure hint on his side, any way, and that put see it out here plain."
him In good humor again. "On tho port bow? Impossiblel" picture there. In a, chamber in one of the safety of the one who was
All this time Mrs. LMory had beencried the captain, but he sprang out f tile. niost pretentious houses on first and foremost In his thoughts
sitting sad and silent, listening to to see. Deacon Hill, ]it the city of- Boston, All that 110 could find in these papers
'the storm which raged -without. Ford�lc ago, who was that just its they %vere closing ;`-.'
The next, second he sprang to the a, lady luridly past nodi
,well built though the house'vas, the pilot -house. must in health have, been very beau- up their columns to. go to picas a
-fury of the gale dashing against tile w"Hard up the helm!" ho shouted. tiful, lay dying. fearful gale as blowind from the'
heavy plate -glass of the windows, "Rin; the stopping -bell, arid then A minister, two physicians, and northeast, vnd that disasters on thil,
gave a sign of what it must be out back 'the engine." several weeping friends were near, Sound and all along Clio Atlantic
on the unsheltered Sea. All this did not take a second to and the former was'• speaking words coast might be exlccted. But none
24 -whe bolted 'would comfort her, had keen heard from All the
"Heaven be mercifull" she � z, say, and as quick as it could be done "which
solemnly. Heaven be merciful to every order was, obeyed. or lesson Ilia agon.1V of that dread :ound line steamers left at their reg-
tnoso Who are exposed on this fearful And hs the' -groat steamer came -01110A , t. .1 ular hour, ,end must -meet and face :7
The physicians had endeavored to
night on the raging deal). God help Around in water almost smooth. the the gale an route. P A"
those who are now battling Ivith captain carnet till And draw Hattie get her to fi-0w on opiate to lesson And this was all lie could learn -W
the storm." Butler into the pilot -house. her pains, which were wearing her without tele; "aPhIL news Value Of
"Young lady," said he, "you have aut. but SAO 'would ),kit. but Icenb sullicivnt imp, irtance, to cai:su the i,-
suo of extras. -Nervously lie, vratchi-d "'Ito
saved this steamer and the lives of
all on board. This night, my Wife for t:lcso, And At la.,t. riot far 11,A)III
noon it little ate It — li-1 hoardo 7 'l, 4
would have been a 'widow and my o
�aA9U6"�89l9$ Blunder children orphans but for -,%-on. Five a street Amb sho..ting:
Oparating f®r Piles* minutes more and we would have X123 R A AISH '"Ero's i at extra.. 'E're s news o' i,;
been head onto the rocks anion g the tile big ttanit!1:0 1.11shoil out into tl.c street, tore
.Tile nixIL-, rani and Expense of an breakers! What is your nature?" of the yelt-"
Operation Avoided by Vuliew Dr- "Hattle cutler!" gasped the hero- a paler ot,t of till, hand
Clinr4t,x ointment -A Altulsterla ine. "Are we. -[Lie how?" ill,: urchin, throw Min a, quarter. and
Experience. '!Yes. I know just 'where wo Are, ti,c;i Lead the heading in startling A10 4
Too many doctors seem to have
a' and can ]lead my- course. and make7
mania for using the knife, and raceM_ Vall. River in the morningbut per-
TEIR111.111,11 ST011MI
:mend an operation for piles In scores of haps too late for the train. If I
cases When Dr. Chase's Ointment would Was worth it million dollars 1. would WR Mili-;S ALL ALOXG OUR COASIP,
effect a, thorough and lasting cure.
Itev. 1�
asecon, Frinco EdNvard County, ruin stood face to face -to US." tit of & Miss 11tittle Batler
A. Duprau, Methodist thin. give olv0r'.%t cent to you. for death and
ister, Coi The re'S01.
Ont., states: -"I was troubled, with (Iapfaill, 1 have only (lone my Fav ea over Four Hundred Lives
ItchIng and bleeding piles for year,,, (111tv at; an instrument in the hands on it t -,01111d stertIllOrl
ultimately Attained to a Very It Was
and they of God. I who sent tile
iviolent form, Large lumps or ab frena. the state -room, Where I could
it was with
scesses formed, so that4/.
great difficulty and considerable pain not sleep. tip here. where T could se6 BO"]) T'll"J)Alj�(W- BE -AND
that X was able to stool. At this severe iha light -house when T did." XEAR.r,Y W-JIBCKEID STBANER
crisis I Purchased it box of Dr. Chase's "Veaven be thanked with you'll LL%L
or no faith in T IR 0 0 1` OF I L
Ointment, but I had little said the old captain, reverently, unit ('141ull Ilavticulars.P.V, T009r4h.)
It, as I had tried various remedies be- he bowed his, head, 'T
tore arid to no Purpose. LINIMENT For 0, little while he was sq blind -
"It all 11, cp�lfe now I Will go to Irly
I . 1 .1 :t 4i
o,Xo-,V, Imagine how great and joyous Ott thitt I�q could . riot read. thag
was my Surprise to 11"Id that the room, said ITattle. AtXQ . . '.. ll;- It
FOR Avord" it niist, stlevInOd td- e6rho be—
one box cured Me. so that the lumps "Tt Is, At breakfast I want you t"veen him and the paper. Ile grow
Ten 16t 914 e X iif; otocieft) Adstaurn
t1ticul 'Si6tes and ftrbe
disappeared, and also the external at my right baud at fable We will 'New:1 " ft.. !t
I feel Moe a different man SpraInt, Strains Cuts, Votria4isjo tncey4 calm, And then lie read a long and Sholpt, ',Thtrbihishpiin,-induce pletp,skndprolohgl"
to -clay, and have not the least doubt I e in sninoth water thfl�l PIMNO "llill" telegraphic report of the
'ses lilts, 13 Its acid till 0116 Alves tel efl X&PAafter whkt s the kiiatfor, o-46 will
that Dr. Chirs:-3 s Ointment saved me TTenven. T will steady YOU With any OPCft Sillics' )3rt'l 0 8t'f' 10 storm, low. the 't essal, vw6pt by ad -.'I do on goot Ttin mmolbs kifril . Dail tilositad teltia
Mbb stIA Stilt 110 1 to Kay addraw CA "Cet of ptica.
from a very dangerous and painful op- arm as yent go billow. for tho stonin- Stings of tart cis, cougfis� coldso contractad v60t;e curi�euti, " rdn'lai, *out of hot' ' v.' 1: ." , , .1
bYth4RIp0h& '4
,oration and many years of suffering. at• pitchols hea-,-Ily with her lund off, cotdst Rfieumathrrif Noeotil&, Brorqfill;4% cou�sv' .411d. vAtIle DAtIft With, . t - j' , -1 1 Wilt City.
IT;ou are at perfect liberty to use-thil . P.
testimonial zfta you see fit for the bnoflt As it is, from the wind." Croup, 8 Sore Throatt Quilfteeyt whooping Illost tetriblo. tempest ill it sea, vVIllell
for Othirs stuatlarly afillettol." And grafe.filITY tll(� ralitil,�.n took Cough oAd ill PAfilful $W611ingso deluged her decks, was Ott the very f,
Dr. Clulvels Ointment, U0 cents a bolt Tlattie down to Tier room, and then '1:0, when a.
at nil dealers, or Bilwarlson, Vmtes Z I %yam bilek to his post. 1* r, Poiiat,�)Of running '011 8110
LAROZ 116TT)�Z, gi�, vnii;4, lialv ulldl, had bileferred to
cCo.. Toronto.