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The Wingham Times, 1901-10-11, Page 8
T11 E. WING AM TIMES, 091. 11 ! 1901, _.. _ t. _ Bt3T if I1T,Zs#B?R 1676, Dr. Ilslueolill,e'd i, er arrkl lRrew,sue. P#=ultr -for 3k:•tztart. it, • ' C,rhI7dren Ory fob xltloll !i)kail �'�' a• lTat it 1S, allnast .e('ItE11n cithrvr'r ll4+rputtinxtottRrshtnirltty,talcextats,batlty> that it differs y { St. Thomas, Oct- t4- 1)r.'.�k•uman M. *t"ottxrinr•Tcwhc'ntandernrl,i,lgiAl 3xtkks.mrx T ! i'.t hat clam elle , 4 i' ` m gat► TH IN ` �" n puncam4a siircI very suddenly ixUalxL . 4 N 11�aaf �P tib et brother, Krlud lhle,xeuld incl ruaite,l tlrit•1,; aril canventiou or that il:• rides riot i � �� �� 4' mKY>u,netallzli,xili:turilrlil li'}titilli�r�3fi favor it. The rswrtioa that lit+ will 18 PUBLISH= 11 o'clock tainight, li; h;l'I b-Il. ;til. 'C,exlxlrygrairtntrii•htbofcu`c•th„y latort,ant; recommend A neutral canal Own to lures Chronic. and Complicated r� r� r 1�Yl�Ft1( �F�1l,7AY litfQRIy1NC� haer far threw or four month{ past, oksinut'lnttthaclr hrani±vtrytwoarthireednyu,° /li'(jTtT 7�T1]j�[�t (�) y i)u. i,,ld atteipdtd to hly rnotict, IU - owing tit �,tiiraehans vourfotvl•:w11h oil" eanentita in tient sof war, is+ $4 di/ t11'! A,l1L+a• Ol ^-e� i lr ` iftrowsatkfattenve,rvfast,azldRlvc+themastom al'.exz to the character of the iJ, cases.Rheumatism. -------�� the rime$ Qmee, Bga,I.ep Blgek Tuadv all IIiII caails tc.d!ty as usual, white• c•alOrfar t:lle English rnarltet�. alticlxons kalust lle Plump Arid flit, stervexllglboura pefort, a i heretofore a^t forth, th=tt it iuuy ^�^^-^^ I3:A''xwr C vnou-••Sabbath services at WINOHAM, ONTARIO. and wl on. in hi:n offlc? nt lit a tdaok ixilli,i9: runt Us Mid irk the mouth; Pltteketl 11,a 111 Aird 7 t Ill, aullthly Sa11001 tet pnx,,rfeetly eheau and dry• only leavo eoupic+ b> des�erlbed as lool^edible. x DANISIIRS +YFrRY TRACY» Ql' --- • tell over and died til :lu haat, �'hk• iuehesof feathers cinnc,eik from llratldown; ;d.80 p All. elleral prayer' meetingTnumsotrFitrvsattll"11aN-�I.ODperanrutmiu Xle�t+,taed rvnt9 elle• son of til:' laic• leave heailand feet on, and do not draw tha=n. Cans•ul 11111 at x1msterdnlll has fur- POISONOUS ACID rRt1M ou W&Iilesda evelrili s. Rev. J. J, Pelt• T41w.creatcaro not to tiarthemwhilet,h1clt- t9r80A,B.A•,lAstor W,J.Cha wAU., advance $1,50 oil arrears are No paper dtseon David 1)uarot-Abe., of 11'�Mvrford, and IMF!, for torn births tiro unsillablo for the Old niched. the State Departbriellt with THE $I+QCp, p 15.5, o ttu+d t•(11 all arrears are pend, axealrt at the ott>•.� fat, restin;, luformttt1 11 about Sts erfuteudellt, option, Of thaptkblUsher, , �, i7tluniiry maricets. 21nc•ks, turkeys ata geese e • -» --•�• p _ rvh:s 41 yoars of at„ A. 11, ffiradu:lterl dressed and trrate(lthe secnzeasttitcicelt8. Iia- + 1VtL"MODISTCiilunau-•••Sabbathservi�ces caHctAvl)UMTK Berne=21 8, -LegsNon attiiid other, tit Trinity f (zilci,^:, '�i,ronf o, to 188;, f!nllowin the phare iristrtketionesrolt will have, the P. Iain syndleate, the largest 13r I» lis de More Pgrinauallt t�lld At 11 a m and 1 1) Ill, Sulldtty School at first insertion„ 8c cr iiue for ekes = subsequent al ''oll Te of I'71 . a primo ird for tlzcEtlbii shmaliret,tnd: rtiiisi> Wonderful. Qtil"QS Than All. F 1' i and t2 0lll file Ittry 4 n y *} a good price for young or sprtng birds. wo do tish coulrxlereial . ,pro jevt In China. d : tlo p ill. Epworth League every Mon- insertion, tide want poor'or rough old birds tit any prrloo; Tit- company was organized In X arch, Other McMelnes In day evouiug. . General Drayer weetin�S Advertisements in 10041 columns are eilargcxl 91cione and Sargeons in 1883, coin- 10olafowla are not wortllfrom 1 •.t to .aper gnjVedltesdayevellin€s. Rev, RiGllalYl tsts.per lino far first insertion, 1lndticantA mnztcln, practice in illi: city in the poundasMuchASyoung�fou-1. Ntliii�iliii uta .18x7 to. a plait ,he 1x1°mer;tl Iesaurces Til@ �PId, Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup- pAdvertisements ne for each ttabfequout est ipo�utd,nStravod fall of the sattt� car. Ile retires a *ne luCkcold and no tem, et, 1 1t of 0111x, built] rallrva s '^^^ arbiteudeut. Iriu urs for• Sala ar to er,t, nl:d similtil $1.Od for' 1 t` oxco cold, Ariel not tear them. Sym. Armour, y ,etc„ axed Wiaglo nt. i;i in tho market to Purina so nay has br n given the exclusive :Light All rhouu)atio sufferer$ dread the Pit rS1iXT1%11XAN CizuRoxi Sabbath ser- first mouthaud 50 caut�s for each Oil Sequent wife, but no childr:+n. His mother y poultry. mouth, , gnnzltkt of for a p+.t•iod of sixty years to work varitablet�ldtrying weather offlotober vices at 11 a ill and 7 pradar CONMA0%UATrs-Tllefollowingtablosho�es lives in Waterford, lIe leaves three* _.... .. fled Novembtw. Sufferers from the School at 2;80 p in- Generalp .y ourrates for tho insertion of advartiseurents brats)erg.—Charles 1)uncoinbc, of t " r ESTABLISHED 1874. eml and iron nb:ll:s And ,patroleulu Various forms of rhoumatisnl-articular, meeting Olt Wef esday evenings, ReY, far speclflaci periodss.. ,• , , -S - depasirs in `rellory Rives, cansistillg p this city, Tyrrell Duncomb., drug- Or I. rani .Muscular, h4fiammatory. gout and D.1?attic aster allu p. S. Superinten one aoSPACH. ..,,...SYR. Oa .ao0 No. �a a gist, city, Anil 13r. H. O, uunco,nir: if g AT ?i �Ai$�, altogether of afloat 30,O0U square lumbago-suffer wore iuteusely i11 t$0 cleat• , Half Colun=n......... 8.5.00 18.00 10.00 4.00 • n N !r Mi+ " utile9. Certain raliroad privileges are autumu mouths, Chilling winds, damp, Sr, 1? 1UL B CF1L7lktlii, I,'iPISOOPATJ^-Sob- Qw%rteroolumn ,,,., 18.6o lo.00 a•oo 2.00 V. S., of Waterford, aind one sister, fi=R.1t1,Lipxm,Putsrt$"Bu.AN))Paoxl:I= Toa -else enjoyed by ilia company. Its air, cold rains and night frosts, aggravate bath services cit 11 A ill and 7 p m. Sun- Advertisements without speoifio directions M•1.9• C. Lapin, of Brantford. The de, ..., : existing misery and agony. day school at 8:80 p ill. C�elleral prayer will be insoited till forbid and charged accord- ceased was a prominent 'Reformer, " "^"="-�'=-"'�`-:, - ....... authorized capital Is e�G,u�l,i t4. It is Thousands of vlatims of rheumatism. meeting on Wednesday evening, Roy. ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid IPiZIDAY, OCTOBER t0o1, `a a ed in opening up antltra ha-, come back from sunlrnex 11eAltlr xo- Wal, Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S. for in advance. an-i wns frequzni ly teudrred nomtnx. now ens d p4 B Tuz Jon Dx1'.lzeT,u.rNT is stooped w titan tions for the riding. li--� way spoken cite m'flas in the Chias,Itwa coal fields resorts only to find themselves as badly Supe1•inteudeut. extensive assort,nent of all req uisit es#or print- of as a c0.ndldate for the riding at N4T,Eb Ayxk taOl iinxkc,NTS. tortured and crippled As they were before 17 XGU'4,C4ATIONAL CUU1107i.-^-Sabbath tug, atrording raoilittes not equalled in the in ndrttl FIonan Anel brilkgiag them they started for their fahs;o Meccas of services at 11 a m. and 7 p m, Sunday countyfor turning out first otass work, Large tree next election for elle l,oailt Legis- { e ., ,{ Liberals tivou 36 out of 8S seats in the lata cgatmunicatlou with xailkvay nav- health. Mineral springs, baths and School at 1i3 in, Midweek lneeting;on typeRand,911 v, etc, nil the la a st tyl+S of lutuxe, 2*Tova Scotia elections, igation:• Cousul Bill says that the massage systems call clever drive out the Wednesday evenings at 8 0 oloelt. Gavin choice falloy type for the or classes of print Ver Over Fifty Years. It alight be a. hard winter for the Cou- operations of this company are b.ing morbid principle of terrible rheumatism WsALv, S.S. Supt,; A. ry Prior, pastor. ing' An Old and Weil-Tried Remedy---Mrs from the blood and'oint8 SALY4iTION AliAIX-Service at 7 and 11 H. et ELLIOTT. rervatIves if the elections were held this watched with great interest. ) Proprietor and Publisher Window's SoothiugSy111p has been used g Careful medical, tests and a long a in and 3 Aird 8 p ul on Sunday, and fall—they would have to shovel snow to Timex have changed since the days experience prove that Paine's Celery every evening during the weals at 8 for over fifty years-8rhil11onthi7 g, with when this cit was considered It lace Compound agent and medicine o'clock at the barracks. for their succchiless. trhot teething, hiid, Iteep warm. y p y g BANK N K o f HAMILTON perfect sllCaesS. It soothes the child', k• We would advise the Conservative of banishment by the European' dip, for the coxa of all forms of n eumatism, Me t inns scope slo�r4RYA t 2.30 E. Al � andsuccaeds, when everything else fails. —Meetings as follows: S. S, at 2.30 p. softens the gums, allays best pain, afor aAndfdate in this riding to Beckon to ltntizits, and it :s now ons of the with a confidence created and strep- m. Fellowship at 4 P. 1n., and evau- , wind colic, Anel IS the Hast remedy for Grarrow to take the scat as he is sure of choice assignments' of most of the gtheued by thousands of victories over gelistia at 8 p. 7.n., every Sunday f11 '� T , 0 H 60 M • diarrhoea, It is pleasant to the taste, ' foreign corps. This fact was recent- rheumatism, we urge suffering men and Ritchie's Hall, Victoria St. Capital paid up, �1,4l41u"",700.00. Bold by 'druggists in every part of the Itanyway. anyway* , women to use Paine's Celery Compound, POST Onion--In Macdonald Block. Reserve Fund, $1,500,000.00, world. incalculable. cents s bottle. Its ly illustrated by Lady ;i auncefdte, p value is 1ltoalct7lable. Be sura you ask What a whalloping that will be, when Its marvellous virtues will meet your Office .hours from 8 a in to 6:80 p M. Prestdont•-.JORN S",jnT. for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and in a short time we shall see, the Tories who, in It conversation, after warm- ease axed do for you what it has done Peter Fisher, postmaster, Vice-President—A, G. RAusXv, ting home sora and hungry, in the I),praising the city, declared that for others. Mrs. J. Vince, Barrie, Ont., MECHANICS' INSTI'mTH—Library and , • -Bali ones take no other kind. she would rather live in it than. in says: free reading room in the Town Hail, John Proctor, Goo. Roach, Win. Gibson, M.P. r_ , snorning—after the election. ++I am happy to any Ihave taken Paine's will be open every afternoon from 2� t0 A, T. wood, M. P., A. B. Lee (Toronto). AUOTION 51L>; SL 150N.-The 8Ba90It. The Old War Horse is good for anoth- any other place in the world except y pond with. reat results, 5:45 o'clock And every evening from 7 to for auction sales of farm stock and im- Cele. COm a , General Manager-J. TURNBULL. Lon:loar. I had sciatica so badly tiltit S could not 9:30 O'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, piemotlts is at Irarui and formals holding' �r battle. Here's to his success. Although the Census Bureau last turn in bed or `calk wltkout help, and librarian. Savings Bank-73ours 10 to 8• Saturday, Io sales are anxious to secure the presence The loyal opl5osition in Novia Scotia year found the: agricultural resaurees fora »grind Of three t� eeks was help �'Orr'N CpoIL- Wm• Clegg, Mayor ; to 1. Deposits oft and upwardsraeeived. In- -will be able to move stud second a mot.- lessly laid up and sufiored pain that Will, Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mo- temb allowed, and computed On the 80th No• of a largo crowd of competing bidders. of Alaska• to b� almost nil, such does at times was almost unbearable. Iudoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, prinoipaina 81st May eaclk year and i,aaea to A good way to attain this result is to- in of want of confidence in the Govern- - not seem to its the ease this summer. "I tried many medicines, hilt all in vain. Goo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. Per- Special Deposits also received at current got your bills printed at the Tiers office anent. Of course, that country does not yet I was afterwards recommended to tryg lsou, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel rates of interest. • and place a list of the articles, Animals, Paine's -Celery Compound.. I used six Youl1i11, Assessor; Win. Robertson, Col- Drafts on Great Britain= and the United produce any large amount of crops bottles and am entirely cured, and. enjoy lector. Board meets first Monday even- States Bought and sold. etc., to be sold in the TimEs. An ad- compared with older eommuni- good health. I take great pleasure in ing in each month at 8 o'clock. Travellers are notified that tile Bankof Ham, vertisement of this nature is sure to be WANINM UT721 ties, but' the high rice of vegetables recommending the valuable medicine SCHOOL BOARD.--H. Kerr, (chairman), iitorl and its Branolkav isstt0 0irotrlar Ratesof widely read, for there are Uig bundles of g p ,, National Provincial Iimnit of England, Limited, that cured me, Thos, Abrraham, J. J. Elliott, J J. which can be cashed without charge or troit. the 7'I�L i din ©ver week to farmers has made truck gardening so pre.. going y citable that it has greatly encourag- Button,HomutC. N. Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm. bre in any part ofthe zrorl<l. Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. W. Col38OU.GD, Agent who aro wanting just such articles as Roosevelt rt ed their ' cultivaticn. 1?rof. C. C. A rnitivIdn Salome. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. L. L. DICKINSON. Solicitor. others have for sale. It will pao any per• President Roosevelt and HIS Georgeson, in charge of Alaskan ex_ The Paris Review thus bawalleth: Of Meetings second Tuesday evening in each son having a sale to put a list of thearti- month. P. KENNEDY M. a1.. M. 0. P. S. O. Probable Attitude Towards perimx:ut stations, has reported to all faminesowhich will enlist thesym» PUBLIC ScrAoOL MnACHERs.-A. H. �• (Member oflhoBritish Medical Assooia- cles in this paper. There ismany afarm. .. alae Department tyf Agriculture that pathy of charitable people the pupnp» Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, ft oll.) Gold e ii easein i Medicine �'niia ex who will read a sale list in a paper who i Reciprocity, he, has found good gwraens all along kin famine which is afflicting the Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss ren. OMOO)roars-lto4p.=n.:7togp,ni. will not get out of his rig, to look ata the Yukon Valley, in-the cold interior locality is: purely the one. The yellow Cornyn, Miss"VAuston.e, Miss Matheson hill by the roadside. If you are going and Miss Reid, TR, MACDONALD, region. Although the season was hid.o pumpki,a, the toothsome old BOARD Or HEALTH--Mayor Clegg, A--'to have a'sala write ns or call At the Waslziagttrn, Sept. 30.»-Several die- unusuallylate this pumpkin is a meniciry only. A grey (chairman), C. J. Retading, Thos Greg- Centre Street office for your bills and advertising. We timguished Senators, who have talked year, au • found new potatoes, cubbtrgr, cauliflowex, colored bun is responsible for the Oxy, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Seo- Winghum glue A free notice of sale when hills are with President Roosevelt, declare beets, and other vegetables ready total failure of the crop and noti a xetary; Dr, J. R. Macdonald, Medical • Ontario. printed at this office, that he intends to move with the ,r Health Officer. DR. AGNEW fW they table before the middle of pumpkin is to ba had. IIech, moon, neatest conservatism in regard to August, while- lettuce, radishes and but' it's Awfa'." ���• i�• H. ���� Physician, Surgeon, etc. TISU reciprocity, and sundry others de- turnips groan in the open had bxen aerate that he is entirely satisfied with , D uggeSt re. Nightcaalls ns eredattiieoJaee. 0 in use for sorsa• weeks. Flower ;gar- State of Ohio Cit of Toledo I Classes In China Painting. � � L�� E � � D ir7 ! RY i the naw. Hay-Pauscefote treaty which ' y ' ss. ' dens containing a large variety of Lucas County, S Oil and water Colors. R VANSTONE, has Tien in negotiation for the last annuals grdwn from, seed furnished Frank J, Cheney makes oath that he Also a new revelation Idhk for firing china. BAR12t,STER, SOLICITOR, ETC. having added a scptns.tAor to elicit plant, noir few months. In evexy case, how- is senior partner of the firm of F. J. otter last ye<r were in full bloom. Simi- r Studio at her home, Catherine Street. Privntoand Company funds to loan at lowest ` mover, it happens that the Senator in- Cheney c$ Co., doiul, business iu tie rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort• CLA.RI[FIE ED 1111LK larly encouraging reports are given City of Toledo, County And State afore- gatles town and fern= nronirtyy lroughkt and �terviewed -was cmc whose opinions for spring seed barley and for oats said, and that said firm will pay the E..ESTELLE GRIFFIN serif.�Oftice,BeaverBlock,wingnam. tothepeople ofwinglknm. Oureowsareltept t might make the wish father to the i and wheat. Abundant moisture and Sum bf Oue Hundred Dollars for each strictly clean, so that we are enabled to offer thought, and thus his expressions of and Avery case of Catarrh that cannot be wlNCgIIADt J A. MORTON, absolutely and uiur, iced !u sutnrnor, during long clays during summer months, it , Juno, July and August. i ieos value than m,4ght b= supposed. cured by the use a- all s Catarrh Cure. TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. BARRISTER, etc., lux- FRmoc J. CHEN They assert, fry. instance, surprising a cent9 per quart, dohivdred once a day. is stated, explain the surprisin y that thin uriance, of vegetation in 'the far Sworn to before the and subscribed in Pupils re aced for Conservatory of Music whngharn, Ont. L'resident intends to try to secure the p p i Aorth. A peep into the changing sys- ;my presence, this 6th day or Deoember, examinations. ratification of only two ;reciprocity A. D. 1886. �• L. DIOKENSON, Treaties-that with France and that tem of Australian jurisprudence has A �V. G=.ASoN. VIOLIN AND GUITAR• BARRISTER, ETC. been afforded to residents of this iSeal Notary Public. Solicitor toBanlcofHamilton. moneytoloan. ;proposed -with Cuba-at the coming 1 --- city in an interview, with Judge P. ••-�-- MISS CARRIE MORE Office-MoyerBlac;k, wingham. session; this despite his emphatic de- Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internals Real, of the Supreme Court of Queens- y of London Conservatory of Music, �tdil be pro- Real, only a -week or two ago c and sats directly on the blood and aredafter Oct. lsttoreceive alimited num- RTHURJ.IIt�4'IN D. a laud, who recently passed through mucous surfaces Of the system, Send D. S. L. D. S. on the subject. As the Cfimi.nG, res- y er of pupils for instruction on Violin acrd ,[�• ' ' C heire on his way west, after a trip for testimonials free. Mto-r• Doctor of Dental SurgeryofthePennsylvania •, ,sign is the "long" session, which may ; Residence-oppositoR. C. Church, 9Vingham. Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal atend until late next summer, while through Europe. He said: "The ctlrly F. J. GHENEY c CO, Toledo; C1. Ooileue of Dental Sur eons of Ontario. Omce ' ••.� ? „ mum tary of our colon is the same as Sold by druggists, 7o'c, over Post O#Seo, Wiugiiam, ,the, nest is the short one, which y Hail's Family Pills are the best. PIANO AND THEORY. minst expire by March 4th, 14103, and the somatom law of the United States, `T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., the only difference in the administra_ MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. w. L,D.S. in which the:..^ is no time far. any- , thing, the passing; over all other area- tion of justiec, as fax; as tile' law is- 'There's only one alternative and that New method far Painless es- and member of the Associated Musieia7ls of traction. No Cocaine. concerned, bung in the statutes. Since is to exist On air. Not long ago an em- ' Ontario, is ro axed to receive a limited and Ili Special attention to the care and regulation { .ties this winter would mean passim inent specialist on brain diseases de- bar of pupils fol• Instruction on Piano and int I of children's taoth, Moderate rices. and aV them over far two whale years- a leaving Australia I understand plana p Tspecyal attention given to pupils preparing :work carefully and altilfuliy perTr. ed. OfIlce have 't=een formulated far a Federal dared that insanity eras frequently i in Beaver Blocic, wingham. thing which. is incredible under the for examinations. There is a noted difference caused by excess in eating flour, and Residence-opposite R. a. Chkkroh, W'ingham. JOHN ' = i'hast: �lro declare court there which will correspond in t)" this circumstances, only last week a distinguished Italian RITCHIE, this ape>n to be tactically the same a way to the Smprcrn,^ Court of the y g GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, in the style, and fit o ants itVe' Ik physician, Dr, Cexesote asserted in a i � � t t !! c i who asserted that President Merin- United States, Eiithax.to Me tri magazine article that raw vegetables are 11. �• tdt L�i�dt�f V. S, make that alwa s brings eo- i banal of last appeal in the colonies Honorary Graduate of trVingham, out. y g p ley had decided to abandon reciprocity more or less res ousible for parasitic Ontario 'Veterinary JOHN CURRIE, W1btGnAhf, ONT. has been the privy council. NOW, if pre back for another parr. grnly a week or two before he deet, diseases. He wa ed cele endive i(. College. J 1 end for it more strongly than. ever lin the plan its enacted into law, most . rye Olihce nzkd iniirn"ars LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Then there is the low price radish and lettuce, bought at the Padua at Golloy's old' stand, his Buffalo speech just before his as- questions will ba carried to the Victoria St„ Wingliani. Sales of Farm Stoclt and Farm Implements a market in sterilised water. He subject- Day, and nigh=t calls specialty. I ,sassinatichs. Federal court, though in certain in- ed the sediment to microscopic crani• u,.,,, promptly attended to, All orders left tit Tnt ToMs office promptly and better quality of cloth put In regard to the canal, too, there stances they' will gd t()the privy nation and discovered no Less than fifty Telephonoeonnection. attended to. Tetras reasonable. in them—cloth that wears. is reason to doubt the words of those council, sometimes by permission Of Avila, if unprejudiced, would be accept. the Federal court, Sir Samuel Grif- two species of fauna, including the eggs OB PRINTING, FARMERS. J See. our new goods and prices. Of ankylostoma, ascarides, tacniA and including Boosts, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill ed as accurate. Only a few weeks flirt, Chief Justice of the Supreme oxyuris and a lot of other dreadful or WEB ��E� � 11d�ri j ago, Mr. Roosevelt was a strong op- Court of Queenslaxld; has Tien draw» and anyone having live sto'elt or other Heads, Circulars, &e., &c., executed in the boat things, including large colOuies of articles they wish to die ose of, should adve. our largr• ,style of tho art, at moderate prices, and on xldneRtt Of the fold Iiay Pauncefbtc lar¢+, a plan for tir'a 1rCdCrah Court` He micrococet, stapbyloccoci, b O 0 r i n a e, circulation tells and it in bestrrTimun a inil0edif BaaY 73INnINp -wo are pleased to announce treaty. A.r1 no one knows just what is a very able man, and 1 under- amobae an'd a multitude of bacilli. mudonot etacustomer. WetAiAguarantee that any Books or Magazines left with us for the ne'w, one provides, it is not Poe. sterid will pt•abe'oly tae made the chief r that ouw l sell because you may Ashmore Binding, will have our prom t attention r . ,,`••f, i •sibleF to forecast his attitude towards jus�tkce of the Federal Court. Varieties of the ]atter, which he detecf, your�Adve tisement°tlo than is and try tilts applicaftion Binding is any style wipli ba given an Q (' h,ir'��I� Ai C� ed were the coli communis, a bacillus plan of disposing of . your stock and other THE TIMES OprIOE, 1i Ti,e following pensions have been analogous to the typhoid "germ; the ba articles. Wirigham. issued to residents of Canada — Or= cillos. tetanf-•-tie latter being the source t j iginaI_Gilb2:Tt' E' Seigars, XMtreal, of locltjaw. RAILWAY TIME TA$L$Sr �� 11latthe,w5an, R d{Ieway,k(5ntaruu, X17; Tile lit►yp1 Aiont7k And the Tito !`4 RAND TfiUNK RAYI,VirAY SYSTEM. U 4M Theron n yeti DloeaAo. .�y� ThAIm r;bAVB Von TRgDZ MARKS a Lit~+IGN3 s Gcdtge. Ellsworth, Oaanto, Chitarlo, Sudden tlhanges of weathbr aro r` Palmerston.............. 6.68Atn.,.S,t„Ta.m, CnpvgtawYsAcc, COULA t London ,. •..11.10.. .... .10f.50 a m . „ 8.iap.m, (Tiyorie:'onding a a,coteh and descri tion 11=67 To efipeCially trying, andprobably to vEone SOLI © ilit$E1:Tt Kincardino.,l].IQ a m,,. t;.i0 p m,.,, 8 86p.m. l' Annivs 7rnou gf)tnkly a5certnin our ct+tninn tee w lather r6 YnOxe s0 elixir t0 the scrofulous and CO1I ,nveutlo» is probably»t,pinionb t Q lather an sumptfve. The progress Of scrofulous - + l{incardind .48a,ni., 8,558 m ... 8.10 p,m tionsstrietlyoonadentiat. IIandbaokOnPatent# j London..:.%'!I 11,10 a In ., 7.65 m cent froe, oldest a oncy forsoettreng atents. i g yD eTlie t btYli that h><rt9, dhrs Ca,xgh that during a normal October Iff commonly PAlmeratOn...,.... 2.45 p.m.,.. $.88 to Patents taken t rnaall DfuneC di apo, r0001vu .gets tight In the chest is dally, getting great. We never think of scrofula-•••its ;` Ii, T. BUTTON, Agent, Wingharn. - spedtai teotice, without Charge, fn the$ r Veeper turd deeper into the bronchial Stvalloiveil i, nalioun, bunches; oritaueous eruptions, and wa.5t Tires , S �htic ��1 b tulaes Land is making directly tot the CANADIAN PAOIFIO RAxkwA�. lungs, to become pneumonia, lnflaintnA+ Chicago,, Oct. 2. Ten-year-old Susie lug of the bodily salbntteneo --without r �✓ trxtAxrrs I.nAvi rare :tion of the lungs or cbfisumTatlOn, thinking of the great {Food many suf. Toronto and East., ,. ,... x.68 a.rit„ . a.fia p.m, A hnndaomely 11110 fated waekty. I;arrtest tit. Such. Ooticbm etre sometimes referred Haines, who had iatnarrow estaltd fr0m ferere from it havo derived from Hood's Teeswatee .............. 1.82 p,n=,,,.10.48 p.m, eaaation of any sotenttNC a,x taxi: xorma, t l a tib as "graveyard coughs," because they strangulation, after accidentally swab *_ yeatr`;Mfoils. QW61nftn) .381yalturt�tat`aeraeYa�t York ;3a,rsa arilia, Whose 1ACiiCal and erma� "�JTII Carry 110E1 1o1d5 and &58 ill.....8.r MW Ot Y4. F➢Gl, 1 Y! O ' p p � rreesrvAtor.,..,,0,68am..,.8,6ap,m. 301ilroadwapr 1 Yian:hlly' bring' their victim to that last lowing A toy '.squawker" bailnoh, was hent aures of this one disonse are enottg'h w t°hstarld hard s¢rvice. ....1.$' p.m....10.40 p.m. urmph OAloo. t25 zr rq. ivnspin::t b C. •itelsLffllY place, Toronto and East... to make it tllA mast famous medicine in - , J. H, )Ari ltMER, Agent, Winsham, nn. xir. Chews Syrup of T ttat±ed after xel9oxiedl practically nett Of dn11g4+x tb^ the world. T'hoto is probabl not a city�fT ever-satrsfaetai�tr easYy ;i Vurvefttine has longi been known as day. 1 or town whore Hong's Sarsa�arilla haxiditlly wheel tit¢, ,1 tuother's favorite remedy fdr croup, The case is x:nnsidered one of the not proven its merits in more homes i, E�rery tot 903f:anteed. " latonehitia, edulklis and Colds. xt gains "strongest on record„ and its ut'gdnoy tbSn 0110, rn atrestilig gild coalplotely ,� I TPAYS, v t of popul tritq every day and note 11at► eradicating scrofula . Can be fttttd to ntl by far the largest bale of arty slmilar was• the cause of a violation of orin Of d r which a almost as ftf � R►h¢¢f• { �ex•iotts and Iuual to b0 feared as iter larepnrtatian. L•ho most rigid tu'te'e at this A.Icitian a ft loommi tate tIg•Iltnexs ill Me c"haai, , near relative, constimptia>1• Send cot CAtalogua. 8AIIttY6 the iflilamrna.tion, Cttr@sE the Bold Brothers Ilospital, where the •op(sr, t • 01UNLOP'tU Co. = • - - '�+� ,�-t•� y'� Caveats and h"rat'e•Arark"s abtslned. Aad all ps<te11e *ad preveftts pneutndnla, cnnaurAlWaft tion was performed, Women are Var. � "` x.trrzxr b, �• O A �Y• J!R •�- IS l'-� businesx eomdaated for MOitURI Th PBFA14 ���iy it�fid other lung trouble... 2"a ceflts, alt red from treatxnont itt chis inst'itti Xavigation mayclos0 On the "tukoif iifieeisldtheirtlrhed3•tevitinityafehnFate»tofdte ilglerw', or 1&dlns.nson, natds Co., T'o- rifer at afll+ tiiYlb now, so' the lyaSt office � Tnnnrt�rd, andenyfntfittlaaforrerarlagp5eents,lreu6aurAa=std tldfl. Send model. sketch orp:iotographofinvention wit% :i'mtd. ' ' • "f THF, �;� destri tion nbdstatement na towh-ants¢s.+ CIO, merl. {. Or, s Tho girl was. Playing on s3nnday natliorities 17awe 1s99ued It I1tlt10'0 that I J.17.A'r p(�1,Jnrlrre.rn+t3vsn„rtriyer•atea9rintaslttJFrw OR , Chase's, rf.��,7 when shti aceidctntally, swaTlowod a afLetrtha 1st of October L11¢y Wi12 not j„'p"pIk H61% a1441i nh4 �n traltcel4oi. n tt the pcflfly, toy ballnafl. Tl1c+ balloon lbdgt d gtiasallteo the tratlstitlmim -of' any mail pwrrrl, y}ltdrirartr r tavia•rCna t;orna," tan• Of Elosee ixelllt,r traClrcu,'a71c1 vvas%nt0lrltlittontw; ache tl7anlAtters, It''Of6!7tltlnece:YPlkirS+ ! rainln>Xitai:,ridetednsbimfitrictirka. 151! iduillult• . , taflaaA CotlsttlbtOd sisatrlCtlf *'urilalLn4lAlr :IY rnt'1Qtrd crfld'doflated by the aiaildit to restrict tiro imtlii to the use a# letters 4 ' '� >a�, a fi 4I ,l I t4 �iil fcepiratians , alliy.i�',Aak 1 MESi t#*„w .. :i..'q,...b +I+k.:•�r.'ire'Y.a.•.3ri„i:- j U , N