HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-11, Page 7l<
dwellingon Queen street, veneered with The third heat proved to be one of the 7,here are 11,+00 hotels u1 Purrs, in
@ visiting friends is town this week. fastest miles paced in a race during the which there are on an average of 240,000 We lead In Low Prices in all departments.
brick. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Anderson, of u
Mr. G. Kirbyand family arrived on present seascn. Harold H. stepped guests. j
Y Wingham, attended the Listowel fall i Our System-Stnall Profits and Quick Returns.
Monday. They have pitched their tent show. Ground the quarter in 0:31/, and it An official report issued shows that Farm Produce taken as Cash.
in part of the Miller dwelling on Ann began to look as if Proctor was out the British casualties in South Africa
Miss Lossie McMillan, daughter of for a record-breaking trip. Major from the beginning of the 'war to Se t
street, Mrs. C. Reix having shared part Mr. Robert McMillan, Main street, had p
Muscovite went part of the way with the 30, were 541 officers and 6,523 men
of the dwelling with them. the misfortune to sprain her ankle •
Splendid little g@,din
Wroxeter, our village, is in need of a 4 yesterday afternoon at the public school. g, but he fall back killed in action, and 1,520 officers and
- %�v nice dwellings. As it is now, all I and Carmine and The Bishop came lip 25,032 men wounded; 335 officers and
g the Suds tier, principal, was teaching and challenged him at the half. He 9,171 men are classified as :+rigging or
corners are full. rile pupils the fire escape drill, and on 18r 1� GOO
Councillor Jas. Paulin and the road the ringing of a bell, all were to rush was at the half in 1:021/_,, and was prisoners, of whom 354 officers and 5,471 H• •
machine were leveling the new cemetery Out of the building, and it is thought apparently going steady. Both Tue men, have either been released or have
plot on Ferguson street, recently pur- that in the hurrying, Miss McMillan was Bishop and passCared
the were right a flim escapes]. The deaths from disease and The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton.
Y ' as they passed the three quarter in accidents numbered 10,738.
chased by the Council. pushed and fell dowgn the steps, sprain- .1 z3814. The real test •
Rabbit shooting appears to be in line ing her ankle in the fall. , came as they Passed 15 Worms -I gave Dr.
{ just now, began the homeward journey. McDowell Low's -Worm Syrup to my little girl ,
Bart. Willits, daughter of Albert Beech -nuts are plentiful in this dis- weiltafter Carmine with the whip at two acrd a half years old; the result was
trict this year. This is a sign of cold the distance stand. The gelding mads that she passed 15 round worms in five
Willits, has returned from London. days. Mrs. R. Roy, Kiimanagh', Ont.
" W. S. McKercher was in Gorrie last weather' a spurt and got by the Bishop, who was
week. Mr. Joseph Daiu, of the Dain Mann- in second position. -Harold 1=1. won the
J. Brothauer was at Mildmay last facturing Company, and family, of heat in2:06%. NO T I G^+ � aIt
Thursday judging poultry. Ottumwa, Ia., were the guests of friends Ione came from behind near the wire Furniture
ue c
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Robinson were in town this week. Mr. Dain is a Can- with a great burst of speed and ffnislied Now is the time o +� your Sewing xj
adiau but has been a resident of the second. Machines Repa' by the Expert.
judges at Brussels show last week. Do not think if y i have a New or Old
United States for the past thirty years. It was great race, splendidly won, by
Mrs. Jas. Orr of Wingham, who has Machine that does not wort: right that
He is engaged In the manufacture of a grand little horse. you cannot et it repaired. Been visiting in the village and yicittity, Y get ] lied. All orde s
returned to her Home last Saturday. agricultural implements in Iowa. _ attended to. Stopping at P.um H s>;. We desire to than,: our customers fur the
Mrs. Donald Fisher was at Hermiston Mr. Ben. Price, laundryman, has do- _ _ _
It should be gratifying to Canadians patronage they have extended to us durino' the
on Mondavi sides. to put in much •larger plant to a
keep up with his fast increasing trade as to know that a horse froeu our province � � EAr EY. past three years. We have appreciated very
Dr. W. H. Brawn and his daughter, his prosei:.t stand is too small, has decid- is capable of morn than holding his own
Mrs. T. G. Hemphill, returned on Mon- ed to remove. He has lease, art of in one of the fastest racas on one of the Money to loan fflnfarin property at much the way you have stuck to us, notwith-
day from Buffalo Pan American. p from 4,1� to 5 per cent., with liberal standing the endeavor to belittle our business
fastest tracks in the world, writes a
George's bicycle shop, and purposes re- tonus of repayment. Apply to „
Mrs. Bone of Blenheim and Mrs, moving next month, correspondent from Newport, Incl. R. VANSTON
Scott of Bay City, Mich., who were Harold H., bred and raised in Blenheim, W' gham.
methods and business.
the guests of Donald Fisher, returned y and owned, in Wingham, went in the It assures us, moreover, that we still lead,
to their homes'last week. 2.07 pace, Sdpt. 30, Texxe Ha,nto, Ind., FOR SALE Or E%CHANG .-sl acres, 2
Alex. McKenzie and wife visited re- miles from Winghl in, i . urnberry Tp and that the lar eness of our stock gives us the
and won in three straight heats: time, It won't take much in a to get this snail g
latives in Wingham on Fridayand Sat- farm, with bank barn fortnb1 Ileuge, and
2.06 1-2, 2.01 1-2, and 2.04. He was privilege of Selling the same goods a little
urday.-Hensall Observer. 1 young orclihrd. $ 300 vn will secure it. Ap-
EAST WAIVANOSH. never once headed and lio Urging was ply to A. Duhno •e, Real Estate aacl can
-The Mitchell Advocate seemed quite necessary. On the contrary he was Agent, Chisholm Block, Wingham. cheaper than our opponents. A look through is
Mr. Arthur Goodbew volunteer in happy last week because the Stratford field in check at the close of every heat. evidence that we, if anything, exceed in beauty
Wiugbam Regiment is in Toronto this Herald was muleted in $100 and costs in In the last two heats all six horses were FARM FOR SA of exhibit workmanship and value.
*eek at the review. - a liblo suit brought b Mayor Davis of - '
Maas May Reid is in Wiu ham learn- Y Y under rile wird ftt better than 2.07. T),,, nndersit;nlK1 offers his m for sale, be -
co g Mitchell, Mr. Proctor, Hhrolds driver, proved ing lot 1, con. 4, Morris, co atnin • l03 acres, We have been keeping pretty quiet in the
ing the dress -making. A. Parsons, who moved on to the 16t11 himself the peer of any in the circuit, from ore winglianlilnd t rm iltiio rro fBeigra�e way of booming our business because we have
Miss Sarah Deacon is in Blyth wait- U ton tllo remises n a cod brick house,banlc y b t
in on Mrs. Taylor who has been ill con., Goderich Township, about one aiicl if the Canadian horse is pushed at barn, shedis etc., un n orchard. The farm is
g Y year Ergo from Bayfield, has sold out and Memphis where lie is entered for next wollwatered with a never•failing spring. For been kept at it, but now we are' going to work
since her husband's death, terns and particulars apply to
is again removing close to Bayfield, ire week, he will in all probability go a AIRS. MARX UcLEAN, through the newspaper and show you that we can
We believe Mr. Will Johnston has having bought a residence there, fast enough to shut, himself out of all of THOS. BRANDON, Wingham. purchased
p p
purchased a new piano. Bels l,lvc. puff a little, and on good foundation.
Mr, and Mrs. John Campbell of APropose] is made that Anarchists be races but miitcll ones the coming
Wingham visited at Mr. Hugh Me- sent to the Conservatories of Music to be year. We do picture framing while you wait.
Barney's ori Sunday last. cured. by the constant infiuenco of har- ,t„3.
HOT You may have picture home with you same da l
moray. There is a kind of music which 3 y 1 y Y.
Miss Josie Tisdall went to Toronto at Monday's Detroit Free Press say a:/ d, l d k
b »
could fairly e ranked as a cruel anun- „
which piece silo ]las secured a position The tole] soap at Torre Haute last week � A, I R In order to please our customers and our
as clerk in aeneral store. usual punishment for Anarchists.
g spoiled all chances for the record•braak-tom etitors, we have marked our goods in lain
A story is told of a young man while Replying to an influential delegation ing performances wliieh were expected p
out driving one day coming to a very representing Scottish agricultural inter. to take place, but an example of what MAY have a slangy significance figures and at the. bottom price, such as
uncomfortable looking dump across the ests, the President of the Board of Agri. might have been expected was the speed that will not prove very attractiv 3
highway. He had never prayed and the culture, Mr. Htulbury; said that so long shown by the Canadian pacer, Harold printed in our advertisement, len Odd Dressers for .............. 60
only one lie could remember of hearing as ire was President of the Board, 110 H. Ori the first day of the meeting he the thermometer is "way ," but Mattress for .............. . ... 1 95
was the blessing his father asked at the would never consent to the removal of womt a utile in 2.04Y4, which was the • `-Christmas is coming" with its Couches in Velure for.......... 5 `25
table, he repeatod it until he Came to the restrictions on the importation of fastest of the season for a class pacer. "way down" term neter, when Common Beds as tow as........ 1 45
the clause "And Oh Lord make us Canadian cattle. But the followingda he reduced this to You'll be ailxi s o have the air
p Bedroom Suites as low as ....... 7 25
thankful for what we are about to A meeting of the Deanery of Huron 2.04 fiat. The third quarter of this mile heated just rig , carried, just where
receive." was field in St. Thomas church, Senforth was paced. in 2$jii seconds and the last you want it, and tri just the right Spring Beds as low as, ....... , , 1 25
Mr. Will Robison and Mr. Charles on Wednesday of last week, Rev. Rur- half in one minute. Harold H. must quantities. Extension Table as low as ...... 3 25
Campbell spent a few days in Buffalo al Dean Hodginb, Jennings and McQnil• now be considered as one of the 2•nliu- • NONE can givo yon better help Parlor Suites, in velure covering, 13 25
last weep. len, with Messrs. Metcalf and Clauson, ute possibilities for next year. The than we cau if you wish to replace, Easy Chairs, in velure.......... 2 90
Miss Lizzie May and Mr. Robt. 1110• were appointed a missions committee. Abbot had no excuse in his attelrht to remodel or repair the heating rip- Few Hitebeh Chairs left at.. ... 20
Gee attended service in St. Helens on Each ciergymiitl is to arrange for a mis. break tiro world's trotting reeord, held paratua in your house. Seeretarys for ................ 2 75
Sunday, siouary meeting in his own parish. by Creseousi, the weather and the track Timim's xo 11vt'TEIt '1 urn 'rivu, Good Arm Chair ........ . . . . . . 90
Missy Millie Agnew, of Philadelphia The arrangement for the Bishop's visit being fitter] for the attempt; but it looks N O W for such work no facilities Rockers
hospital, spent a feel days on the 9th was left with the Rural Dean. as though Commissioner Scannell's superior to ours, nor less expensive. ockdyrs to match . .. . .......... 95
last week, _ horse was not equal to the task this year, Command us any tinge, but right YOII Cilli n1a1:E ria fllistake in buying
Mr. J. iii cGregor, after a very serious �1ort HAL,:. Farm one h3i1P tulle from west• at least. Ile made good titre in the first now is the right tial¢ for right away } g
illness, is improving nicely. Ci field pout vitici in East Wmninosh, 106 aticl last quarters, but made several Lad service, upholstered goods from tis
Mr, I� rank Jamieson has rented a farm acres, 03 elenrod, bulbs barn, frame house, well broaks at the time he should have been
fonced,061111Poll and troll cultivated, Good AVO can sill- you in a lillw We dol just 1vh.tt tiVt Shy. 1`'.l' keep ]li
$4 St. Helens for the coming year. breltard; lime stock filen, $3,Cto0. Appply to A. down to Tecord-breaking work." STOVE, HE OR FURNACE. i
Mr, George Fothergill, tVhO sold hie lluhnake, real cstato agent, Chishotin block, stock what we advertise.
app0, is now
en the
haslMaturedes for 0expecting450hbarrelsi. fruit Isis �'�CN�Ei��arrt�itnti�iYii one°]i atute(one
During `the hot k itell 'summertot iseasoii the JOHX BUGG>t��•��*�.�..-
s►pples are all of the choicest fruit and in Chit; roniRty regtilrecl) to lopreseilt and ad• i blood gets over heated, the drain on the '
a0@tiro ol•lrstnblislted wo0lthy businossholtgo � ,� +��'Bros. 'riti0�n,
-should bring Wueh .more mofiey. of said flnattcidl standing. Hnlnry $14.60 week. System 18 seVere and the appetite is often
ly with e<ponstw adelitioiuil, all payable in 0,1111 ,
llfise Lmnin I+"othergill is improving caoliWl dlneachcgclitectfrom hradnfllees, Horse lost, gulc.°cit Blood bitter liul`ifles find ,
and etCrrinicrs furnisltrd lvlten ne0rssar 130• the S STONE BLOCK, W I N G 11 A M. 0 11 T A It 10..
atter her late illness of typlloirl pn0u• y inviortttes the blood, tones up s
PorOnces. En010se self addrr�setl steml1ttIe on .. -
itA011ii1, • � velopr.;,Di'onager,t110Cattoit?;uiIding,Chicdgo, system, and restores lost appetite, ��.�.. •- ,
Tile Presbytery of Huron plat at
Who Ilucep i1t Cinclnattl peal Terro Houto Brucefield oil the sth just. Rev. ,T.
rADn op C tt�+AA p
H 18ARq fatE NEW STORE t !s7 HR Qt
TH �Ct)1kTi�ANY
Iteet Time 1%04 for Harald H. l-lamilton, of Goderloh, Moderator,
The f01101ving from the C' ill*atti . Ray. Mr. Mus ;rove presented the Fill.
TO ALL OUR READERS 1"`i0in11lerClal
Tl`ibntiq iS an account Of ancilil (7gintnittee'S estimate of Presby
the race September 24th : tory .expenses for the present year, and
There was great doings ill the 2:0$ it was decided to Bolt a rate of Ig Cents
p p� `
/ m i n e in
Une q u a l l e a Values
What Wideawake Times Correspondents
Communicate -- Other Paco and the Canadian pacer, Harold per, family from equ;3regaGionS.
Items Clipped From
IT., simply laced his field into the IThe matter of iiiisSi4ilax'y meetings
our Exchanges,
ground, 'Cha great little sidolrheeler Wt1s left toSeSsiQns to make their own
Paoecl rho race of his lift, tend it was a arrangements, Messrs. Shaw and Alt,
7ILxTll. case of one, two, three, and everybody Neil were appoiuted to address the W.
� � a� � � a�
Mea.rS� Wm. and James Smith, of
T'ollo�ving is the result of the speeding out, F.at'its nest meeting in Blyth,
Clinto�l, are in negotiation with Goderich
contests at Bl Proctor sent him to the front in the A i..aulwous call from the Con re a•
yth fair oil Weclueac]ny : g g
Council for the ereotioir of a large sum,
Open trot or pace ---Two Strike 1; Opening heat, lie stopped around to the tions of Kipand Hills Green, to the
mor Hotel, or what inay be called a
John Storin 2; Nellie B. 3. ; quarter in 0:32, was at the half 1;03 and Iigv. Sx, ;4I, McLennan, of Aluitt. was
s»uatorium, During the past year W,
2.30 trot or pane- Purzlor 1; Sadclia 2; tlao crowd began t4 become iuteroated, sustained gild ordered to be forwarded
of all kinds of the I.:ltedt Styles in Clothing for"��Men and 130iy4
.Smith crime from Indianapolis and tools
Amelia 3; Allen 4; Little Pete 5. Carmin and The Bishop were with him I to Guelph Prosbytory for Mr. McLen-
in our Clothing Department, Every garment is well sewed rind
charge of Meneseturi Park. It is the
g g
Three -anile trot or pace -Maggie 1 • nt the half, and on the back turn the nan'a consideration. The call promises
goarz.nteed to $t aTt(1 {;ave satisfaction, and is thoroughly it,spect•
iettng a of Messrs. Smith to inn Mone-
Captex 2; Rodery 3; George H. 4s field closed up on the three leadors. a Stipend of $500, with mm�se, globe,and
S, J ,
ed before leaving the workrooms, and you can depend on good
setung a8 1ve11 fl8 the new hotel, and
.Glia little gelding was pacing steady four weolts ]lolidayS. .Rev. Mr. Sawert;
Goderich Council is said to be in favor
PQl1 trot -Sammy P. 1 • Rgt rasam 2; and true as the rounded the turn, and Messrs. Bell and Costin were ap-
Y Y + g Y
workmanship on cheaper suits as well as on the better qualities,
of the concessions asked, that in con-
Miss Hanna 0; Miss Plummer 4. Proctor was urging hint slightly, but Pointed to support the call be,.ore Guelph
The Stock comprises the fo1lQ.wing lines ;
Adoration of a loan of $10,000, with free
= lie had Speed to spare, He drew away Presbytery. Arraugelnents were made
C, )Ys, Brownie Suits --Boys, 2-plece Suits--
light and water, they will next spring
at the draw gate and left Carmine and for Mr. McLennan's induction, (provid-
+erect a house at a cost of $20,000 or
ctuRRIE. The Bishop to fight it out for the second ing lie accepts the call), Mr. McNeil to
Boys' Short Pants-- Boys' Long Pants -
uncia, A plan has been prepared and an
The Ilovvicic Agricultural Society will position, He won the beat by three to preach, Mr. Sawers to address the
Boys' 3 -piece Suits --Boys' Reefers --Boys'
option on land obtained. In all there
hold its annual fpLll exllibitiom in Vic- lengths, and whenthe timers lupe out congregationand Mr. Musgrove the
Overcoats- Youths' Suits -Youths' Over -
are about 21 fifth acres lots, on which
toria Parh, .Gorrie, on Saturday, Oct, 2:07 the crowd applauded, minister, with Mr. Martin as on alter-
coats-Xen's Worsted Suits -Men's Tweed
cottages will be built, and on a lot
12th. Get it prize list from the Secretary, The Bishop and Carmine had a rattling nate,
Suits -Men's Overcoats -Men's Pea, Jackets
181x400 feet will be the sanatorium,
Wm.Watters, Fordwich. The C, P. R, rare for the second position. Carpenter A petition from the Board of Manage-
Men's Smoeks--Men's Overalls --Aden's Odd
brick with 300 feet frontage . and 250
has granted Single Fare from Mt. Forest came fast with Will Leyburn and iiieut of Carmel church, Hensall, asking
Vests -Men's Heavy Ulsters--Men's Water -
back; it will have a great number of
on the east to Teeswater on the west and finished just behind Carmine, who was "leave to unify the deeds of Rogervilie
proof Coats -Men's Pants, etc., ete.
bedrooms; the dining -room will be
all intermediate stations, on the 11th and beaten for the ace b The Bisho cemetery was
P Y P• Y granted,
75x42 fent, and the sitting room 50 ft,
12th of October, good to return q1i and "Harold H. -will never conte back in Jainca, Delgatty applied t0 be received
including Oct. 14th. Arrangements
S O Ill e S p e G i 1 1" 3 c ems,,.
squs re, a verandah will'run all around,
are that kind of time," said the wise onds, as a Catechist with a -view of taking up
being made for a good fair and prospects but the sou of Roadmaster is one of the missionary work. After due examina-
both on the- first and second floors.
are good. •truest and 11s "came back" in still faster tion his application was granted.
Boys' 2 -piece Suits, regular price .. , ........ X2.00, special price 1. ; G
The Ontario Fruit Growers' Associa. time with the second heat. The congregation of Bayfield obtained
Boys' 2 -piece Snits, regular price . , , ........ 2.3v"", " 2.00
tion offers a year's subscription to the leave to build n now church on a dif-
The Bishop raced him down to the
Boys' 2 -piece Suits, regular price ........... 3.00, " .50
, , , r 2
Boys 3 piece Suits, regular ..50,
Rev. Mr. McKelvey has returned with
and a year's half in 1:03, Cud, although Berry made farent site and to use their old property
meinberahip 11i the Association for the for church
price .......... . .90
Boys' 3 -piece Suits, regular price ........... 4,50, `i 4.00
34Irs. McKelvey, his new partner in life.
ever* possible effort to land, his horse in purposes,
best general collection of fruit at Gorrie front Harold H. just kept marehin A long conference on the spiritual
Youth's Tweed Suits, regular price ......... 6.00. " 5.00
We all wish them a long life and pros-
Fair on Saturday, October 12th. ' g ,
along, and as they swept into the stretch aspect of the Century Fund, was hold
Boys Reefers, regular price ................ 2.25, 1.90
Mr. John Snuderson lies had the store
= he was increasing ills lead at every stride. Aird sessions recommended to consider
Men's Tweed Suits, regular price ........ , .. G.00, 4.75
Men's Tweed Snits regular price 8.00, " 6.50
occupied by Mr. Armstrong, implement
LISTI){\'EL. Berry made one last effort with The the services suggested by the General
Bishop, but the best lie Assembly.
Men's Tweed Pants, re ular price........... 1.25, " i.00
agent, renovated with a coat of paint.
could do was
Mr. Harry Torrance has returned to finish second two lengths or more The next meeting was appointed to be
Men's Dress Overcoats regular price........ 6.00, " 5.00
Mrs. Goo. Allen, of the C.P.R.station,
who was the of in Tees-
from Godericb, where he had been back. The heat was in 2:0612, and held at Blyth ari,•i the Presbytery ad -
Men's Heavy Overcoats, regular price....... 7.00, „ G.00
Men's '�
guest relatives
water, returned on Monday.
spending a few days. n Darned.
again the talent began to talk about the J
Mrs, Wm. McDonald and daughter, "cooking"
Heavy Pea Jackets, regular price,,., . 4.00, 3.50
Men's Navy Pea Jackets, regular price ...... 4.b0, 4.00
Mr. Joseph Barnard is having his
fast clip him.
Miss Maudie, of Whitechurch were
Men's Rain Coats, regular price ..rice ..... 3.00, 2.00
dwellingon Queen street, veneered with The third heat proved to be one of the 7,here are 11,+00 hotels u1 Purrs, in
@ visiting friends is town this week. fastest miles paced in a race during the which there are on an average of 240,000 We lead In Low Prices in all departments.
brick. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Anderson, of u
Mr. G. Kirbyand family arrived on present seascn. Harold H. stepped guests. j
Y Wingham, attended the Listowel fall i Our System-Stnall Profits and Quick Returns.
Monday. They have pitched their tent show. Ground the quarter in 0:31/, and it An official report issued shows that Farm Produce taken as Cash.
in part of the Miller dwelling on Ann began to look as if Proctor was out the British casualties in South Africa
Miss Lossie McMillan, daughter of for a record-breaking trip. Major from the beginning of the 'war to Se t
street, Mrs. C. Reix having shared part Mr. Robert McMillan, Main street, had p
Muscovite went part of the way with the 30, were 541 officers and 6,523 men
of the dwelling with them. the misfortune to sprain her ankle •
Splendid little g@,din
Wroxeter, our village, is in need of a 4 yesterday afternoon at the public school. g, but he fall back killed in action, and 1,520 officers and
- %�v nice dwellings. As it is now, all I and Carmine and The Bishop came lip 25,032 men wounded; 335 officers and
g the Suds tier, principal, was teaching and challenged him at the half. He 9,171 men are classified as :+rigging or
corners are full. rile pupils the fire escape drill, and on 18r 1� GOO
Councillor Jas. Paulin and the road the ringing of a bell, all were to rush was at the half in 1:021/_,, and was prisoners, of whom 354 officers and 5,471 H• •
machine were leveling the new cemetery Out of the building, and it is thought apparently going steady. Both Tue men, have either been released or have
plot on Ferguson street, recently pur- that in the hurrying, Miss McMillan was Bishop and passCared
the were right a flim escapes]. The deaths from disease and The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton.
Y ' as they passed the three quarter in accidents numbered 10,738.
chased by the Council. pushed and fell dowgn the steps, sprain- .1 z3814. The real test •
Rabbit shooting appears to be in line ing her ankle in the fall. , came as they Passed 15 Worms -I gave Dr.
{ just now, began the homeward journey. McDowell Low's -Worm Syrup to my little girl ,
Bart. Willits, daughter of Albert Beech -nuts are plentiful in this dis- weiltafter Carmine with the whip at two acrd a half years old; the result was
trict this year. This is a sign of cold the distance stand. The gelding mads that she passed 15 round worms in five
Willits, has returned from London. days. Mrs. R. Roy, Kiimanagh', Ont.
" W. S. McKercher was in Gorrie last weather' a spurt and got by the Bishop, who was
week. Mr. Joseph Daiu, of the Dain Mann- in second position. -Harold 1=1. won the
J. Brothauer was at Mildmay last facturing Company, and family, of heat in2:06%. NO T I G^+ � aIt
Thursday judging poultry. Ottumwa, Ia., were the guests of friends Ione came from behind near the wire Furniture
ue c
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Robinson were in town this week. Mr. Dain is a Can- with a great burst of speed and ffnislied Now is the time o +� your Sewing xj
adiau but has been a resident of the second. Machines Repa' by the Expert.
judges at Brussels show last week. Do not think if y i have a New or Old
United States for the past thirty years. It was great race, splendidly won, by
Mrs. Jas. Orr of Wingham, who has Machine that does not wort: right that
He is engaged In the manufacture of a grand little horse. you cannot et it repaired. Been visiting in the village and yicittity, Y get ] lied. All orde s
returned to her Home last Saturday. agricultural implements in Iowa. _ attended to. Stopping at P.um H s>;. We desire to than,: our customers fur the
Mrs. Donald Fisher was at Hermiston Mr. Ben. Price, laundryman, has do- _ _ _
It should be gratifying to Canadians patronage they have extended to us durino' the
on Mondavi sides. to put in much •larger plant to a
keep up with his fast increasing trade as to know that a horse froeu our province � � EAr EY. past three years. We have appreciated very
Dr. W. H. Brawn and his daughter, his prosei:.t stand is too small, has decid- is capable of morn than holding his own
Mrs. T. G. Hemphill, returned on Mon- ed to remove. He has lease, art of in one of the fastest racas on one of the Money to loan fflnfarin property at much the way you have stuck to us, notwith-
day from Buffalo Pan American. p from 4,1� to 5 per cent., with liberal standing the endeavor to belittle our business
fastest tracks in the world, writes a
George's bicycle shop, and purposes re- tonus of repayment. Apply to „
Mrs. Bone of Blenheim and Mrs, moving next month, correspondent from Newport, Incl. R. VANSTON
Scott of Bay City, Mich., who were Harold H., bred and raised in Blenheim, W' gham.
methods and business.
the guests of Donald Fisher, returned y and owned, in Wingham, went in the It assures us, moreover, that we still lead,
to their homes'last week. 2.07 pace, Sdpt. 30, Texxe Ha,nto, Ind., FOR SALE Or E%CHANG .-sl acres, 2
Alex. McKenzie and wife visited re- miles from Winghl in, i . urnberry Tp and that the lar eness of our stock gives us the
and won in three straight heats: time, It won't take much in a to get this snail g
latives in Wingham on Fridayand Sat- farm, with bank barn fortnb1 Ileuge, and
2.06 1-2, 2.01 1-2, and 2.04. He was privilege of Selling the same goods a little
urday.-Hensall Observer. 1 young orclihrd. $ 300 vn will secure it. Ap-
EAST WAIVANOSH. never once headed and lio Urging was ply to A. Duhno •e, Real Estate aacl can
-The Mitchell Advocate seemed quite necessary. On the contrary he was Agent, Chisholm Block, Wingham. cheaper than our opponents. A look through is
Mr. Arthur Goodbew volunteer in happy last week because the Stratford field in check at the close of every heat. evidence that we, if anything, exceed in beauty
Wiugbam Regiment is in Toronto this Herald was muleted in $100 and costs in In the last two heats all six horses were FARM FOR SA of exhibit workmanship and value.
*eek at the review. - a liblo suit brought b Mayor Davis of - '
Maas May Reid is in Wiu ham learn- Y Y under rile wird ftt better than 2.07. T),,, nndersit;nlK1 offers his m for sale, be -
co g Mitchell, Mr. Proctor, Hhrolds driver, proved ing lot 1, con. 4, Morris, co atnin • l03 acres, We have been keeping pretty quiet in the
ing the dress -making. A. Parsons, who moved on to the 16t11 himself the peer of any in the circuit, from ore winglianlilnd t rm iltiio rro fBeigra�e way of booming our business because we have
Miss Sarah Deacon is in Blyth wait- U ton tllo remises n a cod brick house,banlc y b t
in on Mrs. Taylor who has been ill con., Goderich Township, about one aiicl if the Canadian horse is pushed at barn, shedis etc., un n orchard. The farm is
g Y year Ergo from Bayfield, has sold out and Memphis where lie is entered for next wollwatered with a never•failing spring. For been kept at it, but now we are' going to work
since her husband's death, terns and particulars apply to
is again removing close to Bayfield, ire week, he will in all probability go a AIRS. MARX UcLEAN, through the newspaper and show you that we can
We believe Mr. Will Johnston has having bought a residence there, fast enough to shut, himself out of all of THOS. BRANDON, Wingham. purchased
p p
purchased a new piano. Bels l,lvc. puff a little, and on good foundation.
Mr, and Mrs. John Campbell of APropose] is made that Anarchists be races but miitcll ones the coming
Wingham visited at Mr. Hugh Me- sent to the Conservatories of Music to be year. We do picture framing while you wait.
Barney's ori Sunday last. cured. by the constant infiuenco of har- ,t„3.
HOT You may have picture home with you same da l
moray. There is a kind of music which 3 y 1 y Y.
Miss Josie Tisdall went to Toronto at Monday's Detroit Free Press say a:/ d, l d k
b »
could fairly e ranked as a cruel anun- „
which piece silo ]las secured a position The tole] soap at Torre Haute last week � A, I R In order to please our customers and our
as clerk in aeneral store. usual punishment for Anarchists.
g spoiled all chances for the record•braak-tom etitors, we have marked our goods in lain
A story is told of a young man while Replying to an influential delegation ing performances wliieh were expected p
out driving one day coming to a very representing Scottish agricultural inter. to take place, but an example of what MAY have a slangy significance figures and at the. bottom price, such as
uncomfortable looking dump across the ests, the President of the Board of Agri. might have been expected was the speed that will not prove very attractiv 3
highway. He had never prayed and the culture, Mr. Htulbury; said that so long shown by the Canadian pacer, Harold printed in our advertisement, len Odd Dressers for .............. 60
only one lie could remember of hearing as ire was President of the Board, 110 H. Ori the first day of the meeting he the thermometer is "way ," but Mattress for .............. . ... 1 95
was the blessing his father asked at the would never consent to the removal of womt a utile in 2.04Y4, which was the • `-Christmas is coming" with its Couches in Velure for.......... 5 `25
table, he repeatod it until he Came to the restrictions on the importation of fastest of the season for a class pacer. "way down" term neter, when Common Beds as tow as........ 1 45
the clause "And Oh Lord make us Canadian cattle. But the followingda he reduced this to You'll be ailxi s o have the air
p Bedroom Suites as low as ....... 7 25
thankful for what we are about to A meeting of the Deanery of Huron 2.04 fiat. The third quarter of this mile heated just rig , carried, just where
receive." was field in St. Thomas church, Senforth was paced. in 2$jii seconds and the last you want it, and tri just the right Spring Beds as low as, ....... , , 1 25
Mr. Will Robison and Mr. Charles on Wednesday of last week, Rev. Rur- half in one minute. Harold H. must quantities. Extension Table as low as ...... 3 25
Campbell spent a few days in Buffalo al Dean Hodginb, Jennings and McQnil• now be considered as one of the 2•nliu- • NONE can givo yon better help Parlor Suites, in velure covering, 13 25
last weep. len, with Messrs. Metcalf and Clauson, ute possibilities for next year. The than we cau if you wish to replace, Easy Chairs, in velure.......... 2 90
Miss Lizzie May and Mr. Robt. 1110• were appointed a missions committee. Abbot had no excuse in his attelrht to remodel or repair the heating rip- Few Hitebeh Chairs left at.. ... 20
Gee attended service in St. Helens on Each ciergymiitl is to arrange for a mis. break tiro world's trotting reeord, held paratua in your house. Seeretarys for ................ 2 75
Sunday, siouary meeting in his own parish. by Creseousi, the weather and the track Timim's xo 11vt'TEIt '1 urn 'rivu, Good Arm Chair ........ . . . . . . 90
Missy Millie Agnew, of Philadelphia The arrangement for the Bishop's visit being fitter] for the attempt; but it looks N O W for such work no facilities Rockers
hospital, spent a feel days on the 9th was left with the Rural Dean. as though Commissioner Scannell's superior to ours, nor less expensive. ockdyrs to match . .. . .......... 95
last week, _ horse was not equal to the task this year, Command us any tinge, but right YOII Cilli n1a1:E ria fllistake in buying
Mr. J. iii cGregor, after a very serious �1ort HAL,:. Farm one h3i1P tulle from west• at least. Ile made good titre in the first now is the right tial¢ for right away } g
illness, is improving nicely. Ci field pout vitici in East Wmninosh, 106 aticl last quarters, but made several Lad service, upholstered goods from tis
Mr, I� rank Jamieson has rented a farm acres, 03 elenrod, bulbs barn, frame house, well broaks at the time he should have been
fonced,061111Poll and troll cultivated, Good AVO can sill- you in a lillw We dol just 1vh.tt tiVt Shy. 1`'.l' keep ]li
$4 St. Helens for the coming year. breltard; lime stock filen, $3,Cto0. Appply to A. down to Tecord-breaking work." STOVE, HE OR FURNACE. i
Mr, George Fothergill, tVhO sold hie lluhnake, real cstato agent, Chishotin block, stock what we advertise.
app0, is now
en the
haslMaturedes for 0expecting450hbarrelsi. fruit Isis �'�CN�Ei��arrt�itnti�iYii one°]i atute(one
During `the hot k itell 'summertot iseasoii the JOHX BUGG>t��•��*�.�..-
s►pples are all of the choicest fruit and in Chit; roniRty regtilrecl) to lopreseilt and ad• i blood gets over heated, the drain on the '
a0@tiro ol•lrstnblislted wo0lthy businossholtgo � ,� +��'Bros. 'riti0�n,
-should bring Wueh .more mofiey. of said flnattcidl standing. Hnlnry $14.60 week. System 18 seVere and the appetite is often
ly with e<ponstw adelitioiuil, all payable in 0,1111 ,
llfise Lmnin I+"othergill is improving caoliWl dlneachcgclitectfrom hradnfllees, Horse lost, gulc.°cit Blood bitter liul`ifles find ,
and etCrrinicrs furnisltrd lvlten ne0rssar 130• the S STONE BLOCK, W I N G 11 A M. 0 11 T A It 10..
atter her late illness of typlloirl pn0u• y inviortttes the blood, tones up s
PorOnces. En010se self addrr�setl steml1ttIe on .. -
itA011ii1, • � velopr.;,Di'onager,t110Cattoit?;uiIding,Chicdgo, system, and restores lost appetite, ��.�.. •- ,