HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-11, Page 6e< r TRE WING TIMOCT. 11 a .. -. ... W, Scott; variety of grapes, J. FARMEW INSTITUTES.. Now they aro training' eleplranta by IRON., � BE41. G'II.&V Iii FALL FAIII, Ott' naeraon; Drab apples, J. ., , � , �, and aolslebody says it i$ €� •�• •�-� Alton, T. M. Re maubiiuQ B�i1�.$t$1,li, LIDAD Henderson, T. M. Henderson; peaolres, good woy to train boys And girls, Train f Birt Xvs*r H 1ltuet dutavaYtµl One is pll there in the schools with the boo, the CioPP�iaa ZINC. HOUSES Mrs,. Carder, W. Scott;. collection of I)epartnietttit' anvil the adze tiro tailor's shears and U10HEST PRICES. • • Heavy Draught—Brood Marl with fruit, T. M. Henderson; table boquet, Th(- valuable character of the ' N atiollx4lf ][hoof Wo>rk8, td,* foal, .Jaynes Qv,ous, T, FI. TttiylQr, jr. ; Vis• Procter; ]fond boquet, Mrs, Carder, Farmers' Institutes needle, the scrubbing brush, the cooking lit work done by the 1 stoves and other kindred machine and Win hAra, chard of agricul. �' Ifo• Dealers. horse foal, James. Owens, wine Stack. James Iendersou. ut ralstn the stars Judges—F. Metcalf and A. W. Sloan, g few of 'them will be dependent on their �QCI�t hoose; mare foal, Ja;ues Qsvens, T. II, tart, nn<L encouraging Improved in s I Taylor, jr. ; two-year-old filly, R. Nes• Blyth• methods da o£ encu m is generally re- relatives and friends after' they 9NDRGA�TEM graduate, �+ un hitt, Yl`, TI, Taylor, jr,; two•year-old MANUFACTURES cognized, The report of Superinten- ••SC�IOOL—P 9 t0 I2. gelding, James Foster, R. Nesbitt; year, Ten yards flamrel, James Altgn; leu tient Cxeelmetal far }a;st veal has TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY' Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ali ' old filly, James Foster, John Cole; team, yards union flannel, T. M. Harrison, imst Umit issued, by the Provincial dr u •gists refund the money if it fails to vire Terms Very Reasonable. horses, James Foster, James Speir. James Owens; pair blankets, T. M. Har- Department of Agriculture, and g• V• Grove's signature is on each box, Aho. General Purpose—Brood mare with rison James Alton; set team harness c. tuns a While working in Mrs, Rol Close's om , ' great deal o¢ Valuable , Mits. A. B. PRIOR, E• Patrick St, foal, A. Robertson, W. Staolchouse, D, with collars, J. Donaldson ; set single matter, embodying the, latest cmn- garden a few days ago, says The Drayton 7i�Olt HALF.. --Corner farm, withschoolonlot, Cook; mare foal, A. Robertson, R.Scott; harness, J. Donaldson ; bottle home elusions of specialists in every depart•. Advocate, George Close turned up an 1 u miles from town, in Turnli:rry Tp. horse foal, D. Cook, R. Scott; two-year- made wine, P, Gibbons, R. Proctor, mat of faun work. It comprises, in old medal, supposed to have belonged to Bank barn 30st;0; large frame house; modsoil, old fill g An e ecelicut grain farm; will be soM cheap y, A. Morton, John Armour; two- Judye—W. Robertson, addition,; to a .re-co'rd of the progress some Indian warrior in the past, as t►ncl utt easy terms. Tho situation of this lot year-old gelding, John Taylor, C. B, , . malces it a veno desirable property. Apply to ROOTS AND VEGE TABLES of the movement, a numbar of ctrl•• it is much older than the oldest A. Dulntage,11eal Estate and Loan Agent, Chis- Wilkinson; year-old Ally, W Stack, P potatoes, dresses and papers road ttcl ut Institute inhabitant, and antedates the deolAration ltotntBlock, vFntgham. �: house; year-old gelding, R. Scott, W. Elephant otatoes T. M. Henderson, mnctings, with explanatory diagrams of Inde endence b the United States Staokhouse; team of horses, W. Mc- James Henderson; Matchless Corlies, T. y P y M. Henderson, James Henderson; Em- and illust'ra!tion'a. by several years. It bears the imago Qniiliu, A. McLauchlin, John�Taylor. ,� mculg the changes made in the sys- and superscription of George III, and ort :7l pire State, T. M. Henderson, James Road and Carriage—Brood mare with Henderson; any other variety, Walter tem, With excellent results so far,, the reverse side has the motto, "In foal, James Sbedden, James Speir, A. Scott, T. M. Henderson; cabbage, Jaynes is the transference of the leeture memory of the good old days," surround - Morton; mare foal, James Spoir, P. Gib- Henderson, George Sowlar; red pickling work heretofore �oarrlcd on by the ing the British] coat of arms. It was bons; horso foal, James Shedden, A. RO"rticultural Societies, to the De cast in jeweler's' g , p ;a IT PAYS IN THE END. cabbage, James Henderson, George Sow- ;, old arse] hated weirs Morton; two-year-old filly, A. Living- lar; cauliflower, Jamas Henderson, Geo. partment of Farmers' Institutes. A coin gold, and is in a good state of Have you seam the catalouge of the ston, Richard Johnston; two-year-old ' nurabui- of the local bodivis will in preservation. CANADA BUSINESS POLLE'0 gelding, R, Johnston. A. Livingston; Sowlar; long red beets, Jas. Henderson, m CHATHAM, ONT. year-old filly, A, McLauchlin, A. Mor- T. M. Henderson; turnip beets, Walter future+ hold their annual mcetin„s at If not, you are not yet familiar with the best Scott, T. M. Henderson; mangold wurt. the nearest Fruit Experiment Sta- Canadahas to offer to the lines of isustness ton; year-old gelding, John Taylor, tela Jas.Henderson; John Colo turnips, tion, where they will have the bene - Training, Shorthand or Penmanship. single driver, John Cole, A. Robertson; ' ' P ' We have supplied more teachers for other Writ. Scott, James Henderson; carrots, fit of practical instruction in graft - business schools than all other Cai.ndian bust- hack horse, Thos .Black, Walter Scott; + Till nNtis colleges col ibined. J. Taylor, James Henderson; early horn ing, spraying, ii 00# of our pnptLS secured good; positions dur. team horses, Joseph Brandon, R, Me oaixots, T. Di, ]ieuderson; parsnips, Jas. The subject of poultry has received ing the past year. Send for thus list :cid hand. Murray. soil catalo^ue. Henderson, T. M. Henderson; onions much attention. Special poultrry � •' Th Ch" h h H ]ton Dotet Wake the Bli Did you know yon Couu givomedicine toyour chil ; ren while they were scull]• ly sleeping? You certaialy .can, It is called Yap0* Cresolene. You put o= Cresolene in the vaporizer, light the• lamp, and place near the bed. Tha Children quietly breathe -in the vapgx; There is nothing ecluar to it for whooping cough, croup, colds,. coughs Core throat, and all other troubles of the throat and chest. It is el nomical, pleasant, safe, t2. Vapo-Cresolene is sold by druggists everryywbore.. A Vapo•Cresolene outfit, including the Vaporizer aad Lamp, which should last a lifetime, and a bottle of Cresolene, complete, $il extra suppplies of belies• lilP5cents and 5ovt!nts, illustratedkockletcontala* ing physicians' tostluu is free upon rVuest, �rl1,0 CRE50LENE CO.. 180 Fulton St, New York,U)S.A.• TIOR SALE. -On the Wroxotor gravel road JL 2 milli from Belntoro, 100;-2 acres of goa hind, tie oleuril balance ash, codar and elm',. lowish land, that will na the very best wlien. cleared. Two small frame houses, bank barn; . mile from school, Will be sold very cheap, or exchange for a 50 -acre lot. Apply to . Dulntage, Real Estate and Loan Agent, Chis- holm Bloclr, Wingliani. Goal boar for ladles at l;-•00 pot - eehc_ oonts Judges— omas is 0 u, a , 'front $2,50, We pay railway fare up to $8, If ettcum- iron] seed, James. Henderson, T. M.. mK+et.ings have b3en. held at which stanceswilittot„UowyolttoattondatChatbti„t, John Scarlett, Loadbury; P. McKenzie, Henderson; any other kind, T. M. Hen'1- leading poultry specialists gave de - Son can vet INSTRUCTION 7IY MAIL, in Boou- Luck -now. KEEPING, SnoRTIIA1VD and PEN3IANSnrP fell orson, J. Henderson; celery, Jas. Hend. m,cns�trations as to the best methods Canuda's greatest school of Business, by ad- CATTLE stressing erson; table corn, James Henderson, T, of killing and dressing poultry in ac - D, 14cLACHLAN ,'r Co., Chatham, Ont. Thoroughbred—Cow, D. Cook, R. M. Hpuderson; field corn, T. M. Hend- ecirdance. -with, the xequirenvy`nts of Corley, D. Cook; two-year-old heifer, erson, H. Edwards; watermelon, Geo, the market. Among the speakers at C LU I N G �:. bra a:. R. Corley; year-old heifer, R. Corley, Sowlar James Henderson; musk melon, these gatherings were W. R.Graham, list and 2nd; heifer calf, R. Corley, Ist James Henderson, T. M. Henderson; Prof. A. G. Gilblo!rt`, J. E. Meyer,; and 1. ^° �;; V� A•: and 2nd; bull calf, John Armour, R. pumpkin, Jas. Henderson, T. M. Hend- G. R. Cottrell, -will known.as poultry T. "fes q1 G • ,} , Corley; bull, two years or over, Jolin I erson; squash, James Henderson, ` . Us ^iCPax t§, ''�',SS? A-motir, W. Scott; bull, under two Henderson; citron, George Henry, T. M. A notable feature of the year is, the EALED TEND\i2S addressed to the antler- years, George Towlar, John Cole. Geddes; plate tomatoes, W. Scott, Jas. striking increase in the number ofF F'E S t� signed and en torsed "Tender for fittings, Grade—Cow, M. H. Harrison, W. E. Henderson; beaus, Geo. Sowlar, Robert Women's Institutes, of -]Lich there 1t b hat M ^b1 T 'ire nond 32 in op?ration some of 0 Armouries, winder, ont., Wn a recotvec Scott, W. Scott; two-year-old heifer, • Scott; collection garden veget,. es, •this office until W •dowdily, 10th October, 1001, them having a membership of over inclusively, for t1S fittings required for the H. Harrison, J. Stubbs; year-old heifer, M. Henderson, James Henderson. p DrUl Hall, Winc15i, Ont. ' B. Cook, W. B. Wilkinson; heifer calx, Judges—George e I other ill, Marnoch; enc hundred. Plans arse] specifi ation can be seen and forms g g g 'of tender obtaine` at this Department and at T. Black, W. E. Scott; two-year-old George Dalgarno, Belgrave. As in previous years excursions have the ii of Cliarl s timith, Cleric of Works, Windsor, Ont. ] steer, J. Stubbs, C. B. Wilkinson; year- DAIRY PRODUCE Wen run to the Agricultural College, d i "Tender for c ^ $EALi•.D rEYM as on ursec old steer, W. Scott C. B. Wilkinson; gtv:ng many thousandarmors an -• - itttings, Post ori +e, Pietro, out., willnaso bo > o Dairy butter, R. Proctor; crock bettor, l r h � � � rc+ceived at thin sa ue time for fitting required steer Calf W. E. Scott M. H. Hander- opportunity to b:comr familiar with ice- �r- �ir- �,.-•-• �i-• forthepostofrice nuidin-iPicton,Cut.df ' ' Mrs. Cole, Mrs. W. Geddes; butter Ire the mast modern process of scientific Plans end specmnition c n be seen an orms ,of tender obtaine at this:Department and at son. 2'0118 Or prints, R. Scott G. SO�vlar ; P ' Judges—David Clow, Whitechurch ; agriculture. tate otlice of Pet Pnlcot, Cleric of Work?, a,icton, Oxt. home made bread. F. Gibbous, Miss Me- R. Ferris, Harloek. Action was also takes] to Promote Personstenderi are notified that tenders will not be conic ed unless made on the form Clelland; home made bread, J. Cole; SHEEP hone in comb Jas. Henderson; maple y th+ attendance at the Provincial Win - zupplied,and sig cd with their actualsigna- tures. Each ter_cler must be accompanied by an + Leicesters and. Grades—Aged rain, P. sugar, Walter Scott, J. Alton; maple ter Fair, with the result that 1518 mt`mbars, representing 34 Institutes, THE TIMES announces the fol r , :accepted elte�cluc ou a chartered bank, matte Cuming, George Henry; shearlip-g ram, syrup, Robert; Scott, James Henderson. were In attendanse. t1 pacial pea- able to the •rder of the Honourable the tymster of Pul ice Works, equal to ten per 3 cent. tla cel o the amount of the tender, N. Camiug ist and 2nd; ram lamb, N. Judges—T. A. Mills; Wiugham; J. C. Cumina T. H. Taylor, jr; pair' aged McClelland, Belgrave. gramme was. provided for Institute lowing clubbing ®�eY'S for.'-• -which twill be f. t•.'eited if the arty decline to °1 having lambs in 1901, Geo. �, y workers, and addressees delivered b b .enter into a coltttact when called upon to do or if he fail ii complete.the work contract• ewes raised FINE ARTS a large number of prominent air! - ecifor. If the tiaderbenot accepted the cheque twillbe retutne r. Henry;ir Shearlln a y, yip g ewes, Geo.Henr painting, still life, Mrs. Carder, Miss N- Curring. culturists and instractors. �����y �On The Dep artm nt does ndt bind itself to ac- Owens•; pencil drawing, Mrs. Carder; oil Al. H. , Seed Pairs. have been establish9d in J,L'j . rcpt the lowest rr any reader. By order, Downs and Grades—Aged ram, painting,Airs, Carder, Miss Owens; col- connection wit a four Institutes, viz., FRED. GELINAS, Harrison J. Armour; ram lamb, W. lection oil paintings, Mrs, Carder. East York, South Wellington, West , Secretary. 33epartn;ent of Public Helps, J. Armour; pair aged ewes hav LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Wellington and South Grey. These Sept.Work8th, ottwa, t- 28th, 1901. Newspapers inserting this advertisement without autho ity from the Oepnrtment, -will ing raised lambs in 1901, P. Reid, Geo Henry; pair shearling ewes, M. Harri- Specimen crochet work, Mrs. Carder, are held annuallyi in March, and the ,+ their best samples of mot be paid fol son P. Reid air ewe lambs P. Reid. Miss McClelland; bead work, Miss Mc- p �� Mrs. Carder; fancy knitting, grafter ,bring grain for sale Dr exchange.jWdiJill V- - Clelland, PIGS C111 d 1i C der eats' A ]eliding topic at Institute meet - Miss Mc a an , 1 rs. ar , g , Large breed—Aged boar, W. H. Me- linen shirt, Mrs. W. McKenzie ; gents' lobs was that al cold storage, regard - Large which a :good deal of valuable in- Catcheon; brood sow having littered in fancy flannel shirt, Mrs. M. McKenzie; 1901, W. H. McCutcheon list and 2nd; braiding, Miss McClelland; featherflow- formation has been furnished. Dur. in- the meetin.- of the Experimental a boar littered in 1901, age considered, W. ers, Miss Owens; pair woollen stockings, b H. McCutcheon 1st and 2nd; sow litter- Mrs. McKenzie, Miss McClelland; pair Union the delegates 'visited the cold Till January 1902 } ^ storage plant at the AgrvculturaIGol_ Er—W".& M ed in 1901, age considered, W. H. Mc- socks, Mrs. McKenzie, Miss McClelland; h jA�% Tfim_&�%t;for ........... . Cutcheon 1st and 2nd. pair woollen gloves, Mrs. McKenzie ; thing you did on Garth, and if. icono- Small breed—Aged boar, P. Gibbons, woollen mitts, Mrs. McKenzie, hiss lege and received an insight into the George Robertson; brood sow having Owens; 'log cabin quilt, Miss McClel- process o reit stop titan. An important step in the i appilst'af littered in 1301, George Robertson, P. land, James Henderson; knitted quilt, >r a i lit Gibbons; boar littered in 1901, age cou George Sowlar, Mrs. Gibbons; patched the work was taken by the appoint- Till Jan. ISt, went of Supcxintendent Creelman to he 13.mes 1903 fsidered. P. Gibbous, George Robertson; quilt, Miss blcCleilaud, Nlrs. Carder; rag,. OY .. . sow littered in 1901, age considered,' P. mat, James Henderson ; Berlin wool 15C. the or of on of assistant secretary and This pool spell will Gibbons, George Robertson. work, raised, Mrs. Carder; Berlin wool editor of the Association of Canadian �'o; I Judges, Sheep and Pigs—B. Herrin work flat Mrs. Carder, Miss McClel- Fairs and L+xhibitiarl which will remind you that Win; j g + pg give additional opportunity for ad - ton, Hullett; G. Coultes, Wawanosh. land ; sofa pillow, Miss McClelland, Times till end of 1902 ................................ $1 00 ter is COmin„ and you Mrs. Carder; silk quilt, Miss McClei- vaheing the miovement• Times and Weekly Globe with two maaniflcient pictures, will be looking about I POULTRY Very substantial pnicigress was + 0 P + a ' land, Airs. Carder; painting on satin, "The Duke and Duchess of York ” and "The Tarin for somethinii in the Pair geese, James Henderson, T. H. made Burin;, the year covered by the + R silk or velvet, Mrs. Carder; hair flowers, report. Later information gives the Pets," till January 1st, 1903 ..................... 1 60 Stove line. `ti'e wish \ Taylor, sr.; turkeys, W. Scott, R. Scott; Miss McClelland; embroidery on silk, total membzxship of the Farmers' In- Times and Weekly Witness ........................... 1 Gl? ducks, James Henderson 1st and 22id; Miss Carder; embroidery on linen, Mrs. to give you a hint Plymouth Rocks, James Henderson, W. Carder, Miss McClelland ; lace work, stitutes in June last as 20,387, as Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium 1 75 that we have a fine line of Scott; Leghorns, James Henderson, T. Mrs. Carder, Miss Owens; twine lace, compared with 18,058 for the previous Times and Weekly Mail and Empire ..................... 1 75 M. Henderson; Spanish, T. M. Hender- Miss McClelland • ragcarpet Miss year. The banner local Institute is p Tinier end Western Advertiser ........................ 1 4a a�T�yfe �+ son, Jams Henderson; Wyandottes, T. Owens; collection of ladies' worlt Miss that of Halton with a mzmbership i711 J, NEAiE�S and RANGES M. Henderson J. Henderson; Cochin ' o1f 748.. Times and Weekly Sun ............................. .. . 1 75 + + +McClelland, Mrs. Carder.' r. Times and Daily Globe .............................. 4 35 For either coal or wood, at reason- J. Henderson; brahmas, T. M. Hender- Judges—Mrs. W. Bone, Mrs. George able prices. Call and see us. son, J. Henderson. Proctor, and Miss A. Harrison, Belgrave. Times and Toronto Daily Star, till Janauary 1st, 1903 .. 2 50 Judges—H. Deacon and T. L. Jobb. Toll'to Cured iu one Minute. Times and Farmers' Advocate ......................... 1 90' ROBERT Q 0 N EY � � IMPLEMENTS Not only toothache, but any nerve WA ry�f pain is cured instantly by Polson's Pump, C. J. Reading; plow, gang %/j, Nervilino. Thousands have testified SHAW BLOCK. plow, disc harrow, J. L. Geddes. ,a �`that its powerful, penetrating, pain. a subduingproperties make it an absolute With the Toront Daily Star subscribers will got a beautiful --- — - — Judge—J. L. Jobb, Wingham. This signature is on every box of tho genuine cure for euralgia, rheumatism, tooth. picture of King Edward VII, in nine colors, by paying $2,50, or on GRAIN Laxative BCO1n0=Quinine Tablets ache, cramps, colic find, all others paius . payment of $1.00 the premimit with the Star will be a book, The WiinAham Times 1.00 • the remedy that cures a cold in one day and aches, that beset mankind. The " Picturesque Canada.' p Two bushels fall wheat, H. Edwards, world is challenged to equal Nervilino, as The���e ��� A. G. McGowan; red fall wheat, James a house hold liniment. Large bottle 25 J Mr. Henry Hehn, of the 12th con cents. Henderson, R. G. McGowan; spring of Normauby, has a goose which ap- ]\a��� Herald wheat, James Henderson, Thos. Black; parently has an eye to business. The �,Ja.O , a ria -rowed barley, James Hendorsou; T, averse Dose is content with 3.00 g g \worldwide. i" ,�i� .- i'" �. �•- i' M. Henderson; white nats, W. Scott, T. raising one brood of , goslings in 'World Wide' is a weekly reprint of ar. And a Splendid picture of M. Henderson, small peas, P. Gibbons, the year, and selects the Spring as the tioles from leading journals and reviews K. T. M. Henderson; large pons, James proper time. ' But this goose, probably ilig Edward- T11, • .50 Speir, James Henderson; half bushel thinking that there would be a good de- .reflecting the current thought o! both flax seed R.G. McGowan, James Alton; hemispheres. This remarkable and Total X4.50 ' mind for young geese during the most readable journal, published by pock timothy, R. Scott, James Alton. holiday season, has laid twelve eggs and Messrs John Dougall & Son, of the We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can p Judges George Fothergill, Marnoch; A now busy with the ,process of hatching 'Witness', has pushed its way, in a few give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published.. ALL MR "1 e 5 George Dalgarno, Belgrave. them out. Other members of the months beyond all expectation, chiefly t ver subscriber will receive a co of the Handsome Illustrated o tLi� and try a lout a stealbrot oPn Dung at . owing to goodwill of its rapidly -growing y copy • FRUIT AND FLOWERS poultry y 3' y This is the greatest Combination offer ever y , , CANADIAN ANN' CJ A L for 1902, The above are %"de by any Canadian ioupol, and roc Foie ]live golden russet apples, Jae. Alton, constituency. World Wido has found fortunate iri secnrinA the exclusive rioilc !for Unseasonable times, but when a stand itis lace on the stud table. Preachers o11r F I X E D It A T E w, marked down so as to admit of no this district, 'rhe Daily herald is oris o CAn George Fothergill ; Baldwins, James old goose will resort to such practice it P y ' , ►Adam's great �pa rs. X-4nhliahed in i&S, it vas Spurr, t»eCf go Poithergill; Snows, Geo. teachers, writers, and thinkers generally, reduction. Therefore, there 19 ho use asking, for cheaper rates. Swig been ilie leaning Liberal po r of P,eistern , 1o, tmutfiial.--•A�ton Advance. ed it as a now and most welcome catiada. it is tiow a great fa,ni y newspaper, Pothergill, .Tames Henderson ; p When We call afford t0 glue cheaper rates to one, we Can g1Ve day giving pull boort of the of pe, andalsa topic the 4uagtill rl' As a pleasant tonic—r► thein to all', 11e Rhode devoting tthe !s nee to t is tori je clat iaz in• island Greenings, George Fothergill, • stimulant to the mind, 'World Wide' t !t the family. LCs coinnierciai intrlti ,lames Spon', Northern Spies, Georg* d 1Y'a i!! 011 the Cold. t th Call at or address Wince i� complete Rod reliable THU KING'S PORTRAIT Is tht 11*A ever Fothergill, .7ameli Speir; Ben Dal W. 1� has n0 peer -'-a a price, n0 equal pabtished in Canada, and will t+iake a handsome . Yi,xAtivb toittd-001ninb TablOt9 dire a cold fit Amon the journals of the da Re Addition to the walri of any library. it is pro GedcIft, 3AM63 Alteon, Canadian Rods, . axii . 4to gore, iIo Psss. P"ries X6 dents. g y guise dr,Cedby a new protIl and is nct one or the J'amee Speirinil, J'ameg Alton ; King of oned; .. ', .. readers of 'World 'Wide' alto kept in , d alt tt colored eKar prmiet of The Iferald It j3.w it Tompkins, George Fother 'li Jameie ' touch with the worYd'e thinking. Fifteen year, the liberality of bier ofkr is self eoWertf, g ' Ii $. 7ri trio llrtendtvi►phi¢ ofHot~ fest, Abrin; three tarletiee of winter apples, i For , of of oiC9 elatid, no, brick rest- conte will brio this most interesting, 17ti TIME AiiTfAa+3i ALL ontitstt! td Gedrgt p'othergill, ,lames Speir ; three st1"�ixl cr°err °e rfnweuditfni kttisA dout. cases. ° and Yalna111egpaper to the end of the ear •L .e, .L.L1u.,l�J les C•ieorge Fathe i• I Jeri £dl1 aplr , v it ps, tsr�t� t� eo f;nto:d'ebt ear the Fits pn'irye . Addrtyee all communications direct to, vat`ieti S ; five' Mail Pea�Lit, ~fill]. Suit, ,it a r'`" than to rAr1t. - Arp11 to �1. Du1i cite, the publishers, Sohn iloug811 do �r ��ry►j.� yy y � i "� iL l t Ontario, llobe> Ilinyj t .; fUire wlliYeL" peft' 1#, rw"f'tti ai to irriB l,atlrxgeitt•, 'his hn l ioelt, ,,�itriees' ]3uilditig, Montreal. y OUTa�,"lo ..l 14 I),