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The Wingham Times, 1901-10-11, Page 5
7TI.-Pr I'll W11"101-711 M" THE WINGRAN TIM. OCT. 1.1, W, • dura lro•rr 11014" lrlawow toil, 101 -Dot U. WAN 'gw#S 0affera A At blind, for with Robing Arnistroug, 104QQ Ylowery foga, PAO; In this Po 0 = ) *3 ;prompt, irate aud,paluless is ing. Ireland, fen yiewerp $j,00; $ONsa 08 OF A 9"090" 4"t e(AwkY do,* vorq"o'1P1ZTMbW JW06 oorns, vs N WS FROM OUR NE Nib to E IGHBORS f 111"so"MAl +n re"'0411 is as"Asi of Hold UNA" I i-llrwr W A:t�d;, This Is just what ratin 0 Corn and Wart Extractor is A. PoLlard, grAyellifigoA Aw," the lssAMbougb# the WW Jq#X WWII 7 t ox t a. &rompt, painless And pormallent, Allandeh y diromet from $200; Thos, H. Bolger, Inopetotlug, on Ww w� "ITAt woderg #W" earrio on f I W 149916ts sell it. lyingarene close A I a a on- B.- Boundary, $3.00; Chas. Pollard, no moon, 0 ally" stiall9p, puel. EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS clesuilig out ditc1g, $0.00; R. yoUill, ilertooth a orimseA threa4 is spun- velove.:94 scar, a a ' xii it go The parting story of tkq sun. TV Penobscot tribe of Indians, WlAioli Ailing approach, *%00; R, Youill, gravQl. 'L,103 SALE. -100 farm in Morris T ling on 6th line, $29-40� Dark grows the sky and darker yet, while event 11.x' miles from Winwhava, 96 sores ploo, ea, shades, de4cending, )od clay loam soil, M acres seedod down. slum orad 245. in 1880, is now about 400 What Wideawake T;mes Correspondents. Communioate - Other On motion of Jackson and Taylor the ob 'auk barn horse barn 80x40. he Pon Pon UZ 4trong, Maine appropriates annually scurs the landscape, and I Joel the chill of 24. Comfortable hou"O'cod orobar , A do. Items Clipped From Our Bxohanges, council then adjourned to meet again on storms impending, Bided bargain at K(W. my tervis 4%000 for their benefit. Borne PA the aver strengthening brtt;s A - 14: the 14th Oct. next, BjQT �mage, Rml zNtato Agent, 0429 11011 I hear fit* soughlog 91 J)jo tree* W, CLARK, Clerk. Aad sounding from the rotty ilhorq A.DULMAGE misswingham ST. HUL141,NS. I Mon lkngry oceaws sullen roar. SALE -A splendid 100 acre Amorm, YAZ Mary Baird left for Toronto last FORmiles from town, on the l4th. conowsto,17R with 14irtains drawn and bolted, do" I mock the East Wawanosh is colforea for 0410; well fenced; week to spend a few months. Mrs. D. Todd has returned from visit, RINLOSS. tempest's riving; 10 acres valuable coder - never -falling spring iug friends at Pigeon, Mich. She was oreek.• a man making farm home in a best, hea'l Estate and Loan Office, Mr. Ewan McPherson of the 8th con, Though all Without to cold and dark, sweet peace desirable locality - brick house, good large bank Mr., Blake Cook Is home from Toronto accompanied by Olt I 3, soul in laying. barn and out -buildings. Farms so near this Xonoy to loan an town an a farm property. her father, Mr, Andrew of Kinloss, not far from Laugside, pass- I hearthefusillade of leaves growin town are ure to Increase in value, Conveyancing, Assignee a nd Accountant, recuperating after his late illness, Neely, who is renewing acquaintances ed over the river to his long home on Hurled upward to my cottage eaves, Apply lo A. Dubilliage, 11041 FaState Agent, Offlue-Two doors north of Drs. T. & J. S. Mrs. F, A, Donoghy and children loft with old frleii4s here. 117,en loud against the lattice pane wingliam. Chishohn's surgery. Residence -Catherine St. last week for Sault Ste Marie. Monday, Sept. 30, at the ago of fourscore The fury of the driving ran, The many friends of Mr. J. 13, and four years. Though not a pioneer, OR SALE.-IOPi acres, l miles from Wing. ALLAN, LINEA Weatherhead, who has been living in Mr. McPherson had been a resident of Serene I lay me down to sleep, lulle4l by the F 155 ham; school on lot, �4 mile from P, 6. ocean's Burges; Briekbou4e,banR barn,•qnd convenient out. 3SLYTH, New Mexico the past few years, will be Kinloss for probably thirty-five years. The sound* that are my lullabies may be another's buildings. NO acres In good cultivation. 00 or Blyth Fah; was held on Tuesday and sorry to learn that his health is but He leaves behind him a widowdirges. scrod of mlatih, good land when cleared; fir(o and six Phance for an energetic mail who to not afraid p S Wednesday of this week. little better. of a family., three sells and three daught. Though death and peril walk abroad, of work. Will be sold at abargain. Apply to Mr, of Mitchell visited I fqar them not, but trust in God. A. Dulmage, Real R.4tnte and Loan Agent, Holal M ail Sty amsh Miss Moore of Chesley visited her era. One of the situs, R, U., is a lawyer I care not for the storm king's wrath, Chisholm Blook, Wingham. Blyth. Friends last week, cousin, Miss Rosa Miller. in Toronto, Thomas is a lawyer in Win' Sde sheltered by my cottage hearth. Mr. Jno Barrett who has been clerking Mr. Henry Woods lifts rented his farm nipeg, and Andrew is still at Lome. Of -Geoffrey . Jeffries in Lewiston jfoura&L VOR SALH168 ueres in E. Wawanosh, fine FROM MONTREAL AND 4' wheat and stoop farm, 5 miles from Wing - in a Walkerton store for four months and intends to remove to Saginaw, Mich, the daughters one is married, e other bum. Bank. barn, comfortable frarichougo, two are nurses in B State of Ohio, City of Toledo, over 100 bearing fruit trees. River forms the visited his parents here before going to. te funeral i as. ontiterly boundary of thit; lot ranking it a very NEW YORK. The Presbyterian church will hold Boston.. Lucas County, desirable sto(!k farm, Sinall Iryment down Uoosomin, Assa,, to aceept a situation their anniversary services on October took place to TeeswaterVemetery on Frank J. Clienev makes oath that be and teaz terms will securo this big farm, Ap, Wednesday afternoon. ply 0 A Dulmnge,Rval Kstato Agent and Con - For tickets and full information apply Z Cheney & Co., doing business Ili the to GOURIE. preach morning and evening. City of Toledo, Connty and State afore - H. DAVIS, Wingham. The Misses Orr of Ford-wich spent a Mr. Aligns McDonald, who has sold AST WAWA$0SH, said, and that said firm will pay the SE WING MACHINES. i few days in town last week. Ills farm to Mr. Hugh Rutherford, will was received in Palmerston on sum of One Hundred Dollars for each I Wand every case of Catarrh that cannot be Miss May Riddell and Mrs. Jas. TOIROVO to Luoknow in the spring. Monday of the death of Malcolm Nichol- by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. A nice, easy -running, Walker took in the Pan American last son, who (lied at his residence four miles FRANK J. CHr.Npy. strong and unwear- i week. from Wingliam, on Sunday last. Mr Sworn to before me and subscribed in I out machine at reason- ! Miss Maggie James has returned from Nicholson was well known in Palmerston my Presence, this Otis day or December, A B 0 U T Y 0 U R a visit with friends in Mitchell. ISLURVALE. ' having lived the farm on the corner A. D. 1886. A. W, GLEASON, able prices. 'Despite the unfavorable weather of Main Street and the Harriston road A. � Miss Florence Haney has returned a number of Bluevaleites attended the for -of years and conducted a Notary Public. from a visit with friends in Waterdown. a number PIANOS AND ORGANS N IST R Mr.Wm. Doig, C. Q. F. organizer, Brussels show oil Friday last. dairy business Ili the town, Mr Nichol- Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally We have some beauti- t Inspector Robb visited our school son had and acts directly on the blood and spent last week with his family. lie. :again this week. not been feeling strong for the mucous surfaces of tne system. Send fal Instruments, of left on Monday for Vancouver, B.O,,f' past few years, but, being ambitious, con- for testimonials, free. lovely tone, and in Mr. E. Conites left on Monday for, tinued his daily work until complerel F. J. CffzNny & Coo Toledo, 0. handsome cases. Best where he will spend five months in the, Sold by interests of the Order. Philadelphia, where he intends studying taken clown, and for the last few druggists, 75c, makes. We have engaged Mr. dentistry. His friends wish him every had not been able to leave his house.in Hall's Family Pills are the best. Everything in the music THOMAS PHAILS,.0 line. 'success. funeral was held on Tuesday. an Experienced Butcher "top Tlttef! 14r. Will Pearson, of Wingbam, visit- The Hamilton Post, the only morni who has had charge of 8 Clayton Duff on Sundays the largest shops in would beajustifiable crydirected agains Mrs. John Collin *,left on Tuesday JAMESTO.AM paper published in Hamilton, has gone D. BELL, WINGHAN. the countless bumbugs that offer a cur© to the wall. It had existed since Julie, 0 1 morning I England, and are now for Catarrh. tThe'xe is only on - por(i, Man., where Robert McIntosh, of Molesworth, 1900. It is said that the gentlemen who in a position to serve up scientific method of treatment for she will join her husband, who is station Spent Sunday at Win. Wright's.were interested in it ' dropped about RE-Ck)ENING Tastie and D c I I e I ou-s Catarrh. Make the air you breathe the agent at that place. During her stay in Mrs. Frank Wright, with her daught- $12,000. carrier of health, balsamic, curative Bluevale, Mrs. Collie made many friends era Maggie and Paulina, were guests of Cuts of Any Kind of — agents; It bathes every inch of mucous Meats membranes with its healing, soothing and they all wish her a large measure of Mrs. Lake, Ili Grey, last week. Just try an ordei and properties. That'sCatarrhozone. Your happin is4d prosperity in her now Miss Maggie Scott, of Molesworth, is O'S*C LIVAN see if you do not want druggift or doctor will tell you it's the home. , visiting ,her sister, Mrs. Cope Stokes, to come back s only effective method of treatment and We are sorry to report that Mrs. F. B. and Miss Bella McIntosh is visitin. her that it is sure -prompt -permanent. Remember the name Catarrhozone. All Scott is confined to her bed by illness. sisters., Mrs. Smith and Mrs. McEwen. ��® Han dealers, 23c. and $1.00. However, Nye hope she will soon all right ' Frank Wright has returned from S College again. Manitoba, where he has been working "My hair was' falling out very UELGRAVE. The Christian Endeavor Society of the for the past two months. fast and I was greafly alarmed. I Shaw BI ck, Wingharn. Presbyterian church re-orgailized. for Miss Lon Walker has gone to her home then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and �,1 W. DIAMOND Rev. and Mrs. Brown have returned the winter months, on Sunday evening. in Howick for a -few days to take in Gor- 11ing at onct."- my hair stopped fL from a short vacation, and Mr. Brown The following officers were elected;- rie -show. Mrs. G. A. McVay, Ab;xandrla, O. But(;her, Mliftham occupied the pulpit in tile Methodist President, Mr. A. McEwen; Vice-Presi- A large number in this vicinity church on Sunday evening.' dent,' Clayton Duff ; Secretary, Will :1 in the show at Brussels. Although the Y' Ars. Russell is slowly recovering. Paterson; Treasurdr, Miss M. Collie.• day Nvas disagreeable, the people all re- The trouble is your hair Mr, Win. Hopper has been ailing Ior Every effort will be made to make -the poitan enjoyable time. does not have life enough. Rq And -most adva iced methods tho.-oughly- a few days, work of the society successful,.aud wib4 Tom and Mrs, Bennett, of Forestvil- I Act promptly. e your taught in Mr. John Wilfred of Blyth will 1011 the co-operation of the young people of le, spent -Sunday at George Combe's. Save duct the service next Sunday evening -in the church, this should not be difficult. hair. Feed it v-71' Th A-`c�, -no E. C. CLARKE I James: house is being push- • pamriafl§111% the Methodist church. Mrs. McLean, of Wingbaui, is the -ed aheadin great style. On Moudsty of I -lair Vigor. If the gyray i According to arrangement of the ' guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Johnst I on.- tiaiis week the carpenter Shortha id, Typem ifing), Etc,.. District ideeting, Rev. Mr. Brown will Mrs. J. Gannett and Mrs. R. M.us- and painter all started at c I AILOR D cep.:.terearb, hairs. are beginning to d .0 supply for Rev. Mr. Oaten, on Lite AA- grove are in Toronto this week-, taking the farmace is being built and put in. 5110 :v, Ayer's Hair Vigor field circuit, next Sunday. 1111 the royal visit. ill restore color every Mr. and Mrs. Rao spent part of Swi- W We have placed tip -stock a p Mr. T. J. Watt intends leaving his time. sixii a wtia. Ali druggists. nief, assortment of ready -to- . day at Mr. Whi. Ho p�r's- Grin and will have an auction sale to ETHEL. E. Stonehouse is suffering with Aispose of his stock, etc., Ili the near AND Councifaneeting on the loth inst. 1F wear clothing, and while It your drugflist cannot supply you, 9) 1 abscess on the arm. dutnre. liere., send us one dollar and wo will express t you a. bottle. Do sure and give the name 1[ndivid nal InstrinictiollL. do not pretend to Sell atless'l Clinton News -Record: Mr. and Mrs.' Mr. Cook, former hotel keeper hewe - We are glad to see Robortand Mrs Me- of your nearest express office. Address, VISITORS WELCOME. e elvey home once more from their visit J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. CIRCULHRJ FREE. visiting the Pau -Am., were guests of Wm. Jowitt shipped a carload than cost and live on the loss, - (Caul of near Belgrav , who had been! was in the village over Sunday, you will find full value for your v - load of hoti- 0 • the we -at. Mr. and Mrs, Kemp on Monday while on ,on Alonday. The foTiGiviu- will Constitute the money every time. their way home. Mrs. Will Rath of, The flax mill has concluded operations offic. M iary ply the Sons of Temperance Give us a call. See what near Belgrave. who is visiting at the and is closed down for the season. lodge in this place for the current term; we have in Men's, in Youths' homestead, Air. Thos, Archer's of W. P., George Dobson; W. A., Mrs. G* I N S test of Mrs. S. Kemp, Hullett, the Dobson; F.:a:: Alex. Lamont; Treas., ID DIY Ai f. and in Children's, all new and on Tuesday. S. Chambers -;l R.S., Miss Ida Cole; A. up-to-date goods. a The council met according to adjourn- R. S., Miss Mamie Hausuld; Con., J. C. We have also a line of •odd A very painful accident befell Richard, auent on Sept. l6th, 1901. Members all Lamont; Asst. Con., Miss B. Spence; Is where an expert looks to find whether it is as p -,e,,,,. Reeve in the chair. Minutes Chaplain, R. McKay; J. S., Bliss Eva Garments, Trousers, V(, -St- While en- the other afternoon of last ineeting read and passed. I Cole; O. S. Jo, Walsh; P. W. P., Miss I represented. A showy cas . not everything, Bicycle Suits, Overalls, etc. gaged in securing butternuts on Robert The trustees of Union School Section Mary A. Slealinou; Organist, Miss McLeod's farm, on tile second concession No. 12,, Morris and Hallett made applica- Laura Spence. though we have them in qualities. They do Efall from a tree, Ireaking both wrists. not sow the realqu hies oe works. When . Coo, CLARKE After a painful journey of five miles to ing the issue of Debentures for a loan of V011 deal with us u take no chances, for we -pendi-. Little is thought and less is known by Lucan he had the injured members set, two thousand dollars to meet ex Next door to Griffin's Royal; tune in connection with purchase of site the average man concerning the lives handle Watches that have stood the t. -St of time ing favotably. Grocery. .and is now progross and erection of school house Ili said and aims of the 400,000 inen and boys and a ht ve come out victorious. section. who delve under the surface of the Shaw -Taylor -That the request Of earth in places of darkness and d Then we have the same to say of our jewel - said trustees be granted and a by-law where hardly a day goes by without, wit,11012, Now for ry liries. In Rings, Pins, Broaches Chains and passed accordingly. -Carried. recording the death by falls of rock, coal I ChUdlogen Code-SbaW-That the motion of or slate of more than one unfortunate! the like, we show an excellent quality. F C ld Weath'er June 24th, re Irvine drain be rescinded mi er. An article o this subject at The same as watches, we guarantee jewelery. 0 and that Irvine be allowed 30c, per rod once impartial and vitally interesting is for digging said drain. -Carried. contributed to The Cosmopolitan fox That's a good name for On motion of Taylor and Shaw, C01111- October by John Mitchell, President of Attire Scott's Emulsion. Children cillors Code and Jackson were instructed the United Mine Workers of America ! to have bridges on centre sideline con• whom every one recalls as the man who Iff lff are like young plants. Some cessions 8 and 9 put in proper state of I pair. rO- organized the miners and tmirried through We have everything ready %vill grow in ordinary soil. to a successful termination the great 116 C H I S H 0 L n s of the Others need fertilizers. On motion of Code and Taylor, Mr. anthracite stkike of 1900. to meet the demand Peter Barr was allowed 50c per rod for Fall and Winter Season. The nature of some children digging a ditch on road allowance at lot Jeweler and lOptician, I 21, con. 5, said ditch to have foot to foot prevents thein from thrivi ng slope and to be sufficiently deep to give Mason Block, wit]Aham, New Overnatings onordinary food' Such chil. a satisfactory culvert to Mrs. Cameron's Scrofula The Latest %terial dren grow right if treated right. drain on South side of rogid. On motion of Shaw mid Code the re- What Is commonly Inherited in not All they need is a 14tle fer- scrofula but the scrofulous disposition. -quest of Messrs, McGillicuddy and Thid is generally and chlefly Indicated by New Suitings & Trouserings tilizer—a little extra richness, Goldthorpe re franchise for proposed cutaneous erupilons,, sometimes by paid- Suits, Overwats,'Trousers, Faber To Suit Evdyolle, and Scott's Emulsion is the right electric railway was laid over until next ness, nervoushoss and general debility. meeting for further dobsideration. The disease afflicted Mrs. X. To Snyder, New Cloods vests, etc., are now in stock. treatment, Accounts were ordered to be paid as Union St., Troy, Obla, when she was It WN be to the advantage of' Satisfaction Guaranteed follows: Vorgravol�T. Healey $4.06, eighteen years old, manifesting itself by a Both in Making and Price. Fertilizers make things grow. those who intend purchasing in tbat. That's just what Scott's Emul- J- H- 8011axs $U0. J. Duckett $1.54, bunch In her neck, which caused great pain. Goo. McDonald $10.60, D. Fatquharadia Was lanced, and became ii r6nning sore. line to inspect our stock, and sse the. It afteted the daughter of years11 latest styles. sion does, lt'makea children 75e, Goo. Kirby $3,45, Mrs, Fear 42.00, 3ones, Parker, City, Ind., when 13 76Ars'old: Come along and be made warm grow in flesh, grow in strength, Jas. Duncan $2.10, John Darr $1.50P, and developed so, rapidly that when she Fall a�,Winter Also in Gents'Furnighings, stylish Geo. Xerr 12.30, Tiros. U. Wright 1?ms and 8 she bad eleven running sores on her slid happy, And have the assurance grow rich blood, grow in mind, neck and about her ",ra. 11mg, caps, bte. Corporation Past wawanoAll $2.451 These sufferers were not boriefit6d by • felonal treatment, but, its they Voland that you are well drested, make ow happy.. That's what we Duff & Oteiyart, lumber, Sag, rarrolly ay, *or* completely cured by YodrB truly, it for. Messer, lumber find Work, $4.15-, DI Gray: 1166d"s, Sarsaparilla R. MAXWELL$ , Send for fteO saMPIC. 11111ing culvert of W. boundary, *18.ft this oettliar tnedietho "Itly6l eoq. SCOTT & bowl", Torown, Canada, agar, und6brushing, a sercoNloug disoaltloft inyroal. Geoo Carr �p Itrolf ART TAILOR. Sot Avid $t.ao; all druggistit. John Agin, filling griwel, $1.60; Goo.:'teetA Of Post Office tally Atid permanently curer tb* 4160"