HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-11, Page 4`71 THE WINGIIA)l TINES, OCL 11: 1901. 0 J�jugston Wblgz Mr. Whitney is great W11NOITAX MAUR= UNrOATS, P Ach as it destructive, force, and there is Ito wiuglmlnOct 10, 1001 02, Oct. 4emAud for his cervica, The province r1lo*arwr100lbs_ 65 to 5 5? Fill Wheat 0 62 to 0 0 may trust Lint, as the obstructor of the spring Wheat... 0 W to, 0 00 Jno, Jas. H Kerr. The People's Popular Store J00. Jos, H. Kerr, government in all its eVorts to open UP Oats ............ 0 30 to 0 85 New Ontario, it is hardly likely. The Barley 35 to 0 40 I 5C Each party whioli has some constructive ...... 0,60 to 0 05 Turkeys, drawn 0 013 to 0 10 • service, which has contributed to pro, Goose, 0 05 to 0 00 Aiiy Pipe in the window of -sent results, which is Al"0`1 with the 040 too 00 Ducks Campbell's Drug Store for men that are producing the wondrous Button... 0 15 to 0 16 Ct changes in this now couutry, wbiohhas Eggs per doz .... 0 11 to 0 11 This week we quote you "I WQ0dper0QTd__ 2 00 to, 25 is Cents, the land itself io the people, merits C U T C U T Hay per ton,, � ....... *:::, 7 00 to 8 00 •• These Pipes are worth from the commendation of the electors, and Potatoes, now, perbushol., 0 60 to 0 60 some OUT PRIOES. When 10C to 50c each, but this week will receive it witeit the time for action Tallow per lb ............ 0 05 to 0 Q5 • PRICES arrives. Lard 0 14 to 0 14 'we Offer at 15C at 0 031to 0 04 Wool .................... 0 13 to •0 15• we out prices, we out deep. Watch this space every Wee1c. Live Hogs, per awl. 7 00 to 7 00 a PERSONAI�6. Chickens ......... 0 80 to 0 40 A. Cam • pbell S We shallbo glad to have contri "t 9 a this column Xront O?f you DRUG STORE. save visitors or ptixpose going away .701, se Flannelette Blankets, new goods, re, 20c White N rabroldery for, 16c; yard ct�u and tell ", or send us 4 not,# to that ABNER COSENS gala) $1.25 a p4ir, now$l, Re- 15o White Limbroldery for,..., 10e yard FIRE AND LIFE pular $1 a pair fol .............. 806 10e White Embroidery for...., 7a yard TO ADVERTISERS, Mix, R. Lia -later was in Toronto this ASSURANCE AGENT. Patent Leather Belts reduced to,,. 15o .8c White Embroidery for..... . 6e yard week, Ladies' Belts, regular 15c, and 20c, Notice of changes must be left at this DOW. .......... life 5e White Embroidery for.,... 4e yard office not later than Saturday noon. Mrs. Hole exhibited in Blyth this Farin, Loans at 140,svest Rates- : The cop 1 0 now. 75c y for changes in-kist be Oft week. 0 Boys' Sweaters, regular $1.00, n 5c, White Embroidery foi yard not or than Tuesday evening. q. Casual advertisements accepted, up Mr. W. J. Greer was in Gonia on Office—Corner of Minnie AU41 • Boys' Sweaters, regular 75e, now.. 506 Patrick streets. Same reduction in Insertions. These a to noon Thursday of each week, Monday: Boys' Braces, only a few left, regular 10C pair, DOW ...... 5e prices for Two Weeks Only. Miss Dulmage of Gerrie was in town• EST.4BLIS15ED ISM on Monday, At home Frida:y a/ftnoons • Potato Masbefs—the best—regular 15e, reduced to ............................. 50 Inspector Robb visited the school here and Saturdays. Potato Paring Knives, regular 10e, reduced to: ........ ........................ 50 • TU WINfiffAm Tins. this week. I : loTT, FvuwsHEa Am) PaorilrxTou In.E Egg or Meat Turner, regular 10c, reduced to ................................. 50 Mr. A. R. Smith was in Stratford on T. J. MA IRE Can Opener—none better—regular 10e, reduced to ............................. 50 • Wednesday. ACCOUNTANT, 4AL • ESTATE, Double Wash Boards, regular 36e and 40o, now, .............................. 25e FRIDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1901. Messrs. R. Clogg, and W. Walker took INSURANC A LOAN AGENT, Fancy Tumblers, regular' 50a dozen, reduced to ............................... 40c, in Blyth show. • Jardineres, handsome, regular 15c, reduced to ................................. 106 • t Nates collected. Coil - NOTES AND 003DIE$TS. Mr, Craig, of Pittston, Pa. is visiting , Aeconuts Rea t kind X Jardineres, large size, regular 10c, reduced to .................................. 206 The Nova Scotia elections are said to at Mr. Alex. Ross'. Or, FICE—Over D. M. Gordon's.,tore. Wire Tea of Stands, regular 10e, redumd to. ................................. 50 Watson visited Goder. n-ESIVEWO-R—LeoPold stroot' 0 1* ncf�Tory-ous- master Victor Some of our esteemed Conservative ich friends last week. •0 Lanterns, regular 60e, now .......... 40c Compound �lustard, regular 25c. lb. contemporaries threaten to go into fits Mr, Robert Maxwell is taking* the Mr. George Ireland of Owen Sound -auless Hou, Geo. W. Ross immediately reception to the Duke. M visited his father in town last week. 0 Lanterns, regular 90c, now 60c reduced to ..................... 15e informs them when the next general Mrs. (Dr.) Spence, of Fordlvich, is Mrs. D. Pringle, of Oil City, is visit- Lanip Burners, usually sold at 156 Shoe Dressing, regular 10c, now.., 80 election will take plaoe.—Signal. visiting at Mr. Oosen's. ing with her mother, Mrs. Sutherland. each, our price ............ 10o Boneless Cod.Fish, regular Se pound, .......... I ........ X. Charles Calder has been nominated Mr. R. J. MaoMath took in the Luck- Mrs, L. E. Bowels, of Orangeville, is 0 SCHOOL BOOKS now 5e 1y the Conservatives of South Ontario. now Fair on Friday last. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hom- e A few left at Cost. Soda Biscuits•, regular 10a lb., now.. Se When he was unseated three years ago utli. twelve out of thirteen bribery cases A number of Wingliamites took in the Mr. John D. McEwen left on Tuesday 0 evamined wore proved, and there were Blyth Fair on Wednesday. NEW L A M P S Plain and Fancy, at Very Low Prices. Green 1)1enty more ready to be submitted.. Of Mrs. Broadway and daughter are vis- for Wallaceburg, to worlr- during the winter. . a course there have been other corrupt sting her uncle in Toronto. Glass Lamp, good burner, flint chimhey, 35c, 45c, 50c• - elections. But the renomination is odd, Miss Gregory went to Toronto Thurs- Miss Dulmage I of t on Wednesday 0 inview of the fact that Mr. Whitney's day morning to see the Duke. morning for Toronto to it t t e u d the Quaker kmd Boneysuckle Taffy—none better. Try it. Duke's reception. campaign consists mainly of -onslaughts Miss Hall, of Toronto, is visiting at Peanut Taffy, Peanut Crisp, Walnut Taffy, Maple Walnut I Miss Mattie Campbell left on Tuesday a New Candy on corruption. Mrs. R. S. McGee's this week. morning for a visit with relatives and Cream, Plitin Alaple Cream, Cocoanut Cream,'etc., etc. Near Poterboro a man who was drink- Donald,,Sutherlaud, of Shallow Lake 0 friends in Toronto. 0 iug milk swallowed a hornet, and had is visiting at his home in town. mo end of trouble with him. In the Mr. Charles Deans; came home from 0 ]Butter, Eggs, Dried App1w, Wood and Oats Wanted. - Messrs, Beuj. Mitchell and Will, G11- Palmerston on Monday. He is very ill •: 'baokwood the lumbermen are much be- lespiespent Sunday in Brussels. with inflammation. T-1 I G H E S T P R 1 0 E S P A I D • ;set with hornets; they batke in their mr Gorrie Vidette: Miss Etta Cummer, , T. A. Mills was at Blyth on Tues. isoup, and share their apple pie, but they• • ever have been knuwn to sting anyone day, 3xidging the provisions exhibit. of Wingliam, was the guest of Mrs. May Mr. F. A. Nelies, of Galt, has taken a Tate on Sunday last.• mless molested. The good-natured e ho. & Jas. H. Kerr. MACDONALD BLOCK, WINCHAM. Jia. & Jas. H. Kerr. t mbermen. know enough to leave them position as clerk in IvIcludools store. Mr. R. A. Graham was in Buffalo this 0. Ione; thus supplying a good lesson for Mr. Alex. Smitli -visited Wingliam week. He came home byway of • 0 everyone. friends on Sunday.—Wroxeter Star. Toronto to see the Duke. •00640 0 9 IS•89**6416060699 W., Mrs. Plows, of Tuckersmith, aud'Krs. J, Elliott, of Wingham, spent Tuesday with friends in town.—Exeter Advocate ........ 4 .............. ............................. 4 ....... 4 ...... *+ mamma Mr. and Mrs. James Walker and Mr. + + HA8LEY PARK and Mrs. Wesley Walker spent Sunday at the old homestead in East Wawanosh Miss Spading, ofWingliam, was the Cunningham for a + z"ar guest of Mrs. John + + h o as's Ba + few days of this week.—Clinton News- + + Record. + + + Mis§ Mary Watson, who has been re- + Button Block, Wingham. siding here for several mouths, left for + her home in CowanSvills, Quebec, on + Thursday morning. + Mr. S. Wray, of East Loudon, left for Wingliam last night, upon receipt of a telegram apprising him of the sudden d + death of his mother in that town.—F ree+ + + Press. + Money Saved Mrs. H. Marshall, of Wingliam, and + Miss Addie Barton, of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. D. Marshall, Mill street, 4 You Know over Saturday and Sunday.—Listowel + Standard. Hiss Henderson, head milliner at Miss + SPECIAL 4- MacPherson's, left on Tuesday morning +. on a business trip to Toronto, where she ++ Money RNED will spend a couple of days enjoying the + + NOTICE celebration to royalty. + + + Mr. lyff"Xinnont son of Mr. James me- + + Kinnon, near Dungannon, arrived hams + Here is + For Fall and Winter Trade.r from the Klondyke last week. He was nuable to reach here in time to see his One chance father before his death. We show a very large assort visited Toronto this + The following V + went of Ladies' and Gentle weeic to take in the Duke's reception: Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gordon, Mr, and men's Watches. Splendid Mrs, F. G. SpaIrling, Mr. and Mrs. D, E. + McDonald, and Mrs, E. C. Clark, + 97 piece dinner sets in brown and green Sugar Shakers for 10e. goods at very I ow prices. + ' Markets. + for $5.50, Jardiners in Various sizes and colors, from Inspection invited. Toronto, Oct. ck.'18'0_The receipts at the Z 10c to $L50, + 97 piece dinner sets in Flown Blue. for -western cattle 'Yards today were 75 ear- + cattle #1 $6.60, Otokinole Boards for 90e. + lends of live Stock, including 1,511 Broad Boards for 80c. 278 Shoop and lambs, 800 hogs and 50 + 10 piece Toilet Sets, edged with gold, assort, calves and wilch cows. ed colorg, for $200. Towel Rollers at 9c each. • Business Was fair today at steady un-: Butter Bowls, various sizes, from. 25a to 400 Changed prices for everything except Many useful borne needs to be found in Glassware, Graidtoware, Vamps, ere:, prices Butter Moulds for 20o, hags, which declined & quarter. • Following are the quotations: of which have been made particularly inter= Rush Door Mats at 100 each. 0.1k.TTLt. estibg. 11"Ibre Palls for 85o. Shippero, Pot OWt ..... $ 4 95 $500 ' d; 4 00 4 50 1 144 porridge or Oyster Bowls, blue decor. Good Scrubbing Brush for 5e. Butchor, chores Butcher, ordinary toations, 0136 pint size, for 8e. Stove Brushes for ile, good.. 8 25 3 76 Butcher, inferior .... 2 75 306I Slagto AND 1AXIIS,+ Choice ewes, per c -wt 00 195 Butchers, sheep, each. 9 00 a 00 Lambs (spring), 64011 2 60, 4 00 Do, per owt.. 26 876 2 26 2 50 �Jttltrgg A A Bottle of Stovt Pipe Varnish, with cup and brush Cows, each ............ 00 00 45 00 CoMplete, for 20C. Calves, each'. 2(* 10 co Stove Blackening of all kinds. hoion hogs, per oWt - - - 4017 a 16 HASLEY OPARK Light , 00 Howl, hogshog*, peperr oOWLwt... 0 00 66600 owt 1* 4 00 0001 9 00 A