HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-11, Page 3j
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f" 'ru AVINGHAK TiMS .1-0, 11, 19 01. 1 I �
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SAJ31t a e Forget them? The, cannot tar art have -wQn a isoldier roll up his, slee.re ,
: , D I thorn, 'Notwithston."Ilm, all ilieIr and 6ILow you hL4 arla tattooed. wil-it I I
, .
. ; ml0t Axid -s - tllf� -trep where he —
i I .. li,.fIvndor thv�e ore isom( � figure of a lot � 1%,
�- , MITO ATTAM, Kiduoy I 06-rg,j t glorif led of heaven was garrisoned, or the face of a deal Tho Cry .1
I 41outhAmerican"N*pvimelh4WV"VA09�� � of an JuNut. to Na"titrel# %M00
-UA41f'th9 "MRaggladueniqll.to. many; I T A a cannot do, and flii13 Is our of them, ge-imral under whain bp fought, you of 010trogs. , ,,i
I ,O'nerve.-tal0k autrorer, it zgtavitm t4i They paiii-liot forg-A an earthly kind. have seen many it h�jaq tattooed -
a WQVk at 'the - fountaln+hawd ,of the f*erzion By Rev. T. Ve Witt nesn done, Thr, kindne o'oed "I'll Bitbloo never cry unless there is sowA.-
do thel face of a loved unit before or at.
�, 4voUble-the"dIffestlon. 4tit=lsthe ,. I . b 4 to -Qtjler4 W 11 11 . , i
.� $ NP0031aftoll, 'helper ;to nagimlieLte the Taltuage, V� I n flity , , , 111 .8tQAd fi,% I= Irio, ,,,,, � ter marriage. Th, cusicin of tattoo. very K004 reason for it. Tbo cry of IV I
� IrOud, P370motex1healthy alroulintlo t D. appreciation ,of others. as the g:ltes� ira,.X 1.s alujogi;i ns Opt as tile, .wqrItI. It baby is liatura'4 warning Signal t h W! -
'P of beavell . wIll Mimi. as the "house' 1,1 some, colored liquid punctured 1
Attinulatels the flow or Ploh, 'd �' Q z tito there is somethillig wrong. jDvory duo --
j .
I 'blac)d,,;LQqjmlqvAte.04ho,AQtlok"f,�l;e i OAUSING FREQUERW RISING AT of ntalay nionli(IOUS""Will staild its longr ill' 11 "'.1i so indeltuy tbat,UOtjXIu,4 can -ther ought to get to work
� I , '
� dir,gaktis. 'WaShIngton, Sept.." this ells- I I � , banjediaolr,
: . NIGHT, IS COMPLETELY CURED " the throne of Go -I iv It stand,. W11191% it out. If nvty huv:• bvu. there
I . . MUM Dr. Tallange &hOws how ;any Another defeat; Of oblivion will be fifty years, but w1r."a the livi-n g to And out whar, tbat something wronsr
`60tith -Amedcan 'Xrvhlp, cum jaervousnesp, BY DR, PITCHER'S R-ACKACHE found In the character of those whom Into Ilia coffin, th4-t picture will go maybe. If the fretfulness and lmitl%-
I 40ceplessiless, neuralgia, nervous prostration, .One, can 43 widely and forever reodl- KID119Y TA9L9T$. we rescue, uplift or save. Character with him on hand or arm. Now, God tion are not caused by exterior sour4so,
Acr,vous choking, nervous!tIvitchl"g.5; Wt OusI1014- lasted and oheers dw*oadent Clisia- is eternal. Suppa&i by a right infix- be, has tattow-d us. Upon, it .
sick ,head -ache, 4-speps1q, indigestion, -anti all — n- a lu. says that is Conclusive evidenets that the orylug'
Idndred jitilmepts,' At ,is rdw mryy ine9tor oof! tIOM -;warkers; texts, Job xxiv, ,20, encl� we aid in transform! , bad Ills hands. Tht.%,e og7;t b� no 'Other
Alcalth. , .434 '.'file' taball W. ,no more remembered" Man people are troubled, with an man into a good man, a dolorous meaning of Isaiall, Nirliere God says, baby I-; ill. Tile only safwtind Judi(.IOUs
. an, a disheart. "Behold, I have graven. thee on the thing to do is to administer Baby's Own,
. 6, -'�Tjjc` Bladder that compels frequent attention czed man Into a courageous man, palms of my hands!" It was as nigeb, Tablets with h y
. . 8014 by A. L. Hamilton, Wingliam. rjghtc�; s irritable condition of the Kidney and man Into a happy in,
I and 4 P$ftbUs CXi4
� I . . ,out the slightest delay,
. ...., I 11 1, ishallibi in everlast2agg-emembrance." during the day and fre4jietA rising XL& "very stroke of that work done will as, to say, "I cannot op.,,n my li,and to For indigestion, sleeplessness, the irrit.
I I . NA111OV01111111tstop" . Of Oblivion and its, del.eats I speak I Onight. Iri immortalized. Tlie-re may nevor be lw•lp, but I think of you. I cannot Ation, necompatlying ills clittillf., of feetb,,
.. : to -day. Ther, Is. an old monsiter thait For Such an annoying ectad serious fo much as one line in t new.ipaper slicread abroad my hands to ldess$
I Chicago Journal.: Quadruplets, Nvore, ' Miluey trouble, there is ono winedy, 00, regarding It or no mortal tongue but I think of You, Wherever I go diarrhoea, constipation, 0011 , andsimple
411jaws down ever thin it ,0
il aw.
1. 1, born yeiktorday to,Xrs. Chas. T. (Orms-: (beneflejalasthe modern If inedi- -may ever wbispn- it into human ear, up. and dawn the heavents, I take fevers,tbese marvellous lW letublets Ijave
.11, , 0
. , * 14y, of 4OG Wealt .Torty-third street. .crunches individuals, 4timillos, com. teine, Dr, Pitcher's Backaoilw' Kidney but wherever that: soul shall go your 'theqe Lim pictures of )-oil with W- givenirelief in thousands of cases and
I. ; ,munit.les, states, nations, contluents,11ablete. They allay all Irritability, work upon it shall go, wherever that They are so inwrought ,*Ut .
, Mrs. (ftlas[by'litialbaen imar.Xied.,goven. I I 0 my b:x- save
.hentlepilicires, wands. Its diet ismade regulate the Kidney action and permit. soul rises your work on it will rico ing tbut I cannot lose, then. As a many precious baby lives. DO
I", years. Xar husband, it plumber,' twidisturbed rest at night. and so Ion � ,
-whose experiments -with up of yours, of centurle-si, of ages, of .F, ais that soul will ),,is" JOrM 11% MY hind,3 last the memory of not AITO A child so-called 11soothing',
! � a perpetual- - .Mr. Isaac Ilutel, all old and .1iii,chly your work on it will la t. Do. you YOU will last. .Not an the back of my medicines; such only stupify, alla pro-
It Q .
motion ,natwhine hovel -unhinged 'his' �yolcff, of Millenniums, Of cons. That re4pected resident of MountForeot, Out,., - euppose there will ever come such an hands, Ada though to announce
I Y011 to duce unnatural Sleep, Bally's own
� . suind, deserted her,,,soven -months ago. monster is called by NowN Webster 11"'this to Bay, "For some tell years idiotic lapje� in tlin history of that OtIl".4. bat '
: And all the '*yn the' Palms of my Tablets
other ,dictionaries past, owing to hard work in my younger ill heaven th!Lt it shall forget hands for myself to look at and Tablets . Are guaranteed to PontAlit no
! . Besides throe ,childrim, ,who were doys oil the farm, I leave I opiate or other barml.Fs drilip.1; they
I e tied a constant tliat you invited him, to Christ; that study nad love, Though I bol,l it,(..
t born isingly, tbe�%I.rt,h : 'tQblLvIoV." .It is a, steep down which pain An my back that ran at titres up in- You, by prayer on Gospel word, turn- winih in mff fist, no'eyelone shall promote sound, healthy sleep because
I . Ormsby fanAty ,bible ollo,ws.the'lollow- I everything zo!l% It is a cotflagration to my shoulders. The Xidueys bot,ber- cd him -round from I be wrong way to uprO:)1, thn. inscription of our name. they go d '
1. in ,which everything is consumed, It ed much and iiiy . liver soine- the right way? No such insanity will and year f-ic,,, and though I I
; ctly, fo thH root of bob
ing,, I , . .. , , : It I bold the
I . 1 4 is -a dirge, which all orcheotras play whatalso. I tried a good many re- ever smite a heavenly citizen, Ii is damn in the hollow of'my hand, its troubles, Dissolved In water these tab -
Nov. 1, 1890-Twixts., ! meclieH with only indilreront success, not halt as well on earth known that billows shall not wash -out the -record letscan be given to tile youlige�t infant.
Sept, 18, 1997-7%viva, . and .a ,pnarlod.at which ererything until ]['got it bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Clirb%topher Wren planned and built of my remembrance. 'Behold, I have Mrs. Walter Brown, Wilby. Qjje,, says:
Sept,24, 1899-Tyiplett j stolpi. ;It is (Ilic. cemetery of the hu- Backache Kidney Tablets at Ye Pitcher's
St. Paul's as it will W known in all graven thee, on the palmy of my I
- � , -"I have never used any medicine for
I ScpL 29, 1901�Qurtdrupilet% � .. man race. It is the domain of forget_ drug store in this town. The result of. heaven that you were the instruinen- Ixands!l " .
I fulacm. ,Oblivion! At times it throws using these Tablets has been beyond my, tality of building a te.ingla for the What joy, what honor, can there baby that did as involl good as Baby's '
Xrs- Ormidly.1% one of triplets her- expectations, stopped the pain! sky. We teach a Sabbath school class -'� comparabl.! to that of bein,,, re- ONVII 1"Ible-ts. I WOL1141 not be without
I T%, juso a Saladow ,vex all us, and I b there .
F aelf. She Is! 30 years old. would letbacs'a0lid allayed the or put a Christian tract in the blind membered by the mightiest tmd molt the,,,.
. . . and soreness in t) I 97
, . band 1,B ity6ye"z her junlor, - wast jpToxiounce it to=day it I dad not Kidney irritation, so that I call now rest of a passerby or testify for Christ affoctionate b�-Inq in the universe V
I . , Daby's Own Tablets tire for sale at 411
come* axtUed in the strength well atnight. They have also regulated in a prayer mnt'n,g or preach a ser- Think of it, to hold an everlais',in-
-1 I I 41 my bowels and stirred my sluggish liver, mon and go hom-,.� discouraged, as place in t1be heart Of God' The heart drug .stores, or will be sent direct on re -
i . etexual God go. your b2Ualf to attack 0
. so that I out feeling better than I have though nothinj had b:wn accomplish- Of God! The wast b'zautifut palace 'n ceipt of price (25 cents a box) by address.
.., . Richard, son of Mr.* ITenry Oamwi%iga, it, tol zout it, tol demolish- it. in a long time, and I am only too pleased ed, when the had b -en character build- the universe. Let jh:• arelvinget build Ing the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,
I I Mount Forest, while at work in 'a 4911,47' Wlxy, .just look at the way the fam- to give this testimonial as to the good jing with it material that no frost a palace as grand as' ha can and then Brockville, Ont.
mill in Luther a week ago, allowed his illea of the earth disappewr. F,, the remedy acconiplished in my case." or earthquake or rollbneg of the ten- you enter flik, palaca of arehangelic
, * Dr. Pitcher's BaCkRO110 Kidney Tub- tunes can damage err brin- down. construction and sea how poor a pal_
- arm to come In contact with a Saw,, l it,while, they are together, -inseparable i4sare 50ets it box at all druggists. Thcri 1,% no subl:ni!�r art earth ace, it! is comparad with tke greater There was onnsiflorable, excitement I I n
I . N ,which ent the limb half off between the; and to each otht-r indispensable, and The Dr. Zina Pitcher Co., Toronto, Out. than architecture. 'With pencil and palac; that wine of you have already and about tjlc� r,
I I wrist and elbow. The young mita, aged t)i4vn they part, soma, by marriage � rule and compass tbi architect sits found in the li.,axt of a loving and revim ry on Monriny last,
. . . about 18, is now at his home nursing the going to establish their homes, and -- -- ----.- - —� down alone and in silence and evolves pardonik-, God and into which all the- A Londnn Broi sent up melt to novo the
. i , I
I (i , wound, which IF, a bad one, eoi;e leave ,this life, and a century is . . from his own brain a catbedral or music and nli tit(- prayers and all the engine and boiler from the litilliling and -
I a nitticynal .1 or it massive sermonic considerations of
. I
elect Off a piece of that grwnffi,,. capital this day ship them to the Cit?. The Company .
IL . On Harriston fair day Mr. Torrence's long enough to plant a faintly, devel- Why, th.-,r,, is only a crust b�itwgcn b -fora he leaves that table, and then through had not received payment for the ma-
I horse took fright and made a break for op it. prosper it and obliterate it. So us and the furnaces inside xaging to he goes out and unrolls his
. . rosplans the blood of thn slain Lamb chinery. and having them' covered by -a
. Rberty, and Mr. Torrance being a some. the generations vanish. . ,nLers and mason, and F
I . . Waltel. get out. Oblivion! Tho world itself and calls carp Oh, where is oblivion now From
. will roll into it a,.i emsily its a school- artivitas of .ill sorts to e=cute 11:5 tht., dark and overshadowing word lieu note, sought to taka'possesdo4. .
I . what athletic individual, tried to control Soottls Old Mortality may go round boy's India rubber hall rotas down it design, 'and when it U finibh.�d he :that it scenind when I began it has Mayor Jackson, lic-,vel er, beard about it
. the speeding steed with the result that -.Y,Itlx his chisel to out the faded, QPl- hill, and when our world gess it is walks around the vast structure and b:woae sometll:m- which no man or and, in the interests Of the town, which
horse and wagon went over him, inflict. taplis on tombstones, but Old Obliv- so interlocked by th-u law of gravita- 'Rees the completion of the'work with wOln." Or child. ��h. lovas the Lord
1owns the buildin-,,
ing a few kicks and bruises ' . The horse ion has a quicker chisel with which tion with o4har worlds that they lib7h eatisfactkn,, anti on a stow ,It. need lever fear. Oblivian defeated. ., ha forbade the men
1 I ,came down town helter skelter, but was lie can out out -it thousand epitaphs will go too, turd so far from. having ionic corn7ir of the bull.,Uji�- the arch'- Obliv:on dead, Oblivion sepulcher- to remove the ejigine and boiler until
, - "lit I m,
. our m2mory perpetuated by a mon- tect's mam! may ba elilseled. But ed. 13 usL not bi ,so haxil on some arrangeniotit had been arrived at.
held up without much damage being while. Old Mortallty is cutting one ument of Ab.irdeen granite in this tbe, siormi do their work, and tame, that devouriai2,,'nlm3,t,?r, for into its A truce was made, during which Con-
-done -except to Mr. Torrance, and he epitaph. Whole libraries of biograph- waxId there is inD world in sight of that tnkes down everything, will yet I grave gcy all our sirls w1rum the Lord
. will soon be all right. ice devoured of bao-kwormis or un- Our 'strongest teleseop-a that will ba tak- down that structure until there I for Christ's saki has forgiven them,. stable Welsh renusined on guard, but
1 ,...." .. � . ..... 1. . . I rouil of tile rising generations. All , a. she p,adim.mt f(y-.* any slabof com- 6hall not b, one stony bft upon nn- Just. blow a resurrect ion trumpet finally the Company was allowed to take
the signs of the stores and memoration of the fact that wu cv2r oth,.--,r- Dut th?ro is a -�oul in heaven. i ov,r them when once oV.iv;on has the goods. -News Record.
ware- lived or died at all. Our earth, IV' - - mapp?d ;town. down. NA one of I
Si I , houses of great firms have changed, -1,7
nless the grandsons think that it is struck with death.- The axletree of - - ----"7=-- — ---- ----.-: them rises. 's3lcnv aga'n. Nota stir
an advantage, to keep the -old 'sign th'! constellations will break and I-zt amid all the pardan-d , lquities of P dp%, AMT® " F:za I A
I AS"OLU"T up because the .-ionic of the ancestor down the P0111111LUO213 of Oth-X A HEALTH POLICY Ilfctimi-- Blow again. ,-
up One -f- %.,.P A M-T%LOPIE�a
worlds. Stellar, lunar, solar, =2-t them moves in the deep grave tren-
. was more commendatory than the talily. Oblivion! I " can swallow Mr. Sabin insures himself against the rav- cher. But to this 1poovv-2-rless resur- .
6 H nnnin of thb deacenclant. The city of rir Infants and Children.
I R and will swallow -whole galnx!es of ages of Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Dr rection t rumpA a volect responds, . .
ame stands to -day, but dig down ' . half hum -in, halt div'wi. a-il it muni 7"116.
deep enough, and you come to an- worlds as easily a3 a crocodile takes Von Stanpg Pineapple Tablets is a Rafe I b, in man an I part Go 1, Paylnr�, 14119 ig on
, ���n oth4tr Rome, buried, and go down doAvil it froz. . "Policy" to carry. They prevent and cure, "Their s'a't nal t.h. ir iniqui- stilTalturs C I., orer.r
still farther, and you w*.IL find a Yet eblivion dots not remove or act quickly and a convenient "vest pocket" ties 1,01 I T.InIllllb�r no of 441f- '/ wanoro
third Rome, Jerusalem stands s.,wallwiv everything that had batter . more.
. – 1,1:Zel.t�.
� .; . Genuine to -clay, but 6ig down deep enough, not b2 removed or,swallowed. The , prescription. Than'.: God for this blvistd oblivion. .
.Jerusalem,old monstrwr is welooma to ' I I %fter trying nearly everything the Alateria SO YOU sc- 1. (IN not Lnvi'.,;V. youdown and you will find a under- his meal. 4Mr. Georze lohn4oif,61' Clitiron, had
neafli and go on anddeeperdown - a This world would longr ago hava b�e.n Medica recommended for Indigestion, I find Dr. into o a ce * I -x, bite up on a thron., ;not half of his left tliiituh bitteti off by one
: A11111114kVon Stan's Pineapple Tablets to betheonly abso.
k; W A .196vercrowded if not for 'j -ho merciful into the pra vcy.q ril 0. wh'oh all mit- I
j CORN r (0� third Jerusalem. Alexandria, Egypt, removal of nations and generations, lute specific for this most distressing ailment. It axial is destinvi, b-ilt into a gar- of I1i4 horses oil Thursday last.* He had
a r 0 Q� on thel top of an Alexam-dria, and the - certainly has proved so in case. I give you dc,
. seirond on top of a third. Many What if all tiva. bmks had lived that authority to quote me if it Nvil(lighten some other n .111 abloom lvitli everlastinw re- I the team by the head to back them up
. of the ancient citi3s are burled thirty WEITO ever written and printed and poor sufferer's burden."—James's', Sabin, Secre. ra-mbrannp. The frown of my first when one thein made a snap with the
fciA deep or fifty feet deep or, publk-bed? Thi ,libraries would by tary of Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Com- tnxt has b=mn th3 kis; of the'sec-
I Little Liver Pills 100 their immensity have ab.itruoted in- pany. Montpelier, Vt. 6o tablets - c% id text. Annihilation has baoome. above resnIt.
o feet deep. What was the matter? A -my 31. ' I c2ron.tion. 'Ph-, wrinzing hands of a In a letter to J. 'Rausford, of town,
k, j I .- tellim,nee an,t mada all research im- ,Sold by A, L. Hamilton, Whighom i,
spacial onlaulityl' No. The winds and
Must Bear Signature of wavea, and sands, and flying (lust are Possible. The fatal ep1domicof books L.. --- � . great agany have become the clapping front his brother Will, who is license
. .
� was a merciful ,-p!dcmio. Many of Through your i.-1,4trum,,ntal - liandR nf'a irrvat joy. The requiem
all undertakers and gravediggers, — -- � commissioner in New York Oily, this
and if the world stands long enough the state and imticinal libraries to- i4 i� w;lz i with wb*r1i Nv- 1>�gan hn.q become the .
Clic present Washington and New clay are only momgaes, in -which 'lead
put, f 11,,,ro- Un,!Lr God's graoL. you are I,yr:,n I nvr1i ivi'll which w2 clo-e. The amusing little incident happened: Two
the axelillect or A -i cuirnal hap,pini-se. j t.ar cv men, Jews, were apply iug for a license
A;,,,:�1�2 I York and London will have, on top b�nok% are waitzang for sont-, one to yo*ur nam -i is -writLen, " -P sn,lne-rq that �olliid do,wn rvir I I 1,
I of them other Wa.shingtwLs and New come and recOgnize them. What if not 0, one I cheek ha= stm-k the lir) rn whl(,h el'.s? in Now York recently. On the state -
all thp p?opl,:� Lb., earner of its n;.L,1urv, bul. ;nwrought 1 the laughter of eternal triumph.
See Fac -Simile Wrapper Below. Yarks and Londons, and only after " .Lt had Wen l,orn into its very fiber and enr!rgy. Will I imeiitisalitiefor the landloid's name,
I digging and boring and blasting will were -still alive? We would have b�cn the stornas of vrimtir wash out thi, I I which he had omitted. On asking the
Very small ar-d as easy the archaeologists of far ,distant elbowed by our, of ten cen- istory of what you have wrough-.1 up- I Woman is as Old ms Sh a Looks. nanio onA rt-j,lied "Levy," but what is
to talc as sr -jar. centuries come clor,vin its far as the turies ago, and WoPle -who ought to
. I have said their last sward 3,000 years on that spiritual structure? No. Itis not age but disensp. weakness and his Christian name? His chum stopped
highest spires and domes and turrets There are no st.-arxaa in that lan-1,and ill -health that innl;P4 welliell 0](1, care.
- beret" Th.?re would out thi inetier:p!ion which shows your voll d. t ]on); hands, "Mine frien. he hasn't any, lie's
I It FOR HEADACHE, of our present American and Euro- ago ,krould snarl at us, snying, "What Cher;: 1-3 no -wai.er. Will tintu WO."r worn and wriii1do up .%lid N) hisp red, gesticulating with his
CAPRIPERS FW1 DIZZINESS. pean cities., art, you doln, Yon (willo
ITTLE: FOR BILIOUSNESS, Call thol roll of the axmic% oftBald- have bnn.no room. to turn around. r Ilest miless you feel well, strong
. will 1, Or of Charles Abirtnl or, of Same, of the past generations of mall_ fide-lity? No. Ti=-� is past, naid it is �jjd vigorous, with Pillso., riell'blood and a JPvr V'—Cliuton New Era.
I FOP, TORPID LIVER. kind we're. not worth rernornw. , an everlasting •now. Built in,o flic Ftendyi3erves. Dr. Chapels Nerve Food ,
I . 14V E R Marlborough or of Mithrildit teis, or of r -1 ng. tomuclation of that
- P, LL a Tile first useful tb'n,- that imp �xi haQ • alruc- , makes P -nod health, re,lores Ills healthful "
PILLS. FOR CONSTIPATION. Prince Frederick or of Cortes, and' many P"- titre, built into its pillars, built into irlow to the comnlexion, rounds out the
-ir 11 -rave a boon. Th' LI
fortune and tit 4 its capstone Is your naiw either ier forill find gives (4tisticity to every motion
� . FOR SALLOW MM. mat 'ono ansWIL-1- will you hear. Stand ple did was to die, their cradle a m" , .
L FOR THE COMPLEXION them in line and call the roll of ille )'3 the; name you have on. earth or, the of ths body.
. . I worl-I was har'dly a comfort -
0 . XnVUXrf= uua.rftAv 1,000,000 men in the army or � name by wbich zeDstials shall call
wr1ce abF- place to liv I
Carft I Purely Tegetable. Thebes. Not *onr-- answer. Stan,[ them e In before tile middle � you. I know tLe. 1,11bl, ,say !,it ow, •Some Reasons
-.--L-, - in line, the .1,700,030 infantry and of the eig-liteent.b. century. So- many plac,2- that God is a ji-RIOUsSGO-1, ba-�. 'H VALOR. Why You Slivuld Insist on Having
diings have coinj inj,o, the world that that refers to. the walk of theta who I
CURE SICK HEADACHE. the, 200,000 cavalry of the ,i"q yrian ,, BRITISH
array 'under Ninus, and call the roll. were not fit to stay in we ought to worship some o.%��r Got. , I
Not onc, answer. Oblivion! Are the ba .-lad they were pat out. The wat- A trup father :s no, j.!alou3 of lji., A Gjkli; lloy'm Advouttire lit South Africa.- EUREKA FME-`,'19ESZ3)'1 VOLVIL
feet of the dancers who, at the. ball errs of Lethe, the foantain of forget- '.t glE��,
. ehild. With -%k,h,., - V Urecivalled bywiv other.
, fulness, are a healthful -draft. The . 0,,t ..!Ijow the A White lVillig Incideat, and Its Sequel. . enders hard leather soft.
Liver Pills the Duchess of Richmond at Brussels piCt-UTO your child limciled or a toy Until three yearn ago there lived specially prepared.
' the, night before Waterloo .,ill still? ]%L -story we, have of the world in ages ,13ilp your child '1�ewM ,out or recite near, I .
That's what you need SOMe* All still. Are. the cars that heard the 0.18t is always a -no sided and canno�: the noble deed Twar child aeA Galt a popular, plucky boy, Geo. - Keeps out water. .
I I b3 depended -&n. History is fiction il- 10m, Bowler. Ilia attended. the school at j I
. thing to cure your Uious-, guns of Bunker 11111 all deaf? All lustrrated by it few stragglitng facts. ill istred, and 'Gud never was jealous -- A heavy bodied oil.
deaf. Are the eyes that saw tho cor- opt a, Joshua, never was jealous of a 31ittle'6 Corners, and was well known i
ness and give you a good enation of George 111. all closed? All Now, I hav* told you that this ob- Paul. never wn.3 jvalou3 of a Fran- � HARNESS
cloned, Oblivionl ., A hundred years livion Of which I have spoken haw in Galt and, neighborhood. Then he
digestion.' Ayer's 'Pills are its defeats and that therci is no more ws Havergal, never wai jealous -of it . _ All excellent preservative. harness. . I
Pram now there � will not be a be' . ourneyed .to Calgary and a year ago Reduces cost of you harn
Ing man or woman ,.vho tried to heal 3 I I
I liver pillts. They cure con- on this carth'�thvt knL,w,wc ever 1710-tisorl wily iva should not bri dis- womnis and wipe, away tears and lift last July went to South Africa. He's ever bums the leather; its
stipation and biliousnem' lived. . tinotly and vividly ,ind glorion-ty hu ' fficienov isincreased. �
renleirjbwred fiv,� rcivus arwl save souls, and whiln all Trooper Bowler now,i a wounded one, l Secures hest service. I
. 28c. 1 billion trillion . n collar bon,' shattered by a Boor Stitches kept from breaking. 1 4
In soma Old family xemrd it de- hundred nillian is of ,grace nn -1 your self abnegnt'rig his S
Gently laxative. All d glisft. ,sec,ndant xttldyln�r up the ancestral quadrillion utteranm, will b3. !'Not unto us, not i
ru line xn,x.y study out our name and quintillion Y�,ax,, from now than that unto u,4, but unto thy na=% 0 'Lord, bullet under thin following ciroum- 3
'I 1) 1�ant'7jr mommerlo OV beada, beau w• ghouls b� Tcm.,inbered six wooks, OIL I
roirnor rielt black? Thenustj from the faded Ink with great effort I give gloryll' you shall always feel a .50licus: .
Ar the find that so 1 AD3 rointr to, tell YOU how ,11.0 ht'- I Is sold in all I
. mz� parson by our name avenly antlisfaction in every good ",'�- party of seven Boars came to-
, BUCKINGHAM'S DYE(vohiskerS was born x,arnewhem. .In the nine= thtog can i;i don, and will be done, I . Localities Manvifwfnrecl h7l �
etagn-L, borne, from. ben3atli, should ward cam near Springs. under .11 i YMPOMILl 01' V011111tl1r.
60 cys, or bmU0013're, OR R. P. HALL & Co., NASHUA. N. N. ' '%Ar(' My build this "everlastina break through th,.� gates of hear( -7 . I
I temth century, but they will know -1
Tonlombrance." zi my text styles it, while flag. Thil. scouts and it Party, . .. . . .-
. . no more, about as -`Iian w.t know I and offaw on -!record of your earthly cAr mounted infantry went out to see I - -
about the color ot, a C1111,11's eyes into the eup,,rnal exi.stence of those filelity riv,tbinki Christ -would takv . '.
I born last night :n a vitlag.�, in Tata- to whom lvv. ido kiindnmse.s in thbi 'rini, of the nails of h�s own cross an,11 what '.hey wanted. The Boors hold I .
genii. Tell m,,A ,wmvthin,� about your world. You inuqt rvni�mb,r thn.1, .
greatindfathor. What were his this infirm and trectscheretug f;lcul;y writ:, ?lonowhcre on the crystal or their guns up above their heads, as
3 featitres? What (lid he do? which we now call.ml,-incyry in in fli. the nmith1q.t or tile jt6nth or the it token of surrender, until our men I ..
N1 N E B U` I LS What chry,ioprasu% your nnnr� an:1 .;list
year Was lie b0-1111 What year did , I 0 0
), futunN staie, to b� complete ond por- were ift clowt range. Then they drop- .
feet. tinder it the h-scripLion, Or my text,
he die? And your preat ,grand -moth- 1�Ew,r1afiLiziq .remombrane(,!" "The righteous shall bi hell ift, ever. ped; their guns- to their shoulders,and
or? Will yoll. <Iecicr:lx� flit style of hat Nothim.r will villp, the stout grip of g, 9
s,.he.. wore, and how (lid she and 'your that wlis,tlal 'faculty. Did you help to-etilitt reinvinbranct,." poured lead into the mounted infan� I .
, great-jTrnjndfat:Iw.r get roti ig each it wi-iloW pay her rent? Did you find Theri, in another ind a more 00111- try,, Before. w -S could say Jack Robin- A 6
FOUR RUNNING SORES far that Man released from pri,son it P1,1tr. defeat for oblivion, and that is son we were sure o I
c,th--T',s compamion5hip? Was it March ill the hen,rt of Gol h'twielf. You bave
. wettflivr or Jdne? Oblivion! That P"10" to get 11'0"'�L wOrlt? 1)"d you "en a.,wilor roll u' his sleeve and fifty, .who had been hiding in a dry -
f very. 'Pldt UP a child f:tlt,,,n on tho curb. p I
mountain sur," rolls over e I Nhow you his arm, tattooed with the creek bottom. Wa bad mix inen killed !
The T. Milburn Co., Limited* thing'. Rvon th�- pyramids are. (lying. stimp, and by a stick of candy put in ' 0, §
I Toronto, Ont. . Not a day passes but there Is ,his. lib -i, hand :atop thm hurt on his flaunt of a fi vori t, ship, p�!rhaps I lit, and an offic:�r and;several men ,wound- I .
'aratebod knee? Did you assure a firtkt. one an h-,� ever sailed, 'You
. .� ed. But after, a little wo split the I
Some time ago, my blood got out of .-�,.�'-,--.:.'_-..-._:._'.Y....:-�-- - buqlafteng man swainivil by the strin. - I 11 I I . —. 'I btine.1%, and managed to capture. the I 0
order and nine large bolls appeared on ey man ke, ' , that . I I . I seven who hel(vtho White flag.slloot- I
- times would after n while b., botier? i
my, neck, besides numerous small ones. oil 8 R Did you load a lvla�,dctkn of the 8, so
'Shoulders and arms, F . our running HIP 'IRA 0 AGROUND" game
of tile mon AUL LOATHSOME, ing was too good for the wrowhe � %
my ' street into it M-Anighl: inission,whiqo � , . . L Vvo belt their lyraffiv out with our I I
( sores appeared On My feet and leg and I A distr6sal.ng skin disease had tlic� Lord Nald to hour:, "Neither dckI DISGUSTINC 11fla bIlItS, at- the same, ti'nit fighting
Was in a terrible state. A friend advised well It wrecked his good br,radernin the.(-. 61,oi and sin no mort,jis i
!ship "Health," but Dr. AS-& P U tbo rent offilm gang. Thiq taught
Burdock Blood Bitters, so I procured three VI o tell a .man clear discouraged , ,
.n ,z
news Ointment COLme to the .4 wilywa-rdness and hep less and Seaure Rellof In I 0 Mintes the 11tionil a lesson reg.qnli4, the These pills are a specific toe itIl
,bottles, After finishing the first bottle the rescue and It's timely aid plotting anlei'lo that for him waR. And a Radical Cure. white fins triek,%o far I diseases arising 'from disordered
bolls started to disappear and the sores to rellevdd the distress and ne,t-e by a lavc,r in which he might art, cone.ornod, and we linvou'r. 5 -n •I nerves� Weak heart or Watery blood.
Ileal up, After taking tho third bottle brow ht him safe to land. I Wash and ft corbliet, of eternal bless. Does your head stabs? Have you alit -it 11 I )
, wer aronnd,hero- circa." They cure palpitation, clizzifteSS,
there W.As not a boll or �?Ore to be seen, odw-98 he rnle4ht -wear? Wivu are ep'.. over your oyes? Is there a constant rop. . *
b6s, which I C. Ir. Howard, it prominent steamboat man,. ta phs j!ft graveyards, what are oulog- mg lit the throat? Is the breath offensive? Troopor howler, who,43 lle;jdqij,, j..4 th6ring, finit and weak spells,
'dos this, the headaches from wit closed find Mstl are certain symptoms of Catarrh. er,,i are lit. IleldtAIVIrp, Tran,qvaxt ,q !� hortfiess of breadi, swellings of fetj
Of I�angeley, Maine, writes:-" Ell lunin in proseiler, of those whose =
suffered left me and I Improved go thudh thirty-five cents for it box of Dr. Agnew 's Oint- .
mart, t bought it box in PortIftild recently for breath iq lit their no.il.rlls, what are Dr, Agr*wls Catarrhal Powder will cure r,ee*overhig front his .ivoutLd, aftd.,:! ,I 1.i-ihd ankles, nemugness, .Mee -1 -to
that I am now strop and robust again. 1111'road WoTrapli'L'a I niost stubborn cases in it marveltously ,Short , .1.
I a distressing case of skin disease, and it did tie n, thn alvovo.i of time, If you've hfkd Catarrh a week it's a nionih In the, limpitil, is aIjI(f to do be9t, anwrlihil bp4teeia, .0% N -11%,
Fours truly, so much good that I avant to try -another box, a City 11hrAry, oonlipared with tliv% .
It is the brily remady that has ever given. me any impt,risliable rozords you havq? made late Cure. It its ttfifty yetwal 6tabiling light duty, anA will W in d9thed, partial I'll nil v04t, I �j. 1,
M189 MA0011C %V('%Tjt114dTQv, It,s just " eftaetivb, I I .
I tellef and I bellavd It will cureme" -,t cts of in the illuminod, mt�mo,T.Ie% of thole I 33 <1non. This hero is barely nincitcon I (6111fild COMP141LI'll'-sl i 4 lil� -
� j Itab. 3rd, loot, 6013#19, Ofit- sold, by A. L.Rainlit6n, Whighoul. to whom, you did ritich kkidnessys f Sold A. L. Hamilton, Nviligham. years old. -'Galt Rc,for=r, sindli-ek-dvitality. it..'.4--!!,,,*� A
. . .
L .
L�il �.�-.&M.d�kW&Ai&iiii&L4r"L�i,���..ft".zill�,t�,.�',,&,'-,,.�,".I I
I—— . . 1�,. - . ;,lIA "A"V1%AA"&., .', . -L, A'L , -, - . P � . � L .I - " — � �t.*. - .-'.;*,, � %c