HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-11, Page 2n it HarviAt UU01110 MrviOft were held its` THE RM #M 1 G ia FRON T4 the laruesels usthodiot chatohoil Sun, .TI -SITAt ORGIT SANCTUM MILL di..r,SNllt.2J.tho #tI#tttMgt. igarta4 t P^0400 throu h to snot, o thNt At i<a rii r Qld x es. Liberal zittsels, CourO of wol'u C dd cjtt a visio •Qo ,i 1,p'114,gI11NN4111NfMIM11t1111P1I101l11111111141UIInunn., , 'AbsOluto; rata sed!from ;Ktlifr er'• Pry .g.. ps from r 9 .clung Libe al xl cui".ott: 4 r t Indians Nasont. wohoos, 4nX th^t. $auth American *Mh#i4+iM4Lt40..Cfulra;4fr*rd to hIM j With Malt of the. al`s. It r011aa90 tet sIX hours. Six names were added -to the Tees, Xi1)s'r'ti I itle*•yand Iilrt icler Pities i + water voters' lists As a result. of the cleaust i the. eyoovi9;, Sold by O%Xii A. r fly An cuue,sks i lay in brei sufledng const Court of Revision before .,Tudge Barrett Campbell, MMT GRACIOUSLf' WEIV Do -! ° i ' ' i ' t_ "terribly anti utttt,9y helpless from lutiammatory ltheumat)stn," rays RIr. 1 , H. Morton, of ou .Wednesday. There was no ehangw priuc+ipul Mext+llrant of the Nortnalt - Grimt,by, out, "When sell that the doctors made in tate Culross lists as the party school, a z p y London, ie nutiouucec to deliver r could t}o [cited me, ): was h;dui ed to try South 'iti+a• lith;ret or LF,e ltoyul, YtAr;y, F4 Tan- ,Anleric:1n Rheumatic Cure. After taking one appealing slid not put in an appearance, addresses stn Teosrvator Ott' the l7th azul eaw4ar Prwte i ietyrtia •'tvs+r.><ls rnt+etve bottle 1 Was not only able to leave my bed but 1 f 11 l3 1 - ' surprised my friends by wulkh?,tj down fawn. 1 Miller's Grip Powders Quo, Sola b P y 1, atist, bei Ore• t e Wes, trice waO 2f --Ggnvvye,t lex k'ive u"ar>:F;lite, They- tliink it a wonder." gG Olin A. Ctitupbell, trra- ir'ora Greeted at 4ha 7)oWuby R i "„ 11- sold lay A Hamilton, iVint hnU2• , The house of Ux. Job Cooper, Qliutou, Vrinik Olverr, was laid aside from,, act. . Gatherlux of the No. a l, egEfi bleP CparatitaliforAS- ;L«Han;tl . rr,a. the p4c+ue of a lutppy wedding on zve Service for w Oute groin blood poi oil- sirnil lCielgttl a0dtlndRegtit, ttaue.. ( 11091 piq p BQSveiSfif The Huron count, entiventinn of thi• Thursdu:y Istat when his daughter Nellie. tut; on the first finger of,lis, left hated;, i r 'E' ' oSIMATUIRTE , Wouteti's Christ ian Tempera eo 13111ol' boname, the wife of Mr. Daniel F. Nash, Occasioned by ai. Out with a knife while amu, ofet Il, yali.,. . 4 Tho re> Id it .. t► (ilNil ltl >It ' ; Seaforth ,; S terdayinlornin ion their roturn from T P tYas 12eisi in ,.t•afortll ort Tete+dal• olid E Harpnrhay, The ceremony turfs per- assit:tiuR=lei dressing the bear recently, g d l ild . rormed in the presence of a. few triQnds shot t,Y A. Ooasley, Brussels. tli.ehauia was impr•essivp:. At dawn R. - "' • VPc'tlneadAy Of this w@el+. I - of the contracting parties. Mr. and Passed IS Worms •- I gave D.Y.At p 1t'arspito anti Ailiplifon rtes of 1R Ql1 Clib Trea e3El0}d, IkLr, Robert Shea, SenPnrtir. t•t+ftlrnpd , At l, outt, and as, Ix,AI.b+, 131nipress of ' nCSSr i4 l<•CL}it((IlnsXte><kher , Hrs. I nAl. are the recipients of good Lolt r ftrw Syrup to my little girl dia. evilly lila Dttl:c tiitdi IhsCitese j Q . [lzj to 3tille lllorl lrral i On Friday loot from a visit to his Fou, two and it half years Old; (lie resnit was Fm FIs • Q J Alfonso, who is Ine'eltaci in Siutattuta, kis- wishes galore. that rhe passed lA ronud \versos in flus• aboaxcl,. convoyed by titre• warships, ) 1 C3 " rsA V OTIC. 81uiboia, air, Sht a en4oyed his trip. Mrs, Witbee, sr. received a letter last dayt,, Mrs. R, Roy, Kilmnuagh, Out. entered the harbor at 8, ofelock they $Eyed a. royal salute, On the dock to: i 'very mueb, and was delighted to find his weep from her son Andrew, tvho is Mr. Johgr ifilloran, tin gltl acid mach greet the royal party was an im- ao+F2% %LSr11 LP/ILII •RA F PER son: ellJoy big such good stealth. He left working in Northern Ontario at bridge resp,+oted citizen of Seaforth, parsed mense crowd. and. ona, tl)adl might i ifor there a tons le of ears ago oil account building, stetting that he lied fallen 17 d1most be called) a ,thinti of na- " jsa- p ' away at his residence, John St., .Cues. + of threawimt lune; trouble, and is now feet from a bridge and had brokers tris day ulorniuy,, 0,noller taw 1st, at the age txi>tis- I Ilai6.rt5ESJlr- Or H. Chiefs, people ands bands, of thrcts +ate • quite!robust. Fie is euvagod its the mer- left arra and several ribs but was getting of ca years. His Tema tui were interred r - l TYicriam tribes were- tiltepo„ ziliso niill cantile trade and is doing a large and thong as well as could lie expected, in St. James cetnetory on •ThurstiaY, teary, naval and I.tali;,ttau • bands,t :B(0 -TT =1' 0wts Profitable business. The injured, uinu is.a brother to Krs. The funeral was largely atttpuded. Scotch pipers. in the, crowds were F`9mFruraa i P. Ament and Walter, Jesse aud.Johu I a largo number of Amanictttns, Chin- To prove to you thab Dr. ' At the conclusion of Gllis year Miss ase and Japanese f Many. .(a , i eSChneo's Otntn4entls acortain Wilh@@ of this locality, --Brussels Post. j ll i ,lii'perl eaitRemedy forConStirha- and absolute cure for each Beckett will be leaving school section diens, culla tics mat tho,.royal Com- 2 and every form of itching, better results follow from the No. 2 Grey, les tetwher, to take a school moult to receive them reply of the tl4ifli„SoittF 5tt3iltaGh,Diarrhge3, bleedingandprotrusill3rPrles, , ' ' l Wt r4'ft8onVubioasXeveriFh < 1 th manufacturers have guaranteed Seetea• use of MillHr F Comnnut2d Iron Pills, nearer true home at WIngliam. There i Puke to their loyal address, appear- t i ti ottials in the daily press and ask your neigh- than from any others. Sold -by Colin A. j cd In the grotesque- ilcr,bilrntents of ,OLgsSr lxca lIi4 S csY,$BP. CU. ' } ISOtlrie taut of closing up No. 2 for til@ -------r ••-------- . ° , '” bora wbatthey think ofM You can use it anti Campbell. !bat borism, tit¢ greulnw p2tesenting e i i i of a' • get3•our moue, back it not cured. sec a bas. sA winter months, oWiug to the snlail uum-' inost interesting anal: picturesque FiraSi nile Signature of y all dealers or Eb>+zANsox,BATsa & Co„Toronto, y No. 81 Michigan Central l n s Qu Friday, l; bee of pupils The cid baq}1eIors slloald ! scene. j .G,y 'i "”' •' Dr. Chases Ointment Amertcan express made the distance from be heavily filled. I Several photogirtmp'lis• were talcen of 14 " the .Indians by the, Duelhess and the E'+^ " y®Rix"• '• , Oastoria In pot Tip ih,ono-sltmBoC•ias mays. It St. Thomas to Windsor, III miles, ill , ,;.{ + (' (acct iso in balls. Don't s ora c;.yrsla ria or l Arvid Moore, of Egmondville, left For•ttdl Kidney tied Bladder troubles, members o£ the suite. ' , t with us the other day a curiosity in the exactly one handed minutes. This is try killer's Ki,utey and Bladder Pills. Isis itoyal I`Ifgbitess itgeoived the , b,. s r Y tanyt):ing clae onithotPlan, or rr,Ms:e 44'4.,ti goo is just , ^, good an rr a an^,-Yzp every vnr- shape of An apple blossom which he had the fastest time ever made oil t a by Colin. A. Campbell. chiefs of Port Simpson, quimish and ,?! _ fly- _ _ „ ' Michi au Central between these two and ltfisston trfbei, bort tits Duke Pore, • 27- eco tirat,you got picked from a tree in the orchard of ,is g The editor of the Blyth 'Standard re, $t :hofao- neigI2hnr, Mr. Joseph Sproat. Lacs points. No. 81, however, makes the eently received a small boli containing and the Duchess slmanking hands with E7CatCT COPY OF WRAPPER. thCm. Y l . titaaturo.... v ctrl week Mr. Moore had ripe rahpberries in trip every day ill 102 or I03 minutes. British ColnuFbia plums, sent by Mr. An interpreter then read the Duke's ,,,,„.tb,.,. ; :' of r'• ”` " " -r ever. 11s own garden. Ripe raspberries and The train was drawn by one of the new Robert W. Kelly, of Rogers Pass, Brit- reply, and Chief hNelson presented ,: , p,•. Sat» ..a"' °' ' 4 .ea apple 1110.scurs the last week in Septem- type of engines, the Atlantic, ish Columbia. The plums wero purple the "Kite flint-sliamergat" hat of the rchiefs, or the crown of the Tiomphr O berate. rarities in this country, Mr If you take a Laxa-Liver Pill to -night in c0lur And very ltteg" varying from six Can Indians to the Duchess. To the Moore ,says he has seen blossoms on before retiring, it will work ,vhile von and a half to seven and a half inches ill delight of the Indians --Ter Royal other fruit trees at this time of year, but sleep without a gripe or pain, curing circumference. Highness received the gflft in her own biliousness, constipation, dyspepsia and this is the first titne ire bus ever seen an hands and asked many questions 1w b+,y • lata„•. c' oleic headache, trod make you feel better Donald 11icStiy, hear Palmerston, had about it. 'i ye - --• "°• • 1° ° "" --•- t'``-"-o' ` apple trees try to force the seasons.—Sea- in the morning. sat down ore a log, when otit hunting, The Port Simpson. Indians had tra- iorth Expositor. On Thursda Sept. 85th, a quiet event and was startled by some animal leaping veled 800 miles to see the Duke and N 3 P q upuu his back, climbing oTer •his should, Duchess, and their gracious reception o --~ -.--and one of much interest to the young by royalty has caused,a most won - folk of Clinton was that of the marriage or and fastening its teeth Or claws in his SO-CALLED $ derful feeling of loyblty among 'No other Medical Firm stn they world has the establishedheNo reputation for curing of Miss Carrie, daughter of H. Walker neck and face. Re grabbedl the daring them. 1Cften and Women as thacnre, Ed y hX.e enjoy. Their N,a is lctbot9 Trat:t- a9ttttilanC rCithViet heads orielIsilled it ,etaend, diycaver m nus pebythese nt}nentSTRl 9 BERRY UOMPOUHDS toRichard Downs, both of thattown , The royal train left for Datlli tit 10 L appiness cad comfort tot ds ofhomes wfillding irluch to hi9 surprise that the o'clock, amid salutes from cannon treatment of these diseasean quaoantecTn8 ceremony took plftce at Seaforth, at . ¢,lormet, NraDebypinility, rnricacore, :tkr3atctrn. erleec. ARE ROTHttto the Methodist parsonage, Rev. I. ,B aggressor was little Buun'y himself• end warships, cost the roar of cheers 9ectreu tl. i ,, lcrnlxu.ttucy, se,rntaretrru 1►3rcttsit t?Yenitxrcna,sssd- WORE OR LESS THAN P # from citizens. rteg rests t£Le t Os i araLbca. Tisei,guarwteos are•bactrcdb ]vaukilonds. Wallwin, B. A., officiating, The couple Children Oryfor On to the knelt. a g i ", returned home on Saturday after a ,lost Yale, B. C., Oct. 4, -Tho return of ,` : r to RANK L►,'l rTAi"IOMS. among ft number of relatives.AII g Cm T R ' Athe royal train to the east is being .. marked by quite as enthusiastic Sou mayhave aeecrMtdraintitroughthe. nr"rne-that=sthe reason you feet tired Athletes, Bicyclists and others should outtntnin,nora'snc. Tom are not rested, your ktdnevs ache, you feet desponde, t always keep Hftaists a Yeller Oil on At high noon Wednesday of last week greetings at the various_ stations as nd have ao ambition. Don't let your Life Blood, be drained away. Drs, X. & X. 4' „. ' E I Miss Georgia during the trip to the coast, The guaractce to Care or L Pap. it hand. Nothing like it for stiffness and g Walsh became the bride weather was delightful yesterday and BLOOD "°°"soreness of the muscles,. sprains, bruises, of Per. Stewart Seymour. Tile care- the royal party foundnew beautiescots, etc, A clean re aration will not preparation, , moray was performed by Rev, Dr, In the mountain. scenery: stain clothing. Price 25c. ; GiliOetl at the re6idenCO ell tine brides Diff idn :,t ri„r,ir: Syphlli= is the scouzgeof mankind, Itmay not be a erlope to have it, for It map In the spring Phil f Varna, parents Ml. And birS. E. Wt>; sh Of' the ASI1CCOft, I1.C., Oct, 4.•-- Several be inherited, but it is,a crime to allow it to remain ill the custom. Like tatitcr - P g Murray,Y, , tike •,on. Bewara of nercury and PotzsBtZeatment. Drs. K. dt: K. positively cure gave R. Fitzsimons a sample of potatoes Loudou Road. It was a•,quiet but lnenibers of the Duke's party event thu worst cases or ncDPhy. ' five f the' te Canadian Honey, from ve pretty hone wadding, only the immed- to Fraser Canyon yesterday after - 9 noon on an engine, soca 'mnving pit- nARIF.U.STRICT ; " + :" ' • >: nnnry ds hinli had neat him fit. Mr. I lata relatives of the contracting tures at of them rvs taken L-0 en as they " t EitzRitncns was handed fhrpe scull o- bein r resect.-- Linton New -Record. e)ner d from the tunnel. They - 5 p b P C t The ll oty REetltaa Treatment carne these diseases safely and solely. No ' ' , g Mr, Jacob M. Reed of Bell st sou of } •, , tsi nPF all wnrh Aid tree rveinit over greatly enjoyed Lite ride) tll;•OUgh the pato-nosutferiae -rrodetentlonfrombusiness, Don trtslcoporattonandrninyear - r ' deep C1tt defiles and alcor tlleledres sexuatorgans. The stricture ttaeuaibabaorbedandcannevcrreturn, Dra.B.d'M - nue-quarter of a peons, and lOId to Mr. Paul Reed of Mafeking, got out; of high above the swift running river guarautcoC urea. wagon at Zetland to water his horses, The royal special will reach Banff plAnt them anA ace rvha,t results he his Kidu (Put tip in Vd.'oto irm, per.) would have. Tha yield consiFterl of a stud as lie di4 so the team took fright this afternoon, and the party will 1 deer GtfDR 3 basketful of tubers that weighed four- : and ran away. Mr. Reed ryas return• divide there. i YS treu ourl.Is. , Tile Duchess, with a majority of • Don't neglect yourkidneym. Yonrachingbac%tells the taia DotattletDoctors P illi home with his valuable Sher, stock; the party, remain at BanlY, while ex a eriritent on:Fou. Drs. K. & X. can cure you if you are not beyond Unman aid, Diarrhma, Dysentery, C0110, To make mnupy it is i,e6osssry to bnve tend although the sheep and ,rack were the Duke continuest'on to Poplar TheygtiaranteetoCure orNo Pay.. Cramps, Pains in the : tomach, a Blear, bright brain. a enol head frPA rolled clown. an embankment of sixteen Point, Manitoba, for,_a fete days' CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURE NO PALT. Consultation tram pain, ar.d stron,.vigorous nArvPs, feet, the only serious damage :'done vras shooting. The Duke and Duchess will l8'reet. Doone sent Free, (sealed.) rritefor Question l$tanlr for Home Cholera, Cholera. i'tlorbus, Cholera Mflhilrn's Ranrt and NII Pillsin. g g Treat ineot. E tterytbdn(A Confidential. Gn ilio rva rott• meta a ain at Poplar., Point and o vigm•ate And brighten the brain,strAnaztb- directly to Toronto, where they are KENNE Y ' & KEpcGAN 1419 SHELBY STREET, M, Infantum and all Summer' Com- P11 the nPrveR. and remove all beset, dee on Oct. 10. ` _ ? ,` a 41trRotT, MrCtt plaints. E af'-, Reliable, Harm- nerve sold brain trouble. DIAMOND D ' E S An to Popular VoI+,t. -: • i less Effectual, M4k r. George Torrance. of McKillop, -AND- Winnipeg, Oct. .--Lord Ifinto, the + Governor-General, will arrive here on. _ deliverer} in Seaforth, oil Tuesday ]Ase, DIAMOND DYE (SAT AND RUG' this morning's train front the east AF fine a lot of kings not has been shipped on the private car "nietapodla." on from there for a long tune. The bunds PATTERNS his way to Popular Point, :vhere he p 0 HIS nnrnpriced fifty -font head, and averaged Are Favorites F1svCryslvlRere. will engage in shooting with the . Duke's art Job P 1. 111 NOG i, 210 pounds each, and bran iht tdteirnrvn- 1TOr over twelity years the by pond party. n r t rr the snug' snm of nearly $800. 'they Dyes have been the chosen Hnrl+• popular Three area 101led, - (tjp „ j j were pronounced No i boson hogs. He home dyes all over the civilized world. EQUAL. ;• EQUAL says that their nnnaunlly ¢xcellent gaali Ia Burope, Asia, -Africa and Australia, Sherbrooke, Que., Oct. 4.--Yester -In this progressing, age a business firm Cannot r5ord t0 use Diamond Dyes arp as eagerly sought for day morning an accident occurred to ty was laraelr dne to the narpful feeding as in the heimAa of this COutineitt. two trains on Ahe I. C, R., Nos. 2 ,poor printing, The quality of its stationery is the index to its and trranag@meut of Mr. S. J. Shannon, Diamond Dyer;dy,t •perfoody all wei ahts and 15. The former left here at 7 worth. Customers; and the public generally want no better of Winthrop, who took chnree of the+ln of fabrics, procluc•ing rich and brilliant a, m. The engineer of No. 1.5 lead sign than neat and attractive printing. THE TIMES while they were beiug prepared. These, 001" that never fade. been given a mistaken order to cross g p g• 1• Tile "Diamond Dye :`Sat and Rag Pat- No. 2 at Robinson, a mile and a Pre5Ses are prepared to furnish just what IS wanted in 6 tf pigs were scarcely six monrlis old. terns" are also deserved! p p The steal yrs are altisticalt y popular, half beyond 'I'llctiord. Tisco ittet the Tineknelie, Fideacho, FrvPldI of feet K y colored oft train on a deep Cuivak :end so sud- '" `- ""'1 And nuldes, puffing under Pyes, frprynpnt the beat Scotch Hesniax and ready for denly that there wets no time to «fig a hooking. Any lady in hor spare time jump. Engineer Atto and Fireman tltir t, satyr,, rlond;r. rhiPk. highly col- i , ared urine. Frequently urinating, burn- can make up,ipretcp tn+vtarrttt at small Dean were buried beneath their en- Letter Heads statements ing sen.4titihns when i;knatiticoon. Se your ad-irel.s to the Well is gine and killed, and Mail Clerk - • g' b Richardson Co., Limited, Montreal, ' Ar1v of the n.11hvA Frrnptram4 IcaA to Michael xray was also kilted, An- p, j P,rii,ht'a rdiaFAFP. r1ropFy. dinl+Ntos, eto, kind H n will atceive free of east sheets other mail clerk and the exptcss Bill Heads MemarOdums NVhat do a o mean Ly mOnCY r D.,nu,r, ytidnav pills are a Fure Cnrc YOr g messenger were Injured. All pussen- back? Simply, this—If YOu !All kidney diseases. Robert Mnirared Peter Sherry gars escaped. The killed and injured Kole Hedds• Envelopes ,, A shocking fatal acridPnt ba ettad S have boon brought to Sherbrooke. should order anythin;, by ma:l pp ArrttstArl Wed moruiug by Ciritt d !! (jjet near LOft'a Corner, Tasty finld road, Oil T'rank Detective Day And taken to LnteRt Ct..;ueIE,v xist. And all i/ i Y i Supplies. from ovr Cataio,;uc and it 4LIC+ WPdn@snap, whereby Thomas Elliott, GueIph jail to craft trial alt a oltetrge of London, Oct. 4.—The latest :South not meet • nl,'i ; our heartiest second con Of Mr, Gabriel Elliott, lost African casualty list Shaws that rho as ituiting osoph Hay, lnrotnotirtr fore - fighting , , his lifts, ;flow it ha PrtPfl is largely ttghting in the atttrelt an Gol. i ok@- app •oval, :,*,M,',y return it at pP ge Y Irvin. Tile cause of the trouble was that wish's camp at Aioedwiil, Sept, 24, conjecture, its n0 ono saw it, and ho rraa Showy And Muir's brother were recent. put 26 British o0lec s out of action. our expense and your money gaite stead where foanA. Hct VILA drivilit" Iv diacharred by Hi y*, As t6oy 0104t2i T`oltr were killed out igllt or died of rv:ll be rom tly returned with- et loan of apples to Clinton,when the --hit wounds, find twenty-two were wound- Cheat) Priv d+in 1" p 'rl)sjttstty. On Wednesday evening of ed. CoL lcokcwfclt was wounded sae- ,„ 5 i brolte in the itigh horses lrlonth, OTIA last week Fitt, was met on William at. r ut tiny deduction, Y verely, but Iie is doing .'well, is not always the best kited to et ; but if you et good r g, I they tried to rust awiiiy;` he ovidently b Muit and Sherry, who stopped bliss Y ' " p intin Mild at bulled the Leant over toward the fonce+, to tall: t it @ i 1. grievances over. 'HOG its: rvathtaa's cost<littrsn: moderate priee, you will then have the best, `GVe have every facility fbl• You rest ander no c)bli ,ttion l ttxrtlits otltt cod ,cork in rile shortest time. The office is a tri ed wide rvho) sovift of the barrels slice forward, words fo:lowed, and Ilay was beaten Toronto, Oct. 4,•-ITr. T. C1. 'Nal q pts to as whatever, cost have thus t,Arryittg hint +cvitli tltwnr. TTo fell vitll lace reported no improvement in the fast jobbers; Bard and Loper euttere, stapiinty maehlne and 1111 modern + tole leg Over trio wbiflletrP@ and l)is severely until bystanders interfered condition of his brother, lion. N. ovnvei 3ences. the choicest stock of Diamoncdc, i + PahnArstoti Spectator. Clarke Wallace last night. The phy- llody nt front Of tt1A wllAPl, iif which sioians its attendance said that their Watches, Je'cvelry and Silver- i)osition lie vas dragged along tile fence, " -`- patient had held his own during talo ware ill Canada. at your very i portions of his clothing being torn off by ' R O KY gg N EAR1r Ps dt—, but no improvement was up- IF Y O U WANT door simply by droppin:y its a the rails as he was rlragge}d nlayisr. The pt . alit. horses apparently hast also kicked hien kid you haves that drostdod *6v%* , t 7.0 ffifri&e oh t)rettn 7t,tntti'It. - rOgCatill'k1e5 Sretldin ;JtatiOnel'y i p in the heart, wbicli ryas considorably out halibut of suffooation--fiut; . , •torirt tailnid ai itcition--i►vor 110,vra, Oct, 4. --Tho engine rtlom Catalogues $usii]rs« Notices i est car • - liner brtttaerl. CorouOi' Shaw wag slim• , nioued, brit dirt not demi tilt inquest uo• #eoi s* though every - he&tt _ vrorkerx of the transatlantic and (t hoe,{ would ho tho j t n,wot other lines have decided to tea out Calend-ars or Auction Bilis cessar Deeetiae t wile 80 ears tit 1190, i*you d,orynar hogs t IN otwtrjg+j. on strike to -day. Among the rear 3`• 3' Cor. Von0e *red . . ,Dxd td. _ highly r0all(rutecl bV0 nveryl)r►:ty, glad gli ft urtdat *66hoo.vy' a Wad sons given for tills is the Intention 1XV US A CALL. AdoitOdo sareetsr leaves is widow and one ehilti, lie having i, —tttild 'h edd* hbipr, of tho companies to reduce the nutn• ber of men employed on their ves- .!only been lnariki@d live years ago 'err it , daughter of Ttobelrt Keys, of Statile+y, +,Dr• Agnew's Cure for lila Heart will bring k's bels. Y l secingArm to your tacue-Witquiets,Soothes, __...,.. T TIMES to PATENT good 9(1 was h brother of J. W. lvlJott. of ' stops pain in aft Incredibly short while, and will A w1ro from Logo, Palgittin, saysit /mA btiitgredbfturethttnestalntfnxteHtwartbisease-•nonlAtter 'rile coal strike israt)ttliy extending Clinton,t3littttlu oriel the rief-Ktrickew 4i+idUw {hewdee -seated. oat dose vesrelief intllitt to tilt the coal pltat Ott tho left bank : r trio. Addrebs, sulci par@nts Barre the sympathy cif the thinutes. 35 y of the Afeam, and has involved i. e r y t , t t I1t 80"M40, ble, elltive comm Unity. + field by A. L. Hamilton. wingham 0illi istriliers. a INGR1 t 1•V•1•f O •t