HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-04, Page 10ME WIN(flIAN TINE'S, ocr. 4, 1901,
---Dr. J. J. Biliott has removed his _,^,',�M
M* A office from Wotoai ot, to the clef tottudl y !� N/►A/NIMAMMA/��1t'�AMn IrMMM
•n, .,iiuuia street. Ile has now a coin.
MOINDOO fortable office, convenient stables and
everything in first-class. ordttr, ',Che new
11 ++t•,P wilt t o ready for occupation in it
few weeks, >
Our New Dress Goods-^Ttais week we era pleased to call the T H
attention of our renders to A, Young &
The colorSons' new advertisemei t• They ate An ■ S M
of Fabric tbat, shotald you se
able to situ�v a etliiug useful and
be wort) for your fall or winterable
ramps stoves, rays and heat-
outfit is. here, and being here, is er•• It will be to your bc.uefit to call ()nSufficient guarantee that i4 is cor
rest and up-to-date. The quality, theist and have a incl: at their stool* be- y,
no neat Ler what the price luay be, (tire making any purchases.
is guaranteed to be reliable. As To cure a cold in a night—use Vapo-Creso-
for variety, we have provided lene, It has been used extensively during more --
YOU with a broad choice; never so than twenty-four years. All 'Druggists,
good as now. Come and see. -•-Mr. Thomas Phailc, who was just
`C'hat's the invitation we extend out from l uglaud last June, is now en Bought from the Eclipse Manulacturing Co.. �
to one and all, gaged as butcher with Win. Diamond.
> Toronttf, Travelli is ;Samples, Ladies Colored
Customers 311,1Y expect to get a -delicious > ,
car• of porter house in that English style an I Black Skirts, i�1 isses and Children's Flan -
car. Our Fur Display nl'teu heard of but so seldom tasted. n<:l .Dresses, suiting Ages rttngin;; from three
Set+ lllr, Diamond's advertisment in an- toSeveP., also Ladies' Blouses.1• irrt, we insist on sellhig the other column,
Best Furs, and getting tlietu frtm NOTES ANLlY/1IiIIIENTS. The way we got these goods we can sell
the most reliable sources. A 1
Sevott Liberals went b acclamation t�letn at. Wholesale Prices. These are first- >
glance at our !aur Stock givt s y `9
alfa le roof of the fact• in the Nuvia Scotia nominations. > l ,
P p > cl tss goads, as one of the best c,cptmental >
Sky(utsen more Canadians have re.. >
> stores buy there ; but we were fi t last wool: >
' +slued honors for distinguished services
Cloak Display m South Africa, and secured these lot of sample: • The most
Torouto is undecided where to placeup-to-date goods in the trade They are herr,'
tit• Provincial Statute of the Queen, and will be opened tlVired
aturda also the
All the Latest n pr ties and ht -
can offer a nice situation, in a ; p y�
Styles will be given prominence P
fronduent' place. It we are not as big > same line of UOcls S three weeks ago >
this ruemth. New Fur (,oats New > .Q'
Golf Ua es New Water rcrOfs, 14 Toronto, we are just as good and as >
p ' p tnaustrious as our brother. from the Minerva Manufacturing Co. Ladies
New Gating Coats. tJunle and Skirts and Blouses can also be sold at Whole -
see our display. J. P. Whitney may not be perfect, but •�
when he stands beside the members of >y sale Prices. These goods are also here. 5
I :lie Ross Cabinet he looks it.—Toronto >
Stllish Footwear I :Yews. That is very well for a state- )T o see is to buy. Gentlemen's Suits,
lie icing 0-tiaiity meat, but the comparison is tau ridicul- >
nus. If the News heel said one of the y> Boys Suits, Overcoats, Overalls, Smocks, Odd >
All ladies and gentlemen who vabiuet, tht.n one or two might have be- + Coats, Pants, Vests, Gent's Boots and Shoes, i
value uutnfort and love beauty, lewd it, but the whole—Nol nol itj Hats in abundance --the very latest stylr, y
are invited to inspect these shoes, wou't go down. y,
'beautifully finished in enamel calf, >> Samplts of Ladies SI•irts by' the hunored<k
double sole, extension edge, hand the Goderich Star, true to color, has
welt, low heel, at special prices 'looted the Mall and Empire's reference i Wholesale Prices, Call and see us.
this month. to Ross' speeches in England. Had eith-
er of these papery eiveu the context, the
sentences given would appear as they y
M. H. Mclndoo, Clothier are. Here are the quotations as given ?�
by the Star: What is to be thought of �•--'-'
It loan who, on July 26th last, in Lon -
The first of Fashion's fancies in all dou, said:_"I do not see ghat we have
_ furnishings are here. >
to gain by such a federation, particular- >
New Suite., New Neckwear, New Col- ], �O►�br'B►Rt. 4D/ii'T� �L ti9 Qv�O 0�1 9L'&"� p ��
"ars, New Cuffs, New Shdrte., New ly so far as the administration of our .1
Ilnuerwear New Hosiery, Now Gloves, „ y Corner Store—Opposite Broa wa 'S Hotel.
Dwll affairs is concerned. Speaking > ip Y
New date. ri l Caps, New achy, just in 14Iancliester ou Jul 31st Mr, floss -9
Fresh,, bright, crisp, catchy, just y +
;aid: -1 -We shall not be content alwa. s
the goods you'll like; and popular y 1
prices. IMPOR raNT Ax ioUNC)LENT as colonies to Maintain our pressnt wiso- > t! Q
next week: in Tailoring Department. In tion. I do not say that we insist on a °
closer unio"a, but we believe that for you..
and for us. a closer union will be an ad- <
,@�a1AO vuutage to all."' The quotations are
M r a 0 e M C I g !'l 9 ®O OSV correct, but the first one had reference M^0N^ ^^0NAAAAAAA^^A^AA A kA oa6+te+tAAftoklk,A,,kAAAA^AO%A^^ AA^
to Imperial Federation—political con-
nection. The second referred to com-
MINOR.LOCALS. mercial union. These statements are WALKER BROS.(& BUTTON
used in an endeavor to show that Mr. �■ UNDERTAKE '
Headache Wafers guaran- Ross tells different stories to different Rs, WtNOHAtuI.
ate, t.. t, , .0 t:. l,t,auttche. people. The fact is he is always strai- A B 0 U T Y 0 U R - Night calls at Mutton Block, or Fifth
ghtforward and as in this instance his door south of School House. `whop op_
—i�uu N. Clarke Wallace is quite ill. , yI }� T T g� poslte Macdonald block, I
utterances will be found true to the •fid � °� !� p�,��.
—The Council meets on Monday even- context. ENOTIC.
ing next. -
For Over Fifty Fears.
—Tho rooster is a tidy bird; lie always An Old and Well -Tried Remed —Dir To ALL tivuonL J,11%• iy CON
S E T T 1..e.
0. Q Q
That this fall ';You will require
something in ��urniture. If a
Sideboard, you will find a
f " ,' good assortment at prices and
t e r m s which make buylF,'Q
easy. In medium Boards iniac'
1 $io 8o and $13•90 are quick
v sellers. Have a look at 'ern.
Y. f ' •lla, -,
y s .. .CER\ .
cairies a comb. Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used Take notice that with, the view of straighten -
for over fiftyyearsbymillionsofmothers ing ehecourse ofAlbert St�•eettvhereitcrosses The cha1.-7P in temperature suggests the idea of more
—Tu elve new lock drawers have been We have eng eel Air. Josephine Street in the Town of wingham, S P as
for their children while teethilf=>, m ith the Municipal Council of the esid Townintenas
put in the post office. perfect success. It soothes the chile P H C 'M S I" A I LS , to fuss a By-law at their re alar meetin • to be
softens the ams y p I y t 6 Comfortable Clothing, Well, «'e are in excellent position to
—Tile Board of Education meats on gums, allays :111 Sin cures an Exp ie ,ed. Butcher he d in the Council Chamber in file said Town
on Monday, tho fourth day of November loos, supply all who favor us with their patronage, with' the very-
Tuesday evening next. wind colic, and is the best remedy for who h s ad charge of at s o'clock p. m. for aliering anti devtntingg
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. the course ofthe saidroaclbystoppingupancl latest designs and newest materials in Ladies' Jackets (in
—The Royal' party will spend five Sold by dtmggists in every part of the the largest shops in closing duct portion thereof wlinch cony be
England, and are riOw ofinibedusfollof'il'Commesideofttid point Several styles and lengths) Capes, Golf Capes, Wraps, etc.,
minutes at Woodstock. world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its a + of described
fn of t]te f nnttenci of Bath street
value is incalculable. Be sure you ask in a position to serve up with tho west side'Of Jusephine street thence
Lutt & Stardy will show their saddle for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrn end northerly atlpolfg the: lues side of Josophiue and as alway, we are showing the most complete and largest.
Syrup, ' Tastie and D c 1 i c i o n s Street to the pointe of intersection thereof with
hor. a and roadster at Lucknow to -day. take no other kind. Cuts of An Bind of the south side of Albert street as laid Ont in range in Furs Ladies' Fur Jackets frown. $15.00 to
Any Jane Sadler's Survey, prcxi.uc,R in a westerly g i
—Ii. H. Chisholm feels quite proud o BORN. lVleats :t * direction thence wt:,te1•ly along thesaid soutlf. �i t
his new window sign, as also Drnggi .Fust try side of Albet•t street produced westerly a dis- $135.03+ OiapeS, Caperines, Collarettes, Ruffs-
wg oar—Iu East Wnwanosh, on Oct obc y an order and tanco of three elinins and thirty-six 1i111cs in a
Campbell. T wife of Mr. win. Paton; n dao bier. see if you do not want ltd point
direction from the said last mention- Muffs, Caps, Gauntlets, etc',, and what is most interest
1 CAAPMAIi—In En9t wtth•anosh, on 13e em- eel Point of intersection, thenee southerly
—Saturday November the 'Jththe date her 20th, the wife of Mr nChapman; twins, to come back .k
.13,11, 11 of Josephine street t° ing to all buyers is that the values are the best that money
a son Find daughter• the south side of Albert sti•ee t its latid out on
Of file I17L? s birthday will be declared BLnOltwtcrr—In Vancouver, B. C.,onAugust the west side of Josephine street, thence east
public: holiday, p0 Mrs. M. F. Blnclttvell; u daughter. erlyalong trite sa{d south side of Albeit street can procure.
biAItBI";D to the place of baginniug, and for the convey-
-Quite a. number from town attend IIeivmartsox—PoP1c—At the residence of the anee of the said lends so elost•d up to Messrs. In Men's and Boys' Ready-to-wear Clothing, busine$s, is
z bride's brother, Platsville, On September 10th, T3uttou & FeF sant or their. assigns, Tit•• Canada y y
ed Lelgrave Fair on Wednesday, and by Rev. S. Hauch, Mr. Gardon Henderson, of Furniture Munufactur(q,s, Limited, nem' in rUSlli170 here just now. The secret of this is that the quality
more will attend Brussels to -day. East Watt ane y to Miss Annie Pope, of Zaits-•-:possession of the sltfal portion so proposett to be b q
viol;. W. 14 M 0"N '� ,,r.e,; O11iftllQien rih� I`z� I'np �a ' tr��t"i'to'he of the Clothing and the' Prices at which they are sold "Do the
—Mr. Hasley Park this week enlargd DIED. opened up without compensation by tile said
his space from a quarter column adver- YIeAOIsoN—tIt st wnwanash, on stem- t, grantees as a pu]ilia roach in place thereof• Sellin cr. "
lxr 20th, Malco icholson, aged 62 years emit, �tffiVGe i��+ Wingham And talcs noticO that at the said meeting the a
tisnlent t0 a column. Business booms trths. : council will hear anyone, in pers•ott oi, by
with him. s tFf�—InT�enizes, Norton county, Rnnsae Counsel, whose Inn& maty be prejudiciall,v
affected thereby anti who petitions to ifs hrartl.
on td mlxr P9th, George A. Bisbee, of W Dated thus 20th do
—Ripley Orangemen will celebrate , aged 02 yew -A,10 months and 20 clays Y of September 1901.
the fifth of November this year, It is hYf oII In East Wawanosh, oft Septan r J. B. FElic}U'Sov, 'f�fS' GORDON,mporte�,,
now many years since this day has been tit Witham James Taylor, aged. 45 years, I Town Clerk. M. Gi .LJl1'
month and 20 days-
a general jubilee. --- __
—Walker Bros. and Button aro now EXEGUTORS a A L E'
���• FALL • i�'��$)�---
,quite tone with their new covered of Vulualale Farm Property, i he �
^wagon for delivering furniture in all 0 u l n n iACh ,
kinds of weather. to t U U T. A. 1141LLs has just opened out a Complete stock df Fall and Winte
--Mr. A. I3. Carr has purchased the - Goods, which will be, cleared out at Special Low prices. In Ready -.mad
g)VR$UAXTtothepower• vested in the. un. Clothing, I have bought lalgely in Meth's and Boys' Suits, 'Overcoats an
partly burnt warehouse at the G. T. R. r dersigneti as the Ezec tors of the last will
station from Juo. Clegg. He has moved of Hugh'AcAllistor, ]ate f the Township of Reefers.
Culross, in the County 13rttee, farmei , cte-
the scales from this to his own ware- ceased, tlrerewill ,e off sod fol vale by Public t 1EN'S SUITS. Special 't X4.50 and u Seo our special value e
14 5U a p
Auction byp J. Yt cis, ttctionrrr, at tna VEN• $7.uh—tip-to date 1tAttC! n --good weight, regular X10.00 suit.
house. DOME, I=, , t ViliaiuoP TEES.ivAT• + ALSO YOUTEVS• >tsD BOYS' SUITS. Special values,
—Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Bisbee hR'O1 •l fall line of Co/ning,
Stoves,rs 'Combs.
ti�feduesda the 30th (7etober ' , See our MEN'S OVERCOATS. Special line to clear at x;4.00. Goo
whose death we note this week, died on J• 1 IM111.tl C uok•stovcs anboth i heavy weight, sizes ranging to 44. Also an tip -to date stock of Dre!
the r+time der 'and had only 20 days' inK�'vitliabie ru ntP Afternoon, , zL6t 9 follow. ; . coal and wood. Coats, Youtbs' and Boys' Reefers; from $2.25 up.
difference in their ages,. and both tLe 401 concession of the said. Township of Zul- The Celebratedstones Ilnd Algo a complete stock of Ladies' and Men's Waterproof Coats. Tl
row, contaiuinlr IpOaei•cs of ln.,cl, more or less.
Liberals. Thisfarinissittlatoabouttwomilesfromthe 7 p. , , celebra.ed ;♦iandleberg goody sewed seams assorted' colors. Price fro;
Vfc,age of Tcestrater, and seven mileH from the lenge i unllrertkable, Bucks Happy Thought +x„3,75 up. ' '
---We still keep the of elation a-. Town of Winghatn, in one of the very, best Mirk ii and Theaters, NJeCl tr,v's l�'am()tl3 Stoves
humping. We are addipK w names int ming districts in the County of Bruce about
1 acres are cleared and in it good state of eniti• + Blal�ketsI1d+'laxi Flannels In Blankets we 11aV0 specl�l Valli
every day, besides sample c les that ration, and the balance is hardwood bush. This and ]range., and lastly but, not least, Bul'rowsf
�� -_
• �•oiifsnrfchcluylonnt,about0: acres tire un- � � Stet�;lrt �. Milne"' unser as,rd Stoves and � These are made of selected wool
We send out: Our advertiser a gc,t• dt•r grasu, l7 aervA morn with fall wheat, aria p and will Five the best wear. See these goods before purchasing elsewher
tin double returns theCo da s. about half all acre of w -chard. Il,ttlgc v, DcY,t' ;':til to see us before purchasing price,( to bust the purchaser. Also a line of WOOL BLANKETS to, cle,
g. y 'there are on the premisos a frame houw,W-1k
Another firm who tape advantage 10st2pn'two frame 4rtifnrbptb2,twithlttb i lo2ndditiOns cl.�tt'hcle. at 52.50. See our lt`LA!iXtLLTTLr' BLANXrTs at 750 pair• --Special, Al
of tl,o TiMEs advertising columns this 14xs2andllx60, and stone fourtciation under.
Death the whole, having stabling for 20 head of extra values In FLA','�NLL SII>;$Tlva, white and gray. See our Gray It7a
week is Walker Bros. & Button. They cattle, and 8hort+es; laida ftnmo pig pen 11x24. Mels In, Union All Wool and Ilonieapuns.
ileus snttie interesting news for you. 'TlTNTthis ter h M ; o'T'en i are ce ti° of the sur• A Targe stock of HORSE BLANKETS to select from. Yarns in i
Bead it and it will do you good, � elle-( money on the clay of Hate, and tete -Pal• colors --single, two and three ply --made of pure wool, no shoddy or Ayin
We uIthin thirty, days therafter. Th(, pro-
_Areordil,g to the respective editors t;t•rty will bis Ilut up subimt to a rt•verve price, in these goods. Guaranteed to wear. At ll5c and ftp. 41►
I, artltd•r if I tienlate and conditions of sale will Nen's and Ladies' UND9RW l' Ali. in Union All-wool,Natural 'Wo
V11 J
the bitter and the Hour at the Fair. NA ilA lication to the i.,zo.utors or Their Fleece Lined and Stanfored's Tlnshrinkable All wool Goods. These are t
of the N'bw Era and elle Advance we lied be 1uuc.o untru on the do of sale, or uta bo
were, it not for the'Timns' counteracting Ii1?NRY UVALL1ATHrt, i x n,(,f,•�' � 50-,n �, (best goods known to the trtide. Sizes from 3G to 4G. Price right.
hard to iia Vb€tt would JOHN MCALLI8TER, i ecutors
gttAlft"ell it ill y
Ueme of tho atmosphero Abolat R. VArrsrolvk, L 'C L ,
o enter for l�xretttorn,
wizaham. Dntt,tl this int day of Cotobcr, INI,
' LL'S
:. � ..-.•�y,f,e �1. ' � :. , k _.:.�'-_J,'is ',1, ..., ....,. ., _ •..: t' ' ,fit.
• r
a i�r ,J.:n.�.;,', ? ,ua�alYf1f61.1l.4�,-..•e1Q, IiWW�iti�!►-':.x ea..`.l:�i�NZ-Diu:�asi.6a.�
�� K I Our extensive experience warrants
us in calling sneeful attention to
Brunch of our business, You will find us prompt, reliable• attentive
eftleient. LUTBER BALL, b'aneral Director.
Air. Uracey's late +•esidence.
FIRST—Eight Dinner Sets bought for delivery in
July ; just arrived. We refused them. The consequence
was they offered us an extra discount to keep.
.-•TYour choice for $8.95.
SECOND—One Gallon Stone. Crocks.A.
__. 1Oc. each.
Th I RD—Another drop in . Raisins. A a8 -pound
box of Selected Raisins, re -cleaned,
for $1.35.
Gut �- IFFIN S
6 4040 ♦♦♦O?44.♦04.♦O♦♦♦.... *-++♦ ♦e♦410♦4♦d.♦f♦.6...♦+4♦
Y. f ' •lla, -,
y s .. .CER\ .
cairies a comb. Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used Take notice that with, the view of straighten -
for over fiftyyearsbymillionsofmothers ing ehecourse ofAlbert St�•eettvhereitcrosses The cha1.-7P in temperature suggests the idea of more
—Tu elve new lock drawers have been We have eng eel Air. Josephine Street in the Town of wingham, S P as
for their children while teethilf=>, m ith the Municipal Council of the esid Townintenas
put in the post office. perfect success. It soothes the chile P H C 'M S I" A I LS , to fuss a By-law at their re alar meetin • to be
softens the ams y p I y t 6 Comfortable Clothing, Well, «'e are in excellent position to
—Tile Board of Education meats on gums, allays :111 Sin cures an Exp ie ,ed. Butcher he d in the Council Chamber in file said Town
on Monday, tho fourth day of November loos, supply all who favor us with their patronage, with' the very-
Tuesday evening next. wind colic, and is the best remedy for who h s ad charge of at s o'clock p. m. for aliering anti devtntingg
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. the course ofthe saidroaclbystoppingupancl latest designs and newest materials in Ladies' Jackets (in
—The Royal' party will spend five Sold by dtmggists in every part of the the largest shops in closing duct portion thereof wlinch cony be
England, and are riOw ofinibedusfollof'il'Commesideofttid point Several styles and lengths) Capes, Golf Capes, Wraps, etc.,
minutes at Woodstock. world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its a + of described
fn of t]te f nnttenci of Bath street
value is incalculable. Be sure you ask in a position to serve up with tho west side'Of Jusephine street thence
Lutt & Stardy will show their saddle for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrn end northerly atlpolfg the: lues side of Josophiue and as alway, we are showing the most complete and largest.
Syrup, ' Tastie and D c 1 i c i o n s Street to the pointe of intersection thereof with
hor. a and roadster at Lucknow to -day. take no other kind. Cuts of An Bind of the south side of Albert street as laid Ont in range in Furs Ladies' Fur Jackets frown. $15.00 to
Any Jane Sadler's Survey, prcxi.uc,R in a westerly g i
—Ii. H. Chisholm feels quite proud o BORN. lVleats :t * direction thence wt:,te1•ly along thesaid soutlf. �i t
his new window sign, as also Drnggi .Fust try side of Albet•t street produced westerly a dis- $135.03+ OiapeS, Caperines, Collarettes, Ruffs-
wg oar—Iu East Wnwanosh, on Oct obc y an order and tanco of three elinins and thirty-six 1i111cs in a
Campbell. T wife of Mr. win. Paton; n dao bier. see if you do not want ltd point
direction from the said last mention- Muffs, Caps, Gauntlets, etc',, and what is most interest
1 CAAPMAIi—In En9t wtth•anosh, on 13e em- eel Point of intersection, thenee southerly
—Saturday November the 'Jththe date her 20th, the wife of Mr nChapman; twins, to come back .k
.13,11, 11 of Josephine street t° ing to all buyers is that the values are the best that money
a son Find daughter• the south side of Albert sti•ee t its latid out on
Of file I17L? s birthday will be declared BLnOltwtcrr—In Vancouver, B. C.,onAugust the west side of Josephine street, thence east
public: holiday, p0 Mrs. M. F. Blnclttvell; u daughter. erlyalong trite sa{d south side of Albeit street can procure.
biAItBI";D to the place of baginniug, and for the convey-
-Quite a. number from town attend IIeivmartsox—PoP1c—At the residence of the anee of the said lends so elost•d up to Messrs. In Men's and Boys' Ready-to-wear Clothing, busine$s, is
z bride's brother, Platsville, On September 10th, T3uttou & FeF sant or their. assigns, Tit•• Canada y y
ed Lelgrave Fair on Wednesday, and by Rev. S. Hauch, Mr. Gardon Henderson, of Furniture Munufactur(q,s, Limited, nem' in rUSlli170 here just now. The secret of this is that the quality
more will attend Brussels to -day. East Watt ane y to Miss Annie Pope, of Zaits-•-:possession of the sltfal portion so proposett to be b q
viol;. W. 14 M 0"N '� ,,r.e,; O11iftllQien rih� I`z� I'np �a ' tr��t"i'to'he of the Clothing and the' Prices at which they are sold "Do the
—Mr. Hasley Park this week enlargd DIED. opened up without compensation by tile said
his space from a quarter column adver- YIeAOIsoN—tIt st wnwanash, on stem- t, grantees as a pu]ilia roach in place thereof• Sellin cr. "
lxr 20th, Malco icholson, aged 62 years emit, �tffiVGe i��+ Wingham And talcs noticO that at the said meeting the a
tisnlent t0 a column. Business booms trths. : council will hear anyone, in pers•ott oi, by
with him. s tFf�—InT�enizes, Norton county, Rnnsae Counsel, whose Inn& maty be prejudiciall,v
affected thereby anti who petitions to ifs hrartl.
on td mlxr P9th, George A. Bisbee, of W Dated thus 20th do
—Ripley Orangemen will celebrate , aged 02 yew -A,10 months and 20 clays Y of September 1901.
the fifth of November this year, It is hYf oII In East Wawanosh, oft Septan r J. B. FElic}U'Sov, 'f�fS' GORDON,mporte�,,
now many years since this day has been tit Witham James Taylor, aged. 45 years, I Town Clerk. M. Gi .LJl1'
month and 20 days-
a general jubilee. --- __
—Walker Bros. and Button aro now EXEGUTORS a A L E'
���• FALL • i�'��$)�---
,quite tone with their new covered of Vulualale Farm Property, i he �
^wagon for delivering furniture in all 0 u l n n iACh ,
kinds of weather. to t U U T. A. 1141LLs has just opened out a Complete stock df Fall and Winte
--Mr. A. I3. Carr has purchased the - Goods, which will be, cleared out at Special Low prices. In Ready -.mad
g)VR$UAXTtothepower• vested in the. un. Clothing, I have bought lalgely in Meth's and Boys' Suits, 'Overcoats an
partly burnt warehouse at the G. T. R. r dersigneti as the Ezec tors of the last will
station from Juo. Clegg. He has moved of Hugh'AcAllistor, ]ate f the Township of Reefers.
Culross, in the County 13rttee, farmei , cte-
the scales from this to his own ware- ceased, tlrerewill ,e off sod fol vale by Public t 1EN'S SUITS. Special 't X4.50 and u Seo our special value e
14 5U a p
Auction byp J. Yt cis, ttctionrrr, at tna VEN• $7.uh—tip-to date 1tAttC! n --good weight, regular X10.00 suit.
house. DOME, I=, , t ViliaiuoP TEES.ivAT• + ALSO YOUTEVS• >tsD BOYS' SUITS. Special values,
—Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Bisbee hR'O1 •l fall line of Co/ning,
Stoves,rs 'Combs.
ti�feduesda the 30th (7etober ' , See our MEN'S OVERCOATS. Special line to clear at x;4.00. Goo
whose death we note this week, died on J• 1 IM111.tl C uok•stovcs anboth i heavy weight, sizes ranging to 44. Also an tip -to date stock of Dre!
the r+time der 'and had only 20 days' inK�'vitliabie ru ntP Afternoon, , zL6t 9 follow. ; . coal and wood. Coats, Youtbs' and Boys' Reefers; from $2.25 up.
difference in their ages,. and both tLe 401 concession of the said. Township of Zul- The Celebratedstones Ilnd Algo a complete stock of Ladies' and Men's Waterproof Coats. Tl
row, contaiuinlr IpOaei•cs of ln.,cl, more or less.
Liberals. Thisfarinissittlatoabouttwomilesfromthe 7 p. , , celebra.ed ;♦iandleberg goody sewed seams assorted' colors. Price fro;
Vfc,age of Tcestrater, and seven mileH from the lenge i unllrertkable, Bucks Happy Thought +x„3,75 up. ' '
---We still keep the of elation a-. Town of Winghatn, in one of the very, best Mirk ii and Theaters, NJeCl tr,v's l�'am()tl3 Stoves
humping. We are addipK w names int ming districts in the County of Bruce about
1 acres are cleared and in it good state of eniti• + Blal�ketsI1d+'laxi Flannels In Blankets we 11aV0 specl�l Valli
every day, besides sample c les that ration, and the balance is hardwood bush. This and ]range., and lastly but, not least, Bul'rowsf
�� -_
• �•oiifsnrfchcluylonnt,about0: acres tire un- � � Stet�;lrt �. Milne"' unser as,rd Stoves and � These are made of selected wool
We send out: Our advertiser a gc,t• dt•r grasu, l7 aervA morn with fall wheat, aria p and will Five the best wear. See these goods before purchasing elsewher
tin double returns theCo da s. about half all acre of w -chard. Il,ttlgc v, DcY,t' ;':til to see us before purchasing price,( to bust the purchaser. Also a line of WOOL BLANKETS to, cle,
g. y 'there are on the premisos a frame houw,W-1k
Another firm who tape advantage 10st2pn'two frame 4rtifnrbptb2,twithlttb i lo2ndditiOns cl.�tt'hcle. at 52.50. See our lt`LA!iXtLLTTLr' BLANXrTs at 750 pair• --Special, Al
of tl,o TiMEs advertising columns this 14xs2andllx60, and stone fourtciation under.
Death the whole, having stabling for 20 head of extra values In FLA','�NLL SII>;$Tlva, white and gray. See our Gray It7a
week is Walker Bros. & Button. They cattle, and 8hort+es; laida ftnmo pig pen 11x24. Mels In, Union All Wool and Ilonieapuns.
ileus snttie interesting news for you. 'TlTNTthis ter h M ; o'T'en i are ce ti° of the sur• A Targe stock of HORSE BLANKETS to select from. Yarns in i
Bead it and it will do you good, � elle-( money on the clay of Hate, and tete -Pal• colors --single, two and three ply --made of pure wool, no shoddy or Ayin
We uIthin thirty, days therafter. Th(, pro-
_Areordil,g to the respective editors t;t•rty will bis Ilut up subimt to a rt•verve price, in these goods. Guaranteed to wear. At ll5c and ftp. 41►
I, artltd•r if I tienlate and conditions of sale will Nen's and Ladies' UND9RW l' Ali. in Union All-wool,Natural 'Wo
V11 J
the bitter and the Hour at the Fair. NA ilA lication to the i.,zo.utors or Their Fleece Lined and Stanfored's Tlnshrinkable All wool Goods. These are t
of the N'bw Era and elle Advance we lied be 1uuc.o untru on the do of sale, or uta bo
were, it not for the'Timns' counteracting Ii1?NRY UVALL1ATHrt, i x n,(,f,•�' � 50-,n �, (best goods known to the trtide. Sizes from 3G to 4G. Price right.
hard to iia Vb€tt would JOHN MCALLI8TER, i ecutors
gttAlft"ell it ill y
Ueme of tho atmosphero Abolat R. VArrsrolvk, L 'C L ,
o enter for l�xretttorn,
wizaham. Dntt,tl this int day of Cotobcr, INI,
' LL'S
:. � ..-.•�y,f,e �1. ' � :. , k _.:.�'-_J,'is ',1, ..., ....,. ., _ •..: t' ' ,fit.
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a i�r ,J.:n.�.;,', ? ,ua�alYf1f61.1l.4�,-..•e1Q, IiWW�iti�!►-':.x ea..`.l:�i�NZ-Diu:�asi.6a.�