HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-04, Page 9I r Y THE WINGRAK, TOM r- 4, !rout her lips. 71e looked rift she "Wixtik•" you, Biddy. Now, Mip@i : OL QOM Y PPv0PHF.Gtir"S. ' fix. &Ic't�t'itp as;tid i,t u'as guile lrrt�► . #999999k9♦99 t►�►N0 NEN��r4A��♦ N�*! Wstood, lulu r.nd di,iat)ticss 111:° a Serintjt, I not going away for lei, low i t• ,^._.., l�clbt:'. 'Cir•' watt-1ix'Tlr ltr� itti Pro* o tr 1Pi Arlttilr. m l Soil Mato fret rilett"d was now in pra".;rt•itlt. It would + *14 tutu,£a 0 c:u iit,it, with illi„ lu)(rer day@„and shall leek up my rnant,fox "t on Ono o the "•PerpOU111” notices tit I lea -'A city trunk, books and creel* iGutrtL'iu, last for +it)►U” lw.a;`:• year)+ ir••farr tho th A i al, v-. At a ging e, wild 4nd thing except my little bAnd-satchel Toronto, Sept. 4'17,—Xv, l?r.t harp+s g ' � quid be , •� .teittt r t"vetl,t5 foretold tit•. .y 6wfff, lie react theDa wards: there." Xc.looan, cutntauniy called ":pclrlut:c"a', brougitt about. To titre"AtePttealthea@; EDWARDS. It +air set live, come "Slakes, adivsil where, be you, the [)iv;trtr heater," is lmthi t {,i:x tihl propliecies may >7cttilyd like Lire rev-. Beautitul q li, 1:, l,. ^- T' . . inns of a Irr;n'i di5i'il"it'£1, but, 1)r. Q+ to -pelt tirotiur clulcislt �- elle t@ div- a-got;#+viii sir ulr in tit l ;rvtllgn axe t�uAciny Author of 06"f' lug!" "To visit a iiiek, relative, and I lit 8 o'clock. Tlr<�w will b' no eburs@. Lean peal :•rr thrift ill the moi v- tna:t,.. @hall return As soon as I can." far lAdMIssic)n, its I)r. Aial..'ariz reals tel-of-fRi,t -city, awl its if ho tyros Prh; ,ittltiTWow "♦;ekes alive!" hei is. not ase c lr.at itx ixi;rkie )traney. 'abaalut.eiy aSSIM •tl of their catntn'x to pllAl'T'1 id : ,1: flit. Those w•ero the last word@ Hattie. but to l.ay btfot: itis fellownt•.n the Pas". In egnclu"direr, the rn±@tyle-v, ire Stella •atirling, Divint, APrettiest of A11" "fare -it lleavew, what iN the illatter, 11.m'd as @Ito turned and hurried ta� have plan ini' rgaftl4 uu z q ih W Ito chinas xrdc-vouldab tilt" reign, 0° It;in;^ Ed- to Poor r Miss ilcLttio;" he viyoil> as hu sa-w her room. i 11 i y, :^*iii si t s Ste cast, i Etch Etc, Z icor fac.i curet wltitcr uI1t1 whiter, :irza IXaif an hour later she saute do-vri pmidnx to it filch,- rapurter ye;t."r- "RcxrAarnkr#r •t)zc vgll ut rile at�t e ♦ her ctrl!, tactful form totter and, dressed in a traveling' suit of . day produce([ a cirnsiderabl ..rp,•ntni laciward," Ir . rvnlarkecl glootinly as 1 : ♦ ♦ reel as it graceful ben by a fearful blow, heavy brown ponge o,1l-vit�o it boon- . of press elipp mr,s t a support itis he rasa and w tldtad away. claim i gilolvtn 1•s tzar exi;rael. avi}ieli �00A�00�0�0�000�®����a 0��0�d0®�®'�� O� P •plw mtolhar is ctyitzg,.' she+ f;uspaei, net and shawl literally worth more cL "hawed frnttt The ti4 uraestt"r ,' "� t•'1„ '3" "' "" "I' "°' ` " "f"''t k'k " �'�" ' "1"'I " and i far awa, , with forge eness than tine entire �vartlkAbo of !linos c Spy -- Scrimp, her dress and her bearing of .April out, 18i)J, a,•id it r•::Ifrt> rcttin- T c (� ,pry 3T "Sotlio Toz cs D slit to leaf L•er>imic not passed between its, and she p' what, tvnaanny . in view 0f recent ��� I , �� `��"a�"• proud t0 ride in other folks car- to rest oil her coarse and liunttita sank Shivering Into tire, chair front that of a lady, • -title!! she iced arisen. Sakes alines! Who'd have ' events. Ile had hell aikM by a re- The Heg&t-that great motair riag'es, For we, I d.ratlier go a -foot, bed, contented with her lot, and not ,u porter whether lie batt the gift of pro- vltan it's my 0t -n shoes X walls In." for an tnstazit iagteiLing that she And now, }1. a, ihtslt of thought, lir, thought she had such clothes here, of the human sitna,tomty-•- b phecy, and ha answ>rcd: never faiters In the Ila tie made no reply, but site had refused tt !untie of alilttonao and W--- remembered, where he bad seen was Miss Scrimp's exalamatfoxl, as „Yes, the.. 7�arcl fells ing: -yh:1t ie &'o- prrfoy-• "nC­ 'a secs to say a Idtld word to sozno the fostering care of rich Axid loving those initials before, They Wore Ott her cheapest boarder," aH she had .ink to coni-, to :res. I fomtold lilt,• �anCe of iro l h ov 'Ft.orks, p u y f the clasp of the portrollo -vhiclt )told called her more than oned, left the p tion, till through otrervvwriy of _ rile girls -t lie -vete cgntint, in, i r icier!,, i 1- tuley s election an I Bryan's tlo- disease. lags hold on it --there. At the samo inoulent her oyes fell on At early dawn. 'the loud, shrill calls her drawings, i;ndoubtedly they -euro 'door. feat. I pvr�dlet Rl•asovei.. as the nexi: it "goes on strike,'" --and, 'the nary servant -vholn hiss Scrimp of ,Lector whistles, blown to %%,nice Clia Initials of her real nalne,. and all 1.�res)dent; pie is the c0ma:aq man. rightly sO. ' had hired to replace Jessie, for silo ' the worl,ors bz great establishments, the titre she had been to hint only CIIAPTE.Et XXXIV, d. ry an, hon.st. binn:alf, can never h"" „ tit oleo our liciutne, and site was up .i iuttie Butler, T. ro�;is2. nt, Rad the I),erttn^retic pari. Dr. Agnew's Cure' for the Heart is the greatest could not get another girl from the w y of agents that medical science has discovered as •asvltim, 13er record -vets already label washo d, ready to breakfast with '•.miss FTattie, holy can I assist I don't know why it is that `Elie will never be dean mint again. A% rc'_ a heart•helper. No phase of Heart Disease it a ainst Iter tlxorq. the rest at the usual early hour, you? If you desire it, I will escort girls always read those "Fersgnals." nerds dee-i'resideen Iicbar , he }s will not !`spy out" and relieve acre! cure almost �liisgirl !loci just conte over from Miss ticritnp, with her lean nett: you anywhere you wish to go, leav< in the paper, 73ut I lcnoty they do. going to- clic: neon. iikemagic. What are yoursymptonis? Suffoca 6 the "Faderland" far away, She was bandaged where it itacl been scalded Ing when Yost desire, waiting for you, The very minute ilei �-- centered l;ussl£L Rncl Isngl:r t 1 twill hay^ n ,ting, }luttering, palpitation, acute pains, thump - the gong uttd small, but stout -built, the n:gilt before, sat grin1 .and silent and ]seeping sacredly any secret you his father's, ♦viler@ he lived with ills great war, and in addition Great P,rl- Ing, nervousness, restlessness. Try. this great. ,young at her est, But the steaks were may share with tae, parents and sisters, his tallest and twin, the United States, Italy nail treatment -it never fail:. �7 'but she thundered around on wooden p „ _ Fold by A, L. Hamilton, Pi3ngliaiv. shoes, inuclt to the anilUSomettL of the good and dfreSil cooked, eieet strong, d Do ead Olot believe me 'wicked, or rou are so e�eal *ire't•tiest sister, Flotie, fame rue- va rl:l npan ila bboaclyiaonfled �ct lint-vl ieh ,.girls, as they carte in. Silo had not soft an 1, tile a g, all s4ill went on as it had clone it, if I tell you that my real name ping to him'with the paler in her the quartette , of auteioni will comr a very good idea, of American ways, is embrttcc<1 hl these initials—that ' )land, out victorious. Fran0s will join Gor. Will, Hayward, of hope Biry, and since Hatt'e held the finger of fear �� Nicholson o P l•npoke no I~ltglisl., and !lies Scrimp ate wrong doin• y f ti4larfgp, hotelkee ers� -tend Middy' l•anigan had to ntanai;n above 1110 old maid's head. of In own caused 'on'ttyo Edward," said site, many-, iivitltztittt vidcde : rrevAled out were both Police Magistrate R. The meal soon over, the chattering' tile to tilde it tinder another, but that don't you renlcutb0r circ initialr. on Tri Ic Y li p b k her by signs, I sought y l g po , B. Miller on Sept, 13 for selling liquor The set:ce4 of her euipl0yutent -was girls wended their sway to their war)- gilt to escape persistent antro -" that rortfolio of drawings you had Rmang the wire I;n;;lnn•1 Will ]0s.' � Otis shops, arid Hattie, within ad- anco on a subject I may not name the other night—I mean the draw- cane=half of her colonies, the Vn'ted daring prohibited hours. Both were, this: :she was got from. an intelli- most a minuto of her usual time, now — souf;ltt to anotia £t clnmana ,tuba acacia by that pretty bindery States will doubly b,r territory-tak: fiend '20 and costs. Inspector Ai°CAt1t3eE gonco oflico on a quarter 0f the go- -went to her table in the old book- -which wealthy and worldly parents girl of yours." v 'ant; in addition to, the pr:..sent lands, � P :-Ing wages, because she wanted to bindery, which Seemed almost like a .inadu of me," "Why, , -\"hat of it he aslwd, ,-with Canada, Mexico, and the central Arn- prosecuted. .learn the Euglislt language, and !coin 1101110 to tier•, '"Miss Hattle, I would stake my well-assuined Carelessness, orlean States, and British Ind:,t, In ° .'to act as a waitress, lir. Jones met her with )tis usual life on your goodness, that every ac- ""why, they're here Ili this paper. the final summ)ng, up the • C'ni;e:l off' � Hattie, having' dined so late, did pleasant good as ,he event tion of your life has been pure, and head U.iS personal: 't:. L. L,—If States rnd Russia will cam cu' heat" �"� not care for supl'ev, so she did not ttlarkccl by the nOUlcs£ of purposes. The doctor, aiter tlia report�,r hard � �� i� ►' u IA to her place, and other hands, -whom you het live conte to,your mother stay to see Margucrite essay her silo knew slightly, bowed: but these Now, tell ire what I roust or can do cuicld •—site is dying.' That must copied the prophecy, po:attd oil that first trials at carrying round tea to g for you." f 3 21'r. I):oosevel.t was now Presiden. and , o a y'j Cir the boarders, nor did olio know until -vete the only recognitions. She 11£ul y mean your bindery girl, Anna saw -that Mr. ficb:rrt hal def"cl a fr-v �`4Z I ji&7: a l�•.t.t Com' 1311, never made any intimacy in all the "Grant me leave to absent myself it first and brought it to ate, and -ve after supper that the new girl, stain- toil;;' months she had worked thor% a little -while, It oral be two or had rt great inind to send it down months after h:> had matte it. He also tµes fele. , � !Ion tiling as she carried two cups of hot threw days -it can hard! Un less — , stated that on the. day he had g�iwn t.a,,15 r ora tea :in her hands, deposited the con- Air, 1V— carie in later, and -went y to you, marked, at the bindery" the interview in Wa�rces�cr lie had tfgaatnro � _���., � toms of boric clown tltz scrawny neck at once int0 his office. Though lir. it tray be longer, and while I am "'Th£tt -would have been fulls-. There calci the.. netvs•pap�'r mon larivu:oTy the Jones kept the time of every hand, • gone, please go to lir. Legare's and may be it thousand people fn tete reason why Mr. Ro-owv--It woui:d h, and bosom of lilies Scrimp, who , per. 1V— til -nays made out the ' pay- explain to him and his family that I-t,,orlcl -vrttt those -cry initials. And -Ii, H. Truax, NK.P'.P.,'lias been re - screaming with pain,, attempted to was called away at almost a trio- " President; namely, through the :;,s - box her gars, but got the worst of it roll on the morning of each Saturday, lnent's notice. I must take the four moreover, the initials of the girl al- cassination of . Mr. McKinley. K - has, nominated by the Liberals of South 1 in tl-e struggle, for the girl tore off and in the afternoon the elands Hent tl luded to are H. B. Hoo name is )lei said, written a latter to, 'Mr. '_tic- Bruce, and B. Cannon the opposition 1 all of hiss Scrfiup's false hair, and into the oftleo as called, one by one, o'clock boat for Roston. I will have Mattie Butler." Kir_ley, which mil -lit ba foun•1 among ' and received their pay. time to go to my boarding-house, set- "That may be an assumed name. til' dead statesman's pap: rs, tvtrupn; nominee, haat retired front. the contest. !left her almost bald-headed, Vesicles 1 -dame in the: arrangements of the And that had been the custom for t:o illy' bill, and then I can take a Tito initials on her portfolio were 1 him. that a pint to, assttss.muf bine, Backtttpht r;itle,:zrhe, F -yelling of feet g g the many years that the bindery, carr:ag0 for the boat." G. E. 1,,, for we all saw it and had been hatched and -va.s, to b: bar- and ankles, pairing tinder eves, frequent pads, which made'up the best part of ilr;•t tender the father alone, and now ''"May I not escort you there?" , form. Sip MISS scrimp learned tinder the father Lind son, liad been ' ""For bots. our sakes, it will be spoke of it at Llte time you had it rota out at the pita de of the Presi. thirst, sere. Y clourlr, thiols. highlyCol- her' that she had not poor, helpless Jes- here.' vet rang n year ago, Tho I rose_ Dred urine. rngnetitdy urinating, burn - that 1 kept running. Never, in easy times or better not. I will b° safe in a car- ""Very likdl •. is dinner ready? dealt, wltcthrr as a result ofl that In seusatzmS -when urinating.. see Albemarle to dual with now. And ria a and in the open li ht of day. y y f- p g' EE as she had engaged this girl for a hard, had the practice varied—n0vor g I ' g' I'm Hungry as all owl. And I've letter ar not, 4t, yed away .um the j Anyof fire abt)v0 symptoms leartt� 4 month, she tiered not discharge her had a Saturday's sun set with a sip- Do not fear. And, lir. W—, I -will, got to go out to ztzake a call this phra!ie. j Bright's disc 4o, dropsy, eiiabotes, etc. p without paying her -wages, so she tale one of their employes unpaid.. No -%011°1 I come back, 'Lit you are not evening. On being askad of lie could nD' )pre- D.pan's Kidney Pills are a sure cure for i , , wonder that good and steady hitnds g lett all. I ."what dict it happier dtstin:r '..nr Canada, I all kidney rdi,setzseas. 4re-- off to her room to ;LIP dam- will -withhold nothingfront so good, in rile fearful ra storm that t t ages, and left the new girl arta Iiidrr,y all nthe0great i city. .! vas1Ctile Sresult k do so trt:e a friend. I gto the beside ls,?Y s. ust bell1dottltotoIii us the storm --- _-�� ---- _. __ _._ _. _ ___-•- -_.,;_T ..r_ 1 to -vast on the table. , of a dying mother. That fs who£ And they managed better -without Hattie --sited until t11c noon daY that. notice calls me to. I will not it .oust V0 terrible on the -val.cr— '( her, for the girl was ~willing and hour of rest came before disturbing condemn that acether at this hour. but I: promised to make a call at 1 ,. *ood-nature:!, and, after her first lir. A She !sooty it -vas his busy Mr. I,0 arc's, and I tier er Ureal: a v � g• day, and she also 1:110-v enough to But it was her pride and obstinacy g mishap, was more crareful. Biddy, ( that forced me into a strange; city to promise." typo had got a hint frcun the girls res) ect it. "At A-fr. Legare's on Fifth Ave - If others -were arrays as thougglit- ,earn illy daily bread,' nue? iia -who has a son in �o1u that she was to have a, dress out of fol uittnp an employe would be saved ; ",Do you not recd more money?" , Ow, _ { the proceeds of the subscription, bus- waked lir. IV— club, and a pretty blonde for a tled around, and between her and .the sin o, hard thoughts and harsh ; gl 9 , -words. "10„ Sir;. I have enough in bills . da]'g s, i' 4 - Germany. -as she called the new girl, on t11.V person, and some in bank. if I "Yes, I`yntie.' While, the people were at their din- ' rho slipper ended pleasantly, ne:ded mores and I hold lir. Le are's "Well, i -wouldn't keep you from acre; :II£lttic took but a little while g I 7'l.ero -vas' en0goo on the table, munificent';rhe'_Ic for those drawings. going there, Storm or no Storni. You and th0 food was good. liiSS :crimp for her lunch, and -lith lien -letters I need nothing, Mr. 1V—, but your can o }n the carriage. I'd just goTypewriterWorld !f• had got started in it, ready, entered his office. g W�5i3 .`.��g.. i=f�r• Lad did not g girl for my sister - Air. w— sat tli0re, looking weary belief in my honor and truth—s our -vied to Sawa that•� •r t '•dare to advance backward,in-law. The I e a7res stand at The i ��e�riter the and sad. lend sympathy •' g . `t,lic "Do I disturb you, sir?" she asked, "You have both, dear Miss Hattie very head of - c -v York society. But This is PROVED by the fact that the BUSINESS ill- CHAPT1,11 XXXII.—both to the fullest extent. Go, and there's the dinner -bell." gently. \o, if}ss I:Iattie, you come 131co an ITeaven shield and bless you. You "tleveyl how elle -wind blows. habitants Of the world USS, it. Mattie was engaged that night, tin- an 0f relief, I have been working -will Surely return?" This storm has conte up very quick- Now manufactured In three of the great countres, viz til •a lata hour, over her writing- over .lanes' tile -hook, and making "Yes, and take my place here, no Is— a regular north -easter,. said great A letter -vliich she had already out the leople's accounts. Permit• platter -what occurs. Here I will the brother, nvith a Shiver, and there Canada, United Stites and Germany. istanlped ready for mailing, -vas open- 1110 to dial you n0w, so you will moi: stay until you return Eton! California, was a very anxious look oil his face The Canadian Pacific Railway have Over 200 :iii use ed, a loo postscil )t added, and then g " and tiro result of your mission is as he -vela to the dining -room, g I have to come Ltga. n. ' it was sealed with wax, and from a "Thank you, Sir." oracle known to tile. His people always dined late, that They know a GOOD thing tiny seal in ivory all impression was And Site tool: the money she had Thank you, Miss Iiattie. I will they might have his company after .made — an anchor and a cross, sig- earned, and signed the receipt -boo's, not detain you longer, for you w of the day's business was over. SOME OF XTS A1111VAN AGUES : reify}ng hope and I+'with, as she hotel done for months and have but little time for preparation At tete table Edward R— ate very Tlattie wept over this letter, and, months, -viten her turn came, but un- and to reach the boat. This evening little. 11ys souls' was rely, 't tasted, Visible writing starr to finish. Portability, weighs only 15 pounds. after silo had sealed it, tool: up the der far different cireuutstu.tices, X. -viii go to lir. I.eggare's, and sem- rile fish passed entirely, 'the "old 11Ianifoldin p ' mountain sketch wo have alluded to Aftcr this was clone, and he had ply explain that you were called roast beef" always on that table 6. beats cheat. all. ,1 simplicity, o.partA and permanent. and looked at it long and tearfully. tt®l.ecl I3LLttie 10 sit do-vn —for no a -way by the sickness of a relative.. &pologdzecl to, and he -.Dula not iDurability,hardencdsteeipartS. Silnplteity,t�apartsusagainstl4W! T.Phen --rich a swift, Skillful haind, she a Tell you; that will 'bo enough. -writ Ior dessert at all." WARRANTED by attell-knownCarndimiContl•anr I.ere to�aidhitup. ono else would be called until tyle ,copied this sketch on a smaller scale dinner -hour was past, and the word 1 ell them I will go to see them "%Vhy, brother, you said you were : on the head of a lar -4c latter -sheet. call pounded — Ratti@ took the let- when I return." so hungry -when you came in?" said � L Y $60. ,'Then taking three letters from enol- ters from her pocket and opened her A grasp of the hand, a , tearful I,lotie, opening, her great black eyes -opts. which all bore the pierced business, good -by, and the honest, noble roan, in -wonder at his abstinence. "I.Tas "hearts as a seal. of which -we have "You kindly consented to under- the pure, truthful woman, Were the thought of that little blonde ;spoken several times, site read them take a mission for me, Air. AV—. It apart -- he standing gloomily alone divinity driven away alI appetite? YOU WASTE' that much if you, BUY aliv 0TBER, and t0u DO ,over and over, and tatting one, cop- n.ay be to you a thankless tinder- in his office, she on leer way; -walking "What blonde divinity?" asked NOT GET SO GOOD a machine fed a portion of it beneath the sketch taking. Yet, on the contrary, it may fast, toward her boarding house, Anna, yeti; ignorant of his des'tdna- Z.Which she had just completed, be joyous, gracious work. I have Entering that, she found Biddy, tion •that evening. err Ai f'• Co.. "If he will undertake the mission, seen so. touch, suffered so much, that Marguerite, and Miss Scrimp all in THEWILLIAMS�• '-r�c �Yte by tit's lir. IV— can be surely guided I' leave little faith in the reformation the kitchen, jLWWrite to -day. 111O1471TEAL, P. Q. to that 'mountain Home,' and if all of mall when lie has once yielded She handed Miss Scrimp, the .amount To neo COVsezxtrtsD, is found, as I hope to our Father himself a slave to appetite and for- of her board for the -week, then giv- QQ'' AND _ _-. _ . -• -- - •' 1 it may be, his true. on will bring gotten lits manhood. If you follow ing ,her the additional dollar for her PIF C G® liN® PUIr sills dress, she said: J0y to a lonely heart, perhaps sweep the directions laid deit-n in a letter T . ,,I my part of the proposed a,-vay the clouds that; have so long have written to you, you will de- pa y South American Nervine is tht, ; ,darkened my path; and then, absoly- liver another letter to a man -whom subscription for the silk dress, MissSouth for the ills which ed from my vote, I can throw off the I once believed to be the noblest of Scrimp:" Then turning to lliddy Lan- etre induced by humanity's ' i veil that X abhor, and once more his race. lie fell, i an, she said: `You have always ;, " thank Heaven, be g mad rush for an existence. t among* my equals in the world take fore 1 -vas placed where lids fall could been very good to me, Biddy. I-Iere The "eat and run"way of living.. is a five dollpx bill for you to use as ' the place which belongs to ate. Sure- drag me down. I would not utterly is accountable a for tinoro eol s ill X deserve it if patience and long c°nctolnn and bid him );o down, You choose.' the pinched and proal faces»" l "Lon life an' morn power to ye" than ;;tin other cause udder 0PA"n' 03r u suffering ever amt a reward.", down, till ha sunk forever in the gulf g „ „ Y l�f' l', ` . t , ' + It was after midnight, by the tok- of shame. I wept ower him -vhilc I Ye Uortl angel! cried Biddy; who the sun. = •a 1i tl. ens of the city bells, when our hero- drove him from illy side, and I pray- could help befn kind to the Ifkes o' Dy}spepsia, indigestion, constilptption, sick- " in0 closed, her writing -desk. A brief 0d to him. to go tvi}ere no one would You? Sure there's not a lady in the hca facile are the prom@ causes for broken"up itimn over her Bible; a littt0 while at know him, and there to lead a now land can hold her head higher than nerves, Nature foretold the strain that we ,. would be compelled to live unchr and has re- '? igilent.>.^aYor, and t,ien she lay down life. It -vasa terrible thing for me'""''� waled to medical scieuce the favorite formula- to do. X loved that than with my South American Nervine -and its daily n is to whole heart and soul. You may " put bade the bloom of perfect health in the ftccs��%* t, • know some time -who ant! what T of millions who do honest toil. ori N+ lit i Dreadful Kidney Pains was when I thus sent him forth -"-let An }•1 A So)<1 by A, L. iInmiltou, lVinSfinnl. it suffice that I Was not a work -girl, t�Li Could Not Rest or Sleep. 11140 event. I have never seen him SoinethIng for Motlib g. since. But 0t intervals X have heardTMT etrdvertkoinents are frequently seen + Conductor's JnfYeringo- from hien. IL was lie who sketched SUR CUR `vn the newspapo" )ti-iyhioh luora-tive A Go, d I Ito in Now Welt and Glives Dr. the 'Moun£ain Home, which you employment Is offered to parVes with " Chase'ia lCidhey-Liver Pilin Credit found in illy portfolio. tie professes ' + a small capital to invest. A. Scheme for'tite Gree. to have reformed entirely. XTe saysFOR of thi" Wined lta,+i b,'en workedR sueeess- .1 he is rich. I care not for his gold. •, r fully by a Chieagostn in New P Mr. W. Z. Berryman, ark, FConductor on lint if he is rich !It temperance, in wdr ` otic! although he tri now busy rna1,'rtaf the C.P.R., St. Stephens X.B., writes:- - ipti "I haVO Ueen railroading for "3 years, tue, In honor, in manhood restored Nol:VOUSIleSS, SieepleSsness, Xe��• explann.tionq too; the, litw, his dupes ire Iand.for ten years reading from a severe and truth redeemed, I will koe the p vows Prostration; Lossof Ener y, :lot . tlis tC bag ill tr sell i miln.Te��r+ ex L t' '•1` case of.l�idney Disease and Backache, troth once pliglitecl, g lraintandl)izzySpeilS, back. )tis seltrtnaa was to sell tL niazii- ,, n, trouble Common to railroad men, It "" r y , F3rain Ii"a ' . used me all up , to `walk, and atter do the taskofdear, friend, this is nso. Loss of Memory, ilMeJ anCllolia, 6150 ii;''r mcafitlz, a t o party, "no r walking' up hill Y would have to tie y� t " T know you will do it without one �,1StiesSneSs, ,�fteli Ef)'eCts Of La cxp,r)ence rerluirerl," 'W1tA could taut down to get relief, petty bacd was sA p your TM t' lead. X could clot sleep more titan half selfish thought or wish to war Grippq, Palpitation of t'he Ream@ np ,$1,000 as a ,gu tt'atitee of rood = w the night and theta didn't seem to get judgment. And Hort you sen my fu- A ntenlla, 1 General Debility, and faith. A,i a oe ixaniisston of '2t) per r , ' atiy rest. I had used all sorts of tnedl- tore Is in your hands, Take those crtlt;, tw,sit ill"ntverd tin bttsines, done, n Ror M ' all troubles arming from stun- ;; � . nd i . cines and Was pretty badly discouraged letters and the sketch 'of the spot adddtiitti to bN sniary, hie s; eut-led sev- t i a where h0 writes he is to be when X heard of Dr. Chaso's Xidney- found. tiotilTil SySteYYI. real biter t0 !tie bait. The trouble was 3 r Liver fills. After using two boxes of There is a. secret trail, but the key ' , that hs' ttlivaI itod alit, onto IMIAa9er, this treatment: X found it was helping to find it is in my letter." They will build you uls� mafiio rich but: many, for the position, and the, ire and five boxes have made a ootid- red blood fold give YOU vim acrd g, Mete cure. X now rest and sleep well, I accept the mission. Unix to Y t_alnrie^s and ixetcenta„es are not t a my back is strong and the old trouble i him and truthfully to you will Xcar- eticr y. fnrthcatnitn,x. It ins illi@ sam0 old story *, '2eh fof live zet6tl,itt Dt d clp&rs, 1'testa,ttiatr, ` has entirely disappeared, Many pea• , rs' out your desires. �» of 't1w titklri -t h6 Lexi eta to get some- Saloons, New,t"Standi, Geneiaf Sterert tried lWbbia Price) rJOtl. t"t` thug Etre .Iot1E Y'g }t't'fiKg bit. Shops. they pie to whom 7f hav0 recommended these "••J`lnan)t you, Air. dV- �-. I.balt Y1wct'' pg, Ci. three 1ib5.e5 - One gives t'elief 1. No m:itto rrhat'i the ttlatte. bno Mll pills have been cltreldr Anyone wish- ' my ICtter, rind see if it izecda anY do leu «bod. Ten s£ltnplar uzd one thooeand teed. • „ r mantels Bent b atoll to use addreii en Meetipt of rtes ' trig further pat•tlatrlctrs -vilto pie," i e'eplanatirnrl. x will took at the fOi" �r1C.a,�, A7:.drtt�' 1l tceci i>rnt vettsmr y p p '�� Tho solo of Dr. Chase's r�iclneytiver tuornlaa )}aper t-'I}ilo lett react." lists, pr will be i' brthe !ripe.teCtre��etlCn.,tnlSl+rWttSt„�lawYGrkcity. � Pills tar exceeds that of tiny iilmlla>+ XI•ti•ttt� ttttllioi xttfiiiiitir i~ettson till! 't lrrrrecly, ono trial is @dough to con • Slto toots up rho paper will! J hei salt on receipt of . blond u�`ttt act r hr ate+ill flit, tlTa.itt on the Vince tanvone that this is the great"t read tho letter, it ice b `I`lid T. MR., l4wis'tt'tir tx idovoeo fil.rl the' apl}otitie is rpfrs•n family' rAodidlie that ITAncy will buy. Suddenly he hoard a gasping ery I � lritlxited � lost, f ,trPtmic 1 1nod. hitter purifies caul One pill a. dose, Lu cento ;r, box, at all burn Go., r d t or Xilclist o�i, I3 te, &C0.i To” 'C`OrOil'td;'(�flt• 'inftorutrpir tho blocul, tolos tip the „ tt� storpt, and %"totm lost a petite. .rt• F�g.h:..:. .. ..,w:,�a.,.• ! f;..964t're".ar:�?'�;..tlr�e " ' t� ` ` .. �... .i�.W ,�. .r . � .�.. ..... ....-. ., � M. � — — - ... illi y '♦n:l,..VP..,u..a4.1..�$ cx�'„ :.,.a.".� �.", ,' �.1',A '�...�... ,- -. '.w3. u L...., :'•R;. , MG